adult nutrition powerpoint


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Page 1: Adult nutrition powerpoint


Page 2: Adult nutrition powerpoint

How many calories does an adult need?

Page 3: Adult nutrition powerpoint

Health is defined as the ability to function and live outside an institution.

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Aging is a gradual process that reflects the influence of genetics, lifestyle, and environment over the course of the lifespan.

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Adults generally need fewer calories with each passing decades.

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Stages of adults:Early years – 20s to 30s

Middle years- 40s to 50s

Older years- 60s to 70s

Oldest years- 80s and 90s

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State of health at any age is influenced by what is eaten.

One cannot have the best of health unless one eats wisely.

Maintenance and repair is the theme for nutrition and the adult.

Child grows taller as he matures, adult lose stature.

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The cumulative effects of maturation, disease, medication and previous health practices influence the nutrient needs of adults.

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The mechanism of aging is a decline in the number cells along with the changes within the cells that damage the cellular organelles and changes in the basic genetic material that affect cell replication.

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The control of chronic conditions with medication and diet is a concern for many adults.

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The total nutrients needed for replacement and repair of the mature adult are more than the total nutrient needs of children except for calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D.

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The reduction in basal metabolism observed as a change accompanying aging and a reduction in activity explain the reduction in the suggested caloric intake.

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Average women with sedentary lifestyle


23-50 1600-2400

51-75 1400-2200

75 and above


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Average men with sedentary lifestyle


23-50 2300-3100

51-75 2000-2800

75 and above


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Adult1600 calories a day is about right

for many sedentary women and some older adults.

2200 calories a day is about right for moderately

active women, and most men.• 2800 calories a day is about right

for active menand some very active women.

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ability to taste salt and sweets

taste buds Tongue and nose

Palatibility of food taste and olfactory nerve endings

Food intake

Taste and smell

Reduced sense of thirst/dry mouth

saliva production Salivary glands

Difficulty chewing Muscle contractions may malfunction


Bioavailability of vitamins, minerals, proteins

HCl secretion and intrinsic factor


Adrug doses (adjustments possible to avoid overdosing)

production of drug-matabolizing enzymes


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EARLY YEARS (20s TO 30s)Their lifestyles are more time-restricted

and positive health behaviors such as regular meal pattern and exercise may fall by the wayside.

These years marks a transition from one stage of the life span to another; young adults separate from their family of origin; focus on personal goals, and often face reproduction decisions.

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Women bear children during these years

For women , the recommended dietary allowance for energy is 2200 kcal daily.

For men, 2900 kcal.

This reflects the typical differences in body weight and lean body mass of men and women.

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Vitamin and mineral needs do not significantly change.

Calcium and phosphorus needs for men and women decline after age 18 because skeletal growth is almost complete.

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MIDDLE YEARS( 40S TO 80S)Marked by a continuation of family

demands and career involvement.

Kcaloric needs decline as lean body mass is lost and replaced by body fat that is less metabolically active.

Body fat increases can be slowed by exercise and strength training to continue maintenance of lean body mass.

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After age 50, daily energy drop from 2200 to 1920 kcal for women.

From 2900 to 2300 kcal for men.

It is a challenge to meet the same nutrient needs with reduced kcaloric intake.

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OLDER YEARS(60S, 70S AND 80S)As our life span increases in years,

senescence (older adulthood) is for many a time of life for continued professional or career advancement and recreational enjoyment.

Others are in transition, adjusting to retirement and settling into new patterns of activities.

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During these later years, individuals may struggle with deaths of family members and friends and adjustment to retirement.

Disorientation or senility often associated with aging may be caused by improper use of medication, marginal nutrient deficiencies.

Nocturia (inability to get to the toilet on their own)

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Fluid requirements in older adults remain the same as in younger adults ( about 8 cups a day) unless a medical condition.

Nutrition status may be affected by restricted access to food and ability to prepare meals.

Shopping may be difficult w/o transportation and mobility to walk through store may be limited.

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Adults may no longer have interest in cooking.

Many continue to live in their own home with family members, some opt for retirement communities and others.

Change in ability of the body to either process or synthesize certain nutrients.

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Adults need more exposure to sunlight.

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OLDEST ADULT (80S AND 90S)Aging continue to reduce the ability of the

body to absorb and synthesize nutrients.

Malnutrition and underweight becomes concerns during this stage.

Food preparation becomes physically difficult to accomplish.

Kcaloric intake may diminish.

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Illness accompanying medications may reduce appetite

Malnutrition is associated with complications

Risk for dehydration

Decrease ability of kidney to concentrate urine

Limited movement

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ADULT HEALTH PROMOTIONAdequate intake of nutrients found in foods

(rather than in supplements)

Relationship between diet and disease

Moderate kcaloric intake coupled with regular exercise for physical fitness and obesity prevention.

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Adults are risk for.…

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DiseaseEating poorlyTooth loss or oral painEconomic hardshipReduced social contactMultiple medicationsInvoluntary weight loss or gainNeeds assistance with self-careElderly person older than 80 years

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HEART DISEASECommonly considered a disease in men.

The increase of cholesterol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A heart-healthy diet that is low in fat and saturated fat, ric in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

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CANCER2ND leading cause of death.

Lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer are 3 leading causes of cancer deaths.

High intake of fruits and vegetables may protect against cancers.

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Rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is protective against breast cancer.

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DIABETESDiabetes increase the risk of heart disease

Obesity is implicated in the majority of cases of type 2 diabetes

Weight management and a heart healthy diet are cornerstone of treatment.

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OSTEOPOROSISOsteoporosis is a disease that is characterized

by a decrease in total bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue which leads to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture.

Between 30 to 35 years of age, peak bone mass, the most bone mass a person will ever have is attained.

During the first 5 years or so after onset of menopause, women experience rapid bone loss that is related to estrogen deficiency.

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The vertebrae, hip, and wrist are most susceptible to fracture.

Decrease in stature and deformity reduce lung capacity and abdominal volume, which may lead to chronic back pain, and decrease tolerance in activity.

Weight bearing exercise and calcium intake are important for building and strengthening bones.

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PROSTATE CANCERIs associated with fat intake ,

particularly saturated fat.

Men plder than 40 should be encouraged to undergo an unnual digital rectal examination or other forms of prostate cancer screening because overt symptoms may not occur until cancer ia advanced.

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ADULT DISEASES AND CONDITIONSAging Eye (including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration)

Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias

AnemiaBlood Pressure (Hypertension)

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Kidney DiseaseLung Diseases (including COPD)

Memory LossMenopauseOsteoporosis

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StrokeThyroid DisordersUrine and Bladder Problems

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The key driver for eating is of course hunger but what we choose to eat is not determined solely by physiological or nutritional needs.

Biological determinants such as hunger, appetite, and taste

Economic determinants such as cost, income, availability

Physical determinants such as access, education, skills (e.g. cooking) and time

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Social determinants such as culture, family, peers and meal patterns

Psychological determinants such as mood, stress and guilt

Attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about food