adrian dennis photography

Adrian Dennis What type of images are produced; This company manages on sports photography relating to sporting events around the world. Media products the images are used in. - Websites - Catalogues - Billboards - Posters - TV I think this image is suitable because it relates to the subjects needed and can be used for many media outlets such as new papers and news shows. I like this image because it can be used for many

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Post on 24-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Adrian Dennis Photography

Adrian Dennis

What type of images are produced;

This company manages on sports photography relating to sporting events around the world.

Media products the images are used in.

- Websites- Catalogues- Billboards- Posters- TV

I think this image is suitable because it relates to the subjects needed and can be used for many media outlets such as new papers and news shows.

I like this image because it can be used for many media outlets such as newspapers, new shows and even catalogues.

Page 2: Adrian Dennis Photography

I like this image because the use of shadows have been used to make this image what it is. This could be used on Billboards to advertise horse races what are coming.