adolescent problems at school

STUDENTS DEVELOPMENT Article of Adolescent Problems At School COMPILED BY : Maria Priscillya Pasaribu IDN : 4103312018 BILINGUAL MATHEMATICS 2012 STATE UNIVERSITY OF MEDAN

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Article of Adolescent Problems At School


Maria Priscillya Pasaribu

IDN : 4103312018



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Praise the author prayed the presence of Almighty God for His grace, so the writer can complete the preparation of article entitled “ Adolescent Problems at School ”.

Writing this article is a task of Student Development course. In writing this article, the

author feels there are still many shortcomings, lacked both technical writing and the

material, remember the capability of the author. In writing this article the author 

would like to thank to our Student Development lecturer and all my friends in

completing this article.

Hopefully this article can provide greater insight to the reader. This has excess and

weakness, advice and criticism is very helpful for author. Thank you.

Medan, December 16th 2012


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Maria Priscillya Pasaribu

IDN. 4103312018


I. FOREWORD.................................................................................................1

II. CONTENTS...................................................................................................2

III. PRELIMINARY............................................................................................3

IV. DISCUSSION................................................................................................4

V. CONCLUSION..............................................................................................7

VI. APPENDIX I ................................................................................................8

VII. APPENDIX II ...............................................................................................11

VIII. REFERENCES .............................................................................................12

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Adolescence (from Latin: adolescere meaning "to grow up") is a transitional

stage of  physical and psychological human development generally occurring between

 puberty and legal adulthood (age of majority). The period of adolescence is most closely

associated with the teenage years, although its physical, psychological and cultural

expressions can begin earlier and end later. For example, although puberty has been

historically associated with the onset of adolescent development, it now typically begins

 prior to the teenage years and there has been a normative shift of it occurring in

 preadolescence, particularly in females (see early and precocious puberty). Physical

growth, as distinct from puberty (particularly in males), and cognitive development

generally seen in adolescence, can also extend into the early twenties. Thus

chronological age provides only a rough marker of adolescence, and scholars have foundit difficult to agree upon a precise definition of adolescence. A thorough understanding

of adolescence in society depends on information from various perspectives, most

importantly from the areas of  psychology,  biology, history, sociology, education, and

anthropology. Within all of these perspectives, adolescence is viewed as a transitional

 period between childhood and adulthood whose cultural purpose is the preparation of 

children for adult roles.

The end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood varies by country and by

function, and furthermore even within a single nation state or culture there can bedifferent ages at which an individual is considered to be (chronologically and legally)

mature enough to be entrusted by society with certain responsibilities. Such milestones 

include, but are not limited to, driving a vehicle, having legal sexual relations, serving in

the armed forces or on a jury, purchasing and drinking alcohol, voting, entering into

contracts, finishing certain levels of education, and marriage. Adolescence is usually

accompanied by an increased independence allowed by the parents or legal guardians

and less supervision as compared to preadolescence.

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Adolescence is a period in human life and the role that the age limit is often not very clear.

Puberty formerly regarded as an early sign of adolescentfulness apparently no longer valid as

a benchmark or restrictions for teen categorization puberty because the former occurs in the

late teens (15-18) are now in the early teens even before the age of 11 years.

A 10-year-old boy might have been (or are being) hit puberty yet does not mean it has to be

said as a teenager and was ready to face the adult world. He was not ready to face the real

world of adults, although at the same time it is also not a child anymore. Unlike toddlers

whose development is clearly measurable, adolescents barely have a definite pattern of 

development. In development are often confused because they are sometimes treated as

children but at other times they are required to be independent and mature.

Indeed, a lot of changes in a person as a sign of adolescentfulness, but often the change is

merely a sign of physical and not as endorsement would adolescentfulness someone. But one

thing is for sure, the conflict faced by adolescents increasingly complex due to changes in the

various dimensions of life within them. To be able to Understand the teens, it needs to beseen by the changes in those dimensions.

By the time a child enters puberty marked the first menstruation in girls or voice change in

 boys, biologically she experienced tremendous change. Puberty makes a child suddenly has

the ability to air-reproduction.

Cognitive Dimension 

Adolescent cognitive development, in view of Jean Piaget (an expert on cognitive

development) is the last period and the highest in the growth stage of formal operations

(period of formal operations). In this period, ideally teens already have their own mindset in

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solving business problems are complex and abstract. Developing the ability to think the

adolescent so that they can easily imagine many alternative solutions to the problem and its

 possible consequences or results. The capacity to think logically and abstract them so that

they are capable of developing multi-dimensional thinking like scientists.

The teens are no longer receiving the information for what it is, but they will process

information and adapt it to their own thinking. They are also able to integrate the experience

of the past and present to be transformed into a conclusion, forecast, and plan for the future.

With this formal operational capability, the teens were able to adapt to the environment

around them.

In fact, in developing countries (including Indonesia) is still very much teenagers (and even

adults) who have not been able to fully achieve formal operational stage of cognitive

development is. Some still remain in the development stage earlier, concrete operational, with

the mindset that used to be very simple and yet able to see the problem from multipledimensions. This could be due to the education system in Indonesia is not a lot of teaching

and learning using a one-way (lecture) and the lack of attention to the development of the

way children think.

Other causes can also be caused by parenting parents tend to still treat teenagers as children,

so the children do not have keleluasan in fulfilling developmental tasks appropriate to their 

age and mental. Supposedly, a teenager had to be able to reach the stage of abstract thinking,

so that when they graduate high school, are accustomed to think critically and be able to

analyze problems and find the best solution.

Moral Dimension 

Adolescence is a period in which one begins to wonder about the various phenomena that

occur in the environment as a basis for the formation of their self-worth. Elliot Turiel (1978)

stated that the adolescent began to make its own judgment in the face of popular issues

relating to their environment, such as: politics, humanity, war, social conditions, etc.. Teens

no longer accept the ideas of a rigid, simple, and absolutely given them through the years

without objection. Teens begin to question the validity of the idea that there are more

alternatives and other considerations.

Critically, teens will do more observations out and compare it with the things that have been

taught and instilled him. Most of the teens began to see the "reality" of the others out who is

known and trusted. He will see that there are many aspects to look at life and various other 

types of thinking. For him the world becomes more extensive and often confusing, especially

if he is used to be educated in a specific environment during childhood.

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Kohlberg theorized based on Piaget's theory of moral development, namely organismic

approach (through the stages of development that have definite sequence and universally

applicable). Besides Kohlberg also investigate the structure of the thought processes that

underlie moral behavior (moral behavior). 

According to Piaget and Kohlberg's moral development correlates with the development of 

individual intelligence, that intelligence should when growth has reached maturity, the moral

development should also be reaching maturity.

The ability to think in a moral dimension (moral reasoning) in adolescents thrive as they

 begin to see the awkwardness and the imbalance between their beliefs before the reality

around him. They then feel the need to question and reconstruct the mindset of the "reality"of the new. Change is often the underlying attitude of "rebellion" against the rule or authority

teenager who had been accepted at face value. For example, if as a child in a child apply a

moral value that corruption was not good. In adolescence he would question why the world

around them that allow corruption to flourish even probable corruption was rated as good in a

certain condition. This of course will lead to a conflict of values for the adolescent.

The role of parents and educators is very great in providing an alternative answer to the

things that question by teenage sons and daughters. Wise parents will provide more than one

answer and that alternative teenager could think further and choose the best.

Parents who are not able to explain it wisely and being rigid will make her more confused

teenagers. Teens will be looking for answers outside the circle of parents and the values

espoused. This could be dangerous if the "new environment" unwanted answer or contrary to

that given by the parents. Conflict with parents might begin to sharpen. 

In outline, causes of learning problems in adolescents can be grouped into two categories:

1. Internal factors (factors that are at the student's own), among others: 

• Physical disorders, such as insufficiency sense organs, speech synthesizers,

sensory disturbance, disability, and disease resist (allergies, asthma, etc.).

• Mental imbalance (disturbance in mental function), pertimenampakkan lack 

mental capacity, intelligence level tends to be less.

• Emotional weakness, such as insecure, less able to adjust to (maladjustment),

gripped by fear, hatred, and resentment and emotional immaturity.

Weakness caused by wrong habits and attitudes such as lack of attention andinterest in school subjects, lazy in learning, and are often absent or not attend.

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2. External factors (factors arising from outside the individual), namely: 

a. Schools, among others: 

• The nature of the curriculum is less flexible

• Too heavy burden of learning (students) and or teaching (teacher)

• Inadequate teaching methods

• Lack of tools and resources for learning

b. Family (home), among others: 

Family not intact or less harmonious.

The attitude of parents who do not pay attention to their children's education

State of the economy.


Based on the observation that i did, i got the problems of adolescents as follows :

No. Problems Male Fema


1 Problem with Mathematics


1 2

2 Problem with Physics subject 1 3

3 Problem with classmates 2 2

4  Teaching method of teacher isbad

5 2

5 Can not solve the homework 1 0

6 Can not manage the time 0 1

So, we can conclude that there are 2 factors that adolescent problems in learning in schools,

those are:

• Internal factors of student learning, including the attitudes of students in learning,

student motivation, students 'concentration, learning how to process, students' self-

confidence, study habits, and aspirations of students.

• External factors of student learning, including learning student teachers as guidances,

facilities and infrastructure, the students in the school and the school curriculum.

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1. Students’ Problem

Female :

1. Merry Dian

She does not like physics subject .

2. Yunni Lestari

How to manage her time in her 

 busy time in school, in home, and

tutoring institute.

3. Ratna Perangin-nangin

She has problem with her 


4. Lorenza Sitepu

She has problem with her teacher 

who says something rude with her 


5. Christina Sinaga

She does not like the physics


6. Suci Dwi

She does not understand about

 physics lesson.

7. Ice Purba

She has problem with her best


8. Elida

She does not like mathematics

subject because her mathematics

teacher taught by orally.

9. Duma

She does not like mathematics

subject because mathematics is

difficult especially in gradient


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10. Rina

She likes english subject, but the

teacher’s method in teaching

makes her bored.

Male :

1) David Jackson Saragih

He has problem with mathematics.

2) Julfan Herdy

Methods, techniques, and strategyof teaching of a teacher make him


3) Yopi Sitepu

He has problem with his friends.

4) Yunus Sembiring

He can’t solve his homework.

5) Firman

He doesn’t like the way of teaching

of his teacher.

6) Nanda

He had problem with his


7) Wesli

He doesn’t like physics.

8) Fernando

He doesn’t like fussiness of his

teacher. It makes him


9) Welly

He doesn’t like teacher who are not


10) Jaya

He does not like with his teacher 

who do not care with his students.

2. Student behave while they have


Female :

1. Merry Dian

She do not care to the lesson.

2. Yunni Lestari

She can not control herself 

3. Ratna Perangin-nangin

She faced her problem in adult.

4. Lorenza Sitepu

She felt uncomfortable with her 

teacher’s behaviour.

5. Christina Sinaga

She complained if the lesson of 

 physics will be begun. She has no

confidence to face it.

6. Suci Dwi

She tried to approach her friends

who are mastering physics.

7. Ice Purba

She upset with her bestfriend’s


8. Elida

She just resigned and if any task,

she cheated her friend’s work.

9. Duma

She learns mathematics forcibly.

10. Rina

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She tried to be comfortable with

the teacher.

Male :

1) David Jackson

He hate himself since he didn’t

know about the lesson.

2) Julfan Herdy

He resigned and keep learning.

3) Yopi Sitepu

He did not care with his problem,

 just enjoyed it.

4) Yunus Sembiring

He just faced his problem.

5) Firman

He did not care with the teacher.

6) Nanda

He did not care with his


7) Wesli

He tried to be understood with the

subject .

8) Fernando

He just followed his teacher explanation although he can not


9) Welly

Be patient with his teacher’s


10) Jaya

He did not care.

3. How the students (male and female)

try to solve their problems

Female :

1. Merry Dian

She avoid the lesson and ask her 

friends to do the tasks of that


2. Yuni Lestari

She managed her time in her busy

time and pray to the God.

3. Ratna Peranging-nangin

She tried to find what is the cause

of that problem .

4. Lorenza Sitepu

She rebuke the teacher slowly.

5. Christina Sinaga

She tried to think positive and

supposed that physics is easy.

6. Suci Dwi

Discuss with her classmates or 

with tutor.

7. Ice Purba

Let it flow .

8. Elida

She asked her friends who

mastered mathematics.

9. Duma

Disscuss with her friend .

10. Rina

Change the english teacher in

order that she can enjoy english

with better teacher.

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Male :

1. David Jackson

He disscussed with his friend that

mastered the subject or withteacher.

2. Julfan Herdy

He established communication

with the teacher by questioning in


3. Yopi Suranta

He accomplished his problem

carefully if it can’t, he don’t care.

4. Yunus Sembiring

He tried to find another exercise in

another subject.

5. Firman

If he can’t solve his task, he cheat

his friend’s work.

6. Nanda

Just enjoyed his problem.

7. Wesli

He asked his friend to teach him

about physics.

8. Fernando

He cheated when he has task from

that teacher.

9. Welly

He tried to be nice with the teacher 

and positive thinking.

10. Jaya

He tried to learn by himself.


This is the resume of students’ problem in school from my observation

No. Problems Male Fema


1 Problem with Mathematicssubject

1 2

2 Problem with Physics subject 1 3

3 Problem with classmates 2 2

4  Teaching method of teacher isbad

5 2

5 Can not solve the homework 1 0

6 Can not manage the time 0 1

The graph :

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