adolescence & adulthood chapter 18 – pages 406 - 431

Adolescence & Adulthood Chapter 18 – Pages 406 - 431 Emily Nicks

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Adolescence & Adulthood Chapter 18 – Pages 406 - 431. Emily Nicks. What is Adolescence?. A developmental period Ages 12 to 18 Many changes occur, going from childhood to adult-like: Biological Cognitive Social Personality traits. What is Puberty?. A developmental period Ages 9 to 17 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Adolescence & Adulthood Chapter 18 – Pages 406 - 431

Emily Nicks

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What is Adolescence? A developmental period Ages 12 to 18 Many changes occur, going from

childhood to adult-like: Biological Cognitive Social Personality traits

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What is Puberty? A developmental period Ages 9 to 17 Individual experiences significant

biological changes Development of secondary sexual

characteristics Reaching sexual maturity

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Females during Puberty Three major biological changes between

ages 9 – 13:1. Physical Growth – growth spurt 9.6 years,

6-12 months before the onset of breast development.

2. Female Sexual Maturity – primarily involves the first menstrual period (Menarche).

3. Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics – increased secretion of estrogen ≈ growth of pubic hair, breasts, and widening of hips.

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Males during Puberty Three major biological changes between

ages 10 and 14: 1. Physical Growth– Growth spurts between 13-

14 years. Height increase may be dramatic. 2. Male Sexual Maturity – primarily involves

growth of the testes and penis, and the production of sperm.

3. Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics – increased secretion of testosterone ≈ growth of pubic/facial hair, muscle development, and deepening of voice.

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Females Maturation Differences

Early Psychological problems

because they have not yet acquired the personality traits & social skills needed for healthy functioning in their adult bodies.

** Differences decrease and disappear with age.

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Males Maturation Differences

Early More confident,

relaxed, socially responsible, popular, etc.

Late Lacking self-

confidence and self-esteem, more dependent on parents, and less popular.

** Differences decrease and disappear with age.

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Sexual Maturity Adolescents often receive conflicting information

about engaging in sexual activities – media, peers, family, religion…

BioPsychoSocial Approach …

Views adolescent development as a process that occurs simultaneously on many levels and includes hormonal, neural, sexual, cognitive, social, cultural, and personality changes that interact and influence each other

A lot is going on…

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Sexual Maturity Although puberty prepares the body for

sexual activity – the majority of teenagers report not being emotionally, psychologically, or mentally prepared to deal with strong sexual desires and feelings.

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Cognitive and Emotional Changes Cognitive Development – how a person

perceives, thinks, and gains an understanding of his/her world through the interaction and influence of genetic and learned factors.

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Brain Development: Reason and Emotion New research shows that the teenage

brain is still developing, even after puberty. Particularly the parts involved in clear

thinking and reasoning. Prefrontal Cortex: Executive Function Limbic System: Emotional Behaviors

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Vulnerability Age 11 – Young adulthood

Major ‘rewiring’ and reorganization Especially vulnerable to trauma

Bullying Sexual Abuse Feeling depressed Abusing drugs Alcohol (more damage than to adult brain)

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Risk-Taking Behavior Undeveloped brain = reasoning to irresponsible


Prefrontal Cortex – They do not have the neural bases to analyze risks and make intelligent decisions.

Limbic System – Sex hormones cause the limbic system to grow. Increased size account for teenager’s irritability and increase in talking aggressively.

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Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning Level 1 – Self-Interest

Preconventional level Stage 1- Moral decisions are based on fear Stage 2- Moral reasoning is guided most by satisfying one’s self-interest

Level 2 – Social Approval Conventional Level

Stage 3 – Moral decisions are guided by conforming to the standards of others we value

Stage 4 – Moral reasoning is determined most by conforming to laws of society.

Level 3 – Abstract Ideas Postconventional Level

Stage 5 – Moral decisions are made after carefully thinking about all the alternatives and striking a balance between human rights and lows of society.

Heinz Dilemma

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Evaluating Kohlberg’s Theory Stages

Researchers reviewed 45 Kohlberg-like studies, conducted in 27 cultures As kohlberg assumed – we go through each

stage in order; but, not everyone reaches the highest stage.

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Criticisms of Kohlberg Stages do not investigate individuals in real life

situations: they represent moral development of thinking, not behavior.

Kholberg’s theory was developed prior to information we now know about brain development through adolescents: it is the brain which changes, not the morality.

Personal moral issues use emotion and gut feeling, while external ones use only reasoning.

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Authoritarian Attempts to shape, control and evaluate

attitudes of children, according to an absolute standard of conduct, usually religious or political.

For these parents – obedience is a virtue, and use punishment/discipline to keep adolescents in-line with their rules.

Parental rules have a major influence on teenage independence and achievement.

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Authoritative Children’s activities are usually directed in a

rational and thoughtful manner.

Supportive, encouraging, and committed: encourages verbal give-and-take.

Rules and guidelines are discussed with children.

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Permissive Less controlling and behave in a non-punishing


Accepting attitude toward child’s impulses, desires and actions.

Usually they consult about policy decisions, make few demands and tend to use reason rather than power.

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Outcomes of Parenting

Authoritarian Tend to experience

harsh punishments. Boys often develop

hostile tendencies. Girls tend to be

dependent and submissive.

Authoritative Experience

expressiveness and independence, but their parents tend to be demanding.

Children are usually: Competent Achievement-oriented Friendly Co-operative

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What are the benefits and drawbacks of each style?

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Beyond Adolescence 20s – executive abilities are sharp

(brain’s prefrontal cortex is more fully developed).

Cognitive/Executive abilities remain sharp through the 30s.

40s, 50s, 60s – gradual decline in some cognitive abilities (particularly memory).

There is a slowing in: processing speed, perceptual speed, and reaction time.

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Beyond AdolescenceDifferences 20s 50’s +

Memory • Excel at storing and recalling vast amounts of details.

• Not good at making sense of it all.

• Excel at making sense of information.

• Cannot remember the details.

Brain • Decreasing memory skills are normal part of aging.

• Result of a normal loss of brain cells in the prefrontal cortex.

Memory Enhancing

To combat age-related memory difficulties, researchers recommend keeping active physically and mentally.

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Personality & Social Development How a person develops:

a sense of self or self-identity relationships with others the skills useful in social interactions

Personal identity or self-identity: How we describe ourselves and includes

our values, goals, traits, perceptions, interests, and motivations.

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Development of Self-Esteem Self-esteem – how much we like ourselves and how

much we value our self-worth, importance, attractiveness, and social competence.

High Self-Esteem (develop and maintain) 60%

Low Self-Esteem (develop and maintain) 15%

Reversal (reverse level) 25%

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Development and Importance of Self-Esteem Development => many factors

In girls, it is highly dependent on body image, and perception of parental support.

In boys, it is highly dependent on ‘looking cool’ in public (not allowing stress or anxiety to make them look bad).

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Development and Importance of Self-Esteem Self-esteem has been linked to positive

and negative outcomes.

Let’s take a look at how self-esteem and personal identity develop through Erikson’s psychosocial stages.

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Adulthood: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Stage 5 – Identity vs. Role Confusion

Ages 12-20 years Potential Conflict

Leaving behind carefree, irresponsible, impulsive childhood

Entering purposeful, planned, and responsible adulthood.

If they can make this change-over = confident sense of identity.

If they are unsuccessful = experience role confusion (low-self esteem, unstable, socially withdrawn).

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Adulthood: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Stage 6 – Intimacy vs. Isolation

Ages 20 – 40 years Potential Conflict

Time for finding/developing loving/meaningful relationships.

Without intimacy it can leave someone feeling isolation => relationships will be impersonal.

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Adulthood: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Stage 7 – Generativity vs. Stagnation

Ages 40-65 years Potential Conflict

A time for helping younger generation with developing worthwhile lives (children, friends/relatives kids, , mentoring at work, etc.).

A lack of involvement with younger generations can lead to a feeling of stagnation.

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Adulthood: Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages Stage 8 – Integrity vs. Despair

Ages 65 and older Potential Conflict

A time for reflecting/reviewing how we met our challenges, and lived our lives.

Positive: Can look back and feel content. Feeling of satisfaction/integrity.

Negative: Can look back and see a series of crisis, problems, and bad experiences – regret/despair.

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Personality Change How much do our personalities change, and how

much do they stay the same?

Some studies found: End of Adolescence to middle adulthood there are less

dramatic changes in personality traits.

Possessing certain personality traits in early adulthood is the foundation for developing related traits later on.

Adults appear to pass through psychosocial stages and face conflicts in personality development similar to those proposed by Erikson.

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Love and Relationships Passionate Love – continuously thinking

about the loved one and is accompanied by warm sexual feelings and powerful emotional reactions.

Companionate love – having trusting and tender feelings for someone whose life is closely bound up with one’s own.

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Triangular Theory of Love 3 components:

1. Passion – feeling physically aroused and attracted to someone.

2. Intimacy – feeling close and connected to someone; develops through sharing and communicating.

3. Commitment – making a pledge to nourish the feelings of love and to actively maintain the relationship.

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Is there love at first sight? Overwhelmed by passion without any

intimacy or commitment.

Sternberg calls this infatuated love – destined to fade away.

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Why do some people get married so quickly? Sternberg calls this “Hollywood Love”.

Combination of passion and commitment but without any intimacy. If intimacy does not develop, the relationship is likely to fail.

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Can there be love without sex? Sternberg calls this “companiate love”.

Combination of intimacy and commitment without any sexual passion.

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Why doesn’t romantic love last? Combination of intimacy and passion,

usually doesn’t last because there is no commitment.