adobe http streaming

Adobe HTTP Streaming Fast Forward Your Development

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Page 1: Adobe HTTP Streaming

Adobe HTTP Streaming

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Page 2: Adobe HTTP Streaming


• Background

• Adobe HTTP Streaming

▫ Overview

▫ Components

▫ Files

• Comparison to competing technologies:

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• Comparison to competing technologies:

▫ Microsoft “Smooth Streaming” (Silverlight)

▫ Apple “Live HTTP Streaming”

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• Video viewing in flash is enabled in several forms:▫ Streaming, Live or VoD

▫ Progressive Download

▫ Pseudo - Streaming

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• Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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Progressive Download

• Simple• Utilizing existing protocols & servers (HTTP)

• Media file is prepared: metadata up front

• Playback - after metadata is received

• Cache-ability - supported

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• Cache-ability - supported

• Seek-ability – very limited support

• Poor user experience - seek, multi-rate

• Waste of bandwidth when not watched fully

• Low cost

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Pseudo Streaming• Media is sent as a regular file like Progressive DW

• Server must understand how the media is


• Playback: after metadata is received

• Existing protocols

▫ Non standard server

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▫ Non standard server

▫ Non standard client component

• Cache-ability – Limited !

• Seek-ability – supported

• User experience – better than PD, support seek.

• Waste of bandwidth when not watched full

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• Seek-ability – supported

• Server side – proprietary technology (FMS)

• Cache-ability – requires special servers for streaming

• User experience – very good

• Cost – high

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• Cost – high

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HTTP Streaming Intro

• HTTP Streaming offers the advantages of:▫ Progressive download in terms of � Cost

� Standard Server

� Scalability

� Standard client components (OSMF)

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� Standard client components (OSMF)

▫ Streaming in terms of � User experience

� Seek-ability of streaming

Page 8: Adobe HTTP Streaming


Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming is a solution that allows you to stream live and on-demand content over HTTP to Adobe Flash Player. When content streams over HTTP, clients can seek quickly to any

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HTTP, clients can seek quickly to any location.

HTTP Dynamic Streaming supports adaptive streaming, DVR functionality, and Adobe Flash Access protection (DRM).

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•Content Ingest


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Main components

• Preparation

▫ File Packager

▫ Live Packager for HTTP Dynamic Streaming

• Server

▫ Apache module (HTTP Origin Module)

▫ Flash Access

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▫ Flash Access

• Client

▫ Player with OSMF classes

▫ Flash Player version 10.1+

▫ Air 2.0+

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Adobe Solution main components

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Ingest- File Packager• A command-line tool

• Used for converting offline content to formats required for Adobe HTTP streaming

• Translates on-demand media files into fragments and writes the fragments to F4F files.

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Page 13: Adobe HTTP Streaming

Ingest - Live Packager

• The Live Packager for HTTP Dynamic Streaming is part of Adobe Flash Media Server.

• The server ingests a live stream over RTMP and translates it into F4F files in real-time. The built-in Apache HTTP Server uses the HTTP Origin Module to deliver the live content over HTTP.

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Module to deliver the live content over HTTP.

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Server - Apache module (HTTP Origin)

• Extension to Apache HTTP Server version 2.2.

• Enables processes of Adobe Files:

▫ F4F, F4M,F4X

▫ .bootstrap and

▫ .drmmeta

• Flash Media Interactive Server 3.8 includes

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• Flash Media Interactive Server 3.8 includes Apache HTTP Server.

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Server - Flash Access

• DRM Server

• Flash Access delivers protected media to Flash Player

• For content protection, both File Packager and Flash Media Server are required to package and

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Flash Media Server are required to package and encrypt the content

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Client - OSMF classes

• The OSMF Player uses the ActionScript 3.0 NetStream.appendBytes() API to deliver bytes to Flash Player. To use this API to create an HTTP Dynamic Streaming player, use the OSMF Player as a reference implementation. However, OSMF is a robust framework designed to deliver high-

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is a robust framework designed to deliver high-quality video. Adobe strongly recommends using OSMF to build HTTP Dynamic Streaming players.

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F4F, F4M,F4X

.bootstrap and

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.bootstrap and


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• The files required for HTTP streaming are:▫ F4F - MPEG4 media format. Holds the media

▫ F4M – Media description file(codec, resolution)

▫ F4X - Fragments location file

▫ .bootstrap – bootstrap information for each segment

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▫ .drmmeta – DRM encryption information

Page 19: Adobe HTTP Streaming

F4F File

• Standard MP4 format with open file specification

• Each file contains a segment of the source file.

• Each segment contains one or more fragments of content.

• The file formats stores any flash supported codec except Speex (voice codec).

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except Speex (voice codec).

• A player can use a URL to address each fragment.

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HTTP Streaming file types

• *.F4X File▫ Flash Index file.

▫ Contains the location of specific fragments within a stream.

• *.F4M File▫ Flash Media Manifest file.

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▫ Flash Media Manifest file.

▫ Contains information about the media codecs, resolution, and the availability of multi-bitratefiles.

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HTTP Streaming file types

• .bootstrap

▫ Bootstrap file.

▫ Contains the bootstrap information for each segment of the file

• .drmmeta

▫ DRM Header file.

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▫ DRM Header file.

▫ Contains additional header information about the encryption.

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