adobe experience manager: marketing campaign management · adobe experience manager. marketing...

Experience Manager: Marketing campaign management Datasheet e marketing campaign management capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager empowers digital marketers to plan, design, launch, and optimize marketing campaigns across multiple digital channels, including email, websites, and landing pages. Integrated with Adobe’s leading analytics and targeting technology, it provides marketers with data regarding which campaign content has the greatest impact on conversion for a specific target audience. Marketing campaigns are critical to building brand loyalty and driving revenue. Yet marketers face numerous challenges in designing, managing, and launching closed-looped campaigns when working across multiple, disparate systems for multichannel delivery. Creative design is done in silos across outside legacy content management systems. Digital assets are typically hard to locate or are outdated. Furthermore, campaign operations are executed on yet another system. The result is that campaigns are disjointed, inefficient, and immeasurable, marketing deadlines are missed, and brand equity suffers. With Experience Manager, marketers can take advantage of the web content management system to engage with customers across interconnected digital properties, including landing pages, emails, websites, mobile sites, and more. You can easily store, locate, and reuse or repurpose marketing assets for any multichannel campaign. And campaigns can be make even more effective by advanced personalization techniques with prebuilt integrations to the Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target solutions. Marketing campaign management increases the ROI of marketing campaigns by simplifying the challenges associated with campaign planning, content management, and marketing campaign performance. Increase the impact of multichannel marketing campaigns. • Rapid authoring of landing pages and microsites to shorten time to market • Email marketing platform integration enabling content reuse through direct marketing initiatives • Campaign dashboard to monitor all moving parts of a campaign • integration, tying campaign leads to the sales process • Out-of-the-box integration with Adobe Target and Adobe Analytics for campaign optimizaton Rapid authoring of landing pages and microsites Adobe Experience Manager streamlines the collaboration between marketers and web designers to enable rapid creation of rich landing pages. You can deploy and manage uniquely designed pages under the same governance rules as other standard templated parts of the website. The page author can leverage enterprise-class features of the web content management environment, such as localization, advanced analytics, approval workflows, and access to digital assets. Adobe Experience Manager improves time to launch without sacrificing the creativity of both designers and marketers. Web designers can build campaigns in Adobe Dreamweaver® (or any other web development tool) and deliver them as a package of web artifacts (HTML, CSS, JS, images, videos) to a content author or marketer. After delivery, a marketer can simply drag and drop the designed page into Adobe Experience Manager and deploy it in a matter of minutes. Not only are marketers empowered to add pages within a governed environment, but they do not have to burden the IT department with a task that could take days to implement. Adobe ® Experience Manager: Marketing campaign management Benefits of marketing campaign management capabilities Author engaging contentCreate extraordinary page designs for agile landing pages and microsites. Create relevant site visitor experiences—Tune campaign messages and content with advanced targeting. Grow lead volume and drive revenue growth—Capture and manage leads with your customer relationship management system Maintain brand identity and equity—Extend the power of Adobe Experience Manager to reuse content and assets in emails, landing pages, and websites. Increase conversions—Leverage customer and behavioral data to create personalized experiences.

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Experience Manager: Marketing campaign management Datasheet

The marketing campaign management capabilities of Adobe Experience Manager empowers digital marketers to plan, design, launch, and optimize marketing campaigns across multiple digital channels, including email, websites, and landing pages. Integrated with Adobe’s leading analytics and targeting technology, it provides marketers with data regarding which campaign content has the greatest impact on conversion for a specific target audience.

Marketing campaigns are critical to building brand loyalty and driving revenue. Yet marketers face numerous challenges in designing, managing, and launching closed-looped campaigns when working across multiple, disparate systems for multichannel delivery. Creative design is done in silos across outside legacy content management systems. Digital assets are typically hard to locate or are outdated. Furthermore, campaign operations are executed on yet another system. The result is that campaigns are disjointed, inefficient, and immeasurable, marketing deadlines are missed, and brand equity suffers.

With Experience Manager, marketers can take advantage of the web content management system to engage with customers across interconnected digital properties, including landing pages, emails, websites, mobile sites, and more. You can easily store, locate, and reuse or repurpose marketing assets for any multichannel campaign. And campaigns can be make even more effective by advanced personalization techniques with prebuilt integrations to the Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target solutions. Marketing campaign management increases the ROI of marketing campaigns by simplifying the challenges associated with campaign planning, content management, and marketing campaign performance.

Increase the impact of multichannel marketing campaigns.

• Rapidauthoringoflandingpagesandmicrositestoshortentimetomarket

• Emailmarketingplatformintegrationenablingcontentreusethroughdirectmarketinginitiatives

• Campaigndashboardtomonitorallmovingpartsofacampaign

• Salesforce.comintegration,tyingcampaignleadstothesalesprocess

• Out-of-the-boxintegrationwithAdobeTargetandAdobeAnalyticsforcampaignoptimizaton

Rapid authoring of landing pages and microsites Adobe Experience Manager streamlines the collaboration between marketers and web designers to enable rapid creation of rich landing pages. You can deploy and manage uniquely designed pages under the same governance rules as other standard templated parts of the website. The page author can leverage enterprise-class features of the web content management environment, such as localization, advanced analytics, approval workflows, and access to digital assets.

Adobe Experience Manager improves time to launch without sacrificing the creativity of both designers and marketers. Web designers can build campaigns in Adobe Dreamweaver® (or any other web developmenttool)anddeliverthemasapackageofwebartifacts(HTML,CSS,JS,images,videos)toacontent author or marketer. After delivery, a marketer can simply drag and drop the designed page into Adobe Experience Manager and deploy it in a matter of minutes. Not only are marketers empowered to add pages within a governed environment, but they do not have to burden the IT department with a task that could take days to implement.

Adobe® Experience Manager: Marketing campaign management

Benefits of marketing campaign management capabilities•Author engaging content—Createextraordinarypagedesignsforagilelandingpagesandmicrosites.

•Create relevant site visitor experiences—Tunecampaignmessagesandcontentwithadvancedtargeting.

•Grow lead volume and drive revenue growth—Captureandmanageleadswithyourcustomerrelationshipmanagementsystem

•Maintain brand identity and equity—ExtendthepowerofAdobeExperienceManagertoreusecontentandassetsinemails,landingpages,andwebsites.

•Increase conversions—Leveragecustomerandbehavioraldatatocreatepersonalizedexperiences.

Features include:

• Createextraordinarypagedesignsfordynamicmarketingcampaigns

• Easilyupdatemarketingcampaigncontent,copy,andassetsatanytime

• Accessalldigitalassetsfromasingleplatform

• Quicklycreatecalls-to-actioninregistrationpages,withanalyticsandtracking

• Importpagesdesignedwithstandardwebtechnologies,suchasHTML,JavaScript,CSS

• Rolloutcampaigncontenttomobiledevices

Email marketing integration Leverage your favorite email marketing platform provider to deliver targeted emails authored in Adobe Experience Manager. Marketing campaign management capabilities include an extensible interface to integrate with email marketing technology providers, such as ExactTarget, to simplify content creation and delivery. With this integration, marketers can have a closed-loop marketing solution to launch accelerated and personalized marketing campaigns, connecting the email channel with landing pages and other web properties.

Marketers can increase the speed and agility of email campaigns using templates, digital assets, and other content managed within Experience Manager. Instead of duplicating work because of silos, marketers can take full advantage of the Experience Manager authoring environment to unify email campaign authoring and production and deliver dynamic, personalized emails with advanced features that segment, track, and optimize email performance.

Features include:

• Template-drivennewslettereditingforincreasedbrandconsistency• Reuseofwebcontentmanagementcomponentsinemailauthoring• Integratednewslettersubscriptionprocesswithinlandingpagesandwebsites• Variableexpansionforprofileinformation• Simulationofmailclientsandvariables

Campaign dashboard and management Getting the necessary information at a glance is crucial for executing effective marketing campaigns. That is why Experience Manager has a built-to-purpose marketing dashboard that provides an overview of active lists, available segments, running campaigns, and reports.


Features include:

• Campaignschedulerandcalendarforplanningacrossamultichannelcampaign• Leadandlistmanagementsothattherightaudienceistargeted• Extensiblereportingframeworksothatyoucancustomizereportstodifferentinternalstakeholders• Simulationoftargetingbeforecampaignexecution• Advancedtargetingbysegmentorinterest

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For more

SalesforceintegrationThebidirectionalandextensibleintegrationbetweenAdobeExperienceManagerandSalesforceenables organizations to fully use and update data to enhance the customer experience and engagement from marketing to sales activities. Organizations can automatically transmit and receivedatafromaSalesforcedatastore.

The integration gives your marketing campaign management platform access to a wide range of customerattributesstoredinSalesforce,suchascompany,industry,location,leadsource,andnumber of employees. When combined with the visitor context data from Adobe Experience Manager, you can gain an optimal set of information to personalize and target content for your site visitors.


• CaptureleaddatafromwebformsdirectlyintoSalesforce

• Ensurethatcustomersmaintainup-to-dateinformationviaself-serviceportals

• AdaptwebexperiencesusingcustomerattributesfromSalesforce

Optimized campaigns with advanced targeting and analytics With the tight integration of Experience Manager with Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target, marketers can increase the conversion and engagement of campaigns with dynamic content. The ability to tie the measurement of a marketing campaign to site-wide analytics can transform a simple landing page or email campaign from a siloed, static marketing tactic to a component aligned with your overall digital marketing strategy. Email content is not just optimized based on click-throughs, but also on what a visitor does on the website, mobile site, and tablet applications.

Adobe Target capabilities are intuitively exposed in the Experience Manager authoring experience. A/Bandmultivariatetestinghasneverbeeneasierforthemarketertodesign,launch,andrefine,without leaving the content management system.

Adobe Experience Manager provides advanced campaign targeting and optimization features, such as:

• Simulationoftargetingbeforecampaignexecution

• Advancedtargetingbysegmentorinterest

• WYSIWYGeditingoftargetedteasers

• SupportforA/Bandmultivariatetesting

• IntegrationwithAdobeAnalyticsforadvancedanalyticsandcall-to-actiontracking

As digital marketing leaders continue to optimize customer experiences and grow revenue through customer acquisition, effective marketing campaign management assumes an even greater role in determining the winners and losers in today’s competitive environment. These capabilities act as a catalyst for a closed-loop marketing approach in which prospects and customers can be segmented and targeted with fine-grained control, relevant content and assets can be easily located and communicated, and business results can be verified and reported. Adobe Experience Manager provides digital marketers with tools to build brands, drive demand, and simplify the task for reaching out to customers across channels.

Supported environments

Server platforms•Linux®


• Solaris™




Java™ runtime versions• JavaSE6(1.6)

• JavaSE7(1.7)

Java EE–compliant application servers TheAdobeExperienceManagersolutioncomespackagedwithanapplicationserver.Alternatively,itcanbeinstalledinthefollowing:

• JBossApplicationServer


• IBMWebSphereApplicationServer


Client platforms•MicrosoftWindows®



Browsers• InternetExplorer7,8,9,and10


