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ADOBE - EDIFACT D97A INVOIC EDIFACT/D97A/INVOIC: INVOIC Invoice message Version: 1.0 Author: Adobe Systems Modified: 06/15/2009

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Page 1: ADOBE - EDIFACT D97A INVOIC · PDF file06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 2 For internal use only INVOICInvoice message Message Status=2 A



Version: 1.0

Author: Adobe Systems

Modified: 06/15/2009

Page 2: ADOBE - EDIFACT D97A INVOIC · PDF file06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 2 For internal use only INVOICInvoice message Message Status=2 A

06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 2 For internal use only

INVOIC Invoice messageMessage Status=2

A message claiming payment for goods or services supplied under conditions agreed between the seller and the buyer. The UnitedNations Standard Invoice Message, with correct data qualification, serves also as the specification for Debit Note and Credit Notemessages. Throughout this document, the reference to 'Invoice' may be interpreted as conveying the wider meaning of 'Invoice/CreditNote/Debit Note'.

Not Defined:Pos Tag Segment Name Status Rep Notes Usage


Heading:Pos Tag Segment Name Status Rep Notes Usage0010 UNH MESSAGE HEADER M 1 N1/0010 Mandatory0020 BGM BEGINNING OF MESSAGE M 1 N1/0020 Mandatory0030 DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD M 35 N1/0030 Mandatory0070 FTX FREE TEXT M 10 N1/0070 Mandatory

0110 Segment Group 1 M 99 N1/0110 Mandatory 0110 Segment Group 1 M 99 N1/0110 Mandatory

0120 RFF REFERENCE M 1 N1/0120 Mandatory

0200 Segment Group 2 M 99 N1/0200 Mandatory 0200 Segment Group 2 M 99 N1/0200 Mandatory

0210 NAD NAME AND ADDRESS M 1 N1/0210 Mandatory 0240 Segment Group 3 M 9999 N1/0240 Mandatory 0240 Segment Group 3 M 9999 N1/0240 Mandatory

0250 RFF REFERENCE M 1 N1/0250 Mandatory

0370 Segment Group 7 M 5 N1/0370 Mandatory 0370 Segment Group 7 M 5 N1/0370 Mandatory

0380 CUX CURRENCIES M 1 N1/0380 Mandatory

0400 Segment Group 8 M 10 N1/0400 Mandatory 0400 Segment Group 8 M 10 N1/0400 Mandatory

0410 PAT PAYMENT TERMS BASIS M 1 N1/0410 Mandatory0420 DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD M 5 N1/0420 Mandatory0430 PCD PERCENTAGE DETAILS M 1 N1/0430 Mandatory

Detail:Pos Tag Segment Name Status Rep Notes Usage

1030 Segment Group 25 M 9999999 N2/1030 Mandatory 1030 Segment Group 25 M 9999999 N2/1030 Mandatory

1040 LIN LINE ITEM M 1 N2/1040 Mandatory1050 PIA ADDITIONAL PRODUCT ID M 25 N2/1050 Mandatory1060 IMD ITEM DESCRIPTION M 10 N2/1060 Mandatory1080 QTY QUANTITY M 5 N2/1080 Mandatory1110 DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD M 35 N2/1110 Mandatory

1180 Segment Group 26 M 10 N2/1180 Mandatory 1180 Segment Group 26 M 10 N2/1180 Mandatory

1190 MOA MONETARY AMOUNT M 1 N2/1190 Mandatory

1260 Segment Group 28 M 25 N2/1260 Mandatory 1260 Segment Group 28 M 25 N2/1260 Mandatory

1270 PRI PRICE DETAILS M 1 N2/1270 Mandatory

1480 Segment Group 33 M 99 N2/1480 Mandatory 1480 Segment Group 33 M 99 N2/1480 Mandatory

1490 TAX DUTY/TAX/FEE DETAILS M 1 N2/1490 Mandatory1500 MOA MONETARY AMOUNT M 1 N2/1500 Mandatory

1640 Segment Group 38 C 30 N2/1640 Optional 1640 Segment Group 38 C 30 N2/1640 Optional

1650 ALC ALLOWANCE OR CHARGE M 1 N2/1650 Mandatory1660 ALI ADDITIONAL INFORMATION C 5 N2/1660 Optional

1750 Segment Group 41 C 2 N2/1750 Optional 1750 Segment Group 41 C 2 N2/1750 Optional

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06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC

Pos Tag Segment Name Status Rep Notes Usage

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 3 For internal use only

1760 MOA MONETARY AMOUNT M 1 N2/1760 Mandatory

Summary:Pos Tag Segment Name Status Rep Notes Usage2090 UNS SECTION CONTROL M 1 N3/2090 Mandatory2100 CNT CONTROL TOTAL M 10 N3/2100 Mandatory

2110 Segment Group 49 M 100 N3/2110 Mandatory 2110 Segment Group 49 M 100 N3/2110 Mandatory

2120 MOA MONETARY AMOUNT M 1 N3/2120 Mandatory

2160 Segment Group 51 M 10 N3/2160 Mandatory 2160 Segment Group 51 M 10 N3/2160 Mandatory

2170 TAX DUTY/TAX/FEE DETAILS M 1 N3/2170 Mandatory2180 MOA MONETARY AMOUNT M 2 N3/2180 Mandatory

2190 Segment Group 52 C 15 N3/2190 Optional 2190 Segment Group 52 C 15 N3/2190 Optional

2200 ALC ALLOWANCE OR CHARGE M 1 N3/2200 Mandatory2220 MOA MONETARY AMOUNT M 2 N3/2220 Mandatory2240 UNT MESSAGE TRAILER M 1 N3/2240 Mandatory

Not Defined:Pos Tag Segment Name Status Rep Notes Usage


Clarification: 1/0010 A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Invoice message is

INVOIC. Note: Invoice messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH,composite S009: Data element 0065 INVOIC 0052 D 0054 97A 0051 UN

1/0020 A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the invoice by means of its type and number and when necessary its function.

1/0030 A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must be specified at least once to identify the invoice date. Examples of the use of this DTM segment is: "shipped on date" or"delivery date". The Date/time/period segment within other Segment groups should be used whenever thedate/time/period requires to be logically related to another specified data item e.g. Payment due date is specified withinthe PAT Segment group.

1/0070 A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, used when additional information is needed but cannot beaccommodated within other segments. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver toprocess this segment manually.

1/0110 A group of segments for giving references and where necessary, their dates, related identification numbers, locations,measurements, quantities, free text and monetary amounts, relating to the whole message, e.g. contract information,import or export license information, despatch advice information.

1/0120 A segment identifying the reference by its number and where appropriate a line number within a document.1/0200 A group of segments identifying the parties with associated information.1/0210 A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded orclear form, and their functions relevant to the

invoice. Identification of the seller and buyer parties is mandatory for the invoice message. It is recommended that wherepossible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified e.g. The Buyer and Seller are known to eachother, thusonly the coded ID is required, but the Consignee or Delivery address may vary and would have to be clearly specified,preferably in structured format.

1/0240 A group of segment for giving references only relevant to the specified party rather than the whole invoice.1/0250 A segment identifying the reference by its number and where appropriate a line number within a document.1/0370 A group of segments specifying the currencies and related dates/periods valid for the whole invoice. Currency data

maybe omitted in national applications but will be required for international transactions.1/0380 A segment identifying the currencies required in the invoice e.g. theinvoice currency. A rate of exchange may be given to

convert a reference currency into a target currency.1/0400 A group of segments specifying the terms of payment applicable for the whole invoice.1/0410 A segment identifying the payment terms and date/time basis.1/0420 A segment giving the specific date/time/period, if needed, of any payments, discounts, instalments etc.1/0430 A segment specifying the discount, interest, penalty as well as instalment percentage.2/1030 A group of segments providing details of the individual invoiced items. There must be at least one occurrence of Segment

group 22 within aninvoice, but not necessarily in a credit note or a debit note. This Segment group may be repeated togive sub-line details.

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2/1040 A segment identifying the line item by the line number and configuration level, and additionally, identifying the product orservice invoiced. Other product identification numbers, e.g. Buyer product number etc., can be specified within thefollowing PIA segment.

2/1050 A segment providing either additional identification to the product specified in the LIN segment (e.g. Harmonized Systemnumber), or provides any substitute product identification.

2/1060 A segment for describing the product or service being invoiced as well as product characteristic. This segment should beused for products or services that cannot be fully identified by a product code or article number.

2/1080 A segment identifying the product quantities e.g. invoiced quantity.2/1110 A segment specifying date/time/period details relating to the line item only.2/1180 A group of segments specifying any monetary amounts relating to the products and when necessary a currency.2/1190 A segment specifying any monetary amounts relating to the product, e.g. item amount, insurance value, customs value.2/1260 A group of segments identifying the relevant pricing information for the goods or services invoiced.2/1270 A segment to specify the price type and amount. The price used in thecalculation of the line amount will be identified as

'Price'. Indication of "net price" or "gross price" can be given in 5387 "Price type qualifier".2/1480 A group of segments specifying tax related information for the line item, and when necessary, the location(s) to which

that tax informationrelates.2/1490 A segment specifying a tax type, category and rate, or exemption, relating to the line item.2/1500 A segment specifying the amount for the identified tax/fee.2/1640 A group of segments specifying allowances and charges for the line item where this is different to or not specified within

the heading section.2/1650 A segment identifying the charge or allowance and, where necessary its calculation sequence.2/1660 A segment indicating that allowance or charge specified is subject tospecial conditions owing to origin, customs

preference or commercial factors.2/1750 A group of segments specifying a monetary amount for an allowance or charge. A range to which the allowance or

charge applies can be specified, e.g. an allowance of 5000 BEF may be specified if goods value ordered is greater than 100000 BEF.

2/1760 A segment identifying the monetary amount for the allowance or charge.3/2090 A mandatory service segment placed before the first user segment in the summary section to avoid segment collision.3/2100 A segment by which control totals may be provided by the sender for checking by the receiver.3/2110 A group of segments giving total amounts for the whole invoice and - if relevant -detailing amounts pre-paid with relevant

references and dates.3/2120 A segment giving the total amounts for the whole invoice message suchas message monetary amount, message line item

total amount, amount subject to payment discount, amount subject to tax, alternative currencytotal amount, total additional amount, sub-total amounts prepaid, total amount prepaid.

3/2160 A group of segments specifying taxes totals for the invoice.3/2170 A segment specifying the tax type to be summarized.3/2180 A segment specifying the summary amount for the tax specified.3/2190 A group of segments specifying allowances and charges summary totals for the invoice.3/2200 A segment identifying the charge or allowance type to be summarised.3/2220 A segment specifying the summary amount for the allowance or charge.3/2240 A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message and the control reference

number of the message.

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Group: N/A Elements: 11

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To start, identify and specify an interchange.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageUNB010 S001 SYNTAX IDENTIFIER

Description: Identification of the agencycontrolling the syntax and indication of syntaxlevel.

M Comp Mandatory

0001 Syntax identifier

Description: Coded identification of the agencycontrolling a syntax and syntax level used in aninterchange.All valid standard codes are used.

M a 4/4 Mandatory

0002 Syntax version number

Description: Version number of the syntaxidentified in the syntax identifier (0001).All valid standard codes are used.

M n 1/1 Mandatory


Description: Identification of the sender of theinterchange.

M Comp Mandatory

0004 Sender identification

Description: Name or coded representation ofthe sender of a data interchange.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

0007 Partner identification code qualifier

Description: Qualifier referring to the source ofcodes for the identifiers of interchangingpartners.All valid standard codes are used.

C an 1/4 Optional

0008 Address for reverse routing

Description: Address specified by the sender ofan interchange to be included by the recipient inthe response interchanges to facilitate internalrouting.

C an 1/14 Optional


Description: Identification of the recipient of theinterchange.

M Comp Mandatory

0010 Recipient identification

Description: Name or coded representation ofthe recipient of a data interchange.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

0007 Partner identification code qualifier

Description: Qualifier referring to the source ofcodes for the identifiers of interchanging partners.All valid standard codes are used.

C an 1/4 Optional

0014 Routing address C an 1/14 Optional

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Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max Usage

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 6 For internal use only

Description: Address specified by the recipient ofan interchange to be included by the sender andused by the recipient for routing of receivedinterchanges inside his organization.


Description: Date/time of preparation of theinterchange.

M Comp Mandatory

0017 Date of preparation

Description: Local date when an interchange ora functional group was prepared.

M n 6/6 Mandatory

0019 Time of preparation

Description: Local time of day when aninterchange or a functional group was prepared.

M n 4/4 Mandatory

UNB050 0020 Interchange control reference

Description: Unique reference assigned by thesender to an interchange.

M an 1/14 Mandatory


Description: Reference or password as agreedbetween the communicating partners.

C Comp Optional

0022 Recipient's reference/password

Description: Unique reference assigned by therecipient to the data interchange or a password tothe recipient's system or to a third party networkas specified in the partners interchangeagreement.

M an 1/14 Mandatory

0025 Recipient's reference/password qualifier

Description: Qualifier for the recipient's referenceor password.All valid standard codes are used.

C an 2/2 Optional

UNB070 0026 Application reference

Description: Identification of the application areaassigned by the sender, to which the messages inthe interchange relate e.g. the message identifierif all the messages in the interchange are of thesame type.

C an 1/14 Optional

UNB080 0029 Processing priority code

Description: Code determined by the senderrequesting processing priority for the interchange.All valid standard codes are used.

C a 1/1 Optional

UNB090 0031 Acknowledgement request

Description: Code determined by the sender foracknowledgement of the interchange.All valid standard codes are used.

C n 1/1 Optional

UNB100 0032 Cummunications agreement ID

Description: Identification by name or code ofthe type of agreement under which theinterchange takes place.

C an 1/35 Optional

UNB110 0035 Test indicator

C n 1/1 Optional

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Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max Usage

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 7 For internal use only

Description: Indication that the interchange is atest.All valid standard codes are used.

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UNH MESSAGE HEADER Pos: 0010 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 4

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To head, identify and specify a message.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageUNH010 0062 Message reference number

Description: Unique message referenceassigned by the sender.

M an 1/14 Mandatory


Description: Identification of the type, versionetc. of the message being interchanged.

M Comp Mandatory

0065 Message type identifier

Description: Code identifying a type of messageand assigned by its controlling agency.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/6 Mandatory

0052 Message type version number

Description: Version number of a message type.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

0054 Message type release number

Description: Release number within the currentmessage type version number (0052).All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

0051 Controlling agency

Description: Code identifying the agencycontrolling the specification, maintenance andpublication of the message type.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/2 Mandatory

0057 Association assigned code

Description: Code, assigned by the associationresponsible for the design and maintenance ofthe message type concerned, which furtheridentifies the message.

C an 1/6 Optional

UNH030 0068 Common access reference

Description: Reference serving as a key to relateall subsequent transfers of data to the samebusiness case or file.

C an 1/35 Optional


Description: Statement that the message is onein a sequence of transfers relating to the sametopic.

C Comp Optional

0070 Sequence message transfer number

Description: Number assigned by the senderindicating that the message is an addition orchange of a previously sent message relating tothe same topic.

M n 1/2 Mandatory

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Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max Usage

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 9 For internal use only

0073 First/last sequence message transferindication

Description: Indication used for the first and lastmessage in a sequence of the same type ofmessage relating to the same topic.All valid standard codes are used.

C a 1/1 Optional

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BGM BEGINNING OF MESSAGE Pos: 0020 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 3

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageBGM010 C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME

Description: Identification of a type ofdocument/message by code or name. Codepreferred.

M Comp Mandatory

1001 Document/message name, coded

Description: Document/message identifierexpressed in code.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name380 Commercial invoice381 Credit note383 Debit note

1000 Document/message name

Description: Plain language identifier specifyingthe function of a document/message.

M an 1/35 Mandatory


Description: Identification of adocument/message by its number and eventuallyits version or revision.

M Comp Mandatory

1004 Document/message number

Description: Reference number assigned to thedocument/message by the issuer.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

BGM030 1225 Message function, coded

Description: Code indicating the function of themessage.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name9 Original

User Note 2:User Note 2:BGM+380:::TAX INVOICE+InvoiceNumber+9BGM+380:::TAX INVOICE+InvoiceNumber+9

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Pos: 0030 Max: 35Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify date, and/or time, or period.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageDTM010 C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD

Description: Date and/or time, or period relevantto the specified date/time/period type.

M Comp Mandatory

2005 Date/time/period qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to adate, time or period.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name3 Invoice date/time4 Order date/time

2380 Date/time/period

Description: The value of a date, a date andtime, a time or of a period in a specifiedrepresentation.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier

Description: Specification of the representationof a date, a date and time or of a period.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name102 CCYYMMDD

User Note 2:User Note 2:DTM+3:20061010:102'DTM+4:20061010:102'DTM+3:20061010:102'DTM+4:20061010:102'

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FTX FREE TEXT Pos: 0070 Max: 10Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 3

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To provide free form or coded text information.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageFTX010 4451 Text subject qualifier

Description: Code specifying subject of a freetext.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameAAI General information

FTX020 4453 Text function, coded

Description: Code specifying how to handle thetext.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name1 Text for subsequent use


Description: Free text; one to five lines.

M Comp Mandatory

4440 Free text

Description: Free text field available to themessage sender for information.

M an 1/70 Mandatory

4440 Free text

Description: Free text field available to themessage sender for information.

M an 1/70 Mandatory

4440 Free text

Description: Free text field available to themessage sender for information.

M an 1/70 Mandatory

4440 Free text

Description: Free text field available to themessage sender for information.

M an 1/70 Mandatory

4440 Free text

Description: Free text field available to themessage sender for information.

M an 1/70 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:FTX+AAI+1++Comments Written Here:comments2:comments3:com4:com5FTX+AAI+1++Comments Written Here:comments2:comments3:com4:com5

Adobe:Adobe:VAT Exemption Reference will be mapped in the FTX040.VAT Exemption Reference will be mapped in the FTX040.

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RFF REFERENCE Pos: 0120 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 1 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a reference.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageRFF010 C506 REFERENCE

Description: Identification of a reference.

M Comp Mandatory

1153 Reference qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to areference segment or a reference number.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameON Order number (purchase)UC End User IDVN Order number (vendor)AGE Agent's reference (Reseller)

1154 Reference number

Description: Identification number the nature andfunction of which can be qualified by an entry indata element 1153 Reference qualifier.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:RFF+ON:CustOrderNumberRFF+VN:VendorOrderNumberRFF+UC:EndUserNumberRFF+AGE:ResellerNumber


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NAD NAME AND ADDRESS Pos: 0210 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 2 Elements: 7

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify the name/address and their related function, either by CO82 only and/or unstructured by CO58 or structured by CO80 thru3207.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageNAD010 3035 Party qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to aparty.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameBY BuyerII Issuer of invoiceIV Invoicee

User Note 1:User Note 1:Bill ToBill To

PL PayorST Ship toVN Vendor


Description: Identification of a transaction partyby code.

C Comp Optional

3039 Party id. identification

Description: Code identifying a party involved ina transaction.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

Description: Code identifying the agencyresponsible for a code list.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name91 Assigned by seller or seller's agent


Description: Identification of a transaction partyby name, one to five lines. Party name may beformatted.

M Comp Mandatory

3036 Party name

Description: Name of a party involved in atransaction.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

3036 Party name

Description: Name of a party involved in atransaction.

C an 1/35 Optional

3036 Party name

Description: Name of a party involved in atransaction.

C an 1/35 Optional


Description: Street address and/or PO Boxnumber in a structured address: one to three

C Comp Optional

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Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max Usage

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3042 Street and number/p.o. box

Description: Street and number in plainlanguage, or Post Office Box No.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

3042 Street and number/p.o. box

Description: Street and number in plainlanguage, or Post Office Box No.

C an 1/35 Optional

3042 Street and number/p.o. box

Description: Street and number in plainlanguage, or Post Office Box No.

C an 1/35 Optional

NAD060 3164 City name

Description: Name of a city (a town, a village) foraddressing purposes.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

NAD080 3251 Postcode identification

Description: Code defining postal zones oraddresses.

M an 1/9 Mandatory

NAD090 3207 Country, coded

Description: Identification of the name of acountry or other geographical entity as specifiedin ISO 3166.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:NAD+VN+BillToNumber::91++IngramMicro:Ingram2:Ingram3+123mainst:street2:pobox2+london++postalcode+UK'NAD+VN+BillToNumber::91++IngramMicro:Ingram2:Ingram3+123mainst:street2:pobox2+london++postalcode+UK'

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RFF REFERENCE Pos: 0250 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 3 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a reference.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageRFF010 C506 REFERENCE

Description: Identification of a reference.

M Comp Mandatory

1153 Reference qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to areference segment or a reference number.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameVA VAT registration number

1154 Reference number

Description: Identification number the nature andfunction of which can be qualified by an entry indata element 1153 Reference qualifier.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

User Note 1:User Note 1:Place Adobe VAT Number under NAD Vendor Loop

Place Customer VAT Number under NAD Bill To Loop

Place Adobe VAT Number under NAD Vendor Loop

Place Customer VAT Number under NAD Bill To Loop

User Note 2:User Note 2:RFF+VA+123456RFF+VA+123456

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CUX CURRENCIES Pos: 0380 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 7 Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify currencies used in the transaction and relevant details for the rate of exchange.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageCUX010 C504 CURRENCY DETAILS

Description: The usage to which a currencyrelates.

M Comp Mandatory

6347 Currency details qualifier

Description: Specification of the usage to whichthe currency relates.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name2 Reference currency

6345 Currency, coded

Description: Identification of the name or symbolof the monetary unit involved in the transaction.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

6343 Currency qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning todata element 6345 Currency.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name4 Invoicing currency

CUX030 5402 Rate of exchange

Description: The rate at which one specifiedcurrency is expressed in another specifiedcurrency.

M n 1/12 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:CUX+2:EUR:4++1.0'CUX+2:EUR:4++1.0'

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PAT PAYMENT TERMS BASIS Pos: 0410 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 8 Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify the payment terms basis.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsagePAT010 4279 Payment terms type qualifier

Description: Identification of the type of paymentterms.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name1 Basic


Description: Terms of payment code from aspecified source.

M Comp Mandatory

4277 Terms of payment identification

Description: Identification of the terms ofpayment between the parties to a transaction(generic term).

M an 1/17 Mandatory

Code Name1 Draft(s) drawn on issuing bank

1131 Code list qualifier

Description: Identification of a code list.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name153 Methods of payment

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

Description: Code identifying the agencyresponsible for a code list.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name91 Assigned by seller or seller's agent

4276 Terms of payment

Description: Conditions of payment between theparties to a transaction (generic term).

M an 1/35 Mandatory

4276 Terms of payment

Description: Conditions of payment between theparties to a transaction (generic term).

C an 1/35 Optional

User Note 2:User Note 2:PAT+1+1:153:91:35:1.5% NET 30 DAYSPAT+1+1:153:91:35:1.5% NET 30 DAYS

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Pos: 0420 Max: 5Mandatory

Group: 8 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify date, and/or time, or period.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageDTM010 C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD

Description: Date and/or time, or period relevantto the specified date/time/period type.

M Comp Mandatory

2005 Date/time/period qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to adate, time or period.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name10 Shipment date/time, requested

2380 Date/time/period

Description: The value of a date, a date andtime, a time or of a period in a specifiedrepresentation.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier

Description: Specification of the representationof a date, a date and time or of a period.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name102 CCYYMMDD

User Note 2:User Note 2:DTM+10:20071212:102'DTM+10:20071212:102'

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PCD PERCENTAGE DETAILS Pos: 0430 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 8 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify percentage information.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsagePCD010 C501 PERCENTAGE DETAILS

Description: Percentage relating to a specifiedbasis.

M Comp Mandatory

5245 Percentage qualifier

Description: Identification of the usage of apercentage.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name2 Charge

5482 Percentage

Description: Value expressed as a percentage ofa specified amount.

M n 1/10 Mandatory

5249 Percentage basis, coded

Description: Indication of the application of apercentage.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name13 Invoice value

User Note 2:User Note 2:PCD+2:1.5:13'PCD+2:1.5:13'

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LIN LINE ITEM Pos: 1040 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 25 Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To identify a line item and configuration.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageLIN010 1082 Line item number

Description: Serial number designating eachseparate item within a series of articles.

M an 1/6 Mandatory


Description: Goods identification for a specifiedsource.

M Comp Mandatory

7140 Item number

Description: A number allocated to a group oritem.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

7143 Item number type, coded

Description: Identification of the type of itemnumber.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameVP Vendor's (seller's) part number

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

Description: Code identifying the agencyresponsible for a code list.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name91 Assigned by seller or seller's agent

User Note 2:User Note 2:example:LIN+10++54026179:VP::91' (Adobe Shrink Wrap SKU)example:LIN+10++54026179TR:VP::91' (Adobe AVL 4.5 Licensing Program SKU)example:LIN+10++54029634AB00A00:VP::91' (Adobe AVL 5.0 Licensing Program SKU- Post October 2009)

example:LIN+10++54026179:VP::91' (Adobe Shrink Wrap SKU)example:LIN+10++54026179TR:VP::91' (Adobe AVL 4.5 Licensing Program SKU)example:LIN+10++54029634AB00A00:VP::91' (Adobe AVL 5.0 Licensing Program SKU- Post October 2009)

Adobe:Adobe:For Adobe's AVL 5.0 Licensing Program (October 2009), the Adobe SKU in the LIN030 7140 will extend to 15 digits.For Adobe's AVL 5.0 Licensing Program (October 2009), the Adobe SKU in the LIN030 7140 will extend to 15 digits.

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PIA ADDITIONAL PRODUCT ID Pos: 1050 Max: 25Mandatory

Group: 25 Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify additional or substitutional item identification codes.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsagePIA010 4347 Product id. function qualifier

Description: Indication of the function of theproduct code.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name1 Additional identification


Description: Goods identification for a specifiedsource.

M Comp Mandatory

7140 Item number

Description: A number allocated to a group oritem.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

7143 Item number type, coded

Description: Identification of the type of itemnumber.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameBP Buyer's part numberUP UPC (Universal product code)

3055 Code list responsible agency, coded

Description: Code identifying the agencyresponsible for a code list.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name92 Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent

User Note 2:User Note 2:PIA+1+CustomerPartNumber:BP::92PIA+1+UPCNumber:UP::92PIA+1+CustomerPartNumber:BP::92PIA+1+UPCNumber:UP::92

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IMD ITEM DESCRIPTION Pos: 1060 Max: 10Mandatory

Group: 25 Elements: 3

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To describe an item in either an industry or free format.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageIMD010 7077 Item description type, coded

Description: Code indicating the format of adescription.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameF Free-form


Description: Description of an item.

M Comp Mandatory

1131 Code list qualifier

Description: Identification of a code list.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name161 Goods description

7008 Item description

Description: Plain language description ofarticles or products.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

IMD040 7383 Surface/layer indicator, coded

Description: Code indicating the surface or layerof a product that is being described.All valid standard codes are used.

C an 1/3 Optional

User Note 2:User Note 2:IMD+F++:161::TextIMD+F++:161::Text

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QTY QUANTITY Pos: 1080 Max: 5Mandatory

Group: 25 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a pertinent quantity.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageQTY010 C186 QUANTITY DETAILS

Description: Quantity information in atransaction, qualified when relevant.

M Comp Mandatory

6063 Quantity qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to aquantity.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name47 Invoiced quantity

6060 Quantity

Description: Numeric value of a quantity.

M n 1/15 Mandatory

6411 Measure unit qualifier

Description: Indication of the unit ofmeasurement in which weight (mass), capacity,length, area, volume or other quantity is expressed.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:QTY+47:1:EA'QTY+47:1:EA'

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DTM DATE/TIME/PERIOD Pos: 1110 Max: 35Mandatory

Group: 25 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify date, and/or time, or period.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageDTM010 C507 DATE/TIME/PERIOD

Description: Date and/or time, or period relevantto the specified date/time/period type.

M Comp Mandatory

2005 Date/time/period qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning to adate, time or period.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name11 Despatch date and or time

2380 Date/time/period

Description: The value of a date, a date andtime, a time or of a period in a specifiedrepresentation.

M an 1/35 Mandatory

2379 Date/time/period format qualifier

Description: Specification of the representationof a date, a date and time or of a period.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code Name102 CCYYMMDD

User Note 2:User Note 2:DTM+11:20070707:102'DTM+11:20070707:102'

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MOA MONETARY AMOUNT Pos: 1190 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 26 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a monetary amount.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageMOA010 C516 MONETARY AMOUNT

Description: Amount of goods or services statedas a monetary amount in a specified currency.

M Comp Mandatory

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier

Description: Indication of type of amount.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name203 Line item amount

5004 Monetary amount

Description: Number of monetary units.

M n 1/18 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:MOA+203:100.00'MOA+203:100.00'

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PRI PRICE DETAILS Pos: 1270 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 28 Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify price information.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsagePRI010 C509 PRICE INFORMATION

Description: Identification of price type, price andrelated details.

C Comp Optional

5125 Price qualifier

Description: Identification of a type of price.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameINV Invoice price

5118 Price

Description: The monetary value associated witha purchase or sale of an article, product orservice.

M n 1/15 Mandatory

5375 Price type, coded

Description: Code identifying the type of price ofan item.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameTU Traded unit

PRI020 5213 Sub-line price change, coded

Description: Code indicating disposition of theprice change of a sub-line item.All valid standard codes are used.

C an 1/3 Optional

User Note 2:User Note 2:PRI+INV:100.00:TU'PRI+INV:100.00:TU'

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TAX DUTY/TAX/FEE DETAILS Pos: 1490 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 33 Elements: 4

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify relevant duty/tax/fee information.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageTAX010 5283 Duty/tax/fee function qualifier

Description: Code identifying the function of anduty, tax or fee information.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name7 Tax


Description: Code and/or name identifying duty,tax or fee.

C Comp Optional

5153 Duty/tax/fee type, coded

Description: Identification of the type of duty ortax or fee applicable to commodities or of taxapplicable to services.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameVAT Value added tax


Description: Rate of duty/tax/fee applicable tocommodities or of tax applicable to services.

M Comp Mandatory

5278 Duty/tax/fee rate

Description: Rate of duty or tax or fee applicableto commodities or of tax applicable to services.

M an 1/17 Mandatory

TAX060 5305 Duty/tax/fee category, coded

Description: Code identifying a tax/duty/feecategory within a tax/duty/fee type system.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameE Exempt from taxS Standard rate

User Note 2:User Note 2:TAX+7+VAT+++:::10.00+S'TAX+7+VAT+++:::10.00+S'

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MOA MONETARY AMOUNT Pos: 1500 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 33 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a monetary amount.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageMOA010 C516 MONETARY AMOUNT

Description: Amount of goods or services statedas a monetary amount in a specified currency.

M Comp Mandatory

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier

Description: Indication of type of amount.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name125 Taxable amount

5004 Monetary amount

Description: Number of monetary units.

M n 1/18 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:MOA+125:10.00'MOA+125:10.00'

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ALC ALLOWANCE OR CHARGE Pos: 1650 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 38 Elements: 3

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To identify allowance or charge details.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageALC010 5463 Allowance or charge qualifier

Description: Specification of an allowance orcharge for the service specified.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameC Charge


Description: Identification of allowance/chargeinformation by number and/or code.

C Comp Optional

1230 Allowance or charge number

Description: Number assigned by a partyreferencing an allowance, promotion, deal orcharge.

C an 1/35 Optional


Description: Identification of a special service bya code from a specified source or by description.

C Comp Optional

7161 Special services, coded

Description: Code identifying a special service.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameFC Freight charge

User Note 2:User Note 2:ALC+C+5++FC'ALC+C+5++FC'

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ALI ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Pos: 1660 Max: 5Conditional

Group: 38 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Optional

To indicate that special conditions due to the origin, customs preference, fiscal or commercial factors are applicable.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageALI010 3239 Country of origin, coded

Description: Country in which the goods havebeen produced or manufactured, according tocriteria laid down for the purposes of applicationof the Customs tariff, of quantitative restrictions,or of any other measure related to trade.

C an 1/3 Optional

User Note 2:User Note 2:ALI+US'ALI+US'

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MOA MONETARY AMOUNT Pos: 1760 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 41 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a monetary amount.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageMOA010 C516 MONETARY AMOUNT

Description: Amount of goods or services statedas a monetary amount in a specified currency.

M Comp Mandatory

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier

Description: Indication of type of amount.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name8 Allowance or charge amount

5004 Monetary amount

Description: Number of monetary units.

M n 1/18 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:MOA+8:19.99'MOA+8:19.99'

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UNS SECTION CONTROL Pos: 2090 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To separate header, detail, and summary sections of a message.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageUNS010 0081 Section identification

Description: A character identifying the nextsection in a message.All valid standard codes are used.

M a 1/1 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:UNS+S'UNS+S'

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CNT CONTROL TOTAL Pos: 2100 Max: 10Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To provide control total.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageCNT010 C270 CONTROL

Description: Control total for checking integrity ofa message or part of a message.

M Comp Mandatory

6069 Control qualifier

Description: Determines the source dataelements in the message which forms the basisfor 6066 Control value.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name4 Number of invoice lines

6066 Control value

Description: Value obtained from summing thevalues specified by the Control Qualifierthroughout the message (Hash total).

M n 1/18 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:CNT+4:1'CNT+4:1'

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MOA MONETARY AMOUNT Pos: 2120 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 49 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a monetary amount.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageMOA010 C516 MONETARY AMOUNT

Description: Amount of goods or services statedas a monetary amount in a specified currency.

M Comp Mandatory

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier

Description: Indication of type of amount.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name9 Amount due/amount payable79 Total line items amount

5004 Monetary amount

Description: Number of monetary units.

M n 1/18 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:MOA+9:111.11MOA+79:200.00MOA+9:111.11MOA+79:200.00

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TAX DUTY/TAX/FEE DETAILS Pos: 2170 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 51 Elements: 4

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify relevant duty/tax/fee information.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageTAX010 5283 Duty/tax/fee function qualifier

Description: Code identifying the function of anduty, tax or fee information.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name7 Tax


Description: Code and/or name identifying duty,tax or fee.

C Comp Optional

5153 Duty/tax/fee type, coded

Description: Identification of the type of duty ortax or fee applicable to commodities or of taxapplicable to services.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameVAT Value added tax


Description: Rate of duty/tax/fee applicable tocommodities or of tax applicable to services.

C Comp Optional

5278 Duty/tax/fee rate

Description: Rate of duty or tax or fee applicableto commodities or of tax applicable to services.

M an 1/17 Mandatory

TAX060 5305 Duty/tax/fee category, coded

Description: Code identifying a tax/duty/feecategory within a tax/duty/fee type system.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameE Exempt from taxS Standard rate

User Note 2:User Note 2:TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S'TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S'

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MOA MONETARY AMOUNT Pos: 2180 Max: 2Mandatory

Group: 51 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a monetary amount.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageMOA010 C516 MONETARY AMOUNT

Description: Amount of goods or services statedas a monetary amount in a specified currency.

M Comp Mandatory

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier

Description: Indication of type of amount.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name124 Tax amount125 Taxable amount

5004 Monetary amount

Description: Number of monetary units.

M n 1/18 Mandatory

6345 Currency, coded

Description: Identification of the name or symbolof the monetary unit involved in the transaction.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

6343 Currency qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning todata element 6345 Currency.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code Name3 Local Currency

4405 Status, coded

Description: Provides information regarding astatus.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:MOA+124:199.99:EUR:3'MOA+125:299.99:EUR:3'MOA+124:199.99:EUR:3'MOA+125:299.99:EUR:3'

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ALC ALLOWANCE OR CHARGE Pos: 2200 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: 52 Elements: 3

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To identify allowance or charge details.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageALC010 5463 Allowance or charge qualifier

Description: Specification of an allowance orcharge for the service specified.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

Code NameA AllowanceC Charge


Description: Identification of allowance/chargeinformation by number and/or code.

C Comp Optional

1230 Allowance or charge number

Description: Number assigned by a partyreferencing an allowance, promotion, deal orcharge.

C an 1/35 Optional

5189 Charge/allowance description, coded

Description: Identification of a charge orallowance.All valid standard codes are used.

C an 1/3 Optional


Description: Identification of a special service bya code from a specified source or by description.

C Comp Optional

7161 Special services, coded

Description: Code identifying a special service.

C an 1/3 Optional

Code NameFC Freight charge

User Note 2:User Note 2:ALC+C+5++FC'ALC+C+5++FC'

Page 39: ADOBE - EDIFACT D97A INVOIC · PDF file06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 2 For internal use only INVOICInvoice message Message Status=2 A

06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 39 For internal use only

MOA MONETARY AMOUNT Pos: 2220 Max: 2Mandatory

Group: 52 Elements: 1

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To specify a monetary amount.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageMOA010 C516 MONETARY AMOUNT

Description: Amount of goods or services statedas a monetary amount in a specified currency.

M Comp Mandatory

5025 Monetary amount type qualifier

Description: Indication of type of amount.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

5004 Monetary amount

Description: Number of monetary units.

M n 1/18 Mandatory

6345 Currency, coded

Description: Identification of the name or symbolof the monetary unit involved in the transaction.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

6343 Currency qualifier

Description: Code giving specific meaning todata element 6345 Currency.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

4405 Status, coded

Description: Provides information regarding astatus.All valid standard codes are used.

M an 1/3 Mandatory

User Note 2:User Note 2:MOA+8:1.99'MOA+8:1.99'

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06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 40 For internal use only

UNT MESSAGE TRAILER Pos: 2240 Max: 1Mandatory

Group: N/A Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To end and check the completeness of a message.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageUNT010 0074 Number of segments in a message

Description: Control count of number ofsegments in a message.

M n 1/6 Mandatory

UNT020 0062 Message reference number

Description: Unique message referenceassigned by the sender.

M an 1/14 Mandatory

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06/15/09 Invoice message - INVOIC

EDIFACT_INVOIC_SPEC_V1_061409.ecs 41 For internal use only


Group: N/A Elements: 2

User Option (Usage): Mandatory

To end and check the completeness of an interchange.

Element Summary: Ref Tag Element Name Status Type Min/Max UsageUNZ010 0036 Interchange control count

Description: Count either of the number ofmessages or, if used, of the number of functionalgroups in an interchange.

M n 1/6 Mandatory

UNZ020 0020 Interchange control reference

Description: Unique reference assigned by thesender to an interchange.

M an 1/14 Mandatory

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UNB+UNOB:1+102096559TEST:16:ZZUK+PARTNERID:01:ZZUK+071101:1701+13 1++INVOIC++1++1 UNH+509010117+INVOIC:D:97A:UN BGM+380:::TAX INVOICE+0013550417+9 DTM+3:20070926:102 DTM+4:20061123:102 FTX+AAI+1++If 0% VAT is charged and your VAT ID number is displayed above, this i:s either an exempt or a reverse charge transaction.:This supply is exempt from VAT according to the section 64 of the Czec:h VAT Act. RFF+ON:2080943S RFF+VN:3474552 RFF+UC:22233221 RFF+AGE:33445312 NAD+II+0000343810::91++Adobe Systems Ireland Ltd.:Unit 3100 Lake Drive+City West Business Campus+Saggart++D24+IE NAD+BY+0000138978::91++PARTNER LIMITED+MAIN DRIVE:WYMBUSH+MILTON KEYNES++MK8 8DF+GB NAD+IV+0000343810::91++PARTNER LIMITED:C/O CAP IM COORDINATION CENTER:CENTRAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE+MAIN DRIVE:WYMBUSH‐MILTON KEYNES+BUCKINGHAMSHIRE++MK8 8DF+GB RFF+VA:GB440355280 TAX+7+VAT+++:::10072.14+S NAD+PL+0000343810::91++PARTNER LIMITED:C/O CAP IM COORDINATION CENTER:CENTRAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE+MAIN DRIVE:WYMBUSH‐MILTON KEYNES+BUCKINGHAMSHIRE++MK8 8DF+GB NAD+ST+0000295950::91++PARTNER LIMITED+PARKLANDS:DIRFT EAST+CRICK++NN6 7EX+GB NAD+VN+ADIR::91++ADOBE SYSTEMS SOFTWARE IRELAND LTD:3100 LAKE DRIVE+CITY WEST BUSINESS CAMPUS+SAGGART, DUBLIN 24+++IE RFF+VA:GB 779019395 CUX+2:EUR:4++0.67529 PAT+1+1:153:91:45:Up to 10.11.2007 without deduction DTM+10:20070926:102 PCD+2:0:13 LIN+000030++54029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2265S13:BP::92 PIA+1+5029766832002:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::DRWV,8.0,MLP,RET,IE,1PK,CD QTY+47:50.000:EA DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:19150.00 PRI+INV:383.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:19150.45 ALC+C+0.45+++FC MOA+8:0.45 LIN+000040++64029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2269F22:BP::92 PIA+1+5051254078241:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::STEP,2.3,MAC,RET,IE,1PK,DV QTY+47:20.000:EA 

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DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:21060.00 PRI+INV:1053.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:21060.50 ALC+C+0.50+++FC MOA+8:0.50 LIN+000170++74029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2269F10:BP::92 PIA+1+5051254078326:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::STEP,2.3,MAC,UPSL,IE,1PK,DV,PHSP QTY+47:10.000:EA DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:6950.00 PRI+INV:695.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:6950.16 ALC+C+0.16+++FC MOA+8:0.16 LIN+000190++84029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2269F26:BP::92 PIA+1+5051254051190:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::APRO,8.0,MAC,RET,IE,1PK,DV QTY+47:5.000:EA DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:2375.00 PRI+INV:475.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:2375.06 ALC+C+0.06+++FC MOA+8:0.06 LIN+000200++94029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2265S24:BP::92 PIA+1+5029766000685:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::FLSH,8.0,MLP,RET,IE,1PK,CD QTY+47:3.000:EA DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:957.00 PRI+INV:319.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:957.02 ALC+C+0.02+++FC MOA+8:0.02 LIN+000210++14029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2263T95:BP::92 PIA+1+5029766699575:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::IDSN,CS 2,MAC,RET,IE,1PK,CD QTY+47:3.000:EA 

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DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:2085.00 PRI+INV:695.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:2085.05 ALC+C+0.05+++FC MOA+8:0.05 LIN+000250++24029634AB00A00:VP::91 PIA+1+2269F15:BP::92 PIA+1+5051254080091:UP::92 IMD+F++:161::WBBD,2.3,WIN,RET,IE,1PK,CD,STEP&STF QTY+47:3.000:EA DTM+11:20070926:102 MOA+203:4977.00 PRI+INV:1659.00:TU TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:4977.12 ALC+C+0.12+++FC MOA+8:0.12 UNS+S CNT+4:7 MOA+9:67627.50 MOA+79:57554.00 TAX+7+VAT+++:::17.500+S MOA+125:57555.36:EUR:3 MOA+124:10072.14:EUR:3 ALC+C+1.36+++FC MOA+8:1.36 UNT+114+105572809 UNZ+1+131