adjective order

ADJECTIVE ADJECTIVE ORDER ORDER María Irene Albers de María Irene Albers de Urriola Urriola MA in Applied Linguistics USB MA in Applied Linguistics USB

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Some hints on how to work with adjectives.


Page 1: Adjective order


María Irene Albers de UrriolaMaría Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBMA in Applied Linguistics USB

Specialist in Computer Technology in Education UCSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 2: Adjective order

The basic types of adjectivesThe basic types of adjectives An An opinionopinion adjective explains what you think about adjective explains what you think about

something (other people may not agree with you). something (other people may not agree with you). Examples:Examples:silly, beautiful, horrible, difficultsilly, beautiful, horrible, difficult Size Size

A A sizesize adjective, of course, tells you how big or small adjective, of course, tells you how big or small something is. something is. Examples:Examples:large, tiny, enormous, littlelarge, tiny, enormous, little Age Age

An An ageage adjective tells you how young or old something adjective tells you how young or old something or someone is. or someone is. Examples:Examples:ancient, new, young, oldancient, new, young, old

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 3: Adjective order

The basic types of adjectives (2)The basic types of adjectives (2)

A A shapeshape adjective describes the shape of adjective describes the shape of something. Examples:something. Examples:square, round, flat, rectangularsquare, round, flat, rectangular Color Color

A A colorcolor adjective, of course, describes the color of adjective, of course, describes the color of something. Examples:something. Examples:blue, pink, reddish, greyblue, pink, reddish, grey Origin Origin

An An originorigin adjective describes where something adjective describes where something comes from. Examples:comes from. Examples:

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 4: Adjective order

A A materialmaterial adjective describes what something is adjective describes what something is made from. Examples:made from. Examples:wooden, metal, cotton, paperwooden, metal, cotton, paper Purpose Purpose

A A purposepurpose adjective describes what something is adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end with "-ing". used for. These adjectives often end with "-ing". Examples: Examples: sleeping (as in "sleeping bag"), roasting sleeping (as in "sleeping bag"), roasting (as in "roasting tin")(as in "roasting tin")

The basic types of adjectives (3)The basic types of adjectives (3)

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 5: Adjective order

Some examples of adjective order

Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose

a silly old English man

a huge round metal bowl

a small red sleeping bag

The basic types of adjectives (4)The basic types of adjectives (4)

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María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 6: Adjective order


Which is the correct order?

A small Canadian thin lady

A Canadian small thin lady

A small thin Canadian lady

A thin small Canadian lady

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 7: Adjective order

ExercisesExercisesWhich is the correct order?

a carving steel new knife

a new steel carving knife

a steel new carving knife

a new carving steel knife

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 8: Adjective order

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

ExercisesExercisesUse the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.Use the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.

Page 9: Adjective order

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

ExercisesExercisesUse the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.Use the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.

Page 10: Adjective order

ExercisesExercisesUse the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.Use the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC

Page 11: Adjective order

ExercisesExercisesUse the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.Use the information given in the previous slides to describe the picture.

María Irene Albers de UrriolaMA in Applied Linguistics USBSpecialist in Computer Technology in Education UC