adeptia partner program guide · 2014-10-09 · includes accessing data rapidly across many...

Leading the Revolution Integration Your business problems have changed. Why hasn’t your integration solution? ADEPTIA PARTNER PROGRAM GUIDE PARTNER SOLUTIONS

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Page 1: AdepTiA pArTner progrAm gUide · 2014-10-09 · includes accessing data rapidly across many disparate channels through one single platform for actionable insights. Adeptia is one

Leading the

RevolutionIntegrationYour business problems have changed.Why hasn’t your integration solution?

AdepTiApArTner progrAmgUide


Page 2: AdepTiA pArTner progrAm gUide · 2014-10-09 · includes accessing data rapidly across many disparate channels through one single platform for actionable insights. Adeptia is one | © 2013, Adeptia, Inc.2

The AdepTiA STory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

pArTner progrAm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Service pArTnerS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Value Proposition


Technology pArTnerS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Value Proposition


pArTner level mATrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


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The Adeptia Story

As SaaS, mobile and Big Data converge, a $17.9 billion market opportunity for application integration has been created — and is even expected to grow to $2.8 billion by 2018. The BPM market is forecast to grow to a value of $8.3 billion by the end of 2019. As a result of this convergence, a complex IT challenge has been created. Today there are literally millions of disparate applications on mobile, the desktop, in the supply chain, and throughout business operations. There is a growing need for a company to have a singular view of its data and applications to make better business decisions. One of the biggest challenges as a result of this convergence, is the lack of visibility across all data and processes. Adeptia, as a proven enterprise software platform for the mass market, is in a position to help capture a large share of this growing opportunity.

Through it’s powerful platform, Adeptia provides real time end to end visibility for decision makers. It’s portfolio sits at the intersection of four growing and merging markets — data integration, business process management, application integration, and B2B integration. It works with more than 400 leading mid-size companies to increase revenue and reduce costs by enabling the collaboration and sharing of data within and outside of the enterprise.

With a single platform and easy-to-use interface, Adeptia empowers both business and IT professionals to deliver real business value instead of managing their day-to-day big data challenges. Adeptia’s mission is to help companies of all sizes view exchange and automate critical data with partners, customers and vendors in the cloud and on premise.

Adeptia solves the biggest challenge in IT today — the complex integration and process-orchestration needs of the new cloud era. By standardizing and automating disparate data and applications, Adeptia’s powerful technology takes the pain out of manual processes to create more efficient and flexible operations.

Adeptia has a proven track record as a leader in the growing business integration and business process management industry. Its innovative business process based based approach helps companies save time and valuable resources on IT projects, while helping drive additional revenue streams. Businesses using Adeptia software are more competitive and efficient.


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Simplified, process-Based Approach

Adeptia’s enterprise platform for the mass market has been deployed in business-critical environments by marquee customers and Fortune 1000 companies. Adeptia takes a simplified approach to helping companies build automated business processes that have hard, complex integration challenges. This includes accessing data rapidly across many disparate channels through one single platform for actionable insights.

Adeptia is one of only 6 technology companies that are named in both of Gartner’s 2013 Magic Quadrants — a visionary in the Magic Quadrant for “On-Premises Application Integration Suites” and “niche” in the 2013 “Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools” report. Adeptia’s ETL, ESB, BPM and B2B enterprise solutions power entire business organizations allowing for faster time to market. It simplifies the complexity of today’s multiple disparate technologies and languages.

Adeptia’s easy to use, codeless software works across multiple operating systems and environments . Adeptia’s technology simplifies the painful integration process, allowing iT to focus on more strategic projects . With Adeptia, companies and iT staffs no longer need to change their existing architecture to undertake complex application integration projects .


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Benefits of partnership

Partners help Adeptia deliver more value, to more customers across the globe. Members of the Adeptia Partner Program expand their reach and capabilities with the leading business integration solution, grow their businesses with new paths to revenue and profit from both on-premise and could-based sales and consulting engagements.

Connecting people, processes and technology, it’s our core business. The Adeptia Partner Program is designed to do just that. Whether your organization joins the program as a Strategic Alliance Partner, Global SI Partner, Channel Partner, ISV or OEM Partner, you know you’re working with an innovative software company that will broaden your footprint and market share.

Adeptia offers our partners everything they need to expand, grow and profit with leading business integration solutions, both on-premise and in the cloud . From sales and pre-sales support to training and marketing assistance, we are committed to your success .


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Service partners

Adeptia offers Systems Integrators and ISV partners many opportunities to complement and diversify their business. The program has been designed to build a close network of relationships with leading software and services companies to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, while increasing shared client base.

Adeptia invites SIs to partner with Adeptia and capitalize on its unique business process management technology and resources to expand on their revenue and opportunity. As partners, SIs and Adeptia will work together to offer compelling solutions and services that allow for expansion of targeted markets and lead to mutual business success.

value proposition

Adeptia offers our partners everything they need to expand, grow and profit. From sales and pre-sales support to training and marketing assistance, we are committed to your success. Adeptia promises SI Partners looking to build business processes, mapping, and/or integration solutions for lifelong happy customers.

•Morerevenuebyprovidingconsultingservicesindeployingtheleadingintegrationsolution to existing customers





This is due in part to Adeptia’s…






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•Abilitytoofferdiverseservicestocustomers:WithAdeptia’scomprehensivetechnologyplatform, partners can quickly and easily create industry based or client-specific solutions.



•Abilitytoproductizeindustryexpertisebyconvertingdomainknowledgeintoreusable, process-based, high-value solutions that can be offered to customers for rapid deployment and faster rOI.







•ExclusiveaccesstoAdeptiaPartnerPortalthatprovidessalestools,successstoriesandreviewsfrom top rated publications

•AdeptiaexecutiveleadershiplistenstoitsPartnersandincorporatestheirfeedbackintofutureproduct direction and business planning decisions.

•WeofferpartnersadedicatedAllianceManagertohelpbuildskills,driveleads,andclosedeals— putting you in the driver’s seat to be successful.


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Technology partners

ISV and OEM partners work together with Adeptia to offer compelling products and services that facilitate expansion of targeted markets and lead to mutual business success. Adeptia enables technology partners to integratetheirproductswiththeircustomers’existingapplications,resultingin:

•Morelicenserevenuebymakingtheirproductsmoreunique,attractiveandvaluablefortheircustomerswhen paired with Adeptia’s integrated BPI, BPM and Web services technology.

•Enhancementoftheirsolutionswiththeindustry’smostcompleteBPMsolutionthatuniquelycombines robust integration and effective process management capabilities.



value proposition

•Integrationframework:Adeptiacanbebundledwitharangeofpartnersolutionstoofferclientsaquickand easy framework for seamless information flow between software applications within and across the business enterprises.

•Competitivelypricedcomprehensivetechnology:Enterprise,partnerintegrationandbusinessprocessmanagement technologies at a fraction of cost compared to any similar products in the market.

•Fasteron-boardingofcustomers:‘Configure,not-code’approachenablesnewcustomerstobeprovisioned and turned-on more quickly by simplifying the time consuming integration activities.

•ProvidemorevalueandfasterreturnoninvestmentbyintegratingISVapplicationswiththeback-endsystems of their customers.

•ElegantwayforApplicationserviceproviders(ASPs)orHostedapplicationstoprovidedataexchangeand synchronization of the hosted software functionality with their customers’ existing systems that reside behind their firewalls. This eliminates problems related with multiple data copies, manual data entry and the online applications not being in sync with the other systems.

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•Co-innovatewitharecognizablebrand:Adeptiahasmorethan10yearsofexperienceinrunningmission-critical applications.

•EmbeddingAdeptiasoftwarecanhelpdifferentiateandenhancethevalueofyourofferingsthroughan improved end user experience, translating into new revenue streams, faster sales cycles, and higher retention and user adoption rates.

•Comprehensiveenterprise,partnerintegrationsolutionsatalowcostascomparedtoanysimilarproducts in the market.





•ExclusiveaccesstoAdeptiaPartnerPortalthatprovidessalestools,successstoriesandreviewsfrom top rated publications

•AdeptiaexecutiveleadershiplistenstoitsPartnersandincorporatestheirfeedbackintofutureproductdirection and business planning decisions.

•WeofferpartnersadedicatedAllianceManagertohelpbuildskills,driveleads,andclosedeals— putting you in the driver’s seat to be successful.

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Adeptia Partner Program Benefits Platinum Gold Authorized


Pre-qualified Leads Access to qualified leads prioritized by your region, program authorization and certification level.

• •

Deal registration register your major deals to obtain pre-sales volume discounts and special account exclusivity.

• •

Volume Discount Back-end rebates available for achieving volume requirements. higher authoriza-tion levels receive greater discounts.

Partner Locator reseller lookup, prioritized by region and certificationlevel(higherqualifiedresell-erslistedfirsttorewardcommitment).

• • •

Not for resale Units NFr units are availabe at a discount to partners and their employees, allowing you to benefit from Adeptia’s products at work and home.

• •

JointPromotions Participate in joint regional promotions including promotional e-mails, ads, events, etc. Easy to use portal includes direct support access and easy to use form to request MDF participation for proposed joint activities.

• •

relationship Management

Adeptia will review the Partner’s Business Plan, coordinate demand creation activities for Partner’s specific geography.

• • •

Effective Communications

Montly Newsletter and E-mails

This is not spam, but valuable information requested by our partners, includes special announcements, applicable alliance deals, updatedQ&Aandnewsalestools.

• • •

Partner Program Contact

you can talk to the Partner Program Manager by phone or e-mail if you need to know anything about the Partner Program, or have any problems or suggestions.

• • •

reseller Forum (ComingSoon)

have a question about configuration, sales strategies, or overcoming objections? Visit the reseller forum to post your questions and view responses from support and resellers around the country.

• • •


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Adeptia Partner Program Benefits Platinum Gold Authorized

On-line Portal resource

Market Information Learn market trends to determine which verticals to target, what they prefer and more. • • •

Competitive Analysis

review the latest matrix that shows how Adeptia products compare to the competition. Great resource if you’re in a competitive bid and need to de-position the competition.

• • •

Sales Tools As available, you can access PDF product slicks, sample ad and e-mail templates, white papers, PowerPoint presentations, configuration guides, and case studies.

• • •

Free Training Get up to speed on the product, sales approach and installation within the classroom training which would be free for the partners

• • •

Pre-release Tools Don’t be the last one to try out the new products. Order an eval to test and get up to speed with new products before they hit the street. Notification of availability is available within the on-line partner portal.

• •

Certification register for our future certification program to become an expert at all aspects of database development. This additional qualification offers a higher authorization level which provides additional margins to reward you for your expertise and commitment.

• •

Priority reseller Tech Support

Contact the Partner Program Manager and go straight to the top of the queue for quick tech support.

• • •

Pre-Sales Support Adeptia will work with the Partners for Pre-Sales activities and assist in closing business. • • •

Certified Adeptia Experts

Number of dedicated and certified experts on Adeptia

10 5 2

Partner Program Fee Annual Partner Program Fee $25,000 $10,000 $5,000

Partner Discount The discount offered to the Partners 35% 25% 15%


Page 12: AdepTiA pArTner progrAm gUide · 2014-10-09 · includes accessing data rapidly across many disparate channels through one single platform for actionable insights. Adeptia is one | © 2013, Adeptia, Inc. | © 2013, Adeptia, Inc.

Become A pArTnerTo become a partner or for more information about the Adeptia Alliance Program, please contact our Alliance Manager at 312-229-1727 x114 or email [email protected].