
ADENDUM (IV) Rev. is just coming out from the castle of the Mary’s statue when Ogbuoja appears with vehemence. The mystic force he exudes hauls rev. on the ground and he hits his head on the pavement and blood oozes out. He shields himself with his bible, quelling the force a bit. Ogbuoja launches another one on him as he tries to stand and it carries him into the castle. His head spins. He groans and grumbles (Ogbuoja strikes him again with his ofo ora. He starts scratching his body on the ground grumbling). Mother of Christ, don’t let this happen… don’t let this happen… (The statue starts shedding blood. Dove flies down on his head and smoke roams the castle. He springs up with his bible). No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper in Jesus Name. I come against you agent of darkness. I bind you …I chain you… I cast you into the bottomless pit. (As Ogbuoja strikes the air to unleash power on him, he forwards the bible moving God’s glory in power on Ogbuoja. He staggers about in mystic effort to gain balance. He directs t he power on Rev. but he counters it with the holy ghost power. Holy ghost power lifts Ogbuoja up and lashes him on the ground. He starts screaming and touching parts of his body. He vanishes. Rev. runs to the statue and begins to pray. Ogbuoja falls into his shrine disarrayed, rolling on the ground in pain and agony of defeatism. His acolyte tries to revive his state with conjuration and application of some charms. Holy ghost power storms its shrine and his acolyte tries to counter it but it strikes him down and fire descended on the shrine and consumes whole thing. ADENDUM (V) As Rev. is with Margaret in the car, a mystic force strikes him from the side and he yells, screeches the car to a stop and falls out of the car. Ogbuoja appears. Margaret hides behind the car. They challenge with mystic power. He defeats Ogbuoja and he vanishes. He does the sign of the cross and enters the car. Margaret hurries into the car with fear. As Ogide and Okangba are just stepping out, Chijiekwu rises in fury after them. Okechukwu is stunned.

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Post on 21-May-2017




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Rev. is just coming out from the castle of the Mary’s statue when Ogbuoja appears with

vehemence. The mystic force he exudes hauls rev. on the ground and he hits his head on the

pavement and blood oozes out. He shields himself with his bible, quelling the force a bit. Ogbuoja

launches another one on him as he tries to stand and it carries him into the castle. His head spins.

He groans and grumbles (Ogbuoja strikes him again with his ofo ora. He starts scratching his body

on the ground grumbling).

Mother of Christ, don’t let this happen… don’t let this happen… (The statue starts shedding blood.

Dove flies down on his head and smoke roams the castle. He springs up with his bible).

No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper in Jesus Name. I come against you agent

of darkness. I bind you …I chain you… I cast you into the bottomless pit.

(As Ogbuoja strikes the air to unleash power on him, he forwards the bible moving God’s glory in

power on Ogbuoja. He staggers about in mystic effort to gain balance. He directs t he power on

Rev. but he counters it with the holy ghost power. Holy ghost power lifts Ogbuoja up and lashes

him on the ground. He starts screaming and touching parts of his body. He vanishes. Rev. runs to

the statue and begins to pray.

Ogbuoja falls into his shrine disarrayed, rolling on the ground in pain and agony of

defeatism. His acolyte tries to revive his state with conjuration and application of some charms.

Holy ghost power storms its shrine and his acolyte tries to counter it but it strikes him down and

fire descended on the shrine and consumes whole thing.


As Rev. is with Margaret in the car, a mystic force strikes him from the side and he yells,

screeches the car to a stop and falls out of the car. Ogbuoja appears. Margaret hides behind the

car. They challenge with mystic power. He defeats Ogbuoja and he vanishes. He does the sign of

the cross and enters the car. Margaret hurries into the car with fear.

As Ogide and Okangba are just stepping out, Chijiekwu rises in fury after them. Okechukwu is


Chij - This is partiality. You shall pay for this (he unleashes a mystic power on them. They

fall viciously on the ground rolling in anguish of the power).

Oke - (Running towards him) Chijiekwu, this is unfair rebellion. (As Chijiekwu turns to face

him, the elders spring up and unleash theirs on him. He falls backwards with

anguish. Okwuoma runs out directing her own on the elders. They counter each

other. Chijiekwu rises and joins Okwuoma). Chijiekwu, stop this or I face you.

The elders fall furiously on the ground. Moaning in anguish. Okechukwu directs his

power on Okwuoma and Chijiekwu. They fall miserably on the ground. Okechukwu

goes to help the elders up. Okwuoma and Chijiekwu flaunts their power on them.

They fall miserably on the ground and then counter their power. They struggled.

Okechukwu opens wide his eyes in the fury and charm leaves his eyes and strikes

them. They fall down. Okwuoma is now pale and dying. As Chijiekwu tries to stand

up, Okechukwu unleashes another one on him. He stunts backwards with a

scream. The whole place quakes and Ogbuoja enters with thunderstom. He walks

furiously loath fully towards Okechukwu. The elders discharge their powers on him.

It falls on his chest with pain.

Ogbuoja - How dare you try to avert the decree of the gods.

Ogide - He is fulfillment of a prophecy. (He unleashes power on them and they fall.

Okechukwu unleashes a venomous power on Chijiekwu. He falls in pain.

Okechukwu directs his power on Ogbuoja and he falls painfully on the ground. As

they prepare to attack him again, they marvel as he gradually painfully falls down.

Fire descends on him and consumes him and he vanishes. They unleash it on

Chijiekwu as he toddles to his mother. The two of them scream in pain. Stretching

and fidgeting on the ground fire consumes them. They vanished.

Oke - (Turning to the elders) I have to go now. I have a mission to accomplish.

Okangba - Go in peace, my son (He leaves. They walks out).


Okamgba and Ogide are running effusively as a thunderstorm is rumbling after them. They fall and

ogbuoja appears before them in a fury.

Okamgba - Please, let us go. We did you no harm.

Ogide - What did we do? We shall apologize if you let us know.

Ogbuoja - I have a feeling that you are going to challenge my power. (They are terrified) soon;

pretty soon.

Ogide - It’s a lie.

Ogbuoja - I can see it in your eyes.

Okamgba - We will do no such thing

Ogbuoja - Shut up! (they startle) now, give me your ofala. I won’t regret it.

Ogide - But we can’t give away our ofala. It is death.

Ogbuoja - I give you four days to comply with me or I shall make you hang on the air when

you die (They panics. He viciously vanishes. They sprout up and run away).


Okamgba and Ogide are drinking palm wine in front of Ogide’s hut. They are panicking looking

around for safety once in a while. Ogbuoja appears with a thunderstorm and they

fall back in the fury.

Ogbuoja - You really want to dare me . What has kept you from remitting your ofalas with me.

Ogide - (fretting) we… we…

Ogbuoja - You dare too much (he flogs them with a mystic power. They fall blindly in anguish.

He flogs them more and more and they scream in the fury of the torrenting

torment). If by tomorrow you don’t remit your ofala with me , it shall be miserable

with you. (He spins and vanishes. They still groan and toss in pain).


Ogide and Okamgba are seated under a tree in a bush hysterical and panicking.

Ogide - Ogbuoja has sworn not to let us have peace of mind.

Okamgba - What did we even do to him? I’m not going to yield to his oppression.

Ogide - What do you intend to do?

Okamgba - I’m going to unmake him. Close up (They draw closer and Okamgba whispers

something into his ears. He is stunned).

Another part of the forest, they are set for a bloody ritual. There materials are set before them and

they have cocks each in his hand and colanut in the other hand. They start with incantation and

are soon possessed by a mystic spirit in the height of the ritual. They rove the cocks round their

heads severally and then with their teeth, chop open the throat and suck the blood muttering

incantation. They throw the cocks on the altar they formed with the ritual items. Gradually fire

consumes the altar as they still dance in their mystic possession yelling incantation.



They are seated in pots on a fire stead boiling on fire. Each eating from the whole of his fowl.


In front of Ogide’s hut.

Okamgba - I’m now set for him. If he comes again, I shall face him.

Ogide - I never knew you have his antidote and we were going through that oppression in

his hands.

Okamgba - There is always a start for everything.

Ogide - I’m happy we are finally free from his grip. Let’s drink to our freedom (They pour

their palm wine and drink).


Okamgba and Ogide are walking the path when the thunderstorm begins to rave as the swing

around for safety, Ogbuoja appears and unleashes mystic power on them. They fall back and

stand up firm again and unleash their powers on him. He receives it painfully and staggers.

Ogbuoja - You think you now have power to challenge me. Now take it.

Both - You can’t keep on persecuting us. We say no (As he directs his power on them,

they counter it with their own and the counter struggle lingers for so long. They all

fall on the ground panting exhaustedly. They weakly stand and challenge again. In

the fury of the powers, they stagger and fall on the ground again. On the ground

they challenge again, this time, they toss and kick on the ground. And then stopped.

Okamgba - It shall be a battle for another day (They remain pale on the ground).



As Ogbuoja is walking the path, ferociously the atmosphere is eerie and tensed accompanied with



He is conjuring powerful spiritual authority that is coercing the shrine into a mystic one. His acolyte

is seriously stirring a boiling pot producing smoke. He suddenly jilts and becomes observant as a

black smoke soars above his sight. There is a heavy thunderstorm. He sprout up and grabs his

scepter. A step forward, he vanishes with rumbling sound and smoke with lightening. His acolyte

starts dancing as he performs his duty (powerful line effects).


Rev. Echeganwa is about entering the vehicle when Ogbuoja appears and vehemently walks

towards him.

Rev. - Jesus Christ (furious).

Ogbuoja - Carrots ropes rods. Put your effort is to disrupt my verlict.

Rev. - Light and darkness have no relationship (sticking it to his rosary bracelet) I’m not

afraid of you for he in me is greater than he in the world.

Ogbuoja - (Laughs heinously) little children take snakes for ropes. Now have a cut of my

venom (He lifts his scepter towards him and the force waves him in bid to launch

him to the ground. He gains balance and stands back lifting his rosary bracelet

towards him.

Rev. - I came against the power in you in Jesus Name (Ogbuoja saunters about in the

power yelling incantation. He gains balance and jumps up, standing firm).

Ogbuoja - You are awakening the sleeping lion (He lifts his ofo towards and smoke enters his

eyes. He cries and searches for support. He strikes the air again with the ofor. The

rosary falls from his hand. He starts flogging him on the air. Rev. receives the

painful lashes screaming and slugging away. He strikes him again and the Bible in

his hand falls down. He falls down too. Ogbuoja closens up on him and lifts his

scepter to the sky and yells incantation force leaves the scepter and descends on

Rev. He screams.

Rev. - Jesus …! (The earth quakes and there is a powerful thunderstorm. Ogbuoja

saunters screaming. He vanishes. Rev. struggles for breath. A Mass-Servant who

hid in terror fearfully comes to his aid and helps him into the church.


In his flagged state, he perseveres into the shrine with a thunderstorm that welcomes his

reappearance. Rolling on the ground screaming for help. His acolyte picks another ofor from altar

and begins to conjure a force on him. The power that help him begins to dissolve with smoke up.

He begins to breath for relief.


Rev. Echeganwa is in the chapel praying when Ogbuoja appears with lightening.

Rev. - (Turning in wonder) in Jesus Name. the kingdom of darkness cannot prevail over

the children of God (Raising the chaplet towards him) in Jesus Name…

Ogbuoja - (Raises his staff towards him) ka… mechie onu. (His eyes blinds and he struggles

for steadiness. Positioning his bible as a shield. The power Ogbuoja is unleashing

is barred by the bible. They struggled with it as Ogbuoja wants to fall it from his

hands. The bible falls on the ground and the force pushes him down into the altar.

He starts muttering “Jesus Christ”. Ogbuoja gathers more power and unleashes on

him. He picks the bible again and shields it with it) What you don’t know is greater

than you. Quit trying to unmake what you don’t know its origin. Now take it (He

receives charm from the sky and launches it on him. He fidgeted on the ground and

coughs persistently and begins to spill blood from his mouth. Rolling on the ground.

Ogbuoja turns to gather another power with a conjuration. Rev. holds the bible


Rev. - My redeemer liveth forever. I shall not die. Be consumed by holy ghost fire (He

sticks out the bible and unleashes holy ghost power as Ogbuoja turns and

unleashes his own power. They hold themselves in the rumble of struggle. Ogbuoja

dodges the holy ghost power and unleashes another power on him. He lies flat on

the floor lifeless. Holy ghost glory recedes from the altar. On its sighs, Ogbuoja

hurries with a step and vanishes. The glory circulates the vicinity and clears out.


In his shrine

Okechukwu and Chijiekwu stagger in their dancing as Ogbuoja infuse them with mystic powers.

The power moves them as Ogbuoja charges them with the possession of supernatural power.

After the ritual, he orders them to go. They disappeared. He walks his way.


Chijiekwu is seen crying with his bag along the path.


He cries into the compound, Okwuoma is stunned to see him like that. She hurries to him and

coddles him.

Okwuoma - Chijiewu, what is it? Why are you crying? Where is Okechukwu?

Chijiekwu - Okechukwu refused to come back with me.

Okwuoma - What? What is his reason?

Chijiekwu - He said he was enjoying the fair treat me we were given there.

Okwuoma - (shrilled) he preferred their treatment to mine. He never harken to my cries. What a


Chijiekwu - It was a fierce combat. He pulled all the earthly powers on me with the backup of a

white God. They really ravaged me.

Okwuoma - (compassionately consoling him) its okay, my son. I must make sure that he has his

measure. Just come in and have your rest (They go in).


Chijiekwu is still furious over his encounter with Okechukwu.

Chijiekwu - Okechukwu had the guts to betray me and attacked with all the forces he could

gather in his disposal. I will not forgive him. I will fight him with the whole force, I

can lay my hands on. And even my blood!

Okwuoma - (stunned) Chijiekwu! This is serious. You don’t seem to ever want to forget this.

Chijekwu - Mama, you didn’t witness this. You won’t understand

Okwuoma - (compassionate) I understand how you feel. I feel it too for a son to deny me my

trust in him (pause) we shall visit Ogbuoja. He shall know what to do about it. Just

don’t worry so much (holding him).


Okwuoma and Chijiekwu are seated before Ogbuoja as he incantates. Furiously, he addresses


Ogbuoja - Since he has decided to exhume the faece of the cat, he shall perceive the acrid

odour (throw, his die) now, I shall empower you to revenge on him. You must not let

him have a peace of mind. Step forward. (He comes forward and Ogbuoja begin to

fortify him. Mystic power descends on him and moves him in stagger. He jolts and

walks out possessed by the power. Okwuoma looks in awe while Ogbuoja still

charges him to go).

Big Chijiekwu finds where their eggs were buried and exhumes them. He reluctantly

makes up his mind and takes Okechukwu’s egg with him.

Chijiekwu - With this, I can bring him back. Let me see how he is going to stay there without his

egg of life (He runs out).

Their battle


Chijiekwu runs to Ogbuoja with the egg.

Chijiekwe - Eyes of the gods, I got his egg of life.

Ogbuoja - You did well, my son. We shall use this to bring his soul back. What do you wish?

Chijiekwu - Let him die in that world and come back to this world.

Ogbuoja - That, I shall do (he begins to divine with incantation fortifies Chijiekwu and conjures

on the egg. Force enters it from the sky. He laughs heinously it is done.


Okechukwu and Chijiekwu are fiercely fighting.

Okechukwu - You must give me my egg of life.

Chijiekwu - I won’t. You must die. You promise to die with me.

Okechukwu - I won’t die with you. I changed my mind (the fighting goes on along the path way).


The are still sighting. Machete cut and blood spill all over their bodies. They stumble, exhausted of

fighting. Ogbuoja appears with fury of thunderstorm.

Ogbuaja - (stumping his staff into the ground) why do you seek to kill yourselves? Why do you

disagree over your initial pursuit?

Chijiekwu - He refused to come back as we earlier agreed.

Ogbuoja - Why?

Okechukwu - I changed my mind. They are good people and I can’t afford to hurt them.

Ogbuoja - That was not consistent in your initial agreement. You agreed to come back with

your brother after sometimes.

Okechukwu - I’m only being compassionate

Chijiekwu - Liar!

Ogbuoja - You are a betrayer. You must follow up the agreement to the last term. How you

deceived your brother.

Okechukwu - I did not deceive my brother.

Ogbuoja - (infuriated) you now imply that I’m a liar?

Okechukwu - No, I don’t. But you should consider their poor fate.

Ogbuoja - You ask for much. The order is come back or face my wrath!

Okechukwu - I don’t care what you might do. My sympathy on them will save me.

Chijiekwu - (furious) wise one, did you see it? Did you hear him (Ogbuoja furiously boiling with

anger. Chijiekwu rushes Okechukwu. They engage in another fierce fight. As

Ogbuoja raises his staff to strike Okechukwu, he screams “Jesus” and there is

lightening and thunderstorm and earthquake. They stagger and struggle for

steadiness. They vanished.


Chijiekwu falls in a bush in wonder and pain (what happened?)


Ogbuoja appears in his shrine panting furiously. His acolyte attends to him with awe.

Ogbuoja - That was too much. That name, what is in it?


Okechukwu falls on the bed shattered and gasping. He is full of wonder (This is not a small battle)


Ogbuoja after incantation in his shrine.

Ogbuoja - I’m going to make sure he never have peace of mind. He must come back (he

stands and vanishes).

C & R


Rev. is lying on the flow in his house meditating when sudden wind begins to storm the house. He

startles up in wonder. Chijiekwu appears sitting on a cushion weeping.

Chijiekwu - You are only tenacious in destroying my effort to take my pound of flesh.

Rev. - (stunned) who are you and what is your mission

Chijiekwu - Okechukwu must die. That was our agreement. Steer clear.

Rev. - The kingdom of darkness cannot prevail over the children of God. Light and

darkness have no relationship. Go back to wherever you came from.

Chijiekwu - My mission here must be accomplished and not even you can stop me.

Rev. - You are a liar (he begins to pray, sticking his chaplet towards him. Chijiekwu strikes

him. He bars it with the bible and unleash holy ghost power on him, the struggle

lingers and then Chijiekwu vanishes. He breaths for relieve and sings unto the



Chijiekwu appears with a whirlwind on the path road. Swindles around trots dockingly and takes a

step forward and vanishes with whirlwind.


He reappears in the main city with the same fury as Okechukwu is walking on the road. He

receives a mystic cutlass from the air and begins to pursue him. On seeing him, Okechukwu

begins to run.


Any encounter between Chijiekwu and Okechukwu both in the spiritual and physical world, should

be converted to challenges with mystic powers.

C & R


Chijiekwu is pursuing Rev. with tongue of fire. As he launches it on him, he stumbles and falls. As

he stands to run, he launches another one on him and he stumbles and falls. He is muttering

“Jesus Christ!” in the encounter.


Rev. prouts up in the fury on his bed and begins to pray fervently.