address book


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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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B.Siva Rushi

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• In this project we are going to build a software model for A SIMPLE ADDRESS BOOK.

• Our main aim of this project is to store the address data of N number of persons and arrange them by using their names and other formats like sort by zip, name.

• By this Address Book Application we are going to store the details of people.

• It mainly contains the following details• Create a address book, Add a person, Edit a

person, Delete a person, Sorting the entries, Open existing address book

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Back ground Work:• The software to be designed is a program that can

be used to maintain an address book. • An address book holds a collection of entries,

each recording a person's first and last names, address, city, state, zip, and phone number.

• The most important entries to add to a new entry are the Name and zip code

• The name entry shows up as a "friendly" name, but there are lots of spaces to fill in(like home address, working address, home & work phone & fax numbers etc…)

• The address book actually has 3 special components;

Sort by name & sort by zip and autosave.  

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Requirements• User Requirements:• It must be possible to add a new person to an

address book, to edit existing information about a person , to delete a person.

• It must be possible to sort the entries in the address book alphabetically by last name (with ties broken by first name if necessary), or by ZIP code (with ties broken by name if necessary).

• It must be possible to print out all the entries in the address book in "mailing label" format.

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Functional Requirements:• If the user chooses the New or Open menu option, any

current address book will be closed before creating/opening a new one.

• In this case, New and Open will result in creating a new window, without affecting the current window.

• The program will keep track of whether any changes have been made to an address book since it was last saved, and will offer the user the opportunity to save changes when an address book is closed either explicitly or as a result of choosing to create/open another or to quit the program.

• The program will provide the features like sort by name or zip

• Colorful appearance to make the user satisfactory and system is fast without any delay.

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Non-Functional Requirements:

• Security for confidential details.• Proper design of the system and

its architecture.• Accessing to the system is very

fast.• Good performance and


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System Requirements:

• The main functionality of the software is generating the details of a particular person by sorting in the order of name or by zip.

• Updating the software when ever a new changes occur

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Domain Requirements:

•  Even a person who don't have much idea about how to use the software should also be able to use it very easily.

• There shall not be any new user who will see the private and protected contents without the permission of the administrator.

• There shall be an interface which shall provide the information in proper, simple and in readable format.

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Critical System Specification

• Risk Driven Specification:• Its objective is to understand the

risks faced by the system and generate dependability requirements to cope with them.

• The major risks in the system was may be the software works slowly i.e. takes lots of time to perform the operations, stored data may loss, etc..

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Risk identification:

• The possible risks in a address book system can be:

• There can be overlapping of similar names & Zip code.

• The person may not be available in particular address.

• There should not be more details about the person.• The system may be stopped working in middle.• The system cannot be store more details than the

available once• The address book memory size may be lower.• Address or the details may be wrong.

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• We need to make this analysis to understand whether a risk is a serious threat to the system or environmental and to provide a basis for deciding the resources that should be used to manage the risk

• The above risks can be categorized as…



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RISK DECOMPOSITION: • Risk decomposition is the process of identifying the

root causes of risks in a particular system. Risk analysis can be deductive or inductive.

RISK REDUCTION MANAGEMENT: • There are three possible strategies that we can use

here are • 1)Risk avoidance :The system is designed so that

the risk or hazard cannot arise. • 2)Risk detection and removal: The system is

designed so that if risks arise and are detected they should be neutralized before they result in an accident.

• 3)Damage limitation: The system is designed so that the consequences of an accident are minimized.

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Safety Specification:

• The safety critical system is designed and implemented such that there cannot be any accidents due to system hardware failure.

• Safety must also be managed during the operation and the maintenance of the system.

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Security specification:

• Security analysis is based around the assets to be protected and the value it offers to an organization. A possible security specification process has three basic processes.

They are:

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Asset Identification: • Here the asset can be a person data

which is limited to his/her usage.• This should be encrypted in order to

prevent them from malicious programs and database has to hidden.

Threat analysis and risk assessment: • As mentioned above these possible threats

has to be eliminated by possible means the address book user have to be encrypted using encryption techniques and the algorithm should be kept hidden, database has to hidden.

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Threat assignment: • For an identified threat there

should be an associated asset (here assets include the data/algorithm/user).

Technology analysis: •  The available techniques of the

modern technology has to be used. Some of them are powerful anti-virus to protect the system from spyware and malware.

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Reliability:Hardware reliability: We need to check the level of hardware failure in a system. In this system the probability of hardware failure is more compared to other systems but it should not be neglected.Software reliability: Software failures are different from hardware failures in that software does not wear out. It can continue operating correctly after producing the incorrect result. In this system there can be failure in the system due to data errors, same names for persons, same pins can be assigned to the people , linking of the database with the system etc….

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• Operator reliability:• Admin unknowingly might make


• The User/person might unknowingly give wrong inputs.

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Software Process Model:

• Software Process Model is an abstract representation of a software process. Each process model represents a process from a particular perspective, and thus provides only partial information about that process.

• The model used in this project is Component-based software engineering

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Why this model..??

• We used this model for our model because we need reusability of code

• As we use the address book so many times the code should be able to run it as many of times .. So we chooses this model..

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• the three important parts of component

based software engineering are:1)Component analysis:• It takes into consideration the basic

components required by any system for proper functionality and data flow.

• The components that can be taken into consideration in this system are

• Actors- The actors in our system is the user.Database- which includes the list of persons , the we going to sort the entries such as by name or by zip.

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2) Requirements modification: • As stated the basic requirement of this

system is the database which holds the address details of the people details along with the name and zip.

3) System design with reuse:  • Here the concept of reusability is best

utilized. The existing framework . • Here the code used for interface design

is reused along with the data linkage that is the data linked to the people can be edited any number of times and any number of new users can be edited and deleted.

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System testing:

Software testing process has 2goals • 1.To demonstrate to the developer

and the customer that the software meets its requirements .

• 2.To discover faults and defects in the system where the behavior of the software is incorrect, undesirable or does not conform to its specification.

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Software Testing:

• A)Component Testing:  • 1) Test whether the software can hold high amount of

data in its database. • 2) Test the reaction time taken for a address to be

stored. • 3) Test the individual Software and Hardware

components of the working system. • 4) Testing all operations associated with an object • 5) Setting and interrogating all object attributes • 6) Composite components with defined interfaces used

to access their functionality. •  

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B) System Testing:  • 1) Test the login mechanism to check that only

administrator can use when it is locked, else every one can access it when unlocked.

• 2) Test the search facility using different queries against known sources to check that the search mechanism is actually finding the required data relevant to the user input.

• 3) Test the mechanism to request permission for sharing and receiving data and business cards from other.

• 4) Test whether the data stored on a particular name is stored properly and can retrieve back when needed.

• 5) Test that whether it can be updated when ever a new changes takes place.  


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• Performance testing: • Test the Performance of the System

because performance is the only thing which most people will expect from any software more than the look and feel.

• Performance tests usually involve planning a series of tests where the load is steadily increased until the system performance becomes unacceptable.

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System Design and Architecture:

• The system is designed based on the architectural and system characteristics:

• 1)It’s designed such that it will produce better performance.

 • 2)Offers better security through RSA-Encryption

technique. • 3)It’s is a safety system no loss of life etc….. • 4)Ease of maintenance through time to time updates

of the system.

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• The Architectural model used is the Repository

model • The repository model Sub-systems must exchange


• This may be done in two ways: Shared data is held in a central database or repository and may be accessed by all subsystems;

 • Each sub-system maintains its own database and

passes data explicitly to other sub-systems. • When large amounts of data are to be shared, the

repository model of sharing is most commonly used.

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Verification &Validation:

• Verification and validation are not the same thing.

They can be termed as• Verification : “Are we building the

right product?”• Validation : “Are we building the

product right?”

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Verification :• Verify that the new,open,save,delete and other

functions of the software is working properly.• Verify does the software reaches specifications .• Only the stored data members of system can edit or

Delete the above mentioned several topics so, this should be verified.

• Verification involves checking that the software confirms to its specifications.

 • We should check that the software meets its specified

functional and non functional requirements. • Here our project on address book meets all its

specified functional and non functional requirements

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Validation :

• The aim of validation is to ensure that the software system meets the customer’s expectations.

• It mainly reflects that did the software actually satisfies the user.

•  • The ultimate goal of the verification and

validation process is to establish confidence that the software system is “fit for purpose”.

• This means that the software is good enough for the intended use.


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• Thus the simple address book system developed provides the user a basic address book which is used to store the details of the persons.

• The special functions or operations in it are auto save,sorting.

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