addition and subtraction

Addition and Subtracti on Candice Stephan

Upload: candicestephan

Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction

Candice Stephan

Page 2: Addition and Subtraction

Jack has 7 cookies. Jamie gives him 5 more. How many cookies does he have altogether?

+ = 12

Page 3: Addition and Subtraction

4 birds were singing on a branch. 3 more flew into join them. How many bird are on the branch?

+ = 7

Page 4: Addition and Subtraction

7 monkeys were jumping on the bed. 4 fell off. How many are left?

- = 3

Page 5: Addition and Subtraction

Some cupcakes were sitting on the kitchen counter. 3 had frosting and 6 did have frosting. How many cupcakes were on the counter?

+ = 9

Page 6: Addition and Subtraction

Ashley had 10 shirts. She gave 4 away. How many shirts does she have left?

- = 6

Page 7: Addition and Subtraction

7 birds were singing on a branch. Some flew home. Now there are 3. How many birds went home?

- =4

Page 8: Addition and Subtraction

Sam had some toy trucks. He got 3 more for his birthday. Now he has 5. How many toy trucks did he already have?


Page 9: Addition and Subtraction

Sarah had 7 candy corn. Sam took 2 candy corn. How many candy corn does Sarah have left?

- = 5

Page 10: Addition and Subtraction

Jill had some oreos. Jack ate 5. Now there are 3 left. How many oreos were there to begin with?
