addendum #1 to contract documents 1 - 19-03-377 final.pdf · year project timeline would be more...

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377 Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 1 ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS **This Addendum MUST be acknowledged via the “Addendum Acknowledgement Form” in ITB** Date: April 3, 2019 Bid # and Title: RFQ #19-03-377 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan Bid Due Date: April 23, 2019 @ 10:00 am EST TO ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: Bidders, for the above referenced project, shall take note of the following revisions, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. relative to the RFQ, which in accordance with the Contract Documents shall become a part of and have precedence over anything shown or described otherwise. Revisions Phone number for the direct point of contact is corrected to (954) 597-4718. Correction to “# of Pages” on Page 11 of the bid documents: o Tab D. References & Reference Check Surveys corrected to four (4) pages o Tab E. Location corrected to one (1) page o Tab F. Licensure & Certification corrected to not limit a # of pages The timeline for the completion of the Transition Plan is revised to separate Facilities/Programs (Phase I) and Right-of-Ways (Phase II). o Phase I: The Transition Plan for Facilities/Programs is expected to be completed and provided within six (6) months of the Notice to Proceed. This Transition Plan should provide two (2) lists (5-year and 10-year) prioritizing Facilities/Programs improvements. Facilities/Programs, include but are not limited to: Administrative Policies City Buildings City Programs Park & Recreational Facilities Public Parking Lots

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Page 1: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377

Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 1


**This Addendum MUST be acknowledged via the “Addendum Acknowledgement Form” in ITB**

Date: April 3, 2019

Bid # and Title: RFQ #19-03-377 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan

Bid Due Date: April 23, 2019 @ 10:00 am EST


Bidders, for the above referenced project, shall take note of the following revisions, additions, deletions, clarifications, etc. relative to the RFQ, which in accordance with the Contract Documents shall become a part of and have precedence over anything shown or described otherwise. Revisions Phone number for the direct point of contact is corrected to (954) 597-4718.

Correction to “# of Pages” on Page 11 of the bid documents:

o Tab D. References & Reference Check Surveys corrected to four (4) pages

o Tab E. Location corrected to one (1) page

o Tab F. Licensure & Certification corrected to not limit a # of pages

The timeline for the completion of the Transition Plan is revised to separate Facilities/Programs (Phase I) and Right-of-Ways (Phase II).

o Phase I: The Transition Plan for Facilities/Programs is expected to be completed and provided within six (6) months of the Notice to Proceed. This Transition Plan should provide two (2) lists (5-year and 10-year) prioritizing Facilities/Programs improvements. Facilities/Programs, include but are not limited to:

Administrative Policies City Buildings City Programs Park & Recreational Facilities Public Parking Lots

Page 2: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377

Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 2

o Phase II: The City agrees to allow flexibility up to one (1) year of the Notice to Proceed for the completion of the Transition Plan for Right-of-Ways. This Transition Plan should provide two (2) lists (5-year and 10-year) prioritizing right-of-ways improvements. Right-of-Ways, include but are not limited to,:

Intersections Pedestrian Facilities Roadways Sidewalks Transit Stops


Place a copy of pricing in Original Bid Proposal ONLY. A copy of pricing should not be in any of the six (6) required copies.

#14 - Water Treatment Plant/Parks & Public Works Storage, added to CNL Facilities Location Map

(see attached for revised map).

Clarifications Tab A. Company Overview & Team Description is suggested to be two (2) pages. If resumes are

included, this does not count towards the two (2) page count.

#11 - Parks Field Office, is already on the CNL Facilities Location Map, no need to add an additional location for this facility title.

Monitoring & Reporting is expected to be provided by the Consultant in the form of a procedure

and an interactive GIS database. A web based interactive application is desirable. The GIS database should be developed with featured layers:

o Traffic signals

o Intersections

o Roadways

o Sidewalks

o Curb Ramps

o Public Buildings/Facilities and associated amenities for physical accessibility components

o Any other feature(s) not mentioned above but required for ADA compliance

The layers should be attributed in a way that the City can monitor and report Transition Plan findings.

Page 3: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377

Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 3

Responses to Questions

ACAI Associates, Inc


1. Clarify the references to Bidder in General Conditions. IS Bidder intended to mean Consultant?

Yes, Bidder is intended to mean Consultant.

2. Clarify references to Contractor in General

Conditions. Is Contractor intended to mean Consultant?

Yes, Contractor is intended to mean Consultant.

3. Regarding General Conditions: Item 13 to 40.

Confirm these paragraphs regarding permit and construction phase services do not apply to the consultant phase scope of work to develop an ADA Transition Plan as defined in this RFQ.

Paragraphs 13-25 of the General Conditions do not apply to the scope of work for the above referenced RFQ. The Consultant Phase to develop an ADA Transition Plan will not include permitting or construction. The Consultant must adhere to Paragraphs 26-40.

4. May a firm submit as prime consultant and also

as a sub consultant on another team?

Yes, a firm may submit as a prime consultant on one proposal and as a sub consultant on another. All required documentation and information should still be submitted for both.

5. Does the city have any self-evaluation records

of known or suspected ADA deficiencies of physical space or programming limitations?

No, the City does not have any self-evaluation records of physical space or programming limitations. The City does have suspected ADA deficiencies of physical space but not programming limitations.

6. Provide a number of city programs to be included in the evaluation as a baseline for determining extent of services required.

The City estimates that the number of city programs is approximately 25-40. Upon award, a definition of city programs must be provided by the Consultant.

7. Provide guidance on maximum number of funding sources to be investigated by the consultant.

A maximum of ten (10) funding sources should be investigated by the Consultant.

8. Confirm that scope of work does not include

the consultant applying for funding sources for the project.

It is confirmed that the scope of work does not require the Consultant to apply for funding sources for the project. Consultant should still provide information for funding sources or grants.

Page 4: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377

Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 4

9. Provide guidance on frequency and extent of monitoring expected by the consultant. Is this to extend to the 5-year and 10-year project horizons?

The monitoring expected by the Consultant does not extend to the 5-year and 10-year project horizons. Monitoring and Reporting expectations are that the Consultant will develop an interactive database to be used by the City for ongoing monitoring.

Refer to Clarifications on Page 2 of this Addendum for additional information.

10. Confirm that Consultant’s attendance at City

Commission meetings is limited to the 6 month duration of services and one presentation of the final ADA Transition Plan to City Commission and City Manager. Identify any additional meetings or workshops that may be required by the city.

Refer to “IV. Scope of Work, #6 – Presentation of Findings” for required meetings. A maximum of 30 meetings is anticipated.

Refer to Revisions on Page 1 of this Addendum for revision of project timeline.


QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. For Tab A. Company Overview & Team

Description, it states that resumes are preferred for team members and sub consultants, but on page 11 under Method of Evaluation, it says that the Tab A. section should only be 2 pages. Do resumes count towards those 2 pages?

Resumes do not count towards the 2 pages. # of pages is a suggested # for providing the required overview and description.

2. Under Tab D. References and Reference check surveys, it states that we need to include the references form and 3 reference check surveys, but on page 11 under Method of Evaluation, it says that the Tab D. section should only be 1 page. Should this be four pages instead of 1 page?

Tab D. References and Reference Check Surveys should be four (4) pages to include all required documentation.

Page 5: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377

Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 5

3. On page 4 under project overview, the RFP mentions the miles of public roadway, number of public buildings, parks, and intersections. In addition to this information, can the City provide the number of sidewalk miles along public roadways?

a. Does the City have GIS shapefiles of the

public roadways and sidewalks? b. If not available, can the City provide an

estimated number of sidewalk miles so that all respondents can use the same information to determine their level of effort?

The City is not able to provide a specific number of sidewalk miles along public roadways.

The City has GIS shapefiles for public roadways but not sidewalks.

The estimated number of sidewalk miles is 72 miles.

4. On page 4 under project overview the RFP

mentions there are 460 intersections. Do all of the 460 intersections have sidewalk or pedestrian facilities passing through them? Only intersections with pedestrian facilities should be included in the evaluations.

All 460 intersections do not have pedestrian facilities through them. It is unknown the number of intersections that have sidewalk or pedestrian facilities passing through them. It is the Consultant’s responsibility to locate and evaluate only intersections with pedestrian facilities.

5. Are any of the 460 intersections signalized? If

so, how many?

Yes, 23 of the 460 intersections are signalized.

6. How many transit stops should be assumed for the evaluations?

Twenty-five (25) transit stops should be assumed for the evaluation.

7. Can the City provide the number and location (i.e., map or address) of the public parking lots?

The City does not have offsite, free standing parking lots. Please refer to the CNL Facilities and Parks Maps provided to identify public parking lots.


Page 6: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions

ADA Transition Plan RFQ #19-03-377

Finance Department Addendum #1 Page 6

Tindale Oliver


1. The City has requested a very short turnaround for this project. Based on our experience with projects of similar size, due to the extensive right-of-way required to be assessed, a one year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule?

Refer to Revisions on Page 1 of this Addendum.

All other documents, specifications, drawings, terms and conditions remain the same.


(Revised) CNL Facilities Location Map


Page 7: ADDENDUM #1 TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1 - 19-03-377 FINAL.pdf · year project timeline would be more reasonable. Is there any flexibility on the project’s schedule? Refer to Revisions


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S SR 7

SW 81




N SR 7










SW 81


SW 81



S SR 7

SW 81




SW 81


CNL FacilitiesLocation Map


Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Florida East FIPS 0901 Ft USProjection: Transverse Mercator

Document Path: H:\CNL_Facilities_Location.mxd

Legend^̀ Facilities

City Boundary

0 1,000 2,000500Feet

ID FACILITIES ADDRESS1 Bicentennial Park 6100 Kimberly Blvd2 City Hall 701 SW 71st Ave3 Teen Center 701 SW 71st Ave4 Aquatic Center 701 SW 71st Ave5 Fire Station #34 6151 Bailey Rd6 Fire Station #44 7700 Hampton Blvd7 Champions Hall Community Center 6601 Blvd of Champions8 Community Affairs Center (CAC) 7765 SW 10th St9 Somerset Prep Academy 7101 Kimberly Blvd10 Public Works/Parks Storage SR7 & Turnpike11 Parks Field Office 881 SW 71st Ave12 Pompano Park 4100 Bailey Road13 Hampton Pines Park 7800 Hamptons Blvd14 Water Treatment Plant/Parks & Public Works Storage 701 SW 71st Ave