addendum #1, posted 7-21-20 rfp #20-014-04 …...addendum #1, posted 7-21-20 rfp #20-014-04 –...

Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals at this time? Are there any disagreements with the current provider of your audit services? Are you anticipating that the current audit service provider will propose? Answer As a governmental agency, the county is requesting proposals to provide transparency and gather interest. There are no disagreements with the current provider. It is unknown at this time if the current provider will propose. 2. We noted that on page 14 of the Request for Proposal, it is expected that the final reports are available for printing on or about June 15. However, in the past couple of fiscal years, it appears that the auditor’s reports were dated after this deadline. Please explain what conditions existed that delayed the finalization of the County’s Financial Statements or whether a different deadline was negotiated in the past. Answer This RFP is the first that makes reference to the June 15 deadline. The auditor’s reports in the past have been dated after this deadline due to late issuance of the final audit reports of our component units. The County’s goal is to have audit completed before the annual budget process begins in June. Both component units have agreed to move up their audit dates to assist the County with an earlier timeline. 3. On page 14 of the Request for Proposal, reference is made to a CAFR, which is typically known as a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. However, the additional sections that result in a CAFR (an alternative to the Annual Financial Report) would include an Introductory Section, with a Letter of Transmittal, as well as a Statistical Section. Is the County or the Landfill planning on preparing a CAFR in the future? Is the County or the Landfill interested in participating in the national Government Finance Officers’ Association’s Certificate of Achievement Program for Excellence in Financial Reporting? Answer At this time, neither the County nor the Maroco Landfill complete a CAFR. We however, may decide to participate in the future. 4. What does the County provide to the auditor for printing of the Financial Statements if they are currently prepared by the County? Are the underlying Microsoft Word and Excel files provided? Answer The County currently produces the basic financial statements through a CAFR module in Tyler Munis. All underlying files for these statements are available in Excel.

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Page 1: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question

1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals at this time? Are there any disagreements with the current provider of your audit services? Are you anticipating that the current audit service provider will propose?


As a governmental agency, the county is requesting proposals to provide transparency and

gather interest. There are no disagreements with the current provider. It is unknown at this

time if the current provider will propose.

2. We noted that on page 14 of the Request for Proposal, it is expected that the final reports are available for printing on or about June 15. However, in the past couple of fiscal years, it appears that the auditor’s reports were dated after this deadline. Please explain what conditions existed that delayed the finalization of the County’s Financial Statements or whether a different deadline was negotiated in the past.


This RFP is the first that makes reference to the June 15 deadline. The auditor’s reports in the

past have been dated after this deadline due to late issuance of the final audit reports of our

component units. The County’s goal is to have audit completed before the annual budget

process begins in June. Both component units have agreed to move up their audit dates to

assist the County with an earlier timeline.

3. On page 14 of the Request for Proposal, reference is made to a CAFR, which is typically known as a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. However, the additional sections that result in a CAFR (an alternative to the Annual Financial Report) would include an Introductory Section, with a Letter of Transmittal, as well as a Statistical Section. Is the County or the Landfill planning on preparing a CAFR in the future? Is the County or the Landfill interested in participating in the national Government Finance Officers’ Association’s Certificate of Achievement Program for Excellence in Financial Reporting?


At this time, neither the County nor the Maroco Landfill complete a CAFR. We however, may

decide to participate in the future.

4. What does the County provide to the auditor for printing of the Financial Statements if they are currently prepared by the County? Are the underlying Microsoft Word and Excel files provided? Answer The County currently produces the basic financial statements through a CAFR module in Tyler Munis. All underlying files for these statements are available in Excel.

Page 2: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

5. At the end of Attachments E and F, it is indicated that the County and Landfill are requesting a proposed additional cost for preparation of the financial statements. The items listed in the attachments do not appear to conform to include the additional sections of a CAFR, as indicated in question 3. Please clarify if these Attachments are requesting the additional cost of preparing a CAFR, or Financial Statements, for both the County and the Landfill.


The County is requesting the Auditor to propose two costs: the first cost is assuming Marinette

County produces the financial statements and the second cost is assuming the Auditor prepares

the financial statements.

6. Please provide the fee history for the past three years, separately for the County and the Landfill. Were there any additional fees for work performed outside the scope of the audit? Were you charged any additional fees for work that appears to be within the scope of the audit services?


The fee breakdown is below. There were no additional fees for work performed outside the

scope of the audit. There were no additional fees for work within the scope of the audit


Year Audited Marinette County MAROCO Landfill

2019 $46,950 $4,700

2018 $46,750 $4,500

2017 $46,500 $4,125

7. Approximately how many people serviced the County’s audit? How many days or weeks were

the auditors present for preliminary fieldwork and final fieldwork? Was there a partner or manager present at fieldwork?


The preliminary fieldwork was scheduled for five days with five staff scheduled on specific

audits. Not all staff was present all five days.

Approximately five people serviced the County’s audit for 2019 final field work. These five

people were scheduled onsite a total of nine days; however, in 2019 all final field work was done

remotely due to COVID 19 which extended the number of days; again not all five staff was

scheduled all nine days.

There were two people scheduled for the MarOCo audit for 2019. The schedule included one

day onsite. No preliminary fieldwork is completed for this audit, only final audit fieldwork.

There is normally a partner and/or manager present at fieldwork.

8. If you could name just one item that could be improved in the audit process, what would it be?


The County’s goal is to have audit completed before the annual budget process begins in June.

Page 3: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

9. Is the County satisfied with its current audit service provider? In not, please explain any




10. Was the County’s current auditor invited to respond to this RFP? If not, please indicate the

reason(s) why.



11. Has the County encountered any significant or unusual difficulties over the past three (3) years

with the financial and/or audits under Uniform Guidance (with the current auditors, financial

records, compliance with laws and regulations, etc.)?



12. Are the timing deadlines outlined in the proposal consistent with what has been achieved over

the past three (3) years? If not, please explain.


This RFP is the first that makes reference to the June 15 deadline. The auditor’s reports in the

past have been dated after this deadline due to late issuance of the final audit reports of our

component units. The County’s goal is to have audit completed before the annual budget

process begins in June. Both component units have agreed to move up their audit dates to

assist the County with an earlier timeline.

13. Is the County aware of any fraud, errors, or irregularities that should be evaluated in

determining the scope of the audit?



14. Does the County have internal control documentation of key accounting cycles (disbursements,

payroll, financial reporting, etc.) as well as its significant financial and accounting processes?



Page 4: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

15. How are County-prepared workpapers shared with the current audit firm? Is a portal used? Are

all workpapers available at the start of audit fieldwork?


Currently is portal is used. All files are in electronic format and are available at the start of the


16. Does the County expect any significant turn over in key accounting positions during the contract

term (retirement, etc.)? Are there any significant accounting positions currently open that would

impact the audit? If the answer is yes to either question, please describe.


No, to both questions

17. Provide the number of committee and/or board meetings that the auditors are expected to

attend in any given year.


Auditors in the past have presented one time each year, either to the Administrative Committee

or the County Board

18. What does the County value in an external audit firm?


The County values training and assistance on implementation of new GASB standards to ensure

they are both timely and implemented properly, advice on accounting standards as questions

may arise, and recommendations for best practices and changes to procedures that will both

make the County more efficient and effective.

19. How many meetings (board, committee) have the auditors attended each year for the last three



One committee or board meeting per year.

20. Does the county anticipate any significant changes to its financial accounting system over the

next few years?


The highway department may change cost accounting systems within in the next few years.

Page 5: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

21. Can you confirm what pieces of the Financial Statements management prepares (financial

statements, footnotes, md&a, and/or schedule of federal and state awards? If none, please

indicate as such.


Currently management prepares all of the noted statements.

22. What were the total audit fees paid for 2018 and 2019 services?


Year Audited Marinette County MAROCO Landfill

2019 $46,950 $4,700

2018 $46,750 $4,500

23. What were the estimated hours spent for the 2017 and 2018 audits?


The 2019 preliminary fieldwork was scheduled for five days with five staff scheduled on specific

audits. Not all staff was present all five days.

Approximately five people serviced the County’s audit for 2019 final field work. These five

people were scheduled onsite a total of nine days; however, in 2019 all final field work was done

remotely due to COVID 19 which extended the number of days; again not all five staff was

scheduled all nine days.

There were two people scheduled for the MarOCo audit for 2019. The schedule included one

day onsite. No preliminary fieldwork is completed for this audit, only final audit fieldwork.

24. Please provide the number of individuals involved and the length of time they were on-site –

please split between interim and final fieldwork.


Please see above.

25. Were additional non-attest services provided by your auditors in the past three years? If so, please describe the services and the fees charged. Answer No

26. What audit entries have been proposed (posted or passed entries) by the auditors in the last

two years? Do you anticipate similar entries in future years? May we have a copy of the 2018

and 2019 audit entries?

Page 6: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals


2019 and 2020 auditor entries attached. We do not anticipate similar entries in future years, as

we work with the auditors each year to better our audit processes. The major 2020 entry done

during audit was due to the county moving to a self-insured health and dental plan in 2019.

27. What is the overall condition of accounting records when audit fieldwork begins? Are all

accounts reconciled when the audit commences, or are there certain funds or accounts that are

reconciled at a later time? If so, please describe.


All accounts are reconciled before the audit commences.

28. It appears the timeline as laid out in the RFP is not currently met (or at least during the 2018

audit) as the opinion date was August 8, 2019. Can you explain why timeline was not met and

what will have changed to allow timelines to be met?


Please see the response to question 12.

29. Are there specific accounting, auditing or other challenges you anticipate in the upcoming

year(s)? If yes, please explain.



30. Are new major funds anticipated in 2020 and beyond? If so, please describe.



31. Does the County anticipate major changes in its operations or organization that will have a

significant impact on upcoming audits? If so, please explain.



32. Is the County expecting to administer any significant new federal or state awards in the next five

years? If so, please describe.


There are no known significant changes to federal or state awards at this time.

Page 7: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

33. Please confirm that the County prepares the Schedule of Federal and State Awards. If so, when

is this typically made available to the audit team for testing?


The County prepares the Schedule of Federal and State Awards. This is made available during

the onsite final audit.

34. Please confirm that the external auditors are expected to prepare the Data Collection Form



Yes, our current auditors have prepared this in the past.

35. Has the County had monitoring by federal agencies that might impact future single audits? If so,

please describe.



Page 8: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

07/21/2020 11:47 |Marinette County, WI - LIVE |P 1TYoap |JOURNAL INQUIRY |glcjeinq

YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2018 13 665 GEN 12/31/2018 05/22/2019 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 601 19100 Reclass 2018 WRS Pension A 387,147.00 601-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-19100 PENSION FUND ASSET

2 601 19110 Reclass 2018 WRS Pension A 387,147.00 601-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-19110 PENSION DEFERRED OUTFLOWS

** JOURNAL TOTAL 387,147.00 387,147.00


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2018 13 666 GEN 12/31/2018 05/23/2019 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 90251 18200 RECLASS PARKING LOT TO BLD 147,493.97 902-00-00-000-000-00-90251-000-18200 LAND

2 90251 18300 RECLASS PARKING LOT TO BLD 147,493.97 902-00-00-000-000-00-90251-000-18300 BUILDINGS

** JOURNAL TOTAL 147,493.97 147,493.97


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2018 13 667 GEN 12/31/2018 05/23/2019 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 90252 32300 RECLASS 2018 SPILLMAN WIP 272,247.00 902-00-00-000-000-00-90252-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

2 90252 18700 RECLASS 2018 SPILLMAN WIP 272,247.00 902-00-00-000-000-00-90252-000-18700 WORK IN PROGRESS

** JOURNAL TOTAL 272,247.00 272,247.00


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2018 13 668 GEN 12/31/2018 05/28/2019 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


Text Box
2018 Audit Journal Entries
Page 9: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

07/21/2020 11:47 |Marinette County, WI - LIVE |P 2TYoap |JOURNAL INQUIRY |glcjeinq

YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2018 13 668 GEN 12/31/2018 05/28/2019 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 90252 32301 Rv WIP CORRECT 2018 WIP/7 SQUADS 212,663.50 902-00-00-000-000-00-90252-000-32301 CONSTRUCTION IN PRG - CONTRA

2 90252 18700 Rv WIP CORRECT 2018 WIP/7 SQUADS 212,663.50 902-00-00-000-000-00-90252-000-18700 WORK IN PROGRESS

** JOURNAL TOTAL 212,663.50 212,663.50


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2018 13 669 GEN 12/31/2018 05/29/2019 04 LMans 1 N Hist 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 100 21200 Auditor YE Adj - 2019 Squa 212,663.50 100-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-21200 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE

2 52120000 53890 Auditor YE Adj - 2019 Squa 212,663.50 100-52-52-522-000-04-52120-000-53890 OUTLAY

3 100 34203 212,663.50 C 100-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-34203 EXPENDITURES CONTROL

** JOURNAL TOTAL 212,663.50 212,663.50


** GRAND TOTAL 1,232,214.97 1,232,214.97____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5 Journals printed

** END OF REPORT - Generated by Trista Yoap **

Page 10: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

07/21/2020 11:48 |Marinette County, WI - LIVE |P 1TYoap |JOURNAL INQUIRY |glcjeinq

YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 859 GEN 12/31/2019 05/19/2020 30 BDAUL 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 53302000 52498 CORRECT BTW WINTER & ROUTI 1,714.78 B 201-53-30-000-000-00-53302-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

2 53301000 52498 CORRECT BTW WINTER & ROUTI 1,714.78 201-53-30-000-000-00-53301-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

** JOURNAL TOTAL 1,714.78 1,714.78


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 860 GEN 12/31/2019 05/20/2020 04 LMans 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 219 21200 Correct JE1186 incorrect f 57,300.00 219-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-21200 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE

2 100 21200 Correct JE1186 incorrect f 57,300.00 100-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-21200 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE

3 100 11001 SYSTEM GENERATED DUE TO LI 57,300.00 100-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-11001 POOLED CASH

4 999 11001 SYSTEM GENERATED DUE FROM 57,300.00 999-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-11001 POOLED CASH

5 219 11001 SYSTEM GENERATED DUE TO LI 57,300.00 219-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-11001 POOLED CASH

6 999 11001 SYSTEM GENERATED DUE FROM 57,300.00 999-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-11001 POOLED CASH

** JOURNAL TOTAL 171,900.00 171,900.00


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 862 GEN 12/31/2019 05/21/2020 30 BDAUL 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 601 19110 TO CORRECT WRS PENSION 16,319.00 601-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-19110 PENSION DEFERRED OUTFLOWS

2 53215000 51152 TO CORRECT WRS PENSION 16,319.00 601-70-30-300-000-00-53215-000-51152 CO SHARE OF STATE RETIREMENT

3 601 34203 16,319.00 C 601-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-34203 EXPENDITURES CONTROL

** JOURNAL TOTAL 16,319.00 16,319.00


Text Box
2019 Audit Journal Entries
Page 11: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

07/21/2020 11:48 |Marinette County, WI - LIVE |P 2TYoap |JOURNAL INQUIRY |glcjeinq

YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 864 GEN 12/31/2019 05/27/2020 04 LMans 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 51962000 52350 Recog IBNR 2019 medical cl 574,112.00 705-01-04-000-000-08-51962-000-52350 PROVIDED SERVICES

2 705 21220 Recog IBNR 2019 medical cl 574,112.00 705-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-21220 INCURRED BUT NOT RECORDED

3 705 34203 574,112.00 C 705-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-34203 EXPENDITURES CONTROL

** JOURNAL TOTAL 574,112.00 574,112.00


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 866 GEN 12/31/2019 06/11/2020 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 90251 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 2,199,597.50 902-00-00-000-000-00-90251-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

2 90251 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 2,199,597.50 902-00-00-000-000-00-90251-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

3 90252 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 8,909,740.16 902-00-00-000-000-00-90252-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

4 90252 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 8,909,740.16 902-00-00-000-000-00-90252-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

5 90254 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 1,166,688.35 902-00-00-000-000-00-90254-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

6 90254 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 1,166,688.35 902-00-00-000-000-00-90254-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

7 90255 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 573,601.90 902-00-00-000-000-00-90255-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

8 90255 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 573,601.90 902-00-00-000-000-00-90255-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

9 90256 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 102,777.08 902-00-00-000-000-00-90256-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

10 90256 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 102,777.08 902-00-00-000-000-00-90256-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

11 90261 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 6,105,071.31 902-00-00-000-000-00-90261-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

12 90261 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 6,105,071.31 902-00-00-000-000-00-90261-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

13 90262 52498 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 743,368.87 902-00-00-000-000-00-90262-000-52498 OPERATION EXPENDITURES

Page 12: Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 …...Addendum #1, Posted 7-21-20 RFP #20-014-04 – Audit Services Question 1. What is the reasoning for the County obtaining proposals

07/21/2020 11:48 |Marinette County, WI - LIVE |P 3TYoap |JOURNAL INQUIRY |glcjeinq

YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 866 GEN 12/31/2019 06/11/2020 04 HViestenz 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


14 90262 32300 Correct Conta Asset Balanc 743,368.87 902-00-00-000-000-00-90262-000-32300 FIXED ASSET CONTRA ASSET

15 902 34203 19,800,845.17 C 902-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-34203 EXPENDITURES CONTROL

** JOURNAL TOTAL 19,800,845.17 19,800,845.17


YEAR PER JOURNAL SRC EFF DATE ENT DATE JNL DESC CLERK ENTITY AUTO-REV STATUS BUD YEAR JNL TYPE2019 13 868 GEN 12/31/2019 06/12/2020 04 LMans 1 N Hist 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LN ORG OBJECT PROJ REF1 REF2 REF3 LINE DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT OB


1 705 21200 Recognize 2020 expense 56,931.00 705-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-21200 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE

2 51950000 52511 Recognize 2020 expense 56,931.00 705-01-04-000-000-08-51950-000-52511 INSURANCE PREMIUMS

3 705 34203 56,931.00 C 705-00-00-000-000-00-00000-000-34203 EXPENDITURES CONTROL

** JOURNAL TOTAL 56,931.00 56,931.00


** GRAND TOTAL 20,621,821.95 20,621,821.95____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Journals printed

** END OF REPORT - Generated by Trista Yoap **