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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected] How to Increase Sales

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How to Increase Sales


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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

How to Increase Sales

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Steps to Increase Sales.

• Define Who You Are

• Document Your Sales Process

• Set Clear Goals

• Profile Your Prospect

• Qualify in 30 Seconds

• Paint a Picture

• Connect

• Create Demand

• Close The Deal

• Say Thank You

• Evaluate Your Performance

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

The Old Way of Selling Web 2.0 Selling

• Today you need to Define, Qualify and Connect Better in order to Close Deals. • Information, Pricing and Choices are easily available Online for your Prospects.

• To close more Deals you need to be better – You need a Clearly Defined Brand.


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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Define Who You Are

• What is different about you? • What is your Value to me?

• What’s in it for me?

We Love Elevator Pitches - But 30 seconds is too long. We Love Personal Branding but there is way too much fluff and not enough differentiation. Give us something that intrigues, astounds, makes you out to be one in a million and have others corroborate it. Now we're talking good stuff. Your Value Proposition, Elevator Pitch and Personal Brand should be condensed into 10 seconds - at most. They are the essence of what you are distilled into a few words. Use Ten seconds & Ten Words to get your prospects attention, stimulate their curiosity and compel them to want to learn more. Define who you are and what you have as clearly better – that’s Branding. Remember, Elevator Pitches, Personal Brands and Unique Selling Propositions are only credible when others corroborate and reinforce them. Make your brand and value proposition crystal clear, compelling, concise and above all credible.

In 10 Words and 10 Seconds – Who Are You?

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Sales Process

Your Sales Process – Write it Down

• Remember to break down each area of your Sales Process into Action Items. • What do you do in each area and what do you need the prospect to do? • It is very important to write out the steps of your sales process in detail.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Set Goals 7 Steps to Effective Goal Setting

1. Decide what you want.

2. Write it down.

3. Set a Deadline.

4. List what you have to do.

5. Make an Action Plan.

6. Do it now – Today – This minute.

7. Resolve to persevere EVERY DAY.

Celebrate your Accomplishments

What Do You Want and When? – Write It Down

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Profile Your Prospect How much do they spend with you? What are the key pain points they have? Where do they go to compare? What are their demographics? Where are they finding out about you? Why do they use your service or product? Who do they like to do business with?

What are the characteristics of your ideal Prospect?

You will get much further selling to a person that you know stuff about than you will to one you don’t. Simple - Right? But very few salespeople profile. The old adage I can sell anyone anywhere may be true but it is ineffective and provides less than optimal return on efforts invested. So do what you can to learn about your prospect – profile their likes, dislikes, priorities, affiliations, associations and demographics. Create an intelligence report. Once you have that you will start to find similarities in those that buy from you. You can build a profile. Your intelligence will help you create a target profile on people that are more likely to buy in the future. It can drive your prospecting, marketing and who you should spend your time with. It is effective and smart. It’s just good business to profile your prospect.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]


Qualify Strong and Often

The Difference between a great sales professional and a mediocre one is very simple “How well do they Qualify?” Qualifying well is critical to sales success. It saves us time, headaches and frustration. So what are your qualification questions? There are three that are essential

• Do they want to buy? • When do they want to buy? • Do they want to buy from me?

The rest are pretty much up to you. Write yours down – insist on strong qualifiers. You will make more money.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Paint a Picture Paint an emotional picture that stirs the soul.

People buy with emotion and justify or rationalize the purchase with their mind. Does a person buy a car or the feeling? We all know the answer – it’s no different for any purchase – People buy with feelings. So paint a picture – vibrant and vivid - full of emotions and feelings. Sell the person NOT the product. The more appealing and targeted your masterpiece is – the more in tune it is with what the person feels - the easier it is to sell. Paint a picture – and make it a beauty.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Connect Connect Remember Broadcasting information is not connecting. Responding to requests is not connecting. Providing information is not connecting Connections & Relationships are made personally. You need to call, follow up and converse.

You need to call to Connect

Sales today are all about connections and relationships. In order to compete in the commoditized world of instant pricing, multiple choices and options a salesperson has to know the right people. Be different, better and in demand. How do you do that? You make sure you are connected. You get your distinct brand and message out into the marketplace through every channel available and follow up with personal and focused communications. You need to profile your prospects, target and focus. You need to align yourself with thought leaders and influencers and become valuable to them. You need to differentiate yourself and your brand. You need to be more valuable than all the information out there. You need to be better than a product – You are the product. So don’t hesitate to email your customers with information. Go ahead and set up your own personal website and blog. Get involved with Linked In – Face book and Twitter but please

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Create Demand

Better is Different.

Sales Revenue comes from Increasing Demand. How do you increase demand? You provide something better, different or hard to find. Be something that is not a commodity. Have something scarce. The secret to creating demand is in your differentiator. Be different. Define your differentiator, market and brand it to as many people as possible. Have other people talk about it. Make it go viral. Want to have enormous demand? Do something others can’t or won’t. Have something others don’t. Be something others aren’t. Market it and Brand it like there is no tomorrow. Be Better - Become Viral.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Close the Deal

You Closed Early

So here are the meat and potatoes. Closing the Deal – The Essence of Sales. Lots of people can talk, take orders and communicate well but close? It’s so old fashioned, it’s so crude, and it’s so uncomfortable. It’s tough. So how do you close? You get past the details. Details are a necessary evil but the close? The close really happened with the picture you painted and your differentiation early in the conversation. It happened before you ever asked for the order. It happened when many people don’t even know. It happened in the very first thirty seconds. The prospect asked themselves a few questions. Do I trust this person? Do I like them? Do I want to do business with them? Are they credible? Did their picture excite me, solve my problem and ease my pain? Did I buy this person? They were closed before you even knew it and you either messed it up or made them more comfortable with the emotional decision they had already made. So focus on the beginning because that’s where the close happens – not at the end.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Say Thank You

Say it often and Mean It – Thank You.

Every Step of the way in our sales process we should be saying thank you. Appreciate every action step taken. Compliment forward movement. The human spirit responds to the old “atta boy” and we all love moving forward. So say thank you and tell others how much you appreciate them taking action. Tell their coworkers and bosses how much you appreciate them taking action and how that impressed you. Compliment them. Say it, email it, write it on cards and notes and tell people in person and on the phone. Say Thank You a lot. Say Thank You.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Evaluate Your Performance

We can always get better.

An honest evaluation of what you did and how you could do better the next time is one of the hallmarks of a true professional. Make sure you identify measurable areas that you can improve. Ask for input and feedback from your customers, prospects, peers and people you respect. We can always get better.

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AddVenture Products – (858) 587-0061 – [email protected]

Contact Us (858) 587 - 0061 AddVenture is here to support you The Promotional Product Salesperson. Our mission is to help you achieve your goals.

Let us know how we can help.

Call & Connect

Dan Collins Chief Operating Officer AddVenture Products (858) 587-0061 [email protected]