adar/nissan 5770 march 2010 volume 2 / number 3 5770 march 2010 volume 2 / number 3 parashat march 6...

Adar/Nissan 5770 March 2010 Volume 2 / Number 3 Parashat March 6 Ki Tisa March 13 Vayakhei-Pekudei March 20 Vayikra March 27 Tzav SHABBAT CANDLE LIGHTING March 5 5:46PM March 12 5:47PM March 19 5:48PM March 26 5:49PM ROSH CHODESH March 16 WEEKLY Sunday: 8:00 am Minian/ 9:30 am Hebrew School Monday: 7:15 am Minian Shacharit Tuesday: 11:00 am class with Rabbanit Thursday: 7:15 am Minian Shacharit Friday: 6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat: 9:30 am Minian followed by Kiddush 12:45 pm Avon is Leaving Page 8 If you can not read the attached PDF file, please go to the below link and download Adobe Reader for free: Special Kiddush’s March 6 Special Friend of the Synagogue March 13 Isi Gilan in Memory of his Father March 14 Bat Mitzvah of Raphaela Schranz March 20 Special Announcement by the Sarfati’s March 27 Alpha Kwok to Thank the Community Synagogue Purim Party Page 4 Purim Masquerade Party At The Amsili’s Page 5 Birthday/Bar Mitzvah Type Celebration of Mark Jerome Salsman Page 5 29 Days - The Story of Chiune Sugihara as Told By David Goldstein

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Adar/Nissan 5770 March 2010 Volume 2 / Number 3

Parashat March 6 Ki Tisa

March 13 Vayakhei-Pekudei

March 20 Vayikra

March 27 Tzav


March 12 5:47PM

March 19 5:48PM

March 26 5:49PM


WEEKLY Sunday: 8:00 am Minian/ 9:30 am Hebrew School Monday: 7:15 am Minian Shacharit Tuesday: 11:00 am class with Rabbanit Thursday: 7:15 am Minian Shacharit Friday: 6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Shabbat: 9:30 am Minian followed by Kiddush

12:45 pm

Avon is Leaving Page 8

If you can not read the attached PDF file, please go to the below link and download

Adobe Reader for free:

Special Kiddush’s

March 6 Special Friend of the Synagogue March 13 Isi Gilan in Memory of his Father March 14 Bat Mitzvah of Raphaela Schranz March 20 Special Announcement by the Sarfati’s March 27 Alpha Kwok to Thank the Community

Synagogue Purim Party

Page 4

Purim Masquerade Party At The Amsili’s

Page 5

Birthday/Bar Mitzvah Type Celebration of Mark

Jerome Salsman Page 5

29 Days - The Story of Chiune Sugihara as

Told By David Goldstein

March 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

2 Ladies Lesson 11AM

3 4 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

5 6 Children’s Service 10:30

7 Hebrew and Torah Classes for Children

8 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

9 Ladies Lesson 11AM

10 11 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast Lesson with Rabbi at 6:30PM

12 13 Children’s Service 10:30

14 Hebrew and Torah Classes for Children

15 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

Hebrew Classes for Adults 7PM

16 Ladies Lesson 11AM Rosh Chodesh

17 Hebrew Classes for Adults 7PM

18 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

19 20 Children’s Service 10:30

21 Hebrew and Torah Classes for Children

22 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast Hebrew Classes for Adults 7PM

23 Ladies Lesson 11AM

24 Hebrew Classes for Adults 7PM

25 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

Lesson with Rabbi at 6:30PM

26 27 Children’s Service 10:30

28 Hebrew and Torah Classes for Children

29 Minyan 7:15

Followed by Breakfast

Hebrew Classes for Adults 7PM

30 Ladies Lesson 11AM

31 Hebrew Classes for Adults 7PM



Do you know that membership in the Jewish Association of the Philippines only costs PHP18,000 per year for a family and

PHP14,000 per year for singles? Do you know that this small amount goes to paying for all the Shabaton lunches, dinners, events, salaries, lights, maintenance and upkeep of the build-ing. And in addition to all this, your Jewish Association does

alot of charity work.

Please join today. If you are a member, please urge your friends to join.

Please contact John Kater or Clair in the Synagogue office to join.


We are WIFI. Come in, browse the library, have coffee and surf the net.

JEWISH ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES 110 H. V. Dela Costa Street Salcedo Village, Makati City

Philippines Tel: (632) 815-0265 Fax: (632) 840-2566

Website: Email: [email protected] (John Kater)

[email protected] (Paul Rosenberg) [email protected] (Rabbi Azaria)



March Birthday’s

Recreate Your Bar Mitzvah

Remember the good old days??? Just contact us and let us know what was your Parasha. Or just tell us the date it took place. Read your portion, read the Haftorah. Let’s all celebrate your Bar Mitzvah together, again. Call the

Rabbi for details.

MALCA Jessica March 3

AZARIA Abigail March 3

SILVERSTONE Tamara March 4

WANG Esther March 8

REINES Jayne March 10

AZARIA Yaacov March 10

GREEN Naomi March 10 HUGHES - ZEISLER Colin March 13

GREEN David March 14

KERTZMAN Kaitlin March 17

NEWMAN Dana March 20

FRAGMAN Marilyn March 21

KERTZMAN William March 27

AZARIA Rabbi Eli-

yahu March 28

MALCA Miriam March 29

NEWMAN Dana March 30

LORIE Emma March 30

LORIE Gaby March 30


Synagogue Purim Party

Since Purim fell on Sunday, the festive meal plus the party followed each other. There was tons of food and drinks. Then followed a party. There was, among other events, a puppet show, a fashion show and a balloon making designs. As you can see from the

pictures, it was great fun.


Purim Masquerade Party At The Amsili’s

Tsipi and Tattoo Amsili restarted what was once an annual masquerade party for the community. It was held for many years but had been neglected for the last years. Now it is back and it was

great. It was so much fun. The music was wonderful performed by Moise. Everyone danced and sang, and drank, and drank and drank. Oh, and also ate. Let’s hope we can convince them

every year, they are wonderful hosts and throw a great party. Thank you Tsipi and Tattoo.

Birthday/Bar Mitzvah Type Celebration of Mark Jerome Salsman


29 Days - The Story of Chiune Sugihara

Kaunas, Lithuania August 1, 1940 The German invasion of Poland has pushed over fifteen thou-sand Jewish refugees across the border fleeing for their lives. With the Russians pushing in from the East to annex this coun-try, these desperate people ran out of choices and hope. For Japanese diplomat and international spy Chiune Sugihara, this moment represents another history changing choice that has found its way to his shoulders. For the next 29 days, Sugihara will defy his own government and risk his and his families’ lives while completing a great mission, saving more than six thou-sand Jews from the Holocaust.

Chiune Sugihara had been in Kaunas for a few months and was busy spying on the troop movements of both Russia and Ger-many. He had also befriended Jans Zwartendijk, the Dutch Consul: Peter Ritter, the American representative in Lithuania and Sergei Kruglov, the Russian liaison with ties to the NKVD. The men gathered each week for a “friendly” poker game, which was as much warfare concealed, as it was cards. In the summer of 1940, Zorach arrived in Lithuania where he concocted a final des-perate plan - to get Dutch permission to settle in the West Indies. The only problem - a transit visa to Japan after crossing Rus-sia. On July 27th with the Russians officially annexing the country, Sugihara got his orders to close the embassy within 30 days. He awoke the next morning to find Zorach and several hundred refugees on his doorstep. Zorach requested the transit visas and pled his case to him. With the Russian secret police closing in and the Gestapo tracing his every move, Sugihara cabled his gov-ernment for permission to issue the visas. Three times he asked and three times he was denied. Sugihara who with the events and choices of his life piled onto him, made an amazing choice and the rest is history! David Goldstein visited Manila and gave a talk and unfolded for us the amazing story of Sugihara. David was visiting Manila for a few days on vacation. He has been researching the story if Chiune Sugihara for fifteen years. He has traveled extensively to track down and interview survivors, collaborated with authors on the subject. He is in the process of producing a major film about the subject. PBS had made a film for television in the 1990’s about Sugihara, which David showed. He then went on to explain all his research and plans. It was a wonderful and fascinating evening .

Amazingly skilled at six languages, Sugihara purposely flunked a medical school exam in order to join the Foreign Service. Furious, Sugihara’s father disowned him and then divorced Sugihara’s mother for her part in the choice. Traveling to Harbin, Manchuria in the early stages of the Japanese conquest of Asia (1930), Sugihara maneuvered Russian government officials into selling the strategically criti-cal Manchurian Railroad to Japan. Sugihara also met and wooed Russian cabaret singer Klaudia Semenorova, This caught the eye of master Japanese Intelligence Officer Colo-nel Nomura, who used Sugihara’s unique language skills, his sense of duty to Japan and taste for international intrigue to recruit him into the spy ranks. It also caught the eye of the Russian NKVD: (Stalin’s secret police) who traced his steps for the years that followed. Sugihara learned his next lesson in the consequences of his decisions; when the Japanese Army used the very railroad he leveraged to frame the Chi-nese for sabotage. Sugihara and Klaudia were caught in the brutal invasion that followed and only Sugihara escaped. On the heels of this incident, the Japanese overran Manchuria, which resulted in the infamous rape of Nanking. Sugihara re-signed his post in protest over the incident and the Japanese atrocities against the Chinese. In 1939, with a new Japanese wife and family, Colonel Nomura convinced Chiune that keep-ing tabs on the Russians and Germans in Europe would be a more honorable use of his special skills. Thinking it a short-term assignment, Sugihara accepted. He promised his Japa-nese wife Yukiko to never make the same risks again but his-tory was once again lurking over his shoulder.


Since the early 1980’s, when the new Synagogue was opened in Makati, the building the Synagogue was in has been rented by Avon. We have been very fortunate that for all these years the rental was able to cover most of the Synagogue’s overhead.

As of December 1, they left. We are actively trying to rent the building. In the mean-time, we need all the help we can get. We need families and individuals who are not members to join. We will annualize all membership dues to begin January 1,

2010. If you have paid already for part of 2010, we will pro rate. But all dues will be-gin starting January 1. Please also update all of your membership information includ-ing birthdays, anniversaries, yortzeits. Any help we can get to rent the building will be

greatly appreciated. Information is below.

Location: 1963 Taft Avenue Corner of Quirino Avenue

Floor Area: 1,500 sqm over 2 floors

Building available from December 1,2009. There is parking in the front of the building.

Meralco has dedicated transformer.

Does not flood.

For BPO/Call Center it can seat 330.

Located conveniently near many Universities, like dela Salle.