adam rosenberg 2012

The How and Why of Social Media November 29, 2012

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The How and Why of Social Media

November 29, 2012

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The (Digital)Landscape

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The Impact of Social on Customers

• 71% more likely to purchase when referred by social media

• 90% believe brand recommendations from friends

• 70% believe consumer opinions

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What stops businesses from going social?

• 70% - Lack of resources• 57% - Poorly defined

goals• 44% - Lack of

knowledge about social media

(Research from BtoB 2012)

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The Digital Landscape

Customers are inundated with marketing messages

• The customer journey is dynamic and they interact with content all day on Twitter, Facebook, searching Google, RSS feeds

• Brands need to provide relevant content i.e. the right content, at the right time, in the right channel to the right customer – in order to fight through the clutter

• Customers need to see, hear and interact with content 3 – 5 times before they start to believe it

• Brands need to have a truly integrated digital program to reach the social customer i.e. paid media, employee ambassadors, influencer and advocacy programs, search, paid media

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Opportunities In Real-time

Customer service and social media opps are 24/7/365

• People are posting content in real-time and companies must respond quicker than ever

• Responding to customer service issues in a timely manner can stop the issue before they gain momentum

• Build customer loyalty by engaging in two-way conversations

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Telling Your Story

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• 94% are on Facebook• 73% are on Twitter• 47% say Facebook

helps them generate sales

American Wineries on Social Media

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• #Agchat• 76% of younger

farmers are active on social

• Connects consumers with the industry

Agriculture on Social Media

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• 60% of California wine comes from your vineyards

• 80% of all exported wine comes from your vineyards

• Only region of the state where ALL varieties of grapes are grown

• Largest wine region in the state

The San Joaquin Valley Story

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• Engaging across platforms

• Highlight your community (Not necessarily the product)

• No longer about “buy my product”

Keys to Successful Story Creation

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• Your knowledge is your story

• Recommendations• Knowledge sharing• Thought leadership

What about non-consumers?

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Online Engagements Overview:Leveraging Social Media for Your Business

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• Review sites• Twitter• Facebook• Location-based apps• Online deals• LinkedIn


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• Set up a business owner profile

• Monitor and respond to reviews accordingly

• Consider setting up deals

Review Sites

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Review Sites: Best Practices for Response

• Positive review – Send a private message to deliver a thank you and let them know you care. No gifts. No invitation.

• Negative review – Keep it simple by thanking your customer for the patronage and feedback. You have a chance to help the situation and maybe even change this customer's perspective for the better. Be specific about the customer's experience and any changes you may have made as a result.

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Overview of Twitter• Twitter is a real-time information

network powered by people

• Billions of conversations every day

• Working adults aged 35-49: nearly 3 million unique views and 42 percent of the site audience.

• 37% of Twitter usage is on mobile devices

• 600,000,000 searches per day

Twitter – (n.) a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to post updates of up to 140 characters, which are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have opted-in to receive

Tweet – (n.) a term used to describe an update posted by a Twitter user; (v.) act of using Twitter. Variations: Tweeting, Tweeted

Twitterer – (n.) a Twitter user; a person who tweets.


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Twitter Basics• Your name or Twitter handle is denoted and

searchable by the @ sign in front of it.

• The hashtag symbol # is used before relevant keywords in tweets to categorize tweets to show more easily in Twitter Search.

• RT means “retweet” and designates that the content was written by someone else. It’s key Twitter etiquette.

Twitter Basics

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Photo sharing

• Creating a business vs. individual accounts– Be consistent with your

business brand/voice• Types of engagements

– Customer service– Sharing info– Daily deals

Twitter Best Practices

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• Build long-term relationships with stakeholders. Be transparent and human.

• Actively monitor Twitter to follow your name in conversations.

• Include links. Twitter limits communications to 140 characters but short hyperlinks can direct followers to additional information.

• Develop guidelines on what should and should not be discussed. Create a process for channeling information requests that do not fall within these guidelines.

• Treat Twitter as a discussion, not a broadcast.

• Utilize the 70/30 rule: 70% of tweets should be building a relationship and responding to inquires, 30% of tweets should be campaign-driven.

Twitter Best Practices

Twitter Best Practices

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Responding to customer inquires

Utilizing personality to interact with consumers

Promotions, service updates

Who’s Doing It Right?

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• Difference between profile and fan page

• Setting up a business fan page

• Types of engagements– Customer

service– Sharing info– Daily deals

• Facebook ads


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Engage Fans & Encourage Interactions

• Remember Facebook pages are not one-way communications tools by posting updates that encourage interaction

• Comment on content posted by others (Macy’s comments when fans upload pictures—1.)

• Help fans connect with each other—Pampers posts fan questions & solicits further help (2.)




Facebook Best Practices

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Set Expectations

• Define the purpose of the community and stick with it—SEARS prompts backlash by responding to some customer service issues & not others (1.)

• Establish community guidelines, a la Chevron (2.)



Facebook Best Practices

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• People sharing where they’re shopping, eating, staying, etc.

• Collect points for check-ins• Show what’s nearby• Share tips, photos

Location-Based Apps

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Business use to• Engage with customers• Provide offers• Leave tips

Location-Based Apps

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• Which site works best– Largest Bay Area subscriber based:

Groupon and LivingSocial

Online Deals

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Creating Content

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• Facebook– Keep updates short– Use photos or videos when possible– Behind-the-scenes content

• Blogs– Lists and “How to’s” do well– Link to other blogs– Be casual

• Twitter– Re-tweet others– Follow local users– Share unique information and links

Creating Good Content

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• Live reports/Behind-the scenes• Pictures and videos of executives

or staff in action• Quizzes on industry topics• Great articles you read• Fill-in-the-blanks• Tips, techniques, guidance

Content ideas

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• Best practices• Photos and video of your equipment• Networking with others in the field• Case studies• Being a resource and thought leader• Calls-to-action• Focusing on who is interacting with your product/service

Content ideas (B2B)

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•Portable•Accessible•Easy to Understand

Good Content Is…

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Next Steps

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• Set up social media accounts

• Create a Facebook fan page and post an update or photo a few times during the week

• Set up your business account on Yelp, TripAdvisor and Foursquare so you can review what your customers are saying about your business

• Set up an online deal

• Explore creating a deal with Groupon, LivingSocial, Google or Yelp. Think about the best discount or experience that will be suitable for new and repeat customers

• Set up a paid media

• Create a self-serve ad on LinkedIn/Facebook

• Your ad consists of a headline, description, company name, image and URL

• Select a target audience

• Set your budget and bid

• Pay per click (most common) – you pay when someone clicks on your ad

• Pay per 1,000 impressions – determines the number of times your ad is shown

If you/staff have 30 minutes per week

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• Engage on social media sites on a daily basis

• Respond to customer service inquiries

• Monitor and respond your online reviews

• Tweet three times a day and update your Facebook twice a day

• Write a blog post

• Create and maintain your blog with a daily blog post or use the time to write 2-3 blog posts per week

• Set up a paid media

• Set up an online deal

If you/staff have 30 minutes per day

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• Start a influencer/blogger engagement program

• Build upon your word-of-mouth advertising

• Identify targeted influencers or bloggers for your industry

• Using Klout, Tweetlevel, Wefollow, etc.

• Engage with influencers on an ongoing basis

• Read and comment on their blogs, follow their tweets, etc.

• Engage on social media sites on a daily basis

• Write a blog post

• Set up a paid media

• Set up an online deal

If you/staff have 30 hours per week

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Defining Objectives

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• Measure before starting programs to determine influence of Social

• Measure Social activity from start to finish

• Measure outcomes (i.e. sales where possible) of Social Media activity

• Share of Voice

• Conversation over Time

• Key Terms & Message Resonation

• Social Referrals

• Influencer Maps & Blogger Engagement

• Scorecards

• Web Analytics & Search

• Identify strategic needs based on results and campaign executions

• Conversation Volume & Total Number of Posts

• Content Sharing Rates

• Review existing in-house research (i.e. 8095 data)

Gathering data Holistic measurementMeasuring dataLinking Social Media to Outcomes


The Measurement Journey

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• Fans• Unique Visits• Impressions• Page Views

• Total Interactions• Photos/Videos• Post Quality

• External Links to Content & Discussion

• Total “Likes”• Subscribed “Likes”• Audience Profile as

Reflection of Target

• On-Message• Positive/Negative/

Neutral• Change Over Time


• Total Followers• Retweets• Direct Messages• @Replies• Shared Content

• Inbound Links• External Coverage

• Extended Network/Influence of Followers

• Follower Profile as Reflection of Target

• On-Message• Positive/Negative/

Neutral• Change Over Time


• Share of Voice• # of Comments

Relative to Audience Size

• Inbound Links• Subscribers• External Coverage

• Audience Profile as Reflection of Target

• Referral Traffic

• On-Message• Positive/Negative/

Neutral• Change Over Time

Blogger Engagement

Awareness Engagement Authority Influence PerceptionChannel

• # of Unique Visitor Check-ins

• # of Repeat Check-Ins

• # of Check-ins broadcast to Twitter or Facebook

• Audience Profile as Reflection of Target

• Positive/Negative/Neutral Commentary w/Check-ins


• Views• Subscribers

• Likes/Dislikes• Comments• Favorites• Replies

• Inbound Links• External Coverage

• Subscribers• Demographic Insights• Audience Profile

• On-Message• Positive/Negative/

Neutral• Change Over Time


• Traffic to Site• Unique Visitors

• # Page Views (Overall)

• # Page Views/User• Time Spent on Site

• Inbound links• Profile of Visitors as

Reflection of Target• Most Popular Search

Terms Search

The Measurement Journey

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Premium Free

Social Media Monitoring Tools

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• Adam Rosenberg• Email: [email protected]• Twitter: @phillyberg

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Edelman Digital: Services Wheel

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Researchand Insights

Edelman Digital Capabilities

Digital Strategy

and Planning

Creative Strategy,

Development and Execution

Social Media Engagement and

Community Management

Digital Production

SEO and SEM Measurement and Analysis

Digital Crisis Management

At Edelman Digital, we live and breathe all things digital and achieve results through a highly specialized set of capabilities.

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