acute pancreatitis


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acute pancreatitis by simmedic UKM


Page 1: Acute Pancreatitis



Page 2: Acute Pancreatitis

DefinitionA group of reversible lesions characterised by

inflammation of the pancreas

IncidenceMale:female ratio is 1:3- in those with

gallstones and 6:1 in those with alcoholism

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Biliary tract diseasesAlcoholViral infection(EBV, CMV, mumps)Drugs(steroid, thiazide, furosemide)Scorpion bitesHyperlipidemiaHyperparathyroidism

Traumatic (5%)Operative traumaBlunt/penetrating traumaLab test(ERCP / angiography)


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Symptoms and signs

The most common symptoms and signs include:Severe epigastric pain radiating to the back, relieved by

leaning forwardNausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetiteFever/chillsHemodynamic instability, including shockIn severe case may present with tenderness, guarding,

rebound.Signs which are less common, and indicate severe

disease, include:Grey-Turner's sign (hemorrhagic discoloration of the

flanks)Cullen's sign (hemorrhagic discoloration of the


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Pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis

Interstitial oedema

Impaired blood flow


Acinar cell injury

Interstitial inflammation oedema

GallstoneChronic alcoholism

Release of intracellular proenzymes and lysosomal hydrolases

Activation of enzymes


Delivery of proenzymes to lysosomal compartment

Intracellular activation of enzymes


Fat necrosis(lipase, phospholipase)


Alcohol, drugstrauma, ischaemia,viruses

Metabolic injury(experimental)Alcohol, duct obstruction


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Acute Pancreatitis; Haemorrhage and necrosis

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Acute pancreatitis

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Normal pancreas

Acute pancreatitis

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Saponification of fat

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Acute Pancreatitis

A surgical specimen of the transverse colon and greater omentum shows extensive fat necrosis. Note bright yellow foci. The mesenteric fat has been completely digested away so as to reveal the isolated blood vessels.

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Cullen sign – discolouration around umbilicus

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Cullen sign

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Grey-Turner sign- discolouration in the flanks

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Full blood count: neutrophil leucocytosis

Electrolyte abnormalities include hypokaemia, hypocalcemia

Elevated LDH in biliary diseaseGlycosuria ( 10% of cases)Blood sugar: hyperglycaemia in severe casesUltrasound look for stones in biliary tract

diseases.Abdominal CT scan may reveal

phlegmon(inflammatory mass), pseudocyst or abscess(complications of acute pancreatitis)

Lab investigation

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Lab investigationAmylase and lipaseElevated serum amylase and lipase levels, in

combination with severe abdominal pain, often trigger the initial diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.

Serum lipase rises 4 to 8 hours from the onset of symptoms and normalizes within 7 to 14 days after treatment.

Marked elevation of serum amylase level during first 24 hours

Reasons for false positive elevated serum amylase include salivary gland disease (elevated salivary amylase) and macroamylasemia.

If the lipase level is about 2.5 to 3 times that of Amylase, it is an indication of pancreatitis due to Alcohol or gallstone

The degree of amylase/lipase elevation does not correlate with severity of acute pancreatitis.

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Ranson Score

predicting the severity of acute pancreatitisAt admission age in years > 55 years white blood cell count > 16000 cells/mm3 blood glucose > 11 mmol/L (> 200 mg/dL) serum AST > 250 IU/L serum LDH > 350 IU/L At 48 hours Calcium (serum calcium < 2.0 mmol/L (< 8.0 mg/dL) Hematocrit fall > 10% Oxygen (hypoxemia PO2 < 60 mmHg) BUN increased by 1.8 or more mmol/L (5 or more mg/dL)

after IV fluid hydration Base deficit (negative base excess) > 4 mEq/L Sequestration of fluids > 6 L

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APACHE II score(Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation)

Score 0 to 2 : 2% mortality Score 3 to 4 : 15% mortality

Score 5 to 6 : 40% mortality Score 7 to 8 : 100% mortality

Hemorrhagic peritoneal fluidObesityIndicators of organ failureHypotension (SBP <90 mmHG) or tachycardia > 130

beat/minPO2 <60 mmHgOliguria (<50 mL/h) or increasing BUN and creatinineSerum calcium < 1.90 mmol/L (<8.0 mg/dL) serum albumin <33 g/L (<3.2.g/dL)>

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Balthazar scoring

Balthazar GradeBalthazar Grade Appearance on CT CT

Grade Points Grade A Normal CT 0 points Grade B Focal or diffuse enlargement of the pancreas 1

point Grade C Pancreatic gland abnormalities and peripancreatic inflammation

2points Grade D Fluid collection in a single location 3 points Grade E Two or more fluid collections and / or gas bubbles in or adjacent to


Necrosis ScoreNecrosis Percentage Points No necrosis 0 points 0 to 30% necrosis 2 points 30 to 50% necrosis 4 points Over 50% necrosis 6 points

The numerical CTSI (Computed Tomography Severity Index) has a maximum of ten points, it is the sum of the Balthazar grade points and pancreatic necrosis grade points

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LatePancreatic pseudocystPancreatic abscessPancreatic necrosisProgressive jaundicePersistent duodenal ileusGI bleedingPancreatic ascites

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Pseudocyst of pancreas

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Acute pancreatitis. The pancreas is enlarged (blue arrow) with indistinct and shaggy margins.There is peripancreatic fluid (red arrow) and extensive peripancreatic infiltration of the surrounding fat (black arrow).

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74-year-old man with acute pancreatitis. Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan shows one fluid collection in anterior pararenal space and minimal necrosis.

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managementIv fluid replacement(normal saline)Bowel rest (NG tube, NPO) in severe caseAdministration of meperidine/pethidine as

pain killer.Antiemetic if necessaryMonitor & correct electrolytes.Prevent infection by antibiotic prophylaxis.Determine & treat specific etiology(avoid

alcohol)Indication to surgery if pancreatitis not

respond to treatment.

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