acute oncology presentations caused by disease

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Acute Oncology Presentations Caused by Disease. Dr Omar Din Consultant Clinical Oncologist Weston Park Hospital Acute Oncology Study Day 9 th October 2013. Types of Emergency. Treatment Related Febrile neutropenia Tumour Lysis Syndrome Extravasation Diarrhoea Nausea/vomiting. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Acute Oncology Presentations Caused by DiseaseDr Omar DinConsultant Clinical OncologistWeston Park HospitalAcute Oncology Study Day 9th October 2013

  • Types of EmergencyBiochemical HypercalcaemiaHyponatraemia (SIADH)

    Obstructive/structural SVCORaised ICPPathological fractureSpinal Cord CompressionAirway ObstructionPericardial EffusionPleural effusionAscites

    Treatment RelatedFebrile neutropeniaTumour Lysis SyndromeExtravasationDiarrhoeaNausea/vomiting

  • Case 159 year old lady6 month history of lumbar back painReferred to rheumatologyBone scan

  • Case 1Admitted DrowsyDehydratedAbdominal painWorsening back painBP 90/60P 110

  • Case 1BloodsHb 9.8Na 135K 4.0Urea 9.4Creat 135Ca 5.3Alk Phos 347

  • Malignant HypercalcaemiaCa >2.6 mmol/lCauses:Bone metastasesPTH-RP: breast, renal, lung, head and neck, myeloma, lymphoma(Primary Hyperparathyroidism)

  • Hypercalcaemia - Symptoms

    ConstipationFatigueNausea/vomitingConfusionPolyuriaPolydipsiaAbdominal painDehydration

  • Hypercalcaemia - TreatmentIV Fluids - 3L normal saline over 24 hrs

    IV BisphosphonatesZolendronic Acid (most potent)PalmidronateStop frusemide whilst dehydrated, Ca/Vit DCalcitonin for resistant casesTreat underlying cause

  • BloodsHb 10.1Na 118K 4.2Urea 4.0Creat 60

  • 9am Cortisol 500TSH 2.1Glucose 4.5Lipids normalSerum osmolality 260Urine osmolality 368Urine Na 98

  • SIADHSyndrome of inappropriate ADH secretionExcess ADH leading to water retention and low serum sodium due to dilutional effect.Low serum sodium and reduced plasma osmolality cf. urine osmolalityUrine Na >20mmol

  • SIADHCancer; SCLC, NHL, HD, thymoma, sarcomaCNS disease (infection, trauma)Chest disease (infection)Drugs (thiazide, anti-epileptics, PPI, cytotoxics)Symptoms:nil, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, confusion, coma

  • SIADH - treatmentEnsure Addisons and Thyroid disease excluded (cortisol, TSH)Fluid restriction 1l in 24 hours, daily U&EDemeclocycline 600-1200mg/day dividedDiscussion with endocrinologyNewer agents eg Tolvaptan (vasopressin receptor antagonists)In EMERGENCY ONLY i.e. coma/fitting D/W Critical care. May need transfer to HDU for slow IV NaCl 1.8% - caution with osmotic demyelinationTreat underlying cause eg chemo for SCLC

  • Case 378 year old ladyBreast cancer 2008, node +, Her2 +Admitted via A & EHeadacheFacial and arm swellingSOBOEFixed raised JVPConjunctival oedema

  • Superior Vena Cava ObstructionDefinition; compression, invasion or occasionally intraluminal obstruction of the superior vena Causes; SCLC, NSCLC, lymphoma account for 90% cases. Others include thymoma and germ cell.

    Often insidious onsetCompensatory collaterals over chest wallNeck/face swellingHeadacheDizzinessSyncopeConjunctival oedema

  • DiagnosisTimely identification of the cause is essentialCT ChestUp to 60% of patients with SVC syndrome related to neoplasia do not have a known diagnosis of cancerNeed a tissue biopsy to guide subsequent management

  • Histological DiagnosisSputum cytology, pleural fluid cytology, biopsy of enlarged peripheral nodes

    Bone marrow biopsy for NHL

    Bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, or thoracotomy are more invasive but sometimes necessary

  • TreatmentO2Dexamethasone/PPISVC StentAnticoagulation if thrombusDoes not require urgent radiotherapy GET DIAGNOSISStridor may require ICU admission


    Treatment depends on causeRT vs chemotherapy (SCLC, lymphoma, germ cell)

  • Case 464 year old manHaematuriaPS 0No PMH

  • Case 4CT right renal mass, nodes, small volume lung metastasesDeveloped loin painPalliative nephrectomyObstructive LFTsBiliary stricture - stentedDeveloped pain in left shoulder

  • Pathological Fracturebroken bone caused by disease leading to weakness of the bonemetastatic tumours: breast, lung, thyroid, kidney, prostateprimary malignant tumours: chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, Ewing's tumourBloods: FBC, PSA, myeloma screen. CXR. Mammogram

  • Pathological FractureOrthopaedic opinion stabilisation/reamings/biopsyPost operative radiotherapy 20Gy in 5 fractionsMirels Risk

    8=15% risk9=33% risk>9=High risk

    123SiteUpper limbLower limbPeritrochanterPainMildModerateSevereLesionBlasticMixedLyticSize2/3

  • Case 4Treated with sunitinibShortly afterwards developed reduced visual acuitySeen by opthalmologyUrgent phone call

  • Choroidal MetastasesChoroid: vascular layer in and around eyeBreast, lung, prostate, kidney, thyroid, GI, lymphoma, leukaemiaSymptoms: flashing lights, visual disturbanceUrgent treatment: Radiotherapy to save vision20Gy in 5 fractions

  • Brain MetastasesLung, breast, melanomaHeadache, nausea, vomiting, seizures, change in behaviour, focal neurological deficitCT/MRIDexamethasone up to 16mg/dayRisk of hydrocephalus neurosurgeons ?shuntMultiple mets whole brain RTSolitary met excision or stereotactic radiosurgery

  • Case 6

  • Pericardial effusionObstruction of lymphatic drainage or fluid from tumour on pericardiumTamponade tachycardia, hypotension, JVP, oedemaEchocardiogramUrgent discussion with cardiothoracicsPercardiocentesis fluid for cytologyPericardial windowComplete pericardial strippingTreat underlying cause

  • Case 7

  • Lymphangitis CarcinomatosaBreathlessness, dry cough, haemoptysisdiffuse infiltration and obstruction of pulmonary parenchymal lymphatic channels by tumourBreast, lung, colon, stomach80% adenoCXR diffuse reticulonodular shadowingCT or High Resolution CT

  • Lymphangitis CarcinomatosaTreatment of underlying conditionDexamethasoneChemotherapyEndocrine TherapyPrognosis poor 50% die within 3 months of first symptom

  • The End