acts chapter 9 -

Acts Chapter 9 Over 10 weeks Quiz Worx Home Delivery is exploring the Book Of Acts. Acts is the second volume of Jesus’ ministry, as recorded by the historian Luke. Jesus’ earthly ministry is recorded in the gospel of Luke up until the time of Jesus‘ death and resurrection. The second volume, which we call “Acts”, continues to record the ministry of Jesus. Yet that ministry is now done through his people, by the power of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:1-8). Acts 1:8 sets the focus of the book. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the apostles (and those who would follow their teaching) were to be witnesses of Jesus, starting in Jerusalem, but then moving beyond that to Judea, Samaria, and ultimately to the ends of the earth. The teaching of the book of Acts is that through his death and resurrection, Jesus is the person whom God has appointed as king of his kingdom. Jesus is the Risen King! And he has a mission. Jesus’ mission is that people from all around the world would hear that Jesus is the king. And Jesus’ mission is that people from all around the world would accept Jesus as their king. Through our weekly Kids’ Talk videos we will look at how Jesus’ mission began to spread despite the things and people who tried to stop it. Each Kids’ Talk video has accompanying discussion questions for you to work through with your children. We have also provided some further ‘Digging Deeper’ Family devotions. These will help you and your family work through the book of Acts and discover more about Jesus’ mission as carried out by his people, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We realise that the book of Acts is a long book - 28 chapters in all. As such, there will be some parts of the book that will not be directly looked at in either the Kids’ talks or the ‘Digging Deeper’ Family Devotions. If you and your family wish to read through these extra sections, then please feel free to do so! As we journey through Acts together, we are going to see again and again that the mission of the Risen King Jesus cannot be stopped. Let’s pray that we can be part of Jesus’ unstoppable mission.

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Acts Chapter 9

Over 10 weeks Quiz Worx Home Delivery is exploring the Book Of Acts. Acts is the second volume of Jesus’ ministry, as recorded by the historian Luke. Jesus’ earthly ministry is recorded in the gospel of Luke up until the time of Jesus‘ death and resurrection. The second volume, which we call “Acts”, continues to record the ministry of Jesus. Yet that ministry is now done through his people, by the power of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:1-8). Acts 1:8 sets the focus of the book. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the apostles (and those who would follow their teaching) were to be witnesses of Jesus, starting in Jerusalem, but then moving beyond that to Judea, Samaria, and ultimately to the ends of the earth. The teaching of the book of Acts is that through his death and resurrection, Jesus is the person whom God has appointed as king of his kingdom. Jesus is the Risen King! And he has a mission. Jesus’ mission is that people from all around the world would hear that Jesus is the king. And Jesus’ mission is that people from all around the world would accept Jesus as their king. Through our weekly Kids’ Talk videos we will look at how Jesus’ mission began to spread despite the things and people who tried to stop it. Each Kids’ Talk video has accompanying discussion questions for you to work through with your children. We have also provided some further ‘Digging Deeper’ Family devotions. These will help you and your family work through the book of Acts and discover more about Jesus’ mission as carried out by his people, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We realise that the book of Acts is a long book - 28 chapters in all. As such, there will be some parts of the book that will not be directly looked at in either the Kids’ talks or the ‘Digging Deeper’ Family Devotions. If you and your family wish to read through these extra sections, then please feel free to do so! As we journey through Acts together, we are going to see again and again that the mission of the Risen King Jesus cannot be stopped. Let’s pray that we can be part of Jesus’ unstoppable mission.

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Acts Chapter 9

In today’s video we met Paul - who had his name changed from Saul. But his name wasn’t the only thing that changed - his WHOLE life was changed! Paul’s life changed because the Risen King Jesus changes people.

1. What was Paul/Saul’s mission before he met Jesus?

2. What amazing things did Paul learn about Jesus that changed him

3. How did Paul’s life look after he had been changed by the Risen King Jesus? Pray

Give thanks that Jesus’ mission cannot be stopped even when some people try to stop it.

Thank God that Jesus can change our lives because he loves and forgives us.

Pray that we too can have our lives changed by Jesus and join his mission of telling others about the Risen King Jesus.

Discussion Questions after Acts 9 Video

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Family DevotionsHow to use ‘Digging Deeper’ for the Book of Acts.

To help you in your journey through Acts, each week we will provide three devotions. We encourage you to read these passages with those in your household at a time that suits, and use the questions to guide you as you talk and reflect on Jesus’ unstoppable mission in the Book of Acts.

We looked at a number of different Bible translations when creating these questions. So feel free to use any version as you work through them with your family. Memory Verse Challenge

The memory verse for our series on Acts is from Acts 2:38. Larissa and some of her Quiz Worx human and puppet friends have created a fun music video to help you learn it! You can find the Memory Verse video in the Google Drive Folder, or you can view it on YouTube at Something to Remember

As we journey through the Book of Acts, we will continue to see that the mission of the Risen King Jesus cannot be stopped. As you look at each passage, keep asking: a) What could stop Jesus’ mission? b) How do we see these obstacles overcome? c) How can I be part of Jesus’ unstoppable mission?

Devotion 1- Acts 8:1-25 (if you have younger children, just read verses 1-8)

After Stephen was killed for following Jesus and telling others about him, we read that more people tried to hurt Jesus’ followers. They were trying to stop the mission of the Risen King Jesus. Would they succeed?

1. What was Saul doing to those who followed Jesus? 2. Many of Jesus’ followers tried to escape. Where did they go and what did they do?

(Compare this with what is said in Acts 1:8. If you have the maps from week 1, look to see how Jesus’ mission is spreading).

3. We see that even persecution cannot stop the mission of the Risen King Jesus from being spread far and wide. How does it make you feel that Jesus’ mission is unstoppable?


Thank God that the mission of the Risen King Jesus continued to spread, even to you and me!

Ask God for the courage to keep telling others about Jesus even when it might be hard.

Look up ‘Voice of the Martyrs’ or ‘Open Doors'. Pray for Christians in countries where they are being threatened or hurt, to keep following Jesus and telling others about them. Add the country to your Mission Diary so you can keep praying for them.

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Family Devotions

Devotion 2 – Acts 8: 26-40

In this section we read about Philip meeting with an Ethiopian Eunuch (he was the treasurer for the Queen of Ethiopia). He was on the long journey back home after visiting the temple in Jerusalem (see map on pages 6 & 7). He was reading from the Old Testament book of Isaiah, but he didn’t understand it until Philip explained it to him. What he learnt was life changing!

1. What did the Ethiopian Eunuch ask Philip to do for him?

2. The Eunuch was reading from Isaiah chapter 53. Look this up and read verses 6-8. What did Philip then say to the Eunuch about this passage?

3. After learning about Jesus, the Eunuch wanted to be baptized. Why do you think he did this? What does it mean to be baptised? (To help you, watch the Acts 2:38 memory verse video from week 1)


Give thanks for those who have taught you the Good News of Jesus from the Bible.

Ask God for opportunities to tell others the Good News of Jesus.

Pray for people in your Mission Diary, that someone may tell them the Good News of Jesus.

Bonus Material:

This week you can also enjoy a bonus video re-telling the story of when Philip meets the Ethiopian Eunuch. View the Bonus Video on YouTube at:

Devotion 3 – Acts 9: 1-31 (if you have younger children, just read 9:1-18)

In this chapter we read of the amazing change that happened to Saul (later known as Paul). Remember, Saul used to hate the followers of Jesus. But then his life was changed…

1. What amazing thing happened to Saul?

2. How was Saul’s life changed? What did he do now instead of threatening Jesus’ followers?

3. Read verses 1 and 31 again. How does this make you feel about the unstoppable mission of the Risen King Jesus?


Praise God that his mission is unstoppable!

Thank God that Jesus can change anyone. Do you know anyone who hates Jesus or Christians? Pray for them.

Ask God to keep changing us by his Holy Spirit so that we can love others and tell them about Jesus.

For further reading – Acts 9:32-43

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