activity 1 - ark dickens primary

Year 6 22 nd - 26 th June 2020 Monday 15 th June – Reading Activity 1 Watch the video Activity 2 Read the extract

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Page 1: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Monday 15th June – Reading

Activity 1 Watch the video

Activity 2 Read the extract

Page 2: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June - Reading

Activity 3 Answer the questions. Remember to use full sentence answers.

1) Peter was a quiet, imperturbable boy.

Which of the following words could replace imperturbable? edgy calm excitable

2) Why was Peter getting ready to leave the house?

3) What would offend Harry?

4) ‘they were greeted by a towering, well-dressed gentleman who had immaculate hair.’

Write a word that could replace immaculate in this sentence.

5) What was special about the grand entrance?

6) Compare the characters of Peter and Harry. What similarities and differences do they have?

Refer to the text in your answer.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June – Writing

Activity 1 Complete the quiz

Page 4: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Monday 22nd June - Writing

Activity 2 Watch the video:

Activity 3 Read the full story below and answer the questions to find the key features.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June - Writing

Page 6: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June - Writing

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June – Writing

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June - Writing

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June – Writing

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June – Maths

Activity 1 Complete the quiz and watch the video:


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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 15th June - Maths

Activity 2 Look at the example, then solve the problems below


Remember to carefully check which units of measure is needed for the answer and don’t forget to convert into this

unit. In this example, you could complete the question first in cm, and then convert into mm or you could convert

into mm first and then solve the questions.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Monday 22nd June - Maths

Page 13: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Tuesday 23rd June – Reading

Reading for pleasure – read at least 4 pages of your current reading book

Activity 1 Write a letter to a character from your current reading book. What would you like to ask

the character? Is there any help or advice you could give them? How would you like the

story to end?

Dear ___________________



















Yours Sincerely,


Page 14: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Tuesday 23rd June – Writing

Activity 1 Watch the video:

When you write longer pieces of work, it is important to keep the reader interested. One method of doing this is

through using a variety of sentence lengths.

Read this text carefully. The paragraph

highlighted in red used only short, simple

sentences and as a reader it becomes boring,


The second paragraph uses a variety of

sentence lengths to keep the reader

interested. One or two word sentences are

really effective for making the reader pause or

to emphasise something.

Even using a really long sentence occasionally

can keep the reader interested.

Activity 2 Look at the paragraphs below. Each paragraph is made up of medium to long sentences. Find space where

you could add short sentences of up to 5 words which will have a strong effect on the reader.

The sea swelled and stretched over the soft sand that shone as bright as gold, as Eli paddled on the shore.

He shot up spluttering as a strong wave drenched him in ice cold water, shooting his parents a sour look as

they laughed at him.

Carefully, Shameema reached her cold, shaking hands out towards the door, praying that the rust door

handle would stay silent as she slowly pressed down on the handle. Jumping in fright, Shameema jumped

into the shadows and held her breath, terrified of being caught. Taking a deep breath, she peeped through

the crack in the door and that’s when she saw it. The multimillion pound, carefully looked after, sparkling

potato peeler - stolen from her mansion only days before.

Page 15: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Tuesday 23rd June – Writing

Activity 3 Write a paragraph for each of these scenarios, using the pictures to help you. Remember to include a

mixture of sentence lengths for effect. You could

write about yourself or create a character.

1. You’re being chased by a dragon. You look

behind you and this is what you see.

2. You have decided to take a look inside an

abandoned house.

3. You are out walking in the mountains and

you hurt yourself.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Tuesday 23rd June - Maths

Activity 1 Complete the quiz and watch the video

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Tuesday 16th June - Maths

Activity 2 Have a look at the information below about how to calculate the volume of a cuboid or cube, then answer the

questions below.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Tuesday 23rd June – Maths

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Wednesday 23rd June - Reading

Activity 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions

Reading – Activity 1

Have a look at the picture and answer the questions below based on what you see.

1. Where in the world is this happening? What clues make you think that?

2. What do you think is happening in this picture? What makes you think this?

3. Describe this picture in 5 sentences.

4. How would you feel if you were:

i. Taking the picture

ii. Standing on the other side of the water

iii. On the moon

5. If you could ask one question about this picture, what would you ask?

6. When do you think this is happening? Past/present/future? What year, why?

7. What do you think happened just before this picture?

8. What might happen next?

Page 20: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Wednesday 24th June - Reading

Activity 2 Read the text and answer the questions

1. How does the author describe the creatures hand?

2. “Artemis swallowed a triumphant grin”? Why does he feel triumphant? Why does he swallow the


3. Why is Nguyen skipping? What does this tell you about the character?

4. Do you think we will see Nguyen again in the story? What makes you think this?

5. Why does Artemis need night vision goggles?

6. Why does the creature freeze? What does this tell you about how she is feeling?

7. Why do you think Artemis wants the book? What information might it hold?

8. Draw a picture of the fairy using the description in the book to label her.

9. What is the effect of the word ‘pathetic’ used on its own in the second to last sentence?

10. What does “Artemis shrugged.” tell us about Artemis?

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Wednesday 24th June – Writing

Activity 1 - Spelling

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Wednesday 24th June – Writing

Activity 2 Choose 3 of the styles given in the table below to practise your spellings.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Wednesday 24th June – Maths

Activity 1 Complete the quiz then watch the video:

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Wednesday 24th June - Maths

Activity 2 Watch the video on the website

of-mass or have a look at this information

Activity 3 – complete the activities

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Wednesday 24th June - Maths

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Thursday 25th June – Reading

Reading for pleasure

Activity 1 Read at least 4 pages of your current reading books.

Activity 2 After you have finished your reading, think about the story book you are currently reading. Create a story

board of 5 key parts of the story so far. Think carefully about which parts of the story are most relevant to

the reader.
















Page 27: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Thursday 25th June – Writing

Activity 1 Complete the quiz and watch the video

Activity 2 – Plan your story Look back at the WAGOLL on Monday to help you.

Today, you are going to plan your own story based on the character you created in your character

description last week.

You can decide all the details about the story. Look at the key features below for some ideas of things you

need to include. Then begin your planning on the story mountain planning sheet on the next page.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Thursday 25th June - Writing

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Thursday 25th June – Maths

Activity 1

Complete the quiz and watch the video

Page 30: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Thursday 25th June - Maths

Activity 2 Watch the video on the website

calculation-of-measure or use the information below to help you

To convert from pounds to pence, multiply by


To convert from pence to pounds, divide by 100.

Look carefully at this example of problem

solving with money involved too.

Activity 3 – solve the problems

Remember diameter means

the line across the middle of

a circle.

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Thursday 25th June – Maths

Page 32: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Friday 26th June – Reading

Activity 1 Complete the quiz and watch the video

Activity 2 Read the text

Friday 26th June - Reading

Page 33: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Activity 3 Answer the questions

1) Where have the boys been transported to?

2) What could the boys see all around them?

3) ‘…they began the descent deeper into the rainforest…’

What does the word descent mean?

4) ‘The boys intensely listened, following the trickle of water which grew louder and louder with each


Which word could replace intensely in the sentence?

5) When was Harry at his happiest?

6) Do you think the boys will find any of the animals near the water? Refer to the text in your answer.

7) In this final paragraph why is Harry becoming increasingly frustrated?

8) What is the name of the teacher?

9) How were Harry and Peter feeling when they couldn’t see anyone from their class anymore?

10) What does ‘aquaphobic’ mean? Find your answer in the text.

Page 34: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Friday 26th June – Writing

Activity 1 Complete the quiz:

Activity 2 Watch the video or look at the information here.

Activity 3 Write the story that you planned yesterday. Remember to use your character description from last week and include

the success criteria above.

Page 35: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Friday 26th June – Maths

Activity 1 Complete the quiz:

Page 36: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Friday 26th June - Maths

Activity 2 Watch the video:

Or look at the information below.

Activity 3 – Solve the problems

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020 Friday 26th June – Maths

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Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Page 39: Activity 1 - Ark Dickens Primary

Year 6 22nd - 26th June 2020

Weekly Art project:

Still life sketch

This week you’ll be thinking about electricity! For your Art project

we would like you to use your drawing skills to produce a still life

pencil drawing of an object in your home that is powered by

electricity. Use your line, pattern and shading skills to make your

drawing as accurate as possible.

For years 3,4,5, and 6 [email protected]