activity 1 and case study unit 2

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  • 8/18/2019 Activity 1 and Case Study Unit 2



    Activity 1:

     Prepare a vacancy notice (ad) for the post of Senior Accountant, one that could

    be placed in Kantipur Daily.

    Activity : !ollect the application for" fro" a co"pany through the #ebsite

    #hich has advertised for so"e post in the ne#spaper. $%a"ine the application

    for" in ter"s of the ite"s included, and the type and a"ount of infor"ation

    sought. &hat are the shortco"ings in the application for", if any'

    Case Studies

    nterest at otto" *evel +obs

    A "aor international e"ployer in Kath"andu is atte"pting to hire -epalese

    nationals #ith a vie# to tanning the" for future positions in higher "anage"ent.

    t is the policy of the e"ployer that all ne# "e"bers of the organiation start atthe botto" and gradually #or/ their #ay up to "ore i"portant obs. 0his policy

    has been adopted because of the e%tre"e co"ple%ity of the operation. 0he

    e"ployer believes that a "anager, even after he has reached a point #here he

    delegates very broad po#ers to others, "ust have a fairly detailed /no#ledge of

    #hat needs to be done. 0his policy has been successful in "any of the other

    countries in #hich this e"ployer operates.

    A nu"ber of the candidates intervie#ed in -epal are #ell educated but co"e

    fro" groups, #hich have traditionally not per"itted "en of high calibre to

    perfor" the types of tas/s reuired of ne# e"ployees starting at the botto". A

    nu"ber of those hired have refused to perfor" these basic tas/s and have left

    after only short periods of e"ploy"ents. t is your responsibility to obtain ne#

    e"ployees, but you cannot change the 2start at the botto"2 policy.


    1. &hy -epalese candidates are not interested to oin ob at botto" level'

    . s there so"ething #rong in this co"pany4s hiring policy' 5es or -o'

    Support your ans#er.

    6. 5ou as a 789 e%pert, #hat #ould you suggest to attract and hold -epalese

    nationals #ith niversity education.

    ;. After co"pleting your A degree you (as a ob candidate) "ight have to

    face the sa"e proble" in the near future. So, #hat is your preparation to face

    #ith that type of situation' +ustify your ans#er.