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Strasbourg, 29 March 2006 AP/CAT (2006) 26 Bil.






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TABLE DES MATIERES / CONTENTS Centres avec subvention de base en 2006

PAGE ALGERIA / ALGÉRIE CRSTRA - Centre Euro-Méditerranéen de recherche sicentifique et technique régions arides / Euro-Mediterranean Center on scientific and technical research in arid zones (Biskra)


ARMENIA / ARMÉNIE ECTR – European Interregional Educational Centre for Training Rescuers / Centre Européen de Formation Inter-Régionale pour les Sauveteurs (Yerevan)


AZERBAIJAN /AZERBAÏDJAN ECMHT - European Centre on Training and Information of Local and Regional Authorities and Population in the Field of Natural and Technological Disasters / Centre Européen de Formation des Autorités Locales et Régionales dans le domaine des Catastrophes Naturelles et Technologiques (Baku)


BELGIUM / BELGIQUE ISPU - Higher Institute of Emergency Planning / Institut Supérieur de Planification d'Urgence (Florival)


BULGARIA / BULGARIE CSLT – European Centre for Risk Prevention training at school level / Centre

Européen sur la formation scolaire à la Prévention des Risques (Sofia)


FRANCE CERG – European Centre for Seismic and Geomorphological Hazards / Centre Européen sur les Risques Géomorphologiques (Strasbourg)


FRANCE CSEM – Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen / European Mediterranean

Seismological Centre, (Bruyères-le-Chatel)


FRANCE EMORI – Euro-Mediterranean Observatory on Risk Management /Observatoire euro-méditerranéen sur la gestion des risques (Montpellier)


GEORGIA / GEORGIE GHHD – European Centre on Geodynamical Risks of High Dams / Centre Européen sur les Risques Géodynamiques liés aux Grands Barrages (Tbilisi)


GREECE / GRÈCE ECFF – European Centre on Forest Fires / Centre européen sur les feux de forêt (Athènes)


LUXEMBURG / LUXEMBOURG ECGS - European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology / Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Sismologie (Walferdange)


FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA / EX-RÉPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACÉDOINE ECILS - European Centre on the Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems / Centre Européen sur la Vulnérabilité des systèmes et réseaux industriels (Skopje)


MALTA / MALTE ICoD - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics /Centre Européen de la Dynamique Côtière Insulaire (La Valette)


MOLDOVA ECMNR – European Centre for Mitigation of Natural Risks / Centre européen pour la réduction des risques naturels (Kishinev)


PORTUGAL CERU - European Centre on Urban Risks / Centre Européen sur les Risques Urbains (Lisbonne)


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ROMANIA / ROUMANIE ECBR - European Centre for Rehabilitation of Buildings / Centre Européen pour la

Réhabilitation des Bâtiments (Bucarest)


RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE ECNTRM- European Centre of New Technologies for the Management of Natural and Technological Major Hazards / Centre Européen des Nouvelles Technologies pour la Gestion des Risques Naturels et Technologiques Majeurs (Moscou)


SAN MARINO / SAINT-MARIN CEMEC - European Centre for Disaster Medicine /Centre Européen pour la Médecine des Catastrophes (San Marino)


UKRAINE TESEC – European Centre of Technological Safety / Centre Européen de Sécurité Technologique (Kiev)


Centre sans subvention de base en 2006 TURKEY / TURQUIE AFEM - European Natural Disasters Training Centre / Centre Européen de Formation sur les Risques Naturels (Ankara)


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ALGERIA / ALGÉRIE CRSTRA - Centre Euro-Méditerranéen de recherche sicentifique et technique

régions arides/ Euro-Mediterranean Center on scientific and technical research in arid zones (Biskra)

Station expérimentale d'El-Outaya Le démarrage de ses activités nécessite à la fois : - des équipements de terrain (brise vent, forage, réseau d'irrigation, plantations,...)

- des équipements de laboratoire (culture in vitro, analyse de sol, végétal et eau) en raison des objectifs fixés, à savoir : • la mise en place des essais de référence sur des espèces adaptées ou a

introduire en zones arides en vue de leur vulgarisation • améliorer les potentialités du palmier dattier (production/ré instance aux


• amorcer la constitution des collections devant servir de support pour la recherche et comme réserve génétique

• amorcer la caractérisation et une cartographie des sols • assurer une formation continue aux jeunes chercheurs permanents du centre • création d'une banque de donnée • création d'une bibliothèque « zone arides » (outil très utile pour la recherche et la


Ateliers de Formation Durée : 3 jours pour chaque atelier Participants : 30 à 40 personnes par atelier; Intervenants: 3 conférenciers pour chaque atelier Thèmes proposés: • Sol et fertilisation en zone aride (Avril 2006) Cible : cadres de l'agriculture et naturellement les chercheurs du centre. • Phoeniciculture (Mai 2006) Cible : cadres de l'agriculture et naturellement les chercheurs du centre • Ville et environnement en zones arides (Septembre 2006) Cible : chercheurs du centre, écologistes, architectes, hydrauliciens, forestiers,

agronomes, biologistes. • Interactif, Ecotourisme dans le Touat- Gourara (Octobre 2006) Cible : chercheurs du centre, sociologues, économistes, agronomes, écologistes. Journées Internationales sur la désertification (04-06 juin 2006)

Conférences Une série de conférences est également prévue à raison de deux conférences par mois et doivent traiter à chaque fois un thème ou un problème particulier aux zones arides: • Flore et faune endémique de la steppe et du Sahara • La biodiversité des zones humides en régions arides

• L'irrigation des sols salés • L'irrigation par pivot en zone saharienne • Les risques majeurs de la remontée des eaux et des rejets urbains • Encadrement sanitaire des populations (lechmaniose – scorpion) • L'activité féminine en milieu ksourien et oasienne • Des énergies propres pour les zones arides Des débats qui s'en suivront doivent s'inscrire des projets de recherche à développer par la suite. Elles doivent aussi asseoir une tradition d'échange d'idées et d'expériences entre les chercheurs toutes disciplines confondues.

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ARMENIA / ARMENIE ECTR - European Interregional Educational Centre for Training Rescuers /

Centre Européen de Formation Inter-Régionale pour les Sauveteurs (Yerevan)

Training in first aid skills

Training in first aid skills with assistance of the Armenian rescuers-instructors trained within the framework of the Armenian–French joint project with involvement of the ECTR and API.

Training of the contingent of peacekeeping subdivisions

Preparation of the corresponding training courses and training of the contingent of peacekeeping subdivisions in the elements of adequate behaviour and in the skills of showing comprehensive aid at dealing with the civilians, bearing in mind the situations

typical of the armed conflict zones (basing on the corresponding subdivisions of peacekeeping battalion of the Republic of Armenia that have to perform a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo as members of the Greek battalion of the United Nations Organization’s peacekeeping forces Comparative study on legislation

Harmonization of the legislations of the European Union (the secondary legislation), member – states of the European Union and the Republic of Armenia in the area of civil protection, prevention of emergencies and their response. Comparative analyses of the Legislations of the European Union (the secondary legislation) and the Republic of Armenia in the field of civil protection.

Training of pupils at school level in risk prevention

Preparation and experimental teaching of “Safety and Survival subject” in Armenian National after “Anania Shirakatzi” college in Yerevan city and in the regions of Armenia including at remote rural schools.

Training of pupils at school level in risk prevention

Project of program development and implementation of training socially unprotected teenagers called “difficult children” in safe life activities basis to be applied in extreme situations.

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AZERBAIJAN /AZERBAÏDJAN ECMHT - European Centre on Training and Information of Local and Regional Authorities

and Population in the Field of Natural and Technological Disasters / Centre Européen de Formation des Autorités Locales et Régionales dans le Domaine des

Catastrophes Naturelles et Technologiques (Baku)

Symposium: "Scientific-theoretical, ecological and legal provision of protection of ground and underground water resources of the republic" (October 2006) Background: The need of the population of Azerbaijan Republic in drinking water consists of 60% of ground and 40% of underground water resources. The main ground water resources of the country are Kura and Araz rivers. 72% of these waters are formed outside the borders

of our country and enter to Azerbaijan territory in a very dirty state. The condition of rapid pollution of environment has its influence on underground waters. It was approved during observation held on Garabagh, Mil and Gandja flats. Objective:

To study the real situation and to work out the corresponding recommendations with the participation of local and foreign specialists and scientists Participating organizations: • ECMHT, European Training-Information Center in Baku;

• “FOVGAL” association, non-govern-mental organization.; • Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Water Problems; • Azerbaijan State Architecture and Construction Engineers University Instruction book on: “Reduction and neutralization of wastes and principles of the organization of the ecological environment safety” (within the year) Objective: From the first days of its existence the Center had organized a number of national, regional and international activities for the solution of this problem. Taking into account

that the work done by the Center and the collected materials are of great interest not only for Azerbaijan but other GIS countries too, the Center with the participation of local and international experts plans to prepare appropriate recommendations and then to publish and spread them in the form of book. Participating organizations:

• ECMHT, European Training-Information Center in Baku; • “FOVGAL” association, non-govern-mental organization.. • National and international experts.

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BELGIUM /BELGIQUE ISPU - Higher Institute of Emergency Planning /

Institut Supérieur de Planification d'Urgence (Florival) Réunion de concertation entre participants pour la préparation du séminaire sur la gestion interministérielle des risques majeurs (5 avril 2006)

Objectifs : - la prise de connaissance des remarques des représentants des Etats analysés sur

le document de discussion APCAT(2005)30 ; - la désignation des orateurs au séminaire par les Correspondants Permanents des

Etats faisant l’objet de l’analyse (France, Bulgarie, Russie); - l’organisation pratique du séminaire avec adoption de l’ordre du jour.

Bonnes pratiques Objectifs : Développer le réseau d’échange d’informations sur les bonnes pratiques en matière de gestion des risques majeurs. Un certain nombre de bonnes pratiques en matière de planification et de gestion de situations d’urgence ont été extraites des analyses comparatives déjà réalisées. Nous avons alors imaginé un outil informatique organisant les bonnes pratiques sous la forme d’un répertoire de fiches permettant un classement cohérent et donc une consultation aisée.

Avant diffusion des fiches, contact sera pris avec les représentants des Etats identifiés par la fiche pour validation, désignation d’une personne de contact et obtention d’autres informations complémentaires. Ensuite, une fiche type sera distribuée à tous les membres de l’Accord afin de récolter un maximum de bonnes pratiques existantes L’identification des bonnes pratiques est un travail continu et sera récurrent dans nos fiches d’activités.

Calendrier prévisionnel : - février : test système - mars : envoi aux pays identifiés par les fiches pour informations complémentaires - avril/mai : réception et analyse des informations complémentaires - juin : Contact avec les autres Etats membres pour identifier de nouvelles bonnes


- Récolte et analyses des bonnes pratiques identifiées Base de données juridiques

Objectifs : A l’instar des bonnes pratiques, un certain nombre de textes juridiques pertinents ont été extraits des études réalisées. La base de données sera complétée au fur et à mesure de l’identification des textes concernés. Une coopération sera mise en place à cette fin avec l’ensemble des Etats membres et Centres spécialisés concernés pour compléter et actualiser la base de données.

Il s’agit donc également d’un travail continu qui sera récurrent dans nos activités. L’objectif, à plus long terme, est de constituer une base de données qui reprendrait :

- Un inventaire des textes réglementaires nationaux, européens, internationaux sur la gestion des risques ;

- un inventaire des autorités compétentes dans les Etats membres. Calendrier prévisionnel :

- février : test système et mise en ligne des liens trouvés - mars : recherche de législations encore non identifiées - avril, mai : validation par les Correspondants Permanents - juin : récolte et analyse des données

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BULGARIA / BULGARIE CSLT - European Centre for Risk Prevention training at school level /

Centre européen sur la formation scolaire à la Prévention des Risques (Sofia) The efforts of the Center will concentrate on the accomplishment of the tasks started in 2005 and realization of the tasks ensuing from: • the Conclusions of the Ministerial Meetings of the Open Partial Agreement EUR-OPA

for Major Hazards in the areas of the Training and the Culture of Risk; • The follow up to the Kobe Conference-United Nations Action Plan 2005-2015;

• The Medium Term Plan; • The Programs of the EUR-OPA Agreement: The European Training Program in the field

of Risk Sciences FORM-OSE; The Program of the Decision Makers for Risk Prevention and Risk Management; The University set in the area of the Risk Sciences; the Medias;

• Participation in projects connected to Risk Management. These Priorities will be realized with four specific type activities: 1.Information - Project “Danube a river for all, a care for everybody” in common with Bulgarian

National Radio: elaboration of the content of the radio programmes (May 2006).

- Joint project (with Nicosia, Ravello, Strasbourg) on Be–Safe–Net , the website on Disaster Awareness with the use of the Internet”.

2. Education:

a.School level

- The European Training Program in the Field of Risk Sciences FORM-OSE. Coordination of activities at school level - 2006.

- Participation in the project: “Euro -Mediterranean network of schools for risk prevention and safety ”-2006.

- Participation in the project: “Ethics and psychological support in risk and emergency

situations” (EPSES) –2006 b. University Masters Programs in the area of Risk Sciences:

- The New Bulgarian University (Sofia)-2005/2006: - The Center for Study of Risks and Security;

- Department-Crisis Public Relation and Crisis Communications; 3. Contribution of the Center: a. Comparative analysis of legal aspects. Update of the analysis of existing legislations in relief Risk management in Bulgaria.

b. Crisis Management and Risk Prevention. Project ”Build up of The Co-ordination Center for Risk Management in Sofia Municipality”: Implementation of the conclusions of the working meeting 15-16 December 2005 International Scientific Conference-in collaboration with Balkan security Forum-2006; Participation in joint projects and candidate for projects in collaboration with the other Centers of the network-2006.

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FRANCE CERG - European Centre for Seismic and Geomorphological Hazards /

Centre Européen sur les Risques Géomorphologiques (Strasbourg) Study of geomorphological hazard in the main production areas of the mountain basin of the River Panaro (Modena Apennines, Italy) This research will start in 2006 in cooperation with Land Reclamation Syndicate of Burana-Leo-Scoltenna-Panaro. The study area is located in the mid-upper basin of the River Panaro (total length of 148 km and catchment basin of 1,784 km2), which collects the waters from the central section of the Northern Apennines, flows into the River Po after running across the Po Plain for some 85 km. Phase 1 : identification of the areas where significant production activities subject to geomorphological instability are present.

Phase 2 : acquisition of all available information and documents regarding the areas subject to geomorphological instability. Phase 3 : mapping of the geomorphological hazard in the main production areas and its surroundings, assessment of the hazard levels and advice on remedial measures. Those maps, implemented by means of GIS (Geographical Information System), will be easily updatable in the light of expansion of production settlements and/or further

geomorphological disarray events. Debris flow modelling Different concepts for liquefaction will be tested in a laboratory flume where controlled slump failures are generated in material with different densities. Several geometries of the failure plane will also be tested. During failure, pore pressure in 12 points, total heads and

strain deformation are monitored continuously. Moreover, the field validation of our 2D dynamic mass flow model will continue. Performance of the model will be tested against several event data from catchments located in the Alps (France, Austria, Italy) and Indonesia. It is moreover planned to publish our results in International Scientific Journals. Implementation of didactic materials on geomorphological hazards

The implementation of didactic materials on geomorphological hazards (Power Points presentations, Thematic maps, etc..) will continue in 2006. This didactic material will could be used within the framework of the training activities foreseen in 2006 and 2007 and of the BeSafeNet action of the APO agreement.

Support to preparation 7th FP Working Programme

A specific effort on the implementation of the EC FP7 Working Programme on “Sustainable Development and Global Change, Natural Hazard” will be acccomplished as several members of Cerg are involved in national or international working groups in charge of proposing suggestions to the EC about this topic. Other activities foreseen Cerg members will participate in the Committee of international scientific meetings, convene specific sessions in meetings and organize international workshops :

- International Association of Mathematical Geology (Liège, September 2006)

- International Symposium of Risk Analysis in (Malta, Italy, June 2006)

- “Time Dimension of Landslide Hazard” at the EGU Assembly (Vienna, April 2006)

- “Workshop on landslide hazard and risk zoning” (Barcelona, September 2006).

They will also participate to the Programme Leonardo Da Vinci “Debris: Development of innovative forms of learning and teaching oriented towards Building a family of new curricula in the field of natural Risks” and in the EU Asia-Link programme CASITA II (Sustainable Capacity Building on Urban Disaster Mitigation in Asia using IT & Learning Tools).

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FRANCE CSEM – Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen /

European Mediterranean Seismological Centre, (Bruyères-le-Chatel) • Maintenance of operational alert activities (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) and further

improvement their performances. • Study of the implementation of data exchange in XML with the contributors in order

to improve the reliability of the data exchange. • Since 11/01/2006, the new EMSC web site is online to cope with huge surge of web

traffic generally caused by felt events. This web site provides new services such as animated maps of seismicity and a new web server will soon be installed to better answer to peaks of visitors.

• Online collection of the effects of the earthquakes. • Since 01/01/2006, EMSC systematically manually reviews the locations of all events

published on the Real Time Earthquake Information page (not only the Euro-Med events) as long as it has been reported by several networks, during the working days.

• To lower the alert threshold down to 5.0 in the whole Euro-Med region. For this, we will try to get more real time data from Northern Africa, Middle-East and Caucasus.

• Production for each event of an up-to-date regional instrumental seismicity map. • Study of the epicenters that have been filtered by the RTEI page by checking if they

were actual events after checking if they appear in the Euro-Med Bulletin. If necessary, modifications of the region associated to each network in which it is considered as authoritative.

• Production of seismic hazard maps at a regional scale. • Development of a RSS feed for the Real Time Earthquake Information and News


• Integration of a simplified map of the epicentral zone into the fax EMSC sends in the frame of the Earthquake Alert System (for the end-users who request it).

Facts: • The Earthquake Alert System has remained fully operational in 2005 thanks to the

technical support of the LDG and the efficient collaboration with the IGN. • The RTEI service and the Earthquake Alert System runs with the contributions of the

network operators who keep on providing quick and reliable data. • In 2005, three new institutes started to provide quick moment tensors solutions to

EMSC, who better estimate the magnitude of moderate and large events. • More spontaneous contributions to the special web pages and to the News page

are received. EMSC is always keen on helping the scientific community to share information.

• In 2005, more than 10,000 events have been reported on the Real Time Earthquake Information page, almost 4,000 of them reviewed by EMSC either automatically or manually.

• The average web traffic has been multiplied by 2.5 in one year and the Real Time

Earthquake Information page is now the most visited page with about 50% of the page loads.

• Potentially felt or destructive events are located very quickly (i.e. in less than 1 hour) in the framework of the Earthquake Alert System.

• The time delay between earthquake occurrence and the report of preliminary information on EMSC web page is 11 minutes on average.

• The average accuracy of the location computed in alert mode is 10km. • On 01/01/2006 more than 6,300 emails/SMS are registered to the alert system (an

increase of 40% in one year). The median dissemination time of alert messages for Euro-Med events is 36 minutes in 2005 (32 minutes over the last 6 months of 2005).

• The customized Earthquake Notification Service, operational since 16/01/2006. allows to receive notification by email or SMS for a given geographic region from a

minimum magnitude and in 4 different formats.

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FRANCE EMORIM - Observatoire euro-méditerranéen sur la gestion des risques /

Euro-mediterranean Observatory on risk management (Montpellier) Information des populations : le projet IRIS Après validation par la Commission européenne du rapport final (prévu pour février 2006), il faudra organiser la diffusion des résultats et recommandations dans tous les Etats membres. L’inventaire complémentaire dans les pays européens et méditerranéens hors UE, effectué par l’Observatoire, a révélé l’absence totale d’information dans de nombreux pays : il est proposé que le réseau de l’Accord EUR-OPA puisse aider à cette dissémination dans ses pays membres.

Culture du risque La poursuite des collaborations dans le cadre des trois masters est prévue: Dans le cadre du Master « Sécurité Civile », un partenariat plus conséquent pourrait être noué avec l’ENSOSP dans les domaines des études et de la recherche en matière de sécurité civile par l’intermédiaire du Conseil de perfectionnement de l’ENSOSP. Dans le cadre du Master « Science du Risque », ce diplôme fonctionne bien en France et les responsables souhaiteraient lui donner une dimension européenne grace au réseau de l’Accord. Des stagiaires de l’Université Senghor d’Alexandrie (Egypte) devraient

suivre, sur place, des enseignements sur la gestion globale des risques. Dans le cadre du Master « Administration Territoriale », il est envisagé de mettre en place une filière de formation créée par l’Association des Universités Francophones avec comme partenaires : Centre Universitaire de Technologie de Tripoli (Liban), Université Senghor d’Alexandrie (Egypte), Université Montpellier I (France), Ecole Nationale de Sciences Politiques et Administratives à Bucarest (Roumanie), Université du 7 novembre à

Carthage (Tunisie), Ambassade de France au Liban, Observatoire et le Pôle Universitaire Européen Montpellier-Languedoc-Roussillon. 2èmeUniversité européenne d’Eté sur la gestion des risques Suite à la première édition organisée en septembre 2004 et réunissant des enseignants-chercheurs européens, méditerranéens et nord-américains, il est prévu d’en organiser une deuxième en septembre 2006, en collaboration avec les Ministères de l’Ecologie/Développement Durable et de l’Intérieur. Son objectif est de renforcer l’échange des savoirs et savoir-faire sur la gestion des risques, afin de favoriser la synergie entre politiques nationales et politiques intérieures et extérieures de l’Union dans le bassin méditerranéen, espace spécifique et fragile car

confronté à des risques à la fois naturels, technologiques et sociétaux. Basées sur la transdisciplinarité, les activités prévues permettront de présenter la typologie des risques et l’organisation des différentes phases constituant leur gestion globale. Après avoir répertorier les risques qui touchent les sociétés du pourtour de la Méditerranée, l’accent sera mis sur l’étude des risques d’origine naturelle et sur les modalités mises en œuvre pour tenter de les maîtriser et on s’interrogera sur la validité du

concept de « gouvernance » dans de telles sociétés structurées par le risque. Projet communautaire RIMAWA L’Observatoire, coordonnateur scientifique du projet, appliquera la feuille de route définie dans ce contrat avec la Commission européenne:

- de février à mai 2006 : élaboration d’un glossaire de travail sur la gestion (aspects

législatifs et techniques) des produits dangereux issus de l’activité industrielle; - à partir de juin 2006: début de l’étude des législations nationales et comparaison

avec la législation et les standards UE; - fin d’année 2006: début de la diffusion de bonnes pratiques de traitement d’une

sélection de déchets dangereux. La priorité est la mise en place du réseau de partenaires institutionnels dans les 3 zones

couvertes (UE, Balkans, Russie et NIS) où le réseau de l’Accord, déjà engagé par la présence de 8 de ses centres associés, peut servir de levier.

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GHHD - European Centre on Geodynamical Risks of High Dams / Centre Européen sur les Risques Géodynamiques liés aux Grands Barrages (Tbilisi)

Research Programs

1. Submission of the draft of the law on the seismic protection of Georgia to legislative organs

2. Research on natural hazards, vulnerability and methods of reducing potential

damage on the territory of Southern Caucasus.

3. Continuation of long-term research on geodynamical hazards of large dams,

using Ingouri Dam territory as an International Test Area:

4. Geodynamical monitoring of Ingouri International test area a) seismological monitoring of Ingouri International test area b) compilation of data bases c) monitoring of strong motions d) testing of new dam monitoring equipment, produced world-wide e) manufacturing of modern digital data acquisition systems for seismic

observations f) elaboration of new methods of geodynamical risk assessment from time

series analysis using methods of nonlinear dynamics Information, training, consultations 1. Preparation of papers, CD-ROMs and monographs on natural hazards, vulnerability

and methods of reducing potential damage and methodical aspects of monitoring large dams

2. Preparation of information for media on natural hazards 3. Organization of the courses on natural hazards and safety of high dams 4. Consultations for (participation in) National Expert Councils:

i. National Methodical Council at Department of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs;

ii. National Interdisciplinary Council of Seismology and Earthquake Prediction iii. European Advisory Commission on Earthquake Prediction

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GREECE / GRECE ECFF - European Centre On Forest Fires /

Centre Europeen Sur Les Feux De Forets (Athènes)

Evacuation of areas in case of a large scale forest fire is very important issue, as soon as such a decision means quick remove of a significant number of population in “safe” place. Air quality indicators are needed to monitor and estimate the severity of the situation in the affected areas in order to make such decisions. However, evacuation criteria in regard to forest fire smoke possible impacts on the exposed population haven’t been established so far. Moreover, although there are occupational exposure limits e.g. for 8 hours (TWA-8Hour), established by various health organizations there are not specific exposure limits for the firefighters of the front line.

European Center for Forest Fires during 2006 will focus on the above issues, trying to define exposure limits for the firefighters near the fire front, as well as possible emergency measures and evacuation criteria during a large scale forest fire. More specifically, the activities of ECFF during 2006 will be:

• Intends to organize a workshop with title: “Exposure limits to forest fire smoke for the fire-fighters and the exposed population and evacuation criteria” (Ocotber 2006) .

• Moreover, intends to update and upgrade the web-page that has already been

constructed ( in order to support the idea of virtual offices and services and to present new material on forest fire issues

(September 2006). • Will publish the 4th volume of FFNet (a publication of ECFF), with the proceedings of

the specialized workshop regarding fire smoke (September 2006). • Will host the annual meeting of the administrative and scientific committee. (June

and October 2006) • Moreover, will focus on furtherly preparing the Master on forest fires in cooperation

with Universities, Institutions, experts on fire issues and operational people. For that reason, a study will be carried out in order to identify the type and content of courses

and relevant issues for the “Master on forest fires” (December 2006) • Finally, intends to participate in European projects regarding the health impact of

forest fire smoke, as well as training issues, in order to achieve funding for the activities (on-going).

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LUXEMBURG / LUXEMBOURG ECGS - European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology /

Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Sismologie (Walferdange) Organisation des 93ième Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (13-15 mars 2006) L’ECGS poursuit un but d’éducation au niveau européen en organisant les Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique. Ces réunions multidisciplinaires existent depuis 30 ans et connaîtront en 2006 leur 94ième édition! Les réunions annuelles des Journées Luxembourgeoises de Géodynamique (JLG) ont pour objectif de favoriser la rencontre de chercheurs européens dans le domaine de la géodynamique, qui est l'étude de la réponse de la Terre aux forces internes ou externes qui la sollicitent. Cette rencontre leur permet d'échanger leurs idées sur les recherches en cours et de définir des programmes

communs. Ces JLG sont donc fondamentalement différentes des réunions scientifiques internationales classiques par leur pluridisciplinarité, leur caractère informel et le contenu et la longueur des exposés qui dépasse souvent une heure. Workshop “Combination Research and Global Geophysical Fluids” (5-6 October 2006) The main goal of the workshop will be the improvement of IERS Global Geophysical Fluid

Centre (GGFC) products in accuracy, consistency, stability, timeliness, user-friendly access, and documentation, to contribute significantly to the "Global Geodetic Observation System" (GGOS). The GGFC Special Bureau’s (SBs) have the responsibility of supporting, facilitating, and providing services to the scientific research community, the IAG services and common users, in areas related to the variations in Earth rotation, gravity field, geocenter, and surface deformations that are caused by mass transport in

the atmosphere-hydrosphere-solid Earth-core system, or the global geophysical fluids. The rapidly increasing accuracy of space-geodetic observation techniques allows to measure displacements of the Earth surface resulting from surface loads on different spatial and temporal scales. These observations offer the opportunity to validate the geophysical models describing deformations induced by various surface loads, including those due to ocean tides, the atmosphere, and groundwater. Vice-versa to improve the results of space geodetic analyses, increasingly complex geophysical models of station motion are required (as emphasised, e.g., in the IERS Conventions). To reach such a goal also the IERS conventions and standards for modelling, parameterisation and analysis strategies will have to be considered. In view of the requirements of the new satellite missions and the demanding questions concerning

global change and the interaction of the Earth's System, the products of the GGFC, their accuracy and consistency become of more and more importance. The computed quantities, algorithm and data formats will become standardized and results are documented, archived and made available to the public on dedicated individual SB websites or the IERS Data- and Information System. The workshop will take an insightful review of what has been reached, and plan for the

future while further define the roles and responsibilities in serving the community. It is a quickly evolving environment under ever-increasing requirements on physical reference frames that demand understanding, modelling, and prediction of the global geophysical fluids and their effects on the Earth's rotation, time-variable gravity, geocenter motion, and surface deformations. A two-day workshop is planned. After technical reports of review and plan from each of

the eight Special Bureaus (Atmosphere, Oceans, Hydrology, Tides, Mantle, Core, Gravity/Geocenter, Loading) a technical forum from individuals including SB embers/associates and anyone of the community will discuss scientific contributions, viewpoints, concerns and issues. For each of the major topics (sessions) a position paper will be written by the session conveners and made available before the workshop. It will contain the present status,

the future requirements, and recommendations and schedules on how to realize the envisaged goals.

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FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA/ EX-REPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACEDOINE ECILS - European Centre on the Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems /

Centre Européen sur la Vulnérabilité des Systèmes et Réseaux Industriels (Skopje) Education International Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for Reducing Seismic Impact to Essential Facilities” Workshop duration: 2-3 days Number of Participants: 40-50 Objectives Specific objectives: to provide an opportunity for the exchange of updated, detailed

information concerning the development and applications of innovative and state-of-the-art anti-seismic techniques. It will cover the following topics: (1) base and floor isolation and passive energy dissipation; (2) development and applications of active, semi-active and hybrid control of seismic and non-seismic vibrations; (3) some critical issues concerning the application of innovative anti-seismic techniques in low and moderate seismic areas, and, (4) non-destructive testing, health monitoring, damage

detection and life-line assessment as an important branches of structural control. Time Table 1 - 3 September, 2006

Research Activities Seismic Monitoring of Lifeline Systems and Industrial Facilities Components Objectives Assurance of continuous monitoring, acquisition of data and information on the behavior of industrial and lifeline facilities, the components of industrial and lifeline systems as well

as on other effects and parameters that control the seismic safety and functional reliability of stated systems. The objectives of the project are in full compliance with the priorities of Medium Term Plan 2002-2006 [AP/CAT (02) 38 rev.3], section B2, item III. Time Table: Permanent activity performed on annual basis. Earthquake Protection of Historical Buildings by Reversible Mixed Technologies Objectives To develop suitable methodologies for the use of reversible mixed technologies in the seismic protection of existing constructions, with particular emphasis to buildings of historical and artistic interest. This would primarily involve saving human lives and reducing both economic and cultural losses due to earthquakes. The main subject of the research is represented by relevant buildings erected from the ancient age to the first

half of the 20th century, all of which can be considered, with good conscience, as belonging to the cultural heritage of involved Countries. Such buildings cover a wide and diversified range of structural categories, including both masonry and reinforced concrete buildings and also some steel constructions, needing to be fitted with adequate aseismic provisions. As the intended activity is mostly focused on the use of innovative technologies, namely those relying upon mixed systems, an urgent necessity for a more advanced understanding of both material and device behavior, as well as for a deeper insight into the seismic response of constructions is felt. Along these strategic objectives developed are specific target activities leaded by one of listed institutions with extensive participation of others being either capable of providing essential inputs, or interested in transfer of results and achievements. Time Table: Commence in 2005 and terminate in 2007.

Application of High-Tech Strengthening Methodology on Historical Monuments Objectives The historical masonry monuments built many centuries ago have not been designed and constructed to withstand earthquake forces. In seismic zones, these masonry

structures that experienced many earthquakes have undergone various forms of

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alteration during their long life, and strengthened to improve their seismic resistance. The principle objectives of the proposed project are to study the existing state of one typical

historical monument in Turkey from the period of Ottoman Empire by performing experimental in situ and laboratory tests as well as analytical its modeling. Based on performed study, a high tech strengthening methodology will be proposed for such facilities. The project is leaned on PROHITEC dominantly financed with its budget for experimental activities. Time Table 2005: In situ measurements of dynamic characteristics of selected historical monument and processing of field study experimental data.

2006: Shaking table tests of original and strengthened models constructed in 1/10 scale.

2007: Based on the test results, a proposal for implementation of strengthening measures of selected mosque

Site Amplification and Seismic Vulnerability of Buildings in Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia Time Table: Commence in 2005 and terminate in 2007. Objectives Large earthquakes have a destructive power capable to depress the economy of a region for decades. These damages can be reduced only by adequate level of construction, but this is very costly, so that only the richest countries can afford it.

Identifying the sites where a local amplification of seismic shaking will show unacceptable seismic performance of the buildings will allow selective reinforcement greatly cutting costs. This project promotes a large-scale application of a new experimental tool capable to achieve both the above identifications, providing the effective safety from earthquake damage in the highly seismic regions of Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia an economically affordable goal. The objectives of the project are

in full compliance with the priorities of Medium Term Plan 2002 - 2006, section B2, item III. Time Table First year : phases 1, 2 and the initial part of the phase 3. Second year : Phase 3 and part of the phase 4. Third year : Phase 4 will be finalized. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Base Isolated Vital Structures Objectives Base isolated structures have higher construction cost comparing with classically constructed ones. The higher construction cost, however is compensated during the life time of the structure if it is exposed on string ground motion, having controlled behavior of the installed equipment and limited structural damages. The objectives of this project

are in full compliance with the recent trends of adoption of the Eurocodes for civil Time Table: Activities will be realized in period of three years. In the first year structural aspects will be stated. In the second year, cost benefit analysis will be performed. Reducing Environmental Risk Through Strengthening of Management of Hazardous Waste from Industrial, Agricultural and Military Activities in the Wider Europe – RIMAWA Objectives Reduction of environmental risks through the provision of a sound base for reinforcing legal mechanisms and instruments on international, national, regional and local levels for environmental risk management of hazardous waste resulting from industrial, agricultural and military activities in three sub-regional areas in the Wider Europe: EU and Candidate Members, Balkan countries, Russia and NIS, including development of national focal

point network for dissemination and adequate follow up as an effective platform for future establishment of regional observatories on this domain. Time Table: Activities will be realized in period of two years.

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MALTA / MALTE ICoD - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics / Centre Européen de la Dynamique Côtière Insulaire (La Valette)

Production of interactive educational media to teach 6-11 year olds about the Euro-Mediterranean coastal environment. It involves the development of age-appropriate interactive modules/media products on

aspects of the Mediterranean coastal environment, including geology, pollution, safety, geography and the habitats commonly encountered there. The modules will span across the age group comprising six- to eleven- year olds and develop the subject in an incremental fashion in order to further engage the interest of the students over time. Each module will comprise media packages such as little booklets, pictures and photos of the coast, charts, teaching notes, research project ideas, games, puzzles and other

age appropriate activities and associated teaching tools. Collaborators on the project should include persons who are knowledgeable on the respective fields of coastal geology, pollution, safety, geography and habitats and education experts for the age groups of interest who will ensure the relevance of the teaching method. Preparation of a Masters Degree on Marine Science The Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics is in the process of launching a Master of Science Degree Course in Coastal and Marine Management, a two years part-time study with a degree awarded by the University of Malta. The major area of study will cover the following topics: an Overview of Coastal and Marine Environments, International Environmental and Maritime Law, Geographic Information

Systems and Remote Sensing, Integrated Coastal Area Management, Fisheries Management and Coastal Aquaculture Activities, and Shoreline Processes and Development. It is intended primarily for Maltese and foreign graduates holding first degrees who wish to obtain expertise in the management of important coastal issues. RIMAWA Project: Reducing Environmental Risk through Management of Hazardous Waste from Industrial, Agricultural and Military activities in the wider Europe Co-ordinated by Prof. A. Pavia, the main goal is to reduce environmental risk through the provision of a sound base for reinforcing legal mechanisms and instruments on international, national, regional and local levels for environmental risk management of hazardous industrial, agricultural and military waste, and the establishment of a national focal point network for assuring adequate follow up. The proposed Network would also

provide an effective platform for future establishment of regional observatories on this domain. This project is intended as a concerted effort of existing network representatives in France, Belgium, Malta, FYROM, Armenia, Moldavia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and Russia to create a common basis towards a harmonised policy in environmental risk management of waste (analysis, mitigation, response and rehabilitation) and a network structure for assuring effective national efforts in this field. MFSTEP-NAS - Mediterranean Ocean Forecasting System Project The major objective of ICoD’s task within project MFSTEP was the study of sea-air interactions in order to improve operational marine forecasts. The programme includes implementation, running and testing of a high resolution atmospheric model in which

surface fluxes of moisture, heat and momentum are used for driving shelf ocean models in the Mediterranean. The main target of this project is to improve operational marine forecasting facilities in the Mediterranean. Development of Beach Management Guidelines A project sponsored by the Mediterranean Action Plan (United Nations Environment

Programme) Priority Actions Programme / Regional Activity Centre, to develop and publish a manual on effective beach management guidelines based on best practice experience in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

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Beach Management Plans for the Maltese Islands – James Madison University Students Group (10th May – 10th June 2006) The objective is to develop a framework for extensive beach management plans for the Island of Gozo. Further to lectures on beach/coastal management aspects, emphasizing innovative beach management techniques, students (from James Madison University, USA) under the supervision of ICoD will be involved in the production of a master plan for beach management on Gozo. 3rd Commonwealth Training Course on the Management of Coastal Recreational Tourism (2nd – 12th May 2006) In collaboration with Maltese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Commonwealth Secretariat, this two-week training course will provide training on the management of coastal leisure and recreational tourism through lectures, case studies on different aspects of coastal tourism, on-site fieldwork, field trips to relevant touristic locations

around the Maltese Islands and intensive discussions on the situations and techniques encountered in the real-life management of coastal recreation amenities. Course faculty will include ICoD staff members and local lecturers from relevant ministries, authorities and the University of Malta, and two eminent overseas lecturers in the field. Professionals from Commonwealth countries holding senior/middle management positions with direct responsibility for planning, management and execution of tourism projects concerned

with coastal recreation and leisure, all participants will be required to present a brief, well-informed paper on their countries’ management of such amenities, serving as case studies for discussion of opportunities and constraints in the participating countries. Sustainable Management of Beach Resources in Sicily and Malta (2006 – 2007) Funded by the European Union through the INTERREG IIIA Programme, this project aims to

address the sustainable management of beach resources through the application of the state-of-the-art BARE technique for beach management to selected project sites in Sicily (Provincia di Ragusa) and Malta. Assessment of beach quality will be performed for each site through a sequence of registration and evaluation, giving particular attention to five beach-related issues: safety, water quality, facilities, scenery and litter. The immediate project results will be the development of a beach management strategy and model for the regions studied. The long-term result expected from this project is enhanced tourism in both regions through the improved management of the regions’ beaches. DEDEL SDEC project: Développement équilibré et développement local : application du SDEC - INTERREG IIIC Zone Sud. Partners : Catania Province and University (Centre Braudel), Italy ; Roskilde Universities, Denmark ; Foundation for International Studies, Malta ; Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. As project's focal point, ICoD staff are involved with the administration and coordination of visiting faculty who are invited by the academic staff, coordination of scholarship students, graduation ceremony, organization of a European tour and partner meeting.

Mediterranean Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (2005/2006) This one year multi-disciplinary programme, coordinated by the Foundation for International Studies and the Faculty of Laws at the University of Malta on behalf of a partnership of Mediterranean Universities and Human Rights institutions, is a regional Master's programmes financially supported by the European Commission. The aim is to train young persons who, through their multiplier effect, will have an influence in their

home countries in the building up of a human rights culture. Antonella Vassallo (IcoD), in liaison with the Foundation for International Studies (in charge of administrative and logistical aspects) and the University of Malta (who manages the academic programme), coordinates logistical aspects of the scholarship students on the Masters Degree and of the European Tour, Graduation Ceremony, visits by overseas faculty and Partner’s Meetings.

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MOLDOVA ECMNR - European Center for Mitigation of Natural Risks / Centre pour la Réduction des risques naturels (Chisinau)

The main priorities of the European Center for Mitigation of Natural Risks 2006 activities will be linked with the elaboration of measures for the implementation of resolutions and

recommendations of the Ministerial Session of the Council of Europe Open Partial Agreement on Major Hazards. The effort will be focused on the development and realisation of common projects with other European Centers as well as on the participation in projects as partners in European Programmes.

During 2006, the European Center for Mitigation on Natural Risks will continue its activities in the framework of EDRIM and FORM-OSE programmes such as the analysis of national legislation in the field of administration of natural risks and problems linked with population protection in case of natural major disasters and other measures relating to collection of information and prevention.

Activity 1 Analysis of national legislation in the field of natural risks management Activity 2 Round Table on “the management of waste products – problems and


The generalisation of results collection and analysis of information on

present national management systems of toxic waste products in accordance with community policies.

Activity 3 Scientific Seminar on “Prevention and lessons of impacts of natural


Activity 4 Elaboration of conceptual issues on the strategy of education in the field of protection against natural disasters. To contribute to the planning of educational objectives in school curriculae linked to training of skills in behaviour and security in case of emergencies

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CERU - European Center on Urban Risks / Centre Européen sur les Risques Urbains (Lisbonne)

The activities proposed for 2006 are :

• Transport of dangerous substances through Urban Areas Implementation on urban circulation regulations concerning different kind of products in particular on Historical Centres : 2 Seminars given by experts to 20 participants

• Tsunami Floods and Social Impacts Regional coastal regulations; impact on exposed elements : scenarios considering elements of Portugal and Morocco Evaluation of effect in southern area of Portugal : 2 days seminar with visits to the area under study date (July) and participation to the Conference in Geneva-ESC-

ECEES (September).

• Preparation of Proposals to Study Seismic Risk in Historical Centres of Algarve Cities (Portugal).

• Public presentation of the Book "Risco Sísmico no Centro Histórico de Lagos". • Preparation of the English version of this book.

• EU negotiations of the Tsunami Projects already approved in the last STREP Call.

Furthermore, two cooperative projects STEP-EU were submitted in 2005 and another one is under preparation for 2006.

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ROMANIA / ROUMANIE ECBR - European Centre for Rehabilitation of Buildings /

Centre Européen pour la Réhabilitation des Bâtiments, (Bucharest)

Earthquake Disaster Management System in Japan and Romania. Legal system and disaster management planning. This activity will focus on the present situation of Disaster Management in Japan versus Disaster Management in Romania and other earthquake-prone countries from the

region: - Disaster preparedness; - Disaster emergency response; - Disaster recovery and reconstruction; - Information and telecomunication system; - Earthquake disaster countermeasures and

- International cooperation on disaster management. The disaster management organizations and their administtative function, the structure of disaster management plan, the buget for disaster management as well as the research and development policy should be analysed and commented for improvement of disaster prevention facilities in the Balkan region.

Disaster preparedness and prevention manuals and guides for citizens and schools should be written. Shake maps for parameters characterizing the intensity and frequency content of recorded ground motions in Romania.

This activity presents the results of extensive studies to be performed on strong earthquakes (moment magnitude larger than 6.0) recorded in Romania in the last 30 years. The study involves the mapping of peak ground motion ordinates, as well as of linear and non-linear spectral ordinates for seismic events, recorded in recent strong earthquiakes.

Shake maps will be generated for peak ground acceleration, velocity and displacement, and corner period of response spectra. Shake maps should be also generated for nonlinear (constant ductility) acceleration and displacement spectral ordinates.

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RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FEDERATION DE RUSSIE ECNTRM- European Center for new technologies in management risks (Moscow) Research of new technologies in management of risks Application of space technologies for reduction in risk and mitigation of consequences of natural and technogenic accidents. Methodic of express estimation of the damage rendered to agricultural crops by high waters with use of the data of space survey Definition of initial data given for the decision on creation of a technique of an express-estimation of damage to agricultural crops The chiefs: A. Epikhin, V. Reznikov

Preparation and edition of ECNTRM materials on modern technologies in the field of reduction in risk and mitigation of consequences. Preparation of materials on prevention, liquidation of emergency situations and protection of the population

The chiefs: A. Zaporojets Other programmes Development of experimental geoinformation system of an estimation of consequences of destructive influence of waves of a tsunami on sttlement

Development of experimental geoinformation system of an estimation of Conse- quences of destructive influence of waves of a tsunami on settlement which calculation of a degree of destruction of building and possible quantity of victims among the population and drawing of conditions on a map. The Chiefs: I. Sosunov, A. Rasputin Technique of estimation of systems of monitoring and management of safety and life-support of potentially dangerous objects, buildings and constructions Definition of initial data for decision on creation of the Technique The Chiefs: S. Kachanov, O. Volkov Experimental operative duty on possible estimation of consequences of strong

earthquakes on territories of globe and the analytical support Round-the-clock duty with the purpose of maintenance of reliable reaction to seismic events and carrying out of calculations of its consequences for decision-making by controls. Carrying out of an analytical estimation of earthquakes consequences calculations, specification of an error and the further perfection of reliability of considered parameters.

The Chiefs: A. Zaporojets, G. Nigmetov, E. Mescherjakov, A. Bahmut Development of a technique of an express – estimation of damages from forest fires on the basis of application of space technologies The Chiefs: A. Epithin, V. Silkin

Creation of a model of manual on “safety of ability to live” for high schools The Chiefs: Yu Potapenko, A. Tarakanov Creation of a teaching programme on “Crossroads”, for self-teaching and control the terms in safety area for school and collage level The Chiefs: Yu. Potapenko, A. Tarakanov

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SAN MARINO / SAINT-MARIN CEMEC - European Centre for Disaster Medicine /

Centre Européen pour la Médecine des Catastrophes (San Marino)

COURS • “Qualification en médecine legale, legislation sanitaire, organisation DEA et 118.”

(9/10 MAI 2006); Coord.: Dr. Emilio Chiodo Connaissances utiles pour les operateurs de l’urgence sanitaire à propos de la responsabilité juridique et des aspects juridiques et psicologiques. • “ Psychologie de l’emergence et des désastres” (10/11 Mai 2006); Coord.: Dr. Emilio

Chiodo, Prof. Danilo Bono Connaissances utiles à la gestion psychologique du personnel impliqué dans l’urgence

sanitaire et les catastrophes : impact psychologique aux victimes et preparation de l’operateur. • “ Organisation sanitaire en Médecine d’emergence et urgence” (12/13 Mai 2006)

Coord.: Dr. Emilio Chiodo, Prof. Danilo Bono, Dr. Francesco Enrichens Connaissances utiles aux operateurs de l’urgence sanitaire à propos de la responsabilité juridique des operateurs et des aspects juridiques et psychologiques. • “N.B.C.R. (Risque nucléaire, biologique, chimique et radiologique” (14/15 Mai 2006)

Coord.: Prof. Danilo Bono Gérer une équipe sanitaire NBCR et une structure de décontamination. • “Zoonoses dans les emergences, protection et decontaminations” (9 Juin 2006)

Coord.: Prof. A. Mantovani, Dott. Agostino Macrì - Roma Informations necessaires pour affronter les problemes relatifs à la protection des

personnes, des animaux et du milieu par rapport aux zoonoses dans les emergences. • “Maladies infectieuses emergentes et par les armes bactériologiques” (12-14

Octobre 2006) Coord.: Dr.ssa Santa Costanzo – Padova Informations sur les principales maladies infectieuses émergentes et celles causées par les armes bactériologiques; preparer les participants à collaborer avec les autorités politiques , civiles et militaires pour la détermination, le contrôle précoce et la réduction des effets sur la population. • “ T.B.S.T. – Toxicological Basic Support Therapy” (deux sessions : 18-20 Octobre 2006 et

15-17 Novembre 2006) Coord.: Dr. Alessandro Barelli – Roma Cours de formation en Toxicologie Clinique et d’Urgence. • “P.B.L.S. Pediatric Basic Life Support” (21 Octobre 2006) Coord.: Dr. Giovanni Muratori Théorie et pratique de la réanimation cardio-pulmonaire chez l’enfant. • “Bioterrorisme – Maxi emergencies par agents chimiques et toxines biologiques” (28

Novembre 2006) Coord.: Dr. Alessandro Barelli AUTRES ACTIVITES

PROJET TOX.IT Projet de Toxicologie clinique sur le web, en collaboration avec l’Université Catholique S. Cuore, Policlinico A. Gemelli et service de toxicologie clinique PROJET EMER CHEM Projet de realisation d’une banque des données des incidents chimiques du passé, en

collaboration avec Centro Antiveleni Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CHILD TRAUMA NETWORK L’objectif est de concevoir, réaliser et expérimenter un réseau euro-méditerranéen de consultation et soutien médico-psychologique auprès des enfants traumatisés par la violence des conflits armés et des catastrophes, avec la collaboration des plusieurs

etats: Maroc, France, Espagne, Belgique, Italie, Algerie, Tunisie, Liban.

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UKRAINE TESEC - European Centre of Technological Safety / Centre Européen de Sécurité Technologique (Kiev)

Annual international training course on post-accident radiomonitoring The annual international training course will be organised to providing training and

experience in the techniques of post-accidental radiation monitoring as well as routine environmental radiomonitoring and dose assessment. The curriculum is designed for graduate students, university faculty, and scientist interested in emergency preparedness and response, radiation protection and risk assessment. It includes classroom instruction as well as opportunities for field training in areas affected by the Chernobyl accident. The participation of all EURO-OPA scientific centers is appreciated.

International Conference " Twenty years after Chernobyl accident. Future Outlook" April 26, 2006 is the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. With the aim of effective use of the experience gained for strengthening of safety around the world, the International Conference.. " Twenty years after Chernobyl accident. Future Outlook" will be carried out in April 2006. Chernobyl accident has called essential changes not only in Ukraine, but also in the whole world. The international regulation on radiation protection, national strategies concerning development of nuclear power, strengthening of nuclear safety, radioactive waste management have been revised. 20 years after is a right time to consider efficiency of these measures in the world, to make it in anniversary of

Chernobyl accident and to give a opportunity to international community to discuss these difficult issue in the Ukraine.

Conference will be organized by the Ministry of Ukraine of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chernobyl Catastrophe in co-operation with Belarus, Russia, UNDP, IAEA, UNESCO, WHO, European Commission,

Council of Europe, European Centre of Technological Safety, IRSN (France), GRS (Germany).

This conference will be final in sequence of conferences devoted 20 anniversary of Chernobyl accident. In the conference will be presented the conclusions of International Conference "CHERNOBYL: Looking Back to Go Forward" 6-7 September 2005, Vienna,

Austria, conference in Minsk, April 19-21, 2006 " 20 years of Chernobyl accident, strategy of recovery and sustainable development of victim from Chernobyl accident of regions".

The conference will promote an effective implementation of modern international experience in such areas as:

• Radiation protection of the people and environment, minimisation of the consequences of Chernobyl accident,

• Medical and biological consequences of radiation accidents, Chernobyl experience,

• Strengthening of radiological emergency management, • Economy and legal aspects of radioactive waste management, nuclear NPP

decommissioning, radiological emergency response, • Radioactive waste management, • Nuclear power plants decommissioning, • Transformation of Shelter to ecologically safe system.

The participation of all EUR-OPA scientific centers is appreciated.

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Centre sans subvention de base en 2006

Turkey / Turquie AFEM - European Natural Disasters Training Centre /

Centre Européen de Formation sur les Risques Naturels Foreseen projects or studies for 2006:

1. All documents in any type or in any format about Natural Disasters which can be used in education studies will be collected from related organisations to create a natural disaster training database. After puting into those material in suitable form

to present, they will be published in our web site. 2. Our new web site ( is in construction. In near future

we will present several types of data and training material in at least three languages (Turkish, English, French) via internet. Management of this site will be completely of new approach and will serve people of all categories with different level and details of information.

3. Since the beginning of reorganisation studies, we immediately started to contact relevant organisations, persons and make design plans and projects.


a. Seminar

i. Scale: National ii. Title: “Introducing of Regulation about buildings which are

constructed in disaster areas, assestment and reforcing of present buildings section.”

iii. Target Group: Civil engineers, damage assetment experts, etc. iv. Proposed date: March 2006.

b. Seminar i. Scale: International ii. Title: Using of space technologies in spatial planning and

mitigation of damages of natural disasters. iii. Target Group: City Planners, disaster engineers, etc. iv. Proposed Date: Autumn 2006

c. Renew of AFEM’s web site. d. Publication and distribution of three books which are ready to publicate.

Those books will distribute to schools which are in avalanche threaten regions, in eastern part of Anatolia, relevant organisations and winter tourism areas. They are:

i. Snow ii. Avalanches iii. Search and rescue methods in avalanche. (Special Chapter: Using

ARVA) e. Also, translation and writing studies of some disaster training and

education materials continue. If they can be finished in 2006, they will be

published in 2007.

In the meeting of Cooperation of Balkan Countries Against to Disasters in Skopje/Macedonia, according to type of disasters some coordination and studying groups have been formed. With reference to meeting result report, Turkey is dutied to establish a Avalanche Research and Training Centre to start avalanche mitigation studies for Balkan countries. AFEM had an important role in this decision.