activism power point


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Post on 24-May-2015




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  • 1. Activism Project
    Laura Nist

2. Dress for Success
The mission of Dress for Success is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
3. What we did
Benefit concert at Cahootenanys
Featured DjNaanstop and Transient Vibrations
Informed people via Facebook
$3 cover charge/donation
Grand total= $80
ALL went to Dress for Success!
4. My Part
Created Facebook group
Invited everyone
Took shifts watching front table
Explained to guests what Dress for Success is and how they are helping women
Help organizing as much as possible
5. What I Liked
Our cause-Dress for Success
Organizing an event
Seeing our project come together
The actual night was great!
Working with my group
6. What I didnt Like
Set date earlier
Pick a night other than Saturday
Distribute more flyers
I wish I could have helped more with organizing the event
7. What Worked What Didnt Work
Easy access to djs and venue
$3 donation instead of initial mandatory $5
Informing people through Facebook
Waiting until the last minute to inform people about our event
Hosting our event on a Saturday night
8. Great Night!