active liifestyles problem pow wow output

How do we encourage active lifestyles in Britain? Problem Pow Wow Output 26 September, 2013 London © All rights reserved - Chris JL

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A summary of the Problem Pow Wow facilitated at Sport England


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How do we encourage active lifestyles in Britain?

Problem Pow Wow Output 26 September, 2013 London © All rights reserved - Chris


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15 people engaged in total

61 ‘raw’ problems (before any duplicates removed or synthesised)

6 themes

55 insights

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We asked…

What are the barriers to people participating in informal sport, in open spaces?

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Theme 1. First HurdlesTheme 2. Knowledge & CommunicationTheme 3. Enabling New BehavioursTheme 4. Planning & MeasuringTheme 5. Financial BarriersTheme 6. Infrastructure, Assets & Resources

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Theme 1. First HurdlesKey problems associated with getting past the initial barriers that prevent people engaging with an active lifestyle.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.1 Small steps

How do we encourage people engage in, and realize the health benefits of, small ‘pockets’ of exercise throughout the course of a normal day’s events?

A study published by The Lancet shows that if inactive people increased their physical activity by just 15 minutes per day, they could reduce their risk of death by 14% and increase their life expectancy by three years. The study compared inactive people with active people who engaged in a range of different levels of physical activity.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.1 Small steps


Across the UK.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.2 Rain rain, go away

How do we sustain informal outdoor participation, especially in winter months, in a country with weather like the UK has?

The total rainfall for the UK during 2012 was 1,330.7mm (52.4in), just 6.6mm short of the record set in 2000.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.2 Rain rain, go away

Fair weather players. Less committed. Sun worshippers.

Across the UK generally but particularly in the West and North of the country (though the Met office could probably provide more objective data).

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.3 Bad stuff happens there

How do we reduce the nervousness some people feel towards using open space (fear of dogs, traffic safety, cultural barriers etc.) for themselves or their children and create adequate security measures in order to reduce the perceived risks of incidents people associate with going into open spaces?

Research from London shows that 39 per cent of women feel unsafe in the capital’s green spaces, and 89 percent say more staff would help them feel safer.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.3 Bad stuff happens there

Children / Young people. Non-park users. Certain cultures. All users but particularly those considered vulnerable

More in city open spaces (rather than rural).

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.4 The Fear Factor

How do we reduce fear of doing more regular activity outside (fear of: looking stupid; losing; hurting yourself; the unknown; lack of knowledge) when they often may not even recognize that fear is the problem?

Over 80% of parents surveyed by MORI in 2000 said that ‘children today get less exercise because parents are afraid to let them go out alone’.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.4 The Fear Factor

People with no recent or positive experience of activity.

Across the UK.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.5 Sit, don’t stress

How do we engage those with high levels of stress in an agenda that focuses on activity when a key symptom of stress is fatigue and disinclination to exercise? How do we make it easy for ‘busy’ people (whether families, employed or unemployed, couples, singles) to engage with the notion of regular physical activity as part of their hectic lives?

The total number of cases of stress in 2011/12 was 428 000 (40%) out of a total of 1 073 000 for all work-related illnesses7 The most common barriers identified by adults include work commitments(45% men and 34% women) lack of leisure time(38% men 37% women) and lack of motivation (21% men and 25% women).

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.5 Sit, don’t stress

Busy’ people (who think they don’t have time for exercise. People who are stressed for a variety of reasons (their home life situation, work, relationship, where they live etc.).

Across UK.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.6 Sport is formal. Period.

How do we change people’s beliefs that sport is too formally structured and not for them?

The majority of people in UK are not taking part in sport and this is often because they find the structures a ‘turn off’.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.6 Sport is formal. Period.

Non-sporty people.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

1.7 The word ‘sport’

How do we get around the fact that many people will not engage with regular physical activity simply because something has the word ‘sport’ in it? How do we better sustain and even grow informal sporting activities?

If Sport is seen as something that you have to be skilled to do, it can be off-putting to those who lack the confidence to get involved. 35% of adults don’t participate in sport because they don’t have someone to do it with. There are many people who are very happy with the notion of regular physical activity but who do not want to be part of a sport. It’s the equivalent of Geocaching (the recreational activity that over 6 million worldwide do) versus Geodashing

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.7 The word ‘sport’

Anyone not currently involved in sport. People who don’t want to take part in any formal sport.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.8 Where do I play?

How do we make it really easy for people to find places to play informal sport?

An estimated 7% of urban park users in England go there for sporting activities – which represents about 7.5 million visitors a year.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.8 Where do I play?


UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.9 Outdoors inhibitions

How do we develop regular physical activity opportunities for people for whom a lack of confidence, or inhibition towards exercising in public, is a challenge?

60% of adults indicate they’re not more active because they “just don’t like sports”

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.9 Outdoors inhibitions

Some female audiences and some cultures where dress codes can be a barrier.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

1.10 Specialists not socialists

How can we enable people to engage informally in running, walking and cycling when there’s a perception that specialist ‘kit’ is needed and it’s not fun?

Many people are put off a sport because of the equipment that is needed to do it and their belief that with technical kit goes boredom and no social interaction. Yet there are many ways to affordably access sports, without ‘elite’ kit and good sports people are not all boring.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

1.10 Specialists not socialists

Non-runners, non-walkers, non-cyclists.

UK wide.

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Theme 2. Knowledge & Communication

Key problems associated with being able to access better information whether you are a potential user, or a potential provider.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

2.1 Confused exercise

How do we help people navigate the plethora of information that exists on the internet and in the news about what exercise to do and how long to do it for?

People generally want clear, straightforward, definitive advice on what to do that’s easy to comprehend quickly. If information is not well designed, this is not possible.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.1 Confused exercise


UK wide.

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Why does it matter?

2.2 Active ‘prescriptions’

How can we make it easier for those who can influence the nation’s health to connect people to the right activities to motivate and those who become unwell and would benefit if physical activity was a regular part of their life?

In the UK currently only 39% of men and 29% of women aged 16 and over are meeting the UK Chief Medical Officers’ minimum recommendations for physical activity in adults. Open spaces, that could in theory be used by anyone, are. If we could create ways to better connect to those who not using them, we would have wider take up of activity, better utilized resources and create value for taxpayer.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.2 Active ‘prescriptions’

GPs and others who are in a position to influence people to do more exercise to improve their health and well-being. Those at-risk and in need of exercise.

UK wide. In local communities in cities.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

2.3 Disconnected communities

How do we address assumptions being made about people’s connection to the internet and ensure we are in touch with those in hard-to-reach communities regardless of whether they are online or not?

There were 52,731,209 internet users in the UK (representing 84.1% of the population) in mid-year 2012 (June 30, 2012), according to Internet World Stats.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.3 Disconnected communities

The disconnected. Those for whom English is a second language. Not online. Poor.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

2.4 Long Term Value

How do we encourage better recognition of the value of physical activities (such as bushcraft) by those who could enable more of it to happen?

The estimated direct cost of physical inactivity to the NHS across the UK is £1.06 billion. Based on coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, colorectal cancer and breast cancer.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.4 Long Term Value

Potential participants / Policy Makers / At risk groups.

Areas where at risk issues (diabetes, obesity etc.) are costly to the state.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

2.5 Everyone’s a winner

How do we change the view of people who simply see sport as being not for them because ‘sport has winners’?

Sport is about reaching personal goals through progression, not by being part of an elite sport, and therefore should be for everyone.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.5 Everyone’s a winner

People who don’t do sport.

Across most of society.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

2.6 Where are the non-sport Billys?

How do we connect people who are considering regular physical activity with others they can do it with (whether they know them or not)?

People may have a non-sporty network that they could more easily connect with around opportunities for physical activity. If so, they might be better motivated to do some activities in the first place and in turn motivate others to engage too.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.6 Where are the non-sport Billys?

People that have a non-sporty network of friends and family.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

2.7 Harness the passion

How do we capitalize on those with passion around a given activity and enable them to create an experience that will attract others?

Most successful activities in local communities are born of a few key people who are motivated to make a difference. The health and well being of a community can be positively impacted if the right resources are made available to those with passion to use them.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

2.7 Harness the passion

Members of local communities in close proximity to an open space.

In communities across the UK.

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Theme 3. Enabling new behavioursKey problems associated with helping nudge the behaviour of society as a whole, as well as individuals within it, towards a more active lifestyle.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

3.1 Let them play

How do we enable parents and other key influencers of young people to see the value of regular physical activity regardless of ability level so that they child stays engaged?

Self reported levels of Physical activity in children aged 2–15 England 32% boys and 24% girls – Wales 63% boys and 45% girls – Scotland 76% boys and 67% girls)

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

3.1 Let them play

Sideline’ parents, teachers and others who influence young people. Any young person who needs adult ‘permission’ to get, and stay, involved in an activity that interests them.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

3.2 Inclusive for all?

How do we change the structures in sport so that it makes it easier for those in society most in need, to engage and provoke behaviour change? How can we make activities that take place in open spaces such as parks more inclusive for all?

Many people need support and help to get started in exercise which certain structured approaches can get in the way of. Outdoor space may be able to help address this inequality. Ethnic minority groups are particularly deterred by barriers due to ethnicity, including fear of racist attacks, unfamiliarity with green space landscapes and open space cultures, a lack of attractive facilities or activities, an uncomfortable feeling of ‘otherness’

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

3.2 Inclusive for all?

The poorest of society and those who are socially excluded. People from diverse groups

Parks and open spaces. UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

3.3 Inactivity is inequality

How do we combat the social and physical barriers (poor health, deprived areas, lack of access) that prevent someone engaging with the activity?

We are short of ways to connect those in need of activities. Some activities, once engaged with, will create substantial benefit but barriers to the opportunity get in the way resulting in wasted effort, human potential and everyone being worse off.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

3.3 Inactivity is inequality

Those in deprived areas or with poor health.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

3.4 Gimme the reason!

How do we help people not currently engaged in activity to know what they can do in any open spaces and be motivated and see a reason to take part in regular physical activity outdoors?

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality (accounting for 6% of deaths globally). This follows high blood pressure (13%), tobacco use (9%) and high blood glucose (6%). Overweight and obesity are responsible for 5% of global mortality.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

3.4 Gimme the reason!

People who don’t have a reason to visit parks (or other open spaces). All potential users of informal outdoor sporting activities (with no knowledge of sport).

UK wide.

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Theme 4. Planning & Measuring

Key problems associated with the decisions made about what to create in the first place, constraints that are built in to possible solutions and how success is measured.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.1 Who’s got the data?

How do we address the fact that no one body has responsibility for sustaining and measuring participation in informal sport?

The first ever public satisfaction survey of Britain’s parks and green spaces compiled by GreenSpace with almost 20,000 people contributing represents the biggest ever survey into what people think of Britain’s parks and green spaces.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.1 Who’s got the data?

Informal participants.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.2 It’s heart rate, stupid

How do we devise a better (more useful, more applicable, more helpful, more accessible) measure of activity than 1 x 30 (one thirty minute session of moderate sport per week)?

1 x 30 is widely used and linked to many funding targets but disconnected from reality in many ways. Raising heart rate can be achieved in many ways not only via sport. Wider societal health and knock on benefits would be achieved if 1 x30 wasn’t the one universal measure.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.2 It’s heart rate, stupid

Anyone not engaged in 1 x 30.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.3 Assists and goals

How do we create a metric that recognizes it is good to go from nothing to something in terms of participation?

The 1 x 30 measure conflicts with hardest to reach and most in need but those who set metrics do not see value in measuring from nothing to something. A metric indicating sustained activity is a potential outcome would add more value as it would show right direction of travel.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.3 Assists and goals

Anyone not engaged in 1 x30.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.4 Planning for informality

How do we better deliberately plan to use open space to the point where people understand that they need to “use it or lose it” and enable more people to have an emotional investment in the parks and open spaces they are close to?

We are not communicating the benefits of using open spaces in new ways to non-sporty groups. If not careful, and cases for ongoing maintenance and investment can not be made, open spaces people have often seen as ‘always being there’ without using them, may disappear. There needs to be stronger ties between the community of stakeholders and a given open space they are a part of somehow.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.4 Planning for informality

People who could enable investment in open spaces. People who think of sport as irrelevant but could make use of open spaces if enagaged. People who run, own or manage public space.

UK wide. City Halls and Government Departments.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.5 Mindfulness of provision

How do we better join up the planning and development process so that interventions in this field are not sporadic and better meet the purposes for which they were created?

In Chattanooga, Tennessee, a $355 million makeover, centred on the acquisition and improvement of green space parks and trails, has generated 1,280 full-time jobs and 555 part-time jobs. Property values are up more than 124%, tax revenues are up 99% and the number of businesses is up 117%.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.5 Mindfulness of provision

Anyone involved in the planning or development of open spaces that could be used for physical activity of some kind – especially across a Local Authority’s geography.

Across UK and within LA boundaries.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.6 Don’t do that here!

How do we ensure that when open spaces are being designed in the first place, alternative uses are also considered so as to enable physical activities that promote health and well being?

Park spaces can be too overtly formal or streets can be too overtly functional which can restrict the amount of space that’s ‘available’ for users.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.6 Don’t do that here!

People who use open space but not for formal sport.

Space with over prescription (either explicit or implicit) of usage. [Useful URL?]

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.7 Who’s participating?

How can we gather better data on who is using open spaces for informal sport?

Informal sport often has no attendance system, creating gaps in knowledge about: resource use; what resources would be suitable for given numbers; evidence of need for activities; matching supply (of right activities) with demand; opportunities to market to people.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.7 Who’s participating?

Those trying to provide / justify the need for the open space facility.

Everywhere informal, or community led, sport happens.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.8 Token consultations

In consultations, by councils and contractors, how do we better engage potential users, including young people, in how to make best use of the open spaces around us and therefore provide activities and facilities that meet their needs?

The acknowledged decline in the quality of care of the urban green space resource in England can be linked to declining local authority green space budgets over the past 10 – 15 years. A study in Chicago found that people living in apartments tend to use nearby public spaces more if they were ‘natural’ than if they were man-made. This increased the use of the green spaces led in turn to a greater amount of socialising among neighbours.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.8 Token consultations

Anyone who has ever been asked their opinion, Enthusiastic youngsters.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

4.9 No more products

How do we prevent money being wasted on new types service led interventions that have no real impact on the inactive part of the population?

Sports-led interventions have had limited, if any, success in engaging people who are inactive. An ‘informal’ approach to sport is ‘softer’ than we think.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

4.9 No more products

Those who are currently inactive.

UK wide communities.

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Theme 5. Financial Barriers

Key problems associated with money required to invest in and sustain any innovation to enable more active lifestyles.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

5.1 Where’s the subsidy?

How do we create a similar level of subsidy for creating and maintaining informal regular physical activity resource that exists for formal sports activities such as pitches?

Up to 98% subsidies are paid to support pitches and other sports facilities. This locks out a huge potential population of informal users if the same approach were applied to resources and infrastructure that enabled informal sport.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

5.1 Where’s the subsidy?

Those for whom cost is a barrier (both provision and use).

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

5.2 That’ll be £1700 please

How do we make the cost of using Forestry Commission space (or other owned open spaces) more affordable for all?

There is always a cost of some sort to making use of pubic space (in the case of the Forestry Commission it can be as high as £1700). This is a barrier to those wishing to put on events that will attract people not engaged in physical activity.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

5.2 That’ll be £1700 please

Anyone wishing to put on or attend an event put on in a space owned by an organization such as Forestry Commission.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

5.3 Stealth park tax

How do we ensure charges in parks (new ones introduced or ones that exist being raised) do not prevent participation and use of them?

Increased cost to use a park displaces activity to sites that may not be suitable for those activities (at best) or may not be properly ‘policed’, which in turn can lead to social issues.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

5.3 Stealth park tax

Large user groups.

Formal parks or recreation grounds.

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Theme 6. Infrastructure & assets

Key problems associated with the resources of various kinds that need to be in place to support a transition to a Britain with a more active lifestyle.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.1 Too far to go

How do we enable those who are blocked off from, too far away from or unable to access through other difficulties, to get to the open spaces we want people to use?

If open space is not easy to get to people won’t make the effort to get to it, not matter how engaging the activity taking place there is.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.1 Too far to go

People who don’t live near an open space or park or have to navigate some sort of obstacle (major road for example) to get to it.

Heavily built up areas with poor stock of open space.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.2 Non-city cyclists

How do we make cycling in cities and urban environments a more appealing activity for all?

Boris Johnson's cycling commissioner: "Cyclists may make up 24 per cent of the traffic across central London, but they still get much less than 24 per cent of policy-makers’ attention". That's no longer good enough.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.2 Non-city cyclists

New cyclists and young cyclists.

Urban space across UK.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.3 What about the sticks?

How do we create opportunities to participate in regular activities where there’s reduced infrastructure and/or access to resources compared to urban areas?

There needs to be equal opportunities for people in rural areas to ensure health and well being is available to all.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.3 What about the sticks?

People in rural areas.

Rural UK.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.4 Safe access routes

How do we ‘remove’ real or perceived access barriers to open spaces?

Physical barriers (like a major road) or perceived barriers (like a difficult journey on public transport) can reduce accessibility and therefore use and participation.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.4 Safe access routes

Potentially all users, even those who like the idea of activity.

Anywhere that the infrastructure does not join up well between people and the open space.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.5 Not my problem

How do we counteract the inflexibility in management contracts of facilities which stifle innovation and undermine user requirements.

There is a lack of understanding in the actual use or requirements of use of those who use open space by those who manage them or let the contracts to manage them.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.5 Not my problem

Those who manage or let contracts for managed open space. Open space users.

Any managed open space.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.6 Vote with your feet

How do we enable better use of green spaces and reduce the rate of abandoned sports pitches (particularly cricket) while enabling mass participation in informal sport?

There is a high cost associated with maintaining formal sports space against the opportunity to deliver lower cost / higher volume participatory activities.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.6 Vote with your feet

Those who don’t want to join clubs.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.7 Ability to access

How do we make it easier to manage all aspects of running open spaces to their maximum potential?

Optimal utilization of limited resources - through smarter timetabling, flexibility for different activities, matching consumer demand, understanding of cost – will get the maximum number of people to attend.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.7 Ability to access

Those involved with formal and informal sporting activities.

Managed open spaces.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.8 No obvious owner

How do we address the lack of obvious ownership – no caretaker, no permission giver to play, use, learn - of various open spaces?

Not having a ‘go to’ person can result in either abuse of the facility or under utlisation of the potential of the assets, the space itself, the potential of the community or all of the above.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.8 No obvious owner

People living near an open space. Those who, literally, own a space but do not manage it.

Spaces with no obvious owner.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.9 Cutting grass cutting

How do we ensure that the further 10% cut in central Government funding to local authorities does not create more inequality in opportunities to use open spaces.

If parks and green spaces are well managed, research has shown that communities use their local spaces more, have better relationships with their local councils and take some pride in the area where they live.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.9 Cutting grass cutting

Parks managers. Users of parks.

LAs across UK for foreseeable future.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.10 Where are the volunteers?

How do we find the volunteers who will provide a regular commitment to organize, supervise informal activity for young people?

Volunteers are a hugely important resource to sport in England. According to the latest Active People survey, over 3 million people volunteer regularly in sport.

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.10 Where are the volunteers?

Any organization that needs volunteers to enable activities for young people.

UK wide.

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What is the problem?

Why does it matter?

6.11 Wrong facilities

How do we better provide for those who have a desire to do some informal activity (e.g. young people wanting to BMX or skate) when there is no facility for them to do so?

It has been estimated that some 7% of Urban park users in England go there for sporting activities

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Who does it affect?

Where does it happen?

6.11 Wrong facilities

Lovers of alternative activity.

Many places across UK. Particularly non-urban areas for certain activities.

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expectancy-3-YEARS.html1.2 World Health Organization (2010) Global recommendations on Physical Activity for health.1.4 Women in London, Greater London Authority, research report (2004) by MORI, cited in Parks need

Parkforce, CABE 2005.1.5

1.8 Improving Urban Parks, Play Areas and Green Spaces London Office of the Deputy Prime MinisterDunnett, n., Swanwick, C. and Woolley, H. (2002)

1.9 Internet World Stats, October 20123.1 NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care(2009)Health Survey for England 2008: Physical

Activity and fitness , Welsh Government Statistical Directorate (2010) Welsh Health Survey 2009. Cardiff: Statistical Publication Unit, Scottish Government (2010) Scottish Health Survey 2009

3.4 The human deterrent, Conolly, P, in Regeneration and Renewal, 4 October 2002 pp16-17, cited in The

value of public space, CABE 205.


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References4.1 The Park Life report June 2007 GreenSpace4.5 The Trust for Public Land. (1999). Open Space Investments Pay Big Returns 4.8 annex 334.7 section 3.84.9 Kuo, F.E. Sullivan, W.C., Coley, R. L. and Brunson, L. ‘Fertile ground for community: inner city

neighbourhood common spaces’. American Journal of community Psychology Vol.26(6) pp823-851

5.1 Physical activity statistics 2013 – British Heart foundation health promotion research group, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford.
