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Kay Franklin “People Use The Internet To Get Information – Start Profiting Yourself And Build Your Own Information Marketing Business” All Rights Reserved. My Master Blueprint Page 1

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Great Book :)


  • Kay Franklin

    People Use The Internet To Get Information Start Profiting Yourself And Build Your Own Information Marketing Business

    All Rights Reserved. My Master Blueprint Page 1

  • Legal NoteKay Franklin has made her best efforts to produce a high quality & informative document. She makes no representation or warranties of any kind with regards to completeness or accuracy of the information within this lesson.

    The entire contents are the ideas, thoughts & opinions expressed solely by Kay Franklin after her recent experience of starting an online business and previous years of research into internet marketing. The author shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages caused by the use and misuse of or inability to use any or all of the information described in this lesson.

    By using the information in this lesson, you agree to do so entirely at your own risk.

    Some links contained in this lesson may be affiliate links and as such the author will earn a commission on any purchases made.

    The contents of this document may not be reprinted, copied, redistributed, transmitted, hosted, displayed or stored electronically without express written permission of Kay Franklin. It does NOT come with any resell rights whatsoever. It must remain in the original PDF form with no changes to any of the links contained within.

    Earnings Disclaimer

    There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using this information and no results are guaranteed. Any examples in this material should not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of results. Results are entirely dependent on the person implementing the ideas and techniques. This is not a "get rich scheme."

    Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining any results claimed in this material depends on the time and action you devote to it, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, success can not be guaranteed.

    By reading this you accept these terms and conditions.

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  • Table of ContentsLegal Note.............................................................................................................................2Introduction..........................................................................................................................4

    My A.C.T.I.O.N Plan............................................................................................................5Information Marketing Model..............................................................................................5

    Awareness............................................................................................................................5Awareness Of What You Offer...........................................................................................5Awareness Of What The Market Needs.............................................................................6

    Where To Find Ideas.......................................................................................................6Awareness Of Your Website & Brand.................................................................................7

    Your Domain Name.........................................................................................................7Web Hosting...................................................................................................................7Installing Wordpress.......................................................................................................7Your Branding.................................................................................................................8

    Communication....................................................................................................................8Communication: Traffic Sources........................................................................................9

    Content Marketing...........................................................................................................9Blogs & Forums............................................................................................................10

    Communication: Building A List .......................................................................................10What Do You Need To Build A List?..............................................................................10Your Free Gift................................................................................................................11Creating A Squeeze Page.............................................................................................11Your Email Series After SignUp....................................................................................12


    Creating Your Paid Product Fast!..................................................................................13Product Formats...........................................................................................................13My Quick Method To Creating A Product......................................................................13

    Creating Multiple Products...............................................................................................14Offer.....................................................................................................................................14Numbers..............................................................................................................................15Resources...........................................................................................................................17

    Setting Up Your Website...................................................................................................17Free PLR Sites for content ideas..................................................................................17Free Graphics Software...................................................................................................17Other Useful Free Tools....................................................................................................17More Resources...............................................................................................................17Coaching With Me............................................................................................................17

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  • IntroductionYou want your own online business but you are still working 9 'til 5.

    Is it possible?

    Where can you find the time to make it happen?

    How will you know what to do?

    How can you make it happen quickly?

    It is my intention to help you grow your online business even while you may be working full time. Once it is up and running and you start earning you can then make that decision to quit your job and focus on your online business full time.

    I create information products and therefore I shall be teaching you about building an Information Marketing Business.

    But first let me put you straight on something:

    The truth is that you need to create your own products to be really successful online to build a big income so that you can work at home full time.

    And product creation is one the biggest stumbling blocks in the way of success. This is one of the main reasons why people fail. Product creation takes too long or you have no idea on what to create!

    You lose motivation, give up and see if there is a quicker way to make money online.

    Sound familiar?

    So in this ebook I have written out the exact steps to take and that includes the most important step product creation and how to create your own information products FAST!

    You see, the gurus out there would have you believe that building a really successful online business is harder than it really is and that creating your own products is beyond the majority!


    Well, they want your money, they want you to buy their products. They are trying to keep control!

    However, other experts who know the truth are willing to share it so that more people have the opportunity and freedom to work at home. So that is why I am sharing it with you today!

    I have developed my own A.C.T.I.O.N Plan based on my research and implementation. What I teach you is what I do myself so I know it works.

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  • My A.C.T.I.O.N PlanMy A.C.T.I.O.N Plan is based on the step by step process of selling. After all, the only way you can make money online is if someone buys something therefore your plan or process that you follow has to be based on a sales path.

    Everything that you do should be a part of your sales process. That is your ultimate goal. Making sales.

    So very quickly here is the process:

    Awareness if no one knows about your business and what you offer then you won't make any sales. Do you even know what you offer?

    Communication - marketing your business is about communicating and building

    relationships with your prospects.

    Troubleshooter - identifying the needs and difficulties that people have in your particular area of expertise.

    Innovation - the most important and rewarding part creating the solution to those needs. Producing products that solve specific problems.

    Offer - offering your solution.

    Numbers - evaluating and testing your whole process so that you know you are working efficiently and can repeat your results.

    I shall discuss each one in more detail but first some background so that you fully understand why this plan works.

    Information Marketing ModelThe concept behind this is that the internet is primarily a search machine with everyone searching for help and information.

    Therefore to create a really effective online or internet business I believe that providing information is one of the best ways because your customer base is huge everyone online!

    Obviously there are different niches and topics that people are searching for information on and that is one thing that we will be looking at later, however, if people are on the internet looking for information then an information internet business is going to work!


    Awareness Of What You Offer

    First of all you need to find out what niche will be best for you.

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  • There are 2 trains of thought choose something you already have an interest in or choose a competitive niche and learn as you go. I always recommend the former.

    There are clear benefits. Here are a few:

    >>You already have knowledge or a skill that you can share>>You may already have an online presence (in forums for example) in the niche>>You already know the kinds of problems and issue people face within this niche>>Your interest and passion in the topic might help to keep you motivated and on track

    If you have not yet got an idea of what your business website will be about then think about the things that you enjoy doing or that you regularly search online for information on.

    When choosing your niche there are 2 very important things you must consider:

    1. Can I produce information products in this niche?

    2. Are there buyers in this niche?

    Choosing the right niche for you is really important. You must be passionate about it. You must really want to help other people in some way. If you don't have these you will not have the drive or desire you need to take action.

    Awareness Of What The Market NeedsThis is so that you will be able to create a free gift that people will find helpful so that they will sign up to your list in order to access it.

    Go to the places where your potential customers are hanging out and see what it is they need.

    What kind of questions are they asking? What problems do they have? What products are already out there but not doing a good job? How could you better them?

    Where To Find Ideas Forums in this niche search for this on Google Question and answer sites such as Yahoo Answers, Quora and AOL Answers look

    for questions about your niche Authority websites and blogs in this niche search for this on Google Clickbank & JVZoo sell lots of digital products search for the most popular ones in

    your niche Read Amazon discussions related to your niche products

    Visiting these sites will give you plenty of ideas on what people are buying and therefore popular. Also they will give you plenty of ideas on the problems and issues that people need help with in your niche.

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  • Awareness Of Your Website & BrandIn order to sell a product or give away a free gift, you need a platform and with an online business it is a website. I use wordpress to create my websites because it is very easy to use and there are lots of plugins that make your life easier!

    I use my website as a blog to enable communication to people on the internet as well as to market my products.

    The software that I use to create my blog website is something called wordpress. It is extremely easy to use, FREE and your blog can be set up very quickly so it is to my mind the ideal choice if you want to get your business up and running quickly.

    There are 2 things that you will need in order to create your website:

    1. Domain name a name for your website or business e.g. mywebsite.com2. Hosting a web server to host your website on

    Your Domain NameThink about the subject or niche of your business. Is it your own name that will be important or a website brand name?

    Whatever name you decide upon make sure that it is easy to remember and gives visitors an idea of what your site might be about.

    I use NameCheap for purchasing domain names and also for finding out if a name I like is available. It is free to join, relatively cheap (it costs around $10 per year for a domain name) and they provide a reliable service.

    Once you have set up your account have a look to see if you can find a domain name available. Check for a .com domain.

    Once you have your domain name then you are ready to find somewhere to host your domain.

    Web HostingThere are free hosting services available but I would not recommend them. I started out with a free account and without warning it shut down I lost all my website files and information and had to start all over again!

    I now use Hostgator to host my websites. It provides a reliable service and I have used their customer service many times and they have always been very quick at dealing with my questions. Within minutes in fact!

    There are various plans on offer and I recommend starting with a baby hosting account because it allows you to host more than one domain on the server and it is likely that you will want to build other websites as your business grows.

    Installing WordpressI use wordpress to create my websites/blogs. The reasons being that:

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  • it is free to use easy to learn quickly and there are lots of plugins that you can use with it to help make your life easier (more

    on those later)

    I have a complete set of videos on my website showing everything you need to know about installing and using wordpress. You can view them here.

    Your BrandingTo stand out in todays competitive market you need some kind of branding to your website and business.

    What is your mission? What are your values? What will your products solve? These are the kind of questions you must answer in order to fully understand how you want to brand yourself.

    By just giving yourself a brand you will stand out as being different. Create a logo or image that will be relevant to your values so that people can begin to recognise YOU.

    When you create your own information products you need to promote YOU the expert of that information. Having a brand will help with that.


    Now that you fully understand exactly what your business is about and what you can offer you need to communicate that to your prospects.

    This can be referred to as 'driving traffic' but I prefer thinking of it in terms of communicating and building relationships with your prospects.

    Communication is also a form of making people aware of your business too but in this part of my A.C.T.I.O.N Plan we are specifically going to work on being able to leverage any visitors we do get so that we can continue to communicate with them whenever we want to.

    This is critical to your success you need to be in control of your communication method. That is why building a list of subscribers is the best way to communicate. You are not dependant on Google, Facebook or other websites.

    You will use a free gift as a means of building a list of subscribers (or followers).

    These subscribers will then receive emails directly from you your very own traffic source, one that you own and control!

    I know I have already said it but this is really important to understand. You need to have control when it comes to building relationships with your prospects.

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  • Communication: Traffic SourcesWhen it comes to generating traffic the simple fact is that quality out weighs quantity every time!

    When you focus on quality (targeted) traffic rather than quantity you will achieve much better results for your efforts and I guarantee you will experience better conversions and make more sales.

    What are the best ways to attract traffic to your website? It is different for everyone. You need to decide which sources of traffic work best for you.

    Once you know then just focus on those 2 or 3 traffic sources.

    Below are 2 very good sources of traffic you can try whatever niche you have chosen.

    Content MarketingSubmitting articles or content for traffic generation is a method that has been around since the very beginning of online marketing and it is still one of the most effective ways to attract highly targeted traffic.

    The concept is simple. You write a good quality article that people in your niche will be interested in and then you submit it to a high traffic website online.

    High traffic sites might be an article directory, a blog, or an authority website. Somewhere you can put your content on.

    If you want to use an article directory then I recommend and use Ezine articles simply because it is the best and provides the best quality traffic for me.

    Don't bother submitting articles to loads of directories it's a waste of your time. It used to work but not any more.

    Wherever you put your content you should always include a bio box at the bottom of your article where you can put in your business name, with the link of the website that you want to promote. You can also put in a brief description about yourself in this box.

    However. I recommend that you use this bio box as a way to build a list of subscribers! So offer your free gift and then link to the page on your website where visitors can sign up to your email list to get access to your free gift. This is called a squeeze page and I'll talk about that later.

    One very important thing to note it: NEVER SUBMIT CONTENT THAT IS ALREADYONLINE. It won't get accepted. Period.

    Also add content to your own website so that over time it will begin to gain authority in the search engines. This is important because you own that site whereas content that you put on other websites is not owned by you.

    It is unlikely that these other websites will disappear overnight but it is best to have

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  • something that you control as well.

    Blogs & ForumsEven though blogs and forums are different from each other, theres one thing thats common between them. Both of them allow visitors to interact and post comments on them. That is the reason why they have become great marketing tools for generating traffic.

    It is not necessary for you to have your own blog to market on them.

    You can just as easily comment on blogs that other people have created and have the same end result, which is more traffic coming to your website. Just be sure that they are related to your website, popular and have a good ranking in the search engines.

    Forums follow a similar principle, but you have to follow the threads to see how the plan works then you can initiate a thread yourself. Forums have a better approach than blogs because here you will find only people who are passionate about that niche.

    You can then add a link in your signature a link that goes to your squeeze page so that you build your list.

    Communication: Building A List Building a list is a critical part of your business. Without a list you will never know what products to create in the future. You'll never get feedback about your existing products.

    Having a list of subscribers that trust and respect what you offer via email is something that you have total control over. No one can take that list away from you and if you continually offer value to your subscribers, they will stay on your list!

    What Do You Need To Build A List?You should already have a domain name and hosting. You also need:

    1. Free Gift as an incentive for people to join up to your list. This will be based on what you know your market wants.

    2. Auto-responder you need to be able to send emails to your subscribers. The top rated auto-responders are Aweber and GetReponse.

    3. Follow Up Email Series When people sign up to your list you will send them a welcome email message with a download link to their free gift. After that you should have an email series already prepared that will send emails out on auto-pilot.

    When you know what your market wants you can create a product to fulfil that need! Your first product will actually be free you will use it to build your list of subscribers! This is critical to your business.

    Now, there are plenty of sites online that allow you to change an existing product and make it your own they are called Private Label Rights (PLR) products. This is a very easy way to find a free product and then change it to make it your own.

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  • Your Free GiftLet's talk about a free product that you will use to encourage people to sign up to your list. The ideal situation is for you to create your own. However, to give you some idea of what is expected in a free gift it is a good idea to look at other products that are given away for free.

    To get plenty of free gift ideas you can sign up to free PLR websites. These sites offer free or paid memberships. If you choose to become a paid member you will have more choice of products and better quality ones. However, you do not need to be a paid member to find some really good freebies!

    PLRAssassin this site is good for everything. PLR, graphics, software, MRR (Master Resell Rights). There are plenty of free PLR products in a variety of niches.

    Resell Rights Weekly this site is particularly good for finding freebies in less common niches.

    Have a look at PLR products in your particular niche and download a couple. Read through them and get an idea of how much information is given. Now make it your own.

    Make sure that you are given the rights to do this. Always check this. Here is an ebook that you should read with information about the various rights and what they mean. You can download it here.

    If it has a graphic on the cover then create a different one that looks completely different. Change the title and sub headings and go through the product and re write it. You now have your very own product!

    If you are lazy......and don't want to take the time to re write the entire ebook then make sure you are happy to put your name to the free offer. This is important as your reputation depends on it!

    Everything you offer your subscribers must reflect the quality that they can expect from you. Start building that relationship and trust straight away.

    Of course the best way is to re write it all and that is what I would recommend.

    Creating A Squeeze PageBasically a squeeze page is a page on a website that is specifically designed to capture the visitors email address by offering them something in return. There are 4 elements to a good high converting squeeze page:

    1. An attention grabbing headline it needs to stand out so be in bold and a colour other than black works best.

    2. A sub headline this will support your headline and give just a little more information about your free gift.

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  • 3. Benefits here you describe the benefits of signing up and getting the free gift.

    4. Call to action this is where your auto-responder comes into play. You need a form to obtain the email address of your potential subscriber. Always include assurances about customer privacy and your anti-spam policy.

    Your Email Series After SignUpOnce someone has signed up to your list you must straight away begin to build your relationship with your subscriber. Auto-responders enable you to do this on auto-pilot by setting up a series of emails beforehand so that as soon as anyone signs up they will automatically receive a few weeks worth of emails without you having to do anything.

    This is where you will offer your paid products and find out what your subscribers need help with and create your next product! And so on!

    TroubleshooterYour customers and subscribers are very important and building a solid trustworthy relationship with them is key to making further sales. As already mentioned this relationship building process can fortunately be done on autopilot by preparing a series of emails that will be sent out to your subscribers on schedule.

    However, you must be available to answer any questions that your subscribers might have. Be personal and build an interactive email campaign so that your subscribers know you are a real person and are able to help them.

    This is vital if you are going to be able to effectively troubleshoot and identify their needs.

    When someone unsubscribes from your list you know that they were not receiving the information they had wanted to and have probably decided to join someone else's list.

    In this case it means you need to change your email series so that you are in fact providing that information. You need to test it and tweak it.

    However if someone is on your list and they haven't yet purchased a product from you it probably means you haven't been offering what they need!

    You need to find out what those struggles and issues are. Send an email and ask your subscribers what their goals are and what things they are finding difficult. Encourage interaction so that they know you are wanting to provide them with help.

    Perhaps send them a survey to complete.

    InnovationNow you can demonstrate your expertise and knowledge by creating your own products and training programs.

    As time goes by you will have more and more products to offer people joining your list. Using my method you will find that it is very easy to produce high quality training programs

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  • and coaching programs too.

    Creating Your Paid Product Fast!Your first paid product MUST be your own work and I recommend that you price it below $97. This is so that you will not feel so daunted about creating a product (if you were to create a $1000 product first you might not have the confidence to do so) and also it allows your subscribers to sample your work without investing too much. Although low priced this still needs to be of high quality and full of valuable information.

    If your first paid product is not relevant to the reason why people have wanted your free gift, then they won't be very interested in purchasing your paid product. If you make this mistake you will get frustrated at the lack of sales.

    Make sure you have found out what it is they need.

    By the way in my coaching programs I usually recommend that people create a product as the very first thing to do. The reason being that when starting out you are highly motivated and in my experience it is not until you see how easy it is to produce a training program with my method, that you will actually believe you can continue to create future products. So I leverage that motivation to get over the hurdle straight away.

    Product FormatsDecide the format for your product. I am talking about digital products rather than physical ones. There are 3 main types:

    Written in the form of an ebook or PDF. Can be sold as a PDF or kindle ebook. Video either a slide presentation with talking or a visual demonstration e.g.

    computer screen capture or showing a golf swing. Can be sold as an mp4 download.

    Audio you speaking the information. Can be sold as an mp3 download.

    My Quick Method To Creating A ProductCreating an audio product is SO easy and it is a really effective way of teaching and therefore good for your customers too!

    How long do you think it would take you to type out 30-50 pages for an ebook? Days? Weeks?

    If you created an hours worth of audio training you would have more than enough material to create that size of ebook! And it would take 1 hour!

    I use free software for my recordings - it's called Audacity. You just press the button and start recording!

    This is how you do it:

    1. Decide on a topic within your niche that you have knowledge about and could create an informational product on.

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  • 2. Write down 10 things that you know about that topic - 10 points that you could talk about. For each point you only need to talk for about 5 minutes.3. That will give you 50 minutes of content. Just add an introduction at the beginning and a summary of the end and you'll have a one hour training product.

    4. Set aside time, turn off all distractions and talk through the points you have made.

    You now have an hours training that you can sell!

    Can you see how powerful this is? You can create products really quickly using this method.

    Plus, an audio product has a higher perceived value and people listening to it will get better results as their level of understanding is deeper than if they just read an

    ebook - so you can charge more for it.

    The truth is that people want to learn quickly and don't like wasting time. Audio products fill this gap because your customer can learn while on the go.

    What would you rather do spend 5 hours in front of your computer watching a video of a slide presentation or be out walking and listening to it on your ipod? I know which I prefer!

    Creating Multiple ProductsYou can also automate part of your sales process by setting up a product funnel. At the start you will not have more than one product. Therefore you can use affiliate offers as part of your product funnel. Provided they are products that your subscribers want and need and are of high quality (your reputation is always on the line).

    A product funnel might look something like this:

    free gift - $37 - $97 - $197 - $297 - $497 product

    Someone opts in to receive your free gift. You then create an email campaign to promote the first product. When someone purchases this entry level product they then go into your next email campaign promoting your $97 product and so on.

    Each email campaign will provide valuable content and your primary aim is to build a solid relationship and trust with your subscriber and to find out what they need.

    Your product funnel can be in any order this is something that you should test and see which works best.

    Basically you rinse and repeat! Find out what your subscribers need and then create it for them. This becomes your next product and you can then add it to your product funnel.


    Once you have created products you will need to offer them as solutions to the various problems people on your list are facing in your particular niche area.

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  • Make sure you have the correct mindset before you offer your product. Your product is a solution to a problem, therefore by offering it to your subscribers you are adding value. Be yourself and recognise that what you are offering is valuable and will help your subscriber.

    I will assume that your product is of high quality and that you have done your research and have the knowledge. If you have the experience as well then you can command a higher price too.


    The most important part of my A.C.T.I.O.N Plan is perhaps this last part Numbers. Test, test, test! You must test and track everything that you do.

    If you can increase your sales conversion rate by 2 times then you have potentially doubled your revenue.

    The more effective your plan the less effort and time it will take for you to see the same results. When you no longer have time to do it all yourself outsource repetitive tasks to others.

    Produce higher priced products into your product funnel such as:

    home study courses membership site continuity programs coaching programs

    The whole point of my A.C.T.I.O.N Plan is to generate an online business that you know you can repeat month after month. This is only possible is you test and track every step of the plan.

    Not many people do this only the successful ones!

    If you would like to learn more about how to build a repeatable online business producing information products in a really quick and easy way then have a look at my Complete Information Marketing Master Blueprint Training Program.

    You will learn step by step what you need to do and you will be able to create products every month to produce your own effective product funnel!

    Complete Information Marketing Master Blueprint.

    I hope this ebook has encouraged you to make that decision to start building your own business with your own products making 100% of the sale!

    By creating your own products you immediately become recognised as an authority in your niche and your credibility goes up.

    So what will it be? What do you want to achieve for your online business?

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  • You will be receiving some really helpful tips from me in your email so do keep a look out for those. In a couple of days I will send you a great help sheet that I give to my coaching clients that will enable you to come up with lots of product content ideas and from the feedback I have received it has been a huge help!

    So be an A.C.T.I.O.N Taker! Think Big!

    Kay Franklin

    P.S.If you ever want to contact me then just hit reply to my email and I will personally get back to you.

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  • Resources

    Setting Up Your WebsiteNameCheap Domain Name PurchaseHostgator Web Hosting

    Autoresponders sending emails to your followers


    Free PLR Sites for content ideasResell Right Weekly free PLR membership site with free products every week. Mostly internet marketing products but also some niche specific products.

    PLRAssassin free membership site with lots of free PLR in all niches. Worth checking out. If you are a paid member then there are tons of free software that you will find really beneficial.

    Free Graphics

    Other Useful Free ToolsNuVu free HTML editor

    FileZilla free FTP software

    Audacity free Audio Recording Software

    More ResourcesStep By Step Ebook Creation Video Series

    PLR Rights Explained Free Ebook

    Dragon Naturally Speaking Demo Voice Recognition Software

    Coaching With MeOne on One Coaching

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    Legal NoteIntroductionMy A.C.T.I.O.N PlanInformation Marketing Model

    AwarenessAwareness Of What You OfferAwareness Of What The Market NeedsWhere To Find Ideas

    Awareness Of Your Website & BrandYour Domain NameWeb HostingInstalling WordpressYour Branding

    CommunicationCommunication: Traffic SourcesContent MarketingBlogs & Forums

    Communication: Building A ListWhat Do You Need To Build A List?Your Free GiftCreating A Squeeze PageYour Email Series After SignUp

    TroubleshooterInnovationCreating Your Paid Product Fast!Product FormatsMy Quick Method To Creating A Product

    Creating Multiple Products

    OfferNumbersResourcesSetting Up Your WebsiteFree PLR Sites for content ideasFree Graphics SoftwareOther Useful Free ToolsMore ResourcesCoaching With Me