action potentials and limit cycles computational neuroeconomics and neuroscience spring 2011 session...

Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

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Page 1: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Action Potentials and Limit Cycles

Computational Neuroeconomics and NeuroscienceSpring 2011

Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Page 2: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Last Week

• Linear Oscillations are not robust to noise. Biological systems encode information in

nonlinear oscillations.• How to tell whether a dynamical systems will

exhibit nonlinear oscillations.– N-1=1 Theorem– Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem– Hopf-Bifurcation Theorem

Page 3: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

This Week1. Neurons encode information with non-linear

oscillations (spike trains).2. How do neurons generate spikes?

3. Hodgkin-Huxley Model

4. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron has stable limit cycle5. Physiological Predictions of HH-model

6. Extensions of the HH-model

Hopf-Bifircation Theorem, Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem

Page 4: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

1. Stimulus Intensity is Encoded by the Frequency of a Nonlinear Oscillation (firing rate)

Stimulus intensity

strong stretch

medium stretch

light stretch

Firing rate

Page 5: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

This Week1. Neurons encode information with non-linear

oscillations (spike trains).2. How do neurons generate spikes?

3. Hodgkin-Huxley Model

4. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron has stable limit cycle5. Physiological Predictions of HH-model

6. Extensions of the HH-model

Hopf-Bifircation Theorem, Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem

Page 6: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

The Leading Characters: Na+ and K+

Session 1: Membrane Potential is determined by equilibrium between drift and diffusion

Page 7: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Neurons’ Active PropertiesSession 1:• Passive Properties of the cell

membrane• Constant Permeability

Exponential Decay towards equilibrium potential

Today: • Active Properties:

• State-Dependent Responses• Voltage Dependent ion

channels Spiking

Page 8: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Equivalent Electrical Circuit

cell membrane capacitor

concentration gradients batteries

source: Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM 2000. Principles of Neural Science, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York., chapter 7

ion channels steerable resistors

Page 9: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Cell Membrane as a Capacitor

Capacitance Charging a Capacitor:




Lipid Bilayer Capacitator=

We model the lipid-bilayer as a capacitor.

Page 10: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Ion Channels as Steerable Resistors

• Conductance • Ohm’s law:

Equilibrium Potentials

Page 11: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Equivalent Circuit Hodgkin Huxley

𝑪𝒎 ⋅𝒅𝑽𝒅𝒕

(𝒕 )=− 𝑰𝑵𝒂(𝒕 )− 𝑰 𝑲 (𝒕 )− 𝑰 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒌(𝒕)+ 𝑰 (𝒕 )

E E E+





𝑪𝒎 ⋅𝒅𝑽𝒅𝒕

(𝒕 )=−𝒈𝑵𝒂 (𝒕 ) (𝑽 (𝒕 )−𝑬𝑵𝒂 )−𝒈𝑲 (𝒕 ) (𝑽 ( 𝒕 )−𝑬𝑲 )−𝒈𝑳 (𝒕 ) (𝑽 (𝒕 )−𝑬𝑳 )+ 𝑰 𝒊𝒏𝒋

Page 12: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

The Dynamics of the Membrane Potential Depends on the Neuron’s State

… Q: What do we have to know about the neuron’s state in order to predict the neuron’s response to a given stimulus?

A: The conductances and their dynamics.

Page 13: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

The conductances are voltage-dependent!

The fraction of open channels changes with .



Hodgkin, & Huxley, A quantitative description of membrane current and its application

to conduction and excitation in nerve. The Journal of Physiology 117, 500-544 (1952).

Page 14: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

How do conductances change and why?

AP animation

Conductances change by voltage-dependent (de)activation and (de)inactivation.

Page 15: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

This Week1. Neurons encode information with non-linear

oscillations (spike trains).2. How do neurons generate spikes?

3. Hodgkin-Huxley Model

4. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron has stable limit cycle5. Physiological Predictions of HH-model

6. Extensions of the HH-model

Hopf-Bifircation Theorem, Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem

Page 16: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Voltage Gated Na-Channel

• : Na-conductance if all sodium channels are open• h: probability of the inactivation gate to be open

The Na+ channel is open if Activation and Inactivation Gate are open.

Deactivated Inactivated

(De)Activated x (De)Inactivated


Page 17: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Voltage Gated Na-Channel

m: probability of one Na channel subunit to be activated

Activation Gate

𝑔Na (𝑡 )=𝑚3(𝑡)⋅ h(𝑡)⋅𝑔Namax

Page 18: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Voltage Gated K Channel

• 4 subunits• No inactivaton gate

𝑔K (𝑡 )=𝑛4(𝑡)⋅𝑔Kmax

: probability K-channel of subunit to be activated: Na-conductance if all sodium channels are open

Page 19: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

From Deactivation to Activation and Back Again



Deactivated Activated


=𝛼𝑛 ⋅ (1−𝑛 )− 𝛽𝑛 ⋅𝑛𝑑𝑚𝑑𝑡

=𝛼𝑚 ⋅ (1−𝑚 )− 𝛽𝑚 ⋅𝑚

Page 20: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

From Deinactivation to Inactivation and Back Again


=𝛼h(𝑉 )⋅ (1−h )− 𝛽h(𝑉 )⋅ h

𝛼 (𝑉 )

𝛽 (𝑉 )

Deinactivated Inactivated

The transition probabilities are voltage dependent.

Page 21: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Version 1

The H-H Model comprises 4 non-linear ODEs that explain the Action Potential by the voltage dependent change in the opening probability of Na+ and K+ channels.

Page 22: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Version 2

𝑥𝑒𝑞 (𝑉 )=𝛼𝑥 (𝑉 )

𝛼𝑥 (𝑉 )+𝛽𝑥 (𝑉 )

Na-activation, K-activation, and Na-inactivation converge to their voltage-dependent equilibrium values at voltage-dependent speeds.

Page 23: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Problem: HH model is too complex to analyse mathemtically

• Possible Solutions:1. Numerical Simulation2. Mathematical Simplifications

1. Fitzhugh-Nagumo: – simple, but sacrifices biophysical interpretation

2. Rinzel– retains biophysical interpretation while being analytically


Page 24: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Numerical Simulation of HH

• Matlab Demo

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80














Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Membrane Potential

Page 25: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

This Week1. Neurons encode information with non-linear

oscillations (spike trains).2. How do neurons generate spikes?

3. Hodgkin-Huxley Model

4. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron has stable limit cycle5. Physiological Predictions of HH-model

6. Extensions of the HH-model

Hopf-Bifircation Theorem, Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem

Page 26: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Rinzel’s simplification of the HH model

Simplifications:1. Na+ activation jumps to its equilibrium: 2. Na+ inactivation


Rinzel simplified the 4-dimensional HH model into a 2-dimensional model. We can use the mathematical tools available for the 2-dimensional case.

Page 27: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Numerical Simulation of Rinzel’s Simplification

1. Matlab Demo

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20-100




Time (ms)



Rinzel Approximation to Hodgkin-Huxley

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80














Hodgkin-Huxley Model, Membrane Potential

Page 28: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Spike Trains are Limit Cycles

Matlab Demo

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4







Page 29: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Rinzel’Simplification, Part 2

• Goal:– As simple as possible, but retain

1. Ohm’s law2. Dependence on and

• Ansatz:

Page 30: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Parameters of Rinzel’s Approximation

• Isocline – – looks like a cubic polynomial Fit (V) by a quadratic function of V

• Isocline – (V) – looks like a line Fit (V) by

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 600













Phase Plane, dV/dt = 0 (red), dR/dt = 0 (blue)

Page 31: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Rinzel’Simplification, Part 2• Solution:


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20-80








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20-100




Time (ms)



Rinzel Approximation to Hodgkin-Huxley

Rinzel’s Model

The Units don't match. Correct this mistake!
Page 32: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

How does the Neuron Switch From Resting to Spiking?

Resting Spiking

0.74 0.72 0.70 0.68 0.66






V in dV


0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4







V in dV

Page 33: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

How Stability Changes with the Input

• Matlab Demo– has complex conjugate eigenvalues.– For , the real part is negative– For , the real part is zero– For , the real part is positive– Critical Value


Page 34: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Soft or Hard Hopf-Bifurcation?

Let’s check this in Matlab!The HH model has a hard Hopf-Bifurcation. An Unstable Limit Cycle emerges.

Page 35: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Is there another limit cycle that is stable?

Poincaré-Bendixon:+ +- -




0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4








Page 36: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Two Limit Cycles Coexist.

The stable limit cycle appears while the equilibrium point is still stable, but the unstable limit cycle prevents the trajectory from converging to it.

Page 37: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

This Week1. Neurons encode information with non-linear

oscillations (spike trains).2. How do neurons generate spikes?

3. Hodgkin-Huxley Model

4. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron has stable limit cycle5. Physiological Predictions of HH-model

6. Extensions of the HH-model

Hopf-Bifircation Theorem, Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem

Page 38: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Hodgkin-Huxley Model Predicts Hysteresis

Page 39: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Prediction was verified experimentally

Simulation (Matlab Demo) Experiment

Predicted: 1965 Verified: 1980

0 50 100 150 200 250 300-100








Time (ms)


) (r


) &



nt R


p (



Page 40: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

This Week1. Neurons encode information with non-linear

oscillations (spike trains).2. How do neurons generate spikes?

3. Hodgkin-Huxley Model

4. Hodgkin-Huxley neuron has stable limit cycle5. Physiological Predictions of HH-model

6. Extensions of the HH-model

Hopf-Bifircation Theorem, Poincaré-Bendixon Theorem

Page 41: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Stochastic Resonance

Noise can increase the neuron’s sensitivity.

Page 42: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

From Squid to Man• Squid Axon fires with at least 175 Hz

Fast K+ current

Cortical Neurons can have much lower firing rates!

Matlab Demo

It is easy to incorporate additional channels into the HH model.

Page 43: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Dynamical Properties of Cortical Neurons

• Saddle-Node Bifurcation

Incorporating new channels changes the dynamics.

Page 44: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

Dynamic Neuron Types

There are four major dynamic neuron types.

Page 45: Action Potentials and Limit Cycles Computational Neuroeconomics and Neuroscience Spring 2011 Session 8 on 20.04.2011, presented by Falk Lieder

The extended HH model captures FS and RS neurons

𝜏 𝑅=2.1ms 𝜏 𝑅=5.6 ms