acrl framework: workshop for reference & instruction librarians

ACRL’s Framework for Information Literacy Workshop for Reference & Instruction Librarians Gina Calia-Lotz, Instructional Services Librarian, Harford Community College

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ACRL’s Framework for

Information Literacy

Workshop for

Reference &



Gina Calia-Lotz, Instructional Services

Librarian, Harford Community College

ACRL’s expanded definition of

information literacy

“Information literacy combines a repertoire

of abilities, practices, and dispositions

focused on expanding one’s understanding

of the information ecosystem, with the

proficiencies of finding, using and

analyzing information, scholarship, and data

to answer questions, develop new ones,

and create new knowledge, through ethical

participation in communities of learning

and scholarship.”

Comparison of Old and New

“Old” ACRL “Information Literacy Standards”

Determine the nature and extent of information needed

Access needed information effectively and efficiently

Evaluate information and its sources critically; incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base & value system

Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose

Access and use information ethically and legally

ACRL Framework


Scholarship as Conversation

Research as Inquiry

Format as Process

Authority is Constructed and Contextual

Searching as Exploration

Information has Value


The Framework consists

of six “frames,” or

“lenses through which to

view information literacy.”

Each frame contains a

threshold concept,

knowledge practices, and

a set of dispositions of

learners who are


understanding of the

related concepts.“Frames”

Threshold Concepts:

“Those challenging

‘gateway’ or portal

concepts through

which students must

pass in order to

develop genuine

expertise within a

discipline, profession,

or knowledge domain.”

Sustained discourse

within a community of

scholars or thinkers.

Scholarly research

resists simple answers.

Scholarship is a

discursive practice,

over extended periods

of time.

The experienced

researcher seeks out

many perspectives in a

scholarly conversation,

not merely the one with

which the researcher

already agrees.

Frame 1:

Scholarship is a Conversation

Research is iterative:

complex questions develop

new questions/lines of


Experienced researchers

see inquiry as a process

that focuses on problems or


The novice works to

understand foundational

ideas/methods, and over

time develops ability to

formulate advanced

research questions, and

employ a greater repertoire

of investigative methods.

Frame 2:

Research as Inquiry

Depends on origin, need,


How authoritative is


Understand standards

within a discipline.

Be skeptical, but keep an

open mind.

Even authoritative should

be regarded with

“informed skepticism.”

Frame 3:

Authority is Constructed & Contextual

“Format” (or source type)

and method of access are

separate things.

Quality and usefulness of an

information source is

determined by the process

that went into making it.

Unique capabilities and

constraints of each format

determine how info can and

should be used, and which

information best meets a

researcher’s needs.

Researchers decide which

format and mode of

transmission to use when

disseminating their own info


Frame 4:

Format as Process

The search for

information is ignited

by inquiry.

Process of discovery.

No single system works

well for all research


Effective use of

selected resources is

predicated on

understanding them.

Different resources

require different

methods of access.

Frame 5:

Searching as Exploration

Information as

intellectual property.

Importance of proper

attribution of sources.

Information can act as

a commodity – which

motivates whether

and how information

is shared, sold, etc.

Social media sites,

advertisements, and

other internet sites

may use another’s

information for their

own economic gain.

Frame 6:

Information has Value

Threshold Concepts =

“Core Understandings”

Should position info lit on a higher

plane, as an integral part of the

learning process within and across


Should address the “bottlenecks of

understanding” or challenges that

students face in learning to maneuver

within the information landscape.

Do you remember *our*

“Overarching Understandings?”

HCC Librarians’ “Overarching Understandings” (May 2011)

Corresponding ACRL Frame/Core Understanding

1.Your topic/research need

determines the kinds of sources

you will need

2. Different kinds of sources

require different search

tools/resources to find them.

3. The librarians/the library are a

resource here to help them!

4. Information differs in quality

depending on various criteria

5. Your search terms/search

strategy will influence your

success in finding sources

1. Format as Process

2. Format as Process/Searching is Strategic

3. Searching as Exploration!

4. Format as Process/ Authority is Constructed and Contextual

5. Searching as Exploration

How about our student learning objectives?

Our Eng. 101 Lesson Objectives Corresponding ACRL Frame

1. Develop sub-topics for a given

topic using an essay from a

reference database.

2. Determine which databases to

use to find articles on specific


3. Develop keyword search statements/use advanced search strategies in databases to improve search results.

4. Compare characteristics of scholarly journals & popular magazines.

5. Evaluate the credibility and objectivity of sources from the Web.

6. Determine information needed to cite sources in MLA format.

1. Research as Inquiry

2. Searching as Exploration

3. Searching as Exploration

4. Format as Process

5. Format as Process/Authority is Constructed and Contextual

6. Information has Value

“Research is a Process”

Overall concept on which our Eng.

101 sessions are based.

= “Research as Inquiry” (Frame II)


