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Page 1: Acquisitions Editor: Mariann are rigging. Getting the skeleton anatomically correct will make the resulting
Page 2: Acquisitions Editor: Mariann are rigging. Getting the skeleton anatomically correct will make the resulting

Acquisitions Editor: Mariann BarsoloDevelopment Editor: Pete GaughanTechnical Editor: Keith Reicher Production Editor: Elizabeth Ginns BrittenCopy Editor: Sharon WilkeyProduction Manager: Tim TateVice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard SwadleyVice President and Executive Publisher: Joseph B. WikertVice President and Publisher: Neil EddeAssociate Project Editor: Laura Atkinson Associate Producer: Kate JenkinsMedia Quality Assurance: Angie Denny Book Designer: Mark OngCompositor: Denise Hom and Susan Riley, Side By Side StudiosProofreader: Nancy RiddioughIndexer: Nancy GuentherAnniversary Logo Design: Richard PacificoCover Designer: Ryan SneedCover Image: George Maestri

Copyright© 2008 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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ISBN-13: 978-0-4701-7984-0ISBN-10: 0-4701-7984-8

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Autodesk, Inc.: Create stunning 3D in less time with Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2008 software. 3ds Max® 2008 dramaticallyimproves productivity by streamlining workflows involving complex scenes. It also delivers Review – for interactive pre-viewing of shadows and sophisticated mental ray® material settings. A new MAXscript ProEditor and improved support forDWG™-based pipelines round out this productivity-enhancing offering.

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ContentsIntroduction xiii

1 Introduction to 3ds Max 1

Understanding the 3ds MaxInterface 2Toolbar 3

Command Panel 3

Viewports 4

Shading 5

Navigation 6

Quadmenus 6

Selecting Objects 7

Transforming Objects 8Coordinate Systems 8

Pivots 9

Snapping 10

Managing Objects 11Hiding and Freezing Objects 11

Using Layers 12

Using Groups 13

Linking Objects into Hierarchies 14


Scene Explorer 15Customizing the Interface 16

Using Scene Explorer 16

2 Modeling 17

Understanding Geometry Types 18

Creating Geometry 18Basic Primitives 19

Extended Primitives 20

Architectural Primitives 22

Using Modifiers 23Parametric Deformers 23

Free-Form Deformation (FFD) Modifiers 24

Adjusting Modifiers 24

Using Splines 25Drawing Lines 25

Editing Splines 26

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Rendering Splines 28

Creating Geometry with Splines 28

Polygonal Modeling 29Polygonal Components 29

Edit Poly Modifier 31

Modifying Sub-Objects 36

Using Subdivision Surfaces 37MeshSmooth 37

TurboSmooth 38

Smoothing Editable Polys 39

Creating Compound Objects 39Booleans 40

Scatter 41

Polygonal Modeling an AlienCharacter 42

Spline Modeling a Spaceship 45

3 Creating Textures 47

Working with Materials 48Material Editor 48

viii Contents

Options Menu 49

Material/Map Browser 49

Creating and Editing Materials 50Standard Material 50

Raytrace Material 51

Matte/Shadow Material 52

Multi/Sub-Object Material 52

Architectural Material 53

Ink ’n Paint Material 53

Mental Ray Material 53

Using Maps 54Mapping Color 55

Mapping Opacity 55

Mapping Self-Illumination 55

Mapping Bumps 56

Mapping Displacement 56

Mapping Reflections 57

Mapping Refractions 57

Types of Maps 58Applying Materials 60

Mapping 60

Coordinates Rollout 60

UVW Map 61

Unwrap UVW 62

Polygonal Modeling an AlienCharacter 64

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4 Lighting 67

Lighting Makes the Image 68

Creating Lights 68Light Parameters 69

Types of Lights 70

Mental Ray Lights 71

Adjusting Lights 72

Creating Shadows 72Shadow Parameters 73

Depth Map Shadows 74

Raytraced Shadows 75

Advanced Raytraced Shadows 76

Creating Lighting Effects 77Decay 77

Attenuation 78

Advanced Lighting Effects 79

Atmospheres and Effects 80

Volume Light 80

Lens Effects 82

Setting Light Exclusion 83

Lighting a Scene 84

5 Rendering 87

Renderers 88Render Scene Window 88

ActiveShade Window 89

Object Properties 90

Cameras 91Types of Cameras 91

Focal Length 92

Clipping Planes 93

Depth of Field 94

Motion Blur 97

Motion Blur in mental ray 98

Scanline Renderer 98Antialiasing 99

Raytracer 100

Advanced Lighting 101

Environment And Effects Panel 103Background 103

Exposure Control 104

Environmental Effects 105

mental ray Renderer 106Global Illumination 107

Photons 108

Contents ix

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Energy 108

Final Gathering 109

Caustics 110

Render Elements 112

Backburner 113Manager 114

Server 114

Assigning Jobs 115

Monitor 115

Rendering Caustics by Using mental ray 116

Rendering Global Illumination byUsing mental ray 118

6 Character Deformations andRigging 119

Bones 120Creating Bones 121

Editing Bones 121

Inverse Kinematics 122Working with IK 122

Using Spline IK 124

Constraints 124Position 124

LookAt 125

Orientation 125

Link 125

Surface 125

Attachment 125

Skinning 126Skin Modifier 126

Skin Wrap Modifier 129

Morphing 130Facial Animation Using Morphs 131

Progressive Morphs 132

Wiring Parameters 132

Creating a Skeleton 134

Skinning a Character 135

7 Animation 137

Creating Animation 138

Using Controllers 138Keyframe Controllers 139

Parametric Controllers 139

x Contents

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Script and Expression Controllers 140

Motion Capture Controller 140

Creating Keys 141Working with the Time Slider 141

Make Preview 142

Using the Motion Panel 143Parameter Mode 143

Trajectory Mode 143

Using Track View 144Curve Editor 145

Dope Sheet 146

Animation Layers 147

Parameter Collector 147

Creating a Walk Cycle 148

8 Character Studio 149

Biped 150

Modifying a Biped 151

Manipulating a Biped 152Keyframing Tools 154

Key Info 155

Dynamics 156

Animation Workbench 156

Footstep Animation 158Activating Footsteps 160

Editing Footsteps 160

Using Motion Capture 162

Motion Flow Mode 163

Motion Mixer 164

Physique 166Applying Physique 166

Vertices 168

Envelopes 169

Bulges, Creases, and Other Deformations 170

Animating a Biped 173

Contents xi

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9 Special Effects 175

Particle Systems 176Basic Particle Systems 176

Forces 182

Deflectors 183

Particle Flow 184

Reactor 186Rigid Body Dynamics 186

Soft Bodies 190

Cloth 192

Simulating Collisions 194

10 Hair and Cloth 195

Hair and Fur 196Creating Hair and Fur 197

Texturing Hair 198

Styling Hair 199

Dynamics 202

Cloth 203Creating Patterns from Splines 203

Garment Maker 204

Cloth Modifier 206

Creating Hair 209

Appendix: About the Companion CD 211Index 214

xii Contents

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eformations change the shape of an object. Almost any sort of organicanimation—from a fully skinned character to flowers swaying in thebreeze—will need deformations of one sort or another. In addition tousing deformations for animation tasks, you can use them as modelingtools. Because deformations can reshape a lot of detail quickly, deformers

are good choices for global changes to an object.Rigging is primarily used in character animation to create hierarchical structures

called skeletons. Skeletons are used as a framework for deforming the character as wellas animating it. A good rig builds upon the skeleton to provide additional tools that makethe animator’s job easier by allowing the character to be quickly posed and manipulated.

CharacterDeformations andRigging




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BonesSkeletons in 3ds Max can be constructed from any object but are usually constructed fromobjects called bones, which are tied together in a hierarchy. The skeleton, in turn, is usedto deform a mesh via 3ds Max’s skinning tools. Although skeletons are used primarily for character animation, they can also be used to create all sorts of other deformations. A garden hose, for example, can easily be deformed by using a series of bones. Bones canalso help refine the behavior of hair and clothing.

120 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

Bones are used to guide deformations when using the skinning tools. When the bones move, the meshdeforms to match.

Other objects besides bones can be used inskeletons, such as boxes or other bits of geometry.

When building a skeleton, it is always a good ideato study the anatomy of the character or creatureyou are rigging. Getting the skeleton anatomicallycorrect will make the resulting deformationsanatomically correct as well. The bones of thischaracter closely mimic the bones of a real skeleton.

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Creating BonesBones are created under the Create →Systems → Bones IK Chain menu or underthe Systems tab of the Create panel. Bonesare drawn by left-clicking to set the anchorpoint, moving the mouse to set the length,and then left-clicking again to set the endpoint of the bone and the start of the nextbone. Right-clicking ends the operation.When multiple bones are drawn, each new bone is created as a child of thepreceding bone, forming a hierarchy. Bone chains can be created with or withoutinverse kinematics (IK) enabled. When IK isenabled, the IK chain is drawn from thefirst to the last bone in the chain.

Bones 121

The Create bones panel

Bones can also have fins. These areprotrusions on the sides of the bonethat can be used to more precisely fitthe bone to the mesh.

Allows you to change the position of the bone’s pivot, altering the respective lengths of the bones

Draws new bones, using the standard bone creation tools

Removes the currently selected bone and stretches adjacent bones to match

Deletes the currently selected bone, breaking the hierarchy and the bone chain

Allows you to click on a bone to split it in two

Provides options to turn the bone on, freeze its length, and control its stretch

Creates a nub bone at the end of the currently selected bone

Creates a connecting bone between the currently selected bone and another bone

Makes the currently selected bone the root (parent) of the bone structure

Creates mirror copies of selected bones without changing the direction of the bones’ scale

Changes the display color of the selected bones

Remove Bone leaves the hierarchy intact.

Delete Bone breaks the hierarchy.

The Refine option splits a bone in two.

Editing BonesBones have a Modify panel where the size of the bone as wellas the size and number of fins can be changed. In addition,3ds Max provides a Bone Tools window (Animation → BoneTools) to further refine the skeleton.

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Inverse KinematicsBy default, bones in 3ds Max move strictly by rotation. This is calledforward kinematics, because a series of bones is manipulated from theroot bone forward. If a character picks up a cup of coffee, the bones areposed starting at the shoulder and moving forward to the fingertips. Forward kinematics is great for most motions, but it can pose a seriousproblem whenever a character needs to keep one part of the body stablewhile the other moves, such as keeping a foot on the ground during awalk or a run.

To overcome this limitation, inverse kinematics (IK) can be used.Inverse kinematics automatically rotates a chain of bones so that theend points can be positioned by using translation instead of rotation.This is perfect for a character’s legs, but also can be used in other areas,such as arms. If a character climbs a ladder, for example, the hands haveto remain stable on the rungs while the shoulders move.

122 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

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To get the end of this bone chain toreach the ball by using forward kine-matics, all bones in the chain need tobe rotated, requiring several steps.

Inverse kinematics allows you to position the bones simplyby translating the IK handle to the desired location, usingone step. The IK solver rotates the bones automatically.

A character’s legs are a perfect place to use IK because itallows the hips to move freely while the feet remain firmlyplanted on the ground.

Working with IKIK can be applied to a bone chain as it is drawn, or it can be applied afterward by applyingan IK solver. Choose Animation → IK Solvers, and then the desired solver. Then select thestart and the end bone of the IK chain. 3ds Max has three main IK solvers, plus the abilityto do Spline IK. The three main solvers are as follows:

HI solver The History Independent solver uses an IK goal to animate a chain. You ani-mate the goal, and the solver moves the end of the chain to match the position of the goal. This is the preferred solver for most applications.

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Inverse Kinematics 123

IK solver

IK goal

An IK chain is manipulatedby moving an IK goal. The IKsolver shows which joints arepart of the IK chain.

Turns on/off IK interface elements and determines icon size.

Determines at what direction the IK chain points. On a character, the swivel angle controls the direction of the knee or elbow joint.

Allows the swivel angle to point to a target.

Selects the IK HI solver or IK Limb solver.

When toggled on, the IK solver is active. When off, the chain is manipulated by using forward kinematics.

Syncs the action of forward and inverse kinematics.

Defines the joints used in the IK chain.

The IK parameters on the Motion panel

Swivel Angle controls the direction of an IK chain. In this case, it controlsthe direction of this character’s knee.

The Select And Manipulatetool can also affect theswivel angle.

Swivel Angle can also use a target object to controldirection.

HD solver The History Dependent solver lets you use sliding joints combined with inversekinematics. It has controls for spring back, damping, and precedence not found in theHI solver. The solver, however, is history dependent; performance is slower at the end oflong animations.

IK Limb solver The IK Limb solver is meant for animating the limbs of characters; forexample, the hip to the ankle, or the shoulder to the wrist. Each IK Limb solver affectsonly two bones, but multiple solvers can be applied to different parts of the same chain.

IK chains are configured by selecting the IK goal and opening the Motion panel.

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ConstraintsConstraints are a way to automatically control an object’s position, scale, or orientation.Constraints are used in animation as well as in character rigging to provide animators withways to attach parts of a character’s body to other objects or parts of a scene.

PositionIn animation, a Position constraint causes one object to moveto and follow the position of another object, or the averageposition of several objects. Position constraints are particularlyuseful when you want an object to match another object’sposition while keeping it outside the hierarchy, such as when acharacter is lifting something.

Using Spline IKAnother way to configure IK is by using Spline IK, which employs a curve to control thebones and their rotations. This is a good choice for manipulating long chains, such as atail, a trunk, or even a spine.

Spline IK works best with chains that have a lot of short bones. To create a Spline IK chain, draw a bone chain with the Spline IK solver enabled. 3ds Max automaticallygenerates a curve of your choice to fit the chain, plus it gives you the option to createhelper objects to manipulate the underlying curve and the chain.

Once created, the Spline IK curve is like any other curve and can be animated by usingclusters or blend shapes.

124 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

A bone chain drawn with the Spline IK solverenabled allows you to create a Bezier or NURBScurve to control the chain.

Moving the helper objects deforms the underlyingcurve and manipulates the bone chain.

When the character lifts the ball, theball is constrained to the palm of thehand. This allows the ball to move withthe hand as the hand itself is animated.

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LookAtA LookAt constraint constrains an object’s orientation so that the object aims at other objects.In character setup, a typical use of a LookAt constraint is to set up a locator that controls eyeball movement.

Constraints 125

The eyeball is aim-constrained to thelocator and rotates to follow it.

A Surface constraint constrains anobject to a surface.

OrientationAn Orientation constraint matchesone object’s rotation to another.This can be used in characteranimation to set up controlobjects that affect other objects,such as bones within a rig.

LinkA Link constraint allows you to animate the links in a hierarchy. Just as with hierarchical linking, a Link constraint matches the relativeposition, rotation, and scale of one object to another. The Linkconstraint, however, can be animated to change the link to a differentobject at a specific frame. This allows for characters to set down andpick up objects.

The Link constraint allows the ball to be linked to one hand and then another asthe ball passes between them.

AttachmentAn Attachment constraint issimilar to a Surface constraint but will work with any polygonalsurface. The Attachment constraintworks by constraining the pivotpoint of an object to a specificface on a polygonal object. Theconstraint shows the face numberto be selected along with an offsetto fine-tune the position. Thisconstraint works very well forobjects that change shape, such as a water surface with waves.

SurfaceA Surface constraint constrains an object to a surface. The types of surfaces that can accept thisconstraint are limited to surfacesthat have UV coordinates, whichinclude parametric surfaces(sphere, cylinder, plane, and soforth) as well as patch, loft, andNURBS objects. The U and Vparameters allow the constrainedobject to be positioned andanimated across a surface.

The bone is controlled by an Orientationconstraint driven by the circle. Rotatingthe circle swivels the bone.

The Attachment constraint constrainsan object to a specific polygon on asurface.

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SkinningSkeletons provide the structure of the body, but the skin provides the appearance. Gettingthe mesh of the character to deform according to the position of the character’s skeleton is called skinning. Most characters animated in 3ds Max will be skinned in some form, and getting a character’s mesh to deform smoothly usually takes a good knowledge of theskinning tools and how they work. The Skin modifier is the most popular way to skin acharacter, but the Skin Wrap and Physique modifiers also can do the job.

126 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

Enables mirror mode so that weights on one side of the body can be applied to the opposite side.

Decides along which plane the mirroring will occur.

Tools that affect the shape of the mesh depending on the position of a bone.

Include/ExcludeTools to include or exclude the selected vertices from the highlighted bone.

Brings up a spreadsheet-like table where numeric weights can be adjusted.

Uses a brushlike interface to paint skin weights.

Vertex selectionTools to select vertices as well as to shrink and grow the selection.

Bones–Tools to add and remove bones from the modifier. A bone can also be highlighted in the list so that vertex weights can be set or painted for that bone.

Tools to add or remove cross- sections to the envelopes.

The radius of the envelope as well as tools to control envelope visibility and falloff.

A numeric field to configure the weight of the selected vertices to the highlighted bone. Skin tools–Brings up the Skin Tools window.

The Skin modifier

Skin ModifierThe Skin modifier works by using a skeleton or a collection of bonesto deform a mesh. Each bone inthe skeleton creates an envelopethat affects the underlying vertices.Each vertex in the mesh is thenweighted to each bone in theskeleton. A bone that completelyaffects a vertex will be given aweight of 1.0, while bones that donot affect the mesh are given aweight of 0.0. When multiplebones affect a vertex, theirweights are somewhere between 1 and 0, but total weights alwaysadd up to 1.0.

The Skin modifier also has toolsto modify the envelopes as well astools to assign weights manuallyand to paint weights. User-definedgizmos can be configured to affectthe shape of the mesh dependingon the position of a bone.

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Modifying WeightsVertex weights in 3ds Max can be modified in a number of ways. Envelopes surroundeach bone and provide the first level of weighting. Vertices that lie within theenvelope are weighted to the corresponding bone. Weights can be configuredmanually or by painting, by using the tools in the Weight Properties rollout.

Skinning 127

Envelopes surround each bone and determine which vertices are affected. Envelopes can bemoved and resized. Envelopes can be viewed by selecting the desired bone from the list inthe Skin modifier.

Envelopes–The capsule-shaped outlines are envelopes.

Envelope handles–Selecting any of these handles and moving them will resize and reshape the envelope interactively.

Cross-section–Cross-sections can be sized by using the Radius spinner.

Vertices–Individual or groups of vertices can be selected for weighting.

The Skin Weight tool containsa palette of options to setweights for individualvertices or groups of vertices.

The Skin Weight table is a spreadsheet-like table that allowsyou to type in numeric weights for vertices.

The Paint Weights tool allows you to paint vertex weights byusing a brush.

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128 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

For Joint and Bulge Angledeformers, a lattice is placedaround the selected vertices.This lattice can then bereshaped depending on the angle.

The Morph Angle deformerallows you to use 3ds Max’smodeling tools to rework themesh to a precise shape. Toaccomplish this, add an EditMesh or Edit Poly modifier tothe top of the stack andreshape the mesh. Use theAdd From Stack button toincorporate the new shape.

The Joint Angle deformer places a lattice aroundthis joint and gives a proper deformation.

Using GizmosGizmos affect the shape of the mesh depending on the position of a bone. 3ds Max has three types of gizmos: Joint Angle, Bulge Angle, and Morph Angle. All of the gizmosare set up the same way. The affected bone and vertices are selected, and then the gizmo is added to the list. The joint is then animated through its range of motions, and the gizmos are modified to reshape the mesh according to the joint’s angle. The keyframesof the joint’s animation are then deleted.

When this elbow joint bends, the mesh deformsimproperly.

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Skin Wrap ModifierThe Skin Wrap modifier is designed to let a low-resolution mesh deform a higher-resolutionmesh. This works well for highly complex characters, because the actual mesh that’sdeformed is independent of the actual control mesh. This means you can modify the high-resolution mesh and still keep the animation. The low-resolution object doing the deforming is called a control object, and the high-resolution object is the base object. A base object can be any type of deformable object.

Skinning 129

Meshes–The low-resolution meshes used as control objects.

Deformations can use either vertices or faces.

The amount of influence a vertex in the control object has on the mesh.

Allows the deformation to be controlled by closest distance rather than specific vertices.

The maximum distance that a vertex on the control mesh can influence the base mesh.

Removes the modifier and replaces it with a Skin modifier that replicates the deformation.

The Skin Wrap modifier

When the low-resolution mesh is changed, thehigh-resolution mesh matches its movement.

The high-resolution mesh (right) ismanipulated by the low-resolution mesh.

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MorphingMorphs are managed in 3ds Max by usingthe Morpher modifier. This allows you tochange the shape of one object to matchthat of another. This is a precise way todeform an object, as each target of theMorpher modifier can be modeled by using3ds Max’s modeling tools. Morphs can alsocombine multiple targets to mix and matchdeformations.

The big task in configuring morphs iscreating the targets. This is primarily amodeling task. The one requirement forblend shape targets is that they all have thesame topology as the base object. This iseasily accomplished by duplicating the baseobject (such as a head) and reshaping it tocreate the appropriate shape (such as ablink or a smile.)

After the targets are created, setting upthe morphs is simply a matter of adding theMorpher modifier to the stack and then

130 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

60 percent 100 percent

Morphs allow you to mix different shapes to createa new result.

Pick Object–Allows you to select morph targets for progressive morphing.

Creates a new mesh representing the shape of the current channel.

Limits–Allows you to adjust the minimum and maximum values for a channel. Values can go below 0 and above 100.

Sets up progressive morphing, which animates a mesh through a list of targets as the spinner moves.

Morpher modifier–The Morpher modifier is usually placed below the Skin modifier in the stack.

Channels–Loaded morph targets appear in this list. Each target has a spinner to set its value. A value of 100 fully morphs to the target. Right-clicking on a channel allows you to load a target from the scene.

Brings up a dialog box where you can select multiple targets from a list of objects.

Reloads the targets. This allows you to reshape targets and update them later.

Sets all channels to zero.

The Morpher modifier

selecting the targets by using the tools inthe modifier. Each target gets a channel,which allows you to set the morph amountfor each target.

Morphs work by averaging the X, Y, and Zpositions of each individual vertex or CV inthe object. When a slider is at 0 percent, thevertex is at the rest position; at 100 percent,it is at the target. Mixing multiple targetsaverages the positions according to theweights on the sliders.

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Facial Animation Using MorphsAlthough morphs can be used for any type of shape animation, by far the mostpopular application for blend shapes is in facial animation. A modeler createsindividual facial poses representing the extreme motions of the individual partsof the face, such as opening the jaw or a smile. By mixing these, you can createan infinite variety of facial expressions.

Morphing 131

“A” and “I” “Eh” and “Uh” “F” and “V” “L” and “Th”

“M” “Oooh” “Oh” “E” and consonants

Blend shapes called phonemes can be created to mimic the basicmouth positions used in dialogue.

Other blend shapes can be modeled for positions the mouthmakes when not speaking, such as a smile. It’s always a goodidea to create right and left versions of these shapes so thatthe animator can create asymmetry in the facial expressions.

Shapes for the upper part of the face include blinks and browpositions for emotions such as worry, anger, and surprise.Again, it is a good idea to create left and right versions ofthese shapes to give the animator more control.

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ProgressiveMorphsMorphs typically work by moving thevertices of the object from one position to another along a straight line. Thisdefault motion works great for manyapplications, such as facial animation, but can be problematic when morphing an object that needs to move along an arc,such as the joints of a finger or eyelidsmoving across the round surface of theeyeball. Progressive morphing addresses this problem by allowing a morph to passthrough multiple targets, giving you theability to create in-between shapes.

132 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

Right-click on the object and select WireParameters. Select the parameter to wire. In this case, the

cylinder’s radius is selected.

Progressive morphing allowsfor the in-between shape to be specified with anadditional target.

Using a standard morph, thevertices on the finger movedirectly from the straight tocurled targets, creating animproper in-between shape.

Wiring Parameters3ds Max provides tools that allow you to connect the action of one parameter to another.This is called wiring and is useful in character rigging as well as other areas. Wiring allowsyou to create control panels for characters and areas such as facial animation. It also allows animation along one part of a character to affect others.

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Wiring Parameters 133

Drag the link to the control object and select theparameter used as the control. In this case, thebox’s Z position is used to control the radius.

This brings up the Parameter Wiring window,where the parameters and control direction can be set. In addition, expressions can be added.

The wiring is complete. When the box is moved along Z, the radius of the cylinder changes to match.

Parameter wiring is used to create control panels,such as this one used to control facial animation.

3ds Max has manipulators, which allow you tocreate floating sliders in a viewport. These canalso be used with parameter wiring to createcontrol panels.

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Creating a Skeleton

1 Open the fileAlienSkel_Start.max. This

contains the character created inChapter 2. Select the mesh andfreeze it.

2 In the left viewport, use theBone tool (choose Create →

Systems → Bones IK Chain) to drawfour bones representing the thigh,shin, foot, and toe. Set the widthand height of the bones to 1.0 tomatch the scale of the character.

3 In the perspective viewport,highlight the chain by clicking

the root joint and move it toposition it in the middle of the left leg. Copy this chain (hold theShift key, left-click, and drag) tomake the right leg skeleton.

4 In the left viewport, create a three-joint spine. Follow

the general outline of the back of the character.

5 In the front viewport, useSelect And Link to link the

legs to the spine.

6 In the front viewport, draw thebones for the right arm, wrist,

and hand. Because this character iswearing mittens, you don’t needbones for the individual fingers.

7 Create bones for the thumb.

8 Open the Bone Tools window(choose Animation → Bone

Tools). Select the root joint of theleft arm and mirror this across theXY-axis to create the right arm.

9 Create a neck joint and onelarge joint for the head.

10 Create an IK chain for eachleg. Choose Animation →

IK Solvers → HI Solver, and thenselect the root of the left leg (at the hip) and the left ankle.Repeat this for the right leg.

134 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

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11 To maintain control of thefoot, create an IK handle

between the ankle and the toe oneach leg. This will allow the foot topoint at the IK handle rather thanrotate with the ankle joint.

12 Select the IK handle of thetoe, and make it the child

of the leg’s IK handle. This will allow you to move the entire foot bygrabbing the ankle, and change theangle of the foot by adjusting the handle at the toe.

13 The completed skeleton is ready for skinning.

Skinning a CharacterProperly skinning a character is adetailed process. It requires testingthe character over a wide range of motions and making sure all thevertices deform properly. This tuto-rial gives you the broad strokes;the detail work is up to you.

1 Open the fileAlienSkin_Start.mb. Select

the mesh and apply a Skin modifier(Modifiers → Animation → Skin).

2 Use the Add button in themodifier to add all the bones

into the modifier.

3 Start adjusting the envelopes.Enable the Edit Envelopes

button. Select a bone from the list or the viewport and scale the

envelopes so that they fit thecharacter. Vertices will turn red asthe envelope affects them.

4 The position of the envelopecan also be changed by select-

ing the dots at the end of thebones and moving them.

5 To test the weighting on theshoulder, select the L_Bicep

bone and rotate it.

T U TO R I A L Skinning a Character 135

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6 You can adjust the weights ofindividual vertices by enabling

the Vertices option, selecting anenvelope (in this case, the L_Bicep),and then selecting the vertices.

7 Using the Abs. Effect spinner,adjust the weight of the ver-

tices for the selected envelope.Scrubbing the animation will showhow the new weight affects thedeformation.

8 To see how multiple bones affect a set of vertices, click the WeightTable button and use the Weight Table window to adjust the weights.

9 The Paint Weights tool cangive you an interactive way to

assign weights.

136 6 . Character Deformations and Rigging

10 Now you have a basicunderstanding of the tools

used to weight the skin. The rest isjust detail work. Continue to usethe tools and create test animationsto refine the behavior of the skin.

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IndexNote to the reader: Throughout this index boldfacedpage numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic


2D maps, 583D maps, 583ds Max interface, 2–6

Command panel, 3, 3toolbar, 3viewports, 4

shading for, 5


active layer, 12active objects, mass of, 187ActiveShade window, 89Advanced Effects rollout, for lighting, 79Affect Hierarchy Only option, in Pivot panel, 9Affect Object Only option, in Pivot panel, 9Affect Pivot Only option, in Pivot panel, 9alien character, polygonal modeling of, 42–44, 64–66Align To Object option, in Pivot panel, 9Align To World option, in Pivot panel, 9Alter, Joe, 196Ambient channel, for color mapping, 55ambient lighting, 86, 103angle of view, 92animation, 137

of Bipeds, 173–174controllers for, 138–140creating, 138creating keys, 141–142Curve Editor, 145Dope Sheet, 146facial, morphing for, 131footstep, 157–163Motion Capture, 162–163Motion panel, 143Parameter Collector, 147Track View, 144–146of walk cycle, 148

animation curves, in Track View, 144animation layers, 147

Animation Workbench, 156–157for editing motion capture, 163

anisotropic material, 50antialiasing

for raytraced shadows, 76in scanline renderer, 99

Apply Material tool, 48architectural applications

lighting for, 69materials, 53primitives, 22

Area filter, 99area lights, 70Assign Material icon, 60Assign Renderer rollout, 88asymmetry, in facial expressions, 131Atmospheres and Effects rollout, 80–82Attach To Node tool, 166Attach tool, for splines, 27attaching object to existing group, 13Attachment constraint, 125attenuation

color of, 81of lighting, 78

Audio controller, 139Auto Key, 141Automatic Exposure control, 104axis constraints, for snapping object, 10


Backburner for rendering, 113–115assigning jobs, 115manager program, 114monitor, 115server, 114

backgroundfor material, 48of scene, 103

backlight, for material, 48base object, for Skin Wrap modifier, 128basic primitives, 19–20Bend deformer, 23Bend Links mode, 153bending footsteps, 160, 161Bevel tool, for polygons, 34Bezier-based line, 25. See also splines

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Index 215

Bezier corner, of spline, 26Bezier float controller, 139Bias parameter, for shadow, 75Bind To Space Warp icon, 182Biovision (.bvh) files, 162Biped (.bip) files, 163, 165Biped Motion panel, 151

in Footstep mode, 158Biped Multiple Keys dialog box, 154Biped Playback tool, 151Bipeds, 149, 150

animation, 173–174applying recorded body motion to, 162–163dynamics, 156footstep animation, 158–163manipulating, 152–156manipulating animation curves, 156–157modifying, 151

bitmap textures, 58bitmapped environments, for reflections, 57Blackman filter, 99Blend filter, 99blend shapes, 131Blinn shading, 50Blizzard particle system, 177blur, motion, 97body motion, applying recorded to Biped, 162–163Body rollout, 155Bone Tools window, 121bones, 120–121

and Skin modifier, 126Boolean objects, 40borders, in polygonal modeling, 29, 30bounce lighting, creating illusion of, 86Bounding Box mode, 5box, 19Box map, 61box-shaped FFD, 24Break tool, for vertices, 32Bridge tool

for edges, 33for polygons, 34

Bubble Motion, of particles, 180Bulge Angle tools, 128, 172Bulge Editor, 166, 170, 171Bulge sub-object rollout, 171bulges, 170bumps, mapping, 56.bvh (Biovision) files, 162


C-Ext object, 22cameras, 91–98

clipping planes, 93

depth of field, 94–96focal length, 92motion blur, 97types, 91

capsule, 22Carwheel constraint, 189Catmull-Rom filter, 99caustics, 71

in mental ray renderer, 110–111, 116–117Cellular map, 58Center of Mass (COM) object

for moving Biped, 152parameters for, 155

Center To Object option, in Pivot panel, 9chamfer box, 20chamfer cylinder, 22Chamfer tool

for edges, 33for splines, 27for vertices, 32

channels, 130Character Studio, 149. See also Bipeds

Animation Workbench, 156–157footstep animation, 158–163

activating, 160editing, 160–161

Motion Capture, 162–163Motion Flow mode, 163Motion Mixer, 164–165Physique, 166–172

applying, 166–167deformations, 170–172envelopes, 169

Character Studio (.csm) files, 162characters, skinning, 135–136Checker map, 58Classic MeshSmooth modifier, 37clipping planes, 93clips, 165

use in Motion Flow mode, 163weights for, 165

close command, for group, 13cloth, 192–193, 203–208

creating patterns from splines, 203Garment Maker, 204–205

Cloth modifier, 193, 206–208clouds, Smoke map for, 59Clump tool, for hair styling, 200, 201coefficient of friction

for cloth, 193for soft body surface, 191

collapsing, modifier stack, 24collision

and hair, 202of particles, 180simulating, 194

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216 Index

colorbleeding, 101of bones, 121of hair, 198, 210of lighting, 69mapping, 55of objects in layer, 12of photons, 107of shadow, 73

color coding, for transforms, 8Column Chooser, in Scene Explorer, 16columns in Scene Explorer, adding or deleting, 16COM (Center of Mass) object

for moving Biped, 152parameters for, 155

Command panel, 2, 3compound object, creating, 39–41

Boolean objects, 40Scatter tool for, 41

cone, 19Connect tool

for edges, 33for splines, 27for vertices, 32

connecting bone, 121Constant particles, 178constraints on objects, 124–125, 189

and cloth, 208control object, for Skin Wrap modifier, 128Control Point, for envelope, 169Controller list, in Track View, 144controllers, 138–140

in Dope Sheet, 146Cook Variable filter, 99coordinate systems, 8

drop-down list on toolbar, 3Coordinates rollout, for map, 60copy and paste, footsteps, 160Copy Material tool, 48corner vertex of spline, 26Create Layer icon, 12Create menu, 18Create Multiple Footsteps window, 159, 173Create panel, 3

for bones, 121Cameras tab, 91Geometry tab, 18, 39light icon, 68Shapes tab, 25Systems tab, 121, 150

Cross Section control, for envelope, 169Cross Section tools, 172.csm (Character Studio) files, 162Cube particles, 178Cubic filter, 99

Curve Editor, 144, 145on toolbar, 3

curve tangents, 145in Track View, 144

Custom Hide option, on Display panel, 11Cut operation, for Boolean object, 40cylinder, 19

chamfer, 22cylinder-shaped FFD, 24Cylindrical map, 61


decay of lighting, 77deflectors, and particle collision, 183deformable vertices, 168deformations, 119

in Physique, 170–172Delete Key tool, 155deleting

footsteps, 160material from library, 49vertices, 32

densityof hair, 197of shadow, 73

depth, bump maps for, 56depth map shadows, 74–75depth of field, 94–96Depth of Field Parameters rollout, 94Depth of Field render effect, 96detaching object to existing group, 13Diffuse channel

for color mapping, 55for rendering, 112

diffuse lighting, skylights to simulate natural, 71directional lights, 70displacement, mapping, 56Display Color, setting, 11Display Filters command, in Scene Explorer, 15Display menu, for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63Display panel, 3, 11dodecahedron, 20Don’t Affect Children option, in Pivot panel, 9Dope Sheet, 144, 146

editing footstep timing in, 161, 174doughnut shape, 19DynaFlect deflectors, 183dynamics, for hair and fur, 202


edge/segment, snapping object to, 10edges, in polygonal modeling, 29, 30

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Edit Edges rollout, 33Edit Geometry rollout, 35Edit menu, for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63Edit Mesh modifier, 30Edit Patch modifier, 45Edit Poly modifier, 30, 31–36, 42

editing vertices, 32selecting components, 31soft selection, 31

Edit Poly Selection rollout, 31Edit Polygons rollout, 34Edit Spline modifier, 26, 45

Geometry rollout, 27Edit Vertices rollout, 32editable mesh, 18, 30editable patch, 18editable poly, 18, 30elements, in polygonal modeling, 29, 30emitter, impact on particle movement, 180endpoint, snapping object to, 10energy

for caustics, 111, 117for Global Illumination, 108, 118

envelopes, 127, 135, 169Environment And Effects panel, 103–105

environmental effects, 105Exposure control, 104for scene background, 103

exclusion of light, 83Explode command, for group, 13Exposure control, 104expression controllers, 140extended primitives, 20–22Extrude Along Spline tool, for polygons, 34Extrude modifier, 28Extrude tool

for edges, 33for polygons, 34for vertices, 32


f-stop, 95face

in polygonal modeling, 29, 30snapping object to, 10

Face map, 61for particles, 181

Faces sub-object mode, 207Facets mode, 5facial animation, morphing for, 131Facing particles, 178Falloff map, 59FFD (free-form deformation) modifiers, 24, 36field of view (FOV), 92

Field of View tool, 6figure mode, for Biped, 151File menu, for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63Fillet tool, for splines, 27filters

to control antialiasing, 99in Scene Explorer, 16in Track View, 144

Final Gathering, in mental ray renderer, 109Find command, in Scene Explorer, 15finding parameter sets, 147fins, for bones, 121Fire effect, 104Flat mode, 5Floating Bones rollout, 166focal length of lens, 92focus, depth of field and, 94–96fog, 104

volume lights and, 80footstep animation, 158–163

activating, 160editing, 160–161

Footstep mode, 151Footstep Operatons rollout, 160forces

and cloth, 207and particle motion, 182

forward kinematics, 122fractal noise, 59Fracture helper, 190Frame All tool, 6Frame tool, 6frames, for particle display, 179Free Camera, 91Free Direct light, 70free-form deformation (FFD) modifiers, 24, 36Free Spot light, 70Freeze By Hit option, on Display panel, 11Freeze option, on Display panel, 11freezing

layers, 12objects, 11, 90

Frizz Parameters rollout, 197frozen objects, snapping object to, 10fur. See hair and fur


Garment Maker, 204–205fitting garments, 207

Gaussian noise, 59gengon, 21geometry types, 18

architectural primitives, 22basic primitives, 19–20

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218 Index

creating, 18–22with splines, 28

extended primitives, 20–22geosphere, 20Get Material tool, 48gizmos

for environmental effects, 104for mesh shaping, 128user-defined, 126

global illumination, in mental ray renderer, 107, 118glow for light, 82Gradient map, 58Gradient Ramp map, 58Gravity force, 185

and hair dynamics, 202and particle motion, 182

grid points, snapping object to, 10groups, of objects, 13guides, for hair styling, 199


hair and fur, 196–202creating, 197

tutorial, 209–210dynamics, 202styling, 199–201texturing, 198

Hair Brush tool, 200, 209Hair Cut tool, 200, 210halos, for lighting, 82hedra, 20Help line, 2helpers, for simulation definition, 190Hide By Category option, on Display panel, 11Hide By Hit option, on Display panel, 11Hide Frozen option, on Display panel, 11Hide option, on Display panel, 11hiding

layers, 12objects, 11, 12, 90

hierarchiesof bone, 121linking objects into, 14

Hierarchy panel, 3Link Info, 14Pivot, 9

Hinge constraint, 189Hinge From Edge tool, for polygons, 34History Dependent (HD) solver, 123History Independent (HI) solver, 122hose, 22


IK chaincreating, 134manipulating, 123

IK handle, 122, 135IK Limb solver, 123IK rollout, 155IK solver, 122–123in-between shapes, 131index of refraction (IOR) value, 57indirect illumination, in mental ray, 71inherited motion, object from parent, 14Ink ‘n Paint materials, 53Insert tool, for splines, 27Inset tool, for polygons, 34Instanced Geometry, for particles, 178intensity of light, 69Intersection, for Boolean object, 40inverse decay, for lighting, 77inverse kinematics, 122–124

bone chains and, 121with spline IK, 124

inverse square decay, for lighting, 77iterations, for MeshSmooth, 37


jagged edges, antialiasing to prevent, 99Jitter option, for shadow, 76job assignment, in network rendering, 115Joint Angle gizmo, 128jump, footsteps for, 159


Key Info rollout, 155keyframe controllers, 139Keyframe tools, 2Keyframing Tools rollout, 154keying parameter sets, 147keys

creating, 141–142in Dope Sheet, 146in Track View, 144

kinematics, inverse, 122–124Kink Parameters rollout, 197


L-Ext object, 22Lathe modifier, 28lattice, for free-form deformation, 24

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Layer Manager, on toolbar, 3layers, for objects, 12length of hair, 197Lens Effects, 82library

clearing current, 49deleting material from, 49saving material to, 48

light refraction, simulating, 57light shaders, for mental ray, 71Light Tracer, 101lighting

adjusting, 72advanced, in scanline renderer, 101–102creating, 68–69effects, 77–82

Advanced Effects rollout, 79–80atmospheres and effects, 80attenuation, 78decay, 77Lens Effects, 82volume lights, 80–81

exclusion, 83importance of, 67, 68Mental Ray, 71object properties for, 90parameters, 69refraction, caustics for simulating, 110–111for scene, 84–86shadows, 72–76

advanced raytraced, 76depth map, 74–75parameters, 73raytraced, 75

types, 70–71Line object, 25Linear Exposure control, 104Link constraint, 125Link control, for envelope, 169Link Info rollout, 14Link Settings, in Physique, 170Link Settings sub-object rollout, 173linking objects into hierarchies, 14Linking tools, on toolbar, 3Live mode, and hair dynamics, 202locks, for object motion, 14Loft modifier, 28Logarithmic Exposure control, 104LookAt constraint, 125low-resolution polygonal models, 29


Make Preview feature, 142

mapping, 54–63bumps, 56color, 55Coordinates rollout for, 60displacement, 56hair distribution, 197opacity, 55reflection, 57refractions, 57self-illumination, 55types, 58–59

Unwrap UVW modifier, 62UVW map, 61

Mapping menu, for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63Maps rollout, in Material Editor, 54Mark Points mode, in Garment Maker, 204mass

of active vs. passive objects, 187of cloth, 193

Material Editor, 47, 48Maps rollout in, 54for particle texture, 181on toolbar, 3

material IDs, 35, 48Material/Map Browser, 48, 49Material menu, 48Material Parameters rollout, for hair, 198, 210materials, 48

applying, 60Architectural, 53creating and editing, 50–53Ink ‘n Paint, 53Matt/Shadow, 52Mental Ray, 53Multi/Sub-Object, 52Options menu, 49Raytrace, 51standard, 50–51

Matt/Shadow materials, 52Max animation (.xaf) files, 165Maximize View tool, 6MAXScript, 140mental ray Depth of Field, 96Mental Ray lighting, 71Mental Ray materials, 53Mental Ray renderer, 88, 106–111

caustics, 110–111, 116–117energy, 108Final Gathering, 109global illumination, 107, 118motion blur in, 98object properties for, 90photons, 108

menu bar, 2menus, for transforming objects, 8

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220 Index

mesheditable, 18gizmos to affect shape, 126Physique for attaching to skeleton, 166

MeshSmooth modifier, 37–38, 44Metal shader, 50Metaparticles, 178midpoint, snapping object to, 10Mirror command, 43Mitchell-Netravali filter, 99Mixer mode, 151modeling, 17

compound object creation, 39–41Boolean objects, 40Scatter tool for, 41

geometry types, 18architectural primitives, 22basic primitives, 19–20creating, 18–22extended primitives, 20–22

modifiers, 23–24adjusting, 24free-form deformation modifiers, 24parametric deformers, 23

modifying sub-objects, 36polygonal, 29–36

for alien character, 42–44components, 29–30Edit Poly modifier, 31–36

with splines, 25–28creating geometry with, 28drawing lines, 25editing splines, 26–27rendering, 28spaceship, 45–46

with subdivision surfaces, 37–39MeshSmooth modifier, 37–38smoothing editable polys, 39TurboSmooth, 38

modifiers, 23–24adjusting, 24free-form deformation modifiers, 24parametric deformers, 23

Modify panel, 3for bones, 121for lighting, 72, 73

mood, lighting and, 68Morph Angle gizmo, 128morphing, 130–132

for facial animation, 131progressive, 132

motion blur, 97in mental ray, 98

Motion Capture, 162–163Motion Capture controller, 140Motion Capture Conversion Parameters window, 162

Motion Flow Graph window, 163Motion Flow mode, 151, 163Motion Flow rollout, 163Motion Mixer, 164–165motion of particles, 180Motion panel, 3, 138, 143

Footstep mode, 151, 173for IK chains, 123

motion plug-in, controller as, 138Motor force, and particle motion, 182mouse, for navigation, 6Move gizmo, 8Move tool

for aiming and positioning lights, 72for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63

Multi-Layer material, 50multi-pass Depth Of Field effect, 94multi-pass motion blur, 97Multi/Sub-Object materials, 52mutant hairs, 198


namesof material, 48for selected objects groups, 7

navigation bar, 6navigation in 3ds Max, 6

of complex scenes, Bounding Box mode for, 5Navigation menu, in Material Editor, 48navigation tools, 2

for maps, 54nested maps, 54Network Job Assignment window, 115network rendering, 113Noise controller, 139noise, for volume lights, 81Noise map, 59nub bone, 121NURBS modeling, 18NURMS (non-uniform rational MeshSmooth), 37


object ID, 90Object List, in Scene Explorer, 15Object Motion Inheritance, 180Object Properties panel, 90, 194, 206

mental ray tab, Generate Caustics, 117for motion blur, 97

objects. See also compound objectadding to layer, 12converting to editable poly object, 31displaying list on layer, 12

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groups of, 13hiding and freezing, 11layers for, 12light exclusion for, 83linking into hierarchies, 14modifying mapping coordinates, 60motion blur, 97physical properties, 187properties, 90selecting, 7

in Scene Explorer, 16transforming, 8–10

coordinate systems for, 8pivots for, 9snapping, 10

ungrouping all in group, 13octahedron, 20oil tank, 21omni lights, 70, 85OmniFlect deflectors, 183opacity, mapping, 55open command, for group, 13Options menu

in Material Editor, 48, 49for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63

Oren-Nayar Blinn material, 51Orientation constraint, 125orthographic views, 4Out-of-Range types, 145Outline tool

for polygons, 34for splines, 27


Paint Deformation rollout, 36Paint Weights tool, 127Pan tool, 6Panels mode, in Garment Maker, 204Parameter Collector, 147Parameter mode, for Motion panel, 143parameter sets, finding and keying, 147Parameter Wiring window, 133parameters

controller added to, 138of objects, in Scene Explorer, 15wiring, 132–133

parametric controllers, 139parametric deformers, 23Particle Age mapping type, 181Particle Array, 177Particle Cloud, 177Particle Flow, 184–185Particle Spawn, 180

particle systems, 175, 176–183basic, 176–181deflectors, 183forces, 182generation, 179motion, 180textures for, 181

Particle Type rollout, 178Particle View, 184passive objects, mass of, 187patch, editable, 18Path Follow force, and particle motion, 182perspective views, 4phonemes, 131Phong shader, 51photometric lights, 69photons

for caustics, 117for Global Illumination, 107, 108

Physique, 149, 166–172applying, 166–167deformations, 170–172envelopes, 169initialization window, 167vertices, 168

Pick Distribution Object rollout, 41Pick Material tool, 48Pin modifier, 24pivots

for objects, 9snapping object to, 10

Planar map, 61plane, 20

clipping, 93flattening current selection to, 35

Plate Match/MAX R2 filter, 99Point-Path constraint, 189Point-Point constraint, 189poly, editable, 18polygon, 29, 30

creating, 35editing, 34

Polygon: Material IDs rollout, 35polygonal modeling, 29–36

for alien character, 42–44, 64–66components, 29–30Edit Poly modifier, 31–36

polygonal objects, editing texture mapping on, 62Position constraint, 124preview of material, 48primitives

architectural, 22basic, 19–20extended, 20–22

prism, 21Prismatic constraint, 189

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ProBooleans, 40procedural textures, 58progressive morphs, 132projecting images, lighting for, 80Pseudo Color Exposure control, 104Puff Roots tool, for hair styling, 200, 201Put To Library tool, 48pyramid, 20


Quad Output MeshSmooth modifier, 37quadmenus, 6, 6

for splines, 26Quadratic filter, 99


radiosity, 102of layer, 12

Ragdoll constraint, 189rain, particle systems for, 176rate of particle generation, 179Ray Traced Shadow Params rollout, 75rays for lighting, 82Raytrace materials, 51

for reflections, 57raytraced shadows, 75

advanced, 76for transparent objects, 73

raytracer, in scanline renderer, 100reactor, 186–193

cloth, 192–193dynamics, 175rigid body dynamics, 186–190soft bodies, 190–191

Recomb tool, for hair styling, 201recorded body motion, applying to Biped, 162–163red border, for viewport, 141Reflection channel, for rendering, 112reflection, mapping, 57Reflective Caustics, 110reflective surfaces, Raytrace material for, 51refraction of light, 100

caustics for simulating, 110–111mapping, 57

Refractive Caustics, 110Relax deformer, 23Remove tool

for edges, 33for vertices, 32

render farm, 113Render Scene window, 88

Indirect Illumination tab

Caustics, 116Global Illumination, 118

Render Elements tab, 112Renderer tab, 98

for mental ray, 106renderers, 88–89

ActiveShade window, 89rendering, 87. See also scanline renderer

Backburner for, 113–115assigning jobs, 115manager program, 114monitor, 115server, 114

cameras for, 91–98clipping planes, 93depth of field, 94–96focal length, 92motion blur, 97types, 91

Environment And Effects panel, 103–105environmental effects, 105Exposure control, 104for scene background, 103

mental ray renderer, 106–111caustics, 110–111, 116–117energy, 108Final Gathering, 109global illumination, 107, 118photons, 108

object properties and, 90speed of, radiosity and, 102splines, 28turning on/off for current layer, 12

Rendering tools, on toolbar, 3Reset Material tool, 48Reset Pivot option, in Pivot panel, 9Reset Scale option, in Pivot panel, 9Reset Transform option, in Pivot panel, 9Reverse Time tool, in Dope Sheet, 146rigging, 119right-clicking viewports, for quadmenus, 6rigid body dynamics, 186–190, 194rigid vertices, 168ringwave, 21rollouts, for editing material, 48root vertices, 168Rotate gizmo, 8Rotate tool, 6

for aiming and positioning lights, 72for hair styling, 200, 201for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63

rotation of particles, 180roughness, bump maps for, 56run, footsteps for, 159

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Sample Range parameter, for depth map shadow, 74saving material to library, 48Scale gizmo, 8Scale tool

for hair styling, 200, 201for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63

scaling footsteps, 160, 161scanline renderer, 88, 98–102

advanced lighting, 101–102antialiasing, 99vs. mental ray renderer, 106raytracer, 100

Scatter tool, for compound object creation, 41scene

background, 103lighting for, 84–86

Scene Explorer, 15–16customizing, 16

Schematic View, on toolbar, 3script controllers, 140SDeflector, 183seams in garments, 203Seams mode, in Garment Maker, 205segments of spline, 26Select All icon, in Scene Explorer, 15Select And Link tool, 14Select And Manipulate tool

for lighting, 72and swivel angle, 123on toolbar, 3

Select By Material tool, 48Select By Name tool, on toolbar, 3, 7Select From Scene floating menu, 7Select Invert icon, in Scene Explorer, 15Select menu, for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63Select None icon, in Scene Explorer, 15Select Objects tool, on toolbar, 3, 7Select Poly modifier, 36selecting

components in objects, 31objects, 7

in Scene Explorer, 16Selection filter, on toolbar, 3selection menu, for navigation tools, 6Selection Region, on toolbar, 3, 7Selection rollout, 26Selection Sets

in Scene Explorer, 15on toolbar, 3, 7

self-illumination, mapping, 55Set Key, 141Set Multiple Keys dialog box, 154Set Planted Key tool, 155Shader, 50

shading, for viewports, 5Shadow channel, for rendering, 112Shadow Map Params rollout, 74shadows, 72–76

advanced raytraced, 76depth map, 74–75within fog, 81parameters, 73raytraced, 75softening, 85, 101

Sharp Quadratic filter, 99Shave and a Haircut software, 196Shrink Wrap map, 61Simulate Local (Damped) option, and cloth, 207Simulate Local option, and cloth, 207simulation, of cloth motion, 208Simulation Parameters rollout, 208SixPoint particles, 178size of particles, 179skeletons, 119. See also Bipeds

bones in, 120–121creating, 134–135Physique for attaching mesh to, 166

Skew deformer, 23skin, 126–129

vs. Physique, 166sliding, 173tutorial, 135–136

Skin modifier, 126–128Skin Weight table, 127Skin Wrap modifier, 129skylights, 71Smoke map, 59smoke, particle systems for, 176Smooth corner, of spline, 26smooth shading, 5smoothing editable polys, 39Snap tools, on toolbar, 3Snaps toolbar, 10Snow particle system, 177soft bodies, 190–191soft body modifier, 191soft selection, 31Soften filter, 99softness of shadow, 76Space Warps, 182spaceship, splines for, 45–46special effects, 175

collision simulation, 194particle flow, 184–185particle systems, 176–183

basic, 176–181deflectors, 183forces, 182

reactor, 186–193cloth, 192–193

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rigid body dynamics, 186–190soft bodies, 190–191

Special particles, 178Specular channel

for color mapping, 55for rendering, 112

speed of particles, 179sphere, 19Spherical map, 61Spherical particles, 178Spherify deformer, 23, 42spindle, 21

quadmenu, 26Splat map, 59spline IK, inverse kinematics with, 124splines, 25–28

creating cloth patterns from, 203creating geometry with, 28drawing lines, 25editing splines, 26–27rendering, 28for spaceship, 45–46spaceship, 45–46

Split tool, for edges, 33splitting bones, 121spotlights, 70Spray particle system, 176Spring constraint, 189Spring controller, 139stacking modifiers, 24Stand tool, for hair styling, 200, 201Standard lights, 68–69

parameter rollouts, 69standard materials, 50–51star shape, 20stiffness of hair, 202Strauss shader, 51styling hair and fur, 199–201Styling rollout, 209sub-materials, 52sub-objects

hiding or unhiding, 35modifying, 36for splines, 26

subanims, 154Subdivision Surface rollout, 39subdivision surfaces, 37–39

MeshSmooth modifier, 37–38smoothing editable polys, 39TurboSmooth, 38

Subtraction, for Boolean object, 40Super Spray particle system, 176Surface constraint, 125Surface modifier, 28, 45Sweep modifier, 28Swirl map, 59

Swivel Angle, for IK chains, 123symmetrical shape, Mirror command for, 43Sync Selection icon, in Scene Explorer, 15


Taper deformer, 23, 46Target Camera, 91Target Direct light, 70, 84Target Spot light, 70, 86Target Weld tool

for edges, 33for vertices, 32

targets, for configuring morphs, 130TCB rollout, 155TCP controllers, 139teapot, 19Tendons sub-object rollout, 173Tetra particles, 178tetrahedron, 20textures, 47

for hair and fur, 198for particles, 181

Tiles map, 59Time Configuration rollout, 142Time Slider, 141–142

in Track View, 144timeline, 2

in Dope Sheet, 146tolerance, for seams, 205toolbar, 2, 3torus, 19torus knot, 21Toy Car helper, 190Track Selection rollout, 153Track View, 144–146

Curve Editor, 145Dope Sheet mode, 146

trajectories, 155Trajectory mode, for Motion panel, 143Transform key, in Dope Sheet, 146Transform tools, on toolbar, 3transforming objects, 8–10

coordinate systems for, 8pivots for, 9snapping, 10

transforms, 2transitions, 163, 165Translate tool, for hair styling, 200, 201Translucent shading, 51transparency, and shadows, 76transparent surface, Raytrace material for, 51Triangle particles, 178tube, 20TurboSmooth, 38

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Twist deformer, 23twisted seam, 205two-sided shadows, 75


UDeflector, 183, 185Undo/Redo, on toolbar, 3Unfreeze By Hit option, on Display panel, 11Unfreeze option, on Display panel, 11Ungroup command, 13ungrouping all objects in group, 13Unhide option, on Display panel, 11Union, for Boolean object, 40Unwrap UVW modifier, 62updating, material to library, 49Utilities panel, 3

for hair styling, 201reactor tab, 187

UV Tiling, 48UVW coordinates, 58UVW Map modifier, 61


vertices, 26, 168editing, 32in polygonal modeling, 29, 30snapping object to, 10weighting, 127

Video filter, 99video-safe colors, 48View command, in Scene Explorer, 15, 16View menu, for Unwrap UVW modifier, 63view mode, for Material/Map Browser, 49Viewport Configuration menu, 4viewports, 2, 4

ActiveShade option, 89drawing lines, 25red border for, 141right-clicking, for quadmenus, 6shading for, 5

Views menu, 4Volume Fog, 104volume lights, 80–81, 84Vortex force, and particle motion, 182


walkanimation of, 148footsteps for, 158

Waveform controller, 139Weight Properties rollout, 127weights

of bone, 126for clips, 165modifying, 127

Weld tool, 43for edges, 33for splines, 27for vertices, 32

Wind forceand particle motion, 182speed of, 188

Windows/Crossing tool, 7wireframe mode, 5Wireframe On Shaded mode, 5wiring parameters, 132–133world, configuring parameters, 187


.xaf (Max animation) files, 165


Zoom All tool, 6Zoom tool, 6

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