achievements of ancient greece...greek architecture the ancient greeks were very careful in building...

Achievements of Ancient Greece

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Post on 30-May-2020




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Achievements of Ancient Greece

Greek Art: Statues and Paintings

The Greeks were master artists and many of their works are found in museums today.

Greek art was focused on perfection-and tried to make their work as realistic and detailed as possible.

Greek Architecture

The Ancient Greeks were very careful in building buildings and were focused on perfection.

The Parthenon is the most well-known Ancient Greek structure- it was built as a temple for the goddess Athena.

New Forms of Writing

The Greeks created drama and plays as part of their religious ceremonies.

One of the greatest playwrights was Sophocles.

The Greeks were also some of the first people to write about history. (YAY!)

I’m Herodotus, one of the

first historians!

PhilosophyBy 500 BC some people were beginning to want other explanations for how the world worked. These people were called philosophers.

They believed in the human mind’s ability to think, explain, and understand.

3 of the greatest philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.


Socrates believed that people must never stop looking for knowledge.

He was a teacher who taught by asking questions.

He wanted people to question their own beliefs which made some people angry.

He was eventually arrested and condemned to death.

He was given Hemlock poison to drink.


Plato was a student of Socrates.

He was also a teacher and created a school where people could come and discuss ideas.

Plato wrote many works like The Republic.

Plato believed society should be based on justice and fairness.

AristotleAristotle was a student of Plato. He may have been the greatest thinker ever.

Aristotle taught that people should live lives of moderation and balance.

Aristotle thought that people should reason- through clear and ordered thinking, and think about the consequences to their actions.

Aristotle influenced many later Greek scientists & Alexander the Great!

Science and Math•Aristotle inspired people to think about how the world worked.

•Euclid spent his life studying math- many rules of Geometry were discovered by Euclid.

•One Greek mathematician accurately calculated the size of the earth.

•Greek doctors made many discoveries.

•The greatest Greek doctor was Hippocrates.

•Greek engineers also made great discoveries, Archimedes is one of these.

•Greeks also invented fun things like toys.

Don’t Forget… One of Greece’s most important

legacies is the idea of