achieve buy in at all levels: creating brand ambassadors

Achieving Buy In On All Levels: Creating Brand Ambassadors Liz Bullock, Director Social Media & Marketing Liz Brown Bullock (LinkedIn) @lizbbullock #smssummit

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Liz Brown Bullock, Director of Social Media and Community, Dell, presents how to Achieve buy in at all levels and create brand ambassadors. Employees are key ingredient for success in this new modern world. See how Dell has trained 8,000+ employees and activated them to be a better business. Presented April 2013 at GSMI Social Media Strategy Summit, Chicago


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Achieving Buy In On All Levels: Creating Brand AmbassadorsLiz Bullock, Director Social Media & Marketing

Liz Brown Bullock (LinkedIn)



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Global Marketing

Employees are key ingredient for success in this new modern world:

More than ever – a company’s brand is influenced by what consumers are saying about the brand

A person like you (everyday employee) is 2x trusted vs. Chief Executive

(Edelman Trust Barometer, ‘13)


90% trust recommendations from people they know. 70% trust consumer opinions posted online. 14% trust advertising (Nielsen, 2009)

How companies market, sell to and support their customers is changing…

What roles do employees play in this transformation? How do you support them?

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Employees are key in building some of the trust lost…

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Employees can use social to be more effective

(McKinsey estimates 1.3 trillion in business value)

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A tool to be leveraged across the fabric of the company: different functions, uses and values

Product Development

• Feedback Loop• Early Warning• New Product Ideation


• Demand Forecast• Lead Generation• Message Reach

Online Presence

• Ratings & Reviews• Communities• Customer Stories


• Collaboration• Thought Leadership• Blogs

Customer Service

• Listening• Support Widgets• Outreach


• Rich Media• Brand Reputation• Influence• Reputation

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January 2008Dell aligns organization for success

August 2006Blog outreach expanded beyond tech Support

December 2006Ratings and reviews launched on

July 2006Direct2Dell launchedToday Direct2Dell exists in English, Spanish, Norwegian, Japanese and Chinese.

February 2006Michael Dell askedWhy don’t we reach out and help bloggers with tech support issues?

January 2007StudioDell launchedDell’s video and podcast site, with helpful tips and tricks. Eventually expanding this into the YouTube channel making sharing easier.

February 2007IdeaStorm launchedA voting based site allowing customers and others to submit ideas for Dell.

June 2007Dell joined Twitter

EmployeeStorm launchedInternal Blogs Launched for Employees.

October 2007Michael Dell quoted in Business WeekIn response to Jeff Jarvis question around whether companies want to be part of the online conversation: ”My argument is you absolutely do. You can learn from them. You can improve your reaction time. And you can be a better company by listening and being involved in that conversation.”

November 2007DellShares launchedThe first investor relations blog by a public company.

March 2008Accepted Solutions launched on Community Dell France begins Online Community Outreach

May 2008Dell Outlet achieved$0.5M in sales via Twitter

April 2008Inside IT launchedBlog focused on business customers, and Cloud Computing.

June 2008Channel blog launched

January 2009Dell Organizes into four customer focused business units

Spring 2009Members of Community and Conversations deployed within each of the new Dell Business units

June 2009$2M+ Salesvia Twitter

2009Dell TechCenter

June 2009Global Twitter revenues of $6.5 M

December 2009Huffington Post Blog

March 2010Dell joins Sina Weibo in China

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Altimeter recognized

Dell with “Open Leadership Award for Innovation and


Social Media & Community University (SMaC U) launched5,000 teammembers trained byend of year

B2B pages on Facebook

Dell named the No. 1 most social brand

6 Awards for the Social Media Listening Command Center

June 2010CAP Days launched In-person events for vocal online customers

December 2010

Social Media Listening Command

Center launched

Seven years journey of embedding social to be a better business



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Listening to Be A Better Business, across the Business

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Dell uses training for both risk mitigation and scaling engagement

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Ultimately, activate employees to deepen relationships and better serve our customer’s needs












GE SMaC Champions

Rewards & Recognition (leaderboards)


Command Center, Listening reports & profiles

Daily Direction: Amplify content

Skill enhancing classes: Listening for Insights,Writing, Blogging, Influencer relationships,

Social Inside Out Speaker Series (Charlene Li, Chris Brogan)

Chatter adoption

NEW programs: #DellLove, SOS, Project Sputnik


Task oriented portal

Policy (2006)

Principles (2010)

SMaC University: Certification program required for employees on behalf of Dell

Governance portal

Global Unconferences (US, India, China, Brazil, UK)

Internal communications: Executive Councils, digests

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Empowering employees: Social Media & Community University





Training & Tools

Activation programs

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Create actionable content


Content Creator



Advanced Videos, Blogs, Content

Intermediate Micro blogging, conversations

Basic Listen, take insights into business




on levels


High Proficiency Level Activity

Enables employees to engage based on various levels of participation

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Continuing the conversation & riding the bike…


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Global Marketing

SocialSME (Subject Matter Experts)

Train SME’s to be social thought leaders, develop key influencer and customer relationships and thrive in relevant online communities

Value: Impact Dell’s share of voice, sentiment, SEO, solutions and ultimately sales

Individual scorecards: Revenue, share of voice, earned media value, SEO and engagement

Confidential13 04/10/2023Credibility Sees Dramatic Changes: Edelman Trust Barometer 2012

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SMaC Champions

• Ask certified employees to do various social activities on behalf of Dell that speak to their level of interest and expertise

• Deepen their social expertise • Portal serves up activities, tracks,

reward and identify the right employees to activate

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Thank You

Social Development



Community Service

internal external

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SMaC Champion portal

Twitter and Chatter feed showingteam member engagement#iwork4dell, @dell handlesClubs with

specifictasks for team members to sign up

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Closing with final thoughts…

1. Employees are key in building some of the lost, but they need clear governance, training and processes.

2. All employees can use social to be more effective. It may just be listening, but that is critical skill set to get closer to customer.

3. Ultimate goal is activate employees and deepen customer relationships to be a better business.

4. Go find your subject matter experts and train them. Customers want to connect with them.

5. Keep track of your rock star employees. You will be pleasantly surprised.


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Identify and reward small courageous steps

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Thank You