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50 TIPS FOR FITNESS SUCCESS 1 Although the authors and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete accuracy of the content in this Ebook/Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Also, you should use this information at your own risk. Your particular situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; you should adjust your use of the information and recommendations accordingly. Always consult with your Doctor before starting a new exercise program or diet regimen. Copyright © 2013 Kendrick Fitness LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Although the authors and publisher have made every reasonable attempt to achieve complete

accuracy of the content in this Ebook/Guide, they assume no responsibility for errors or

omissions. Also, you should use this information at your own risk. Your particular situation may

not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here; you should adjust your use of the

information and recommendations accordingly.

Always consult with your Doctor before starting a new exercise program or diet regimen.

Copyright © 2013 Kendrick Fitness LLC. All rights reserved worldwide.

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There is a difference between ‘interest’ and ‘commitment’. When you're

“interested” in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient! When

you're “committed” to something, you accept NO EXCUSES, only results. So,

here's the tough question: Are you “interested” in a healthy lifestyle? Or are you

“committed” to having a healthy lifestyle?

If committed, then read on and implement some of these tips into your lifestyle

to experience incredible positive changes.

1.) Add lemon to your

water for more fat burn.

Lemon is acidic by

nature but becomes

alkaline once digested

which helps decrease fat

cell sizes. Don’t be shy

about adding lemon and

lemon juice to most of

your food. It’s good


2.) Add plenty of organic protein sources to your diet. Studies have shown that it

not only speeds up metabolism, but also supplies the body with the proper amino

acids to balance brain chemistry, balance hormones and reduce sugar cravings.

3.) Omega-3 are considered essential fatty acids. They can lower elevated

triglyceride levels, reduce depression and reduce joint and muscle inflammation.

In addition, several studies have proven that omega-3 supplementation reduces

the risk of stroke, heart attacks and heart disease.

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4.) Start every day with a protein-

rich/low glycemic meal. It will help

prevent major spikes in the blood sugar

level, which will start your day on the

right foot and prevent you from eating

junk food the rest of the day.

Remember, the moment you spike your

blood glucose, it drops incredibly fast,

and the only way to recover is to eat

something that will quickly spike it back

up----which often leads to us reaching for sugar and fat. That, in turn, leads

to a rollercoaster ride in your blood glucose and a constant battle to

maintain proper levels.

5.) Include natural fiber in all your snacks. This means lots of veggies! Fiber is the

intestine’s broom. It keeps everything clean and everything moving along for a

healthy digestive tract.

6.) Replace conventionally-raised animal protein with organic, grass-fed and

pasture-raised. Conventionally-raised animals are often animals that are fed a diet

of genetically modified corn, grain, soy, synthetic hormones and antibiotics.

Eating conventionally-raised, non-organic animal protein can disrupt hormones,

decrease protein synthesis, cause digestive dysfunction, create estrogen

imbalance (often an increase in estrogen) and increase inflammation. Besides

leading to poor health, it can dramatically increase fat cell sizes due to the

hormonal disruption/imbalance in the body.

7.) Stress releases cortisol. Too much cortisol affects weight loss. Feeling

stressed? Try to incorporate this 1 to 2-minute belly breathing technique first

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thing in the morning and right before bedtime. It will do wonders for your body

and mind:

A) Sit in a comfortable position.

B) Put one hand on your belly just below your ribs and the other hand on

your chest.

C) Take a deep breath in through your nose, and let your belly push your

hand out. Your chest should not move.

D) Breathe out through pursed lips as if you were whistling. Feel the hand

on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.

E) Repeat 6-10 times and don't rush.

8.) Stick with the fruits and watch the simple sugar overload! Next time you're

interested in knowing just how much sugar you're taking in, simply look at the

label where it says ‘total sugars’ and divide the number of grams by four. That's

roughly the number of teaspoons of sugar you are ingesting!

9.) Your success for better health and a super-fit body starts in the grocery store.

Try to spend 80% of your time shopping in the outer isles where you usually find

the whole foods (veggies, legumes and fruits), the dairy-related products and the

lean grass-fed beef, chicken and turkey. The inner isles usually contain the

processed stuff you don't need, so rush though those.

10.) Keep putting in the work. Eventually, you'll get there.

"In the battle between the rock and the stream, the stream wins; not by strength,

but by perseverance."- Elaine Healy

11.) Mustard on your sandwich? Yes, please! Norwegian researchers discovered

that mustard seeds have more antioxidants than blueberries. They are high in

isothiocyanates, an anticancer compound. Even more, mustard seeds have strong

anti-inflammatory properties as well as small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids!

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12.) Try some soup and salad for

calorie control. Sipping on a hot soup

will force you to eat slower, allowing

your body to digest and signal the

brain that it’s "full" without you

overeating. Make sure to stick with

low-sodium soups. As for the salad,

eat spinach, chicken and walnuts with

olive oil and lemon!

13.) Learn to do intervals. Your body learns very quickly how to save calories and

maintain the same pace for a long period. You don't want to save calories! Shock

your system and do some hard intervals during your cardio. Try to do intervals

with a 1:3 or 1:4 activity to rest ratio for best results (i.e., 30 seconds hard, 2

minutes easy).

14.) Start the day with the morning interval K-Boost. You’ll burn extra fat and feel

great! Try it out. It’s only about 15 minutes long.

(You can walk then jog the intervals if you'd like.)

-5-minute warm-up jog

-8 minutes of intervals:

--40 seconds hard, 20 seconds easy (80% intensity)

--30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy (90% intensity)

--20 seconds hard, 40 seconds easy (100% intensity)

--10 seconds hard, 50 seconds easy (100% intensity)

--10 seconds hard, 50 seconds easy (100% intensity)

--20 seconds hard, 40 seconds easy (100% intensity)

--30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy (90% intensity)

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--40 seconds hard, 20 seconds easy (80% intensity)

2-3 minutes of cool-down

Try this 3 times a week to spark up that metabolism first thing in the morning!

15.) Becareful eating all fat-

Products that are fat-free are usually loaded with other nasty stuff to give you a

false sense of fullness. Examples are too much sodium, which leaves you super

bloated, tons of sugar or, even worse, ingredients that act like sodium or sugar

that you can't pronounce. Moderation is key, my


16.) Get creative when decorating your

morning complex carb oatmeal, which, by

the way, is one of the best breakfasts you

can have! Make sure to get protein and a

healthy fat mixed in; try some slow

oatmeal with Greek yogurt, chia or flax seeds,

honey, walnuts and berries on top (black, blue

and/or strawberries). Yum yum!

17.) Fight fat with apples and berries! Apples and berries contain

restricts the amount of fat our cells can absorb; it forces the cells to discharge

fatty deposits, aiding natural weight loss.

Berries such as blackberries, blueberries, black and red currants, raspberries

strawberries help to detox your

more efficient at burning fat.


40 seconds hard, 20 seconds easy (80% intensity)

Try this 3 times a week to spark up that metabolism first thing in the morning!

-free products. Fat is an essential source of energy.

free are usually loaded with other nasty stuff to give you a

false sense of fullness. Examples are too much sodium, which leaves you super

r, even worse, ingredients that act like sodium or sugar

that you can't pronounce. Moderation is key, my

Get creative when decorating your

morning complex carb oatmeal, which, by

the way, is one of the best breakfasts you

to get protein and a

healthy fat mixed in; try some slow-cooked

oatmeal with Greek yogurt, chia or flax seeds,

honey, walnuts and berries on top (black, blue

and/or strawberries). Yum yum!

Fight fat with apples and berries! Apples and berries contain pectin, which

restricts the amount of fat our cells can absorb; it forces the cells to discharge

fatty deposits, aiding natural weight loss.

Berries such as blackberries, blueberries, black and red currants, raspberries

strawberries help to detox your body, boost your metabolism and make the body

more efficient at burning fat.


Try this 3 times a week to spark up that metabolism first thing in the morning!

free products. Fat is an essential source of energy.

free are usually loaded with other nasty stuff to give you a

false sense of fullness. Examples are too much sodium, which leaves you super-

r, even worse, ingredients that act like sodium or sugar

pectin, which

restricts the amount of fat our cells can absorb; it forces the cells to discharge

Berries such as blackberries, blueberries, black and red currants, raspberries and

and make the body

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18.) Another great reason to add protein into your fat loss quest: your thermal

effect of food (TEF) is the increase in energy expenditure (above your resting

metabolic rate) that occurs subsequent to eating as a result of your body

digesting nutrients. Digesting carbs takes about 10% of that food’s energy, fat

about 2-3% and protein a whopping 25%. Have a balanced ratio, but make sure

you don't forget that protein!

19.) Strive to increase discipline and order in your life. Discipline usually means

doing the opposite of what you feel like doing. People will do almost anything to

stay in their comfort zone. If you want to accomplish anything, get out of your

comfort zone by replacing bad habits, one by one, over time, with good habits.

Focusing on habits is the easy road to discipline!

20.) Here is a great way to control your portions. No app or special tools are

needed, just your hands. Your own hand is a personalized (also portable and

reliable) measuring device for your food intake. There’s no need to count calories;

just make sure you’re eating the good stuff. Here’s how to do it:

• Your palm determines your protein portions.

o 2 palms for men, 1 palm portion for women

• Your cupped hand determines your carb portions.

o 2 cupped hands for men, 1 for women

• Your fist determines your veggie portions.

• Your thumb determines your fat portions.

**Remember, this is only a starting point. Adjust your portions at any time

using outcome-based decisions specifically depending on how you feel

(i.e.,how’s it working for YOU?)

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21.) Greek yogurt contains about twice the protein as foo-foo regular yogurt,

while at the same time containing less sugar and carbs and almost no lactose. Its

good-for-ya, live and active culture content is also much higher than that of

regular yogurts! Think it’s too bland?Try adding some fruits, granola and honey!

It’s good stuff!

22.) Drink one glass of water right upon waking up and before each meal. It

helps balance your blood volume level, which helps decrease blood pressure and

prevent heart disease. It also helps prevent overeating during the meal.

23.) Ok, so you overindulged! Don't worry about it. Put it in the past and move

on, but make sure to plug in this simple rule: follow any "cheat" meal with at least

4-5 healthy meals. That way, you'll be eating healthy at least 80% of the time!

24.) Try coconut oil! It’s made up mostly of

unique, healthy saturated fats, known as

medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). The

fatty acids found in organic coconut oil are

also vital for speeding up your body’s

metabolism, aids a healthy thyroid (vital

for metabolism and weight loss) and

enzyme system and removes digestive

stress on the pancreas, leaving you with

more energy to burn body fat!

25.) Here’s a TRIPLE TIP! Three tricks for fat loss: (1) lean muscle is metabolically

active, so building muscle or at least maintaining it is extremely important;(2)

burn more calories through increased nutrient-dense meal frequency (digestion

burns calories); and (3) burn more calories through macronutrient manipulation.

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The thermic effect (calories needed to breakdown) of protein is twice as high as

the thermic effect of fat or carbohydrate, and it adds up!

26.) Fat loss is contagious. Surround yourself with positive, like-minded people

who support your healthy lifestyle.

27.) Cut screen time 2 hours before bed. TV and computer screen (or any intense

lighting) greatly impacts your circadian rhythms. This is basically a 24-hour

physiological clock that controls, amongst many things, your hormonal balance.

At nighttime, there is greater melatonin release, and that is related to the lack of

light. Screen time interferes with melatonin release, which can cause insomnia.

Grab a book instead, light the candles and relax in the evenings.

28.) Increase your fountain of youth hormone by sleeping more. Human growth

hormone (HGH) is a protein hormone discharged by the pituitary gland. Levels

are highest during our growth in teen years and begin to decline after the age of

30. One of the best natural ways to boost it up again is sleep. There is something

to be said about getting your beauty sleep. Studies show the amazing benefits of

the HGH, such as improved skin laxity, increase sexual libido, decrease levels of

fat, increased lean muscles, increased energy and improvement of bone density.

Phases of deep sleep spike HGH levels, so make sure to get to bed early in order

to take full advantage of this amazing, naturally occurring hormone.

29.) Always remember that perseverance can triumph over difficulty and

discouragement. Don’t ever quit. Take one step at time and keep moving



achieving anything you want in life. Get your mind right and get to work on your

goals today.

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"Decide what you want; decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish

your priorities and go to work."-H. L. Hunt

31.) Avoid poor-quality supplements that contain fillers, binders, excess water,

etc. just to save money. It’s better not to supplement at all than to take poor-

quality supplements, which can negatively affect the body. Stick with high-quality

supplements that are most commonly missing in general diets: magnesium, zinc,

omega-3 fish oil, vitamin D and probiotics. Pure-Pharma

( is a well-trusted source with excellent products.

32.) Avoid eating 3 hours before

bedtime, especially chocolate and/or

wine. The spike in insulin disrupts

HGH hormone release during sleep.

33.) Practice maintaining balance

with this simple exercise. Everytime

you brush your teeth, attempt to

brush while standing on the right foot

for one minute. Switch to the left

foot and brush for another minute.

34.) Avoid all foods that contain high fructose corn syrup, and that includes diet

sodas. High fructose corn syrup messes with your insulin levels, disrupts effective

normal digestive processes and ruins your taste buds.

35.) Before eating something, ask yourself, "Do I have my protein? Am I avoiding

white flour and sodium?" Remember, sodium bloats you up like nothing else, so

keep an eye on that! Here’s a key rule; make sure to check nutrition facts. Try to

avoid foods where the sodium number is higher than the calories in the package.

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36.) The French smoke, drink and eat more bread than Americans, yet Americans

are far more overweight. Why is that? Well, some may argue that the reason is

genetics, and maybe there’s some truth to that (a very small percentage, I’d say).

They also walk, on average, nearly 10,000 steps a day compared to Americans

who average less than 3,000. The key may be as simple as that: walking. I

challenge you to get out there and walk 10,000 steps a day minimum.

Pedometers range from $10-$200 depending how fancy you want them. It’s

worth the investment. You’ll be surprise to see both the physical and mental

benefits of this simple addition to your life.

37.) If fat burning is your goal (and not weight/muscle gain), increase natural fat

burning after your workout by fasting for 45-60 minutes before drinking your

favorite protein shake. Yes, I know there are tons of studies pointing to

supplementing protein to muscles right after a workout, but that also spikes

insulin, which blocks the release of a major hormone that helps reduce fat cell

size: human growth hormone. HGH is the highest during deep sleep and right

after a workout, especially intervals, so if fat loss is your primary goal, make sure

to hold off on eating right after your workouts and let the release of natural HGH

take care of those stubborn fat cells.

38.) Try a 10-day slim-down. Are you trying to

slim down for a special event? Here's a secret that

works like a charm. Start out 10 days before the

event and follow these steps: (1)increase your

uptake of water by at least 1 gallon a day, as this

helps prevent water retention inside the body;

and(2)alternate from 30 grams of total non-

fibrous carbs for the day to 80 grams of total non-

fibrous complex carbs (you can eat veggies

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unlimited) the next day. Focus on eating protein and healthy fats every meal. On

the deplete days (30 grams), you may eat 1 fruit. On the uptake days (80 grams),

you may have 2 fruits. You get 2 cheat days during the 10 days. Also, by

alternating the deplete days/uptake days, you're able to put your body into a fat

burning zone without affecting the hunger hormones. Keep workouts at 30

minutes or less on the deplete days (circuits and intervals are perfect) and do

strength training and some steady cardio on the uptake days.

Here are some great examples of complex carbs:

• Oatmeal

• Legumes

• Sweet Potatoes

• Yams

• Brown Rice

• Buckwheat pasta

• Whole wheat bread

• Whole Barley

• Buckwheat

• Rye

• Millet

• Whole grains

• Beans

• Lentils and chick peas

Some great sources of fibrous carbs are:

• Kale

• Broccoli

• Lettuce

• Cabbage

• Cauliflower

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• Mushrooms

• Artichoke

• Onions

• Asparagus

• Cucumber

• Spinach

• All Forms of Peppers

• Zucchini

• Cauliflower

39.) This is a very good reminder:

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way

we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our

communication with others.”

― Anthony Robbins

40.) Live by the law of reciprocity. You have to give in order to receive. Whether

this is in business, fitness or life in general, giving and helping more people really

comes back to enhance your life.

41.) So you've mastered all the meals of the day, but you are still failing at

dinnertime by overeating and snacking a bit afterwards. Well, try this trick that I

have my clients do: in the middle of afternoon between 2:30-4:30pm, eat a snack

that includes a healthy fat. Fat will keep you satiated and prevent you from

overeating at dinnertime. An example would be organic peanut butter, avocados,

nuts or tuna.

42.) “Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher. Life is

already filled with those who want to bring you down.” ~Oprah

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43.) There will be those days where you will be pushing through a workout and

feel terrible. It’s ok, we all have off days. It may just be a day (or week) where

you need the extra rest. The body adapts by putting stress on it (working out) and

also by plenty of rest (sleep, power naps) Don’t expect everyday and every

workout to be better than the one before. The most important thing is not to let

it beat you up mentally. There are good days and bad days, just keep moving

forward no matter what.

44.) Take mental notes on the

things that work for you and

those that don’t. The style of

eating may work for some, but

not for others. The same thing

goes for exercise; some people

do better working out in the

morning, while others prefer to

do it later in the day. Our bodies

react very different, both in

nutrition and fitness. This is due to many factors, including genetics, lifestyle,

build, resting metabolism, activity level, sleep quantity and hormonal balance.

Consider all those and build a lifestyle that works specifically for you! No diet plan

or special workouts can give you exactly what YOU need.

45.) Eat fruits and veggies like your life depends on it! Try to keep it to a 1:1 ratio;

for every fruit you eat, be sure to also eat a veggie. Besides the amazing

nutrients, the antioxidants found in them is your best chance to combat aging and

cancerous cells. Antioxidants fight off free radicals in the body. An overload of

free radicals in the body speeds up the aging process and accelerates irregular cell

growth. Don’t like eating greens? Blend it with some fruits and protein for a

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delicious green smoothie! You won’t even taste the veggies when the right types

of fruits are mixed in. Here’s a tasty one:

- Handful of fresh spinach

- 1 Ttbs Greek yogurt

- 2 tsp cinnamon

-2 tsp finely chopped walnuts

-1 banana

-1 scoop of whey protein (optional)

- Ice, blend and serve


46.) Take the 80/20 approach. Try to eat 80% of your meals as healthy as possible

so that your body can take in the other 20% of the treats and not be affected by it

(physically, mentally and emotionally). This works for sleep, too. Don't aim for

perfection. The goal of 8-10 hours every night is simply not realistic, but it

becomes much more feasible when you make it a goal to get at least 5 solid nights

of sleep per week. Small consistent steps forward with a buffer will give you far

better results than aiming for perfection in your life.

47.) Always conserve a positive mindset. Your best tool for success, whether it’s

in fitness, work, home or life in general, is your mind. It may sound a bit corny,

but several studies have demonstrated the power

of the mind. If you can synchronize your mind

with the capabilities of your body, you can’t lose!

Even in times of defeat, it’s the mind that must re-

motivate the body to keep moving and try again.

Becareful what you watch on TV, and especially

stay away from the news. Read more positive

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books and hang around positive people that are going to boost you up.

48.) Remember that the greatest power you have is the power to choose! That’s

also the title of a great book,Your Greatest Power, by J. Martin Kohe. 99% of the

decisions you make in your life dictate the people you’ll attract, the type of job

you do, the lifestyle you have, the amount of stress in your life, etc. This is

especially important in your fitness when it comes time to decide between eating

a double fudge brownie at 11:00 pm or going to bed, or skipping a workout to go

drinking with friends or skipping an opportunity to go on a quick run while your

kid is in practice because you don’t want to sweat. You don’t have to be perfect.

Take the 80/20 approach and aim for continuous choices that are going to help

you succeed in your fitness life.

49.) Drop the soda and drink green tea. Green tea has a chemical called EGCG

that causes the brain and nervous system to run faster and helps you burn more

calories. EGCG works similar to caffeine except that caffeine causes your heart to

beat faster. If you want a mega boost in your metabolism, try combining caffeine

and a 90 mg dose of EGCG three times a day, and you can burn an additional 80

calories a day.

50.) Strive to change. It won't happen overnight, but just like brushing your teeth

and checking Facebook (for some) are habits that you have created in your life,

you can also create a healthy eating approach. Eat more nutrient-dense,

balanced meals at the proper time, which helps the body function with a balanced

hormone output. Stay positive and always be ready for obstacles because they

will come. Tackle them, and if they tackle you, simply brush it off and keep

moving forward.

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So there you have it, folks! Those are 50 easy

that I hope can make a positive difference

other; just breath and go. Stay disciplined and consistent, and you will be



So there you have it, folks! Those are 50 easy-to-implement, easy

that I hope can make a positive difference in your life. It’s one foot in front of the

other; just breath and go. Stay disciplined and consistent, and you will be

Best of luck in your fitness quest.

Committed to your health,

Kendrick Alexandre Ribeiro

Owner Kendrick Fitness LLC

Studio K-Fit

Redwood City, CA

Follow me on Facebook, Twitte


“Kendrick Fitness”


implement, easy-to-follow tips

in your life. It’s one foot in front of the

other; just breath and go. Stay disciplined and consistent, and you will be

Best of luck in your fitness quest.

er, YouTube,