accounting standards update for private and public sector npos

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs Presented by: Erica Teklits, Partner and National Leader, NPO Sector November 12, 2013

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Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs. Presented by: Erica Teklits, Partner and National Leader, NPO Sector November 12, 2013. Overview. 2012 brought ASNPO for private sector NPOs as well as public sector accounting standards with Section 4200 for GNPOs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs

Presented by: Erica Teklits, Partner and National Leader, NPO SectorNovember 12, 2013

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• 2012 brought ASNPO for private sector NPOs as well as public sector accounting standards with Section 4200 for GNPOs

• The Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) and Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) are working together to improve not-for-profit standards to better meet users’ needs

• Jointly issued Statement of Principles in the summer of 2013• Proposed changes to the 4400/4200 series of Accounting Standards for

Not-for-Profit Organizations and Public Sector NPOs• Not all changes are the same for private and public NPOs, but the most

significant changes harmonize many aspects• Proposal includes some significant changes to measurement,

presentation and disclosure for NPOs

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013

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The Process

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• Statement of Principles (current step)- Includes all proposed amendments to standards at a high level perspective - All parties are invited to comment- Deadline is December 15, 2013

• Exposure Drafts- Consider comments from responses to Statement of Principles- Release exposure drafts for each proposed change to a standard (separately)- Comments will again be invited- Will include transitional provisions and possible exemptions

• New Standards- Exposure drafts become new standards, subject to any changes based on comments

• Lengthy Process (3-5 years?)

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013

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Key Areas of Change

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• Main features that affect both private and public sector NPOs:• A contribution would be recognized as an asset, when the NPO has

control of the contribution, would exercise that control if necessary and can reasonably estimate the amount to be received

• A contribution would be revenue, except when the contribution gives rise to an obligation that meets the definition of a liability

• The proposals replace the deferral and restricted fund methods • The proposals could also have a significant impact on the

accounting for contribution pledges and endowment contributions

Joint AcSB / PSAB ProjectStatement of Principles – Improvements to Not-for-Profit Standards

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013

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• Main features that affect both private and public sector NPOs:• A capital asset would be recognized by an NPO on its statement of

financial position regardless of the size of the NPO (i.e. removing the size exemption currently available)

• The proposals would require expenses to be presented by both function and object (nature) rather than on one of the two bases

• Controlled NPOs would be consolidated, subject to an exclusion for a large number of individually immaterial organizations, and controlled profit-oriented enterprises would be accounted for by the equity method

Joint AcSB / PSAB Project Statement of Principles – Improvements to Not-for-Profit Standards

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013

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Controlled Entities

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Type of Entity Current Standard

Proposed Standard

Controlled NPO Consolidate OR disclose


Controlled for profit

Consolidate OR modified equity

method *

Modified equity method *

Jointly controlled entity

modified equity method * OR proportionate

consolidation **

Proportionate consolidation **

*Modified equity method = cost of investment +/- income or loss annually (no adjustment to conform with GAAP or controller)**Proportionate consolidation = consolidate your % ownership of the entity

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013

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• Main features that affect private sector NPOs only:• The accounting for tangible capital assets by a private sector NPO

would follow the standards for private enterprises under ASPE• The proposals would add guidance on accounting for partial write-

downs for both tangible and intangible capital assets• Collections of works of art and historical treasures would be

accounted for at either cost or nominal value in the statement of financial position

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013

Joint AcSB / PSAB Project Statement of Principles – Improvements to Not-for-Profit Standards

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Statement Of Principles Summary

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• The Statement of Principles contains other modifications

• Stakeholders have to comment before December 15, 2013 to make their opinions heard

• Inaction may be interpreted as acceptance of the “improvements”

• The real world consequences need to be made known to the AcSB and PSAB

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2013 ASNPO UPDATEExposure Drafts and Projects

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• The main features of proposed Section 3463 are as follows:• Remeasurements and other items would be:

• recognized directly in net assets in the statement of financial position, rather than in the statement of operations; and

• presented as a separately identified item in the statement of changes in net assets

• Remeasurements and other items would not be reclassified from net assets to the statement of operations in a subsequent period.

• Retrospective application would generally be similar to the requirements in Section 3462 with additional guidance related to the different recognition and presentation of remeasurements and other items

• An NPO would apply all the other requirements in Section 3462• Effective Date: Years beginning on or after January 1, 2014

EXPOSURE DRAFTSection 3463, Employee Future Benefits

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Erica TeklitsNational Not for Profit Industry [email protected]

Accounting Standards Update for Private and Public Sector NPOs – November 12, 2013