accessing public lands - prince edward island · accessing public lands while most of prince edward...


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Page 1: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available
Page 2: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available

Accessing Public LandsWhile most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available for public use - the Island’s 33,000 hectares of public land. In general terms, these properties are classified as Natural Areas, Ponds and Wetlands, Provincial Forests, and Wildlife Management Areas. They are managed for a variety of public values and benefits such as recreation, wildlife habitat, protection of unique or rare species, high-value timber and non-timber forest products, forest/wildlife research, and outdoor education.

The signs listed below identify public lands which are open to the public for uses such as hunting, fishing, hiking, bicycling, bird watching, tours and outdoor education. However, some uses such as off road vehicle (ATVs, snowmobiles, etc.) are only permitted on certain properties and open fires are not permitted at all. Prohibited uses are listed on the signs. Please do not litter or smoke on these properties.

Many of these properties are working forests, so as conditions dictate, forest harvest and management operations may occur. In all cases, harvest sites on public land are quickly renewed to forest cover.

You can access more information on the location of public lands on-line at or by purchasing a Public Land Atlas at any Forests, Fish and Wildlife office.

Page 3: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available

This booklet contains asummary of the hunting andtrapping regulations andother information for thosewho plan to hunt or trap onPrinceEdwardIsland.

Hunting and trapping aretraditionalactivities formanyIslanders. In recent years,

wild fur prices have improved and this has ledto an increase in interest and participation in theIsland’strappingsector.Islandfurtrappersmustbelicensedandtrainedintheuseofhumanetrappingequipmentandtechniques.

ThenewPEIWildlifeCard,usedbypeopletrainedinhuntersafety,bowhuntersafety, furharvestersandhuntingguides,hasalsobeenwellreceivedbythehuntingandtrappingcommunities.AnexampleofthePEIWildlifecardcanbeseenonpage7ofthe2012-13HuntingandTrappingSummary.



Page 4: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available
Page 5: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available

Table of Contents

What’sNewfor2012..................................................1SummaryofHuntingRegulations...............................3GuidesandOutfitters..................................................3Residency...................................................................4LicencesandFees.....................................................6BaldEaglesandLeadPoisoning................................8PheasantIntroductionProgram..................................9WearYourPersonalFlotationDevice(PFD)!............. 11HuntingSeasonDatesandBagLimits.....................14MigratoryBirds.........................................................16GeneralHuntingRegulations...................................19HunterSafetyCertificate..........................................22SummaryofFurHarvestingRegulations..................23TrappingLicenceFees.............................................24TrappingSeasons....................................................17Foot-holdTraps........................................................25Body-grippingTraps.................................................26Snares......................................................................28GeneralTrappingRegulations..................................29ScheduleC-ListofApprovedBody-GrippingTraps..33PEIWildlifeConservationFund................................36InvestigationandEnforcement.................................39AccessPEICentres..................................................40Courses/Workshops.................................................41SunriseandSunsetTimes........................................42TrappingStatistics....................................................46PersonalHuntingRecord.........................................50

Page 6: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


What’s new for 2012Licence1)A Resident Game Hunting Licence which


2)A Youth Hunting Licence is available foryouth12to17(nocharge).

2)ANon-resident Hunting Licenceisrequiredbynon-residentsfor$75.00.

3)A3 day Non-resident Hunting Licenceoptionisavailableonlineonlyatacostof$60.00.

4)A Furbearer Hunting Licence that covershunting furbearers such as fox, coyote andraccoon.Thisisavailablefor $5.00(allages).

5)The Snowshoe Hare Snaring Licence willnow be available as an option to the otherlicence categories rather than in a separatelicencebook.

Note:TheFurbearerHuntingLicenceisalsoavailableas an option for trappers purchasing their annualtrappinglicence.

Seasons and Equipment• RaccoonHuntingSeasonhasbeenextended:

Oct. 1st to Feb. 28, 2012.

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• ThepossessionlimitforBarrow’s Goldeneyehasbeenreducedtoone (1).

• Hunters are reminded that hunting for foxesis restricted to .22 rimfire or .17 centre fire (or smaller) and that as a condition of theFurbearerHuntingLicencehuntingraccoonatnightisrestrictedto.22 rimfire only.

Trespass to Property ActAll hunters and trappers are remindedthat you need permission of the occupieror a person authorized by the occupier,to enter on land that is a lawn, garden,orchard, commercial berry growing area,golf course or acreage managed for theproductionofagriculturalcrops,landthatisa tree plantation area or a Christmas treemanagement area, enclosedpremises thatindicates the occupier’s intention to keeppersonsoffthepremisesortokeepanimalsonthepremisesandengage inanactivitywhich is prohibited on the premises bynotice.

Trappers arealso reminded thatyouneedpermission of the occupier or a personauthorizedbytheoccupier,toenteronforestlandinordertotraporsnare.

Page 8: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


Summary of Hunting Regulations Guides and OutfittersHuntingGuidesandOutfittersarenow licensedbytheprovince.

Non-residenthuntersmustbeaccompaniedbyeithera licensedresidenthunteroraregisteredhunting guide while hunting in Prince EdwardIsland.

AresidentofPEIwhohasavalidhuntinglicencemayaccompanyuptotwonon-residenthuntersbut they may not accept payment or othercompensationfortheseservices.

A registered guide may accompany up to fournon-residenthunters.Registeredguidesmaynotactivelyhuntwhileguidingbutmaykillaninjuredbirdforaclientifnecessary.

Use “1-800-327-BAND” or www.reportband.govto report Waterfowl Bands

Hunterscannowreportbirdbands(bandsonducksandgeese)bydialingthistoll-freenumber:1-800-327-2263You should have the following information availablebeforeyoucall:


Page 9: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


Chasing WildlifeNo person shall use any air, land or watervehicletochase,pursue,worry,molest,take,hunt or kill any wildlife or wilfully destroywildlifehabitat.___________________________________

Attention Rabbit SnarersEveryonewhosnaresrabbits(snowshoehare)must purchase a Snowshoe Hare Snaring Licence. See summary for regulations andsnaringseason.

ResidencyA“resident” meansapersonwho (i) has resided in the province of a period of

six months immediately prior to making anapplicationforalicence,

(ii) has resided in the province for a period oftwo weeks immediately prior to making anapplication for a licence, where that personproves to thesatisfactionof theMinister thatheorshewasrequiredtotakeupresidenceintheprovinceasaresultofbeingtransferredtotheprovincebyhisorheremployer,

(iii) is taking educational training of a three-monthminimum duration within the provinceand has resided in the province for a periodof twoweeks immediatelyprior tomakinganapplicationforalicence,

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(iv) is taking educational training outside theprovince and resided in the province for aperiod of six months immediately prior totakingtheeducationaltraining,

(v)provestothesatisfactionoftheMinisterthatheorshehasresidedintheprovinceforthepurpose of employment for an aggregateperiodofsixmonthswithinthetwelvemonthsimmediately preceding the making of anapplication,or

(vi) was born in the province and owns realpropertyintheprovince;

All other hunters are not considered to beresidents and require a Non-resident HuntingLicence.

Non-resident huntersmustbeaccompaniedbyeithera licensedresidenthunteroraregisteredhunting guide while hunting in Prince EdwardIsland.

Youth (under16yearsofage)requireaHuntingLicence. No youth shall use or carry a firearmexcept in company with a parent or guardian,subjecttotheprovisionsoftheFirearmsActandCriminalCode.

Assume every firearm is loaded.

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Licences and

ResidentGameHunting(18-59)......................$5CourtesyResidentGameHunting(60andover)....................................NoChargeYouth(12-17years)Hunting...............NoChargeResidentFurbearerHunting(allages)............$5Non-residentHunting.....................................$75Non-resident3-dayHunting(Availableonlineonly)..................................$60ResidentHuntingGuideLicence...................$30Non-residentHuntingGuideLicence.............$50WildlifeConservationFund**.........................$20Ages16-64..................................................$2065yearsandover........................................$13SnowshoeHareSnaringLicence....................$5(Above fees include GST)** Charged once annually with first fishing,hunting or trapping licence purchased. Youthunder16arenotrequiredtopurchaseaWildlifeConservationFundLicence.

Control the muzzle by pointing it in a safe direction

Page 12: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


TheForests,FishandWildlifeDivisionhasbegunissuingnew PEI Wildlife Cards.Thecardsarecredit card style plastic cardswith anattractiveimage of a ruffed grouse, taken bywell knownislandbirderDwaineOakley.

Initially,thecardswillbesuppliedasrequiredtoreplacethosecurrentlyheldbyislanderstrainedinhuntersafety,bowhuntersafety,furharvesters,and professional guides. The card is a HunterSafetyCertificatewhichisrequiredbyanyoneinpossessionoffirearmsingamehabitatandapre-requisitetopurchasingahuntinglicence.

Page 13: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


Bald Eagles and Lead Poisoning• Lead,ingestedinlargeenoughquantityhasnegativeeffectsonthenervoussystemandreproductivesystemsofmammalsandbirds.• DeadeaglesrecoveredontheIslandhavetestedpositiveforleadpoisoning.• Eaglesfrequentlyscavengecarcassesofdeadanimalsthatmaycontainleadorleadfragments.• Symptomsofleadpoisoningineaglesincludelossofbalance,gasping,tremorsandimpairedabilitytofly.• Thebirdsbecomeemaciatedanddeathcanoccurwithin2to3weeksafterleadingestion.Hunters can help reduce lead poisoning• Usenon-toxicshotforallshotgunhunting.• Ifleadammunitionisused,recoverorremoveallshotgamefromthefield.• Hidecarcassesbyburyingorcoveringwithrocksand/orbrush.• Removeleadbullets,pelletsorfragmentsandsurroundingfleshfromanycarcassremainsinthefield.

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Pheasant Introduction ProgramSince 2007 ring-necked pheasants have beenreleased on the Island in an attempt to re-establish awild population.Themajority of thebirdswerecaughtinNovaScotiawhilealessernumberwerecaughtinNewBrunswick.(Fig.1)


PEIChapterPheasantsForever,FishandWildlife,ConservationOfficersanddedicatedvolunteershavebeenmonitoringthesuccessofthisprogramthrough spring cock crowing surveys. Eachsurveyconsistsof10predeterminedstopswherethesurveyorlistensforthedistinctivecallofthecock pheasant. Results aremixed; ring-neckedpheasants are certainly reproducing in thewild

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however lack of widespread suitable habitatmay be the limiting factor to overall populationexpansion.(Fig.2)

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Wear Your Personal Floatation Device (PFD)!

The Truth Cold Water Immersion by Mario Vittone

You Can’t Breathe: The first is phase of cold water immersion is called the cold shockresponse: It is a stage of increased heart rateand blood pressure, uncontrolled gasping, andsometimes uncontrolled movement. Lastinganywhere from 30 seconds to a couple ofminutesdependingonanumberof factors, thecoldshockresponsecanbedeadlyallbyitself.Infact,ofallthepeoplewhodieincoldwater,itisestimatedthat20% die in the first two minutes. They drown, they panic, they take on water inthat first uncontrolled gasp, if they have heartproblems – the cold shockmay trigger a heartattack.Survivingthisstageisaboutgettingyourbreathingundercontrol, realizing that thestagewillpass,andstayingcalm.

You Can’t Swim: One of the primary reasonsgiven by recreational boaters when asked whytheydon’twearalifejacketisthattheycanswim.

Page 17: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


Listenup,Tarzan;Iswamforalivingforthebetterpartofmyadultlife,andwhenthewateriscold–noneofuscanswimforverylong.Thesecondstage of cold water immersion is called cold incapacitation. Lacking adequate insulationyour bodywillmake its own. Long before yourcore temperature drops a degree, the veins inyourextremities(thosethingsyouswimwith)willconstrict, youwill lose your ability control yourhands,andthemusclesinyourarmsandlegswilljustflatoutquitworkingwellenoughtokeepyouabovewater.Withoutsomeformofflotation,andinnotmore than30minutes, thebestswimmeramonguswilldrown–definitely–nowayaroundit. Without ever experiencing a drop in coretemperature(atall)over50%ofthepeoplewhodieincoldwater,diefromdrowningperpetuatedbycoldincapacitation.


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Over 90 percent of hunters who die whileboating are not wearing a lifejacket.Whenyoufalloverboard,a lifejacketstoredunderyourseatwilldolittletosaveyourlife.Beforeyouheadout on thewater,makesure youwear a lifejacket that fits and is in goodworkingorder.

Hunters are reminded to be sure to carryproof of competency such as a PleasureCraftOperatorCard,andphotoID,iftheyareoperatingaboatfittedwithamotor.

Go to to learn about the crippling effects of cold water immersion. To prepare for a safe fishing adventure, visit or call 1-800-387-4999 to speak with a Boating Safety Officer.

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Hunting Season Dates and Bag LimitsThe open season, bag limits and possessionlimitsareasfollows:

Hunting Seasons and LimitsGame Open Daily Season Bag Possession

Pheasant Noopen - - season

RuffedGrouse Sept.24 3 6 toDec.31

Hungarian(Grey) Oct.15Partridge toNov.10* 3 6

SnowshoeHare*** Oct.1(Rabbit) toFeb.28 5 -

Fox Nov.1 - - toJan.31

Raccoon Oct.11 - - toFeb.28

Coyote Oct.1 - - toMar.31**

RedSquirrel Noclosed - - season

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* There will be no open season for Hungarian(Grey) Partridge in Lots 1 to 10, inclusive, andLots43to47inclusive,in2012/2013.

**HuntingwithhoundsispermittedfromOctober1 to February 28. The running of hounds fortrainingoranyotherpurposewillnotbepermittedfromMarch1-September30,exceptbypermit.


It is illegal to have in your possession, when hunting all game birds, migratory birds, crows or ravens, any shot larger than “BB” in the case of lead shot or size “T” in the case of steel shot.

Note: Ashippingpermit isrequiredforallgameleavingPrinceEdwardIsland.Avalidnon-residenthunting licence, attached to the game beingexported, is a shipping coupon authorizing theexportofgamefromtheprovincebythelicenseholderinaccordancewithpossessionlimits.

Most birds are completely protected throughouttheyear,includingeagles,hawks,owls,seagulls,cormorantsandnon-gamemigratorybirds.

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Migratory BirdsOnlythefollowingmigratorygamebirdsmaybekilled: ducks, geese, woodcock, andWilson orcommonsnipe.BothaProvincialHuntingLicenceandaMigratoryBirdHuntingPermitarerequired.Seasons and bag limits are established by theFederal Government. A Migratory Bird HuntingPermitcanbeobtainedatyour localpostofficeforafeeof$17plusGST.

Open Seasons – Both Dates InclusiveWoodcock Sept.24toDec.8Ducks(otherthanCommonandRed-breastedMergansers,Long-tailedDucks,HarlequinDucks,EidersandScoters),SnipeandGeese






Note: NoopenseasonforHarlequinDuck

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*A special day for youth ages 12 to 17 to hunt with a licensed adult mentor before the opening of the regular waterfowl hunting season. The mentor is not permitted to carry or shoot a firearm but is there to provide a safe hunting environment and offer guidance on hunting skills, conservation and the ethical aspects of hunting. A license from the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division is required at no charge.

Bag and Possession LimitsGame Daily Bag Possession


6* 12**


6*** 12****

Geese 5 10Woodcock 8 16Snipe 10 20*ExceptthatnotmorethanfourmaybeBlackDucksorBlack-MallardHybrids,andnotmorethan onemaybeBarrow’sGoldeneye.

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**ExceptthatnotmorethaneightmaybeBlackDucks or Black-Mallard Hybrids, and not morethanonemaybeBarrow’sGoldeneye.


****Except that not more than eight may beScoters

Non-game migratory birds are all protectedunder the Migratory Bird ConventionAct. It isillegaltoshootsuchnon-gamemigratorybirdsasyellowlegs,shorebirds,plover,curlewsoranyofthesmallernon-gamebirds.

Hunterscanhunt raccoonatnightusingtheirFurbearerHuntingLicence.

Because raccoons are traditionally huntedafter dark, hunters should be aware thattheir activities (dogs, lights, etc.) may alarmuninformed members of the public. Huntersshould make every effort to advise localresidentsbeforetheyhuntinthatarea.

Landowner permission should be obtained prior to accessing private property for the purpose of hunting.

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General Hunting RegulationsItisunlawfulto:1) carry a firearm in game habitat or hunt any

game unless you are in possession of aHunterSafetyCertificate;




5) hunt any game birds bymeans of any trap,cageorsnare;

6) hunt game birdswith a rifle or other firearmloadedwithabulletorbullets;

7)useashotgunthathasacapacityofmorethanthree shells in the magazine and chambercombined,whilehuntinggame;

8)possessmorethanoneshotgun,unlesseachshotgun in excess of one is unloaded anddisassembledorunloadedandcased,whilehuntinggame;

9)huntonSunday;10) shoot at any game within 200 metres of

any school, church, meeting place or any

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occupieddwelling,farmbuilding,orlivestock,withouttheowner’spermission;orshootanygamewithin300metresofa locationwheremigratorybirdsarekeptunderpermit;


12) dischargeany firearm in any localitywheregameisusuallyfoundbetweenone-halfhouraftersunsetandone-halfhourbeforesunrise;

13) sell fox, raccoonor coyote toanyoneotherthanalicensedfurdealerorfurauctionhouserepresentative;



16) ship or take out of the province, snowshoehare,raccoon,foxorcoyotewithoutaGameExportPermit.Ifpeltsareheldbythehunterlongerthan10daysafterthecloseoftheopenseason,aPossessionPermitisrequired;



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20)huntorshootatwaterfowl,includingallducksandgeese, fromwithin thehighwayright-of-way;

21) hunt any gamebirds, crowsor ravenswithshotsizelargerthanBB(leadshot)orT(non-toxicshot);

22) set a snare for snowshoe hare made ofmaterialsotherthansinglestrandbrasswireof20to24gauge,orsetasnareforsnowshoeharewithawireloopgreaterthan10cm.(4inch);






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Hunter Safety Certificate

Everyone hunting in Prince Edward Island isrequiredtobe inpossessionofaHunterSafetyCertificate. ALL PERSONS wishing to acquirea PEI hunting licence are required to exhibit aHunter Safety Certificate to the licence vendor.Vendorsareprohibitedfromissuingalicencetoanypersonwhodoesnotpossessacertificate.


All first-time hunters are required tosuccessfully complete a Hunter SafetyCourse before being issued a PEI HunterSafety Certificate. You can register at anyAccess PEI Centres in order to take thecourse.

Changesofaddressorlostorstolencardsshouldbebrought to theattentionof theForests,FishandWildlifeDivision(902)368-4683.

Non-residents are advised that Hunter Safety Certificates issued by the province, state, or country where they live are accepted in PEI.

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Summary of Fur Harvesting RegulationsTrapping Seasons

Fur Bearing Animals Open SeasonBeaver 8:00a.m.October31–March31*Mink 8:00a.m.October31–February28*Muskrat 8:00a.m.October31-February28*Weasel 8:00a.m.October31-February28*Fox(snaring& November15-January31trapping)Fox(modified November1-November14footholdonly)**Raccoon October15–March31Coyote(snaring&November15-January31modifiedfoothold)Coyote(modifiedfootholdonly)** November1-November14 February1-February28RedSquirrel NoclosedseasonSkunk Noclosedseason

NOTE:*DuringthemonthsofFebruaryandMarch,trapsetsforbeaver,muskratandminkarerestrictedto those set in or overwater.Weasel trapsarerestrictedtoVictorrattraps.**A“modifiedfootholdtrap”isafootholdtrapthathasbeenalteredtoimprovethehumanenessofthe trap by laminating the jaws, off-setting thejawsorpaddingthejaws.

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Licence FeesResidentTrappingLicence(16andolder) $10JuniorTrappingPermit(under16) $5ResidentFurDealersLicence $25Non-ResidentFurDealersLicence $175

Trapping licences may be obtained from theForests,FishandWildlifeoffice,183UptonRoad,Charlottetown,orfromtheAccessPEICentreinyourarea.



2.TheMinistermayissueaTrappingLicencetoanapplicantwho is16yearsofageorolderand has successfully completed a trappereducationcourse.AJuniorTrappingLicencemaybeissuedtoanapplicantwhoisunder16yearsofageandhassuccessfullycompletedatrappereducationprogram.

3.A trapper who has not held a valid trappinglicence within the previous five years mustsuccessfully complete a trapper education

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program prior to being issued a trappinglicence, unless the Minister exempts thatpersonfromthissubsection.

4.All licensed trappersare issuedapermanenttrapperregistrationnumber(acombinationoflettersand/ornumbers)andthemetaldiesforstamping their registration number on trapsandsnares.Nopersonshallsetatraporsnareforfurbearinganimalsunlessthetraporsnareisclearlystampedortaggedwiththeirtrapperregistrationnumber.

Foot-hold Traps1.Nopersonshallseta footholdtrapfor taking

furbearinganimalsunless:(a)the trap is set for beaver, mink or muskrat

and is attached to a device that is designedto submerge the animal and prevent it fromresurfacing;

(b)the trap is set for muskrat or mink and issufficiently heavy to submerge the minkor muskrat and prevent the animal fromresurfacing;

(c)the trap isset forweaselor redsquirrelandisset insuchamanneras tokill theanimalimmediatelyuponthespringingofthetrap;

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(e)the trap is a foot-encapsulating trap (e.g.Duffer,L’lGriz,EggTrap);

(f)the trap is set for coyoteor red foxandhasbeen modified to improve humaneness bysuchmeansaslaminatingthejaws,off-settingthe jaws,paddingthe jaws,orothersimilarlyeffectivemeansof improvinghumanenessofthetrap.

Body-gripping Traps1.Nopersonshallsetabody-gripping(Conibear

type)traphavingajawspreadgreaterthan6.3inchesor 16 centimetres (No. 220or larger)except

(a) inoroverwater (b) inadog-proofenclosureor (c) wherethetrapissetatleastfivefeetoff




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(b)anopeningnogreaterthan20.3cm(8inches)in height and no greater than 25.4 cm (10inches)inwidthwiththetraptriggersetbackatleast25.4cm(10inches)fromtheopening.

3.Adog-proofenclosurewithanopening largerthan20.3cm(8inches)inheightandgreaterthan 25.4 cm (10 inches) in width shall beplacedsothatnopartoftheopeningismorethan17.8cm(7inches)offtheground.

4.A personmay only use a body-gripping trapthatislistedinScheduleCasapprovedasakillingtrapforuseonlandforthatspeciestotakeabeaver,raccoonormuskratonland.


(a) the trap is listed in Schedule C asapprovedasakillingtrapforuseunderwaterforthatspecies;

(b) thetrapissetformuskratandprevents themuskratfromresurfacing.

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Snares1. No person shall place in wildlife habitat any

snare larger thansinglestrandbrasswireof20gaugeexceptduring theopenseason forsnaringredfoxorcoyote.

2.Allsnareslargerthan20gaugesinglestrandbrass wire must be equipped with a self-locking device. This section does not applyto snares set under water during the openseasonforbeaver.

3.Nopersonshallsetasnareforcoyoteorfoxwithin 50metres of a bait unless the bait iscamouflaged or concealed in amanner thatrendersthebaitundetectablefromtheair.Thisdoesnotapplytobaitplacedinopenfields.



6.Nopersonshallsetabaitedsnarewithin300metres of an occupied dwelling without thepermissionofthehomeowneroroccupier.

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General Trapping RegulationsNopersonshall,1) while in wildlife habitat, possess or set a

trappingdeviceunlessthetrappingdeviceis: (a) aboxtrap; (b) abody-gripping trap that isdesigned to

killquickly; (c) asubmarinetrap; (d) anon-poweredsnare;or (e) asteel-jawedtrapthathasajawspread


without examining each trap at least once aday.

3. set a snare designed to kill a fox or coyotewithout examining each snare at least onceevery48hours.

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4. set a body-gripping trap listed in ScheduleC,asubmarine traporunderwatersnare forbeaver without examining each trap at leastevery72hours.


combinationwithafootholdtrap.7.shallplacea traporsnare inwildlifehabitat,



9.beinpossessionofagreenhide,pelt,carcassoranyportionthereofofanybeaver,muskrat,raccoon, fox,coyote,mink,weasel,skunkorsquirrelbetweenthe10thdayafterthecloseof theopenseason and the first dayof thenextopenseasonwithoutapermit

10. cut, spear, break, destroy or interfere withanybeaverhouseordam,amuskrathouseorden,aminkden,afoxdenorburrow,acoyotedenorburrow.

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11. break, interfere with, destroy, remove orotherwise disturb any trap not registeredto that person. This section shall not applyto enforcement officers responsible for theenforcement of trapping regulations in thedischargeoftheirduty.

12.duringtheclosedseasonforminkormuskrat,set traps for or attempt to trap raccoon inplaces frequented bymink ormuskrat, or atany time during the closed season for minkormuskratattempttotrapraccoonbyuseoftrapssetinwater.

13. takeorattempt to takeanybeaver,minkormuskratbyanymeansotherthantrapping.

14. shall set a trap inside an active muskrathouse.

15. shall ship raw furs from the province (PEI)withoutfirstobtaininganExportPermit.

16. trap on private property without askingpermission.

17. anyonewho buys the pelts or hides, eitherskinned or unskinned, of wild furbearinganimals inPEImustbe theholderofavalidFurDealer’sLicence.

Page 37: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


18.everyoneisguiltyofanoffencewhosellsfursto a resident or non-resident who is not theholderofaFurDealer’sLicence.

General Information

Hunters and trappers are advised that seizedequipmentshallbeautomaticallyforfeitedtothecrownforthefollowingoffences:(1)allsecondoffences,(2)takinggameorwildlifeoutofseason,(3)huntingwhileundersuspension,and(4)possessionofaloadedfirearminavehicle orboat.

An automatic one-year suspension of huntingprivileges results from a conviction under theWildlife Conservation Act or Regulations or theMigratory Birds Convention Act orRegulations.

A trapper will be required to take a trappereducation course after the date of convictionbeforepurchasinganothertrappinglicence.

Page 38: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available



List of Approved Body-Gripping Traps (Certified under the Canadian Trap Certification Program and Approved for use as Killing Traps for Beaver, Muskrat and Raccoon in Prince Edward Island)




Page 39: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available




Annual Trappers MeetingMeet other trappers, Fish andWildlife staff, furdealers and conservation officers. Get yourshippingpermits.This isanopportunity tohaveyour say by actively participating in the PEITrappersAssociation. Themeetingwill be heldonSaturday,January5,2013.ContactFishandWildlifeat368-4683forfurtherdetails.

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This summary is prepared for the informationand convenience of those who plan to hunt ortrapinPrinceEdwardIsland.Theoriginalactandregulationsshouldbeconsultedforallpurposesofinterpretingandapplyingthelaw.Theselawsaresubjecttochangeatanytime.

ForthecompleteregulationspleaserefertotheWildlife Conservation Act,Regulationsavailableon request from the Forests Fish and WildlifeDivisionoronlineat:

Page 41: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


PEI Wildlife Conservation FundWhere Does Your Money Go?

When you pay a PEI Wildlife ConservationFundfee,youarehelpingtoimprovehabitatforfish and many other species of IslandWildlife.Applications for funding are made by manystreamand rivermanagement groups annually.In 2011, approximately $135,000 was awardedtowatershed,wildlifeandenvironmentalgroupsacrossPEItorestore,protectandimproveIslandwaterways. Research and education projectswerealsofunded.GroupsreceivingWCFfundsin 2011are listedbelow. Formore informationon thePEIWildlifeConservationFundyoucancall(902)892-7513,email:[email protected],orvisitthewebat


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Page 43: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


Report poachers and polluters!Call Crime Stoppers toll free


Report Litterers!Call the hot line toll free


Page 44: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


Investigation and Enforcement

Forenforcementofanyoftheenvironmentactsor regulations during regular working hours, telephone a ConservationOfficer at any of thefollowinglocations:

O’Leary 859-8800Wellington 854-7250Summerside 888-8000Charlottetown 368-4808 QueensCounty 368-4808Montague 838-0600Souris 687-7000

For environmental emergencies after normaloffice hours telephone 1-800-565-1633. Forwildlife related enforcement after normal officehourstelephone368-4808.

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Access PEI CentresQueens CountyCharlottetown....................................368-5200

Kings CountyMontague............................................838-0600Souris................................................687-7000

Prince CountyAlberton..............................................853-8622O’Leary...............................................859-8800Summerside.......................................888-8000Tignish................................................882-7351Wellington...........................................854-7250

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Each year, the Forests, Fish and WildlifeDivision offers a number of courses andworkshops.Ifyouareinterestedinanyofthefollowing courses, please contact our office(902)368-4683.

• Trapping(beginnerandadvanced)

• Hunting(HunterSafety,Bowhunting, HuntingGuide)

• BecomingandOutdoorsWomanworkshop

• YouthWaterfowlHuntingWorkshop

• Chainsaw(WeekendWoodsman,Chainsaw Filing,CuttingFirewoodSafely,Basic SilvicultureLessonPlan)

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Date Sunrise Sunset1-Oct-12 7:11AM 6:52PM2-Oct-12 7:13AM 6:50PM3-Oct-12 7:14AM 6:48PM4-Oct-12 7:15AM 6:46PM5-Oct-12 7:17AM 6:45PM6-Oct-12 7:18AM 6:43PM7-Oct-12 7:19AM 6:41PM8-Oct-12 7:21AM 6:39PM9-Oct-12 7:22AM 6:37PM10-Oct-12 7:23AM 6:35PM11-Oct-12 7:25AM 6:33PM12-Oct-12 7:26AM 6:31PM13-Oct-12 7:27AM 6:30PM14-Oct-12 7:29AM 6:28PM15-Oct-12 7:30AM 6:26PM16-Oct-12 7:31AM 6:24PM17-Oct-12 7:33AM 6:22PM18-Oct-12 7:34AM 6:21PM19-Oct-12 7:36AM 6:19PM20-Oct-12 7:37AM 6:17PM21-Oct-12 7:38AM 6:15PM22-Oct-12 7:40AM 6:14PM23-Oct-12 7:41AM 6:12PM24-Oct-12 7:43AM 6:10PM25-Oct-12 7:44AM 6:09PM26-Oct-12 7:45AM 6:07PM27-Oct-12 7:47AM 6:06PM28-Oct-12 7:48AM 6:04PM29-Oct-12 7:50AM 6:02PM30-Oct-12 7:51AM 6:01PM31-Oct-12 7:52AM 5:59PM

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Date Sunrise Sunset1-Nov-12 7:54AM 5:58PM2-Nov-12 7:55AM 5:56PM3-Nov-12 7:57AM 5:55PM4-Nov-12 7:58AM 5:54PM5-Nov-12 8:00AM 5:52PMTimechange6-Nov-12 7:01AM 4:51PM7-Nov-12 7:03AM 4:49PM8-Nov-12 7:04AM 4:48PM9-Nov-12 7:05AM 4:47PM10-Nov-12 7:07AM 4:46PM11-Nov-12 7:08AM 4:44PM12-Nov-12 7:10AM 4:43PM13-Nov-12 7:11AM 4:42PM14-Nov-12 7:13AM 4:41PM15-Nov-12 7:14AM 4:40PM16-Nov-12 7:15AM 4:39PM17-Nov-12 7:17AM 4:38PM18-Nov-12 7:18AM 4:37PM19-Nov-12 7:20AM 4:36PM20-Nov-12 7:21AM 4:35PM21-Nov-12 7:22AM 4:34PM22-Nov-12 7:24AM 4:34PM23-Nov-12 7:25AM 4:33PM24-Nov-12 7:26AM 4:32PM25-Nov-12 7:28AM 4:31PM26-Nov-12 7:29AM 4:31PM27-Nov-12 7:30AM 4:30PM28-Nov-12 7:31AM 4:30PM29-Nov-12 7:33AM 4:29PM30-Nov-12 7:34AM 4:29PM

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Date Sunrise Sunset1-Dec-12 7:35AM 4:28PM2-Dec-12 7:36AM 4:28PM3-Dec-12 7:37AM 4:27PM4-Dec-12 7:38AM 4:27PM5-Dec-12 7:40AM 4:27PM6-Dec-12 7:41AM 4:27PM7-Dec-12 7:42AM 4:27PM8-Dec-12 7:43AM 4:26PM9-Dec-12 7:44AM 4:26PM10-Dec-12 7:45AM 4:26PM11-Dec-12 7:45AM 4:26PM12-Dec-12 7:46AM 4:26PM13-Dec-12 7:47AM 4:27PM14-Dec-12 7:48AM 4:27PM15-Dec-12 7:49AM 4:27PM16-Dec-12 7:50AM 4:27PM17-Dec-12 7:50AM 4:27PM18-Dec-12 7:51AM 4:28PM19-Dec-12 7:51AM 4:28PM20-Dec-12 7:52AM 4:29PM21-Dec-12 7:53AM 4:29PM22-Dec-12 7:53AM 4:30PM23-Dec-12 7:54AM 4:30PM24-Dec-12 7:54AM 4:31PM25-Dec-12 7:54AM 4:31PM26-Dec-12 7:55AM 4:32PM27-Dec-12 7:55AM 4:33PM28-Dec-12 7:55AM 4:34PM29-Dec-12 7:55AM 4:34PM30-Dec-12 7:55AM 4:35PM31-Dec-12 7:55AM 4:36PM

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Date Sunrise SunsetJan.1-10 7:54AM 4:42PMJan.11-20 7:50AM 4:52PMJan.21-30 7:42AM 5:06PMJan.31-Feb.9 7:32AM 5:22PMFeb.10-28 7:17AM 5:37PMMar.1-19 6:44AM 6:04PMTimechangeMar.10 7:44AM 7:04PMMar.10-20 7:24AM 7:18PMMar.21-31 7:05AM 7:32PM

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Trapping StatisticsTrappershadasuccessfulyearin2011/12!Highfur prices and renewed interest lead to recordsettingharvests forcoyoteandbeaver.Muskratharvestalsoremainedstrongwithasecondyearinarowwithover4000exportedpelts.

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Page 53: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available


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Personal Hunting RecordDate Species Number


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Personal Hunting RecordDate Species Number


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Page 59: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available

Tyler Coughlin (far right) was the 2011 Youth Exchange winner from PEI. Tyler was hosted by Carroll Road Outfitters in New Brunswick. Also pictured are Tyler’s father (far left), and Kyle Marchbanks.

Keegan Worden (left) was the 2011 Youth Exchange winner from New Brunswick. Keegan was accompanied on his trip to the Island by his grandfather. Also pictured is Gordon Burhoe from the Earnscliff Pheasant Preserve. The department would like to acknowledge the PEI Outfitters Association, Earnscliff Pheasant Preserve and Delta Waterfowl for their continued support.

Page 60: Accessing Public Lands - Prince Edward Island · Accessing Public Lands While most of Prince Edward Island is privately owned, there are areas of forest and wetland which are available