accenture - ethics management

Ethics Management Group Members: Tanvi Kanchan – 65 Janki Mehta – 87 Khushbu Mistry !" Jonathan #ereira – $$% &urvesh Katka'e $$!

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8/12/2019 Accenture - Ethics Management 1/9

Ethics Management

Group Members:Tanvi Kanchan – 65

Janki Mehta – 87Khushbu Mistry !"

Jonathan #ereira – $$%&urvesh Katka'e $$!

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(bout (ccenture

) *t is the +or,'-s ,ea'ing organi.ations provi'ing management consu,ting/ techno,ogy an'outsourcing services +ith emp,oyee strength o0 18$/222 peop,e3

) They have o00ices an' operations in 56 countries an' their net revenues o0 41836 bi,,ion 0or 0isca,12$%3

) They take the +i'est possib,e vie+ o0 inc,usion an' 'iversity/ going beyon' abi,ities/ age/ ethnicity/gen'er/ re,igion an' se ua, orientation an' gen'er i'entity an' e pression to create anenvironment that +e,comes a,, 0orms o0 'i00erences3

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,ient #ort0o,io

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Ethica, o'e at a g,ance

Best People) oster a 0air an' positive environment in +hich peop,e can gro+

an' succee'

) e,p in'ivi'ua,s 'eve,op specia,i.e' ski,,s9encouraging them totake on greater responsibi,ity an' enab,ing them to gro+ incon0i'ence/ competence an' marketp,ace re,evance

) (ccenture supports our peop,e +ho choose to vo,unteer their timean' ski,,s 0or the bene0it o0 communities an' the environment3

) everage the uni;ue attributes o0 in'ivi'ua,s to create 'ynamic/innovative teams3

Client Value Creation) <ring the best o0 (ccenture to each c,ient by sharing our 'eep

e perience g,oba,,y to create pre'ictab,e outcomes

) =eek to bui,' ,ong term re,ationships

) ommit to +hat +e can 'e,iver an' 'e,iver on +hat +e commit

) =eek to un'erstan' an' 0o,,o+ our c,ients> co'es o0 con'uct

) omp,y +ith government contracting an' procurement ,a+s

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Ethica, o'e at a g,ance

One Global Network) o,,o+ consistent g,oba, stan'ar's

) (re 0ierce but 0air competitors

) ?n'erstan' an' comp,y +ith ,a+s that a00ect the cross bor'er movement o0peop,e an' goo's

) #rotect the privacy o0 persona, in0ormation an' comp,y +ith 'ata privacy ,a+s

) Engage +ith governments in each country in +hich +e operate as a ,oca,company

Respect for the Individual) oster an inc,usive environment that va,ues in'ivi'ua,


) Treat each other +ith respect an' 'o not to,erateharassment or intimi'ation

) Maintain a sa0e an' nonthreatening +orkp,ace

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) reate an inc,usive an' sa0e environment

) <ui,' consistent ethica, persona, con'uct3

) #rovi'e accurate/ time,y an' comp,ete reports3) #rotect their c,ients in0ormation an' respect their

inte,,ectua, property rights

) &o not accept or give inappropriate gi0ts3

) @e0use to make or take bribes3

) an',e Ainsi'er in0ormationB ,a+0u,,y

) omp,y an' cooperate 0u,,y +ith investigations an' au'its

*ntegrity in (ction

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The ive sCommunicate


Cross Check



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(ccenture takes ver keen interest in its clients andemplo ees an' a,, its stakeho,'ers making sure thatevery process an' ever decision that it makes is

ethical 3

*t takes active interest in making sure its emplo ees+ho are its representatives are also informed about thelatest ethical practices and that the follow it to the !"

(n ama#ing work culture an' a 'iversi0ie' an'responsible emplo ees have he,pe' (ccenture become!he $ost %thical compan in the world

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&or further information'

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