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8/13/2019 Accenture ADMS Brochure Single Pages Opt 1/12

The Accenture DealerManagement Solution

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diamnonummy nibh euismod tincidunt utlaoreet dolore magna aliquam eratvolutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minimveniam, quis nostrud exerci tationullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl utaliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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tatum zzril delenit augue duis dolorete feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet.

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Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quisnostrud exerci tation ullamcorpersuscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex eacommodo consequat. Duis autem veleum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulpu-tate velit esse molestie consequat, velillum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisisat vero eros et accumsan et iusto odiodignissim qui blandit praesent lupta-tum zzril delenit augue duis dolore tefeugait nulla facilisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con-sectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diamnonummy nibh euismod tincidunt utlaoreet dolore magna aliquam eratvolutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minimveniam, quis nostrud exerci tationullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl utaliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor inhendrerit in vulputate velit essemolestie consequat, vel illum doloreeu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eroset accumsan et iusto odio dignissimqui blandit praesent luptatum zzrildelenit augue duis dolore te feugaitnulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, seddiam nonummy nibh euismod tincid-unt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquamerat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minimveniam, quis nostrud exerci tationullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut

aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Vero eros et accumsan et iusto odiodignissim qui blandit praesent lup-tatum zzril delenit augue duis dolorete feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsumdolor sit amet.


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We are finding that many Caterpillardealers share the same questions: Howcan I give my customers easier accessto account, product and service infor-mation? Can we streamline operationsto provide a better in-store experiencefor customers? How can I achievegreater visibility into my business sothat I can make better decisions? Andis there a better way to integrate allthe players—OEMs, suppliers, customersand third-party solution providers—sothat my dealership can stay ahead ofthe curve when changes or opportunitiesoccur in the marketplace?

To answer these questions, we developedthe Accenture Dealer ManagementSolution (ADMS)—a complete softwasolution that delivers significant oper-ating and IT benefits to you and yourcustomers. ADMS brings the latest,leading-edge technology to help youserve customers more effectively,addressing your unique businessneeds while enabling you to scalecost-effectively at a very low risk. Andbecause it runs on a modern platformthat builds on the IT backbone familiarto Caterpillar dealers, ADMS is bothmore comprehensive and easier to use

while being less disruptive to yourdealership during the implementation.

Ask anyone involved in providing goods or services,and you’ll likely hear the same key truth: It’s allabout the customers—improving their experiences,fulfilling their expectations. So for Caterpillardealers pursuing high performance in a fierce

economic cycle, the need for leaner operationsand a stronger customer focus is more importantthan ever. That’s why, in an effort to become moreeffective, many dealers like you are re-evaluatingtheir existing dealer management systems. Theyare looking for a solution that will allow them toenhance the customer experience and streamlineoperations at their dealerships.

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The new portal also allows Caterpillardealers to deliver targeted marketingbased on their customers’ equipmentlists or other data points. And theportal’s self-service nature eases theburden on your staff, enabling you tokeep your operations lean.

An enhanced customer portal Your customers will experience thedifference right away through theimproved ADMS customer portal thatallows Caterpillar dealers to be in frontof them 24/7, assisting them even afterhours. The new portal helps you exceedyour customers’ expectations by allowingthem to:

• View, sort and internally approveinvoices online.

• View consolidated monthly statementsand aging summaries.

• See a consolidated list of all equipment

rented from dealerships.• View and maintain their equipmentand fleet information and maintenancehistory online.

• Interact with your dealership directlyvia chat and messaging.


Customer PortalInvoice

Equipment/RentalDetails ContractsMarketing Service HistoryCustomer InformationStatements


User Administration

Electronic Product Data

OEM Integration

Parts Ordering Equipment Ordering Warranty Product Specications Price Updates Other

Reporting/Business IntelligenceDashboards Operational Management Collaboration

OEMsNC2/Navistar Other OEMsAGCOCAT


Accenture Dealer Management Solution

Optional ADMS Modules Future ADMS Capabilities

Customer Management




Human ResourcesManagement

Product Support



Issue Management



Sales Management

General Ledger

Credit Management

AR/AP Management

Fixed Assets


Spend Management

Invoice ImageProcessing








Order Management


Advanced Rental



ManagementSkill Management

Training andCertications




Call Sheet

Work OrderManagement

PMs/Standard Jobs

Field Service

Service Planning/Scheduling

Parts InventoryManagement

Parts OrderManagement

Parts Warehousing

Advanced PartsWarehousing



Time Tracking

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Lean operations and moreefficient customer serviceWhile many ERPs are still trying toreplicate its functionality, ADMS isalready a proven commodity running atapproximately 100 dealers worldwide,with a solid track record of integrationwith Caterpillar. And now, Accenturehas taken ADMS forward with animproved core transactional system thatoptimizes key capabilities for equipmentmanagement, product support andfinance. The enhanced ADMS core buildsupon existing, proven functions toeffectively streamline your operations,

resulting in a lean enterprise andcreating a better experience for yourcustomers. Specific enhancements likean intuitive, web-based GUI and astreamlined workflow make it easierto acquire parts, product support,service or account information, so youcan give customers exactly what theywant, when they want it.

Parts Management—Improved screensand streamlined functionality alloweasier parts lookups and faster orderingwhile maintaining seamless integrationwith Caterpillar, including SIS. Forexample, Parts Availability is integratedwith Caterpillar Antares and enhancedwith filter and sort capabilities. Andfor a Parts Audit Trail Inquiry, ADMSintegrates with familiar programs likeExcel to improve data analysis anddecision making.(See Figure 1.)

Figure 1. ADMS Parts Audit Trail

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Dealers upgrading to ADMS from DBS 2.3.4also get all the code and features addedto DBSi 5.0, including an upgrade to CODA

version 11, parts reconciliation, store number

expansion and parts rental interface.

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Product Support—The easier-to-useservice screens also empower serviceagents to address customer supportneeds and inquiries quickly. Completework order lifecycle maintenance isstreamlined and managed throughAccenture’s Service Cockpit. What’smore, Service Advisor functionality isfully incorporated into ADMS.(SeeFigure 2.) Integrated functionality meansbetter resource scheduling and improvedpricing flexibility, service execution, andcustomer experience. Improved navigationthroughout the core provides a faster,more positive customer experience.

Future releases of ADMS will bringimproved quoting and pricing, automatedprocess workflow, improved integrationand alignment with electronic productdata. (See Figure 3 and Figure 4.)

Equipment Management—Improvedand streamlined functionality supportordering and replenishment ofincreasingly diverse product lines andintegration with other OEMs/suppliers.

Finance—A more powerful and robustfinancial capability speeds AccountsReceivable reconciliation, allows youto create needed financial reportson demand, and helps you achievereduced costs through online invoicing.

Global Commerce—The multi-company,multi-currency and multi-language

capabilities of ADMS enable you to easilydo business where you want to andwith an increasingly diverse productline and business model.

Business Intelligence—Severalcapabilities turn data into timelybusiness intelligence, giving you bettermanagement visibility. For example,enhanced data retrieval, presentationand reporting functions link multipledata sources and enable relevantenterprise-wide reporting using SQLAnalytical Services and CUBE DesignA simple, user-driven report interfaceenables ad-hoc reporting on demandwith no need for IT support. Integrationbetween Reporting Services andMicrosoft Office SharePoint Servicesallows for central delivery and

management of business insight.And better reporting tools allow youto create readable, eye-catchingreports supported by graphical data.

Figure 2. ADMS Service Work Order Maintenance

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Figure 3. ADMS Service Manager Dashboard

The new portal allowsCaterpillar dealers to delivertargeted marketing based ontheir customers’ equipment

lists or other data points.

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Figure 4. ADMS Rental Manager Dashboard

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A platform for growthADMS on a modern Microsoft .NETplatform empowers you with theflexibility to scale your specific dealermanagement system to your uniquebusiness needs, both for today andthe future. What’s more, in the .NETenvironment, ADMS helps you elevate

customer service to a whole newlevel with:

• A more intuitive user interface.• New ways to interact with customersvia the ADMS portal.

• Enhanced business intelligence andreporting capabilities.

• Increased flexibility for dealer-specificcustomizations and extensions.

• Improved integration and collaborationwith OEMs, suppliers and customersthrough web services that allowinteractions to occur in real time—nomore waiting for manual uploads ofdata. This is key: Accenture researchinto High Performance IT reveals thathigh performers have web-enabled42 percent more of their customerinteractions and 93 percent moreof their supplier interactions.*

• A platform to enable a mobilework force.

• Improved IT labor availabilityand efficiency.

Integrated, optional componentsBy offering optional value-addedmodules that can be integrated intoADMS, Accenture delivers a compre-hensive, effective IT solution thatcan flex to the specific needs of yourdealership. These optional componentswill add new business capabilities to help

you become more customer-centricand streamline your operations—andultimately drive sales.

These dealer-focused modules willhelp enable:

• Improved sales force visibility , withCRM powered by Canam Sales Linkto keep you alert to sales leads andopportunities.

• More accurate, efficient and cost-effective customer service throughadvanced warehouse managementpowered by TECSYS WarehouseManagement System.

• Greater control, visibility andoperational management to maximizereturns on your rental fleet investment ,powered by Integrated Rental Systems.This will also help you achieve betterasset utilization, higher revenue atlower cost, and more efficient rentaltransactions.

• Better management of discretionaryand nondiscretionary spending ,powered by UNIT4 CODA to manageall procurement processes, fromrequisition to payment.

• Improved field service technicianproductivity and utilization poweredby Accenture’s Managed Field

Force Solution.

Through ADMS, Accenture is focusedon delivering long-term value toCaterpillar dealers by addressing yourcritical business and technical needs,improving your customers’ experiencesand keeping your operations lean.

* Source: Accenture, "Mind the Gap:Insights from Accenture's Third Global ITPerformance Research," 2010.

ADMS will enable amobile work forceand improve ITlabor availability

and efficiency.

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By offering optional value-added modules that canbe integrated into ADMS,Accenture delivers a

comprehensive, effectiveIT solution that can flexto the specific needs ofyour dealership.

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About AccentureAccenture is a global managementconsulting, technology services andoutsourcing company, with more than215,000 people serving clients inmore than 120 countries. Combiningunparalleled experience, comprehensivecapabilities across all industries and

business functions, and extensiveresearch on the world’s most successfulcompanies, Accenture collaborateswith clients to help them becomehigh-performance businesses andgovernments. The company generatednet revenues of US$21.6 billion forthe fiscal year ended August 31, 2010.Its home page is

For more information, pleasecontact:

Brian MayGlobal Client Partner—Caterpillar+1 309 674 3677

To learn more about how Accenture

can help your dealership achievehigh performance, please

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