accelerated reader proposal

Proposal for Accele D.L. “Dusty” Christina A. Be Jennifer Program Implement erated Read ” Dickens Elementary Sch 2009-2010 Prepared by entheim, Library Media Speci and Benizio, Classroom Teacher tation: der hool ialist

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Page 1: Accelerated Reader Proposal

Proposal for Program Implementation:

Accelerated Reader

D.L. “Dusty” Dickens Elementary School

Christina A. Bentheim, Library Media Specialist

Jennifer Benizio, Classroom Teacher

Proposal for Program Implementation:

Accelerated Reader

D.L. “Dusty” Dickens Elementary School


Prepared by

Christina A. Bentheim, Library Media Specialist


Jennifer Benizio, Classroom Teacher

Proposal for Program Implementation:

Accelerated Reader

D.L. “Dusty” Dickens Elementary School

Christina A. Bentheim, Library Media Specialist

Page 2: Accelerated Reader Proposal


• Due to changes in the delivery of reading instruction and the research that supports this change, it has

become necessary to implement the Accelerated Reader (AR) program to meet students’ needs.

• AR will become a flexible school-wide program to meet the needs of individual students and the larger

subsets of our school population. The program will have accountability that is tied to our School

Improvement Plan, reflects support of core content, reduces maintenance by teachers, as well as

provides students choice and independence in reading.

• Teachers are responsible for encouraging students to read, delivering information about these choices

to parents, and communicating with administration and the Dickens LMC about progress.

• Major barriers between students and resources include, but are not limited to, imposing age or grade

level restrictions on the use of resources; limiting the use of interlibrary loan and access to electronic

information; charging fees for information in specific formats; requiring permission from parents or

teachers; establishing restricted shelves or closed collections; and labeling.


• The purpose of the Accelerated Reader program at Dickens Elementary School is to directly improve

the reading comprehension skills of our students. Implementation of the AR program with fidelity and

integrity supports our School Improvement Plan.

• Caution: We need to be very careful that when we level our books, we do not end up leveling our


School-wide Initiatives

• Honor Code (see attached)

• Award Structure (see attached)

o Rewards are tied to literacy- and leadership-related experiences that cost nothing.

• Daily DEAR Time (AKA SSR—see research from Stephen Krashen)

o During school-wide DEAR time, EVERYONE from the custodian to the principal to the secretaries

to the nurses to the cafeteria staff to the teachers to the students, literally DROP EVERYTHING

AND READ for 15 minutes. DEAR works best if EVERYONE is committed to it. If there are visitors

in the school, and it is at all feasible, they need to be provided with something to read and join

us. This means there should be ample reading materials in the front office waiting room and

other locations where guests will be.

o It is best of DEAR time is during the first 15 minutes of the day. (9:10 – 9:25—an announcement

is made to drop everything and read.)

o Again, this only works if the students see ALL ADULTS participating along with them—not taking

attendance or doing lunch count, etc. Otherwise, it is fruitless.

• Kick-off Assembly

o We kick-off the AR program with a school-wide assembly each year so students and classroom

teachers know how the AR program at Dickens ES is managed. The emphasis will be on fun with

reading--not stiff competition!

Page 3: Accelerated Reader Proposal

• Library Cards

o Teachers will be provided with library cards for their students. These cards are already

laminated and do not need additional modifications. These cards are to be used when sending

students to the library during unscheduled visits. New students throughout the year will receive

index cards with their barcode label/name from the LMC for this purpose.

• Common Student Progress Monitoring Cards (see attached)

o For fidelity and integrity of implementation, all classroom teachers will provide their students

with the same AR progress monitoring cards. These cards are provided by the LMC.

• Friendly (Slight) Competition Between Grade Levels (culminating in a Teacher Talent Show)

o The grade level that ends up with the most points at the end of the year will earn a visit to a

special teacher talent show.

• 80% Minimum Passing Score

o All classroom teachers need to modify their testing score bracket to pass at no less than 80

percent (85 percent is recommended by the AR program).

• Structured Calendar Access to Computer Labs and Carts

o All classes will have scheduled times during the week to use the labs and carts for AR testing, as

well as instruction, Ticket to Read, etc. These times will stay consistent, but teachers can switch

times by informing the Library Media Specialist.

o Should students need to test outside of these times, there are seven computers in the LMC that

are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must bring their library cards, their log

in information, and be familiar with how to access the AR system since individual assistance

may not be possible.

• AR is not to be used for a grade.

o AR is a supplement to the other reading programs and initiatives. It is an enhancement, not a

graded element of the curriculum.

• Students are not to be limited to reading their levels only.

o Do not tell students that they can “only read your level” books. This is doing children a

disservice as they will look for their level only, completely bypassing other quality pieces of

literature. One book at their level is required for LMC checkout, the others are optional reading

levels to foster the enjoyment of reading. Choice is critical for long-term reading growth.

• Do not reinforce competition. Reinforce student progress and enjoyment of reading.

• Home Access to Renaissance Learning for Teachers

o Due to licensing stipulations, students may not access AR from home.

• 100 Books in 100 Days

o All classroom teachers have been invited to participate in the Library Media Center's quest for

each child to read (and/or be read to) 100 books in 100 days! On the 100th day, there will be a

celebration in the library media center where students can share books they've read and

provide general reviews and comments to the audience, as well as display artistic literature

responses (drawings, paintings, sculptures, models, collages, etc.) that they've created during

weekly visits to the library media center.

Page 4: Accelerated Reader Proposal

Classroom Teacher Responsibilities

• Track student progress and monitor reward levels; an electronic sheet will be provided to you by the

Dickens LMC

• Remind students that they can use Destiny to search for materials directly at their levels.

• Teach students how to access the AR program from a blank desktop so they are able to access it from

any computer in the school.

• Implement all school-wide initiatives in the classroom.

• Allow students their personal choices in what they read. Research shows that students who enjoy what

they are reading because they chose it, will rise to the occasion, regardless of level. Do not stifle a

child’s interest in books for the sake of AR points.

• Emphasize that reading improves with quality, not quantity.

• Communicate with the Library Media Specialist about student progress (please see attached for more


• Level each classroom library (optional).

Library Media Center Support

Flexible Access to Materials

• The Dickens LMC check-out policy that requires students to borrow at least ONE AR-leveled book in

addition to books of their choice. According to research, personal choice is a critical component when

developing a group of lifelong readers.

• The Dickens LMC operates on a hybrid fixed/flexible schedule within the library media center. This

means each class will have their normally scheduled time (for classroom teacher prep), but the option

is also open for students to visit the library media center in small groups (up to 3 students per teacher

as long as each student has his or her library card*) when they need/want to take an AR test, conduct

research for a project, or when they want/need to return a book and check another out in between

scheduled visits.

• The Dickens LMC provides classroom teachers with rotating selections of quality AR materials for

student use in the classroom. If classroom teachers need specially themed materials, these can be

provided with some advance notice by using the appropriate form on the library website at

• The Dickens LMC teaches students how to select appropriate materials for themselves by other

methods in addition to AR levels (i.e. Goldilocks Method, 5-finger method).

• The Dickens LMC Collection Development Policy states that the collection will be further developed

with some books that have available AR quizzes.

• The Dickens LMC encourages students to write "book discovery" reviews so they can be posted all over

the school. This way other students will be encouraged to discover new books. In addition, students

with appropriate permission forms will be encouraged to post reviews to the library media center blog.

• The Dickens LMC teaches students how to effectively perform searches within the Destiny catalog. This

includes searches for materials by level.

• The Dickens LMC will provide teachers with color charts that show how library books (and classroom

materials—optional) are leveled.

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Culture of Reading, Lifelong Learning, and Enjoyment

• Photos of teachers reading their favorite books with very brief (2-3 sentence reviews) will be displayed

periodically in front of the library media center and/or around the school.

• Mystery reader photos are displayed frequently and revealed periodically.

• Classroom teachers have the opportunity create podcasts and vodcasts of books they're reading with

mini reviews and broadcast them from the library media center website (library media center support

will be provided).

• The Library Media Specialist will regularly and consistently share new books and materials with

students and teachers through podcasting channel on iTunes, through video book reviews from

authors via the library media center website (, and through a variety of

special events and projects during library/information literacy skills instruction.

• The Library Media Specialist fosters teacher /grade level collaboration and idea sharing through the

Facebook page and through the Dickens LMC Teacher Collaboration Ning

( Also, student/class collaboration activities and successes

related to AR are posted at the Collaborative Learning Launch Pad


• The Library Media Specialist will include an AR section within the library media center's periodic

student newsletter that is distributed both via print and the web, as well as manage an AR section on

the library website, which will display related news, photos, and accomplishments. General school-

wide progress can also be noted here, as well as upcoming events related to rewards, etc.

• The Library Media Specialist will continue to develop the @ your library campaign using AR-related

slogans within the library media center and around the school. Examples include Level up @ your

library (video game theme); Launch Yourself into a Great Book @ your library (space theme), etc.

• The Dickens LMC will get library books into the hands of kindergarten students. Book baskets will be

provided to kindergarten teachers (checked out to teachers) for student use in the classroom.

Tracking School Progress

• The Library Media Specialist will run a monthly report to monitor school progress; this information will

be included in the Dickens LMC Monthly Report to Principal. Student award monitoring is, however,

the responsibility of the teacher.

• The Library Media Specialist will provide each teacher with tracking cards for their students where the

student can mark off every book read and tested with an 80 percent or better within his or her ZPD.

After each box has been checked in order, the student can re-take the STAR test for his or her new

ZPD. As students complete each ZPD range, they are ready to STAR tested again for progress and

possibly given a new range and a new card. Students who are consistently increasing in ability will be

placed on the AR STARS bulletin board. It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide the Library

Media Specialist with a list of names of those students. The main thing here is to focus on

individual/class progress--not points. Some classes will make less progress than others. But upward

progress is progress in any amount! Students who individually progress more than one academic year

in reading will be entered into the Dickens ES Library Media Center's Reading Hall of Fame complete

with a photo and special presentation in front of parents and students at the end of the school year.

Page 6: Accelerated Reader Proposal

Accelerated Reader Prizes and Levels

K-2 Point Levels

3-5 Point Levels Prizes

10 25 5 Minutes of Computer Time

20 50 Homework Pass

25 75 Library Pass to Check Out One Additional Book of Choice

45 100 15 minutes of Computer Time

50 150 Sit at the Teacher’s Desk for A Day


Be the Teacher for 10 Minutes

75 200 Read to Another Class

100 250 Library Pass to Check Out Two Additional Books of Choice

200 500 Help in the Library


Photo with the Principal Up in the Lunch Room

500 1000 Read to Dr. Reininger or Mr. Dwyer


Read to Your Class and Invite Dr. Reininger or Mr. Dwyer

1000+ 2000+ Choose Any Two of the Above Prizes

Page 7: Accelerated Reader Proposal

Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader

Honor CodeHonor CodeHonor CodeHonor Code

The purpose of the Accelerated Reader (AR) program is to encourage reading and improve reading skills. With this in mind, students

are expected to follow the rules described below:

1. Take an AR test on your book either in the library or your classroom. Pass with an 80% or higher and get points.

2. You can take tests on books you have read within your level range or that someone has read to you.

3. You cannot take a test on a book that has been made into a movie unless you have read the books.

4. You can only take tests for you—no one else.

5. Do not discuss AR questions or answers with other students.

6. Do not share your log in information with anyone other than a parent or teacher.

7. You can use the book during the test but you cannot talk to another student.

8. You cannot take the tests over again, so make sure you know the book well!

9. You can take tests every day, so read every day!

I understand the Accelerated Reader Code of Honor for Dickens Elementary School and will do my best to follow it. Cheating is

wrong and I realize if I am caught cheating or breaking the Code of Honor in another way, I may be suspended from participation in

the rewards of the Accelerated Reader program.

_____________________________________ _________________

Student Signature Date

Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader

Honor CodeHonor CodeHonor CodeHonor Code

The purpose of the Accelerated Reader (AR) program is to encourage reading and improve reading skills. With this in mind, students

are expected to follow the rules described below:

1. Take an AR test on your book either in the library or your classroom. Pass with an 80% or higher and get points.

2. You can take tests on books you have read within your level range or that someone has read to you.

3. You cannot take a test on a book that has been made into a movie unless you have read the books.

4. You can only take tests for you—no one else.

5. Do not discuss AR questions or answers with other students.

6. Do not share your log in information with anyone other than a parent or teacher.

7. You can use the book during the test but you cannot talk to another student.

8. You cannot take the tests over again, so make sure you know the book well!

9. You can take tests every day, so read every day!

I understand the Accelerated Reader Code of Honor for Dickens Elementary School and will do my best to follow it. Cheating is

wrong and I realize if I am caught cheating or breaking the Code of Honor in another way, I may be suspended from the Accelerated

Reader program.

_____________________________________ _________________

Student Signature Date

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