academic senate sept 3 2020 · 2020. 9. 8. · the chat. here we go. okay. please take a moment to...

Transcribed by - 1 - Academic Senate Sept 3 2020 Tue, 9/8 8:57AM • 1:51:56 SUMMARY KEYWORDS faculty, academic senate, questions, senate, professional development, division, committee, students, program, meeting, review, people, campus, deans, pd, process, spark, year, submitted, dean 00:01 So welcome to this garland college academic senate meeting for September 3 2020. I'm Leon Shah on your academic senate president. We have a lot on our agenda today. So, to aid the process of recording are here. I am going to read out the names that I see on my screen. Please do not unmute yourself. We don't have time for introductions. If you want to wave and do a happy dance or make a funny face Go right ahead. But this is purely for the minutes. So I see Kim Saccio-Kent. Our secretary, I see Dino nomikos from K d. Jessica Hurley's curriculum chair Joe Morello from K de Luis Escobar, from counseling Carla grandi from SMT. Alberto something young from come from counseling. Declare from Beth number merel from social sciences Creative Arts, Jared finer from language arts, Jessica Trujillo from scsp. Sorry, Jessica. No, no, no, I'm sorry. Just counseling. Thank you. Sorry, Jessica. Vincent Chandler from language arts. Jessie Raskin, our vice president. Tim rottenberg, one of our adjunct reps. Po global car, our ASL t Rep. Jude novare. from social sciences creative. Kate brown past president Pablo Ramirez guest for today. Let's see what am I missing the windows are moving around. I'm still looking still looking still looking. Okay. Paul Cassidy from the pre office and let's say Zahara from the pre office. Ah, Martin Marianne con from SMT and E reading from social science, creative arts. is from language arts. And please shout out if I'm missing anybody because the windows keep moving. And I get anybody or diagnose anybody. Don't think so. Welcome. Thank you so much for coming today. So we have a so called our meeting to order. I think that was roughly 2:12pm whatnot. I need a motion to adopt our agenda and we're going to try something a little bit different today. We are going to happen to my poll. We are going to do this by poll. And this way we get a transparent response with name attached which I can download. And so let's see Okay, and I am going to why doesn't launch? Alright, I'm still trying to figure out polls here. There we go. All right. So I need a motion to approve the agenda. And I just need someone to unmute make a motion. 03:23 I would move. I moved to promote. Um 03:30 I got his cameras out here. 03:34 Yeah, those to me. I'm sorry. Yeah.

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Page 1: Academic Senate Sept 3 2020 · 2020. 9. 8. · the chat. Here we go. Okay. Please take a moment to review and do I hear a motion to approve the minutes. 04:54. I move to approve the

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Academic Senate Sept 3 2020

Tue, 9/8 8:57AM • 1:51:56

SUMMARY KEYWORDS faculty, academic senate, questions, senate, professional development, division, committee, students, program, meeting, review, people, campus, deans, pd, process, spark, year, submitted, dean

00:01 So welcome to this garland college academic senate meeting for September 3 2020. I'm Leon Shah on your academic senate president. We have a lot on our agenda today. So, to aid the process of recording are here. I am going to read out the names that I see on my screen. Please do not unmute yourself. We don't have time for introductions. If you want to wave and do a happy dance or make a funny face Go right ahead. But this is purely for the minutes. So I see Kim Saccio-Kent. Our secretary, I see Dino nomikos from K d. Jessica Hurley's curriculum chair Joe Morello from K de Luis Escobar, from counseling Carla grandi from SMT. Alberto something young from come from counseling. Declare from Beth number merel from social sciences Creative Arts, Jared finer from language arts, Jessica Trujillo from scsp. Sorry, Jessica. No, no, no, I'm sorry. Just counseling. Thank you. Sorry, Jessica. Vincent Chandler from language arts. Jessie Raskin, our vice president. Tim rottenberg, one of our adjunct reps. Po global car, our ASL t Rep. Jude novare. from social sciences creative. Kate brown past president Pablo Ramirez guest for today. Let's see what am I missing the windows are moving around. I'm still looking still looking still looking. Okay. Paul Cassidy from the pre office and let's say Zahara from the pre office. Ah, Martin Marianne con from SMT and E reading from social science, creative arts. is from language arts. And please shout out if I'm missing anybody because the windows keep moving. And I get anybody or diagnose anybody. Don't think so. Welcome. Thank you so much for coming today. So we have a so called our meeting to order. I think that was roughly 2:12pm whatnot. I need a motion to adopt our agenda and we're going to try something a little bit different today. We are going to happen to my poll. We are going to do this by poll. And this way we get a transparent response with name attached which I can download. And so let's see Okay, and I am going to why doesn't launch? Alright, I'm still trying to figure out polls here. There we go. All right. So I need a motion to approve the agenda. And I just need someone to unmute make a motion. 03:23 I would move. I moved to promote. Um 03:30 I got his cameras out here. 03:34 Yeah, those to me. I'm sorry. Yeah.

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03:36 And I need a second 03:43 to approve the agenda. 03:45 Oh, geez. 03:47 Jessie, can you be our seconder please? Thank you, Jessie a second. Okay. And all in favor. You have a poll before you. Thank you very much. Okay, wonderful. Let's be I think we are we a quorum? Yes, I believe we are. Good. Thank you very much. I now. Goodness, uh, let's see, I would like to ask for an adoption of the minutes. So the minutes are located on our academic senate web page. And I am dropping that link into the chat. I will give people a moment to review. I am now dropping that link into the chat. Here we go. Okay. Please take a moment to review and do I hear a motion to approve the minutes. 04:54 I move to approve the minutes. 04:56 Thank you, Kim. Can I get a second 05:02 I click on it. 05:03 Thank you, Rica. Excellent. So take a moment to review. Let me know if there are any questions or additions or changes to be made. 05:18 for newcomers, I will go ahead and drop that link into the chat once more. 05:38 Very much for the notes for the minutes. Kim, are there any changes to be made to the minutes? 05:49 perfection will of course 05:53 you're not the minutes stand approved. Thank you very much. And I'm understanding that there is a second Something very important is come up Happy Birthday Lindsey and Cassidy. Hey, so everybody do do a happy birthday dance for Lindy and Cassidy. Okay. Welcome. I'm so glad that you decided to

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come here on your birthday. So let's move on to consent agenda which there is nothing there on consent for today so we will move to item 1.5. public comment. I invite anyone to address the Senate on any non agenda items. Please unmute yourself. 06:32 And I make a public comment. So ready had rica right so quick traitor announcement so you will get an email about the Academic Senate has a do and you will do $25 a year even though most people do not know about it. So and also once you sign up for the payment you're automatically paying every year deducted from the September paycheck. And again, a lot of people don't know if they are paying to do or not like I did not know until like three weeks ago myself. So If you want to know, please just chat with me privately so that I can just check if you're on this list or not. So that is all. 07:09 Excellent. Thank you very much Rica. And I will ask everybody to recall and I send out that message on read because we have, I believe it was yesterday. So do check your email for me. Jesse, you have your hand up. Yes. Thank 07:23 you. So quick, public comments. This is an event announcements on our colleagues in EFT are doing a virtual teaching, titled social justice unionism in practice, from part time pay parity to anti oppression organizing, and this is happening on Thursday, September 10, from 12 to three and this is an event for faculty, staff, students and community members. So all are welcome on I think it's going to be a pretty exciting way to sort of tie in what we know our deep social media justice issues that are facing gig workers all over California with our colleagues. And so I'm dropping a link to the flyer into the chat right now. And again, all are welcome. And from that flyer, you can go to the registration page, and on the registration page, which I will also drop the link into. If you just go there, then from there and you register, you don't have to sign up for like individual sessions, you just become someone who can then enter the whole event. So there's the flyer and also the link to register. 08:38 Thank you very much for that, Jesse. I appreciate that. And I want to call to everyone's attention, the email that came out yesterday about that event, so please, please do check that out. Jessica, truly. Oh, I see you have a hand up. 08:51 Thank you. Um, so I think this is the right time to do this. But I just wanted to bring up a little bit of a concern that that we've experienced about In in our department and the AC that I think impacts all of campus, and that is the use of 09:07 proctorio 09:08

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the program proctorio to Proctor exams, we've had a number of students who do have, you know, legitimate you know, some mental health diagnoses related to maybe anxiety or other things who are really feeling that and feeling that it exacerbate symptoms and that I'm not sure how familiar everyone is with it. But it's a program that we're it takes over the camera of your, of your laptop and record while a student is being assessed. And I know it's been used in some of our math and science classes. Anyway, and that really we've also heard from students who aren't actually registered with our office who are in addition to kind of an you know, exacerbated anxiety symptom. It's also really an invasion of privacy because that recording, these students are not sure where it's going. Weighing where it's stored what happens after. And the intent of it really is to just flag you know, kind of behaviors that might indicate someone is looking at resources that they shouldn't. But again, that's not necessarily how students are feeling it. So anyway, I just wanted to bring that up. And I don't know, I don't know the process for how we landed with using proctorio. Or if that was even, you know, kind of an approved process. I know that it's been brought to this details attention, and that they are dissuading faculty from using it. It's not being encouraged but other campuses are encouraging it. Anyway, so just putting that out there, and I think it could be an issue that we might address. 10:46 Excellent. Thank you for bringing that issue up. We can't comment on them today. 10:50 But 10:52 if the CGL is working on it, then I will make a point to reach out to them to find out where that conversation is headed. They Thank you very much. Ah, see, and I see a hand up, Bianca. 11:05 I was gonna say, I'm Jessica, you should contact rollin Mo, who's the as Ltd? I'll put his email and chat. Okay. 11:14 Marvelous. That is great. Thank you very much, Bianca. Any other public comment? And Jessica, you can put your hand down. Okay. All right. Thank you very much. We are ready to move forward with new senate business item 2.1. We have an item for discussion on professional development. So, Dr. Nicole Porter and Dr. Bianca, Robin, quince are going to talk to us for a bit about vision and recommendations for professional development and the professional Personnel Committee. So just to kind of preface this, I have voiced a concern several times that shot College is one of the few colleges in the state of California. Development is not a standing committee of the Academic Senate. And I think that's something that we need to talk about and look at. But we also need clear vision on the professional Personnel Committee. And so that is part of what yonka Robin quince has been charged with doing. And we also have our new PD coordinator and so they are working on a vision for us. So without further ado, I will let Bianca and Cole take it away. Let me know what I can do to support that. 12:36

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And do I have the ability to share my screen? 12:41 Let's see. I'm gonna make you host right my that should do it. Okay. 12:48 Thank you all for making time to talk about this today. It definitely is going to be something that's going to take time to figure out but This is one of the first we're hoping of many conversations that we can engage the senate around with regard to Tibet professional development, which as we all know, is part of the 10 plus one. Can you give me a thumbs up if you can see the professional development discussion slide? Okay, great. You 13:23 so 13:25 the main caveat for all of this is professional development at Skyline college is all over the place. And I was trying to find a picture of my kids room but they wouldn't let me share. So here we go from the internet. 13:41 It looks a little something 13:42 like this, right? There are these pieces of it here. There are these pieces of it there. And you as the faculty member or the person who wants to engage in it are kind of like, I don't know. What's up what's down what's left. what's right. Is this PD do I get flex credit for that? I don't even know. So in thinking about that, we're all pretty familiar with what faculty PD has to do. This is like teaching and learning. But we have classified professionals who do professional development, sometimes in concert with the CTL. And sometimes not. We have several committees that inform and support professional development. And we'll talk a little bit about some of those in a minute. We have district wide efforts. So you many people got emails this week from David fune. About the professional development Academy, which is run by Jonathan Bissell out of CSM, we have division in departments that do professional development during their division meetings. Sometimes, we have equity work on campus, which falls under the umbrella of PD, and then the traditional things like flex days, First Fridays, and professional development programming typically done out of a CTL. So the question that we're going to spend basically the semester And the charge of the year is figuring out how does academic senate inform, develop and support professional development efforts on campus as part of the 10 plus one. So that means all of you should and could be involved in helping to shape professional development on campus. So when Nicole and Leanne and I sort of met to think about what this might look like, afterwards, we did a little bit of brainstorm on paper just so that people get what we mean by mess on the floor. So bear with us as we're looking at this slide. 15:39

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So for those of you who like bubbles, 15:44 PD is in the center, right? And then here are all of the various activities that we know about that fall under the realm of professional development. And so they're all sort of tied to PD in some kind of way. And then some of them are talking To the CTL. But what you'll notice as most of these don't actually relate back to academic senate in any way. The only thing that officially relates back to academic senate is the personal and the professional Personnel Committee. Right. So aced, which we always thought was a committee of Senate is not the article 13 Committee, which is the group that reviews applications for going to conferences and short term leaves, that technically falls under the realm of professional development. But as sort of a committee that sits out to the left, we have several grants on campus that do PDS for in more of a boutique style for like a specific set of instructors, or a specific project or a professional and innovation grant. We have things like ETS, we've got dual enrollment, which does their own PD, called a consciousness series which would be considered PD so as you can see It's kind of all over the place. And the intention in the work that we're doing this year is to try and rein that in. And Nicole, if you want to tell the folks a little bit about your role in trying to put help us understand PD, in a more intentional and collective space. 17:21 So I will tell you some of you have met with and so, the one thing that this body has allowed me to do is just be on meetings and then provide you at least a monthly update. So I won't always be on the agenda, but I'll let you know what's happening and what is coming up in regards to district as I meet with the other program coordinators, at CSM, as well as Kenyatta but then also letting you know that I am meeting with Dean's and I'm meeting with all of our constituents. So I'm attending different committee meetings. I'm also meeting with classified professionals. I just I've already met with students and talk to them about what they feel needs and then how can they also something that I keep hearing and that's reoccurring is we are students first. So how do we include students in the process? In regards to giving feedback about PD? So we know there's things that we need as faculty and classified professionals, but also what do students feel that they need? But what do they need from us? And what could we do better? Also, I'm meeting with Dean's, I'm meeting with the VPS and a meeting with the President so that we are also our hope is to also think about alignment with our strategic goals and our initiatives. And so if you haven't had an opportunity to reread that nice 50 something page document, I really want to encourage you to because as we put out the call for proposals, we will reference that so how does this meet one of the initiatives or one of the strategic goals as you're going to be doing workshops and providing that professional development For your colleagues, but also us as an as an entity of learners, right? So we want to make sure it's all aligned. And so while there has been this, I'll say more intentionality. In regards to anti racist anti blackness. We know that that's something we've always talked about as we talk about what our mission and vision is at Skyline. And so it's not anything new. There's just has been this new intentionality behind it. And that's something that should be the overarching umbrella of all the things that we do. We're looking at it through an equity minded lens, right. So I hope to be and I will continue to meet with everybody and anybody's Welcome to like, if you just want to just, you know, email me and say, Hey, I'm thinking about this. What do you think about it is to be that person that is kind of the connector of all things. And so, as I meet with Dean's and I meet with faculty coordinators formally are impressed Normally, as well as I meet with all the different

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constituent groups is that I would love to be the person that connects so that I can say, Hey, have you thought about partnering with this person, or this division or this department or this group, and then bringing that back to let you know what's happening collectively so that we are not minimizing the things that we're doing. But we are in my favorite term is collective impact, which I got from you know, Dr. Johnson and Cheryl Johnson, from scsp in regards to how do we bring it all together, because we all are doing things for students. And so how are we being more intentional about what that looks like? 20:39 Thank you so much for that. So, um, we've got some time to garner input and sort of engage in a bit of a discussion. And so um, thanks Leanne. For the tip. We're going to use a jam board today because those are always fun and good to use in a group. And so we thought that Before we even started talking about sort of how senate gets involved, we thought it would be actually interesting for this group to kind of define professional development on campus like, what does that look like to you? What does it feel like? How do you know you're engaging in it? That's the first question that we're going to do. And then the second is we want to garner some input from this group around how to bring senate into the fold, and make sure that this body can inform develop and support professional development that's happening on campus sound good. So, um, let me exit this. And I'm going to put the link to the jam board in the chat. 21:45 And then that way, 21:48 everyone has a chance to participate. 21:52 And so the very first one and I'll give you a second to sort of get in here, and I'll know as people start joining, okay. Yes, I'm seeing all types of anonymous animals anonymous wombat. That's awesome. Great. So the very first question that we posed is sort of what is your definition of professional development on campus. And we're sticking to on campus because that's the part of it, that we can have the most influence on and over as part of our work at Senate. And then how this works is on the left hand side, you'll see a suite of tools right here. And the tool that works best for this kind of brainstorm is the sticky note, which is the fourth one down, where you can select this sticky note with your mouse, and then type your comment. In terms of your answer to this specific question, you save it, and voila, there it is. Okay. Oh, yes, someone's using the pen tool. So let's take a few minutes and give people an opportunity to answer this question. So when you think about professional development on campus, what's your definition of it? And let's share that. 23:17 And I can delete my test comment. So I'll give you guys a few minutes to do that. 23:44 We need some thinking music. I forgot about that part, but

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23:52 and then if I see them stacked, I'm going to move on so that people can see him. There you go. Just 23:59 Bianca 24:00 Sure, people may not be able to get on, I just tried clicking onto it myself. And it's said that it's got too many users already. 24:08 All right, so just give it a minute. Google sometimes does this when you're doing collaborative work. So if you have something to add, just give it 30 seconds to 45 seconds. And if you've added something already and you feel like it represents your thought, if you could just get out of the document, which would allow someone else to enter Thanks for letting me know Kim 24:35 got some music. Oh, very nice. 25:26 So I'm going to give it about one more minute. So if you feel like you have something to add that you haven't had a chance to add and that you'd like to see on the board as part of our discussion, go ahead. And if you've made your comment and you're done, I will keep this here so everyone can see it, which would give someone else a chance to get in and make a comment. 25:56 moving them so people can see them. 26:06 Last call 26:09 not for something tasty just a thought. 26:16 Okay, great. Nicole, do you want to take us through um, what what came up on the board? Go ahead. 26:26 So what 26:28 I'm, and I'll do this even for the next the next thing is kind of looking at some things in regards to so definitely improvement, growth. I see that quite a few growth in purpose and intention. I'm going to assume that person means community problem solving. So addressing some of that, engaging with

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colleagues and exploring new ideas, improving our work with our students and having a focus emphasis on equity. Let's see, 27:04 I'll scroll down a little bit. 27:05 Now I went to the It's okay. Also an opportunity for us to reflect and imagine and reconnect with our purpose as well as each other. I also see just collaboration. So some of the themes are growth, improvement, advancement, collaboration, student led student focused, as well as, personally as well as professionally so some professional What can I What do I do to do my job even better, what can I improve on but then also, what can I collectively contribute to the group as well? 27:49 Okay, awesome. And I will share this with everyone so that they can access it at another time. In the interest of time, let's get to the second piece which is on the next frame of the slide, which is really deciding how academic senate can begin to inform design and support professional development on campus. So we have some ideas of how to make all of this happen. But we're here specifically to get input from this group so that we can know collectively what people want and how much involvement they'd like to see in the professional development process on behalf of Senate. So if you can go to slide number two, and just give us some thoughts on what you think this looks like in terms of Senate being beginning to be in involved in informing developing and supporting professional development on campus. 28:56 So let's give that a minute. 29:20 Agreed 29:42 any thoughts that you have are helpful to this process? 31:07 In the interest of time, I'm going to pause us right here, because there's some really great stuff here and some great ideas that people have. And one of the things that resonates about that is the connection of the dots, right? And opportunities for learning to continue after a said workshop or an experience, and then having a sounding board to be able to discuss ongoing professional development goals, right? So we all sometimes are asked, like, what is it that you're working on? Or was it that you're working toward? And so we as faculty should be at a point where we're able to say that in a sentence or two, like what it is that we're working on and what we would like to do to support our professional goals. And so with that said, like, this is the word that we're going to be doing in the next year is making sure that senate can be more involved and be leading professional development efforts on campus. And we'll have to work structurally to figure that out. And so I'm going to go, I'll leave this up for people who want

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to keep adding it to it. But I want to tell you want to go back and show you. One of the things that came as our result with conversation with Liam, so you can get an idea of where next steps are. So we currently have the professional Personnel Committee, which is the committee that does all the nominations for Meyer award and things like that. And then we have a committee which is called Ace, that's the Advisory Committee for employee development. And so our long term goal is that the professional Personnel Committee which is direct purview of Senate and aced We'll essentially merge and that they will be one in the same and the committee's charge will be to oversee all of the professional development that comes on campus, right. And then at the bottom, then the CTL becomes an entity that helps to facilitate helps to promote, helps to support sometimes leads gets faculty involved with professional development and opportunities on campus. And then that there's a regular reporting structure between the CTL and academic senate, as well as article 13 and academic senate. And so trying to figure out how all of this works together is the work that we're going to be doing in the coming year. So, next steps. The big one is to start with encouraging consistent reporting to Senate which hasn't been taking place just so that the Senate as a body has an idea of What types of professional developments are being discussed what's available on campus who can participate, who can participate, etc. As I told you work to combine PD related communities, so that's ased personal professional community and the article 13 groups all under the same umbrella working together. And then the last big one is something that's been in the works for a while, but that we currently don't have which is skyline college needs to revise and share their campus professional development plan, which we are technically required to do and report to the state. And so that will be part of the work that we're doing this year. And then also, other things that come up which were all great ideas that we'll use the jam board and this group to continue discussions around. And so to wrap things up, because we're right at the one the 32nd mark Lan, keeping an eye on the time is Nick Cole mentioned earlier that everything that we do on campus should really be tied to what's in the education Master Plan, which has been written by some faculty, some administrators, it says that this is what skyline college is doing to support students, and also to support faculty and supporting students. How many of you have ever read this plan and know what's in it? By a show of hands. I'll put one finger up because I've read the one page I was asked to contribute to. Okay, and then the second is that the district has a strategic plan, which outlines all of the things that we should be aligning our professional development goals toward. So our intention is to rein it in, make sure that we're all aware of the governing documents that should help inform professional development and invite you all along for the journey. Okay. That is a good place for us to stop that's our last slide. I will put the link to the slideshow in the jam board. Back in the chat, so if you'd like to continue adding it along the way, we'll be using that to help inform our conversations. Thank you very much for the time. 36:10 Excellent. Thank you so much. Bianca and Nicole for really thoughtful analysis of our messy room and, and the commitment to cleaning up our messy room. Um, but that's the I just want to share. Okay, good. We got a question answered there. ased is the Advisory Committee for Employment Development. And this was a group that was devised because Tpd is just faculty PD and we recognize that there was a need to address PD all over the campus as well. And there are some structural things that could be improved as far as how he interacts with all these various groups. Um, can I ask the Bianca and Nicole, for next steps. do you envision a like another discussion in a in a different form? Or what? How can I guess how can faculty continue to engage in the conversation

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37:19 door so the first next step is to convene, aced and the professional Personnel Committee together. So the group of the two committees that are going to be charged with working on this need to meet and make sure that everyone understands that there's a new charge and an intention to merge those two committees. So we're always looking for participants if this is something that you want to get involved in. You want to make sure that you're signing up to participate in aced to represent your division or to participate in the professional Personnel Committee. And then we'll meet together probably it will Probably not be until October until we do that, because it might take some time to fill those seats. And so that is the first next step. And then after we do that, then we'll be prepared to come back with senate and say, we met with this group. This is what we're working on, here's how you support us and provide opportunities for reporting and input. 38:20 And can you also It would also be good is on that the second slide on the jam board is like, so how does this look for academic senate? Can you complete that because then what I'll do is I'll go back and take our strategic goals and our initiatives and kind of put them in house them where they should go. And so then we can actually even see an alignment based on the feedback that you guys have provided. And so that's why Bianca gave you guys the link so that you can still continue to work on that and go back to your constituents and talk to them and ask them. So how do you how do you want us to inform professional development as well, so we'll we'll definitely leave that open so that when we do come back in October or November, probably in October, when we do Come back, we can kind of also look at all the things that you've already talked about and added. And I will go ahead and go back and put our strategic goals and our initiatives and how those align. 39:10 That is wonderful. Thank you very much. So I do want to just remind folks that I know that divisions are in the process of appointing people to different committees. So keep that in mind if this is something that you would like to be involved in. And if you can't be involved directly, you can certainly reach out to your representative from your division and talk with your representative to see what ideas you would like them to forward to this conversation. So there are a variety of ways for people to be involved, even if they're not exactly in the room at the same table. So use your representatives use your your division conversations for this. I see two hands up a dick Claire, you've got a question and then Kate 39:59 actually had did not have a question. I don't know how I can. 40:02 Oh, okay. Well, we're happy to hear your beautiful voice. Anyway. Um, were there any other questions? 40:10 Okay, I 40:11

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just wanted to underscore what you said Leanne, and I was glad that you were, I thought maybe you were gonna speak up about this. This is exactly what all of us in Senate should walk right back to our division meetings and bring up because everyone's a faculty to get the faculty members their vested interest in this as do the rest of our constituents on campus, as do our classified professionals as well. So this would be great to bring up and get some input and bring it back for Nicole and Bianca to take for. 40:47 Excellent, excellent. Thank you very, very much for that. I appreciate that. All right. If there are no more questions. Thank you very much, Bianca and Nicole for this very thoughtful discussion. We look forward to good developments that will result in very strong puppy. Let's move on to new senate business item 2.2. Jessie has some information for you for reading on diversifying the Senate. 41:17 Good afternoon all I hope you are having a good first few weeks of school. I know it's been a lot more emails sent out and answered for me than it has been prior semesters with everybody online. But uh, yeah, I just hope everyone's doing good. So one of the things that, you know, we've been hearing a lot from faculty over the summer is let's start thinking again, about how to make sure that over time, we as a faculty are representing our students and our folks that students can really connect with in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, right all The things that we represent when students come to us. And so, you know, I sort of we started thinking about it and looking around and actually, the there are two minimum qualifications for every faculty position in the California Community College System. The first minimum qual great is that you have discipline expertise. But the second one on call is that we have to have, quote, sensitivity to an understanding of the diverse academic, socio economic, cultural disability and ethnic backgrounds of community college students. I know that was a mouthful, so I'll share a link, which has, which has that written down? But I think we have an opportunity as as faculty to consider that this year in terms of what's our influence on the hiring process, on the screening committee process on the job announcement process on the questions that we ask during the interview. on where the college or the district are recruiting from, we as faculty have an opportunity to influence all of those processes. And so we thought that it would be nice to the next time we meet as the Senate to start having a discussion amongst ourselves about the ways where we might advance again, our shared interests with the college and with students of ensuring that our faculty grow in ways and higher in ways that are representative of the students who we work with. And so I'm just sort of previewing that discussion for you. And I'm inviting you if you like to read a document which I've just dropped into the chat, which was published by our statewide sentence on diversifying faculty and diversifying faculty. So I'm not assigning reading, I have no right to ask you guys to do any more work than you already are. But I found it useful context, when I was thinking about how to preview this discussion. And so I'll just invite you to read that or anything else, which you feel like is going to add to the discussion. And if you have materials, which you'd like the Senate to share, prior to that discussion, please send them my way. And I'll work with Kim as the Secretary to make sure that those get available to the other members. Thank you for your time. 44:31

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Excellent, thank you very much, Jesse. And I do want to remind folks, that there is an opportunity here to really use the discussions that we're having right now, considering the current climate in the nation, to really look carefully at who we are and who is feeling empowered to step forward to to take a leadership role. So thank you very much. For that, Jessie, let's go ahead and engage in that reading. And then we'll have a robust discussion. So thank you 45:07 have a question. 45:09 Oh, yes. You know, 45:10 can we get maybe for the next meeting, a 45:15 form that shows us our demographics and the percentage of our students? 45:19 What our demographics are at Skyline college? 45:22 Mm hmm. Uh, yeah. I know that that information exists, and we certainly make it available for the discussion. Okay. 45:31 Great. Thank you. 45:32 Thank you for that Dino. That's helpful. 45:36 Excellent. All right. Thank you. Let's go ahead and move on to our presentation by the comprehensive program review Task Force. You'll recall that program review was moved out of curriculum and moved over to spark who discussed some of possibly running that so I'm going to hand that over to Ingrid Vargas and her team 46:02 Hi, everyone. Thanks so much for inviting us to share our recommendation with academic senate. And we're here to get your feedback and take that back to continue our work. So what I'm sharing I'm gonna be sharing now is really our tentative recommendations that we shared with spark last week. And as far as members are going to be taking back to their constituents for feedback, this won't be voted on until October. So there's plenty of time for for changes and feedback. So next slide, please. I should mention there is a report. So what we're going to do today is I have taskforce members joining me to summarize

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the recommendations. Those they are they seem to be posted on the Academic Senate website, but the scene correct link. So Zahra is going to share the correct link where you can see all 20 recommendations spelled out and then you Just a time I'm not going to go into details a background of the task force or anything, just to let you know, remind you what the charges This was sparked voted in February 2022 to charge the task force to develop recommendations for improvements to streamline the current program review process with a focus on redesigning comprehensive program you. You might recall that whole conversation when that was coming about on the next slide, you can see the task force members so there's representation from from different constituent groups and most of the members are spark members, but we've had some additional Jessica her list is not on spark but she was important to this discussion because it goes roll on curriculum. And and so you'll be hearing from some of these folks today. And I just want to thank the password taskforce members for all of their hard work throughout the spring and into the summer. So we work throughout the summer to get these recommends. drafted. 48:02 So next slide. 48:04 I'll ask Zahra. So we're gonna tag him here. adara will tell you about the current, we've divided them into sections. So this slide will tell you about purview management and oversight. And we have an on column, what are current practices and sort of a summary of what our recommendations are proposing. 48:25 Thank you. Yes. So as many of you know, right now, program review, the purview of it is currently housed in Spark, which is a committee that benefits from broad representation from instructional and non instructional areas. And it is try chaired by the Academic Senate President, the Vice President of admin services and the Dean of pri. Currently, as it has played out in practice, the committee's main responsibilities have entailed providing feedback to programs that have undergone program review, as well as coordinating the presentations which have not been changed in format, since the move to spark in terms of its purview. And behind the scenes pri continues to play logistical support role around training and support. And the other thing that is currently not a practice is there's no sign off procedure when programs are submitting their CPR, they sit and they simply submitted, there's no completion or approval sign off. And Ingrid will talk a little bit more about how these four things will be changed in the recommendations. 49:34 Right. So it was quite the work of the task force. One of the things that we did, and this was led by Zahra and Karen Wong and pri was to reach out to schools to other schools. We got from a cjC and other sources a list of schools that were doing program review really well that had been singled out for their, for their work, and we spoke with them about what they're doing and we learned What one of the main things takeaways was that all of these schools had a dedicated Program Review Committee. So there wasn't a group on campus, the way this group was organized and who was on it, that very college college, but everybody had a group whose main responsibility was to coordinate and, you know, manage program review and read the reports. So that was a big aha for us. And it's been challenging

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for SPARC to try to do this along with other things. So one of our first recommendations is that is for spark to delegate responsibility for managing and supporting CPR to the subcommittee and the institutional effectiveness committee is an existing subcommittee of spark that like spark has representation from different constituencies. We are recommending that the membership be updated, make sure that we have the right balance on it for program review and The leadership we originally and if you look at the document we had originally recommended a co chair model already got some feedback from a faculty leadership and from Spark. And so we're now recommending a tri Chair Model that would have a representative from academic senate, the institutional effectiveness coordinator, and an instructional or student services Dean. So that'd be three men, three different decisions leading this IEC. And the responsibilities are going to include coordination, facilitation, training, support, and we really want to emphasize support, so a lot more, be a lot more engaged with programs as they're going through program review. And also reporting back on what we're learning from those program review process. And we're also adding recommending to add a sign off component. So right now, there is No real combination of, you know what happens with program review when it's done, how do you know that you've met, you know, the expectations of program review and so on. And we're asking that the curriculum committee chair, sign off on it. That's even that's to make sure that they've gone through because curriculum review is done in conjunction with program review. And we want to make sure that that continues to be sort of a requirement or an expectation. So the curriculum committee chair will sign off, either that they've done that the program has completed their curriculum review or that there is no curriculum review required, you know, and certainly many services programs don't have any curriculum to review, and also the program Dean, and to sign off, and the division vice president. 52:53 So 52:54 I'm sure you'll have some comments on all of this. You can begin to put them in and chat if you'd like. But I'd like to Get through the rest of the slides because some of the things, questions that you may have will be answered in the coming slides. 53:11 So I'll take over now, Ingrid, this is Joe Morello and Kate and I are gonna present on communication and transparency. And the goal here is to enhance communication and improve understanding of the planning and resource allocation process. I'm going to do the current practice keadle do the proposed practice. So currently, faculty and staff submit their APS on April 15. It's easy to remember that's when taxes are due. That's when you're a PPS. Those a PPS go to your dean. They look at the goals and the Resource Request. They read the AP P and then the dean submits the lower that's administrative leadership unit review, and that's generally done between June 15 and July one to the supervising vice president. 54:00 Okay, so hey there. So what as you can imagine, with communication transparency, what we were looking at is starting to shift the timeline so that faculty and classified professionals and counselors could see what the deans were wrestling with and could participate in that in that conversation. So we

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recommend that the division meetings at the start of spring semester, include a planning session where the division goals and Resource Request needs will come in from the whole division, and that that will help inform the division Dean's are lower. 54:39 So then the sharing of information no formalized process existed for the dean to share the floor and that wasn't by purpose. I think it had more to do with timing because it was done during the summer, and so faculty weren't there. So, you can look at any orders completed allures are listed at the website. That's there. If you You want to see a really excellent awar read the kinesiology athletics and dance one that's the best. And then you can read whatever else you want after that. 55:11 So we're pushing the timeline up, so the deans need to talk with us. So within 30 days of submitting this alert, the deans are going to present the highlights including the Resource Request prioritizations at a division meeting, notice we're still in spring semester right now in this new timeline. 55:30 So then on the assessment and prioritization, currently, Dean submitted to the VPS, the VPS, and then the areas that report directly to the President. So that's pre mcpr, and the equity Institute, they submitted orders, so the deans awards fold into the vice president allures and those are completed by July 15, and submitted to cabinet for discussion and action by August 1. 55:56 So again, pushing up the timeline within 30 days of study. meeting that aisle or the Vice President of epi and dpss are going to present those highlights at including the Resource Request prioritizations at a spark meeting, so we're still in spring semester. Right. 56:15 And what's happens now is all that occurs in July and August. And then when the President appears that opening day, the President in consultation with the cabinet determines the strategic planning initiative and budget decisions for the upcoming year. The budget is determined by spark actually at the end of this spring semester. So that's the template that's used currently. Okay. 56:41 So then before the end of the spring semester, the President can summarize the budget and planning decisions. So everyone's informed all of these that come up from that integrated planning and resource allocation meeting. I'm probably at the last meeting of the college governance Council in the spring. 57:01 And that is it for us. And now we'll turn it on over. I think it's Jessica. Right? Maybe 57:08 everyone. So I'm going to talk with you about the program review cycle and calendar. Currently, as most of you know, we go through comprehensive program review every six years and we chose six

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years because it aligned with the ACC JC accreditation cycle. So that would allow us to make sure that every program had kind of done updates thought about it and some strategic planning and assessment before the ACC JC review. However, they have updated their accreditation cycle to be every seven years. So we are proposing that we realign with the ACC JC accreditation cycle so move it to a seven year process so you do CPR every seven years. I will tell you that. skyline is super innovative. I love that about us. We keep coming up with new programs and new credit curriculum. However, what we don't do is we don't take away some of those programs. And so when you have a committee such as the curriculum committee, yes, I'm biased and competitive like Joe, we end up having to put those new programs on top of the other already full years. And so it makes the workload become a lot heavier for the committee and other committees that are affected by CPR. So that seventh year would give us a little bit of breathing room, it would also allow us to go back and think about what in what year, certain programs are placed. link of the CPR, the current practice is where we get about an academic year and I say about because there's a two hour training at the beginning of May you go into summer, you come back and fall, you have the whole entire fall semester. And then in the spring you have when we come back in January, February, and most of March and then you submit that and so in that timeframe, you are doing the data dive, you're doing strategic planning, you're writing the narrative. If you are an instructional program, you are bringing forward all of your course modifications, program modifications, and then anything assessment wise that you're doing all of that's happening within that timeframe. Our proposed practice is to switch this to approximately one and a half academic years. And I know on paper you might be going, why would we want to make this process longer, because that might feel daunting. Let me give you some of the benefits that I think that this will provide. First, one of the things when we did interviews of those that had just gone through comprehensive program review this last year, they said that it felt like it was a lot that they were having to do at the same time as teaching and all of the other things that come along with 59:57 our jobs, and so on. This would allow us to provide kind of an intentional focus and help programs through the process. But more importantly, we could have dedicated support. For example, as Kate said, this process might start in the spring semester, you will come back in January, and you might get your data packet from pre, then that whole entire spring semester, could be conversations with your department, or with your program about the data. So you have time just to focus on that, see what the data is bringing up, ask for any additional data, and then start to think about some of the prompts that are in the narrative and what changes you might want to make to resource requests, or even to your curriculum. You would have the summer if you wanted to work on it over the summer. And then when you came back in the fall, if you were an instructional program, you could just focus on curriculum in the fall versus having to do things at the same time or simultaneously, your non instructional program it might be a great time. To do assessment, or to look at kind of marketing or advertising of your program, then in the spring, it would feel pretty similar because that would just be tying up loose ends on the narrative and the document. And then if there is a presentation to focus on the construction of that, so it kind of gives you a little bit more breathing, room intentionality, and then we can provide specific support at that time. The other benefit, which I think is the most important benefit is we realized that students do not have a voice in the current program review process, which is additional time we feel would allow us to be able in some way and it would look different for each program to gather student feedback about the program, whether it's through current students or alumni again, that's kind of still

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being decided but we would allow we'd be able to work in student voice to the program review. The frequency of annual planning, we know just like Joe said tax day every year year we have to go into school and we have to fill out the A pp. We are recommending or proposing that the annual plan be replaced with something that we're calling the program review update, which is actually going to take place every two years. So you would not be submitting an annual plan every year instead, that would happen every two years, we felt that this was beneficial because it would allow you more time to collect data on the recommendations that you had made or the changes you had made to your curriculum or to your program or assessment. So that that change would take place and then also you would no longer be submitted on tax day instead, you would be submitting it in November so that it would be allowed to inform the deans a lor and that whole entire process. Last but not least, resource requests currently also on tax day as part of school and the answer You will plan, you put forward resource requests. And we all know how much fun that is to fill out in school. So what we're recommending is that, since the annual plan would be going away, what would come into its place would be the annual Resource Request. But it would be uncoupled from 1:03:20 the 1:03:22 program review update. Sorry, I'm still trying to get the acronyms the new wording. So the program review update is every two years but you have the ability to submit resource requests every year. We think this is helpful because a lot of people expressed that they felt that if they didn't put forth like, really glowing reports or that they had some equity work to do or anything like that, that their resource requests would not get funded because it was attached to the annual plan and to comprehensive program review. So by detaching those, you can request resources and it's not necessarily tied to how the program is doing or the reports that are? Well, it is tied because you have to link it to one of the plans that you have submitted. And those would also be due in November. And it would be based off of need. So if my department feels that we are good on resources, and we don't need to request anything, then that year, I would not fill out an annual Resource Request. So it is based off of need. And you would do that as you go as you go through. So if we could get the next slide, I've thrown a lot at you. This is kind of what it would look like in a more concrete fashion. So comprehensive program review currently, April, what we're proposing is that there would be some sort of draft in November to start to inform the deans a lor, but that the final submission would not happen until April so that will still feel very similar. Your program review update which remember it used to be called the A PP and submitted every year in April will be submitted every two years, but in November, and when We're talking about November, we're really talking about the Friday before Thanksgiving. So you have a good portion of November. And then the annual resource requests, which is part of the annual plan, which used to be in April will now be in November to inform the deans alora the VP lor and the President's priorities. as Kate mentioned, the divisional planning meetings that would look like early February where the dean would have conversations with the division about what they're thinking are the priorities and then once they've submitted, they're lower than the march division meeting would be kind of where they bring that to the division and more of a final, and I don't get paid the big dollar. So I'm going to turn it over to Paul Cassidy, who's going to walk you through the rest of the program review due dates because he does get paid the big

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1:05:51 dollars. 1:05:53 Not true. Thank you, Jessica. 1:05:58 One thing so thanks. Thank you That was perfect overview. One thing I would add, which which is sort of a more historical reason is and it has to do with the timing of the state legislature in Sacramento and oftentimes skyline in the past was no exception. The community college system was dependent on knowing what his funding level was based on what happened in the legislature and oftentimes, things that came after the May revise and so for that reason, a lot of budget decisions were not finalized or arrived at until the fall term was on their way. And the impact of that was difficult for the divisions because if they don't, if they are cannot be given definitive guidance in terms of a funding level for the year until halfway through or or even halfway through September in the fall term, then the impact of that is compressed because once the fall term is underway, Especially after a couple of weeks, any increase in funding or personnel or FTA ease really isn't going to have any impact until the spring term. And so in some sense that there was a budget cut would magnify the impact of that. And And so, one of the areas where we've been getting a lot of feedback over the years is from the divisions is to Is it possible to move the indication of funding level to a time earlier in the year so that they can act before the fall term and so, some of that experience is reflected in these due dates, which then, rather than having the budget submissions and considerations happening at the end of the spring term, and then notifying the divisions about funding decisions, well into the fall term in an ideal world We will be this timeline would permit the divisions to know what their funding level is, as a consequence of these processes, prior to ideally July 1, so that they could then act on those guidances before the academic year and the fiscal year have started. And so here you can see in this slide side by side, where the the guidance that would inform budget decisions and resource requests previously had happened in April, they have been moved to earlier in the year, which would now be around Thanksgiving time. So then, with those resource requests, known and began to be considered and deliberated on starting in the fall, the idea would be that That would allow for harmony between the budget process the allocation of funds in a given year. And the the programmatic considerations that are that are also reflected here. And, and so this does actually allow for more breathing room, I think, because instead of having all those things compressed into the last few months now, those deliberations can take place over the course of the year and culminate with the the budget that's presented to spark and CDC at the end of the year. And hopefully, we can, like I said, go forward with definitive budget guidance prior to July 1, that would permit the divisions to be able to act on that guidance, well in advance of the fall term, so 1:09:55 thank you for that. And 1:09:58 I'm not sure who goes after me.

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1:10:03 Sorry, Paul, let's meet Bianca. 1:10:06 Hi, Bianca. Thank 1:10:08 you. So my my partner on this slide was Luis, but he unfortunately couldn't stay and be here for this part. So this is sort of the wrap up slide. And I will say that this is the slide that's going to require the most sort of work and massaging because this is the scope and the process, which will heavily rely in the hands of the IEC group who will be taking over leadership on ensuring the the CPR process and all that comes along with this shift that we've worked on this summer. And so, as I've stated before, before, there's two columns sort of current practice and the proposed practice, and the first one is actually Jessica mentioned this one is that we thought was it was important as part of our process to ensure that student voice and feedback Students are the end users for a lot of our products and our classes and our programs. And we really don't have a current mechanism right now for them to participate in the comprehensive program review process. Sometimes they're featured in the presentations, but their voice and their input are really, really important to the process moving forward. And so the committee charge will be to figure out how to incorporate student voice and actually require it as part of the CPR process. So that can be represented some way in the documentation of the CPR. The second is, there was an acknowledgement by the group that this sort of one size fits all template for programs just doesn't really work anymore. I mean, we've got some programs that are specifically student services related where half the questions on the template didn't apply or help them to explore or evaluate They're programming anyway. So the goal really is to have two versions of the template, one specific for instructional programs, and one specific for student services programs and that the questions would be aligned to really help people dig deeply into the things that they're doing well, and the things that they need to develop some growth and development commitment on. The second is an emphasis on program equity. So the template has always included questions with regards to how is your program addressing student equity gaps and, you know, a minimizing disproportionate impact. But we really, really want to see an increase on equity throughout the CPR process. And this can include prompts on things like access, right, so for instructional programs, how are you meeting the access needs of your students? How are How are students seeing themselves within the curriculum? Right, how are you using materials that bring more voices into the classroom? Right? And then other things that have to do with equity kind of ties into what Jesse was talking about in the first place? Right. So what intentionality are, is your program, either a Student Services Program or an instructional program doing to diversify, diversify, representation. So faculty who teach students, people who are directly in contact with students, how are you looking at your outcomes to ensure that the outcomes for your program and for the courses within that program, have a strong equity focus? Then this one is a fun one, the public presentation part, right? So the feedback from the surveys was sort of polar, right? Either people love the presentation, or people were like, Nah, that presentation isn't something that we want to do. 1:13:55

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And currently, the presentation is required as sort of the last hour of the CPR process. And so the recommendation here is that I see in conjunction in partnership with spark sort of reconsider the public presentation requirement. And think about what are some of the alternative methods that programs can use to kind of showcase awareness about what they're doing, and engage the college community in a way that's a little bit less labor some, but also provides some celebration really, is there's some really great things going on in our college and we want to make sure that they're the recommendation of that isn't to make work situation. And then of course, requirements and changes to the CPR calendar. So um, this actually has a lot to do with being clear about what programs go through CPR and what programs don't. There just isn't any documentation on what the rationale for that is, and, and how that in turn can be linked to the calendaring process. So that is also work that I see in consultation with this group, Senate site leadership and spark and CGC to make a recommendation about participation, calendar and requirement of the CPR process. I think that's it. Ingrid. 1:15:20 Thank you so much. Bianca, Ingrid Jo Kay Jessica Paul Zahra and leaving someone out i think but thank you so much to this team. This has been a very, very thorough process. I sincerely want to commend the team's intentionality in this in creating the very best process possible. We see the steps here, they show the steps there. And keep in mind, folks that spark has heard this presentation and your divisions will also hear this presentation. So as senators, I would hope that you can Start the conversations with your constituents and get it get as much focus on this so that we make sure that there is feedback. I'd like to ask if there are any immediate questions right now based on the information that has been presented. 1:16:17 See? 1:16:20 Nope, that was another question. Okay. I am monitoring the hands up. I can't see everybody there. I'm looking on my screen here for the handset, but I can't see everybody. So if there are any hands up, is it June January? Three. Thank you. Um, I looking at the participant screen. So 1:16:45 Julian, Jesse 1:16:46 Jan general on June. 1:16:48 I'm sorry, it wasn't refreshing. So thanks. Let's start with Jude question. 1:16:54 All right, I just have a quick question. So I'm with every other Year. 1:17:02

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A Are you wait, I'm trying to get the right 1:17:06 the right acronym. So you have the right you load a p p AR AR every other year, but you have a seven year cycle for CPR. So I'm assuming that then saw it'll be every other CPR will be in place of the AR. And then sometimes have three. Like you have three years in a row where you're doing the report. 1:17:30 So we actually worked it out dude. And it fits really nicely in seven years because it's technically one and a half as you start in the middle of an academic year, and it takes a year and a half to get through. So the program review updates happens every other year after you've completed comprehensive program review. 1:17:51 Oh, 1:17:53 so there will be two updates in between each CPR cycle. So it's actually a little bit less than that. Every other year, but I get it over the years is three. Thank you for explaining that. 1:18:03 I was just trying to understand how that work. Thank you. Yeah. 1:18:08 Excellent. Thank you, Judy, Jennifer Merrill. 1:18:11 I'm just wondering, is it possible to get a link to this presentation dropped in the chat, there was a ton of information. And so when we go back to our division, I'd like to be able to offer that up to them as well to take a look at. 1:18:25 Absolutely. I think Ingrid or somebody is gonna, for me, thank you very much. Appreciate your 1:18:31 Yeah. And also take a look at the document that spells it out a little more detail. Yeah. 1:18:37 Okay, Jesse. 1:18:40 Comments, not a question. I just want to say that for those of us who were on Senate last year, you might remember that some of the things that we're seeing now, here were problem discussions that we had around our request for increased budget transparency. So I say that really say how grateful I am to

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this group who took took the message and heard it and turned it into something, which not only was decided by a wide group of the college but was, you know, you took our suggestion and made it practical and actionable. So I want to express my gratitude for that. It makes, you know, it feels like our work was rewarded by you. So thank you. And then I also want to commend you for continuing to make this process very easy to access in terms of asking for feedback in multiple different locations. And I can see feedback that I gave a month ago incorporated into this version of the presentation. So I just I want to say like this is this is how things should work at our college and I'm very grateful to you all for modeling back. 1:19:49 Thank you very nice. 1:19:52 All right. I think a quick question. 1:19:56 It's more of a comment than a question but thank you, Jesse. I was gonna I mentioned as well that Luis and Connor and Karan were also part of our group. And so I think the comment that you may just see it was also comprehensive and inclusive from that, in that regard. And, and by the way, again, I'm thinking I'm putting on my senate hat. If I were going into a division, Jan, I would take those four slides that go, this is what we're doing now. And here is what we want to do differently and better, because that's really how, how the group tried to stay with that. What are we doing now? And then, as Ingrid said, What are and Karen, what's everybody else doing in the state? That's really good. And then what would we like to do that would be an improvement, and I hope that that would clarify for people and, and bring up the issues that they've had all along. 1:20:52 Excellent. Thank you very much for that comment, Kate. And thank you to the team for a very thorough presentation. I'm sorry, we don't have more time for discussion, there will be more discussion in your divisions. So now you have an idea of how to begin that discussion. But thank you so much to the TPR cc CPR taskforce. This has been a really, really overdue process. So thank you. All right, we are going to move on to our next topic, which is the idea for a study session on maximizing inter division communication. And we have Rica and Tim 1:21:34 and, Julie, I think you can stop sharing the screen so that people go 1:21:40 Yeah, whoever's got that shared that sort of thing. Sorry. 1:21:44 Yeah. So Tim and I are here to represent the executive committee of the Senate. And we have this idea we wanted to run by you and to get feedback for on pozible joined a study session between deans and then Senate to discuss That division meeting structures. So some of you are at the academic center

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retreat back in August. And that's where we talked about the idea of collegial consultation, the importance of it so that we can facilitate the culture of joint collaborative decision making on 10 plus one monitor. And then we came up with this, you know, idea of a division meeting seems like a key component to make it possible, because digital meeting is the place where division reps can actually tell their constituents what that senate is doing. And I also get their input so that there's a two way communication between the Senate and then what they're representing. And that kind of opened up the whole can of worms in terms of questions, right, for example, some divisions to not meet that all then how do they do that kind of consultation process? Who can call division meeting? That was the second question who creates the agenda? And how can senate reps work? Who is the dean so that we can maximize the possibility that division meetings becomes a place where two way communication. That's where all the, you know, templates, one discussion that matter to faculty members, so exact same at the last Tuesday and then we came up with the idea. Those questions are not answerable until we start working with us. So we are suggesting a study session hosted by the Senate inviting all the deans so that we can collaborate, collaboratively discuss how we can be on the same page about how to run divisia meetings. So tip, your turn. 1:23:33 Yeah, and so as rica explained, the goal here is very much about 1:23:40 helping deans and faculty in coordination to create division meetings that are respectful of faculty time and agency and focused on true collegial consultation and participatory governance. Not just at like the college level on these high committees but also at the division level in your day. They work right. And so basically talking about this with the executive, other executives and as and then when reagan myself that we saw sort of two potential paths forward for this. And what I'd like everybody to know is that although this was listed as an action item on the agenda today, we feel more comfortable. If this was changed into discussion item as we'd like to seek a little bit more input before we make the final proposal. Because rica just mentioned the idea of inviting all the deans to a full ASB being for as wide study session, which is one way that we could have this conversation. Another way would be if we perhaps had a small team of folks from as maybe some exact members and some volunteers from the whole, who would like to volunteer to have this conversation with the dean. So with those two paths, kind of a ahead of us. We wanted to seek some input from everyone today and just see. Are there people who would be excited to volunteer to work in a smaller group on this? Are there people who strongly feel like this should just happen in front of the whole senate? And that's really what we'd like some feedback on in the time that we have today. So 1:25:22 I just found a clip to open up. Yeah, I just like to clarify that even though it's on as an action item the senate can choose not to vote, you know, so that is perfectly okay. 1:25:41 Just Does anyone have any questions or comments about what we can Timur proposing? 1:25:52

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Or if you have any suggestions as to what kind of topics this potential study session can address? That would be great. 1:26:05 Okay, if there aren't any burning question. Oh, I do see one Vincent, go right ahead. 1:26:11 Hi, everybody. Good afternoon. Dean, Chris Gibson and language arts is starting to work on an initiative where all professional development throughout the semester will include an SLO of equity as it relates to current times and wording in language. That would be something kind of embedded in the DNA of division meetings and how they're run. And so that's something he's just starting to work on that's going to be shared that will come out as a test for this first semester. 1:26:43 Excellent. Thank you for sharing that. Vincent. 1:26:47 Any other thoughts or ideas on this? 1:26:53 Kate, 1:26:55 I'm just thinking. I really like the idea of you know, I really We'd like the idea of transparency and collaboration. And but and as I sit here looking at this screen, I'm thinking to myself, so we bring all of us in, plus any other faculty that might be interested in that meeting. And also all the deans will have two or three screens. My experience as a fairly new person at fully online is the bigger the group, 1:27:25 the 1:27:27 more challenging the interaction is. So I'm wondering if, if the if it's the will of the Senate to do this as a whole group together. I would hope that there was there would be opportunities, for example, breakout groups, with say, Dean Chris Gibson, talking with the people that are in language arts and then that discussion then that breakout group results be reported back to the whole group afterwards because That kind of back and, you know, being able to compare and see how other people do things is really, really helpful. 1:28:10 So yeah, I think as far as the structure of the study session, we certainly can talk about different ways that to facilitate that, especially in our current online environment. Um, I think what the team would probably like if Dr. Reagan Tim is just to get a sense of whether or not the senate supports the idea of a

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study with the deans to look at ways to better facilitate inter division communication. So we have some sense of that. I think that'll really help the team. Jessica, did I see your hand up? 1:28:51 Now, okay, anybody else? 1:28:56 Hi, I'm Tim and Rica. I could pull the Senate right now, just informally and just see if people are interested in this if they support it. Yeah. Would that be helpful? Okay. Well, I'll tell you what I am launching a poll now. And I'm senators and this isn't really let's it is on for an action item. So I'm the members only. And so please go ahead and indicate your support or not support for the idea of a study session with the deans and the Senate on interdivisional communication. 1:29:53 Wonderful. And just FYI, we're testing out polls right now, the nice thing about it is that we can actually be even more true apparent that we normally are in a senate meeting because we can download who actually voted. So that's really helpful. So Alright, just a couple seconds left on the poll here. And it's looking like overwhelmingly people are feeling in support of this. So. All right, excellent. I am going to go ahead and just share results of the poll here. So you should be able to see those. So, Tim and Rica, thank you very much for bringing this topic. And I'm very much interested in seeing what what comes with this. 1:30:43 Thank you so much. 1:30:45 Rain. The question, go right ahead. 1:30:48 Yeah. So would it be okay to ask if there's anyone who's interested in working on the proposal with us for this or should we just take it on on the exec team 1:31:00 Can I ask the Senate that if you are interested in forwarding your ideas and working with this team out individually to Tim and Rica, 1:31:10 that if you are a division rep, that would be great, because actually neither of us. 1:31:16 Mm hmm. Excellent. That would be great. All right. Thank you so much for this very important topic. Our next item is actually a pretty quick one. You heard that there's going to be a new role for the institutional effectiveness committee with regard to program review. And because of that, it was really, really important that we got somebody an academic senate appointee on to that committee as soon as

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possible. Apparently the past few years there has not been an academic senate appointee. So we would like to forward as interim so for one year, Kim sessio can serve on the Iuc. However, I will take nominations from the floor if there was somebody out Who would like it more? So, I will throw it out there if there is anyone who is interested in serving as the IEC, academic senate committee, appointee. 1:32:14 Please make yourself known to us. 1:32:17 Going once, 1:32:20 going twice. 1:32:25 Hearing not, I would like to ask the Academic Senate if they will please consider appointing Kim Saccio-Kent to our effectiveness or institutional effectiveness committee and I have launched another poll. So please voting members, please weigh in and state your support. And thank you for sharing that you serve on IEC as well. You are a division representative. So thank you. Right. We have a couple more seconds open For this poll. 1:33:07 All right, and we're going to go ahead and polling and we have a clear vote. Thank you very much Kim for agreeing to serve and thank you Senate for appointing our appointee. Let's move on to committee appointments. These are faculty evaluation committees. This is not the compendium of committee of committees. But this is for faculty evaluations. I am going to drop the link to this document into the chat. Please, dear god lead at work and I want to just make sure please alert me if for some reason you're unable to open that document. 1:33:58 I will go ahead and 1:34:01 Share it here. 1:34:12 And if there there are no problems sharing the document. Okay. Whoops, I'm having a little trouble screen share here. Give me a second. So I'd like everybody to review the tenure committees that are proposed here. And in just a second, we will take them one at a time and we will allow any questions and the deans are here to address those questions. So um, go ahead and just take a second there while I get this shared. 1:34:46 You.

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1:34:51 Okay, bigger. 1:34:57 Okay, and it's blurry. So I think I have to go do something else here. 1:35:04 talk amongst yourselves Just a second. 1:35:22 Okay, that is better. For some reason. It was super blurry. Everybody, please confirm. You can see my word doc, the thumb. You see that? Great. Thank you very much. All right. Our very first tenure committee is for counseling for Mandy Lucas, and here is your tenure committee as proposed for the faculty or tenured faculty years one and two and three and four. Are there any questions? I want to see if Luis is with us to answer any questions? 1:36:01 I am here. 1:36:02 Oh, wonderful. Thanks so much always 1:36:05 great to see if there are any questions there. Okay, very non Luis, I'll spare you from you know, any, you know, elaboration on what is here, just like you're enjoying yourself outside and some bright fresh, fresh air. Alright, um, if there are no questions, the next tenure committee proposed is for business education professional programs from Nicole Porter. You see there? And are there any questions? I believe Michael Keane is here if anyone has any questions of Michael Caine. And at this moment, I cannot see my participant screen. So I'm going to ask rica if you can help monitor the participants in any hands up. Thank you. Any questions for the tenure committee? For Nicole Porter as proposed no question. All right, thank you very much Rico. All right. Stem has quite a few more so please take a moment there. We have four committees proposed one virgin fulsome Susan Schubert they are three scooter Del Rio and colo wamba. The commentary on Columbus committee on normally faculty will chair the tenure committee, but you can see a description of why Carla grandi is recommended as the chair of the committee. So I invite you for any questions or concerns about these committees. I'm just gonna let that go for a bit because we have for 1:37:54 everybody, bring that one in. 1:38:00 So, um, per request a Carla did provide us with the justification for the dean chairing this committee in this particular case, which I think we all understand if someone is in the tenure track process, being

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somebody else's in your chair is quite a heavy lift. And it's not like Carla finished being a fabulous faculty member in August when she took a new job. So 1:38:26 any questions? 1:38:29 There's no hands. All right. Hearing none, we will move on to social science, creative arts. We have two tenure committees, one for Sean Parrish show and one for Christina sheen. And these are the proposed committees for for these two faculty. And I believe Danny is here if there are any questions on these committees. 1:39:02 All right. Hearing none. Pretty good. not seeing any there your hand. Wonderful. Excellent. If there are no questions there. We have an ASL t committee for our new instructional designer Andrea Fuentes. You see the recommended committee membership there. And I'm not sure if we're all in is here 1:39:28 to answer any questions, but 1:39:32 let's see if there are any question. 1:39:39 No questions. I see something in the chat, but I can't get to it rolling into here. Oh. All right. No questions. Wonderful. And finally, we have a faculty evaluation committee for social sciences and creativity. And you see the makeup of the faculty evaluation committee there. If there are any questions or concerns on the makeup of that committee, 1:40:14 right. 1:40:17 Hearing none, 1:40:20 I will go ahead and stop sharing and I will ask for the voting members to please a vote on your approval of all of these committees since I have heard no recommendations for amendments. 1:40:48 And more seconds on them. 1:40:54

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And just for clarification, set to vote for the evaluation committee, but not tenure committee is that is that separate? 1:41:02 They are evaluation. Its tenure values both okay. Yeah, they are the they are a value. So that is all the committee's thing. I'm just gonna give a couple more seconds on that poll. Which of our voting members right now so. 1:41:22 Right. 1:41:24 Excellent. I will go ahead and close the poll, and I'm sharing the results. And we have Thank you genes for attending. Thank you, faculty for serving. Thank you Senate for supporting the process of approving tenure evaluation committees. So thank you all. And wow, we are miraculously close to on time. I have no idea how we did it. So congrats. Let's go ahead and move on into the agenda items. I have my president's report here. Which I just have a few things to share with you if I can just get to it. It was just here and give me ones. There we go. Okay. Ah, let's see. So, um, we will be searching we will be involving a placements for some interim positions at Skyline campus. Most notable would be the Vice President of Student Services our beloved crispy Anderson unfortunately cannot stay with us for much longer he is reaching the end of his ability to serve with the number of required days etc. Also the Middle College director, so we will be starting some selection committees there. And I can guarantee you that the Senate will be participating fully as far as appointing the faculty to those committees. And we will begin beginning that process and call for those faculty Members soon. President Marino is going to address the Senate on September 17. About the equity Institute director, she there are some details that are really important to share with the Senate. So she will come on September 17, and discuss that. The district has some new money available for hiring faculty. So apparently there are some strings attached with how we hire them and particular things. President Marina will be talking about that as well, on September 7, but what's also exciting is that you might recall we postponed some hiring positions in spring because of COVID. And those positions are going to move forward in flux. So not only are those postponed positions moving forward, we have some additional position. So this is very exciting. You're going to hear more details about that on September 7. I see a question. Can you remind us what those are? I don't have them right here there. But hit me up if you're curious about that. We definitely will be sharing that on September 17. Sorry about that. I don't have my apologies. You have all received emails both from me and from your dean about the seed intergroup dialogue workshop series. I want to clarify that the divisions are both appointing people and the self to Michael for posting that into the chat. Thank you. And there are a couple more as well. Um, uh, so I want to clarify that the divisions are put are recommending people to serve on these workshops, but the Senate has also been asked to and so because Cuz there's a lot of people double dipping in that in that way, we're gonna hold off and wait until the divisions appoint. And then I'm going to be working with a marketing Marcus in an in with seed to finish the Academic Senate appointments. So I just wanted to clarify that. If you have any questions about that, you're welcome to reach out to me or to your seed representative. In fact, Lucille Mark longmire might be the best person to reach out to as the co chair. Finally, I want to share with you that the Academic Senate statewide plenary will be held this year it is

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November 5, through the seventh and any of you who are interested in Academic Senate leadership for the short term or the long term, you don't have to be an executive member to attend the plenary okay if you are interested in that. open right now, I'm going to drop the link to that into chat, so that you can explore. 1:46:10 Now what the plenary is all about, whoops, I just did the wrong thing there. And I encourage everyone to participate in the Academic Senate plenary, if you are interested in leadership, and you will be involved much more heavily in it. And this is a great opportunity to get your feet wet. This is not expensive. $275 pretty easy. Development if you wish, and it's an online experience, and I just can't recommend it enough. So that concludes my president's report. Um, let's see. Jessie, do you have anything as Vice President, 1:46:57 I was just wondering if it was possible for us. As the senate if there's multiple senators who are interested, if we could submit one group application for PD funds to the plenary so everyone doesn't have to do the paperwork individually. 1:47:13 Know how that would work. But that's a really, really good question. And maybe we can try to research that and and figure that 1:47:25 I have to ask 1:47:28 you can you can submit a group application for PD funds. 1:47:34 Excellent. Excellent. I see a question from Jennifer Merrill. Jennifer 1:47:39 Bianca, you, I'm glad you said that because I reached out a couple of semesters to go to ask about doing a group application conference. And I was told at that time that we wanted to do it individually. So it sounds like maybe things have changed. 1:47:53 Sure. So it basically so what I'm what I am saying is that there Are there are five questions currently on the application. And basically four out of five of them can be used as the same answer for a group that's going together. But the question number one is about individual professional development goals, which is part of the audit for to the state for how that money is spent. So all you have to do on the application is signified that there's a group going together and you essentially can repeat the answer for all of those other questions except for number one.

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1:48:34 Excellent. 1:48:34 Thank you for clarifying question. 1:48:37 Yeah, I had been unaware of that. So thanks. That's really cool. All right. Um, as you can see, I have dropped a link into the chat for committee reports. I will be recommending to the exact we're going to talk about this from committees once a month rather than every meeting, just to break that up and just because Be a month, but most commits only meet once a month anyway. And so we'll be talking about that. I don't have a whole lot of time for committee reports here. I did drop in there. One from curriculum and one from CSI. I would like to invite anybody who has a comment on those two, 1:49:24 or 1:49:25 any other committees, we might have an extra minute. Do you have questions? So do I see any questions on 1:49:34 reports? I see Vincent, go ahead. 1:49:38 In the end, thank you. This means that if we serve on a committee, we're just not going to submit a report to this shared Google Doc. 1:49:46 For this, excuse me for this meeting today. We don't have a lot of time to share the work. So I asked the committee chairs to share information if they had it is there Matt, and I can add to that if you wish. What I'm going to recommend is that we hear from these once a month rather than every meeting just because academic senate meetings and committee meetings don't sync up with the time that we we meet. 1:50:17 Thank you for that question. Are there any other questions? 1:50:22 Thank you, Jessica. Referring to standing committees. Yeah, I'm referring to academic senate standing committees, but also reports. And so if there's a report like CSI is not a standing committee, probably should be but it's not. And so. 1:50:43

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Any questions on the committee's in the report? 1:50:48 Any comments from committees and reports? I did, feel free to send it to me and I will add it to this document for today's meeting. 1:51:03 Okay, 1:51:05 hearing none, I am getting the zoomed out and we are ready to adjourn and I would happily entertain in the chat a motion to adjourn. All right, Jesse has moved. Can I get a second and Lindsey? Lots of seconds. Right. So, in favor, go ahead and wave your hands. Okay. Thank you so much for a very, very informative, very intentional and authentic meeting. I am grateful for all of you. I am grateful that we can manage to do this in zoom. And to have such wonderful colleagues that are doing such excellent work. So please keep it up. And yes, onward. Okay. Thank you very much, everyone.