academic and entrepreneurship

Academic and Entrepreneurship: Bridging Between Languages Bryan Pergamino Karen Hazel De Mata

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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Discuss the trends of Academic and Entrepreneurship in bridging different Languages


Academic and Entrepreneurship: Bridging Between LanguagesBryan PergaminoKaren Hazel De MataObjectives in this lesson:Discuss the trends of Academic and Entrepreneurship in bridging different LanguagesTrends in AcademicDefine Mother Tongue & Multilingual EducationWhy Mother-Tongue-Based-Multilingual Education (Benefits and Purposes)Trends in EntrepreneurshipDefine Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneurship EducationWhy Entrepreneurship Education (Benefits & Purposes)Academic: Bridge between LanguagesBridgingthe process of transitioning from learning one language to anotherMother onguehe language that a person has learned !rst "irst language #L$% &e'erred as Lingua Franca Education ( #$% A !eld o' study dealing with methods o' teaching and learning) #*% he action or process o' educating or being educated+Multilingual Educationtypically re'ers to ,!rst-language-!rst, education. that is. schooling which begins in the mother tongue and transitions to additional languages+ Adopted in $/// in 01E2345s 6eneral 3on'erence &esolution $*) Mother-tongue-based Multilingual Education #MBMLE%A 'ormal or non-'ormal education which uses the children5s mother tongue as a bridge in learning "ilipino and English+ #wi7i!lipinas+org% implementation o' local mother tongues as the language o' instruction in Kindergarten to year three #K -8%. with the o9cial languages #"ilipino and English% being introduced as the language o' instruction a'ter grade three+ #http:::actrc+org:pro;ects:understanding-best-practices-in-mtb-mle-in-the-philippines:%Why should the early graders be taught (in all subjects) in their Mother Tongue rst!"earning "anguage4ne does not learn in a language that he does not understand

#urpose of MTBM"Eo develop appropriate cognitive and reasoning s$ills enabling children to operate e%ually in di&erent languages ( starting in the mother tongue with transition to "ilipino and then English and to preserve the #hilippine cultural treasure as well+Bene!ts o' MBMLE&educed drop-out&educed repetition3hildren are attending school3hildren are learningParents and community are in?ol?ed 'usan Malone. 2AL AnternationalA' the mother tongue is not usedB Loss o' con!dence o' students in themsel?es as learners+ Anability to learn the o9cial school language well+ High repetition and drop-out rates+I, the +other tongue i! not u!e"- Alienation 'rom heritage language and culture. 'rom parents and community+ Loss o' languages. cultures ando' 7nowledge systems+We should become tri-lingual as a country. Learn English well and connect to the World.Learn Filipino well and connect to our country.Retain your dialect and connect to your heritage."- Phi#i**ine Pre!i"ent %enigno A.uino IIIEntrepreneurship: Bridge between Languages

Entrepreneurshipis the process o' starting a business or other organization+ he entrepreneurde?elops a business model. acDuires the human and other reDuired resources. and is 'ully responsible 'or its success or 'ailure+ #http:::en+wi7ipedia+org:wi7i:Entrepreneurship%

&e'ers to an indi?idual5s ability to turn ideas into action+ At includes:3reati?ityAnno?ationa7ing 3alculated ris7s Ability to plan and manage pro;ects An order to achie?e ob;ecti?es+BAt provides foundation for entrepreneurs establishing a social or commercial acti?ity+European 3ommission #*EEF. as cited 'rom