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Item Writing Guide

Food Animal RVS

Version: 8/24/2018

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This guide is meant to familiarize you with:

1. How to write an acceptable ABVP Exam Item. These are the materials covered by the Exam Item

Workshop or webinar.

2. Logistics of creating an Exam Item Word document for you to upload onto your ABVP.com


3. The actual uploading into the www.ABVP.com portal is covered in the Maintenance of

Certification handbook located under the Forms and Documents tab in your portal.

You must have attended an Item Writing Workshop at an ABVP Symposium or successfully completed

the on-line Item Writing webinar (located at www.ABVP.com >>Form and Documents) to be able to

create exam items.


Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Materials Needed.......................................................................................................................................... 4

Item Writing Guide ....................................................................................................................................... 6

Concepts and techniques in writing a good examination item .................................................................... 7

Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Definitions ................................................................................................................................................. 7

Item ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

Stem ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Options .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Types of Exam Items ................................................................................................................................. 7

Multiple Choice (MC) Items .................................................................................................................. 7

Fill In The Blank (FITB) ........................................................................................................................... 9

Complex Multiple Choice .................................................................................................................... 10

Clinical Vignette .................................................................................................................................. 10

Situational Set ..................................................................................................................................... 12

Item Cognitive Complexity . . . ................................................................................................................ 13

Level 1 . . . Recall ................................................................................................................................. 13

Level 2 . . . Application ........................................................................................................................ 13

Level 3 . . . Evaluation/Analysis ........................................................................................................... 13

Item Writing Suggestions ........................................................................................................................ 14

Suggestions for all parts of the exam item ......................................................................................... 14

The Stem ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Options ................................................................................................................................................ 16

Summary of Item Writing Suggestions ............................................................................................... 17

Logistics ................................................................................................................................................... 18

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Guidelines for Submitting Illustrations with Items ................................................................................. 18

Attachment limitations ....................................................................................................................... 19

Security ................................................................................................................................................... 19

Using the macro-enable Word Document to create your Exam Item ........................................................ 20

Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 20

Sequence of Events ................................................................................................................................. 20

The Exam Item Creator Word Template in Detail ................................................................................... 20

Attachment limitations ....................................................................................................................... 33

Uploading your Item on your ABVP.com portal ......................................................................................... 48

ABVP ExamSoft Categories ......................................................................................................................... 49

RVS: Food Animal Normal Values ............................................................................................................... 73

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Materials Needed

1. The current keyword list (attached). These keywords are also termed ‘categories’ or ‘tags’. Our

current ExamSoft testing software is created and maintained by ExamSoft and they use the term

category internally. Keywords are used to filter exam items to match the current Job Content

Analysis (JCA). The JCA is performed every 5 to 10 years and is mandated by the AVMA. The goal

of the JCA is to align what Diplomates of Specialty Organizations, including ABVP, are performing

in their practice with the credentialing and examinations for new candidates. These tasks are for

ALL the ABVP RVS groups and many will not pertain to your recognized veterinary specialty

(RVS, formerly known as Practice Group).

2. Your references. Each ABVP RVS Regent periodically reviews their RVS reading list of texts and

journals for exam item reference. This list also serves as the study guide for examinees. PLEASE

NOTE that journals must be within the last five (5) years of the time you write your exam item.

Additionally, except for review articles such as Elsevier’s Veterinary Clinics, the exam item must

be written from the abstract of the journal article.

3. (Optional) ABVP supplies a RVS normal values list (attached) to aid you in writing exam items

where the exam takers need to determine any abnormalities. Writing these type of exam items

is typically an ‘application’ or ‘analysis’ cognitive level. This normal value list is supplied to

examinees during the exam so you DO NOT need to copy/paste normal

values into your exam items.

4. (Optional) If you are supplying an image or video that is part of the exam

item for the examinee to view, have these located in a folder on your

computer for ease of retrieval. These attachments have a size limit. If your

image is too large, please resize it before attaching the image to the exam

item. Avoid PDF images since they take longer to load for the examinee and

require the examinee to have preinstalled a PDF reader on their computer.

a. You can only upload one (1) image. If you have 2 images, please use a program such as MS

Paint or similar program to stitch the images into 1 image.

File Type Limit


PDF (Avoid) 20 MB


Audio: MP4(audio), MP3 15 MB

Video: AVI, MOV, MP4 150

5. A method to capture the reference. ABVP requires that the correct answer reference be

included in the Word document. ABVP requires only the one (1) or two (2) sentences that

support the correct answer be included. DO NOT scan a whole page or document for your

reference. Scanned images of the incorrect reference are appreciated but not required. Having

the scans done ahead of time and centrally located on your computer will save you time in

creating your exam item.

6. The Word document template is located at www.ABVP.com >>Forms and Documents. Save this

to your computer’s desktop or dedicated folder on your computer.

You can only attach

one image into the

exam item.

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7. A dedicated folder on your computer to store the individual Word documents. Each exam item

you create will have an individual Word document. So, if you write 35 exam items, you will have

35 individual Word documents. Having a central location for these will facilitate your upload.

8. Access to your www.ABVP.com portal Exam Item upload site. If you have created a Maintenance

of Certification (MOC) application, you will already have access. A MOC application is required

for recertification in years 8, 9 and 10. If you are creating exam items in years 1 through 7,

please contact the Main Office ([email protected]) for instructions on how to accomplish that.

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Item Writing Guide

Concepts and techniques in writing a good examination item

Copyright 2018.

All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by

any means, whether electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or recording, or any information

retrieval system, without written permission from the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners.

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Concepts and techniques in writing a good examination item


The purpose of this section is to familiarize the reader with the overall process of writing an item

suitable for inclusion in the examinations developed by the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners


It is not designed to be a comprehensive discussion of item writing, nor examination development.

Included in this guide are discussions on:

1. item types

2. item cognitive complexity together with

3. item writing suggestions.

The cornerstone of any examination program is the individual examination item (aka ‘the question’).

Each item must be linked to a specifically required area of work or practice. Every five to ten years, ABVP

Produces a Job Content Analysis (JCA) which establishes detailed assessments of the conditions,

activities, and modalities that a clinical specialist should know. This Job Content Analysis is the basis and

justification for the blueprint used for the examination. All items should be linked directly to the



While unique terminology is introduced throughout this document, a prerequisite comprehension of

the following key terms is important to establish uniformity:


the entire question, including the stem and options. In multiple-choice testing it is customary to

speak of test “items” rather than questions, since items may be presented in the form of statements

rather than questions.


the statement, question, chart, or graph portion of an item. The stem of the item should clearly

present the central problem or idea.


all offered answers to the item, including the distractors (the incorrect answers), and the key (the

one correct, best answer).

Types of Exam Items

Multiple Choice (MC) Items

All ABVP multiple choice items have three options — one (1) key, and two (2) distractors.

One Best Response type MC

This is the traditional and most prevalent type of multiple-choice item. All items will fit this format,

or one of the variations thereof, described in this section. The one best response item type consists of a

stem, followed by a series of possible answers or completions, called options.


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Which cranial nerves compose the afferent and efferent limbs of the pupillary light reflex?


1. Optic and Oculomotor nerves

2. Optic and Abducent nerves

3. Trigeminal and Facial nerves

In this type of item, the instructions to examinees emphasize the importance of selecting the “one

best response” from among those offered. In answering these items, the examinee is further instructed

to look for the best or most appropriate choice and to discard others that may appear plausible, but are

less applicable.

The two primary formats of the one best response item type are the Direct Question and the

Incomplete Statement, as shown in the following examples.

Direct Question

In the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis, it is important to monitor for which of the following


A. hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia

B. hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia

C. hypokalemia and hypercalcemia

Incomplete Statement

The urethral anchoring structures include:

A. ventral ligament and the bilateral ischiocavernosus/ischiourethralismuscles.

B. ventral ligament, dorsal ligament, and bilateral retractor penile muscles.

C. dorsal ligament and the bilateral bulbourethralis muscles.

The most important route of infection of Toxocara in kittens is:

A. transmammary.

B. transplacental.

C. fresh feces.

Barring local laws to the contrary, an unvaccinated cat exposed to rabies virus should be quarantined


A. 10 days.

B. 45 days.

C. 6 months.

When performing a perineal urethrostomy, the accessory sex gland(s) used as the proximal landmark for

the length of the urethral incision is(are) the:

A. bulbourethral gland.

B. prostate.

C. seminal vesicles.

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Contrast and Compare

as Direct Question . . . as Incomplete Statement . . .

When repairing a distal diaphyseal When repairing a distal diaphyseal

fracture of the humerus, what nerve fracture of the humerus, the nerve that

may be encountered passing through may be encountered passing through

the supracondylar foramen just the supracondylar foramen just proximal

proximal to the medial epicondyle? to the medial epicondyle is the:

A. median nerve A. median nerve.

B. radial nerve B. radial nerve.

C. caudal cutaneous antebrachial nerve C. caudal cutaneous antebrachial


as Direct Question . . . as Incomplete Statement . . .

What factors in the classic coagulation In the classic coagulation cascade, the

cascade are included in the common pathway? common pathway includes factors:

A. I, II, V, X A. II, VII, IX, X




C. I, II, V, X

Use either a Direct Question or an Incomplete Statement as the item stem; whichever seems more

appropriate for effective presentation. If neither form of presentation is clearly preferable, simply select

the style that you can handle most effectively. Those inexperienced in writing multiple-choice items may

find that they produce technically superior items when writing direct questions, rather than using the

incomplete statement approach. The direct question may induce the item writer to produce more

specific options.

Fill In The Blank (FITB)

A limited number of Fill in the Blank questions, selecting from the options given, are acceptable.

Most of these items could be better written as either a direct question or incomplete statement —

including the example below. Rarely does this format allow the clearest possible presentation of the


Fill in the Blank Example

The ________________ forceps cause the least amount of tissue trauma.

A. Brown-Adson

B. Smooth Thumb

C. Kelly

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Complex Multiple Choice

Complex multiple-choice (CMC) items begin with a stem, followed by three or four true-false

statements, responses, or completions (called elements), and ending with three lettered options

containing various combinations of the elements. The stem may take the form of a direct question or an

incomplete statement. When designing the elements, special care must be taken to ensure that each is

unequivocally true or false. Probability estimates or judgments, upon which experts might disagree,

should — without exception — be excluded.

Stem . . .

Which of the following drugs require a DEA license?

Elements . . .

1. Diazepam

2. Ketamine

3. Acepromazine

Options . . .

A. 1 and 3 only

B. 1 and 2 only

C. 2 and 3 only

With CMC items, examinees are confronted with an all or none situation. They may be able to

recognize one element as correct, but will only receive credit when the option that includes all of the

correct elements is chosen. To minimize the potential advantage to be gained through guessing,

elements should be combined in a logical fashion. It is often desirable to equalize the number of times

each element appears in the options, as shown in the previous example. Avoid the temptation to

include all elements as an option (c. l, 2, and 3), as “testwise” examinees can often recognize this as a

cue to the correct answer. CMC items should be used sparingly, and in fact, should be limited to one (1)

or two (2) per two hundred (200) items.

Clinical Vignette

A direct question or incomplete statement may be preceded by a template of data used to create a

clinical scenario called a vignette. Clinical vignettes enhance the validity of the test, keep the test

focused on important information, and allow candidates to effectively use memorized data in their

thinking and reasoning processes.

Data templates may be of varying length and could include some, or all, of the following: age,

gender, history, clinical signs, examination findings, diagnostic study results, initial treatment,

subsequent findings, etc.

Sample templates

• A (patient description) has (clinical signs). Which of the following tests would most likely

establish the diagnosis?

• A (patient description) with a history of (condition) is taking (medications). Which of the

following medications is most likely to cause (clinical sign or abnormal test result)?

• A (patient description) has been eating (type of diet). Which of the following conditions is most

likely to occur?

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• A (patient description) exhibits signs of (describe). What is the most likely etiology?

• A (patient description) exhibits signs of (describe). Exposure to which of the following toxic

agents is the most likely cause?

• A (patient description) develops (clinical signs). The laboratory results are:

• (list or arrange data in a chart). Which of the following is the most likely cause?

The stem format following the vignette should be either a direct question or an incomplete


For example:

• Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these findings?

• Which of the following is the most likely causative organism?

• Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

• Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in establishing the diagnosis?

• Which of the following findings will confirm the diagnosis?

• Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?

• Which of the following is the most likely adverse effect?

• Which of the following is the next step to prevent an epizootic?

• Which of the following is the most appropriate initial (or next) step in management?

• The most likely cause is a lesion in the:

• Laboratory evaluation is most likely to show:

• The patient is at increased risk for development of:

Clinical Vignette Examples

A 7-year-old cat has been eating a low magnesium, urine acidifying dry diet for the past 5 years. Which

of the following conditions is most likely to occur?

A. calcium oxalate urolithiasis

B. hypokalemic polymyopathy

C. nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism

An 18-year-old cat presents with weight loss and inappetence. You find a creatinine of 4.9 mg/dL (0.8-

2.3 mg/dl), PCV of 19% (30-45%), and total protein level of 8.2 g/dL (5.9-8.5 g/dl). The anemia is

normocytic and normochromic. Erythropoietin treatment fails to increase the PCV after 12 weeks, but

the WBC count rises from 8,372/microliter to 32,425/microliter (5,500-19,500/microliter). The

neutrophil count is 31,078/microliter. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these


A. The anemia is associated with inflammatory or infectious disease rather than chronic renal


B. The erythropoietin is causing erythroid and myeloid proliferation, but this cat has a maturation

defect in the erythroid precursors.

C. Anti-erythropoietin antibodies have developed.

A 2-year-old indoor/outdoor cat presents with iritis, anterior uveitis characterized by keratitic

precipitates, and exudative chorioretinitis. Treatment with clindamycin resolves the inflammation.

Which of the following is the most likely causative organism?

A. Toxoplasma gondii

B. Histoplasma capsulatum

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C. Bartonella henselae

A cat has a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. The cat is ketoacidotic, dehydrated, anorexic, and

vomiting. You have initiated intravenous fluid therapy and plan to check a blood glucose every hour for

24 hours. Which type of insulin and route of administration is most likely to normalize blood glucose and

reverse the ketoacidosis?

A. regular insulin given intramuscularly every hour

B. lente insulin given subcutaneously every 4 hours

C. ultralente insulin given subcutaneously every 6 hours

Since several items can be written using the same template of data, clinical vignettes are an

appropriate format for writing Situational Sets.

Situational Set

Examinees are given a short scenario, or item stem, along with a collection of facts or data. They are

then presented with 3 to 5 multiple-choice items regarding recognition and management of the

problem. Each item should be able to stand alone in reference to the situation.

Each item in the set, while relating to the scenario, remains independent from the other(s) in terms

of determining the correct answer. Do not provide a series of interrelated items that supply or suggest

the response to another item within the set. Also, avoid a series of items which build upon one another,

requiring a correct response to one in order to determine a correct response to another.

Situational Set Examples

A 14-year-old neutered male cat presents with weight loss, tachycardia, and vomiting after eating. CBC

and serum chemistry panel show the following: WBC 18.6 thous/uL (5.5-19.5 thous/uL), HCT 30% (29-

45%), BUN 38 mg/dl (15-34 mg/dl), Cr 2.5 mg/dl (0.8-2.3 mg/dl), ALT 325 IU/L (28-76 IU/L), AST 164 IU/L

(5-55 IU/L), and T4 6.8 ug/dl (0.7-5.2ug/dl).

A. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial treatment?

B. oral methimazole

C. surgical thyroidectomy

D. radioactive iodine

Which of the following is the most appropriate diagnostic step?

A. urine analysis

B. serum bile acids

C. free T4

What is the most likely histopathologic abnormality of the thyroid gland?

A. adenomatous hyperplasia

B. follicular carcinoma

C. lymphocytic thyroiditis

Currently our exam software can group situational sets together. But each individual question has the

same stem presented.

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Item Cognitive Complexity . . .

ABVP uses a three-tiered classification system to identify the level of thinking required to respond to

an item. The three levels are recall, application, and evaluation/ analysis. Consider how an examinee

would likely think when formulating a response to the item.

Level 1 . . . Recall

Recall items primarily test the recognition or recollection of isolated information. Such items

predominantly require an effort of memory. They include the recall of specific facts, generalizations,

concepts, principles, processes, procedures, or theories. To simplify, such an item will ordinarily be

asking: “What is X?” Example . . .


Which of the following is an example of a non-nutritive sweetener?

A. saccharin

B. fructose

C. sucrose

Hypotonic fluids are those with an osmolality of less than about:

A. 200 mOsm/kg.

B. 300 mOsm/kg.

C. 400 mOsm/kg.

Level 2 . . . Application

Application items primarily test interpretation or application of limited data. Such items require

more than simple recall, and therefore, they should include a problem-solving aspect. Items at this level

will ordinarily be asking: “Knowing X to be true, what would you expect to be true about Y?”


A racing Greyhound dog has a resting heart rate of 90 beats per minute. It is desirable to have the

telemetry monitored heart rate increase no more than 30% during exercise. What is the desired

maximum heart rate?

A. 110

B. 117

C. 127

In the cat, hypercalcemia in the presence of hyperphosphatemia is most often associated with:

A. renal failure.

B. primary hyperparathyroidism.

C. malignancy.

Level 3 . . . Evaluation/Analysis

Analysis items primarily test the assessment of data, problem solving, or the proper alignment of

various elements into a meaningful whole. Items at this level will ordinarily require examinees to make

judgments concerning the effectiveness, appropriateness, or best course of action for a given situation.

Several steps may be required in the thought process of the examinee. Clinical vignettes are very useful

in developing items that require evaluation and analysis.

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A 5-year-old 15 kg mixed breed dog has been treated for diabetes mellitus for the past year with 18

units of NPH insulin once daily. She has had increasing PU/PD and density of her cataracts. The glucose

curve never dropped below 180 mg/dl, with the nadir at 12 hours. Which of the following is the best

course of insulin therapy?

A. twice daily NPH insulin.

B. twice daily ultralente insulin.

C. once daily ultralente insulin.

To write items that assess a particular cognitive level, ask this essential question: “What do I expect

the examinee to do in order to select the correct response?” If you expect the examinee to identify or

recognize, you will generally be writing recall items. If you want the examinee to classify, explain, or

differentiate, you are likely writing application items. If you expect the examinee to formulate, evaluate,

or judge, then analysis items should be the result.

In light of the fact that the majority of items on ABVP examinations are required to be application or

evaluation, authors are encouraged to write items that demand more than just recall.

Item Writing Suggestions

Suggestions for all parts of the exam item


If the stem of the item is a question, and the options are complete sentences, each option should

begin with a capital letter and end with a period. If the options are not complete sentences, they should

begin with a lower-case letter and have no terminal punctuation.

When the stem is an incomplete sentence, end with a colon or no punctuation at all. Begin each

option with a lower-case letter and end with a period.


Just as clues to a correct response may be inadvertently incorporated, it is possible to

unintentionally include obstacles. Frequently, mathematical problems are answered incorrectly by

examinees who have reasoned correctly but have erred in their computations. To measure the

understanding of a calculation process, simple (whole) numbers are recommended. Use suitable

professional terminology, but do not use longer, more complicated words when shorter, less complex

words will suffice. Overall, the difficulty of the “average item” should be such that it will be answered

correctly by 55-75% of the examinees. Item writers typically underestimate the difficulty of the items

they produce.


Items should be submitted in the format provided at the end of this guide. The options should be

listed on separate lines, aligned one under another, like the examples in this guide. This makes the

options easy to read and compare. The use of letters in front of the options is preferable to using

numbers, since this avoids possible confusion when numerical options are used in an item.


Irrelevant clues may make the item easier as a whole or may even change the basis upon which the

item discriminates. “Test wise” examinees, who normally would not be able to select the correct option,

may notice the clue and respond correctly on the basis of it.

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Wording similarity, in both the stem and the correct answer, is one of the more obvious clues. Key

words in the stem may be unintentionally repeated verbatim in the correct answer, or a synonym may

be used, or the words may simply sound or look alike.

The phrasing of the correct answer may give it away. Even the most poorly prepared examinees are

able to recognize a familiar phrase or “buzzword.”

When an answer is qualified by modifiers, typically associated with true statements (e.g.,

sometimes, may, usually), it is more likely to be chosen.

Including absolute terms in the distractors may enable examinees to simply eliminate them because

such terms are commonly associated with false statements (e.g., always, never, all, none, only).

Including two options that have the same meaning makes it possible to eliminate both as potential

answers. If two options have the same meaning, and only one answer is to be selected, it is fairly

obvious that they must be incorrect.


Exceptional cases or examples are indeed just that — exceptional — and should, therefore, be

avoided since they do not occur with sufficient frequency to warrant their assessment. Also, these types

of cases may be too specific, by region or location, and as such are not applicable on a national basis.

Textbook cases also encourage rote memorization instead of comprehension. Examinees may get the

item correct even though they lack a solid understanding of the content of their profession.


If laboratory values are used in an item, the normal ranges should be given. Our current testing

software has these normal values as an attachment that the examinee can refer to.

If the value is one considered to be common knowledge, be sure that equivalent SI (international)

units are provided as well, where applicable. Because of marked changes between testing laboratories,

try to avoid expecting candidates to know normal blood values. ABVP provides a standardized list of

normal for most species to facilitate this process. Please use this standardized list whenever possible.

The Stem


Unlike other reading material, in which extensive content helps to clarify the meaning of a particular

phrase, a test item must be explicitly clear without benefit of further context.

Sentence structure should be as simple as possible. Complex sentences should be broken up into

two or more separate sentences. Qualifying phrases should be placed near the terms they qualify. The

important elements should generally appear early in the statement of the item, with qualifications and

explanations following.


The task set forth in the item stem should be so clear that it is understood without reading the

options. In fact, a good check on the clarity and completeness of a multiple-choice stem is to cover the

options and determine whether or not it can be answered. Avoid “undirected” stems which require the

examinee to read all options in order to understand what the item is asking. Do NOT write questions of

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the form “Which of the following statements about X is correct?” These items are unfocused, and do not

perform well statistically.


State the stem of the item in positive form. While negative items cause irrelevant difficulty, they can

also benefit the “test wise” examinee. Examples of this type of questioning are: “Which of the following

is NOT true?” or “Each of the following is true EXCEPT”

USE of “WHAT” vs. “WHICH” in the STEM.

The word “What” implies an absolute answer, therefore, if the correct answer is a fact, use the word

“What.” If the answer requires judgment, or if other answers not listed in the options could be just as

good as a possible answer, use the word “Which.” The word “Which” is used to limit the realm of choice

to the listed options.


Avoid repeating the same material in each of the options. By moving all common content to the

stem, it is possible not only to clarify the problem, but also to reduce the time required to read the

options. Simply moving the common words to the stem may not be adequate. Rewording the entire

item may be necessary.


The item should contain only material relevant to its solution, unless determination of relevancy is

part of the problem.


State the topic qualifications specifically for each item. Item writers take for granted their own

knowledge of a given topic. Do not assume that different individuals share the same understanding of a

topic’s qualifications.



The distractors are as important as your statement of the problem in the stem. Incorrectness should

not be the sole criterion for a distractor. The difficulty of an item depends largely on the quality of the

distractors. The finer the distinctions to be made in selecting the correct answer from the distractors,

the more difficult the item.


There should be ONLY ONE UNQUESTIONABLY correct answer. The intended answer should be the

one that experts would agree is clearly the best. It may also be necessary to include “which of the

following” in the stem to allow for equally satisfactory answers, which have not been included in the



The distractors in a multiple-choice item should be so appealing to examinees, who lack the

knowledge called for by the item, that they select one of the distractors in preference to the correct

answer. The art of constructing good multiple-choice items relies heavily on the development of

effective distractors. The following are a number of things that can be done to increase the plausibility

and attractiveness of distractors.

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• Use the common misconceptions of examinees as distractors.

• State the options in the language of the examinee.

• Use good-sounding words (e.g., accurate, important, etc.) in the distractors, as well as in the

correct answer.

• Make the distractors like the correct answer in both length and verbiage complexity.

• Use extraneous clues in the distractors, such as stereotypical phrasing, scientific-sounding

answers, and verbal associations with the item stem.

• Make the options similar but avoid overly fine discriminations, which are not practically


• Avoid using options which are opposites of one another. Opposites are inconsistent with the

idea that each option should be plausible, and examinees can eliminate them with only limited



The inclusion of “all of the above” as an option makes it possible to answer the item on the basis of

partial information, and the chances of guessing the correct answer are increased. Another difficulty

with this option is that some examinees, recognizing that the first choice is correct, will select it without

reading the remaining options. “None of the above” is a poor option because it could almost always be

argued for being a correct answer.

Additionally, the current examination software randomizes all the options making placement of a

particular answer within the question impossible.


Sometimes a subset of two of the options may cover the entire range of possibilities, so that one of

them must necessarily be correct. In some instances, an option may include one or more of the other

options, so that all of the options in that subset must necessarily be false. By reason of their association,

related options help examinees eliminate wrong answers. Furthermore, options should not be mutually

exclusive, since an examinee can eliminate one of the distractors on that basis alone.


Ordinarily, the correct answer is carefully phrased so that it is grammatically consistent with the

stem. Read EACH option with the stem, and ensure that the options are consistent, parallel, and

properly stated.

Summary of Item Writing Suggestions

Ask the following questions about each of your items:

General Consideration

• Is the knowledge or skill measured by this item relevant to acceptable certification-level


• Does the item test something important to professional practice?

• Is the item stated clearly enough so that the knowledgeable candidate will be able to see the

correct choice without hesitation?

• Are the items presented in the proper format?

• Are normal laboratory values provided?

• Have you avoided irrelevant clues to the correct answer or irrelevant sources of difficulty?

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The Stem

• Is the stem easy to read?

• Is the sentence structure simple and direct?

• Have you avoided ambiguous words, fuzzy terms, and over-generalizations?

• If you have used a technical term is it the most generally accepted one?

• Is the stem positively stated?

The Options

• Does each choice follow grammatically and logically from the stem?

• Have you selected distractors that are plausible?

• Are the options independent of each other?

• Are the correct answer and distractors parallel in grammatical structure, terminology, length,

and content?

• Have you avoided using professionally acceptable or technical terms in the correct answer that

were not used in the distractors?

• Have you avoided repetitive wording in each of the options that could be moved into the stem?

• Is there only one correct (or best) choice?

• Have you avoided using “all of the above” and “none of the above” as choices?

If you have answered all of these questions “Yes,” then you most likely have written a good item. If

you answered any of the questions “No,” revise the question appropriately. Review your items carefully

before submission to the ABVP office.


At least two members of the examination committee will review each item. Their review will


1. suggestions for better wording

2. verification of the correct answer

3. suggestions for better distractors

4. elimination of any bias

5. appraisal of an item’s professional significance or relevance.

Although committee members may need to make minor changes prior to including an item on an

examination, poorly written items that require major revision will NOT be considered acceptable

towards the maintenance of certification (MOC) requirements.

A Word template is available at www.abvp.com in your portal to help you in formatting your

examination items for review. THIS TEMPLATE MUST BE USED!

Guidelines for Submitting Illustrations with Items

Illustrations are encouraged because they help clarify complex data or items, making them more

readable for the examinee. Also, higher levels of cognitive thinking are often required to interpret digital

images, charts, radiographs, and other special imaging. Images are attached to the examination item

within our current testing software.

Exam Takers only have access to one image. If your examination item has two images, you must stitch

them together with a program such as MS Paint.

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Attachment limitations

File Type Limit




Audio: MP4(audio), MP3 15 MB

Video: AVI, MOV, MP4 150 MB


Security is a crucial issue for all item material, both written and reviewed. Do not show the material

to, nor discuss it with, anyone who is planning to take the examination. When not working with them,

keep the materials in a locked container, in a secure location. Examination Committee members are

asked to sign an Agreement of Confidentiality because the integrity of the exam depends on overall


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Using the macro-enable Word Document to create your Exam Item


RVS – Technically each ABVP Practice Group is a Recognized Veterinary Specialty. So this is the Practice

Group for which you are writing the item for.

MOC – Maintenance of Certification. I.e., your recertification.

Cognitive Level – These are Recall, Application, or Analysis. It is recommended that less than 5% of your

questions be of the Recall type.

Group – This is typically the species or family which best describes your item. For example, in the Canine

& Feline RVS, you need select either Feline or Canine as the Group.

Level – Is the item a recall, application, or analysis item?

System – What body system best describes the item? Sometimes there is not a best one choice for this.

Cause – This is the etiology. Sometimes there is not a best one choice for this.

Task – These are items that the JCA identified as tasks that current Diplomates of your RVS perform or

encounter. You will need to choose 3 Tasks per exam item.

Sequence of Events

The Exam Item Creator Word Template in Detail

1. Download the Exam Item Creator Word template from www.ABVP.com >> Forms and

Documents. This template works in both Word for Microsoft Windows and Mac. If Word has


• Gather your materials (references, Exam Item Creator Word document from www.ABVP.com, device to capture images, keyword

list, Normals list) as described earlier.

• You need you ABVP ID number (obtain from Main Office).

• (Optional) Create computer folders to hold your images and another to hold your completed Word documents.


• Open up the Exam Item Creator Word template and enable the macro. The macro will walk you through all the parts of the exam


• Remember most fields are required. If you are missing a field, you may not be able to proceed through the macro.

• Use spell check when allowed.


• Once the individual Word document for your exam item is created, save it on your computer. A designated computer folder will

facilitate retrieval.

• The current systems DO NOT allow videos to be uploaded with your Word document. You need to email those separately. The macro tells you where.

4• Open up your www.ABVP. com MOC application and upload your individual Word documents. Each document must be uploaded

one at a time.

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macros disabled when you launch the program, enable macros. In most cases the macro will

start automatically. If not, Double Click to Run the Program.

2. It will take a couple of minutes to load the files needed to populate the drop-down boxes.

3. The macro is a series of pages that walks you through the creation. For this example, I used

Exotic Companion Mammal (ECM) Practice as the RVS.

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4. Starting at the top of the screen, fill in the blanks.

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5. If your exam item has an image or video attached that the examinee will see while taking the

exam, mark this highlighted box. Please note this is different than a scan of the reference (which

the examinee does not see).

6. Continue filling out the form.

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7. When done, click Next.

8. Step 1 Tab asks the Cognitive Level and Group of your exam item.

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9. Select the Cognitive Level. Remember, ABVP strongly discourages the use of Recall items.

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10. Select the Group. For most RVS, this is the species that the exam item pertains MAINLY to.

(Again, I am using ECM as my example)

11. Clicking on the drop-down box reveals your options for selection.

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12. When done with this screen, click Next.

13. Step 2 Tab asks for System and Cause (i.e., etiology). Sometimes you may have more than one

logical selection. You only get to pick one so pick the BEST choice.

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14. Clicking the drop-down box gives you your choices. Select one.

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15. The same procedure is used for the Cause drop-down box. Select one.

16. When done on Step 2 Tab, click Next.

17. Step 3 Tab asks you to select 3 tasks associated with your exam item. These tasks were

identified on your RVS’ JCA. You must select 3!

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18. Clicking on the drop-down box reveals your choices. Select one for each drop-down box.

19. These drop-down boxes do autofill when you start typing.

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20. If you do not select 3 Tasks, you cannot proceed.

21. Once you have selected 3 tasks, click Next to proceed.

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22. Step 4 Tab asks for you to type the stem of the exam item.

23. Please spell check when available.

24. When done, click Next to proceed.

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25. If you selected to attach an image (See Start Tab description above), Step 5 Tab asks you to load

the image. A couple of notes:

a) Videos cannot be embedded in the macro and must be emailed separately. The email address is

displayed in the macro.

b) For images, the following are size limits that our current Exam software allows. Please resize

your attachment to meet these parameters. PLEASE DO NOT ATTACH PDF images, convert them

to GIF, JPG, JPEG, or PNG first. Opening PDF files by the examinee can take some time during the

exam and requires that the examinee have a PDF reader already installed on their computer.

c) You can only upload one image for the exam taker to view. If you have 2 or more images, use a

program such as MS Paint to stitch the images into one image. Then upload that image.

Attachment limitations

File Type Limit


PDF (Avoid) 20 MB


Audio: MP4(audio), MP3 15 MB

Video: AVI, MOV, MP4 150 MB

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26. Click Upload button

27. A standard File Open box will open. Direct it to your computer folder where your images reside

and select the image.

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28. You will now see the path to the image. If it looks correct, click Next to proceed.

29. Step 6 Tab includes typing the correct answer and typing the reference (the scanned image part

comes on the next tab).

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30. Again, use the spell check function.

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31. The highlighted area is prepopulated with your RVS reading list.

32. Clicking on the box will show you your choices. Here is the drop-down box populated.

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33. If you select a textbook, you only need to add the volume and page number(s) of your


34. If you select a journal, you must add in the year of publication. There is only a 5 year look back

period. So, journals that are more than 5 years old (starting with the immediate preceding year

to the January 15th submission deadline), cannot be used as a reference!

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35. If you do not fill out all fields, you cannot proceed.

36. Once completed, click Next to proceed.

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37. Step 7 Tab is where you upload the required scan of your correct answer reference. Again, we

only need the one to few sentences that supports your answer. DO NOT send us a whole page

or whole article. Click the Upload Image file button.

38. A standard File Open box appears. Direct it to the image you wish to upload and select Open.

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39. An image is required. If one is not supplied, you cannot proceed. Once successfully completed,

click Next to proceed.

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40. Step 8 Tab is entry of one of your two incorrect answers (the other incorrect answer is inputted

at Tab 10). Again, use spell check.

41. For Steps 8 and 10, adding a reference is OPTIONAL. If you are supplying a reference, follow the

directions that were used in Step 6 Tab.

Once completed, click Next to proceed.

42. If you did supply a reference in Step 8 Tab, please upload the scanned image in Step 9 Tab using

the same directions as outlined in Step 7 Tab (uploading the correct answer reference scan).

Click Next to proceed.

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43. Step 10 and 11 Tabs are repeated for your second wrong answer. Use the same instructions as

Steps 8 and 9 Tabs above.

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44. Once completed, click Next to proceed to the Submit screen

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45. Select the location for your Word document. As mentioned, having a central folder for this will

facilitate the process.

46. Click the SUBMIT button to create the individual Word document.

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47. If successful, the macro will tell you. Click OK to proceed.

∞ 48. You have the option of creating another exam item. Select Yes or No.

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49. The finished individual Word document looks like below. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FORMATTING!

This formatting is needed to upload the exam item into our current Exam software.

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Uploading your Item on your ABVP.com portal

The steps to upload individual exam item documents is as follows:

1. Log into your portal at www.abvp.com. If you do not know your user ID and password, please

contact the Main Office.

2. Create a Maintenance of Certification (also known as recertification) application for your RVS.

3. Details on how to upload exam items is located in the MOC handbook at


OC%20Handbook%202018_FINAL.pdf .

a. The pertinent information starts on Page 17 (2018 version)

4. The 2018 Exam Item Creator macro now embeds your required reference in the document and

an additional upload of the required reference is NO LONGER REQUIRED!

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ABVP ExamSoft Categories

Categories are ExamSoft’s term for keywords.

The ExamSoft categories (aka keywords) align with the 2018 Job Content Analysis (JCA) which is

mandated by the AVMA. The plan is that highly used JCA items can be easily matched with exam items

and placed on the appropriate RVS Exam.

The general scheme of the exam item categories is:


The current ExamSoft categories are:

RVS Group

Avian Anseriformes

Galliformes (non-poultry)







Beef Bovine-Beef

Canine_Feline Canine


Dairy Bovine-Dairy

ECM Ferret

Guinea Pig

Misc ECM



Rep_Amph Amphibian





Swine_Health Swine

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Food_Animal Bovine-Beef





Feline Feline

Shelter_Med Canine









Guinea Pig

Misc Shelter Med





Level Recall



System Behavior








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Special senses


SMP-Animals and Public Policy

SMP-Behavioral Health


SMP-Community and Public Health

SMP-Companion Animal Homelessness

SMP-Research and Critical Review

SMP-Shelter Management

Cause Genetic


Infectious - Bacterial

Infectious - Fungal

Infectious - Misc.

Infectious - Viral












Tasks. Tasks are additional searchable items for an exam item. We will add to this list as needed. To

avoid duplication, ExamSoft will have only one instance of the task although each RVS JCA will have only

an RVS specific subset of this master listing.

Abomasal ulcer




Acetaminophen toxicity

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Acid/base disorders


Acquired & congenital disorders of cardiac blood flow

Acquired and congenital disorders of cardiac blood flow

Acquired defects of cardiac blood flow

Acral Lick Dermatitis




Actinobacillosis pleuropneumoniae/suis



Acute blood loss

Acute colitis/diarrhea

Acute pancreatitis

Acute renal failure

Adrenal Disease


Air sac mites

Air sacculitis

Aleutian Disease Virus (ADV)

Algae growth on shell

Allergic reaction


Ammoniated feed toxicosis


Anal Sac Disease





Anesthesia and recovery

Angular limb deformities

Animal bites

Animal Welfare



Aortic Stenosis



Artificial insemination



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Athletic training injuries



Atrial thrombosis

Atrophic rhinitis

Aural Hematoma

Autoimmune disorders

Aviculture Consultation



Bacterial enteritis

Bacterial infections



Beak avulsion

Beak malocclusion

Beak overgrowth

Beef Quality Assurance

Behavior disorder

Behavioral Problems

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Bile Duct Carcinoma

Bile Duct Obstruction

Bile Peritonitis

Bilious Vomiting Syndrome

Biosecurity assessment

Bite wounds



Bloat- free gas

Bloat- frothy

Blood Pressure Measurement


Bordetella bronchiseptica




Bovine leukemia virus

Bovine respiratory disease complex

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus

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Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy

Bowel adenocarcinoma

Brachial Plexus Avulsion

Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome

Breeding soundness

Breeding Soundness Examination - female

Breeding Soundness Examination - male




Bucked shins


BVD- reproductive disease

BVD-mucosal disease

BVD-respiratory disease

Cardiac disease

Calcium:phosphorus imbalance/deficiency

Calf diarrhea


Campylobacter infection


Canine Coronavirus- Infection

Canine Distemper

Canine Influenza


Caprine arthritis and encephalitis

Cardiac disease



Cardiomyopathy- ARVCM

Carnitine Deficiency

Caseous lymphadenitis


Cataract Surgery


Cattle housing

Cavian leukemia

CBC/Chemistry/UA/Fecal Analysis


Central Nervous System (CNS) diseases

Cerebellar hypoplasia

Ceruminous Gland Adenocarcinoma

Cervical lymphadenitis

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Cervical vertebral malformation

Cervix Disorders


Chemistry, diagnostic testing



Chlamydia/Chlamydophila spp

Chocolate Toxicosis


Cholangitis/ Cholangiohepatitis Syndrome






Chronic diarrhea/granulomatous enteritis

Chronic interstitial nephritis

Chronic progressive nephrosis

Chronic rhinitis

Chronic sinusitis


Circovirus infection

Cirrhosis and Fibrosis of the Liver


Clostridial enterotoxemia

Clostridial Enterotoxicosis

Clostridial myositis

Clostridium disease

CNS trauma


Cobalamin Malabsorption





Cognitive dysfunction

Cold Agglutinin Disease



Coliform mastitis


Colitis, Histiocytic Ulcerative

Collie Eye Anomaly

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Congenital defects

Congenital immunodeficiencies

Congenital malformations

Congestive heart failure



Constricted toe syndrome

Contagious ecthyma

Coonhound Paralysis

Corneal ulcer



Corynebacterium infection

Coxofemoral luxation

Cranial nerve diseases

Crop burn

Crop stasis





CSF Collection

CSF Collection - atlanto-occipital

CSF Collection - lumbosacral


Culture and Sensitivity

Cystic calculi

Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia

Cystic follicular disease




Dancing Doberman Disease

Database access/application

Deciduous Teeth, Retained

Decubitus ulcers

Degenerative joint disease

Degenerative Myelopathy




Dental abscess

Dental Caries ( Cavities)

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Dental disease - acquired

Dental disorders







Dermatoses, Depigment Disorders

Dermatoses, Erosive or Ulcerative

Dermatoses, Exfoliative

Dermatoses, Papulonodular

Dermatoses, Sterile Nodular/Granulomatous

Dermatoses, Vesicuiopustular

Desmitis of suspensory ligament

Developmental orthopedic disease

Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus with Ketoacidosis

Diabetic neuropathy

Diaphragmatic Hernia



Dietary Management

Dietary Management/Nutraceuticals

Digoxin Toxicity

Discolored Tooth/Teeth

Diseases of pharynx/larynx/trachea


Disorders of micturition

Disseminated Idiopathic Myositis

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

DNA sex determination

Downer cow

Drowning (Near Drowning)

Drug toxicoses

Dysautonomia (Key - Gaskell Syndrome)






E. coli

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Ear mites

Early embryo loss

Early embryonic death

Eastern Equine Encephalitis infection




Ectoparasites – flies

Ectoparasites –lice

Ectoparasites –mites

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic Ureter


Ehlers-Danlos-like syndrome


Ehrlichiosis (PHF)

Elbow Dysplasia

Electric shock

Electric Shock/ Cord Bite Injury


Embryo malformation

Embryo mortality

Embryo transfer

Emergency intervention/medicine


Enamel Hypoplasia/ Hypocalcification

Encephalitis (EEE, WEE, VEE)


Endometrial hyperplasia

Endometrial Venous Aneurysms



Endoparasites – gastric worms

Endoparasites – intestinal worms





Entropion, Ectropion

Environmental strep mastitis

Enzootic abortion in ewes

Eosinophilic dermatitis

Eosinophilic Enteritis

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Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex


Epilepsy Idiopathic Genetic

Epizootic catarrhal enteritis (ECE)


Ergot toxicosis


Esophageal obstruction


Estrus synchronization

Ethanol Toxicosis

Ethylene glycol toxicity

Exercise- Induced Collapse In Labrador Retrievers

Exercised-induced pulmonary hemorrhage

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency


External parasites

Extrauterine pregnancy

Exuberant granulation tissue

False Pregnancy

Familial Shar- Pei Fever

Farm employee training

Fatty liver syndrome

Fears, Phobias, and Anxieties

Feather destructive behavior

Feather mites

Feline acne

Feline Calicivirus Infection

Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome

Feline Idiopathic Lower Urinary Tract Disease/FLUTD

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Infection (FIV)

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

Feline Ischemic Encephalopathy

Feline Leukemia Virus Infection (FeLV)

Feline Panleukopenia

Feline Paraneoplastic Alopecia

Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus Infection

Feline Tooth Resorption (Odontoclastic Resorption)

Fertility Management

Fibrocartilaginous Embolic Myelopathy

Financial analysis

Fixation- Internal

Flea allergy dermatitis

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Flea Bite Hypersensitivity and Flea Control

Flexural limb deformities

Follicular stasis

Food allergy dermatitis

Food Allergy/ Food Sensitivity

Food Reactions- Dermatologic

Food Reactions- Gastrointestinal

Foot rot

Foreign animal disease

Foreign Body Obstruction

Fracture, beak

Fracture, digit

Fracture, long bone


Fungal infections

Fungal toxicoses

Fur ring and paraphimosis

Fur slip

Gallbladder Mucocele


Gastric dilation and volvulus

Gastric perforation

Gastric ulcers


Gastrointestinal foreign body

Gastrointestinal impaction

Genital abnormalities


Gingival Hyperplasia





Gluten- Sensitive Enteropathy in Irish Setters

Glycogen Storage Disease


Gossypol toxicosis


Grape and Raisin Toxicity


Guttural pouch diseases

Haemophilus parasuis

Hairy heel wart

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Health certificates

Health certificates/VFD

Heart disease, acquired

Heart disease, congenital

Heart failure

Heart valve disease

Heartworm Disease

Heat abatement

Heat stress

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Helicobacter mustelae Infection


Hemotrophic Mycoplasmosis (Haemobartonellosis)

Hepatic disease

Hepatic disease/biliary disorders

Hepatic encephalopathy

Hepatic lipidosis

Hepatic Nodular Hyperplasia


Herd Health

Hernia, hiatal



Herpesvirus (Rhinopneumonitis)

Herpesvirus infection

Heterobiharzia- Dogs

Hip Dysplasia



Histophilus somnus complex


Hoof trim

Hookworms (Ancylostomiasis)

Hormonal Assays

Horner’s syndrome


Housing and/or handling facilities

Housing/handling facilities

Hydrocyanic acid poisoning





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Hyperesthesia syndrome




Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis





Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic osteodystrophy

Hypervitaminosis A

Hypervitaminosis D






Hypokalemic myopathy

Hypomagnesium tetanies





Hypovitaminosis A

Hypovitaminosis C

Hypovitaminosis D


Immune mediated anemias

Immune mediated thrombocytopenia

Immunodeficiency virus

Immunoproliferative Enteropathy of Basenjis

Inappropriate elimination

Inclusion body conjunctivitis


Increased nonproductive sow days


Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis

Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis

Infectious bronchitis

Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough)

Infectious disease

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Infectious laryngotracheitis



Inflammatory airway disease

Inflammatory bowel disease


Inguinal herniation

Injection site fibrosarcoma

Insecticide toxicity


Interdigital Dermatitis

Interdigital fibroma

Interdigital necrobacillosis

Internal parasites

Internet Technology

Intervertebral Disc Disease

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal torsion and impaction

Intestinal ulcers right dorsal colitis

Intra-articular fractures


Iodine deficiency

Ionophore/monensin/lasalocid toxicosis

Iron-deficiency anemia

Ischemic encephalopathy

Joint luxations

Juvenile gingivitis

Juvenile Polyarteritis (Beagle Pain Syndrome)




Kidney dysfunction

Knemidokoptes infection

Laboratory- in house


Laboratoy- on farm


Lactation Failure

Lactic acidosis

Lamb dysentery


Lameness, chronic


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Laryngeal hemiplegia

Lawsonia intracellularis

Lead poisoning

Lead toxicosis

Left displaced abomasum

Leg deformities

Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease



Leukemia virus

Leukoencephalomyelopathy In Rottweilers

Lily Poisoning


Liver biopsy

Liver Disease

Liver torsion

Lizard Venom Toxicity

Lumbosacral Stenosis and Cauda Equina Syndrome

Lung Lobe Torsion

Lupus Erythematosus, Cutaneous (Discoid)

Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic (SLE)

Luxating patella

Lyme Disease



Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

Lymphocytic plasmocytic stomatitis



Lysosomal Storage Disease

Macrorhabdus ornithogaster infection

Magnesium imbalance

Malassezia Dermatitis

Malignant catarrhal fever

Malignant edema

Malignant hyperthermia


Mammary Gland Hyperplasia- Cats

Mammary Gland Tumors

Management/environmental related diseases

Mannheimia hemolytica

Marek’s disease

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Marking and Roaming Behavior

Mast cell disease

Mast Cell Tumors


Meconium impaction



Megaesophagus- acquired, congenital


Meningoencephalomyelitis, Granulomatous

Metabolic bone disease

Metabolic disease

Metabolic syndrome

Metal toxicity

Metaldehyde Poisoning

Metastatic disease




Micromineral imbalance

Micromineral imbalance

Milk cultures

Milk equipment analysis

Milk quality analysis

Moldy hay and other mycotoxins

Moraxella catarrhalis

Mucoid enteritis


Multiple myeloma

Mushroom Poisoning

Myasthenia Gravis

Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis (MAP)

Mycobacterium infection

Mycoplasma disease complex – bovine

Mycoplasma disease complex – swine

Mycoplasma spp

Mycotic Disease



Myelopathy- Paresis/Paralysis- Cats


Myopathy, Focal Inflammatory- Masticatory Muscle Myositis and Extraocular


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Myopathy, Generalized Inflammatory- Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis

Myopathy, Noninflammatory- Endocrine

Myopathy, Noninflammatory- Hereditary Labrador Retriever

Myopathy, Noninflammatory- Hereditary Scotty Cramp

Myopathy, Noninflammatory- Hereditary X-Linked Muscular Dystrophy

Myopathy, Noninflammatory- Metabolic



Nail and Nailbed Disorders

Nasal Dermatoses

Nasopharyngeal Stenosis

Navicular disease



Necrotizing Encephalitis, Breed Specific

Neonatal disorders

Nephritic syndrome


Nervous ketosis

Neuroaxonal Dystrophy


Newcastle disease

Nitrate poisoning

Nitrate poisoning

Nocardia spp

Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Toxicity

Nosocomial infections

Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition management

Nutritional disease

Nutritional disorders


Ocular disease

Ocular manifestations of systemic diseases

Ocular trauma

Odontoclastic resorptive lesions




Organophosphate and Carbamate Toxicity


Osteochondritis dissecans


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Otitis externa

Otitis media/interna

Otitis media/interna

Ovarian abnormalities

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian Remnant Syndrome

Pain recognition






Papilloma, cloacal


Papillomatous digital dermatitis

Parasites, blood

Parasites, intestinal

Parasites, skin


Parvovirus Infection

Pasteurella multocida

Patella luxation

Patellar Luxation

Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Pectus Excavatum

Pediatric Behavioral Problems

Pelger- Huet Anomaly

Pelvic Bladder


Perianal Fistula

Periparturient hypocalcemia

Periparturient hypocalcemia

Peripheral nerve diseases

Peripheral neuropathies

Peripheral vascular disease

Peritonitis, egg related

Peritoneopericardial Diaphragmatic Hernia

Peritoneo-pericardial hernia


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Phosphofructokinase Deficiency



Pituitary disorders


Plant toxicity

Pleural effusion





Pododermatitis circumscripta (sole ulcer)

Pododermatitis septica (subsolar abscess)



Polycystic Kidneys

Polyomavirus infection


Poor molt

Porcine proliferative enteropathies (Lawsonia)

Pporcine respiratory & reproductive syndrome

Porcine stress syndrome

Portosystemic shunt

Posterior Paresis

Potassium imbalance

Pregnancy diagnosis

Pregnancy toxemia

Preputial prolapse

Primary hyperparathyroidism

Production record analysis

Production Record/Economic Analysis

Prolapse, cloacal

Prolapse, oviduct

Prolapsed Gland of the Third Eyelid (Cherry Eye)

Prolapsed vagina

Proliferative enteritis

Proliferative ileitis

Prostatic Diseases

Prostatic problems


Protozoal myeloencephalitis

Proventicular dilatation syndrome


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Psittacine Feather and Beak Disease

Psychogenic hair loss

Pulmonary adenocarcinoma

Pulmonary edema

Puppy Strangles (Juvenile Cellulitis)





Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Toxicity

Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency


Q fever



Record analysis

Rectal prolapse

Rectal tears

Recurrent airway obstruction

Red cell aplasia

Reduced farrowing rate


Renal Calculi

Renal Cysts

Renal disease

Renal disease, chronic

Reproductive disorders

Reproductive exams

Respiratory diseases

Retained fetuses

Retained placenta

Retinal Atrophy




Right displaced abomasum

Right displaced abomasum

Rodenticide Toxicity- Warfarin, Bromethalin


Rumen acidosis

Rupture of suspensory ligament

Rupture of tendon or ligament

saddle thrombus

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Salivary mucocele

Salmon Poisoning Disease

Salmonella spp


Salt poisoning


Sarcoptic Mange

Scrotal plugs

Seasonal Alopecia

Sebaceous adenitis

Secondary hyperparathyroidism



Sepsis, bacterial


Shell disorders





Solar dermatitis/photosensitization

Sole ulcers

Spinal/vertebral diseases


Squamous cell carcinoma

Standard Operating Procedures

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus spp


Steroid- Responsive Meningitis- Arteritis -Dogs

Stifle injuries


Stray voltage

Streptococcus agalactia

Streptococcus spp

Subacute rumen acidosis

Subsolar abscess

Surgery - general

Surgery- Incisional

Surgery- Laparoscopic


Swimming/floating disorders

Swine influenza

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Systemic lupus erythematosus

Systemic mycosis

Taurine deficiency

Teat/udder injury



Testicular Neoplasia


Thermal burns

Thiamine deficiency



Thunderstorm Phobias

Toxic gases



Toxoplasma spp

Tracheal Collapse

Transfusion medicine

Transitional cell carcinoma

Transmissible gastroenteritis

Transmissible Venereal Tumor


Trauma, beak

Trauma, wounds


Trauma/abrasions/bite wounds

Traumatic reticuloperitonis





Trichomonas infection






Udder cleft dermatitis


Ultrasound - Cardiac

Ultrasound - Reproductive tract

Ultrasound - Tendons

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Ultrasound (other organs)

Ultrasound (reproductive)

Ultrasound- Abdominal

Unruly Behaviors: Jumping, Digging, Chasing, Stealing

Urea toxicosis

Urethral Obstruction

Urinary disease

Urogenital injuries


Uropygial gland disease

Uterine abnormalities

Uterine adenocarcinoma

Uterine prolapse

Uterine torsion


Uveodermatologic Syndrome


Vaccine- Associated Sarcoma

Vaccine Reactions

Vacuolar Hepatopathy

Vaginal prolapse

Valvular Heart Disease

Vascular Ring Anomalies

Vasculitis, Cutaneous-Dogs

Verminous pneumonia

Vesicular disease

Vestibular disease


Viral infections

Viral pneumonia

Vitamin E/selenium deficiency

Water quality associated diseases

West Nile Virus

White line disease

Winter dysentery

Wolfe- Parkinson- White Syndrome

Xylitol Toxicity

Yersinia spp

Zinc Toxicity


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RVS: Food Animal Normal Values

Test Units Bovine Caprine Ovine Porcine

Red blood count (RBC) x 106/microL5.00 – 10.0012.20 – 20.00 9.90 – 14.506.40 – 8.00

Hemoglobin g/dL 8.0 – 15.0 7.0 – 12.0 10.2 – 14.3 12.9 – 15.9

Hematocrit % 24.0 – 46.0 19.2 – 33.0 32.3 – 47.4 38.3 – 47.8

Mean corp. volume (MCV) fL 40.0 – 60.0 13.2 – 19.7 28.6 – 36.7 55.1 – 65.1

Mean corp. HGB (MCH) pg 11.0 – 17.0 5.1 – 6.7 8.9 – 11.2 18.2 – 22.0

Mean corp. HGB conc. (MCHC) f/dL 30.0 – 36.0 33.1 – 40.0 29.3 – 32.3 31.4 – 35.1

Red cell dis. Width (RDW) % 14.0 – 31.0 24.9 – 41.2 19.9 – 26.4 14.2 – 17.7

Platelet count x 103/microL230 – 690 300 – 600 78 – 1309 157 – 618

White blood count (WBC) x 103/microL4.0 – 12.0 9.5 – 30.5 3.7 – 11.7 10.9 – 21.8

Segmented neutrophil absolute #x 103/microL0.60 – 4.00 4.20 – 17.50 0.8 – 3.6 3.2 – 13.1

Band neutrophil absolute # x 103/microL0.00 – 0.10 0.00 – 0.10 0.00 – 0.10 0.00 – 0.10

Lymphocyte absolute # x 103/microL2.50 – 7.50 1.60 – 9.60 0.80 – 7.40 3.30 – 11.50

Monocyte absolute # x 103/microL0.00 – 0.80 0.10 – 1.50 0.00 – 0.40 0.00 – 1.90

Eosinophil absolute # x 103/microL0.00 – 2.40 0.00 – 3.50 0.00 – 1.10 0.00 – 1.50

Basophil absolute # x 103/microL0.00 – 0.20 0.00 – 0.60 0.00 – 0.40 0.00 – 0.20

Test Units Bovine Caprine Ovine Porcine

Albumin gm/dL 3.1 – 4.3 2.3 - 3.4 2.8 – 3.7 3.2 – 4.2

Alkaline phosphatase Units/L 12 – 154 18 – 220 47 – 681 61 – 147

Alanine Amino Transferase Units/L 10 – 33 11 – 28 11 – 26 30 – 53

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Amylase Units/L 11 – 21 10 – 73 5 – 40 744 – 2330

Anion Gap

10 – 25 12 – 20 14 – 21 13 – 30

Aspartate Amino Transferase Units/L 48 – 204 60 – 118 52 – 122 17 – 63

Betahydroxybutyrate mg/dL 1.9 – 14.8 2.3 – 4.9 0.6 – 5.4 0.2 – 1.2

Bicarbonate mmol/L 22 – 29 23 – 3 2 21 – 32 18 – 32

Bile acids, fasting micromol/LNA NA NA NA

Bile acids, post prandial (or non-fasting) micromol/L1.9 – 14.8 5.0 – 69.0 3 – 86 1.0 – 31.0

Bilirubin – Direct mg/dL 0.0 – 0.2 0.0 – 0.7 0.0 – 0.0 0.0 – 0.2

Bilirubin – Total mg/dL 0.0 – 0.2 0.0 – 0.1 0.0 – 0.1 0.0 – 0.1

Blood Urea Nitrogen mg/dL 8 – 22 7 – 22 13 – 28 10 – 24

Calcium mg/dL 7.9 – 10.5 8.2 – 10.3 9.4 – 11.0 10.1 – 11.8

Chloride mmol/L 100 – 109 101 – 109 100 – 112 91 – 109

Cholesterol mg/dL 112 – 331 52 – 120 31 – 85 41 – 89

Corticosteroid-induced Units/L NA NA NA NA

Creatine Kinase Units/L 50 – 271 98 – 267 47 – 273 136 – 1609

Creatinine mg/dL 0.3 – 0.8 0.4 – 0.9 0.5 – 0.9 0.8 – 1.7

Iron mcg/dL 97 – 261 13 – 215 90 – 310 109 – 222

Fructosamine (for non-diabetic animals) umol/L 186 – 243 187 – 273 182 – 278 217 – 299

Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Units/L 4 – 41 31 – 58 26 – 75 34 – 82

Globulin g/dL 2.0 – 4.0 3.5 – 5.3 2.5 – 4.5 5.3 – 6.4

Glucose mg/dL 44 – 75 40 – 76 45 – 85 44 – 91

Haptoglobin mg/mL 0.1 – 1.7 0.0 – 4.9 0.1 – 1.8 0.0 – 1.8

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Insulin uU/mL NA NA NA NA

Lactate mmol/L 0.38 – 1.830.67 – 4.438.18 – 15.141.43 – 5.52

Lactate Dehydrogenase Units/L 744 – 1592172 – 441 280 – 597 328 – 782

Lipase Units/L 1 – 10 11 – 42 10 – 38 2 – 12

Magnesium mg/dL 1.8 – 2.9 2.1 – 3.2 1.9 – 2.7 1.9 – 3.1

Phosphorus mg/dL 4.1 – 8.3 3.8 – 9.6 4.5 – 9.2 6.0 – 9.3

Potassium mmol/L 3.7 – 5.6 4.4 – 6.5 4.1 – 5.9 4.5 – 7.6

Sorbitol Dehydrogenase Units/L 6.6 – 37.8 19.7 – 71.910.2 – 54.3 4.7 – 18.8


Free T4-MEIA ng/mL NA NA NA NA

Sodium mmol/L 135 – 145 139 – 147 139 – 150 128 - 151

Total T4 mcg/dL 1.5 – 5.3 4.1 – 8.9 4.2 – 9.6 2.4 – 7.1

Total protein gm/dL 5.6 – 7.8 6.3 – 8.2 5.7 – 7.7 5.8 – 8.1

Triglycerides mg/dL 4 – 26 11 – 66 10 – 32 34 – 165

Uric Acid mg/dL 0.5 – 1.6 0.0 – 0.2 0.0 – 0.2 0.0 - 02

Values depicted are from several resources and are used for examination purposes only.