abu muntasir stuff

My Twitter Posts in December 2011 1. 'Stories teach us not that dragons exist, but that dragons can be slain' - paraphrased Chesterton quote [Retweet] 2. There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot. - Scott Adams 3. Some preachers justify their idiocy with destiny. As Ali said: Destiny is a deep sea; don't sail on it! It's a stony path; don't walk on it! 4. Muslims Must Stand Up Against the Horrific Attacks Against Christians in Nigeria [Huffington Post] - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/imam-mohamed-magid/muslims- stand-up-against-nigeria-anti-christian- violence_b_1171584.html 5. Fiery friends! Since you choose your enemies, why pick the intelligent? Why crave the most intelligent enemies while refusing to learn more? 6. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -- Martin Luther King, Jr. 7. Cheaters & con-artists are the loudest in preaching & activism. Sincerity is no excuse for falling for them when we stay dumb and ignorant. 8. Begun reading Peter H Wilson's "Europe's Tragedy" dealing with the 30 years war: over 900 pages; hope I get to the end in less than 3 years! 9. A Bradford Fb friend posted that even saying "Merry Christmas" by mistake is worse than murder. No wonder life is cheap to such extremists! 10. Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) said, "You will not commit adultery as long as you avert your eyes." [Islamic sacred text]

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Page 1: Abu Muntasir Stuff

My Twitter Posts in December 20111. 'Stories teach us not that dragons exist, but that dragons can be slain' - paraphrased Chesterton quote [Retweet]

2. There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot. - Scott Adams

3. Some preachers justify their idiocy with destiny. As Ali said: Destiny is a deep sea; don't sail on it! It's a stony path; don't walk on it!

4. Muslims Must Stand Up Against the Horrific Attacks Against Christians in Nigeria [Huffington Post] - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/imam-mohamed-magid/muslims-stand-up-against-nigeria-anti-christian-violence_b_1171584.html

5. Fiery friends! Since you choose your enemies, why pick the intelligent? Why crave the most intelligent enemies while refusing to learn more?

6. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

7. Cheaters & con-artists are the loudest in preaching & activism. Sincerity is no excuse for falling for them when we stay dumb and ignorant.

8. Begun reading Peter H Wilson's "Europe's Tragedy" dealing with the 30 years war: over 900 pages; hope I get to the end in less than 3 years!

9. A Bradford Fb friend posted that even saying "Merry Christmas" by mistake is worse than murder. No wonder life is cheap to such extremists!

10. Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) said, "You will not commit adultery as long as you avert your eyes." [Islamic sacred text]

11. Jesus (peace be upon him) said, "As you sleep, so shall you die; and as you awake, so shall you be resurrected." [Islamic sacred text]

12. Jesus said: It's of no use to you to come to know what you did not know, so long as you don't act in accordance with what you already know.

13. God revealed to Jesus, "O Jesus, your refuge is with me, under the shadow of my throne and in the abode of my mercy." [Islamic sacred text]

14. Jesus Christ (peace be on him) said, "The world is a bridge. Cross this bridge but do not build upon it." [Islamic sacred text]

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15. Jesus (peace on him) said: Multiply what fire cannot consume. "And what is this?" they asked. He replied: Good works. [Islamic sacred text]

16. Jesus said to a pig: Pass in peace. They said: Spirit of God, how can you say this to a pig? He said: I hate to accustom my tongue to evil.

17. Still drowsy after spending all night at the Holy Trinity Church with our homeless guests. God bless all needy people & those who help them.

18. Jesus (peace be upon him) said, "Blessed is he who sees with his heart but whose heart is not in what he sees." [Islamic sacred text]

19. The day that Jesus (peace be upon him) was raised to heaven, he left behind nothing but a woollen garment, a slingshot and two sandals.

20. Jesus (peace be upon him) said, "Place your treasure in heaven, for the heart of man is where his treasures are." [Islamic sacred text]

21. Jesus said to those who tore their clothes lamenting, "What sin have your clothes committed? Turn instead to your hearts and reprove them." They said, "What is the best of worship, spirit of God?"

22. Jesus (peace be upon him) said, "Humility before God." [Islamic sacred text]

23. Jesus (peace on him) said: Slaves of this world, instead of giving alms be merciful to those whom you treat unjustly. [Islamic sacred text]

24. Jesus (peace be upon him) said, "The merciful in this world is the one who will be shown mercy in the next world." [Islamic sacred text]

25. Christ said, "You will not commit adultery as long as you avert your eyes." [Islamic sacred text]

26. We know not when he was born but it's good to remember Jesus (peace on him) was the sweetest, gentlest, purest & humblest to walk the earth.

27. Even if you are the biggest elephant in the jungle, the jungle is still bigger than you. -- African proverb

28. Quite humbling to discover how Xenophanes (d. 470 BC) discovered and explained quite a sophisticated idea of monotheism...

29. So happy to have at last completed reading vol.1 of Anthony Kenny's 'A New History of Western Philosophy' dealing with Ancient Philosophy!

30. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. -- Oscar Wilde

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31. I do not know what I can call my own if the will by which I want or reject is not my own. -- St. Augustine

32. How can a book developed specifically to promote extremist ideology & mass marketed be the same as making a classical work handy for study?

33. My country allows this fascist preacher on YouTube to say he will destroy Britain with his religion. Do such devils think we'll allow that?

34. X-ray was discovered today but know that, "Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

35. These unrepresentative, power & recognition hungry people, vying to advocate for Muslims & Islam are conceited because they are just losers.

36. Characters do not change. Opinions alter, but characters are only developed. -- Benjamin Disraeli

37. A consistent soul believes in destiny, a capricious one in chance. -- Benjamin Disraeli

38. Teach us that wealth is not elegance, that profusion is not magnificence, that splendor is not beauty. - Benjamin Disraeli [Born 21/12/1804]

39. How weird to see Voltaire vindicated by the Saudi preacher I know in the UK. "It isn't love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love"

40. On what principle do these preachers who talk loudest about the ills of the "corrupt" West advocate big for Freedom of Speech in my country?

41. Dressing up the abuse of women in religious verses to justify it is like dressing up a pig in a designer night gown. Its still a pig! [Retweet]

42. Misogyny and violence against women result from vile diseases of the heart. Every man is responsible to uproot them in himself. [Retweet]

43. Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. -- Abraham Lincoln

44. Call no man happy till he is dead. -- Aeschylus

45. This ceaseless praise of heroes of religion has become the deluded escape for speakers who have little practical action or advice to offer.

46. I should sooner decide to live in contemplative soothing solitude than continue to allow myself being drugged with endless praise of heroes.

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47. Scrooge: But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me! [A Xmas Carol, Dickens 17/12/1843]

48. Finished reading "The Rise and Fall of Al-Qaeda" by F. A. Gerges. A must read for anyone who seriously and honestly wants to know Jihadists.

49. Lesson this morning: The most brilliant light comes from uniting the light of the heart; INTELLECT; with that of divine guidance; REVELATION

50. Visited the Community Resource Centre yesterday. So self-cleansing to meet people suffering real deprivation yet humble, polite, & grateful.

51. Without centuries of Christian antisemitism, Hitler's passionate hatred would never have been so fervently echoed. -Robert Runcie Archbishop

52. The first reaction to truth is hatred. -- Tertullian

53. Tonight was my last lecture this year; no. 78; in my risky bid to discuss the whole life of the Prophet Muhammad: back next year Deo volente

54. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. -- T. S. Eliot

55. Stop! You can't impress me about some of our Muslim 'scholars' who neither play an active role in society nor try to influence our destiny!

56. Halfway through mid-December already: better pull my finger out! "Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go." -- Henry A. Dobson

57. Men hate the individual whom they call avaricious only because nothing can be gained from him. -- Voltaire

58. Global terrorists draw on Western models in practice, as well as in ideology. [The Missing Martyrs by Charles Kurzman]

59. Finished reading 'The Missing Martyrs - Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists' by Charles Kurzman (OUP).

60. A good book for better awareness. From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate. -- Socrates

61. The best in life can be propelled by simple questions. "Who are you?" "What do you REALLY want?" Not quantum physics but the stuff of life. [Retweet]

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62. FAT TUESDAY: A fantastic group of performers & such a superb show! Proud for Suffolk New College to have students of such high standards.

63. At last finished reading "A Sketch of English Legal History" by Maitland & Montague. It's quite nontechnical yet it took me so long to read!

64. Rational people always seek relief through independence when trapped by injustice but few do so with fairness. The heart knows why; ask it.

65. Just became a granddad this morning (alhumdulillah). Children teach what one needs to know in life - may my son take good lessons!

66. If Jesus' grandfather's grandfather had known what was hidden within him, he would have stood humble and awestruck before his soul: K Gibran

67. What you give for the cause of charity in health is gold; what you give in sickness is silver; what you give after death is lead: Jewish say

68. To unlearn what is untrue, to discover what we know in a different way, to reclaim the past & be alive to the future; that is real teaching.

69. Off to Leicester: Please God, let me have the courage to fashion my speech with thought and decency to let my talk fall short of my actions.

70. I believe I delivered a good sermon today. As Ronald Knox preferred; short enough to arouse interest but long enough to cover the essentials

71. Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. -- Rumi

72. Some slaves are scoured to their work by whips, others by their restlessness and ambition. -- John Ruskin

73. Are there any scholars alive today that will inspire interest and passion in 1000 years? [Retweet]

74. It's a tragedy in our time that while the Shi'a are randomly butchered in many places the Sunni 'scholars' are generally appallingly silent.

75. Who do too many of our religious 'scholars' tell us about our polluted thinking instead of teaching us how to think in a sound, postive way?

76. Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. -- Plato

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77. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable. - Carl Jung

78. The Washington Post: Occupy the Bible: Why Jesus is not a 'free marketer' by By Susan Brooks http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/guest-voices/post/occupy-the-bible-why-jesus-is-not-a-free-marketer/2011/12/06/gIQAGDnMaO_blog.html

79. Great team mtg today! "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible & suddenly you're doing the impossible." St Francis (Assisi)

80. The charm of fame is so great that we like every object to which it is attached, even death. -- Blaise Pascal

81. When I think over what I have said, I envy dumb people. -- Seneca

82. ... our lives are mostly a constant evasion of ourselves. -- T. S. Eliot

83. Articulate & intelligent parrying do not become tiresomely evasive & unproductive only due to the focus & competence of the interviewers.

84. Confronted with the simple reality of a kind person, even the most brain-washed among us are able to at least question our stereotypes. [Retweet]

85. Censorship ends in logical completeness when nobody is allowed to read any books except the books that nobody reads. - George Bernard Shaw

86. Being nominated for the Stars of Suffolk award gave me the honor to shake Ken Scott's hand & the opportunity to say a heartfelt "Thank you".

87. Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame. -- Bertrand Russell

88. No point blaming the Police for leaking anything to the Press when anyone walking by the 'crime' site could see the graffiti left for ages!

89. If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. -- Albert Einstein

. Power hungry gatekeepers to communities are embarrassing to watch making repetitive requests to Services to filter info. only through them.

2. Cessation of work is not accompanied by cessation of expenses. – Cato

3. Had I but served God as diligently as I've my king, He would not have given me over in my grey hairs. Cardinal Wolsey (Ipswich) d.1530 today

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4. The 1st prerequisite for learning anything is knowledge of our own ignorance. Something some of our self-proclaimed representatives forgot!

5. You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. – William Blake

6. 100 Police posts being cut! "The hours of folly are measured by the clock but of wisdom no clock can measure." - W. Blake (Born today, 1757)

7. I think I may create an internal policy to never attend an event/activity that markets itself with a superlative. Retweeted

8. No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. -- William Blake

9. I'll not be asked to respect folks who spout for Islam but don't purify their conduct or curb their excesses or restrain their hate & anger.

10. My word against the OWC: Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance & conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King Jr.

11. To be a good loser is to learn how to win. -- Carl Sandburg

12. A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, & his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world: Oscar Wilde

13. All great and beautiful work has come of first gazing without shrinking into the darkness. -- John Ruskin

14. He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked. – Voltaire

15. Being ignorant of Islam with no social/academic skills to lead is no bar from being feted as a Muslim rep in ENG if you’re in a mosque cmte.

16. ...dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. -- T. E. Lawrence

17. The fool wonders, the wise man asks. -- Benjamin Disraeli

18. If we don’t prepare, cook & present what we harvest from Muslim magisterium, what we feed poisons & neither nourishes the heart nor society.

19. Samuel Butler said "Neither irony or sarcasm is argument" & he is right, but they're more handy than logic when commonsense can't be evoked.

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20. A defence in the Inquisition is of little use to the prisoner, ... and the greater his wealth the greater his danger. -- John Foxe

21. It is indeed sad to see how when trust erodes suspicions rise against those who become publicly accountable, despite their evident honesty.

22. Did assembly for 320 7-11 yr olds this morn. ..unless you change & become like little children you'll never enter the kingdom of heaven. NIV

23. Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good. -- Joe Paterno

24. @AlasdairRoss You're right, but we strongly feel a FOI request should be made to see how our money given to certain groups have been spent!

25. To that innocent & beautiful girl who laid exggerated claims, I quote, "The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time". W. B. Yeats

26. How the voice of innocence stumbles and quivers in humiliation as it utters exaggerated claims to falsely win recognition from others!

27. All that's bright must fade, The brightest still the fleetest; All that's sweet was made, But to be lost when sweetest. -- Thomas Moore

28. To rise above prejudices, lift others up higher when standing on top, show the essence of justice in speech; my students did fairness today!

29. What a fantastic class today when some of my pupils challenged & corrected any imbalance or misrepresentation of Christians or Christianity!

30. If we sit there passively and nod our head when our religious leaders are preaching self-serving political nonsense, we will just get more. Retweeted

31. I mostly have no patience for the "us and them" talk. I don't need my religious ego boosted by telling me how bad someone else is. Retweeted

32. Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. W. Pitt the Younger

33. Haste is only good for catching flies! -- Russian proverb

34. Would I have wealth, position, power, time or even love or would I rather have Freedom of Expression and Protection? Always the latter!

35. Night glides by slowly. Do I care if the steps I climb are wooden, stone or concrete? I know I must reach the top if I want to see who I am.

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36. Who pays the price for bright young minds who cannot afford further education? "Smiles form the channels of a future tear." -- Lord Byron

37. If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. -- Thomas Paine

38. Who would oppose me the most if I became truly visible for what is right in our country for faith? Finding the answer is a sobering process.

39. I don't understand how my 'friends' can advise God & religion to put out the fire while feeding the flames! Are we its masters or slaves?

40. The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master. -- Khalil Gibran

41. As midnight approaches I flee from my religious companions who have made sadness & gloom synonymous with faith & religion. O the pity of it!

42. Tribute to lady who died alone in a car park: The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss. -Thomas Carlyle

43. However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. -- Winston Churchill

44. Pity the one who is given honour & opportunity to rise but wastes it all in vanity & hollow boasts.Such undeserving ones grow only in pride!

45. It is a matter of shame that in the morning the birds should be awake earlier than you. -- Abu Bakr

46. All we have of freedom, all we use or know - This our fathers bought for us long and long ago. - Rudyard Kipling, The Old Issue, 1899

47. @IpswichTories Peace to each manly soul that sleepeth; Rest to each faithful eye that weepeth... -- Thomas Moore

48. @DeadbeatMum How sleep the brave, who sink to rest, By all their country's wishes blest! -- William Collins

49. A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author. -- G. K. Chesterton

50. When you're sorrowful look again in your heart & you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. K Gibran

51. So little is our loss, so little is thy gain! -- J. Milton "On Time"

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52. Muslims Against Crusaders banned; excellent! Why aren't anyone like them arrested & jailed under Public Order Act or incitement to hatred?

53. @Nigel_Pickover "Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break." William Shakespeare

54. How can anyone deem oneself worthy to represent Muslims when such folk can't even explain the 1st pillar of Islam with proof for 10 minutes?

55. @MuslimCouncil May Allah grant the victim a quck recovery and increase his rank, ameen. What was his "Islamic clothing", Pakistani, Arab...?

56. Puritanism. The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. --- H. L. Mencken

57. Scared of others' laughter, they're only jealous since they're dissatisfied with themselves & unjustly want what others fairly gain or have.

58. JIMAS is working with seven churches who are cooperating together to provide a night shelter in Ipswich for the winter. jimas.org/home.htm

59. Why don't my envious friends stop hurting themselves as I don't plan to stop doing well in my tasks? Time they counted their own blessings.

60. The Suffolk New College Fellows meeting earlier today was very informative and pleasantly eye-opening. It has enthused me!

61. Everyone is very welcome to suggest ideas and approach JIMAS to team up in redeveloping St. Michael's site. Plz contact us at [email protected]

62. Ipswich Borough Council has helped clear up Class A drug use on St. Michael's church site after two break-ins & we've secured the site now.

63. If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. -- George Orwell

64. Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name! -- Manon Roland on 8th Nov. (today) in 1793 before the guillotine in revolutionary France.

65. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it's to be alive: to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius

66. Held diversity session for 2nd Yr Radiography pupils at UCS today: was told someone 40 yrs here but can't speak English! Extreme diversity?

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67. Liars are always most disposed to swear. -- 18th Cent. Italian dramatist, Vittorio Alfieri

68. Human beings just look really good when they are happy and doing good for one another. Maybe goodness could become a fashion trend! Retweeted

69. International cooperation, multilateralism is indispensable. -- Hans Blix

70. Wonderful 'Eid prayers and gathering at the UCS Waterfront Campus organised by Red Roses through the Chaplaincy in co-operation with JIMAS.

71. DWP says over £1 billion taxpayers' money lost to benefits fraud; Remember Hobbes said, "Force & fraud are in war the two cardinal virtues".

72. Cursed is the man who dies, but the evil done by him survives. -- Abu Bakr

73. Charity is no substitute for justice withheld. -- Saint Augustine

74. Looking forward to this Sat when Louise Brown will address my class on JIMAS teaming up with 7 churches to shelter the homeless for winter.

75. @gemstar79 I totally agree! I just think it's wrong to use my tax on grps to tell me how they're different when there are more urgent needs.

76. No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly. -- Oscar Wilde

77. @gemstar79 multiculturalism through edu system & friendship; not Tax-payers' money for such events; right spending priorites; whose duty...?

78. How many paychecks are many of us away from becoming homeless? Then to face the homelessness of being uncared, unwanted & unloved...?

79. @paulsarmstrong You're right Paul. Some people can't even see the difference between ordinary people & sheep. Ask them to ruminate on that!

80. Spoke to 6 homeless folk since last night, saw their resting place in filth, drugs, cold/damp: to hell with funds for multicultural events!

81. Good fame is like fire; when you've kindled you may easily preserve it; but if you extinguish it, you'll not easily kindle it again. F Bacon

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82. The earlier tweet quoting Dryden was a tribute to D. Burbank & wife who died in the bus fire: he had lived with me & I had got him married.

83. All humane things are subject to decay, And, when Fate summons, Monarchs must obey... -- John Dryden

1. My tribute to peaceful Occupy Londoners: Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -- Martin Luther King Jr.

2. 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. -- John Keats

3. 31st of Oct. what a day to remember! First day of the Reformation in 1517; in 1795 John Keats is born; & in 1940 The Battle of Britain ends!

4. My parents taught me to believe that through the creative act, we're able to transcend and give a response to desecration. -- Atom Egoyan

5. How forlorn that politics must ignore respect for sacred texts by inviting unrepresentative folks from faked setups to quote from scripture!

6. Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes. -- Khalil Gibran

7. You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips. -- Oliver Goldsmith

8. I hope I have a good beginning and a good end close together for my sermon at the Kurdish Community Centre today for Friday Prayers.

9. Give advice; if people don't listen, let adversity teach them. -- Ethiopian proverb.

10. A community advised to listen to the feelings behind words but they only heard random talk!

11. Back after 3 days to Ipswich - greeted by graffiti on the Bond Street mosque car park wall - 2 faces with horns captioned "Two faced Pakis"!

12. Seven years in Ipswich, enough ESOL opportunities, young enough to learn, & still so poor in spoken English, yet want to stay and work here!

13. Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud. -- Hermann Hesse

14. I wish we could somehow educate some people who use our Community Centre (Ipswich Origo) not to block the front footpath and talk so loudly!

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15. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. -- Albert Einstein

16. A minute left before the end of a fantastic day. Performed a wedding in Leiston but prior to that had one of the biggest JIMAS classes ever.

17. "Hatred is blind, as well as love" - Oscar Wilde & "Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil" - Machiavelli : Experience proves it!

18. It's amazing just how much suspicion & scorn is poured on authenticity of material in the media yet quoted to prove pet hatreds & prejudice!

19. In such ugly times, the only true protest is beauty. -- Phil Ochs

20. Pale Death with impartial tread beats at the poor man's cottage door and at the palaces of kings. -- Horace, Odes

21. Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor. -- Francis Bacon

22. Will the County Council publish how much is given to whom from the Community Cohesion tax-payers funds, how it's justified and results?

23. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and with fervor. -- Benjamin Disraeli

24. Had a brilliant meeting at the Ipswich Borough Council today. It's the people's honesty and frankness that makes it all worthwhile.

25. It is useless to tell one not to reason but to believe - you might as well tell a man not to wake but sleep. -- Lord Byron

26. The most hateful human misfortune is for a wise man to have no influence. - Herodotus

27. This morning at the ICR I touched on the 13 aspects that feed the mindset of a radical Muslim: all about ignorance and being hateful to God.

28. Does wisdom perhaps appear on the earth as a raven which is inspired by the smell of carrion? -- Friedrich Nietzsche

29. Instead of performing for community cohesion to make those who give council grants happy, why not perform less to make the tax-payers happy?

30. My career was never under any threat except from myself. That's why I changed my job & quit somethings & do what I do. It's most satisfying!

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31. Death, so called, is a thing which makes men weep, And yet a third of life is passed in sleep. -- Lord Byron

32. Is it our scholars' fault or the problem with Islam when you choose to listen and make people listen to ill-qualified, incapable Muslims?

33. Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn. -- C. S. Lewis

34. "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship. -- Aeschylus" Now that is what education is about!

35. Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor. -- Arnold J. Toynbee

36. Without knowing our history & culture how can we be expected to be meaningfully part of our nation with a sense of belonging?

37. I didn't allow my mind to fear telling the committee the bare & essential truth but I didn't have the wisdom to know how little it can mean.

38. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. -- Japanese Proverb

39. "Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality."

40. What a fantastic turnout at Hope Church tonight to help our homeless in Ipswich this winter. Real help for real people for the sake of God!

41. Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. [Nietzsche] I'm so sleepy now; how do I stay awake to sleep tonight?

42. The essence of lying is in deception, not in words. -- John Ruskin

43. Muslims can set up a council but it's wrong to give them recognition when it lacks people qualified to or able to represent us in general.

44. The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. -- Carl Rogers

45. Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o'clock is a scoundrel. -- Samuel Johnson

46. The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. -- Benjamin Disraeli

47. There is no such thing as a good tax. -- Winston Churchill

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48. I hope all in my class understood today why it is not at all virtuous for Muslims to take tax-payers money for jollies as cohesion projects.

49. Forgive me my nonsense, as I also forgive the nonsense of those that think they talk sense. -- Robert Frost

50. Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words. -- St. Francis of Assisi

51. I was privileged to exclusively 'preach' to over 500 people today again - what an honour to be able to do so every month for almost 3 years!

52. "All say, "How hard it is that we have to die" - a strange complaint to come from the mouths of people who have had to live." -- Mark Twain

53. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." Steve Jobs

54. A barking dog is often more useful than a sleeping lion. -- Washington Irving

55. Since I won't stop caring and won't be insincere, when will I ever learn to be clever enough not to give advice when asked?

56. Not only did the Crimean war begin in 1853 but the pope launched the Gregorian calender in 1582 today. I'm just filling a form all day long!

57. What sits on the conscience of these people when they take tax-payers money for councils and support centres that only uphold differences?

58. Perhaps the time has become urgent to take a closer look at the relevance & pusuit of pluralism & abandon experiments with multiculturalism.

59. Islamophobia / Jew hatred cured-The more you know about people the less you want to say stupid and mean things about them. Retweeted by me

60. Islamophobia / Jew hatred made simple-The less you know about people the easier it is to say astoundingly stupid and mean things about them. Retweeted by me

61. The secret of humour is surprise. - Aristotle

62. Yes, the aristocracy had to be 'destroyed' so that their property can be a National Trust for you to have binoculars to see!

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63. I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone. -- St. Francis of Assisi (died today 3rd Oct in 1226)

64. My words matter little, but you took public funds for a committee you & I created, which doesn't and can't represent Muslims in Ipswich.

. Some medical status or treatment mimic or cause anxiety. If doctors can't help then it's from irrational fear. Why have anxiety about Islam?

2. Betrayal is the only truth that sticks. -- Arthur Miller

3. He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. -- Abraham Lincoln

4. "Shakespeare is the true multicultural author. He exists in all languages. He is put on the stage everywhere." -- Harold Bloom

5. 3000 jobs gone at BAE, 200,000 may go at councils, financial crisis, weakening jobs market: high time to cut funds for multicultural events.

6. The soul is dyed with the color of its leisure thoughts. -- Dean Inge, Dean of St Paul's, London , 1860-1954

7. As the saying goes, "The sun discovers the filth under the white snow”.

8. Leadership is an opportunity to serve. It is not a trumpet call to self importance. -- J. Donald Walters

9. If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell! -- Jimmy Swaggart

10. I am so tired! Will I be tired of thinking I'm tired. Anyway off to do my Sirah talk. One day I may be tired of doing things when I'm tired!

11. Fantasic response to our SNC freshers' Chaplaincy stall. "Students achieving oneness will move on to twoness." -- Woody Allen

12. Off to Suffolk New College Freshers fair. Must tell new students, "If at 1st you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you." -- Someone

13. A life lived in fear is a life half-lived. -- Spanish Proverb

14. Shlomo Tannenholz has sent malicious emails to many people calling me "racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic, bigoted, segregationist":Who is he?

15. The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. -- Bertrand Russell

16. Thought is crucial for balanced minds. Hate & prejudice stop thought. Balanced minds can become enlightened: so precious that it's rationed.

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17. "It is better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for someoneyou are not.” Are you hateful because we changed to work for peace?

18. If triumphs ended conflicts! Victory @ Poitiers 2day in 1356 yet war for 97 more yrs. Over 12 yrs for peace yet we're still victims of hate.

19. To all my coreligionists reacting unintelligently to clever confrontation. Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment. -- Lao Tzu

20. Most of us spend too much time on the last twenty-four hours and too little on the last six thousand years. -- Will Durant

21. Silence is as deep as eternity, speech as shallow as time. -- Thomas Carlyle

22. Tried to help a homeless man who came to us. Became bad mannered when asked to wait!

23. "Ingratitude is the essence of vileness." Immanuel Kant

24. There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk. -- Jean-Paul Sartre

25. Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe, Sadder than owl-songs or the midnight blast, Is that portentous phrase, I told you so -- Lord Byron

26. A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower. -- Kin Hubbard

27. Patriotism is virtuous with dissent and opposes undeserving government, but it never betrays one's country and love for her citizens.

28. Internet trolling: "In its most extreme form it is a criminal offence": BBC News today ref: Sean Duffy. why not burning poppy/flag in public?

29. Nothing that is morally wrong can be politically right. -- William E. Gladstone

30. One can, to an almost laughable degree, infer what a man's wife is like from his opinions about women in general. -- John Stuart Mill

31. Some obvious and true enemies of Islam and Muslims, who call themselves "Muslims Against Crusades", burnt the American flag today! Weird!

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32. Angry faced people ask me to hate for God who is beautiful, whose mercy overrides anger & who likes to forgive. Am I to start with them 1st?

33. Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -- Groucho Marx

34. How many of us have the greatness of Elizabeth Turner who decided, "I will not continue the anger and the killing. It has to stop with me."?

35. We look forward to the time when the power to love will replace the love of power.Then will our world know the blessings of peace: Gladstone

36. As we draw closer to Sunday I am reminded more & more how true weakness and true cowardice give rise to treachery until it's seen as virtue!

37. You ask why my tweets are so many quotes? Because Churchill said, "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."

38. If 9/11 was a catalyst for clarity then 7/7 was the rubicon beyond which muddled thinking & indecisve words against terrorism mustn't occur.

39. Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. -- George Bernard Shaw

40. The thousand mysteries around us would not trouble but interest us, if only we had cheerful, healthy hearts. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

41. Even weeds have some virtue or benefit but we don't allow them to grow in our gardens. So why must liberal societies accommodate everything?

42. If England treats her criminals the way she treated me, she doesn't deserve to have any. -- Oscar Wilde

43. While luxuries can distract us, simple pleasures can give us the freedom to focus. -- Lee Weissman

44. Back from holiday today; the day Queen Elizabeth was born in 1533. "More than a man but sometimes (by troth) less than woman" - Robert Cecil

45. The Phones 4U advertisement featuring an illustration of Jesus was wholly "disrespectful" to the Muslim faith too!

1. Give me fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself. -- V Pareto

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2. Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority. -- Francis Bacon

3. People forget what you said. People forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.

4. Everything one records contains a grain of hope, no matter how deeply it may come from despair. -- Elias Canetti

5. In a Police meeting yesterday a man registered concern of his 'community'. Why? Who are his community? Everyone with the same ethnicity?!?

6. Hope is patience with the lamp lit. -- Tertullian

7. A proverb is the horse which can carry one swiftly to the discovery of ideas. – Yoruba proverb

8. Back in Ipswich having strolled through the cemetary of dead ideas over the weekend & enlivened to know that success lie in such fatalities.

9. There's nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self. -- Hindu proverb

10. Back from a meeting where 3 people sincerely & lovingly advised me about my weaknesses, which I took on board. True friends are so precious!

11. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. -- Anais Nin

12. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour. -- Truman Capote

13. My friend wants problems solved by only looking at his family's suffering endured, but without regard for what they have done. Is this just?

14. Knowledge raises the low, but ignorance brings down the mighty. -- Caliph Ali

15. If you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! -- Winston Churchill

16. Want a learned read about which there are too many presumptions? I read & recommend "God & Logic-The Caliphate of Reason" by John Walbridge.

17. In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. – Jan L. A. Van De Snepscheut

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18. “We rarely hear the inward music, but we’re all dancing to it nevertheless.” – Rumi

19. You can choose to leave the kitchen & talk about how to run the market or get on with cooking for the hungry guests who waited long already!

20. The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. – John Ruskin

21. You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. -- John Bunyan

22. Colours are the deeds and sufferings of light. -- Goethe

23. How are our kids being taught in our supplementary schools when one of them goes and says: White people are not going to heaven? Appalling!

24. Goodness is always beautiful, but "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness: Leo Tolstoy".

25. How does spoon feeding people with translations, who won't learn English even after being here for 10 years, help them to be UK citizens?

26. Did you know for the last 7 hundred yrs all the judgements of the courts at Westminster have been recorded & they can still mostly be read?

27. Seljuk Turks block Jerusalem from Xtian travellers in 1071. 15th Jul 1099 Crusaders conquer Jerusalem. Miserable is he who seeks those days.

28. The world is a shadow; run after it & you’ll never catch it, turn your back against it & it has no choice but to follow you. – Ibn al-Qayyim

29. Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. -- R L Stevenson

30. Shouldn't toleration stem from mutual understanding instead of political expediency?

32. Truth is the daughter of time not of authority: F Bacon

33. One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. -- Will Durant

34. Read Roger Scruton's "The Uses of Pessimism" - I just did. It is beautifully clear, elegantly complete, fast paced but very relevant to all.

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35. Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. – Ambrose Franklin

36. Some people not only want power & authority but on top they are greedy to rule over others. Beware! Speaking for God is one of their means!

37. When ideas fail, words come in very handy. -- Goethe

38. Julius Caesar, conqueror of Gaul & dictator of Rome (ending the Roman Republic) was born today the 12th of July (named after him) in 100 BC!

39. History has no lessons for unscrupulous optimists! -- Roger Scruton

40. Immigration Adv Srvc goes bust, jobs & funds cuts all over, & a lottery funded centre wants to raise £25k to waste on a Multicultural Event!

41. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. -- Anais Nin

42. If you follow reason far enough it always leads to conclusions that are contrary to reason. - Samuel Butler

43. Yesterday's Suffolk Muslim Conference at the UCS: 3 men converted to Islam. Today's abseil at the hospital for JIMAS Charity: 10 took part.

44. My cause is by ignoring a divisive nation with an inglorious past harbouring a victim mentality from attacks by an unproven conspiracy: TOSH

45. Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is. -- Will Rogers

46. Light travels faster than sound - isn't that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak? -- Steven Wright

47. Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning: Psalm 30:5

48. I will pay a handsome fee to know how to live in a society, maybe always of strangers, protected from the purposes & plans of everyone else.

49. The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell. - Confucius

50. Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving evidence of the fact. -- George Elliot

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51. I pay my taxes so I question my government's foreign affairs as well as my local Muslims taking funds pretending to work against radicalism.

52. Govt. is shameless to ignore the bicentenary of the victory at Waterloo. 'The battle's won. My life's of no consequence now.' - Wellington

53. You must learn from the mistakes of others. You cannot possibly live long enough to make them all yourself! -- Sam Levenson

54. Why is it that when we receive special guests in our mosques we dress up as foreigners? Is this weird behavior some sort of collective joke?

55. There is no mistake so great as the mistake of not going on. -- William Blake

56. A clever man commits no minor blunders. -- Goethe

57. againstviolentextremism.org

58. Yes, religion develops a person's humanity, but the learner needs cradling by evidence of history and good teachers.

59. Hope, detached from faith and untempered by the evidence of history, is a dangerous asset... -- Roger Scruton

60. Some people do not become thinkers simply because their memories are too good. – Friedrich Nietzsche

1. Give me fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself. -- V Pareto

2. Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority. -- Francis Bacon

3. People forget what you said. People forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.

4. Everything one records contains a grain of hope, no matter how deeply it may come from despair. -- Elias Canetti

5. In a Police meeting yesterday a man registered concern of his 'community'. Why? Who are his community? Everyone with the same ethnicity?!?

6. Hope is patience with the lamp lit. -- Tertullian

7. A proverb is the horse which can carry one swiftly to the discovery of ideas. – Yoruba proverb

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8. Back in Ipswich having strolled through the cemetary of dead ideas over the weekend & enlivened to know that success lie in such fatalities.

9. There's nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self. -- Hindu proverb

10. Back from a meeting where 3 people sincerely & lovingly advised me about my weaknesses, which I took on board. True friends are so precious!

11. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. -- Anais Nin

12. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour. -- Truman Capote

13. My friend wants problems solved by only looking at his family's suffering endured, but without regard for what they have done. Is this just?

14. Knowledge raises the low, but ignorance brings down the mighty. -- Caliph Ali

15. If you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! -- Winston Churchill

16. Want a learned read about which there are too many presumptions? I read & recommend "God & Logic-The Caliphate of Reason" by John Walbridge.

17. In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. – Jan L. A. Van De Snepscheut

18. “We rarely hear the inward music, but we’re all dancing to it nevertheless.” – Rumi

19. You can choose to leave the kitchen & talk about how to run the market or get on with cooking for the hungry guests who waited long already!

20. The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. – John Ruskin

21. You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. -- John Bunyan

22. Colours are the deeds and sufferings of light. -- Goethe

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23. How are our kids being taught in our supplementary schools when one of them goes and says: White people are not going to heaven? Appalling!

24. Goodness is always beautiful, but "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness: Leo Tolstoy".

25. How does spoon feeding people with translations, who won't learn English even after being here for 10 years, help them to be UK citizens?

26. Did you know for the last 7 hundred yrs all the judgements of the courts at Westminster have been recorded & they can still mostly be read?

27. Seljuk Turks block Jerusalem from Xtian travellers in 1071. 15th Jul 1099 Crusaders conquer Jerusalem. Miserable is he who seeks those days.

28. The world is a shadow; run after it & you’ll never catch it, turn your back against it & it has no choice but to follow you. – Ibn al-Qayyim

29. Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. -- R L Stevenson

30. Shouldn't toleration stem from mutual understanding instead of political expediency?

32. Truth is the daughter of time not of authority: F Bacon

33. One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. -- Will Durant

34. Read Roger Scruton's "The Uses of Pessimism" - I just did. It is beautifully clear, elegantly complete, fast paced but very relevant to all.

35. Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. – Ambrose Franklin

36. Some people not only want power & authority but on top they are greedy to rule over others. Beware! Speaking for God is one of their means!

37. When ideas fail, words come in very handy. -- Goethe

38. Julius Caesar, conqueror of Gaul & dictator of Rome (ending the Roman Republic) was born today the 12th of July (named after him) in 100 BC!

39. History has no lessons for unscrupulous optimists! -- Roger Scruton

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40. Immigration Adv Srvc goes bust, jobs & funds cuts all over, & a lottery funded centre wants to raise £25k to waste on a Multicultural Event!

41. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. -- Anais Nin

42. If you follow reason far enough it always leads to conclusions that are contrary to reason. - Samuel Butler

43. Yesterday's Suffolk Muslim Conference at the UCS: 3 men converted to Islam. Today's abseil at the hospital for JIMAS Charity: 10 took part.

44. My cause is by ignoring a divisive nation with an inglorious past harbouring a victim mentality from attacks by an unproven conspiracy: TOSH

45. Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is. -- Will Rogers

46. Light travels faster than sound - isn't that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak? -- Steven Wright

47. Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning: Psalm 30:5

48. I will pay a handsome fee to know how to live in a society, maybe always of strangers, protected from the purposes & plans of everyone else.

49. The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell. - Confucius

50. Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving evidence of the fact. -- George Elliot

51. I pay my taxes so I question my government's foreign affairs as well as my local Muslims taking funds pretending to work against radicalism.

52. Govt. is shameless to ignore the bicentenary of the victory at Waterloo. 'The battle's won. My life's of no consequence now.' - Wellington

53. You must learn from the mistakes of others. You cannot possibly live long enough to make them all yourself! -- Sam Levenson

54. Why is it that when we receive special guests in our mosques we dress up as foreigners? Is this weird behavior some sort of collective joke?

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55. There is no mistake so great as the mistake of not going on. -- William Blake

56. A clever man commits no minor blunders. -- Goethe

57. againstviolentextremism.org

58. Yes, religion develops a person's humanity, but the learner needs cradling by evidence of history and good teachers.

59. Hope, detached from faith and untempered by the evidence of history, is a dangerous asset... -- Roger Scruton

60. Some people do not become thinkers simply because their memories are too good. – Friedrich Nietzsche

1. Study as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow. -- Saint Edmund of Abingdon

2. Everything has been thought of before, but the problem is to think of it again. -- Goethe

3. I can picture... a world without war... without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. -- J. Handey

4. A man told me at the BMHC, "Muslims are the only people in the world who gave the Jews a land to settle: Palestine!" I was lost for words...

5. A man thinks that by mouthing hard words he understands hard things. -- Herman Melville

6. I can vouch for Suffolk New College that they consider Equality & Diversity very seriously, honestly and frankly indeed.

7. The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge. -- Daniel J. Boorstin

8. When it's easy to lose one's dignity in the world of things it's also necessary to express honour through love, beauty and truth; not death!

9. The way the servants treat God's creation, God will treat them in the same manner in this life and in the Hereafter. -- Ibn al-Qayyum

10. Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one. -- Marcus Aurelius

11. All Community Cohesion funding from the Council should be stopped & instead people in need as in this article supported: bbc.co.uk/news/business-…

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12. Too many have dispensed with generosity in order to practice charity. -- Albert Camus

13. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend. -- Albert Camus

14. The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds. -- Will Durant

15. When we forget to live the mystery of life but make life a problem we can solve once & for all, we make stupidity our partner in progress.

16. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -- Benjamin Franklin

17. Isn't it good to sometimes consider extreme suggestions even if it is discarded to restore balance in ideas? How else is any idea balanced?

18. We turn clay to make a vessel, but it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends. -- LaoTzu

19. A Norwich tutor recently asked us to look at our own practices & understandings before inviting others to Islam. Who teaches us how to look?

20. In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet. -- W. Churchill

21. JIMAS is distinct from political movements and ideologies originating abroad which by nature are not synchronised with British public needs.

22. No one gossips about other people's secret virtues. -- Bertrand Russell

23. Which is more human; to wallow in delusional piety that continually spews hatred for others or to remain simple but contented with humanity?

24. The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything. -- Albert Einstein

25. Islamic jurisprudence has patterns of localisations due to cultures & norms. How are local customs taken into account in an imported fatwah?

26. Preachers encourage us to have hope but teachers tell us how to practice it since only they teach us the daily and conscious actions for it.

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27. Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem. -- Henry Kissinger

28. My greatest strength as a consultant is to be ignorant and ask a few questions. -- Peter Drucker

29. Seriously folks, is any Community Cohesion funds (tax-payers money) given to an Ipswich set-up being used to teach people proselytization?

30. From a fallen tree, all make kindling. -- Spanish Proverb

31. Still, you came & settled down with a lot of help from our country despite certain hardships. Why not go back now since you hate it so much?

32. When the big tree falls, the goat eats its leaves. -- African Proverb

1. It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say, and then don't say it. -- Sam Levenson

2. Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. -- Carl Jung

3. Why can't mosque committees comprise of people just on merit, contribution & competence regardless of gender, whether all men or all women?

4. Distasteful as the fact may be, people with crazy ideas can be perfectly rational. -- Bruce Bueno de Mesquite

5. It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. -- Leo Tolstoy

6. When people capitalize on and exploit anomalies in evidence to support their false claims, you know they are clever; despicable but clever.

7. Why resist or object to women in mosque committees? Why give excuses and offer justifications against having women mosque committee members?

8. Let us not be like drunkards looking for keys under lampposts. What is really precious and lost is most often not under the bright lights.

9. All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why. -- James Thurber

10. It's wrong to give taxpayers money to a false set-up, as in Ipswich, unproven against radicalisation, when it lacks both knowledge & reach.

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11. To most men, experience is like the stern lights on a ship which illumine only the track it has passed. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

12. A group with council PREVENT money for Community Cohesion organises da'wah training event. Any Xtian group get gov funds for evangelisation?

13. Some people want others to believe and hallow suspicions about one another. Let me start by suspecting their motives...

14. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader. -- Robert Frost

15. One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important. -- Bertrand Russell

16. A certain parent demands his boy is never seated next to any girl in his school. Does he use public transport & will he go into higher edu.?

17. So many clever people have so much to say by way of sincere criticism but lacking tenacity and patience they achieve very little for anyone!

18. My advice to youngsters who brandish religion: If you want to touch peoples' lives then you have more to answer for; it's as simple as that!

19. Why is it that sometimes the most unlikely people talk the greatest sense and 'experienced' people dumbfound you with their bull-headedness?

20. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. -- William A. Ward

21. For a person who cherishes compassion and love, the practice of tolerance is essential; and for that, an enemy is indispensable. -Dalai Lama

22. Bricks have more priority than people when one from some community can't find people to pay for a funeral but they can buy a mosque in cash.

23. Today 13th of May the Terror of the French Revolution began to clean the state of aristocratic blood. A result of that now is the niqab ban.

24. In a focus group on Muslims being unfairly mentioned a Muslim lady repeatedly referred to injustices by the Chinese. Surely not all Chinese?

25. Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand. -- Plato

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26. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it once every six months. -- Oscar Wilde

27. Poppy burner gets away with a disgraceful fine of a mere £50 but the one who tries to stop him is rearrested so that he can be criminalised!

28. It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. -- Seneca

29. I think I'm trying to say that you may, if you wish, take advantage of our charity and kindness, but not at the expense of anyone's rights.

30. It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers! -- James Thurber

31. We learnt yesterday that courtesy & humility are different. Next we learn the difference between taking advantage & cheating others' rights.

32. "Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice." [Proverbs 24:17]

33. Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much, wisdom is humble that he knows no more. -- William Cowper

34. Put a question to my class today on how they would've answered a young girl's dilemma. Their answers vindicated my reply to her. Sweet!

35. If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are headed for. -- Chinese Proverb

36. If immigrant integration isn't a real issue why does it feel real when one of them says I shouldn't say I'm British cause I'm not white?

37. Quit worrying about your health. It will go away. -- Robert Orben

38. For what good is it if we will what we cannot do, or are unwilling to do what we can? -- St. Augustine

39. Why provide translators & translations for years at tax-payers expenses to people who insist on not having a working knowledge of English?

40. People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. -- George Orwell

41. Peace is costly but it is worth the expense. -- Kikuyu Proverb

42. Peace on earth would be the end of civilization as we know it. -- Joseph Heller

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43. He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot. -- Groucho Marx

1. Today, the 29th of April, is a happy day to remember indeed, not least because the Dachau concentration camp in Germany was liberated today.

2. To Prince William: By all means marry. If you get a good wife you'll be happy; if you get a bad one you'll be a philisopher. -- Socrates

3. The Friday sermon today asked us to be pious and God-fearing as expected but as expected did not remotely connect that with our society.

4. A man wrote to me today to start an argument about an incident which happened 15 years ago. Why do we remain prisoners of our own grudges?

5. I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have. -- Thomas Hardy

6. Why did 2 Ipswich locals insist that St. Michael's Church would become a car park when I asserted to them as owner that it will be rebuilt?

7. An idea isn't responsible for the people who believe in it. -- Don Marquis

8. I really do not like my tax-money going towards making life comfortable for anyone who tells me that I should not be part of my own country!

9. Back in Ipswich after the huge and very successful JIMAS Conference in Leicester. 2000 people in harmony & peace - what an experience!

10. One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics in that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato

11. The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. -- Winston Churchill

12. No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness, than disbelief in great men. -- Thomas Carlyle

13. What is the force that pulls our society together if it is not our intelligence that allows us to talk, understand and respect one another?

14. If we ate what we listened to we'd all be dead. -- Earl Wild

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15. The 1st battle of the American Rev was today in 1775. Since WWII the USA has bombed about 30 nations representing 1/3rd of world's people!

16. If you make people think they are thinking they will love you, but if you really make them think they will kill you. -- Albert Einstein

17. Without perseverance talent is a barren bed. - Welsh Proverb

18. Have you voted yet at http://www.co-operative.coop/join-the-revolution/jimas-community-centre-project ?

19. Albert Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over & over again but expecting different results. Does it take a genius to know that?

20. One of the marvels of the world is the sight of a soul sitting in prison with the key in its hand! -- Rumi

21. So, what's the hidden truth in us taking UK welfare, talking about the evils of British society, but never saying how we benefit being here?

22. When a thing is funny, search it for a hidden truth. -- George Bernard Shaw

23. No bank loans, no lottery, foreign or PREVENT/Police funds, no government grants of any type: JIMAS had bought St. Michael's Church for you!

24. The law permits certain immoral practices which many people generally don't approve. So is it right to make that out as culture of a nation?

25. There are three things that are extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self. -- Benjamin Franklin

26. How much tax-payers money is wasted on invented outfits that pretend to speak on behalf of communities of faiths? Why isn't that a crime?

27. Euripides said, "The language of truth is simple." The issue is when, where and how that truth is presented. But always let truth be spoken!

28. Those who invoke Islam to support their desire for violence, as if divine authority in vested in them, are fools damned by their ignorance.

29. We greatly overestimate what we can accomplish in 1 year. But we greatly underestimate what we can accomplish in 5 years. -- Peter Drucker

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30. The problem with the youth of today is that one is no longer part of it. -- Salvador Dali

31. People who take taxpayers money for their own benefit for pointless community events attended almost wholly by their own aren't respectable.

32. Animals flourish on their instincts but they are not wise, yet we who are 'wise' can no longer trust our instincts. Is that how we're noble?

33. Islam always taught Muslims how to adapt to culture & customs of the people among whom they live, yet some of us choose to make that a lie.

34. The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing which stands in the way. -- Blake

35. The Ipswich Buddhist Centre has just now contributed £150 towards restoration of the St. Michael's Church belonging to JIMAS. Thank you all.

36. Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened. -- Thomas Hardy

37. What will go wrong if we stop being pretentious about caring for others? Will anything get worse or will we instead win over conceit?

38. Relating to God creates in us the habits of silence & listening, the willingness to be questioned & to question ourselves. Archbishop R. Williams

39. If I were to fear the indifference of good people then I am defeated already, but I guess people do hurt the most due to their indifference.

40. Religious people walking backwards with their faces into the future; worst of Bevan's reactionaries; tell me it'll be a great day tomorrow!

41. Legend says that Gautama Buddha was born today 8th April in 563 BC. How sweet are his words, "Do not speak- unless it improves on silence"!

42. Rose Norgate's team with the Quakers raised £500 in Beccles for St. Michael's church and gave it to JIMAS: will the mosques here do better?

43. What has celebrating the Bangladesh Independence Day recently in Ipswich has anything to do with being Muslims, British, or respectability?

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44. Today 7th April 1770 William Wordsworth was born. He had once said, "Pictures deface walls more often than they decorate them." That's life.

45. Check your heart. Constantly offering help in public without taking any inititiative when others have done so exposes something about you.

46. Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom. -- Terry Pratchett

47. Does multiculturalism have to cost tax-payers money? That the majority host population pays to know & live with other cultures is fantastic!

48. We may never know the effect of ourselves and some say desire is at the heart of suffering, but never cease from desiring good for everyone.

49. These things,good Lord, that we pray for, give us Thy grace to labour for. -- Sir Thomas More (1478 - 1535)

50. The prayer of one pure heart, I think, hath might to atone for many. -- Sophocles

51. A debate between 2 groups of 14 yr olds today at a Muslim run supplementary sch in Swindon easily puts to shame most of our UK mosque imams

1. Apathy & ignorance about justly fulfilling responsibilities at home is our biggest problem. How does shouting for the Ummah elsewhere help?

2. Civilisation is a movement, not a condition; a voyage, not a harbour. -- Arnold Toynbee

3. Hundreds of arts groups lose funding while lottery money given to unnecessary multiculturalism in the name of Bangladeshi Heritage Project!

4. A very big and special thank you to East Anglia Daily Times!

5. Statistics are like prisoners under torture: with proper tweaking you can get them to confess to anything. -- John Rothchild

6. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see and even the dumb can speak.

7. We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. -- Benjamin Franklin

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8. Why are some of us so keen about God & religion only regarding issues of opposition to others otherwise we're full of fun-loving neglect?

9. Learning how ignorance & prejudice gathers strength & spreads among our theologians will educate us better than being sung of their virtue.

10. No statement, theological or otherwise, should be made that would not be credible in the presence of the burning children. -- Rabbi J. Sacks

11. The secret of all victory lies in the organisation of the non-obvious. -- Marcus Aurelius

12. A nonMuslim in Ipswich offers 1 year's free use of his place since our premise is torched, but nothing from able Muslims. Who is more godly?

13. I am a leader by default, only because nature does not allow a vacuum. -- Bishop Desmond Tutu

14. Do some of us love the Ummah elsewhere more because of our rivalry and resentful need to get away from each other in places where we live?

15. With most people unbelief in one thing is founded upon blind belief in another. -- G. C. Lichtenberg

16. What really happened? Why do we want to know? Clearly some of us want to know to confirm our prejudices in order to spread hatred. Why?

17. Shu'bah said on his death bed, "Leave me (alone). I wish I were a lighter of the fire for the bath-house and I did not know hadeeth."

18. If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith. -- Albert Einstein

19. Some Muslims are prepared to cross one another out for the God they say gave them the same goals and principles. How is that right & good?

20. Be grateful for the power of speech that most of us have, but I'm not sure, should'nt we feel better when we have the power of conversation?

21. Please sign up & vote to restore St. Michael's Church. Visit http://www.co-operative.coop/join-the-revolution/jimas-community-centre-project

22. Faith is granted unasked for, in order for other things to be granted to the one asking for them. -- St. Augustine

23. People everywhere since I remember taught me to pray for miracles. I only pray for normalcy against disaster and tragedy.

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24. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. -- Sigmund Freud. An arson attack and need for help is just that. http://www.justgiving.com/JIMAS-Centre

25. Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened. -- Thomas Hardy

26. You mocked & gave cold shoulder in good times. Now I've fallen you beam in cynical pleasure & kick dust in my face. Remember I'm getting up!

27. We walk barefeet and weep at our destitution but then see a man who has lost both legs. Even then we barely grasp the idea of gratitude!

28. There is much difference between us and ourselves as between us and others. -- Michel de Montaigne. Cannot agree more!

29. Mr. Qamar David's death proves what happens when we refuse ignorance and corruption. It is not enough to don the garments of civilisation.

30. God willing we will surely recover from the arson attack. Remember, "Creativity is the defeat of habit by originality." -- Arthur Koestler

31. For how many generations will the British of Bangladeshi origin celebrate Bangladesh Independence Day? Does it ever become irrelevant to us?

32. If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you. --T.S. Eliot

33. No pressure, no diamonds! -- Mary Case

34. Edgar: What, in ill thoughts again? Men must endure -Their going hence, even as their coming hither; Ripeness is all: come on. [Shakespeare]

35. Likely very few people set fire to former St. Michael's Church. But the support and sympathy for JIMAS from people has been overwhelming!

36. St. Michael's Church in Ipswich that JIMAS acquired has now burnt down. We always intended the best with it for all who live in Ipswich.

37. Can you show how tax-payers money given through community cohesion & social inclusion PREVENTs extremism in Ipswich? Who attends the events?

38. "The answer to the existence of a fool is silence." -- Rumi

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39. Tax-payers money set aside as PREVENT funding is being used through Social Inclusion to hold Community Events. What do Ipswich people think?

40. I think if most of us said we pick from the scholars what we choose instead of we follow our scholars we would be right, & that disturbs me.

41. Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lghting of a fire. -- W. B. Yeats

42. When men weep tears for the suffering out of sight and walk by stony faced the suffering on their doorstep I do ask myself if that is human.

43. When you murder people of other faiths you either defy the nature, purpose, goals & needs of your own or you follow a false religion.

44. Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4

45. Imagine how affairs will be in England if Christian fanatics here murdered a Muslim minister, then one will know better why we're civilised.

46. Just came back from Colchester dealing with a company. Their warm & helpful character means so much more to me. They did clinch the deal.

47. Men will always be mad, and those who think they can cure them are the maddest of all. -- Voltaire

48. True religion is the life we lead, not the creed we profess. -- Louis Nizer

49. Today 1st of March, attack against Huguenots in 1562 begun 35 years of fighting between Christians. Let's hope religions always help peace.

1. SILLY: The head of the bogus Muslim council preaching today about inclusion while the track record is a shameful non-engagement with others!

2. To myself & everyone else who believe in God, let's be reminded, "Beware of hoping for forgiveness without working for it." - Hasan al Basri

3. "Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love. Sometimes, it even makes you love them more." -The Last Song (2010)

4. Charge me to see in all bodies the beat of spirit. -- from Richard Wilbur's poem "The Eye"

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5. Off to Friday prayers: guaranteed the sermon will NOT speak against taking lottery funds, tax-payers money for jollies or to train imams :)

6. Lost for words in agreement with Marilyn Chandler McEntyre words: To read well is to prepare oneself to live wisely, kindly, and wittily.

7. People who don't try enough to fit in depend on our charity & goodwill. How much charity & goodwill do they have for our country & people?

8. A curator of the London Museum told me in L'cstr yesterday that all his career he's been discovering things for others but knows so little!

9. Money has no smell. -- Emperor Vespasian.

10. "Govs. must also be shrewder in dealing with those that, while not violent, are certainly, in some cases, part of the prob." True, but how?

11. My 2 hour meeting with someone from the ICSR yet again proves that belief in conspiracy theories is precisely that for some: part of faith!

12. Someone wrote about my talk at the Uni. of York last Friday. http://sacredsojourner.blogspot.com/2011/02/whose-charity-anyway.html

13. Is it not most unfortunate that a man's worst trouble comes when he gains the freedom to will and do what he pleases?

14. We clearly saw last night from the life of Prophet Muhammad that to be the best of Muslims we should hear what our neighbours say about us!

15. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. - Epictatus

16. Why disrespect Muslims and presume to speak for all without being guarded, modest & nuanced? Many Muslims view Cameron's speech differently!

17. Addressed 140 10-11 yr old pupils at Stowmarket Middle Sch. It was a pleasure to let them show me that Islam is for all & about love & care.

18. Fate never crushed anyone until we blamed it for our stupidity, cruelty, lies & injustice. It'll never support us until we stop blaming it.

19. If more of us took pleasure from doing good things that others say we can't, we wouldn't feel so bad about them saying bad things about us.

20. If tax-payers money is used via PREVENT funding to 'train' imams then they must prove they can theologically handle extremism among Muslims.

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21. I wonder how people demanding material in Japanese would be viewed in India? The 'cheek' of this man demanding stuff in Gujrati here!

22. 'SuperGran' tackles 6 robbers & refuses reward & wants the money to go to charity, while some of us take tax-payers money to 'train' imams!

23. Last night's class: ideas are taken by business which then commercializes them; teachers take those ideas and use them to civilise humanity.

24. We shall have to think away distinctions which seem to us as clear as the sunshine; we must think ourselves back into a twilight:FW Maitland

25. Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love. Sometimes, it even makes you love them more. -The Last Song (2010)

26. We who have so much knowledge of others but know so little of ourselves, yet we feel wise; why? Why live among those whom you do not love?

27. "The pen of the scholar is more powerful than the swords of a thousand warriors." -- Attributed to the Prophet Muhammad

28. Honour and dishonour both move us, because we are troubled by having a self. -- Tao Te Ching

29. Tax-payers money is given to 'train' imported imams to properly function in our UK. Is that the nation's responsibility & why import them?

30. Muslims identify more strongly with Britain than do non-Muslims... http://thequeue.gallup.com/2011/02/british-muslims-feel-well-british.html

31. It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision. -- Helen Keller. Preachers today want us to see their words but hide our vision with them.

32. What a fantastic lot were the Y2 & y6 pupils at Claydon Primary School (Ipswich) today - they all deserve a gold star! Well done everyone.

33. How can one deem & pronounce anything worthless when one hasn't proven it wrong? Such well-meaning 'advisors' among us should mock no more.

34. British Jews prove over generations that Integration doesn't mean losing identity:theological problems aren't avoided with irrational fears!

35. "The venture of Christianity/Buddhism/Judaism/Islam - has been enacted by none other than practising human beings who wish to know why..."

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36. Our class today must have been blessed since we learned so effortlessly that life, capabilities, opportunities and knowledge are all trusts.

37. Over 40 years of crippling chokehold of mosques by unenlightened despotic committees & intolerant imams may yield days of rage in the UK too

38. "Love is not grown in a garden, nor sold in the marketplace; whether you are a king or a servant, the price is your head, and nothing less."

39. Be not afraid of going slowly but only afraid of standing still. - Chinese Proverb.

40. Shall I walk with eyes shut when I stood with them open?

41. This morning on local community radio we discussed polygyny. How come our men are the most ardent and vocal commentators in favour of it?

42. How amazing that a person talks about his own worship as if he is an example of piety and we should ignore the many errors of his conduct!

43. A sure cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree! -- Spike Milligan

1. The universe will only strike you as perfect because the presence of the greater does not result in the absence of the lesser. St. Augustine

2. It seems we've forgotten that being saved is to be cured of sickness in our hearts.

3. Can we frame theology in terms of Muhammad's humility?

4. I need someone to pity me because I'm going for Friday prayers & will have to sit still & listen to flat quotes masquerading as a sermon!

5. JIMAS gave a box of gifts containing some essential items worth over £13 perbox to 25 of our homeless people, still we ran out of boxes!

6. Holocaust Memorial Day today. "What a waste! A country that cannot hold on to all its citizens!" -- Naim Kattan in 'Farewell Babylon', p.8

7. He who implants courage in the human soul is the best physician. -- Karl von Knebel

8. Made the point at Suffolk County Council today that many of our 'community leaders' are unelected, unrepresentative, and unaccountable men.

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9. The world is old, but the future springs from the past.-- Mandingo proverb

10. Calling self-serving propaganda & jollies trying to rob common sense intelligence as Community Cohesion projects is unfair use of tax money.

11. Next Tuesday 1st of February at 7.45 a.m. we shall discuss polygamy in relation to Islam at the ICR 105.7 fm.

12. Life is full of surprises. Don't insist on everything being predictable. -- Anon.

13. The most important thing for poets to do is to write as little as possible.-- T.S.Eliot. If only the majority of our preachers were poets!

14. A ship in harbour is safe . . . but that is not what ships are for. -- Thomas Aquinas

15. A virtuous person is better then virtue and a vicious person is worse than vice. -- Caliph Ali

16. There is the institution of Islam & there is the culture of Islam; but its all about interpretation. So, who teaches & whom do you follow?

17. When teachers use embarrassing & vulgar words in public to show irritation they should know their patience & dignity have been compromised.

18. There is no blame where nature and neccessity predominate! -- St.Augustine

19. Respected imams, instead of always repeating the goals please tell us what values you affirm and how they will be used to reach those goals.

20. Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it. -- Winston Churchill

21. Today's Friday sermon copiously sprinkled with quotes from the Quran & sayings of the Prophet but nothing spoken in relation to our reality!

22. Every revolution is a transfer of property. - Napoleon

23. How shameless that those without magnificence should be treated as princes, when even in their triumphs they exhibit abject servility!

24. "Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpetings & farewells him with hootings only to welcome another with trumpetings again."

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25. It was a priviledge and an enlightening experience to speak at the National Alliance of Women's Organisations' theological debate yesterday.

26. Attended the 2nd symposium on Contextualising Islam in Cambridge over Sat & Sun; inspired thinking is different to intellectual thought!

27. How do you talk with someone who knows everything but his own ignorance? You take part in a meeting with him in a group of people of course!

28. I was interviewed for File on 4 and it went well, but why weren't they aware more about so much loyalty and pride among Muslims for the UK?

29. Justice for Palestininans: Justice, fair and equal treatment for the Coptics in Egypt and all minorities in any Muslim majority country too!

30. To my colleague in Newmarket: If what you do & achieve is too big for some people in authority to even understand, they'll also dismiss you!

31. A student was rude while he claimed to have knowledge. I pray that one day that person will learn wisdom which will teach him humility.

32. Those who love wisdom must investigate many things. - Heraclitus

33. We're VERY excited that @manwarali, Julie Siddiqi from @BritIslam and Sonya Sier (www.freshlightfilms.com) will be speaking at Faith Sisters

34. When you want to justify rape, murder, mayhem and deceit, I don't want to know about your religion, God or politics. What is human in you?

35. A small group of volunteers are working their fingers to their bones, scrubbing, sanding, painting, cleaning, clearing at Ipswich Origo...

36. God has made us so that we will need each other... -- Emeritus Archbishop Desmond Tutu

37. No, I don't understand how you can be so shameless as to take vital tax-payers money to tell them why they should understand & respect you.

38. The following I've savoured in life & its so liberating; try it. "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear..." 1 John4:18

39. Those who cannot do a good job can never be motivated by anyone to do a good job.

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40. Extremists, fundamentalists and radicals are such people. Conscientious driver Mr. Michael Thompson is to be praised for his act of civic duty.

41. Speed traps do cause cars to brake harshly at times.

42. If it is truthful and helpful, we should wait for the right time to say it. Somehow, I still have a long way to go to get this always right.

43. Let us make 2011 a year of adventures but not due to bad planning!

As a tax-payer its my right to complain when my money funds unrepresentative & incapable people to create differences among co-religionists.

2. We want to be self-critical but you want to fill us with pride; we want to learn not made to feel guilty; we need you to be real & not tall.

3. Rudyard Kipling was born today reputed by Khushwant Singh to have captured the essence of the message of The Gita in English in his poem IF.

4. James 1:19: "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."

5. How did advising one another against harm become a difficult issue for those who believe in God? How did they decide to have a choice in it?

6. I was recently told to shut up or lose my integrity. You know you are in the realms of politics when speaking the truth endangers integrity.

7. The people of our country don't pay their taxes for some of us to take a bit of it in order to do jollies in the name of Community Cohesion!

8. Councillor Rosie Clarke has passed away. She was a wonderful, caring & warm person. I will truly miss her. My thoughts are with her family.

9. The hardest thing to understand is why we can understand anything at all. -- Albert Einstein.

10. The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception. -- Friedrich Nietzsche

11. People who are convicted of conspiring to kill and maim the British public should be stripped of their citizenship.

12. Dream different dreams while on the same bed. -- Chinese Proverb.

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13. A Muslim who does not practice the faith is an oxymoron but worse than a Christian without commitment, who is also an oxymoron.

14. Serious debate afoot about Community Cohesion (CC), Ofstead & schools. Urgently need such debate about CC, councils, ethnic & faith groups.

15. Jesus asked, "Who cares for you?" "My brother," said the man. Jesus said, "Your brother is more devoted to God than you." A Muslim Tradition

16. Jesus Christ used to say, "Charity means that you should do good to him who does you harm." -- A Muslim Tradition

17. They asked Jesus Christ, "What is the best of worship, spirit of God?" He replied, "Humility before God." -- A Muslim Tradition

18. This festive holiday period in remembrance of Christ's birthday let us spread good neighbourliness and love instead of 'community cohesion'!

19. The day that Jesus Christ was raised to heaven he left behind nothing but a woollen garment, a slingshot and 2 sandals. - A Muslim Tradition

20. Jesus Christ said, "As you sleep, so shall you die; and as you awake, so shall you be resurrected." -- A Muslim Tradition

21. Jesus Christ said, "The world is a bridge. Cross this bridge but do not build upon it." -- A Muslim Tradition

22. Why do you want to take tax-payers money to hold events to tell them why and how they should understand you?? Why are they given such money?

23. Jesus Christ said, "Blessed is he who sees with his heart but whose heart is not in what he sees." -- A Muslim tradition

24. Muslim Conspiracy theories about conquest of the West & Jewish Conspiracy theories about world domination are utterly ignorant poppycock.

25. If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. -- Carl Sagan

26. Some Muslims do not understand Christian proselytizing and link it to Imperialism while Islam is hardly known by others as mercy & justice.

27. If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it - John Irving. Am I happy as a lucky coward?

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28. Jesus Christ said, "Slaves of this world, instead of dispensing alms, be merciful to those whom you treat unjustly." - A Muslim Tradition

29. A Muslim mate on Fb says "The World is so messed up! Behind every problem it seems to be the same people!" What an unjust, sinister comment!

30. Whoever teaches his son teaches not only his son but also his son's son, and so on to the end of generations - Hebrew Proverb

31. The fool asks me why. G K Chesterton said, "To realise that the question does not matter is the first step towards answering it correctly."

32. Bring the person down & elevate oneself; question the person's motive; suggest an unreasonable alternative: the way we reject sound advice.

33. A lordship and titles. Gold. That I should become Judas? -- William Wallace in Braveheart

34. When I ask, "Can I not be just one great among others?", why do I get blank looks from those who answer many problems of life with charity?

35. Looking for fish? Don't climb a tree! -- Chinese proverb

36. Hebrea naci y Hebrea quero morir - A Jewess I was born, a Jewess I wish to die - Sol Hachuel. Now it is Asia Bibi in Pakistan. God help us!

37. Stop misusing tax-payers money to erect & prop up cultural ghettoes in the name of multiculturalism but help set up true Social Enterprises.

38. I'm convinced Social Enterprises are the best of both religious and charity work, but how do we get the initial funds to invest & survive?

39. Do not make me linger; behead me at once; for dying as I do, innocent of any crime, the God of Abraham will avenge my death! -- Sol Hachuel

40. "Humiliating your women is humiliating all your people" is such a superbly correct observation by the Sudanese women protestors!

41. Sleep is the only source of invention. -- French novelist, critic and essayist, Marcel Proust. I should remember this more often.

42. … stand aside & let these young & talented Muslims do their work unimpeded by the antiquated ways of a bygone era. - Imam Hamza Yusuf

43. Our centers need a level of professionalism that is grossly lacking today. - Imam Hamza Yusuf

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44. A major problem is that, notwithstanding their sincerity, unqualified people too often take the helm. - Imam Hamza Yusuf

45. A group self-elected to represent all Muslims, whose board members lack popularity & engagement, has no respect, despite council support.

46. Pastor Terry Jones should be allowed to come to our country, speak and act lawfully just as other hate-mongerers & ignoramuses do so here.

47. Prophet Jesus was asked, "Who trained you?" He said: "No one trained me. I saw the ugliness of ignorance and I avoided it." [Bihar al-anwar]

48. If we don't make friends with those whose mannerisms we find odd, how will they then ever learn to adjust? Its not that they refuse friends!

49. Since when did 'being yourself' and 'being free' meant withdrawing into oneself? :)

50. It is not possible that a human being of any kind is created who is superflous with respect to the surrounding universe... Saint Augustine

51. I am advised that being a whistle blower or exposing corruption and deception by naming names is to compromise one's integrity. Why and how?

52. Cannot people realise how large an income is thrift? - Cicero

53. Dr. M. Malik's input was so truthful, sound & factual that it made my heart ache today in Cambridge at the Contextualising Islam symposium.

54. A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections. -- Chinese Proverb

55. Free me from the prison of my own delusions and I would embrace all living creatures in compassion and the whole of nature in its beauty.

56. Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt. -- Herbert Hoover

57. An unknown man of the humblest nature loaned us a critical sum of money just when we needed it most. How can I say prayers are not answered?

58. Some feel being oppressed gives us the right to being reckless with our humanity & become monsters who live in self-righteous, self-denial!

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ثم ذهبوا يحشدون من الشبهات على هذا الحكم حشدا، ورحم الله شيخ اإلسالم ابن تيمية إذ قال: »اعلم أنه ما من: حق ودليل إال ويمكن أن يرد عليه شبه سوفسطائية؛ فإن السفسطة: إما خيال فاسد، وإما معاندة للحق، وكالهما = ال ضابط له؛ بل هو بحسب ما يخطر للنفوس من: الخياالت الفاسدة، والمعاندات .»الجاحدة

وقد قيل في قواعد الضبط:كل مع عدم" إنما يشكل ما يشكل؛ وال حاجة إلى الش

" )ابتسامة(اإلشكال