abstrak_kajian kualitas lingkungan permukiman masyaraakt p

Kajian kualitas lingkungan permukiman masyaraakt pesisir Suku Bajo di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Penulis Ridwan, Ucok Heriady Pembimbing: Dr. Sri Rum Giyarsih, M.S i ABSTRACT : The present research was conducted in two villages of Muna District as coastal residential area inhabited by the Bajo tribe, namely Lagasa and Latawe villages. The Lagasa village of Duruka sub-district is a residential area of Bajo tribe situated in the peripheries with more access in economic, trading, and education fields. The Latawe village of Napanokusambi sub-district as the residential area of Bajo village is quite far from the capital of the district. The aim of this research were to 1) identify the differences in the quality of coastal residential area of Bajo community in the urban and rural peripheries; 2) identify the socio-economic Bajo community on the quality of residential area in the research area; and 3) provide appropriate recommendation for Bajo community based on environment and socio-economic factors. Research method used involved survey study, namely sample survey method where information collected from some of the population were used to represent all of the population by using questionnaires as the main data collecting instrument. Simple Random Sampling was used as the technique of this research with 30 respondents at each village. Respondents recruited to become the case was the family heads of Bajo tribe having houses and they domiciled in the research site. Analysis technique utilized involved quantitative analysis with the table of frequency, t-test, and Multiple Regression, and supported by qualitative analysis. Results of the research showed that (1) there was significant difference in the environment quality of residence between

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Kajian kualitas lingkungan permukiman masyaraakt pesisir Suku Bajo di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

Kajian kualitas lingkungan permukiman masyaraakt pesisir Suku Bajo di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi TenggaraPenulisRidwan, Ucok HeriadyPembimbing: Dr. Sri Rum Giyarsih, M.SiABSTRACT :The present research was conducted in two villages of Muna District as coastal residential area inhabited by the Bajo tribe, namely Lagasa and Latawe villages. The Lagasa village of Duruka sub-district is a residential area of Bajo tribe situated in the peripheries with more access in economic, trading, and education fields. The Latawe village of Napanokusambi sub-district as the residential area of Bajo village is quite far from the capital of the district. The aim of this research were to 1) identify the differences in the quality of coastal residential area of Bajo community in the urban and rural peripheries; 2) identify the socio-economic Bajo community on the quality of residential area in the research area; and 3) provide appropriate recommendation for Bajo community based on environment and socio-economic factors. Research method used involved survey study, namely sample survey method where information collected from some of the population were used to represent all of the population by using questionnaires as the main data collecting instrument. Simple Random Sampling was used as the technique of this research with 30 respondents at each village. Respondents recruited to become the case was the family heads of Bajo tribe having houses and they domiciled in the research site. Analysis technique utilized involved quantitative analysis with the table of frequency, t-test, and Multiple Regression, and supported by qualitative analysis. Results of the research showed that (1) there was significant difference in the environment quality of residence between the Bajo tribe in the urban periphery and that in the rural periphery. The environment quality of Bajo tribe residence in urban periphery was better compared to that of in rural periphery; (2) the socioeconomic factors significantly provided effects on the quality of Bajo tribe coastal residential area involved age, education levels, and total income. Based on research results analysis, factors creating differences in the environment quality of Bajo coastal tribe residence in Muna District were basic infrastructure and environment sanitation; to improve the quality of coastal area community, therefore, the program should optimize basic infrastructure and environment sanitation. Keywords: Environment quality, Residence, Coastal areaINTISARI :Penelitian ini dilakukan di dua desa wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Muna yang merupakan permukiman Suku Bajo, yaitu Desa Lagasa dan Desa Latawe. Desa Lagasa Kecamatan Duruka adalah permukiman Suku Bajo yang terdapat di pinggiran kota yang memiliki akses lebih baik di bidang ekonomi, perdagangan, dan pendidikan. Desa Latawe Kecamatan Napanokusambi permukiman Suku Bajo mempunyai jarak yang cukup jauh dari ibukota kabupaten. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengetahui perbedaan kualitas lingkungan permukiman pesisir masyarakat Suku Bajo yang terdapat di pinggiran kota dan di desa; 2) mengetahui pengaruh sosial ekonomi masyarakat Suku Bajo terhadap kualitas lingkungan permukiman di lokasi penelitian; dan 3) menyusun rekomendasi yang cocok untuk permukiman masyarakat Suku Bajo berdasarkan faktor lingkungan dan sosial ekonominya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei, yaitu metode dengan menggunakan sampel sebagai informasi, yang dikumpulkan dari sebagian populasi untuk mewakili seluruh populasi dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data yang pokok. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah Simple Random Sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 responden untuk tiap desa. Responden yang dipilih untuk dijadikan sampel adalah kepala keluarga Suku Bajo yang memiliki rumah dan berdomisili di daerah penelitian. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan tabel frekuensi, Uji-t, dan Regresi Berganda, serta didukung analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan secara nyata kualitas lingkungan permukiman antara permukiman Suku Bajo yang terdapat di pinggiran kota dengan permukiman Suku Bajo yang terdapat di desa. Kualitas lingkungan permukiman Suku Bajo yang terdapat di pinggiran kota lebih baik dibandingkan permukiman Suku Bajo yang terdapat di desa; (2) faktor sosial ekonomi yang berpengaruh terhadap kualitas lingkungan permukiman masyarakat pesisir Suku Bajo adalah umur, tingkat pendidikan dan total pendapatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, yang menyebabkan adanya perbedaan kualitas lingkungan permukiman masyarakat pesisir Suku Bajo di Kabupaten Muna, yaitu prasarana dasar dan sanitasi lingkungan, sehingga untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan masyarakat pesisir hendaknya program pemerintah mengoptimalkan prasarana dasar dan sanitasi lingkungan. Kata Kunci: Kualitas lingkungan, Permukiman, Wilayah pesisir iv