absorption of beta and gamma · pdf file7/06 radiation detection and shielding absorption of...

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding ABSORPTION OF BETA AND GAMMA RADIATION About this lab The natural environment involves nuclear radiation. Mankind has added to this by production of power and by application of “artificial” radiation to medical and other uses. After a hiatus of decades in the United States (but not in the rest of the world) nuclear fission power plant construction may experience a revival, under the economic pressure of fossil fuel price increases and with increased appreciation that nuclear power involves no greenhouse gas release. Detection provides information about the radiation environment; shielding involves protection by confinement of radiation or of vulnerable objects. Both involve crucially the specific interaction with matter of various common radiation types. Nature already provides essential shielding. The atmosphere and the earth's dipole magnetic field protect us from external solar and galactic cosmic rays. The earth's matter contains most of the natural radiation which provides significant heating of the interior. “Artificial” radiation (lifetimes short compared to that of the earth) tend to be concentrated, and to require careful attention to containment by shielding. Examples include fission power generation, medical radioisotope use for diagnosis or treatment,follow-up radiation therapy after cancer surgery, PET and CAT scans, tomography, etc., etc. References: Physics: Cutnell & Johnson, 6 th : Chapters 31, 32 Physics: Serway & Beichner: 5 th , v2, Chapter 45 Apparatus: 137 Cs source, 137 Ba source, Geiger counter in stand, aluminum and lead absorbers, electronic counter, Lab Pro hardware interface, Logger pro data acquisition software, Graphical Analysis program Common radioactive emission particles Different radiations have different properties, as summarized below: Radiation Type of Radiation Mass (AMU) Charge Shielding material Alpha Particle 4 +2 Paper, skin, clothes Beta Particle 1/1836 ±1 Plastic, glass, light metals Gamma Electromagnetic Wave 0 0 Dense metal, concrete, Earth

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7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding


About this lab The natural environment involves nuclear radiation. Mankind has added to this by production of power and by application of “artificial” radiation to medical and other uses. After a hiatus of decades in the United States (but not in the rest of the world) nuclear fission power plant construction may experience a revival, under the economic pressure of fossil fuel price increases and with increased appreciation that nuclear power involves no greenhouse gas release.

Detection provides information about the radiation environment; shielding involves protection by confinement of radiation or of vulnerable objects. Both involve crucially the specific interaction with matter of various common radiation types.

Nature already provides essential shielding. The atmosphere and the earth's dipole magnetic field protect us from external solar and galactic cosmic rays. The earth's matter contains most of the natural radiation which provides significant heating of the interior. “Artificial” radiation (lifetimes short compared to that of the earth) tend to be concentrated, and to require careful attention to containment by shielding. Examples include fission power generation, medical radioisotope use for diagnosis or treatment,follow-up radiation therapy after cancer surgery, PET and CAT scans, tomography, etc., etc.

References: Physics: Cutnell & Johnson, 6th: Chapters 31, 32Physics: Serway & Beichner: 5th, v2, Chapter 45

Apparatus: 137 Cs source, 137 Ba source, Geiger counter in stand, aluminum and lead absorbers, electronic counter, Lab Pro hardware interface, Logger pro data acquisition software, Graphical Analysis program

Common radioactive emission particles

Different radiations have different properties, as summarized below:

Radiation Type of Radiation Mass (AMU) Charge Shielding material

Alpha Particle 4 +2 Paper, skin, clothesBeta Particle 1/1836 ±1 Plastic, glass, light metals

Gamma Electromagnetic Wave 0 0 Dense metal, concrete,


7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Neutrons Particle 1 0 Water,concrete, polyethylene, oil

Figure 1 Effective Shielding Materials for Various Radiation Types

The diagram above shows the important qualitative difference in material penetration between charged (alpha and beta) and uncharged (gamma and neutron) particles, and also that slow-moving charged particles (alpha) lose energy much more rapidly than fast (beta). More detailed discussion is needed to understand origin of the various radiation types and the important variation of their interaction rate with energy and with absorber element.

Alphas ( α ) radiation of natural origin is emitted from heavy, unstable nuclei in a transmutation, with conservation of total charge Z and mass number A (but not mass – some is converted into the decay kinetic energy). (The nucleus of the abundant helium isotope 4 He is an alpha particle – 2 protons and 2 neutrons.) While easily absorbed themselves, their emission (usually in a radioactive decay chain terminating in a lead isotope) is frequently accompanied by more penetrating betas, and by still more penetrating gammas.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Betas ( β ) also involve nuclear transmutation. They are identical to atomic electrons, but were not pre-existing before emission. Their appearance is accompanied by that of an electron anti-neutrino (or electron neutrino, if a positive electron (positron) is emitted).

Gammas ( γ ) do not involve nuclear transmutation, but a change in state like that involving atomic photon emission, with the high energy nuclear photon emission maintaining the total energy balance.

Neutrons ( n ) are nuclear constituents (with quark substructure). They are produced sometimes by natural alpha bombardment of another nucleus and also, very copiously, in nuclear fission reactors where they make the “chain reaction” chain (being able easily to enter a fissionable nucleus (235 uranium or 239 plutonium) by virtue of lack of charge).

The radioactive source for this experiment is 137

55 Cs 82 (Cesium 137). It emits both beta and gamma radiation. (Actually, daughter 137 Ba * emits the γ ' s.) The 137 Cs half-life is about 30 years.

All cesium nuclei contain 55 protons, but the neutron number varies among Cs “isotopes”. The 137Cs isotope has (137 - 55) = 82 neutrons. It is unstable, and beta decays (β - ) to the A = 137 isotope of barium: 137

56 Ba 81 (56 protons and 81 neutrons. Note

a) overall charge conservation,

b) conservation of (neutrons + protons): total (baryon (heavy particle) conservation.)

In beta decay, there is a single nucleus which decays, resulting in three final particles: a beta (electron) particle, an accompanying (unobservable in this experiment) electrically-neutral anti-neutrino, “ν bar”, and a new chemically different nucleus with Z' = Z + 1 (in our case: Z = 56 (Ba) = Z = 55 (Cs) +1 proton). The kinetic energy released corresponds to the difference between total nuclear rest mass in the initial and final situations, and is shared among the three final particles. Because the beta and neutrino are very light compared to the final nucleus, energy and momentum conservation dictate that the new nucleus gets very little energy though it carries much linear momentum. However, the other two (β - and ν ) share the momentum and energy in various ways. Thus, there is not a single β kinetic energy, but a range from zero to a unique maximum.

In gamma decay, the final nucleus is the same as the initial one. It has the same A (atomic number), Z (proton number), and N (neutron number), but in a lower energy state. A = N + Z. The γ-ray, a high-energy photon, carries off almost all of the mass-converted energy.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Shielding The goal of shielding is confinement and capture, with eventual conversion of radioactive energy to heat which can be dissipated by cooling (air, water, etc.). As we will see, the primary radioactivity particle may sometimes induce secondary energetic particles by basic interaction processes, and they in turn produce tertiary particles etc. It is necessary to study the dependence of various fundamental interaction processes on particle energy and on absorber atomic number Z, to understand these cascade processes in a quantitative way. Depending on primary energy and type, various shielding methods illustrated schematically above will be appropriate. Sometimes a combination is employed, layered to deal with the successive cascade particles.

Detection The goal is usually to obtain electrical signals, which can be sorted by size or timing for analysis. A charged particle is necessary to interact with the detector matter, which may produce ionization (as with the Geiger counter shown above, or a spark chamber, or a cloud chamber, or a bubble chamber), UV photons (as with a NaI scintillating crystal or a liquid or solid plastic scintillator coupled to a multi stage photomultiplier tube), or electron-hole pairs (as with a single crystal Si or Ge detector). If the primary radiation is not charged (neutron, gamma), detection depends on an initial interaction to produce a moving charged particle, which will then generate the signal – no primary interaction, no signal.

Figure 2 A Geiger tube detector. The center wire operates at + voltage, attracting primary electrons released in the counter gas. For high enough voltage, a very strong field near the wire accelerates electrons to produce secondaries, resulting in an avalanche and a large voltage pulse, independent of the number of initiating electrons.

Radiation Detectors

Radiation detectors are used extensively in medical imaging (CAT, PET scanning etc), prospecting, research, radiation safety monitoring, etc. Commercial devices of great sophistication are readily available, owing to intense interest in nuclear energy release for peaceful and warlike purposes, and to scientific interest in the structure of nuclei and in the characteristics and interactions of elementary particles.

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7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Solid state detectorsSurface Barrier detectors used mainly for the detection of alpha and beta radiation.

Cooled Germanium detectors. This type of detector is used for the detection of gamma-rays and offers very high spectral resolution.

Gas filled detectors

Geiger counters. These are gas filled counting devices that, unlike gas filled proportional chambers, provide no spectral resolution. They are used mainly for particle detection. The complete electron avalanche near the wire reduces or eliminates the need for external amplification. A high voltage supply is needed.

Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). An incoming photon knocks an electron out of the photocathode, which is then multiplied by each of a chain of dynodes to generate a readable current pulse at the anode. A high voltage supply is needed.

ScintillatorsInorganic scintillators. The most common scintillation crystal used as a radiation detector is NaI(Tl). They are used for the detection of x-ray and gamma-ray radiation with medium resolution. Photoelectric absorption or Compton scattering in the crystal leads to scintillation light that is usually converted to an electrical pulse by a photomultiplier tube.

Organic (plastic) scintillators. These low mass detectors are used for the detection of many types of radiation with generally low energy resolution. They are often used in coincidence systems where a particle or gamma-ray loses a small part of its energy to the detector. The scintillation light is usually converted to an electrical pulse by a photomultiplier tube.

Interactions of radiation and matter

β ' s and γ' s It makes sense to consider these together, though one is charged (the beta) and the other not (the gamma), because each can release the other type in a cascade or shower involving more and more entities at lower and lower energies. This is because both interact electromagnetically. In these processes it is important to realize that electrons are forever for our purposes (conservation of

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leptons, light elementary particles) , but photons may come and go. Electrons freed by gammas were previously bound to atoms or molecules, whereas new photons can be created (or old ones vanish).

(We will need to distinguish between betas and electrons, though betas are identically (non pre-existing) electrons produced in nuclear decay. Betas always involve a range of energies, up to some maximum, and absorption of betas assumes a range of energies. Electrons of a single energy have a pretty well defined range; we would need an accelerator to produce them.) But, surprisingly, the range of monoenergetic electrons, all with the same initial kinetic energy Ke ,is about the same as that of a continuous beta energy distribution with the same maximum energy (“end point”) Ke.

The gamma ray photon (energy related to frequency by Planck's constant: E = h ν) has three fundamental interactions, successively dominant as photon energy increases in the order:

a) photoelectric effect with atomic electron – all photon energy transferred to electron, primary photon disappears,

b) Compton effect – photon interacts with free electron – primary photon disappears and secondary photon appears (lower energy), electron recoils with remaining energy,

c) pair production – photon interacts with positively charged nucleus - primary photon disappears and non-pre existing positron-electron pair (charge conserving) appear with kinetic energy equal to excess over pair rest mass energy (1.02 MeV). Positron eventually finds a different (atomic) electron and annihilates with emission of two gamma rays photons, each with 0.511 MeV energy (conserving the rest mass energy of the annihilated e+ - e- pair).

An energetic electron can scatter easily from a nucleus, because it is so light, losing energy by radiation (accelerated charged particles radiate). The radiation appears in a secondary “bremsstrahlung” (braking radiation) photon. This process can be used to generate continuous energy-spectrum X-rays. Also present would be atomic transition photons of definite energy characteristic of the impacted material, typically refractory such as tungsten (W) or tantalum (Ta) (to withstand the high electron beam currents needed for intense X-ray sources).

In a series of such interactions involving electrons and photons, a single primary entity of either type may thus produce multiple secondary (tertiary, etc.) entities of lower and lower individual energy. A spectacular example is the air shower produced by a very energetic cosmic ray proton, which involves electrons and photons in increasing numbers and decreasing energies, spreading by scattering to cover many square miles at ground level, where they can be detected as arising from a single primary by their coincident arrival at widely separated plastic scintillation – photomultiplier detectors.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

The net result, for betas and gammas, is pretty closely exponential absorption, with the coefficient depending on absorber material.

α ' s and n 's These are discussed together only for convenience. Again there is a charged (α) and an uncharged (n) particle, but without shower interchange as above. The alpha loses energy by electromagnetic interaction with atomic electrons with little deflection (little acceleration), because the α is so much heavier than an electron. Thus negligible bremsstrahlung is emitted. The alpha sails along with little deviation to a pretty definite (short) range, which depends on its energy.

The neutron (though it has charged quark sub structure) does not interact electromagnetically, for our purposes. It may scatter from a proton with transfer of partial energy to the charged recoil proton, which then interacts electromagnetically. At sufficiently low energies, a neutron may be captured efficiently by cadmium or boron, with subsequent emission of a gamma ray, which leads us back to the gamma shielding problem. Neutrons are the agents of a chain fission reactor (because uncharged, and strongly interacting with fissile nuclei such as 235 U or 239 Pu). Thus neutron shielding is a major concern in existing nuclear power fission reactors, and would be also in any future fusion power reactor. However, it is of less concern in natural radioactivity or spent reactor fuel, though some neutrons may be emitted.


The 137 Cs source

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Figure 3 A = 137 decay schematic 94 % follow the parent (137 Cs) – daughter (137 Ba *) - grandaughter (137 Ba ground state) route

The (somewhat unconventional) diagram above shows the decay energetics. (Conventionally, the 137Cs would be offset to the left, showing the difference in charge between the Cs and Ba nuclei. The 137Cs can decay via two routes to the 137

Ba nuclear ground (lowest energy) state:

> Almost 94% of the decays go through a two-step process. A beta particle with a limiting energy of 0.514 MeV yields metastable 137Ba * with a shorter life, which eventually emits a gamma ray with 0.662 MeV energy.

> About 7% of the decays of 137Cs can directly yield stable 137Ba (“lowest or “ground” state), emitting a beta with a limiting energy of 1.176 MeV, with no subsequent gamma.

Note well: The beta(s) are emitted in a nuclear transmutation (137Cs --> 137Ba *) ; the gamma transition does not involve a transmutation, but rather a change of state within the 137Ba system.

Beta absorption

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Figure 4 Beta Absorption in Al Foils, linear plot. (The element does not matter much.)

Familiarize yourself with the counting equipment. It consists of a gas-filled Geiger tube with high voltage supply and a stand, which can hold trays for the radioactive source and the absorbers. The amplified output of the Geiger tube (a short electrical voltage pulse for each beta or gamma detected) is counted by the Lab Pro interface and displayed in a Logger Pro 3 file. Count interval and total counting time are specified in the Experiment menu (Data Collection).

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Figure 5 Beta Absorption in Al Foils, log-linear. The intersection of the decay fit (Analyze: Linear) with the mean background (Analyze: Stats) gives the beta end point (maximum beta energy), from Figure 7.

Open the Logger Pro 3 file Radiation Detection and Shielding.cmbl.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Figure 6 Logger Pro 3 Data Acquisition Program

In Experiment: Data Collection, set for one sample. Set the Length and Sample Collection Time to be equal.

The radioactive disk source consists of a small, safe amount of cesium 137, covered and sealed in thin plastic, which emits observable beta particles and gamma rays. The Geiger counter also has a thin entrance window. Put the source top-side up in a tray on the third slot down of the Geiger counter stand. Count for one minute to test whether statistics will be adequate.

Background is partly from cosmic rays and partly from radioactive materials, which are normally present in the ground and in building materials. But most of your background counts will be from the 137Ba* gammas, which are very little affected by the thin Al. Check the room and cosmic ray background rate by removing the Cs source to some distance and counting for a few minutes. Note background rate.

Keep a record on scrap of counts vs. foil number. Enter data into the Graphical Analysis file provided in the experiment folder after counts have leveled off for several foils. (If you should change counting time, re-normalize the counts to the initial time.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Plot the beta counts (linear-linear) vs. total foil thickness (mm) and fit to an exponential + background (see Figure 4a), using Graphical Analysis (Analyze: Curve Fit). Make an additional log-linear plot (see Figure 5). Find the intersection of the linear decay portion (Analyze: Curve Fit: Linear) with the background (Analyze: Stats). Use Figure 7 to determine the maximum beta energy (end-point energy) from the Al thickness at the intersection point (use the cursor on the graph).

Study Figure 3. Most (~ 95%) of the 137Cs beta decays feed the excited state 237Ba*. These will have an end point (maximum energy) of (1.176-0.662) = 0.514 MeV. The remaining 137Cs beta decays feed the 137Ba ground state. These will have an end point of (1.176-0.000) MeV. Your value from the Figure 5 intersection and Figure 3 interpolation should lie between these two values.

List your end point value on the print out graph.

(Determining the thickness of a foil would be difficult. Instead, one would weigh and measure several (for greater precision). Then the thickness of one foil in centimeters is {W/(NxA)} (g/cm2) / ρ (mg/cm3): ρ Al = 2.666 g/cm 3 .} )

You may use 0.0713 mm per 4-ply aluminum foil.

Remember: Beta particles are produced in a three-body decay and, therefore, have various energies, depending on the share taken by the associated anti-neutrino and the share (quite small ) taken by the recoiling daughter nucleus. So the total energy is conserved, but the partition varies for individual decay events. The maximum beta energy is called the “end point” energy.

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Figure 7 Beta Ray ( β ) End Point Energy (MeV) vs. Range (mm) in Al

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Gamma ray absorption

Figure 8 Absorption of 137 Cs Gammas ( γ ) in Pb: linear plot

Turn the source over so that the aluminum holder is between the counter and the source. The aluminum holder will absorb most of the beta particles and pass most of the gamma rays. Count for two minutes. Record thickness and cts/120 seconds (longer if rate becomes too low).

Add lead absorbers one at a time (plate thickness 1.27 mm or 3.18 mm – use thicker). Count for two minutes or longer, recording rates. Cumulate the thickness of Pb absorbers and plot your counting rate vs. cumulated Pb thickness in a GA file. Fit an exponential + background, and record the fit parameters. If the automatic fitting program is balky, select the data points on the graph. You may well need to do a manual fit to provide the auto program with suitable starting parameters for its search.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Repeat with the thick (1/4 inch) aluminum absorbers (thickness 6.430 mm) in place of the lead absorbers. This time there will be room for only a few absorbers. Fit the Al absorption and record, as for the Pb absorption.

Remember: For gammas, absorber atomic number Z is very important, with different X and gamma energy dependence for each of the various interactions. Higher energy gamma interactions with matter typically produce a secondary gamma of lower energy. Only for the photoelectric effect does the primary disappear with no secondary produced, and this process dominates at lower energies only. Thus, the measurement involves a compound process, with a different mix of primaries and secondaries at each “slice” of absorber.

For compactness, higher density ρ is helpful. Lead is the most effective, cheap and compact gamma shielding material, both for its high Z and for its density. Of course, “heavy” concrete (made with metal bearing sands (Fe, Ti, etc.)) may be cheaper. “Heavy” concrete can also be quite effective for shielding MeV neutrons, since the metals have many excited states that the neutrons can transfer energy to.)


7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Figure 9 Absorption of 137 Cs Gammas ( γ ) in Al

The Solar System Radiation Environment

Storms from the Sun do not harm life on Earth -- but they do affect the way we live -- particularly since we rely so much on modern technology.

Space weather can distort radio signals and navigation devices such as Loran and the Global Positioning System. In March 1989, listeners in Minnesota could hear the broadcasts of the California Highway Patrol.

Storms in space can disrupt and cut short the work of satellites. In January 1997, a communications satellite went dead just hours after a coronal mass ejection (CME) struck the magnetosphere. The loss of that satellite disrupted television signals, telephone calls, and part of a U.S. earthquake-monitoring network.

Magnetic storms can pump extra electricity into our power lines and pipelines, causing blackouts and fuel leaks. In March 1989, a magnetic storm burned up a $36 million transformer in New Jersey and collapsed the entire power grid in Quebec, Canada, leaving six million people without electricity.

7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Space weather can pose a radiation hazard for astronauts. In August 1972, an intense solar flare that occurred between the flights of Apollo 16 and 17 would have killed the astronauts if they had been on the way to the Moon during that time.

For much of the space age, the Sun, Earth, and the space in between have been studied separately. Yet scientists have long suspected that our planet and its star form a connected, dynamic system. To better understand the connections, scientists now make coordinated observations from space and from the ground.

A wide array of technology is used to monitor space weather. Utilizing a fleet of spacecraft, scientists in dozens of countries observe the Sun, the solar wind, the near-Earth space environment, and the aurora. Ground-based telescopes, radar, and supercomputers are used alongside these spacecraft to provide a picture of current and future space weather conditions. We are learning what it means to truly live in the atmosphere of the Sun.

Magnetic storms occur when a CME hits Earth's magnetosphere. Magnetic storms:

> Generate million amp electric currents that distort the magnetosphere and flow down into our upper atmosphere.

> Disturb the Van Allen radiation belts, which become filled with "killer electrons". that can pierce the skin of a satellite and the cells of an astronaut > Cause spectacular, widespread auroras, even at low latitudes.

> Damage power systems on Earth and interfere with broadcasting.

Figure 10 Van Allen Terrestrial Radiation Belts

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7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

The Van Allen belts are composed of solar electrons and protons trapped in the the magnetic dipole field of the earth, which is generated by currents in the molten, metallic part of the core. The charged particles spiral around the field lines, traveling rapidly back and forth between north and south magnetic poles. When the atmosphere shifts, particles generate the “northern lights” by impact with nitrogen and oxygen molecules.

Most of the high-energy, electrically-charged particles in Earth's atmosphere are trapped in two doughnut-shaped belts surrounding Earth: the Van Allen radiation belts. These belts of dangerous particles were the first major discovery of the Space Age.

The aurora is a benign and beautiful sign that something electric is happening in the space around Earth. Named for the Roman goddess of dawn, auroras are Earth's biggest light show. Auroras appear most often in skies above Earth's polar regions -- hence the name Northern and Southern Lights.

Figure 11 Aurora Borealis from Earth

Auroras occur when high-energy electrons from the magnetosphere are guided by Earth's magnetic field toward the polar regions and the atmosphere. There, they collide with oxygen and nitrogen, electrically exciting these gases so that they emit light, much like the glow of a fluorescent lamp.

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7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

Figure 11 Aurora Borealis from Space

From the ground, the aurora looks like curtains of light. But photographs from space show us that the aurora is shaped like a giant, oval ring. Actually, two rings: there's a crown of light around each of Earth's magnetic poles.

Radiation Shielding of Space Electronics

With the long lifetime expected of future GEO instruments, radiation shielding is a vitally important issue for durability of electronics in the space environment. Polymeric and graphite-fiber materials provide an effective, lightweight, low-cost shielding medium for protecting state-of-the-art electronics. Polymeric resin materials, combined with the various forms of the high-modulus fibers and other lightweight materials, such as boron, can provide contour-molded radiation shielding. Therefore, the electronic devices behind the shielding do not have to be radiation hardened because the material will stop proton and electron radiation, bleed off accumulated charge buildup, provide ground continuity, shield against EMI, and absorb slow neutrons. This portends the concept of using off-the-shelf, low-cost, state-of-the-art reliable (but not space qualified) electronic devices without having to undergo costly and time-consuming hardening and/or proofing.

The Terrestrial Radiation Environment

Criteria for the Selection of a Shield Material: Theoretically, almost any materials can be used for radiation shielding if employed in a thickness sufficient to attenuate the radiation to safe limits. However, due to certain characteristics discussed below, lead and concrete are among the most commonly used materials. The choice of the shield

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7/06 Radiation Detection and Shielding

material is dependent upon many varied factors, such as final desired attenuated radiation levels, ease of heat dissipation, resistance to radiation damage, required thickness and weight, multiple use considerations (e.g., shield and/or structural), uniformity of shielding capability, permanence of shielding, and availability.

Gamma Rays and X-Rays: Their attenuation is dependent upon the density of the shielding material; it can be shown that a dense shield material with a higher atomic number is a better attenuator of x-rays. Lead enjoys the advantage of being the densest of any commonly available material. Where space is at a premium and radiation protection is important, lead is often prescribed. It is recognized that lead is not the densest element (e.g., tantalum, tungsten, and thorium are higher on the density scale), but lead is readily available, easily fabricated and the lowest cost of these materials.

Neutrons: In shielding against neutron particles, it is necessary to provide a protective shield that will attenuate both the neutron particles and the secondary gamma radiation. Neutrons lose a larger energy fraction per collision with a similar mass – i.e., protons. Thus materials such as water, oil, paraffin etc. are effective in reducing neutron energy to the eV range, where capture in high cross-section materials such as boron or cadmium is very effective. (Water is very cheap and, as Admiral Rickover said, “Water has no cracks”.) However, further shielding is then needed against the gamma rays which ensue following neutron capture.

When applied as part of a neutron particle shielding system, lead has an extremely low level of neutron absorption and, hence, practically no creation of secondary gamma radiation.

If the shield material has a high rate of neutron capture, it will in time become radioactive, sharply reducing its effectiveness as a shield material. Pure lead itself cannot become highly radioactive under bombardment by neutrons. Therefore, lead shielding, even after long periods of neutron exposure, emits only insignificant amounts of radiation due to activation.

The main use of lead as a shield is against x-ray and gamma radiation, where the presence of other elements (as impurities or deliberate alloying additions) will have a minor effect, depending only on the degree of dilution of the lead. Where neutrons are also present, however, impurities or additions which would become radioactive must be avoided.

The properties of lead which make it an excellent shielding material are its density, high atomic number, high level of stability, ease of fabrication, high degree of flexibility in application, and its availability.

Lead is heavier than roughly 80 percent of the elements in the periodic table. It could be assumed, therefore, that shield constructions making use of lead will

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tend to be heavier than constructions making use of lighter elements. This concept may be true in static shielding structures where weight and volume restrictions are of lesser importance. In mobile shielding, however, where weight and volume reductions are at a premium, the selection of the lighter materials would have quite the opposite effect on reducing radiation to the levels intended.

The remaining elements which are heavier than lead could contribute to even greater weight savings, although the use of such materials as depleted uranium and tungsten is usually prohibitive in cost.

The traditional concept of lead being heavy must be re-evaluated in terms of providing a highly effective shield structure, with the lowest volume and weight of the commonly available material.

Also, being a metal, lead has an advantage over various aggregate materials, such as concrete, being more uniform in density throughout. In addition, because commonly used forms of lead exhibit smooth surfaces, lead is less likely to become contaminated with dirt or other materials which, in turn, may become radioactive.

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