absolution w isbn 5 5 2016

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  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016


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  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016


    Cbsdkutndl9Xme Jdjelt dg He`nsnve Pnolngn`cl`e

    Kcl`e Ckkcl Acnr

    Kcl`e C. Acnr2637

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    @dpyrnomt © 2637 Kcl`e C. Acnr

    Ckk rnomts reserveh. Xmns bdda dr cly pdrtndl tmeredg jcy ldt bereprdhu`eh dr useh nl cly jcller wmctsdever wntmdut tme expresswrnttel perjnssndl dg tme pubknsmer ex`ept gdr tme use dg brneg qudtctndlsnl c bdda revnew, bkdo dr s`mdkcrky idurlck.

    Gnrst Vrnltnlo9 JC^ 2637

    NPBL >?=-3-075-6>572-?

    Kcl`e C. Acnr

    Kdunsvnkke, @dkdrchd, =662?. U.P.C.


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    Xd jy wnge clh hcuomter, wntmdut wmdj N wdukh levermcve knveh.

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    C`aldwkehoejelts ..................................................................nx

    VCRX DLE ......................................................................................3Vrekuhe .........................................................................................0Nl Xme Beonllnlo ....................................................................>Xme Cpprdprnctndl dg Hns`durse .................................23

    VCRX X_D ...................................................................................25Xme Wnronl Bnrtm ...................................................................80Xme Anlo dg tme Iews .........................................................50Xme Jnlnstry...............................................................................70Xme Vcssdver..............................................................................??Xmduomt9 Dg tme Pubie`t Nl-Ntsekg ................................>>Xme Hns`npke ..........................................................................365Oetmsejcle ..........................................................................333

    Hdubt .........................................................................................33>Xme Hepcrture ....................................................................305Xme _nshdj dg Veter ............................................................350

    VCRX XMREE ..........................................................................3??Xme Pe`dlh Jdjelt dg He`nsnve Pnolngn`cl`e .3?>

    Cgterwdrh ..................................................................................3>3

    Ldtes .............................................................................................265

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    Xmere ns cl dhh sdrt dg benlo tmct eltertcnlsnhecs. Dgtel tmese nhecs mcve c qucknty dg gcntm, clh nlheeh ntns tmese nhecs tmct `dlstntute gcntm nl nts jdst drnonlck selse,c selse tmct mcs ld dbie`t. C gree gkdctnlo clxnety, dle jnomtscy. Nt ns ocnleh grdj expernel`es tmct d``ur ct c hnstcl`eclh sd reky updl clh cjdult td tme nlhnvnhuck dl c pctm,aldwnlo clh questndlnlo clh hdubtnlo clh aldwnlo.

    Xmrduom tmns prd`ess c benlo `cl `dje ultd ntsekg, clhtmereby aldw ntsekg, wntmdut re`durse td cly sdrt dg gcntm1tmct ns, ultnk tme nhec `djes updl nts dwl `djpketndl, ntsdwl verngn`ctndl. Xmel evel wmnke dle rckknes td cssert ntstrutm, mere hdubt `dje nltd pkcy nl c wmdke lew wcy, gdrtmel dle recknzes tmct nlheeh tmere wcs dlky cl nhec, ct tmct,upmekh by gcntm.

    Xd mcve pedpke tmct jereky repect tme scjewdrhs clh scy ”yes„ td tme nhec stcteh, hd ldtmnlo gdr benlo.Xd be, dle just ldt dlky mcve mch gcntm, but just be wnkknlotd test nt clh tmel nl tme elh ket nt od, ld jctter mdw tme testwelt, gdr tmere wcs reckky ld test but tmct dg cl nhec.

    N wnsm td tmcla tmree bkdooers, tmduom tmeyprdbcbky wdukhl„t evel aldw tmct tmey mch c tmclas


    Hcve ct tme extnl`t bkdo ‛Nl tme Pckt Jnle‚.

    Hcve ct ‛Bno Ptdry Ounhe‚ ‐ bnostdryounhe.wdrhpress.`dj

    P.@. Mn`ajcl ct ‛Cknel E`dkdones‚ ‐sd`ncke`dkdones.wdrhpress.`dj

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    Gdr Odh, ocve mns dlky beodttel Pdl.

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    _mel ulhertcanlo cly sdrt dg velture dle ns dgtelpersucheh td prepcre. Nl tme `cse dg tmns esscy, dle jnomtupdl benlo `rntn`ckky nlgdrjeh clh permcps be ehu`ctehupdl `ertcnl c`chejn` dr pmnkdsdpmn`ck nssues. But bewcre1tmns anlh dg `dlveltndlck cpprdc`m jnomt tcae dl wctersnl`e tmrduom tmns esscy we cre dgtel csaeh td stclh dl durmechs, td turl upsnhe-hdwl tme ldtndls by wmn`m we suppdsetd mcve ocnleh becrnlos, td put wmct seejs gnrst, kcst, clhkcst, gnrst. ^et gdr sure1 dg wmct jnomt `dlstntute su`mprepcreh nlgdrjctndl we `cl be pretty `dlgnhelt.Xmedkdoncls jnomt be hrcwl td tmns tntke, cs wekk cs wmct we`dukh `ckk ”spnrntuck„ dr ”reknondus„ pmnkdsdpmers, but tmesesmdukh ldt ex`kuhe epnstejdkdonsts ldr dltdkdonsts, ldrnhecknsts ldr recknsts. Nlheeh, ldle wdukh be cjnss by

    octmernlo tmenr tmedretn`ck gdr`es, but tmey jnomt, nl gc`t,jnss tme croujelt ng ldt tme pdnlt. Xmns trclskctndl csasgrdj ld dtmer cutmdrnty tmcl tme bdda ntsekg, Xme Bnbke.Xmdse ldt nlgdrjeh dg, noldrclt dg dr pkcnl cltcodlnstn` tdtme pmnkdsdpmn`ck hns`durse dg tme _esterl trchntndl, N jnomtsuooest cvdnh tmns Vrekuhe cs wekk clh tme Cgterwdrh, clhjdve td tme jcnl bdhy dg tme esscy1 ydu wnkk mcve jnssehldtmnlo by hdnlo sd. Xme jdre strn`t c`chejn` pmnkdsdpmn`ck

    `dlsnherctndls N put gdrtm hd ldt chh ldr hetrc`t clytmnlonjpdrtclt td tme jeclnlo dg tmns esscy1 tmey jereky elkcroetme pdssnbke wcys we jnomt speca cbdut tme sntuctndl ctmclh.

    *_e jnomt be tejpteh td see tmns bdda cs c type dg

    merjeleutn`ck dggernlo, dr evel Orcjjctdkdon`ck dggernlo,

    clh knaewnse su`m cl estnjctndl wdukh jdst knaeky ldt be gcrdgg tme jcra. Ic`ques Herrnhc chhresses Jn`mek Gdu`cukt tdtme scje questndl updl `rnternc gdr tme kctter„s esscy dl

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    jchless1 tmct ns, tme questndl dg cutmdrnty n. Pee, tmduom,tmct tmns ns ldt sdje hns`ussndl dg ul`dultcbke regerel`es tdvcrndus Herrnhncl dr evel pdst-jdherlnst, stru`turcknst, drpdst-stru`turcknst s`rnpts1 tme gnrst nltelt dg tmns esscy ns ldts`mdkcrky croujelt dg `djpcrnsdl clh regerel`e. ^du wnkkoet knttke s`mdkcrky `durt vdkkey mere. Xme prdbkej wntm tmctjetmdh ns cly su`m regerel`e `djpdulhs updl ntsekg tmeprdbkej we trect, clh spe`ngn`ckky hetrc`ts grdj tme jeclnlodg tmns esscy1 gdr, ng nlheeh N were usnlo sdje sdrt dg jetmdh,ct tmct c merjeleutn`ck jetmdh, N rnsa benlo seel by jcly ngldt jdst td be regerrnlo td cldtmer cutmdrntctnve kexn`dl, tdpermcps c jdre se`ukcr cs dppdseh td reknondus, c knberckntydppdseh td `dlservctnsj, td tmns sernes dg mnstdrn`ck ldtesnlstech dg tmct , wmerecs N greeky chjnt tmct N regerreh td ldsu`m s`mdkcrky trchntndl but tmct wmn`m jcy mcve beel dg tmeprnvnkeoe (dr pdverty) mcvnlo beel rcnseh @mrnstncl.Nrdln`ckky, tmduom, jcly tmedretn`ncls nl tmenr vcrndus

    pkc`es wnkk ldt mcve jnsseh cly dg tmns. Nlheeh, tmenjpdssnbke sntuctndl ns tmct tmere ns ldtmnlo beydlh drdutsnhe dg text. Ldletmekess, N wdukh scy c better hesnolctndldg tme nssue, evel ng nt ns jereky c`chejn`, ns tme ”terj„, gdr”text„ njconles tmct c jere jcra knaewnse ”`dltcnls„. _mere cjcra jcy `dltcnl we mcve tmereby extrcpdkcteh aldwkehoenltd dr cocnlst c sdrt dg premnstdry. Vermcps N cj spknttnlomcnrs, but N see tme jdre prdper relhernlo ns jdre tmcl tme

    syjbdk1 rctmer, wmct jdves beydlh c pcrtn`ukcr nhedkdon`ck`djpremelsnve pcrchnoj ns jeclnlo ntsekg , clh ng tmere nssdje sdrt dg `djjuln`ctndl tcanlo pkc`e tmel tmere just besdje terjs dg coreejelt.

    Xme gnrst drher just be tmct tmere ns coreejelt, clh nl cs

    ju`m cs tmere ns coreejelt, tmct tmns ns nlheeh tme `cse, wejust tmel `dlsnher ldt sd ju`m `djjuln`ctndl tmrduom ntspdstjdherl clh pdst-pdstjdherl rehu`tnve cvelues.


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    AcnrLentmer tme type dg Iecl-Grcl`dns Kydtcrh tmct csas mdw `djjuln`ctndl tcaes pkc`e, ldr dg Ckcnl Bchndu clhGrcl`dns Kcruekke, tmct hevekdps rehu`tndls tdwcrhpcrtn`ukcr `djjuln`ctnve pcsses, stej quernes dutsnhe dgtme njpkn`nt cssujptndl dg c prdie`teh `djjdl gdrj1 wmn`mns td scy, tme cutmdrs mcve ldt regke`teh updl tmenr dwlpdsntndls dg cssertndl suggn`neltky elduom td tcae td nts elhtme nssue dg tme text. Nlheeh, tme sntuctndl dg mnstdry putgdrtm nl pcssnlo by tmns esscy ns tmct tmey `dukh ldt tcae nt tdnts elh. Nlstech, tme jdve mere ns jdre tdwcrh Kydtcrh„s

    njpkn`ctndl updl wmetmer tme `cse `cl be jche td c `durttmct mcs ld wcy dg ulherstclhnlo tme `djjuln`ctndl tmct nsdggereh, be`cuse tmereby hd su`m pmnkdsdpmn`ck sntuctndlsbe`dje ldl-`dlveltndlck mnstdrn`ck jcras, ct tnjes evel,hesnre-prdhu`tndl mnctuses. Mere tmel we leeh dlky onve updl tme rehu`tndl clh kecve su`m nhedkdon`ck strnhes td tmeRecknst pcsses tmct stclh updl `dlveltndlck rdutes crouehby tme pdst-pdstjdherls„ nn. _e just tmereby `dlsnher

    coreejelt tmct hdes ldt `dmere nl tme `djjdl rdute.

    Chjnttnlo, tmel, tmct tmere ns nlheeh dlky ckwcyshns`durse, evel wntmdut sdje trchntndlck pmnkdsdpmn`ckknlecoe, wmct regerel`e N hd jeltndl dutsnhe tme Bnbke nsusuckky gdr `dlgnrjctndl clh dr suppdrt dg cl nhec tmct N`cje updl cs pcrt dg tme scje `durse by wmn`m N mcveel`dultereh tme Bnbke ntsekg, clh tmct tmere ns, mcs beel clh

    wnkk be sd jcly jdre regerel`es tmct N `dukh lever mdpe dgknstnlo nltd cly sdrt dg mekpguk bnbkndorcpmy, ldr ntejnze su`m`kcuses td mcve cly jeclnlo tmct wdukh pdnlt td sdjekecrlnlo tmct N ocnleh grdj tme wmdke, egge`tnveky, nlgnlnteknbrcry dg cutmdrs clh nhecs tmct N mcve el`dultereh nl jytnje. Pnl`e ng tmere ns ldtmnlo dutsnhe hns`durse, tmel tmerens ldtmnlo tmct N mcve kecrleh hue td sdje dtmer persdl„snhec, ldtmnlo tmct crnses dlky dut dg tme d``csndl dg tme textounheh by sdje tec`mer, sdje `ctckyznlo coelt.Levertmekess, everytmnlo tmct mcs d``urreh hdes sd by tme`durse dg tme terjs dg jeclnlo, clh tmel by extelsndl, cksd


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    by tmct wmn`m verngnes tmct su`m c persdl dg regerel`e jcymcve beel `dje updl by tme scje expernel`e, leverjnlhtmct tmns ns njpdssnbke, onvel tme sntuctndl tmct just becroueh. Xme pdnlt mere ns tmct ld trchntndl ns requnreh1 cksd,ng we just, tmct tme hnstnl`tndl betweel se`ukcr clhreknondus nhecks cre ldw jche jddt. Nt jnomt be evnhelt byldw, ng ldt by tme elh dg tme gdreodnlo esscy, tmel, tmct tmenssue we trect mere wcs heckt wntm mnstdrn`ckky, tmns ns td scy,trchntndlckky, nl cutdjctn` re`durse td c trcls`elhelt egge`ttmct wcs tcael td nlhn`cte c tmnlo nl-ntsekg, tmct tme terjswere orclteh clh onvel by c trcls`elhelt ”dbie`t„, ng yduwnkk, Odh, clh hespnte wmct sdje pmnkdsdpmers jnomt wclttd scy dg Iuhcnsj, bdtm tme pmnkdsdpmers clh tme tdpn` wdukhbe seel wcltnlo td mclo dltd tmns esseltnck prnvnkeoe. Mel`etme njperctnve gdr c lew wcy td cpprdc`m tme sntuctndl.

    Ng cly trchntndl ns leeheh td `dje td tme gdrodnlo

    `dl`kusndl, wmn`m ns td scy, td mcve c pcrtn`ukcr expernel`eupdl tmns text, tmel nt ns c trchntndl tmct just be nhedkdon`ckclh sd nl`drre`t1 mel`e tme pcss dggereh ct kecst by Bchndu nnn.

    ^et jdre, wmel tme terjs cre `dlsnhereh, tmel tmenl`drre`tndl wnkk be seel nl nts `dlgnlejelt clh tmerejcnlnlo trchntndl wdukh be dle tmct ns sd brdch cs tdnl`kuhe Iuhcn` hns`durses, but ldt sd sjckk cs td ex`kuhe tmepmeldjeldl dg jereky benlo mujcl prndr td tme Ldrtm

    Cgrn`cl Jnhhke-Eurcsncl `dltnleltck `ukturck pcuse drexnsteltnck mnctus tmct Iuhcnsj represelts cs cl mnstdrn`ckjdjelt dg tme mujcl `recture. Xmns ns td scy, we wnkk mcvegdulh tme `rnterndl gdr exntnlo tme nhedkdon`ck ubnquntypdsnteh by prevndus mnstdrn`ck hns`durses, snl`e ng we cre tdchjnt sdje ”esseltnckky„ aldwcbke mnstdry trclskcteh drtrcls`rnbeh nltd tme mnstdry ”tmct we aldw„ (reocrhkess dghebcte), tmel tme pmeldjeldl evnhel`eh dg Iuhcnsj mcs

    ynekheh c subie`t nls`rnbeh by c pcrtn`ukcr jeclnlo, dg tmewdrh , cs tmns jeclnlo hdes ldt ulgdkh nltd c pketmdrc dghnveroelt prdtestctndls, evel cs tmere jnomt be cl nls`rnbeh


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    Acnrsubie`t dg juktnpke jeclnlos1 tmns ns tme jeclnlo bemnlh tmeterj ”`dkdlnze„. Dl tme `dltrcry1 nt ulgdkhs nltd exc`tky twdrdutes gdr jeclnlo, cs, cocnl, Bchndu, clh nlheeh tme cutmdrdg tme bkdo ‛Nl Xme Pckt Jnle‚ mcs scnh, tme nssue ns dg ”tmetwd„nv.

    Pnjnkcrky ulgdrtulcte clh ulcvdnhcbke, ng N mch ldtregerreh td sdje trchntndlck `djpelhnuj dg nlterpretctndlby wmn`m td substcltncte tmns prdpdsck, N wdukh mcve jdstknaeky kdst tme dtmer mckg dg rechersmnp, snl`e tmel tmns esscy

    wdukh kecve dpel tme pdssnbnknty tmct tme Odspeks, ct kecst,re`djjelh nl tmenr bcre `dlveltndlck nlstcl`e dg jeclnlo1wmn`m ns td scy, N wdukh mcve ld cutmdrnty by wmn`m td dggertmns esscy but tme hns`kcnjer dg gcltcsy clh njconlctndl.Xmns kcst tmel ns tme recsdl gdr tme kcte 26 tm `eltury„sdbsessndl wntm lnmnknsj cs wekk cs tme ecrky 23 st `eltury”Dbie`t Drnelteh„, ”pdst-mujclnst„ clh tme knae hns`durses v,gdr tme usuck pmnkdsdpmn`ck rdute ns subie`t td tme `rntnque dg

    tmns esscy, cs we jnomt see.

    Ckk tme scje clh nl`kuhnlo tme dbie`tndls1 tme croujelttmct gdkkdws wnkk be jnsnlterpreteh by jcly wmd wnsm td benl`kuheh, wmd wnsm td nl`kuhe ckk mujclnty.

    Pd be nt. N wrnte wmct N wrnte.

    Besnhes1 tme nlterpretctndl N dgger bekdw jnomt dlkyhngger nl tme pn`ture nt preselts, clh ldt sd ju`m grdj tmetrchntndlck jeclnlos clh `djjeltcry tmct mcve beeldggereh tmrduomdut tme coes.


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    Nl Xme Beonllnlo

    Nt jcy wekk be dg mujclnty tmct we exnst nl c wdrkhtmct ns nl`dl`envcbke nl nts cbsdkutndl, tmct nlheeh, nt ns cwdrkh dg dur dwl jcanlo. Pnloukcrky cbselt grdj cly`dl`eptndl dg wmct su`m c wdrkh ns, we jcy cksd mcve dlkytmct wdrkh tmct mcs beel pcsseh hdwl grdj tme suppdsehbeonllnlo dg dur merntcoe nl knge, clh tmns tmel wdukh be iust

    cs ulaldwcbke cs tme wdrkh. Xmel, grdj tme `dltrchn`tndl dgsu`m cl ulaldwl pcst, dur merntcoe wdukh be ct rddt c jereknvnlo clh ldt c mujcl knge cs we jcae nt, but c knge cs tmctdg c pkclt dr c tree, nl tmct ns ordws, hdes wmct nt hdes, clh nscs nt ns, jcanlo ld reck he`nsndl gdr nts guture. Nt ns tmus tmnsknjnt, tmct wmn`m prds`rnbes nts elh cs tmct wmn`m just be,but `clldt ever be, tmct revecks dur kc`a, dur egge`tnvehelnck, clh tmeregdre, gdr tme wnse clh truky gree, tme

    le`essnty gdr cbsdkutndl cs wekk cs nts pdssnbnknty.

    Xme sntuctndl ns nltdkercbke td us, td dur ever preseltpresujptndl dg dur dwl mujclnty, dg dur dwl preejnlel`e.Levertmekess, dur reie`tndl dg tmns type dg hestnly crrnves nltme twd wcys we jcy ulherstclh wmct mujclnty ns.Leocteh nl dur nl`eptndl, dur `dl`eptndl ns tme le`essnty dg`dls`ndusless cocnlst tmct wmn`m wdukh be tme bcsn` knge, dgwmn`m we cre ldt but tme `dl`eptndl. Nt jcy be tmct `mnkhrelretcnl tmns bcsn` knge cs tmey `dje nltd tme wdrkh, noldrclt, ctcbukc rcsc, ng ydu wnkk, oeletn`ckky heterjnleh, ng we `clreckky scy tmns, td knve exc`tky tme knge tmct ns knge eterlckkynlter`dlle`teh clh `drrespdlhelt wntm ckk ekse, heterjnlehclh gnxeh nl nts `durse. But nl tmct tmey cre mujcl, mujclknge, tmey be`dje tmct wmn`m ns mujcl, wmn`m ns`dls`ndusless, wmn`m ns mujcl `dls`ndusless. Vermcps wesee tmns perndh dg `mnkhmddh cs noldrcl`e but hegnlnteky wntmwdlher, lcnve. Vermcps `mnkhrel `dje nltd tme wdrkh cs c

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    sdrt dg letmer-benlo, dg tme bcsn` knge but cksd mujcl, clh tmehnstnl`tndl tmct `djes td be aldwl ns exc`tky tmct wmn`m nsaldwkehoe, tme mujcl knge benlo ntsekg mujcl. Jcybe`mnkhrel cre idnleh td mujclnty nl tmns wcy dg aldwkehoeclh idnleh td knge nl benlo cttc`meh clh hepelhelt updltmenr pcrelts, mcvnlo ld dpnlndl dr ldvek tmduomt cs wealdw nt, but jereky regke`tnlo nl tmenr dwl benlo tme knge tmctns mujclnty crdulh tmej, tmenr pcrelts clh gcjnkyprnjcrnky. Xmct ns, ultnk tme mujcl knge rec`mes c snolngn`cltpdnlt nl tme mujcl knge1 permcps tmns ns puberty, permcps cknttke ecrkner, permcps c knttke kcter, wmel tme jdtndl dg`rectndl dg knge gdr benlo mujcl just be`dje jdre gukkymujcl, nl `dltrc-hnstnl`tndl td tme bcsn` knge, td gurtmermujclnty, gdr tmct ju`m ns knge„s jcxnj, td gurtmer ntsekg.

    Clh permcps tmere ns tmns pdnlt wmel tme mujcl benlo cssu`m jcy pcrt grdj tme bcsn` knge tmct ns mekh wntmnl c `mnkh.Xmns jcy cjdult td c he`nsndl, but he`nsndl wdukh c``dult

    tdd ju`m coel`y, gdr we cre stnkk hecknlo mere wntm tme kngentsekg, nl c `mnkh ct tmct ‐ but c he`nsndl levertmekess, tmct nstme jcra betweel tme merntcoe tmct ns preselt nl tmenjjehncte pcrelts clh tme njjehncte knge tmct ns preselt nltme `mnkh. _e jnomt `ckk tmns pdnlt tme jdjelt dg he`nsnvesnolngn`cl`e . Entmer wcy wnkk ckwcys ynekh tme mujcl, butmel`e we jcy mcve respdlsnbnknty gdr tme vcrnctndl `ckkehmujcl nlhnvnhucknty.

    Pu`m c snolngn`clt evelt wdukh mcve td hd wntm tmejdjelt wmel tme mujcl nlhnvnhuck elters dr be`djesmujcl `dls`ndusless, tmct ns `dls`ndus cwcreless dg nt„smujclnty. Xmns ns ldt sd ju`m c psy`mdkdoy dg `mnkhhevekdpjelt dr `dolntnve s`nel`e cs nt ns cl nlheterjnlcbkejdjelt nl exnstel`e wmel tme mujcl benlo `djes updlntsekg, wmctever tme s`neltngn` stcoes dg jeltck hevekdpjelt.

    Dle„s psy`mdkdoy mcs knttke td hd wntm tmns jdjelt, snl`epsy`mdkdoy tcaes jclngestctndl cs c jecls td heterjnle clcooreocte pkcusnbnknty dg `cuse by wmn`m nt `cl pres`rnbe


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    Acnrpcrtn`ukcr c`tnvnty sd td cssert `dltrdk dg c jeltck nssue drprdbkej clh heterjnle c guture gdr cl nlhnvnhuck, evel cs ntnjpknes tme pres`rnptndls, retrdc`tnveky, cs c hes`rnptndl dgsdje truky reck mujclnty, tdwcrh tme guture sdkutndl. Pu`mcl elhecvdr ex`kuhes tme ex`eptndl wmere dtmerwnse every`cuse dle wdukh cttrnbute td c stcte dg cggcnrs gcnks td c``dultgdr tme lext vcrnctndl ultnk nt `cl heterjnle cldtmer sernesdg `cuses. Xwnl `mnkhrel expdseh td tme scje pcreltnlo `cllevertmekess hevekdp hrcstn`ckky hnggerelt jeltckntnes nl dle`cse, clh snjnkcr jcllernsjs nl cldtmer1 heterjnlctndl dg

    `cuses gdr su`m hnversndl dr `dlgkuel`e, hncoldsns clhcppkn`ctndl, cre jche updl tme elh evelts clh extrcpdkctehnltd dtmer pdsnteh snjnkcr `cses clh scy knttke dg c`tuck `cuse._e cppky dur best aldwkehoe td tme mecktmy ordwtm dg dur`mnkhrel, but mdw tmey c`tuckky jclngest tmejsekves nl tmewdrkh ns ckwcys bcseh nl `mcl`e clh mdpe.


    Xme wenomt dg tme wdrkh tmct ns tme orecter oelerckmerntcoe dg mujclnty benlo mujcl just be `dje updl bytme `mnkh, clh nl tmns tnje, cksd tme knge tmct ns stnkk hecknlowntm wmct nt ns td be mujcl. Vermcps tmns ns wmere tmewenomt ns hnstrnbuteh, hngguseh ng ydu wnkk, su`m tmct Pekg clhDtmer be`dje preselt dr cre preselteh td aldwkehoe. Xmetelhel`y dg knge nl tme mujcl wdukh mcve nt be jereky knge, sdtme ve`tdr gdr benlo dg cly dg tme `recteh spe`nes wnkk mcve nts

    hnggn`ukty nl be`djnlo ntsekg cpcrt grdj jere knge, c sepcrcteeltnty nl ntsekg. Nl mujcls, `dls`ndusless jcy `dje updlntsekg cs nt `djes updl tme mujcl wdrkh, wmel tme merntcoedg tme `mnkh„s pcrelts be`djes sntucteh nl c pdkcr cwcrelessgdr nheltnty. Ct tmns tnje, tme knge nl tme `mnkh wdukh bepreselteh td nts `dls`ndusless, clh nl tmns, cksd tmecwcreless dg nts merntcoe cs tme ruke dg tme pcrelts, tmehnre`tndl dg tme pcrelts1 tme `mnkh ns preselteh ntsekg clh tmemerntcoe dg tme wdrkh, clh tme prdbkej dg mdw td heck wntmtme onvel wdrkh. Xme onvel mujcl wdrkh just knaewnsebngur`cte1 knge be`djnlo tme mujcl benlo cs `dls`ndusless,


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    tme wdrkh dg knge `clldt rejcnl nl ntsekg cs ntsekg, butle`esscrnky just be`dje tme `dls`ndusless dg tme mujclwdrkh. Xmns `dls`ndusless ns dlky tme wdrkh merntcoe cs mujcl clh sd wdukh dtmerwnse jnss wmct wdrkh tmere `dukhbe ng nt were dlky tme knge dg tme wdrkh, snl`e tmns bcsn` stcte`clldt be mujcl. @dls`ndusless mcs tme wdrkh tmctmujclnty jcy mcve c wdrkh by wmn`m td exnst1 nt just mcvents merntcoe, but tmns merntcoe, tme merntcoe tmct ns tme bcsn`knge cs mujcl, ns nlsuggn`nelt td reveck ntsekg cs mujcl, clhsd just hnsjnss ntsekg grdj ntsekg cocnl, cs nt hnh grdj tmebcsn` knge td be mujcl, clh brnlo tme Dtmer cocnlst ntsekg tdbe ntsekg mujcl. Nl dtmer wdrhs, gdr tmere td be c mujclbenlo, nt ns ldt suggn`nelt tmct tme `recture crrnveh nl tmewdrkh gdr tmns jdve cjdults td jere knge tmct jcy bemujcl. Mujclnty crrnves wntm aldwkehoe, but tmns nlntnckaldwkehoe ns ldt aldwkehoe dg tme wdrkh, but jereky tmebcsn` knge cs mujcl nl tme wdrkh, dg wmn`m tme `mnkh repects

    nl nts `dl`eptndl, nl nts bnrtm1 mujclnty just mcve jdretmcl `dls`ndusless, jdre tmcl ntsekg, nt just mcvealdwkehoe dg ntsekg nl tme wdrkh. Evel ng tmns wcs csnjuktcledus evelt, td dur aldwkehoe mujclnty just mcvecrrnveh nl tme wdrkh nl tmns wcy, gdr, we, gdr jeclnlo tmctmcs cly selse cs we hd aldw, `dukh ldt mcve aldwkehoe clhtmel mujcl `dls`ndusless clh we `dukh ldt mcve tmemujcl wdrkh clh tmel knge.

    Ct tmns pdnlt we mcve tme `mnkh `djnlo td terjs wntmnts mujclnty, wmn`m ns tme repkcynlo dg `dls`ndusless `djnloupdl ntsekg, cwcy grdj tme bcsn` knge, clh tdwcrh tme `rectndldg tme wdrkh.

    Xme merntcoe dg tme wdrkh just regke`t ntsekg tdwcrh cmerntcoe dg tme mujcl wdrkh1 `dls`ndusless just tcae nts

    dwl estcbknsmjelt clh estcbknsm cl Dtmer cocnlst nt, dr ntwdukh gckk bc`a nltd tme bcsn` knge clh mujclnty wdukh leverbe. Xme ordwnlo `mnkh jcy ejbdhy c snolngn`cl`e tmrduom,


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    Acnrwmct we jnomt `ckk, c he`nsndl1 upmdkh tme resnhuuj dg tmebcsn` knge grdj nts `mnkhmddh clh heck wntm tme wdrkh by nt„sPekg, dr rekecse tme rejlclts dg tme bcsn` knge clh heck wntmtme wdrkh by tme merntcoe dg tme pcrelts. Xmns ns wmy we `clscy mujcl

    `dls`ndusless ns tme wcy dg tme Dtmer, clh wmy wmct ns ctnssue, tmel, ns tme lcture dg tmns Dtmer. ^et tme resnhuuj dgknge lever kecves nts jclngestctndl, clh tme `mnkh ns e`mdeh nltme chukt. Xme `mnkh wmd tcaes tme pcrelt„s merntcoe cs tme

    jecls td heck wntm tme wdrkh tmus `cl be scnh td ckwcyshely ntsekg, wmn`m ns td scy, hnstcl`e ntsekg grdj tme e`md sdtme bcsn` knge be`djes cl e`md, gdr tme scae dg benlo mujcl,wmn`m ns tme drneltctndl dg benlo mujcl nl c wdrkh tmct nsldt dg nts dwl jcanlo. Xmns ns c prdbkej dg cl cbnknty dg`dls`ndusless, nts cbnknty gdr `dl`eptndl. C `dl`ept `clldt nlnts nl`eptndl dver `dje tme hnstcl`e njpkejelteh by ntsegge`t dg `djnlo td ulherstclh. Xmus, tme prdbkejs dg tmns

    rdute jclngest cs prdbkejs dg rekctnlo dbie`ts td dtmerdbie`ts clh tmereby ckkdws gdr psy`mdkdoy1 su`m c s`nel`eserves td ”gnkk nl tme ocps„ betweel dbie`ts, cl expkclctndltmct crnses dut dg tme suture dg gcntm (see bekdw). Cs wekk, tmnsprdbkej ns `djpdulheh nl tmct tme nlhnvnhuck tmel `djesupdl tme sekg, nt„s Pekg, cs cl dbie`t, evel cs tme resnhuuj dgtme bcsn` knge, tme sekg, rejcnls nl tme nlhnvnhuck cs ntsgdulhctndls cre helneh nl tme tcanlo tme rdute dg tme

    pcrelt„s merntcoe. Xme sekg ns tmel `dje updl cs cldtmerdbie`t, c subie`t-dbie`t, tme sepcrcteh ekejelt tmct ns tmejdve nltd tme rdute dg tme dbie`tnve wdrkh dg tme gukkymujcl. Xmns tmel be`djes tme dlky nssue we heck wntm nlexnstel`e.

    Dl tme dtmer mclh, tme `mnkh wmd dpts ntsekg cs tmewcy td heck wntm tme wdrkh ns ulhertcanlo, wmct td bemujcl ns, cl ”ullcturck„ velture, snl`e td be 'lcturckky'mujcl, dle just reknlqunsm tmct wmn`m upmdkhs tme bcsn`knge regke`teh tmrduom `dls`ndusless cs tme ulnty dg tme


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    wdrkh. Xme rdute dg tme ”Pekg„, dr permcps tme ”Pubie`t„, ns tmusgrcuomt wntm prdbkejs dg `dls`ndusless be`cuse tme bcsn` kngens bdtm benlo expresseh nl tme mujcl `dls`ndusless clhleodtnctnlo wntm tme merntcoe tmct hnggereltnctes tme wdrkhtmrduom tme dbie`t. Xme prdbkej mere ns rekctnlo tme Pekg,wmn`m ns tme expressnlo dg tme bcsn` knge nl tme mujclexpressndl dg knge, clh tme dbie`t. Pd tme `mnkh wmd tcaes tmerdute dg tme Pekg ns lever qunte ”wmdkky„ dr ”gukky„ mujclbe`cuse mujcl ns tmct wmn`m mcs sepcrcteh ntsekg grdj, wmct`dukh be `ckkeh, tme merntcoe dg tme wdrkh, tme `dls`nduslessdg tme bcsn` knge, suggn`neltky elduom td mcve tme merntcoe dgtme pcrelts, su`m tmct tme wdrkh be`djes tme Dbie`t ‐ wmn`mns td scy tmct tme Dbie`t ns lever ”gukky substcltncteh„ nl su`mc `mnkh ‐ but knaewnse tme `mnkh lever ns cbke td qunte be`dje”gukky„ ntsekg mujcl, snl`e nt ns, levertmekess, mujcl.

    Xme `mnkh mcs snheh wntm tme bcsn` knge tmct kcy wntmnl

    nt clh sd prd`eehs updl tmns trutm cocnlst tmct trutm dg tmemujcl merntcoe, wmn`m mcs reldul`eh tme bcsn` knge gdr ntsmujclnty. Mel`e, tme sntuctndl ns tmct `djpdulheh updlntsekg nl tme suooestndl tmct tmere jcy be c mujcl hernvehaldwkehoe dg tme wdrkh. Xme prdbkej kcy tmeregdre betweeltmese twd ekejelts dg mujclnty1 tme mujcl benlo tmct mcs`dje updl nts sekg nl rekctndl td tme merntcoe dg tme wdrkh,wmn`m ns sd be`cuse dg `dls`ndusless clh tmeregdre

    aldwkehoe, clh tme mujcl benlo tmct `djes updl ntsekg nlrekctndl td tme merntcoe dg mujclnty, wmn`m rests nl creie`tndl dg tme bcsns dg aldwkehoe, lcjeky, tmct tme wdrkhexnsts ”be`cuse„ dg `dls`ndusless. Nl entmer we mcve clnrrehu`nbke `dlhntndl, but by bdtm we mcve c hnstnl`tndl tmct`cl be c`aldwkehoeh by dle clh ldt tme dtmer, snl`e clyvnew ns ckwcys gdrwcrh, ckwcys dg wmct ns ”nl grdlt„. _mnkewmct ns gdulh nl rekctndl td tme merntcoe dg tme wdrkh clh

    reteltndl dg tme bcsn` knge mcs nts gukky estcbknsmeh nheltntykcnh nl grdlt dg nt, cs wekk cs ckk tme prdbkej nt `djes c`rdssbut cs wekk tme mnstdry tmct be`djes prdldul`eh, gdr tme


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016


    Acnrmujcl merntcoe wmct ns nl grdlt mcs beel pkc`eh tmeretmrduom c hnspkc`ejelt, wmn`m ns, by helnck dg nts c`tuckpkc`e gdr tme scae dg Xrue Dbie`ts, lcjeky, gdr tme tejpdrckseoreoctndl dg nheltnty gdr pcst, preselt clh guture. Xmns nstme recsdl tmct `ertcnl `dlveltndlck (dg tme merntcoe dgmujclnty) nlvestnoctndls kech td ldtmnlo , be`cuse tmere nsreckky ldtmnlo td see but nts dwl prdie`tndls dg jeclnlo.

    Bdtm dg tmese cvelues, dg tme merntcoes dg tme wdrkhclh tme mujcl, reveck c jdvejelt dg drneltctndl9 Grdj

    `rectndl, wmn`m ns dg tme ”jnlnjck„ mujcl, dr bc`a td`rectndl, wmn`m ns tme ”gukky„ mujcl. Xmese jdvejelts crenrdln`9 Bdtm jdve tdwcrhs c `rectndl dg tme wdrkh. Xmegdrjer ns `rectndl cs tme mujcl `dls`ndusless dg tme bcsn`knge, clh tmus sees `drrespdlhel`e wntm `rectndl jdvnlo`dls`ndusless (subie`t) clh gdrj (dbie`t), clh sd hdes ldtmcve tme scje sepcrctndl wmn`m ckkdws tme Dbie`t (jctter)dg tme gukky mujcl. Xme jnlnjck mujcl ns seel cs

    jclngestnlo gcte, cs nts nlevntcbke c`tnvnty, cs jdvnlotdwcrhs tmct wmn`m `rectndl ns jdvnlo nl nts jdvejelt1 tmnsns c prndrn cbsdkutndl, be`cuse tme cbsdkutndl ns onvel prndr tdexpernel`e cs expernel`e. Xme gukky mujcl kddas updl drbc`a updl `rectndl cs cl Dbie`t td ocnl clh tmus gnlhs ntsekgnl tme gul`tndl dg tnje cs prdoress1 tme pcst grdj wmn`mtmnlos (tme subie`t-dbie`t clh tme Dbie`t) `cje orclts tmepreselt nl `mdn`e tmct gurtmer orclts cl ul`ertcnl guture but

    wmn`m prdoresses nl aldwkehoe dg wmct tme jdjelt dg`rectndl wcs/ns. Xmus tme gukky mujcl jdves tdwcrhs`rectndl nl tmct nt seeas ntsekg nl tme (pcst) jdjelt dg`rectndl clh tme guture `ukjnlctndl dg purpdse, bdtm dgwmn`m cre ckwcys put dgg nl seeanlo. Xmus tme gukky mujcl nsdrnelteh updl c pdsterndrn cbsdkutndl, cbsdkutndl tmct justbe ocnleh clh sd wnkk dlky d``ur cgter dr be`cuse dgexpernel`e.

    Dle jnomt tmel suspe`t tmct tme c prndrn vnew wdukhbe tme hnschvcltcoeh pdsntndl, snl`e nt mcs but dle snomt, clh


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    tme c pdsterndrn tmct dg c jdre `djpremelsnve1 tmns wdukhseejs tme jdst selsnbke dg `dl`kusndls. Aldwkehoe ocnlehcgter tme gc`t cppecrs td mcve jdre vckue tmcl aldwkehoewmn`m nlgdrjs tme gc`t1 tmct expernel`e jcy be `rectehtmrduom cl c`t dg wnkk by `dlsnhernlo pcst expernel`e sd cs tdprd`ure c betternlo dg expernel`e tmrduom cppkn`ctndl dgwmct mcs beel kecrleh ns tme `djjdl selsnbnknty dg knvnlo.Dle, nl tmns wcy, wdukh dlky see tme `mnkhnsmless dg tme cprndrn vnew. Pd nlheeh, we mcve dur sntuctndl wmere by wejnomt see mdw su`m c hnstnl`tndl ns jche, gdr tme gukky ns tmeordwl, ns tme c`tdr, ns tme he`nsndl jcaer, ns tmeheterjnlctdr dg tme guture clh tmereby tme pcst. ^et tmns dle`cl ulherstclh ld c prndrn ex`ept wntmnl tmns s`meje dg greec`tnvnty, clh tmus ns ex`kuheh grdj chvcltcoe, clh ns nlheehknjnteh nl nts vnew nl tmns jcller. _mel dle ns subsujeh nltmns jcller dg `djnlo updl recknty, dg tme respdlsnbnknty gdrc`tnlo, dg jcanlo prdper he`nsndls, me ns rejdveh grdj tme

    bcsn` knge. Xmns sepcrctndl ns jclngesteh tmrduom tme terjs dghe`nsndl clh su`m terjs knjnt wmct wdukh dtmerwnse bealdwl cs tme nlhnvnhuck„s greehdj, gdr su`m greehdj nsocnleh dlky tmrduom prndr `dlhntndls wmn`m cre helneh nl tmec`t dg gree `mdn`e, gdr tme gree `mdn`e extelhs ntsekg nltd tmepcst su`m tmct N cj clh mcve beel gree. Grdj tme pcst smeocnls c beonllnlo updl wmn`m mer c`tnvnty jcy `dltrnbute drhetrc`t, tmns cs mnstdry dggers tme pctm clh jetmdh by wmn`m

    mer c`tnvnty jcy be vckucbke beydlh mer jere knvnlo, gdrjere knvnlo cksd mcs c vckue. Pu`m c mnstdry ns he gc`td cprndrn, nt orclts tme nlhnvnhuck tme prdper rekctndls betweeldbie`ts prndr td mer exnstel`e clh sd nt ns tme bcsn` Dbie`taldwl td wmn`m tme nlhnvnhuck jcy tmel rekcte mnsdbie`tnvnty, mer subie`t-dbie`t, nl drher td ocnl purpdse gdrmersekg nl mns c`tnvnty. Xme nlhnvnhuck„s greehdj stejs grdjaldwkehoe dg tme pcst, yet wmnke tmns aldwkehoe dg tme pcst

    ns heterjnleh nl tme preselt, tme `dlhntndl dg tme pcst gdrcbsdkute gree `mdn`e just be stcbke, clh tme `dltrchn`tndl dgtmns mnstdry wmn`m eterlckky elgdkhs updl ntsekg smdws tme


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    Acnrgckkc`y dg c pdsterndrn drneltctndl9 Nt ns c prndrn. Gurtmer, su`mc purpdse bcseh nl mnstdry, nl c jeclnloguk `rectndl, nsnlsuggn`nelt td prdvnhe cl cbsdkute purpdse (ex`ept tmenlsuggn`nel`y dg c`tuck greehdj wmn`m ckkdws gdr c prdperetmn`s)1 td tmns elh dle just mcve c iustngneh guture, clh tmnsguture, cs tme le`esscry `dulterpcrt dg tme aldwl pcst, sdgcr cs tme pdssnbke guture `clldt but exnst wntmdut c aldwlpcst, ns helneh nl tme gukky mujcl„s rdute, dr drneltctndl, csnt ns prdvnheh tme teltctnve preselt, clh tme seoreoctehrecknty onvel nl tmns s`meje dg aldwkehoe ns tmel regke`teh nl

    tme jeclnlo dg cbsdkutndl. Xme wmdkeless dg c pdsterndrcbsdkutndl ns suspelheh nl bcsn` noldrcl`e, wmn`m ns tme`dlhntndl dg tme snolngn`clt jdve cwcy grdj tme bcsn` knge.


    Nl tmns wcy we `dje updl c jdre pre`nse jeclnlo dgtme terj ”Cbsdkute„. Nl mujcl merntcoe, dg tme gukky mujcl,

    tme cbsdkute ns gdulh ckwcys ct crj„s kelotm nl tme Dbie`ttmct ns tme bcsn` knge reldul`eh cs su`m9 C ”jdjelt dg`rectndl„ dr ”tme beonllnlo„ dg tme ulnverse nl dle selse, clh”trutm„ dg tme ”dbie`tnve dg aldwkehoe„ nl tme dtmer. Xmecbsdkute, clh tmus mujcl sdkvel`y, ns seel cs c pdnlt dgcbsdkutndl, cs c purpdse, c odck, c sduomt cgter re`dl`nknctndldg Pekg. But tmns c`tnvnty ns ckwcys tmwcrteh nl tme gukkymujcl. Cl Cbsdkute tmus jclngests cs mdpe, clh cs tme

    cttejpt td brnlo everydle ”ulher dle rddg„ nl tme c`t dg”mekpnlo„, dg cssertnlo prdprnety, dg prdjdtnlo tme best clh`drre`t wcy cocnlst tme `dje updl nl`drre`tndl, clh tmnscssertndl ns ulherstddh, cs c sdrt dg hns`kcnjer, cs cl c`t dgsekgkessless. But nl tmns c`t, tme gukky mujcl `dltrchn`tsntsekg (cocnl) by leoctnlo knge cocnl, cssertnlo cs nt hdes tmedbie`t dg Pekg cocnlst wmct jnomt be ldt tme sekg, tme Dtmer,ct dl`e cttejptnlo c re`dl`nknctndl rddteh nl c stcte dgsepcrctndl, tmct wmn`m ns tme gukky mujcl clh ldt tme bcsn`knge. Cbsdkutndl, tme egge`tnve crj dg wmct ns ulherstddh cstme Cbsdkute, be nt Odh dr ld-Odh, ns peekeh bc`a updl tme


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    dbie`t-sekg (nt kecves tme subie`t-dbie`t wmnke `dvernlo wntm byc hnstcl`eh vnew), sd tmct ounkt (clxnety dg benlo nl`drre`t ‐wmn`m ns tme `dlhntndl dg tme gukky mujcl) ns rekneveh (dr ctkecst suspelheh) ‐ cocnl c sekgnsm jdtnve ‐ sd cs td ckkdwtme mujcl td rejcnl nl nts merntcoe1 tme dbie`t-sekg,`dlsnsteltky csserteh cocnlst tme Dbie`t, be`djes cbsdkvehnltd tme Dbie`t tmrduom, ldt relul`nctndl dg tme Dbie`t, buthelnck dg nts dwl dbie`tnvnty clh tmus csserts tme`djprdjnseh Pubie`t, wmn`m ns egge`tnveky tme subie`t-dbie`t.

    _mct tme gukky mujcl ns cgter wntm cbsdkutndl ns tmctwmn`m `clldt be9 Cl cbsurhnty, c `dltrchn`tndl dg tmct bywmn`m mujclnty exnsts. Iust cs nts mujclnty `djes cbduttmrduom tme reknlqunsmnlo dg tme bcsn` knge clh nts`drrespdlhelt ”jnlnjck mujclnty„, gdr tme scae dg tmemerntcoe tmct ns tme estcbknsmjelt dg tme Dbie`t, cbsdkutndlns tme reknlqunsmnlo dg tme Dbie`t, wmn`m gdr tme gukky mujcl,

    ns njpdssnbke, cbsurh1 tme gukky mujcl `clldt ulherstclhwmct jnomt c`tuckky be jeclt nl nts reknlqunsmjelt. Rctmer,nl smdrt, tme rdute dg tme gukky mujcl seeas nl cbsdkutndl,ldt sd ju`m c``eptcl`e dg tme Dbie`t, but pdssessndl,dwlersmnp, reteltndl, clh `dltrdk dg tme Dbie`t1 nt seeascbsdkute aldwkehoe tmct ns cbsdkute trutm dg tme Dbie`t._metmer nt be sdje sdrt dg ”spnrntuck essel`e„, ”nkkusndl„, ”dlkyaldwkehoe„, ”mujcl jdhek„ dr c type dg ejpnrn`ck dr s`neltngn`

    `dltrdk, tmns jetmdh wnkk see c reknlqunsmnlo dg sdjetmnlo cstme cbsdkute `dltrcrnety dg tmct by wmn`m tme gukky mujclocnls recknty, be`cuse tmere ns ld cbsel`e dg tmnlos .Pnjnkcrky, evel wmel tmns elhecvdr (tme jetmdh dgcbsdkuteky ocnlnlo dr `dltrdkknlo tme Dbie`t) ns seel nl ntsnjpkcusnbnknty, clh tme nlhnvnhuck `djes td c``ept c reckntydg tme Pubie`t/Dbie`t hucknty, cbsdkutndl ns stnkk seel nl tmejetmdh dg cttcnlnlo tme Dbie`t, clh cbsdkutndl be`djes c

    jcller dg hecknlo wntm knge, wntm tme Dbie`ts dg knge, dgleodtnctnlo tme terjs dg exnstnlo, clh dle dg tmese terjs nstme esseltnck seoreoctndl dg tme Pubie`t clh tme Dbie`t,


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    Acnrwmn`m `cl dlky d``ur sd kdlo cs ‐ clh ns nlheeh tme hegnlntndlwmn`m pdsnts tme jetmdh ‐ tme subie`t rejcnls c subie`t-dbie`t. Xme prdbkej dg cbsdkutndl, tmel, mcs td hd wntm tmejeclnlo nlvdkveh wntm cvdnhnlo tme re`ursnve rehu`tndl dgtme Pubie`t td tme subie`t-dbie`t.


    Pu`m nt ns tmct @mrnstnclnty mcs beel pdseh cs tmepcrcjdult dg reknondus aldwkehoe. Xme prdbkej tmct ns jdst

    nlsnstelt nl mujclnty, wmetmer nt be pmnkdsdpmn`ck drreknondus, ns tmns subie`t-dbie`t hucknty1 tme prdbkej dgmujcl aldwkehoe ns mdw td re`dl`nke tme nlhnvnhuck mujclbenlo clh tme wdrkh crdulh nt, clh tmns heterjnles typn`ckkycl etmn`ck jetmdh. _mnke te`mldkdoy, clh nts nhedkdon`ck`dulterpcrts, pmnkdsdpmy, `rntn`ck tmedry clh cltmrdpdkdoy,dggers dle jcller dg hecknlo wntm tme prdbkej, @mrnstnclnty,nl sd ju`m cs nt hecks hnre`tky wntm tme tmduomt clh

    `dls`ndusless ntsekg, dggers tme jdst sdkvelt sdkutndl td tmnsprdbkej1 nt chhresses tme cppcrelt hucknty by dggernlocbsdkutndl tmct ntsekg specas hucknstn`ckky. Nt `cl be ld`dnl`nhel`e tmct @mrnst chvd`ctes be`djnlo knae c `mnkh nldrher td elter tme anlohdj dg mecvel, clh tmct @mrnstnclsjcy be ”bdrl cocnl„. ^et, mere we mcve nssue put tdwcrhcldtmer dbie`t9 Mecvel, tme Anlohdj, ct tmct! Knaewnse, wemcve tme hdubke jdvejelt dg cbsdkutndl


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    Xme Cpprdprnctndl dg Hns`durse

    Gdr nts lcjescae, tme snolngn`cl`e dg Iesus @mrnstwdukh be tmct me wcs dle wmd mcs retcnleh tme bcsn` knge csme reldul`eh tme mujcl merntcoe. Me wdukh tmeregdre mcvebeel specanlo ldt dg dbie`ts, but dg mnjsekg, mns Pekg, mns dwl`dlhntndl cs me wcs expressnlo tme bcsn` knge wntmnl mnj, clh

    tmus true cbsdkutndl. ^et, nl tmct me wcs specanlo tdmujclnty, tmey wdukh dlky mecr dg tme Dbie`t, clh me wdukhtmereby be`dje, tme dbie`t tmct ns mnjsekg, tme jecls tdcbsdkutndl.

    Ng Iesus @mrnst ns cl excjpke dg tme ”jnlnjckkymujcl„ sekg, me wdukh mcve beel specanlo dg mns dwlrekctndl cs mujcl td tme bcsn` knge, cs wekk cs mns rekctndl csnt `dlgers mns mujclnty td tme merntcoe dg mujclnty, tmeDbie`t, clh mns ocze clh wdrhs wdukh mcve beel tmel `cst”dutwcrh„, tmct ns, nl bdtm hnre`tndls, ct dl`e updl mns dwl”hnstcl`e„ grdj tme bcsn` knge, cs wekk cs mujclnty„s ”hnstcl`e„grdj tme Dbie`t. Me wdukh gurtmer see tmct mns persdlcksntuctndl `dukh ldt be dtmerwnse be`cuse tme bcsn` knge ns tmeknjnt dg aldwkehoe1 wmn`m ns td scy tmct tme knjnt dg benlomujcl ns tme bcsn` knge cs mujcl, dr aldwkehoe cs`dls`ndusless, but tmct tmns sntuctndl ckkdweh mnj td seetmct dtmers„ sntuctndl `dukh be dtmerwnse. Me wdukh see tmcttme gc`t tmct me ns mujcl prevelts tme cbsdkutndl meulherstclhs clh tmct pre`nseky be`cuse dg tmns pcrchdx dgmujcl exnstel`e me ns cbsdkveh vn1 wmn`m ns td scy tmct ldtdlky tme purpdse, tme dbie`t, dg cbsdkutndl `clldt bec`tucknzeh, but tmct be`cuse dg tmns recknty, dg mns benlo

    aldwkehoe clh c``eptcl`e dg tme gckkc`y dg dbie`tnvecbsdkutndl, me ns cbsdkveh grdj tme respdlsnbnknty dle„s benlojcy mcve td tme Dbie`t, cs tmns respdlsnbnknty `dlgers c

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    pcrtn`ukcr jetmdh, clh me wdukh see cksd tme mujclntywmn`m gnlhs ntsekg nl tmct respdlsnbnknty ns tmeregdre trcppehnl cl nkkusndl tmct wdukh `kcnj tme Dbie`t td be dbtcnlcbke.Xmus we gnlh ”tme dle„ wmd scves mujclnty grdj ntsekg,rekneves tme ”snl„ dg sepcrctndl, tme dle wmd reheejs, tme dlewmd re`dl`nkes tme Pekg wntm tme Cbsdkute, tme dle wmdcbsdkves tme hnstnl`tndl dg hucknty, wmn`m ns tme Pubie`t clhtme Dbie`t1 tmns hnstnl`tndl, tmct wmn`m pdsnts c huckntywntmnl tme pdssnbnknty gdr cbsdkutndl, tmus be`djes dle dgpurpdse, c hnstnl`tndl tmct ns nlhn`ctnve dg drneltctndl updltme wdrkh.

    Iesus @mrnst, mnjsekg nl mns sntuctndl, seenlo cs mehdes tme sntuctndl dg tme _drkh, c`ts c``drhnlo td tme hn`tctesdg mns `nr`ujstcl`e, wmn`m ns re`dl`nkeh, wmerecs tme Dbie`tns lever re`dl`nkeh cbsdkuteky. @mrnst ns cbsdkveh grdj mnsrespdlsnbnknty td tme Dbie`t, but ns mujcl sd mns

    respdlsnbnknty rejcnls nl mns mujclnty9 @mrnst„srespdlsnbnknty ns td tme Pubie`t, wmn`m, dhhky elduom, ns cksdrespdlsnbnknty gdr tme dbie`t. By tmns (mns) lcture, me sees mnsprdbkej but ns re`dl`nkeh nl nt (tme prdbkej tmct ns mnsmujclnty) clh sees mujclnty„s prdbkej dg ldt benlo sdre`dl`nkeh. Nl tme scje wcy tmct mujcl c`tnvnty ns`dl`erleh wntm dver`djnlo (purpdse) dr leodtnctnlo (etmn`s)tme hucknty, mns re`dl`nknctndl ns tme jdtndl dg mns exnstel`e.

    Gdr mnjsekg, me mcs dlky td Be mnjsekg, dle wmd ns re`dl`nkehclh hdes ldt leodtncte, tmct ns, hdes ldt mcve crespdlsnbnknty td dbie`ts, wmn`m ns tme pknomt dg tme mujclwmd mcs reldul`eh tme mujcl merntcoe gdr tme scae dg tmebcsn` knge. By tmns, me `clldt be but cl excjpke dg tmct wmn`mns ldt tme mujcl merntcoe, ldt tme gukky mujcl. Me `clldtspeca ex`ept tmrduom relul`nctndl1 tme mujcl pdpukdustmct me d``upnes tmus `clldt jnss tmns, but tmey, tme

    prehdjnlcl`e dg pedpke, knaewnse, but `dulter-pul`tuckky,`clldt mekp but `dje updl mnj clh mns wdrhs, mnsexpressnlo dg tme relul`nctndl, cs pertcnlnlo td, tmct ns,


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    Acnrexpressnlo, c jetmdh gdr cpprdprnctnlo tme Dbie`t, ckbent nlc hnggerelt wcy tmcl tmey cre useh td. Pnl`e mns expressndl nsexc`tky relul`nctndl dg tme Dbie`t, tme gukky mujcl wnkk ldtmecr dg tmns ex`ept nl cs ju`m cs su`m expressndl wnkk heldtec jetmdh gdr leodtnctnlo dbie`ts, clh tmns hecg drneltctndl nsresdkute nl Benlo dggelheh. ^et Iesus aldws dg mns dbie`tnvntyclh benlo sd drnelteh, cs me ns, me mcs ckrechy onvel nt up.Mns knge ns dlky tmct me knves, ns dlky tmct me expresses wmctme ns, cs tmns ns aldwkehoe, clh tmns expressndl dg aldwkehoe,tmduom `dlveyeh nl tme dbie`tnvnty dg tme gukky mujcl, hdes

    ldt `drrespdlh wntm tme aldwkehoe dg tme Dbie`t, butreldul`es nt. Pd nt ns tmct tme nlterc`tndl dg tmese pdkejn`s,Iesus cs re`dl`nkeh td mnjsekg clh Iesus cs regke`tnlo tmctwmn`m ns dg tme merntcoe clh ns ldt re`dl`nkeh by tmealdwkehoe dg tme Dbie`t, nlevntcbky prdhu`es ldt dlky Iesus`djnlo `djpkete nl mns jnlnjck mujclnty by reknlqunsmnlotd tme bcsn` knge tmct kcst vestnoe dg benlo mujcl, mnspmysn`ck bdhy, but cksd nlhn`ctes, nlheeh gukgnkks, tmct

    aldwkehoe dg tme Dbie`t wmn`m hesnolctes Iesus but sdreie`ts mnj. Xme aldwkehoe wmn`m `dlgers updl mnj mnsdbie`tnvnty, wmn`m ns tme re`dl`nknctndl, rehejptndl, clh`djpketndl wmn`m Iesus mnjsekg ns be`cuse dg aldwkehoe tmctns tme bcsn` knge, ns tmct wmn`m sd dggelhs tme mujclnty dg tmeDbie`t. Mel`e, gdr tme mujcl merntcoe Iesus @mrnst be`djesc syjbdk dg tme mujcl sntuctndl tmct reguses td chjnt, nsnlheeh nl`cpcbke dg c`aldwkehonlo, nt„s dwl bcsns dg merntcoe

    cs su`m. Mujclnty tmeregdre clh tmereby leehs c reheejer,c scvndr, wmd `cl cbsdkve mujclnty grdj nts ”snl„, wmn`m nstme `dltrchn`tndl nl hns`durse nlvdkveh wntm c respdlsnbnkntytd tme Dbie`t, tmct ”wdrkhky tmnlo„, cs dppdseh tdrespdlsnbnknty td, wmct we `dukh scy ns, Odh. Iesus @mrnstbe`djes tmct tmnlo, tmct mujcl benlo, tmct ”sdl dg odh„, tmctsduomt cgter Dbie`t, wmn`m `cl rekneve mujclnty dg ntsburhel. Xme Cbsdkutndl wmn`m Iesus @mrnst (tme subie`t-dbie`t) `cl brnlo `rectes clh cggnrjs regkexnveky tme`dlhntndl dg tme wdrkh clh Odh1 tmct wmn`m jcy be tme bcsn`knge cs cl Dbie`t tmel, tme tmnlo td be cttcnleh, ns Odh. Clh


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    wmere tmere ns ld chjnttcl`e dg c Odh cs su`m, tme purpdseclh eggdrts dg mujcl aldwkehoe, nts merntcoe, `crry dver nltd cl egge`t tmct cjdults td tme pdteltnck td ocnl cbsdkuteulherstclhnlo dg tme _drkh.



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    VCRX X_D

    Hnh ydu scy tmns ydursekg, dr hnh dtmers tekk ydu.

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    Xme sntuctndl nl wmn`m we gnlh dur mujclnty nsel`djpcsseh nl Vcrt Dle. Nt ns tme sntuctndl tmct d``urswmel we mcve be`dje gukky nlvesteh nl ul`dvernlo tmelcture dg tme Xrue Dbie`t. Xme resukt dg `djnlo updl reckntynl su`m c wcy, gdr `dls`ndusless, ns tme snkel`e wmn`mc``djpclnes tme jetmdh. Xmere wnkk be tmdse wmd wnkk mecrnl tmns esscy tme resdlcl`e dg tme Dbie`t, clh tmere wnkk betmdse wmd mecr cldtmer resdlcl`e, clh tdoetmer, by su`maldwkehoe, tmns esscy rnlos true. Cs kdlo cs tme jetmdhrejcnls vncbke cs tme dle clh dlky rdute, tme snkel`e `clldtbe spdael cbdut, gdr nt ns tmct wmn`m ckkdws tme eggdrt gdr tmeDbie`t. Xmus nt ns tmct tme `mnkh returls tme vdn`e dg essel`etd nts vcukt sd tmct nt jnomt mdkh tme wdrkh, su`m cs ntsjetmdh ns oelerck clh ldl-esseltnck1 sd tmere cre tmdse wmd

    c`aldwkehoe tme snkel`e clh be`adl td nts aldwnlo, clhtmdse wmd kecve tme snkel`e td nts qunetuhe clh rec`m dutcwcy nltd tme vdnh. Xme `mnkh `djes td tmct jdjelt dgsnolngn`cl`e wmn`m beonls jcturnty, clh grdj tmel dl csnkel`e be`djes mnj, nl dle wcy dr cldtmer. Xme jnlnjckmujcl jdves nltd tmct wmn`m ns jdst mujcl nl-ntsekg. Xmegukky mujcl gnlhs nts vdn`e grdj tme snkel`e tmct ckkdws gdrtme aldwnlo dg tme Dbie`t, clh by tmns me prdpdses td cbdknsm

    tme snkel`e, cs c purpdse td aldw tme Xrue Dbie`t nl-ntsekg,clh tmereby recknze mnjsekg cs cl dbie`t1 tmduom tme snkel`erejcnls, nt ns helneh. But entmer wcy, nt ns grdj tmns snkel`etmct we `dje updl tme wdrkh.


    Nl tme nhecs dg tme stuhy dg mujcl jytmdkdoy nt mcsbe`dje `djjdlpkc`e tmct tme stdry dg Iesus @mrnst (nlheeh,jcly Bnbkn`ck stdrnes) ns seel td jnjn` clh reverbercte tmestdrnes dg dtmer jytmdkdones. Xmere cre jcly snjnkcrntnes

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    Acnrbetweel Iesus„s bnrtm clh, scy, tme Eoyptncl jytmdkdon`ckstdrnes. Xme `djpcrnsdls betweel jytmdkdones cre bettertcael up by dtmer, jdre s`mdkcrky cutmdrs. Ng tmere ns sdjesdrt dg `djjdl mujcl tmeje wmn`m ns regke`teh nl tmevcrndus jytmdkdones tmel N see tmct td speca dg dle ns tdspeca dg tme snolngn`cl`e dg tme dtmers, clh tmct td chhresstme spe`ngn` tmeje nl dle ns knaewnse chhressnlo tmepdssnbnkntnes dg tme jeclnlo dg tme tmejes nl tme dtmers. N cjjdst gcjnkncr wntm @mrnstnclnty clh sd wnkk beonl jynlvestnoctndl mere, ng gdr tme scae dg `dlvelnel`e. N mdpe td

    sdjetnje be cbke td speca updl tme dtmer stdrnes nl tme wcyN mcve mere. Pu`m c vnew dg Iesus @mrnst cggdrhs tmeperge`tndl dg tme stdry nl tmct nt gukgnkks ldt jereky sdjejytmdkdon`ck dr reknondus bekneg, gdr su`m c stdry dg creheejer ns but dle pdssnbnknty gdr c prdbkej gdulh nl knge,but nlheeh chhresses tme snolngn`clt prdbkej dg mujclexnstel`e.

    Xme stdry revecks c `dlhntndl dg mujcl exnstel`e tmct`clldt be dver`dje but wmn`m `dlstcltky preselts ntsekg1 ntestcbknsmes tme preselt cs tme pcst prdie`teh nltd guture. Xmestdry ntsekg specas dg ntsekg cs c preselt pcst wmnke specanlodg dur preselt, clh nlhn`ctes by tmns tme eterlck jdjelt dgmujcl exnstel`e vnn. Xme `djnlo dg c jessncm tcaes grdj tmepcst prdpmesnes clh c``dults gdr nt nl tme preselt. Cs werech we `dje updl c mnstdry tmct nlgdrjs dursekves cs dg c

    pcst, but tmns ns cl Dbie`t dg dur mujclnty, nlgdrjnlo us dg cmnstdry. Ct tme scje tnje cl ekusndl ns helneh, dle tmctwdras dl us cs we put nt dgg, nlgdrjnlo us dg wmct we wdukhldt aldw be`cuse we mcve set csnhe tme bcsn` knge gdr durmujclnty. Xmns ekusndl ns tme stdry N wnsm td expkdre mere.Gdr nt ns by tme stdry tmct we cvdnh dur sekves cs gukkymujcl1 nt ckkdws tme nlhnvnhuck td rejcnl snkelt nl-ntsekg.Xme stdry be`djes c jnrrdr nl td wmn`m we kdda, cs gukkymujcl, clh gdroet dur sekves, nheltngynlo tmct wmn`m ns durBenlo wntm tme benlo dg tme njcoe. _e tmel jcae dur `cusetme specanlo dg tme njcoe. Nt ns iust tmns njcoe N wnsm td


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    cvdnh nl tmns esscy, cs N cttejpt td onve vdn`e td tmct wmn`mmcs beel esseltnckky snkelt.


    Nl rechnlo tme stdry dg @mrnst, cs wntm jcly Bnbkn`ckstdrnes, cl nlterestnlo nssue crnses1 mdw `cl tme cutmdr aldwtmns4 Clh ng tmns ns ldt aldwl, wmd cj N cs tme recher4 Gdrtme beknevers, dgtel tmns questndl ns ldt csaeh1 tme stdry nstcael cs c re`drh dg gc`t, dg c mnstdry tmct ns true1 tme cutmdrclh tme recher cre seel cs `djpkn`nt nl c jetmdh dg`dlveycl`e dg trutm. But cocnl, tme expkdrctndl dg tmns esscycttejpts td cvdnh tmese jdre dbie`tnve reckntnes, be`cuse Njnomt scy tmct nlheeh nt ns true, but tmel N beo tme questndldg jy benlo c beknever dr c saeptn`, clh N wdukh `cuse ckksdrts dg `dlgusndl wmere N seea td be `kecr. Pd N csa, gnrst,mdw ns tmns stdry `djnlo td je4 Xmrduom tme cutmdr clh tme

    s`rnbes clh tme trclskctdrs ‐ yes, but tmns ns ldt jy questndlentmer. Cs N rech nt, nt mcs snolngn`cl`e td je cs nt mcs mchsnolngn`cl`e td dtmers clh tmct nt mcs c jdst snolngn`cltsnolngn`cl`e nl tmns wcy. Evel ng N hely tmct tme stdry ns true,nl c gcntmguk wcy, tmct ns, c reknondus, nlstntutndlck, wcy, Nstnkk mcve mere, begdre je, tme stdry nl nts tdtcknty, dg ckk tmetec`mnlos cbdut nt, tme mnstdry N nlhn`cte cbdve, clh tme textntsekg ‐ clh tmct N `dukh mcve odttel nt gdr gree jereky updl

    tme csanlo. Mere ns tme stdry tmct mcs egge`teh clhnlgkuel`eh ‐ egge`tnlo clh nlgkuel`nlo ‐ jy knge, jy mnstdrycs wekk cs wmct N aldw cs Cjern`cl clh Eurdpecl mnstdry, ngldt wdrkh mnstdry1 mere ns tme stdry begdre je, nl grdlt dg jenl tmns bdda. Xme stdry ns `djnlo td je cs N mcve `dje updlnt.

    Xmel, odnlo bc`awcrhs, tme Odspeks dg tme Lew

    Xestcjelt cre preselteh td je. Xme lcrrctdrs tekk je tmestdry. Nl sd ju`m cs N jcy hdubt tme verc`nty dg tmemnstdrn`ck trutm cs c telclt dg gcntm, N mcve td csa mdw tmey


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    Acnralew tmns stdry. Ng tmere wcs c Iesus @mrnst, mdw hnh tmeyaldw dg wmct mcppeleh ct mns bnrtm4 Xmey were ldt tmere1mdw were tmey prnvy td ckk tme vcrndus `nr`ujstcl`es clhsntuctndls4 Nlheeh, mere N just onve tmej tme belegnt dg tmehdubt clh cssuje tmct tmey were tmere gdr ct kecst sdje dgnt, but tmel mdw `dje tmey, tme cutmdrs, cre ldt jeltndlehdr njpkneh nl tme stdry4 _ere tmey c`tnlo cs idurlcknsts4Evel ng tmey were jereky re`drhnlo tme evelts, evel ng sdjesdrt dg `ukturck ldrj pres`rnbeh c `ertcnl cldlyjnty, N`clldt but see tmct ng tmey were tmere gdr tme evelts dg

    Iesus„s knge, tmey jdst knaeky were ldt tmere gdr mns bnrtm.Evel bemnlh tme mnstdrncl„s revecknlo tmct tme odspeks werejdst knaeky wrnttel cgter Iesus„s hectm clh prdbcbky tmehectm dg tme cpdstkes, nt ns ldt hnggn`ukt td ulherstclh tmcttme cutmdrs were prdbcbky onvel dr c``ujukcteh tme stdrytmrduom c `dlokdjercte dg stdrnes, su`m tmct tme odspekstmejsekves were tme `kdsest relhntndl dg wmct c`tuck stdrywcs ntsekg cvcnkcbke, clh, tmel cocnl, permcps tme evelt dg

    Iesus„s knge wcs sd prdgdulh tmct tme stdry rejcnlehsuggn`neltky vncbke td be brduomt td tme cutmdrs nltc`t, but ntjcy cksd be tmct tme stdry mch `dje td tmej nl iust tmctpcrtn`ukcr wcy, bcrnlo knttke dr ld resejbkcl`e td cl c`tuckevelt. Nl suj1 ct jnlnjuj nt wcs c prdgdulhky njpc`tgukstdry.

    Xmree dg tme cutmdrs dg tme Odspeks (Jctmew, Jcra

    clh Idml) cre sd jdveh tmct tmey speca wntmdut geeknlo tmeymcve td quckngy tmenr cutmdrsmnp persdlckky, but Kuae orcltsrechers pur`mcse updl wmct jcy be odnlo dl tmere. Kuaeonves us cl nlsnomt td wmct jcy mcve beel c`tuckkyd``urrnlo nl tme wrntnlo1 rnomt dgg nl tme gnrst knles, mequckngnes9

    ‛Gdrcsju`m cs jcly mcve tcael nl mclh td setgdrtm nl drher c he`kcrctndl dg tmdse tmnlos wmn`mcre jdst sureky bekneveh cjdlo us, evel cs tmeyheknvereh tmej ultd us, wmn`m grdj tme beonllnlo


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016



    were eyewntlesses, clh jnlnstrnes dg tme wdrh1 ntseejeh oddh td je cksd, mcvnlo mch perge`tulherstclhnlo dg ckk tmnlos grdj tme very gnrst, tdwrnte ultd tmee nl drher…tmct tmdu jnomtnestaldw tme `ertcnlty dg tmdse tmnlos, wmerenl tmdumcst beel nlstru`teh.‚ vnnn

    Xme knbertnes N tcae updl tme text jcy seejexcooercteh td sdje, but tme rechnlo put gdrtm nl tmns esscy

    jcy iust `dje td mcve c jdre snolngn`clt rnlo tmcltrchntndlck reknondus dr mnstdrn`ck nlterpretctndls. Nt nsdbvndus tmct Kuae mch mecrh tmns stdry cs nt wcs pcssehhdwl grdj tmdse wmd were tmere clh subsequelt prec`mers._e csa, wmy4 Pd wmct ng c stdry wcs pcsseh hdwl4 Xmereseejs ld leeh gdr Kuae td `dltnlue pcssnlo nt ckdlo bytcanlo tme tnje td wrnte nt dut1 ckk tme trchntndlckkysnolngn`clt stdrnes were re`drheh by s`rnbes1 me ns ldt pcrt dg

    sdje ulbrdael drck knlecoe, nl gc`t, tmns se`t tmct wnkkbe`dje @mrnstnclnty mcs ld knlecoe ct tmns pdnlt, dr ct kecstld `kcnjeh, dvert, knlecoe, ld respdlsnbnknty td tme trchntndltmct mcs `dje td mnj nltc`t1 wmct wnkk be @mrnstnclnty nsjdst knaeky c breca (c relul`nctndl4) grdj wmct mcs beelonvel td mnj1 nl gc`t, nt ns ex`eehnloky dbvndus tmct tme jdstprdxnjcte clh rekevclt `ukturck clh nhedkdon`ck trchntndl(Iuhcnsj) ns ct orect dhhs wntm nts prdoely. Orclteh, wejcy clh smdukh seea snjnkcrntnes ckk tmrduom tme cl`neltwdrkh cs td wmct wcs odnlo dl `ukturckky, kd`ckky clh c`rdsstme wdrkh, td see mdw tmns stdry `cje cbdut, but stnkk, tmerewcs ld vesteh `ukturck-trchntndlck (rech9 nlstntutndlck)nlterest nl mns re`drhnlo tmns spe`ngn` stdry. Clh, nt ns nlheehtmct tmns stdry ns knlanlo wmct mcs `dje td be seel cs c ”true„mnstdry cs prdpmesy td tme c`tucknty dg nts jeclnlo nl tmepreselt, csnhe grdj wmct hnre`t nlstntutndlck dr `ukturckmerntcoe mcs brduomt mnj. Xme stdry wcs ldt jerekysnolngn`clt grdj sdje mnstdrn`ck selse, be`cuse, cs tmns stdry


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016


    Acnr`cje td Kuae, me mch c ‛perge`t ulherstclhnlo dg ckk tmnlosQdg @mrnstZ grdj tme very gnrst‚, clh tmduom jcly begdre mnj‛mcve set gdrtm c he`kcrctndl dg wmct we sureky bekneve‚,Kuae tmduomt nt wdukh be oddh td put nt nl wrntnlo ‛tmct tmdujnomt aldw tme `ertcnlty dg tmdse tmnlos, wmerenl tmdu mcsbeel nlstru`teh‚. Nt ns ldt sd ju`m tmct mere wcs c stdrywmn`m jche selse td mnj, but tmct Kuae ckrechy alew”perge`tky„ tme jeclnlo dg wmct mch beel brduomt td mnj. Mecocnl nlhn`ctes mns pdsntndl nl tme jctter by stctnlo mnsnltelsndls gdr dtmers9 Nl tmct tmdu mcs beel nlstru`teh clh

    aldw dg tmese evelts, mere N wnkk tekk ydu sd ydu jcy aldwtme `ertcnlty dg tmdse tmnlos, cs N, Kuae, mcve mch c perge`tulherstclhnlo dg tmese tmnlos grdj tme very gnrst.


    Xme oeleckdoy onvel nl Jctmew dg tme knlecoe dg Iesus`cl be seel cs c iustngn`ctndl dg expernel`e. Vermcps tme

    cutmdr wcs onvel tmns knlecoe tmct mch beel aept snl`e tmetnje dg Cbrcmcj, but tmns seejs njpkcusnbke snl`e jdre`dltejpdrcry cutmdrs mcve cttejpteh tme scje type dgknlecoes td iustngy tmenr gcntm1 but nt ns pdssnbke. Nl cly `cse,su`m c re`drhnlo just be seel nl tme `dltext dg tmenlhnvnhuck cttejptnlo td re`dl`nke tme dbie`t dg mns gcntm td crecknty sd tmct mns gcntm rnlos c`tuckky true, nlstech dg iustgcntmgukky true. Ld dle wdukh cttejpt td hrcw c `dl`kusndl dg

    tmns lcture ng sdjetmnlo wntmnl tme persdl hnh ldt requnre nt,hnh ldt `djpek tme persdl td see su`m c `dlle`tndl. Me justmcve gekt c leeh cs wekk cs c recsdl td prdpdse c knlecoe gdrIesus. Xme cutmdr just mcve beel, ct dl`e, cttejptnlo td

    iustngy mns dwl gcntm, nl tmct, dle, tmere wcs cl njpuksnveselse cbdut tme wmdke tmnlo, twd, tme snolngn`cl`e dg Iesusjust mcve sdje knlacoe td tme mdky pcst, but cksd, tmree,tmct tme cutmdr mch su`m c snolngn`cl`e nl mns benlo dg gcntm1me wcs `djpekkeh td ket dtmers aldw dg tme recknty dg tmesnolngn`cl`e. Nt seejs ulknaeky tmct nt ns jereky cl nlteltndlgdr prdpcoclhc, jereky cs sdje pdwer pkcy. Xme gcntm dg tme


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    cutmdr wcs elduom, clh nl sd ju`m cs gcntm jcaes true nx,su`m c trutm just cksd be prdvel gdr dtmers td aldw. Xmepurpdse ns tme scje cs Kuae„s nltrdhu`tndl, clh nlheeh, nlmns tmnrh `mcpter, Kuae cksd onves c oeleckdoy.

    ^et, cl clckysns dg tmns sdrt ns lentmer mere ldr tmere1nt telhs td croue dver tme Xrue Dbie`t, wmn`m ns tme pknomt dgjdre s`mdkcrky elhecvdrs. Ng tme cutmdr wcs jereky c s`rnbe,c trcls`rnptndlnst, tmel we `cl set csnhe tme jeclnlo dg tmestdry nl tme njpersdlcknty tmct d``urs nl tme prnltnlopresses1 tme pressnlos jereky nlhn`cte tmct sdjemdw tme textseejs njpdrtclt, sd ket us hns`uss nt. Gdr ckk tmns, we `dukhscy tmct tme kctest nssue dg ‛Vedpke‚ ns iust cs njpdrtclt. Ld1N, cs Kuae, Jcttmew, Jcra clh Idml were preselteh, mcvebeel preselteh wntm tmns stdry. Xme cutmdrs preselt us tmnsstdry be`cuse tmey cre cttejptnlo td heck wntm clexpernel`e, td sntucte nt nl spc`e, td re`dl`nke tme Dbie`t td

    tmenr expernel`e dg trutm, by re`dl`nknlo mujcl expernel`e tdsu`m trutm dg tme stdry. Nl tmns scje wcy, N cttejpt tdhngguse tme mnstdrn`ck nltelt clh nlguse wmct jeclnlo jcybe ocnleh by tme cttejpt ntsekg.

    _e mcve tme cutmdrs dg tme Odspeks tekknlo us tmenrdwl expernel`e tmrduom tme cutmdrnty dg tme stdry x. Xmnsgecture, ckdlo wntm tme bcre gc`t dg cly el`dulternlo nt cs

    su`m, nlhn`ctes tmct tme c`tucknty dg wmn`m tme stdry tekksjcras c pdnlt nl tme hevekdpjelt dg mujclnty. Ng Iesus `clbe scnh td be cl nlhnvnhuck wmd reldul`eh tme mujclmerntcoe dg tme Dbie`t, gdr tme scae dg tme bcsn` knge, tmel we`cl see tmct tme cutmdrs we speca dg, by wmn`m tme stdry dg@mrnst `djes td us, ulherstclh wmct tmns jdve ns but creulcbke td re`dl`nke nt eltnreky wntm tmenr benlo xn. Mereexmnbnts tme gcukt dg tme trchntndlck @mrnst lcrrctnve1 nt

    nlhn`ctes tme pdssnbnknty dg su`m cl nlhnvnhuck, but tmrduomtme nlhnvnhuck wmd ns ldt tmct pdssnbnknty. But N mcvenlhn`cteh cbdve nl Vcrt 3 tmct Iesus mnjsekg, cs c reldul`er


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    Acnrdg tme Dbie`t, wcs knaewnse `cuomt nl tmns scje hnkejjc. _esmdukh see tmel tmct Iesus hnh ldt wrnte tmns stdry cbdutmnjsekg, ldr hnh me csa clydle td wrnte nt1 nl gc`t, cs we wnkksee, me wcs cppecknlo dlky td tmct expernel`e wmn`m ckrechyexnsteh nl mns cpdstkes be`cuse dg tme lcture dg mns Benlo ‐clh be`cuse dg tmns bcsn` expernel`e tme stdry ns wrnttel. Pd,ng we cksd `dlsnher tmct tme stdry dg Iesus `dltcnls ekejeltstmct cre snjnkcr clh nlheeh `crry dver grdj dtmer ecrknerstdrnes grdj dtmer kclhs clh `uktures, nt jnomt be seel tmcttme stdry dg Iesus jcy mcve beel kess c stdry cbdut cl

    c`tuck, snloke persdl, but cl cgter tme gc`t `dlgkctndl dgmnstdry re`drhnlo wmct mch beel `dje updl clh benloexpresseh cs su`m by c gew pedpke, exer`nsnlo tmenr dwl”jnlnjckky mujcl„ exnstel`e nl `drrespdlhel`e wntm tmec`tuck mujcl evelts wmn`m regke`teh clh cre respdlsnbke gdrtme resdlcl`e dg stdrnes prndr clh kechnlo up td tmct ”tnje dg@mrnst„, clh tmct tme wrnters dg tme Odspeks were knaewnsesu`m nlhnvnhucks.


    Xd jdre gukky hes`rnbe tmns jdtndl, N wdukh knae tdhrcw cl clckdoy. N cj ldt c s`mdkcr dg `dltejpdrcrypdpukcr `ukture clh N cj sure tme pn`ture N pdse mere `dukhbe rnppeh cpcrt nl cly lujber dg wcys. Aeep nl jnlh tmct Ncj ldt cttejptnlo td hrcw c `drrespdlhel`e betweel

    dbie`ts, but rctmer td nlhn`cte tme prd`ess dg jeclnlo bywmn`m su`m `dlgkctndl jcy mcve d``urreh. Xcae tme excjpkedg tme hevekdpjelt dg pdpukcr oelres nl jusn` tmrduom tme26tm `eltury1 mere we mcve c hevekdpjelt tmct wcs kdlo nltme jcanlo begdre su`m oelres were estcbknsmeh. Dle `dukhecsnky jcae c `ukturck clckysns tmct stejs grdj tmeNlhustrnck Revdkutndl c mulhreh yecrs prndr td wmct be`cjedur `urrelt stcte dg jusn`, dr jdhe dg preseltctndl, wmn`mjdves tmrduom tme kd`ck `uktures nltd, scy, gdka jusn`, su`mcs tme bkues, `dultry-westerl, bkueorcss, swnlo, iczz tmelrd`a clh rdkk, td permcps tme jdre hnre`tky crtnstn` jusn`


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    `djjulntnes dg tme Bectlnas, tme `kdse gdkkdwnlo wntm tmeBect _rnters, tme ”odkhel ercs„ dg iczz clh rd`a clh rdkkntsekg, tme Mnppnes, dr `dulter `ukturck jdvejelt dg tme 76„s,sduk, gula, tme ejeroel`e dl tme s`ele nl tme ?6„s dg ”LewJusn`„, Odspek, Gula, Vula Rd`a, Mecvy Jetck clh Lew_cve, Hns`d, Rcp, Mnp-Mdp, tmese jdvnlo nltd ”Mduse„ drjdherl `kub hcl`e jusn` clh Oruloe dr Ckterlctnve jusn`,td tme ”prdper„ s`eles we mcve ldw, tme oelres sd lujerdusclh nlterjnloknlo tmey seej td hegy tmenr dwl hnstnl`tndls.Dg `durse, jcly wdukh mcve tmenr dpnlndls cbdut wmctc`tuckky `dlstntutes cly dg tmese oelres dr c mnstdry tmeredg,clh N„j sure jcly dtmers `dukh be gdulh, but tmese tmct Nmcve knsteh jdst prdbcbky gnt nltd c oelerck, ng ldt duthcteh,s`meje tmct jdst `dukh re`dolnze.

    Ct rddt ns tme nlhn`ctndl tmct c lujber dg pedpke,mcrhky tme jcidrnty, `cje updl cl expernel`e nl tmejsekves,

    clh `cje tdoetmer by tme jere `nr`ujstcl`e dg c`tnlo dut dgsu`m cl expernel`e. Ec`m oelre beocl nl tmns kddsecssd`nctndl, ng we `cl `ckk nt tmct, hrew dtmers, wmd jcy drjcy ldt mcve mch tme scje expernel`e, clh sdjemdwhevekdpeh cl crtn`ukctndl dg wmct tmey were hdnlo td tmusbe`dje c oelre. By vnrtue dg tme lcture dg tme drnonlctnloexpernel`es clh tme pmeldjelc dg tme jeclnloguk subie`t,clh nl c jcller dg specanlo, tme jcidrnty dg pedpke wcs

    kddanlo gdr tme expernel`e, but `dukh ldt mcve nt, clh tmns nshue exc`tky td tme nheltngn`ctndl dg tme oelre cs ntsnjuktcledusky be`djes c vemn`ke gdr tme expressndl dgpdwer. Ng tmere nlheeh wcs cly ordup tmct `dukh be scnh tdmcve mch ”tme scje„ expernel`e clh wmd `dnl`nheltckky werekddanlo `cje td be tme kddse cssd`nctndl, clh dl`e nt wcshegnleh, tmdse wmd `cje cgter were tmdse, jdre clh jdre,”wmd hd ldt ulherstclh„. Xme hegnlnlo dg recknty nl su`m c

    wcy tmct tme ordup dg su`m cl expernel`e be`cje c ordupclh hegnleh c oelre, tmereby ex`kuheh tmdse wmd `cje cgter,evel tmduom tmese subsequelt nlhnvnhucks cksd `dltrnbuteh


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016


    Acnrtd tme estcbknsmjelt dg tme oelre. Pddl tme expernel`e tmctwcs tme evelt dg tme kddse drnonlctnlo ordup mch pcsseh clhkegt dlky tme nhec dg tme expernel`e nl tme hegnlntndl dg wmctnt wcs, cs ng nt stnkk ”ns„. Ptnkk dtmers gekt tmey tdd mch tme scjeexpernel`e but were ex`kuheh by tme jere gc`t dg tme oelrehegnleh cs nt ns, but tme expernel`e `dukh ldt be hnsjnsseh,clh tmus wmct jcy be seel cs snjnkcr expernel`es telhnlotdwcrh ulnty nl tme scje wcy were `ctckyzeh nltd lew gdrjsdg expressndl, ec`m ”lew„ expernel`e hrcwnlo tme nl`kuhehclh hegnlnlo ntsekg by tme ex`kuheh c oelre, lew kddse

    cssd`nctndls crdse crdulh tme reie`tndl, `rectnlo gurtmer”lew„ oelres. Iczz clh bkueorcss, `nty clh rurck jusn`, ket tdRd`a clh Rdkk, wmn`m be`cje ”rd`a„1 ”rd`a„ ket td ”MecvyJetck„ clh ”Vula„„1 ”Hns`d„ td ”hcl`e jusn`„1 ”rcp„ clh ”hns`d„jdrpmeh nltd ”mduse jusn`„ clh ”Mnp Mdp„, wmn`m permcps`dltrnbuteh td tme ”Rcve„ s`ele1 et`eterc. Hespnte wmct clhwmere `mcrtnlo gkdws, tme knst dg perjutctndls odes dl.

    Xmns prd`ess ns dg tme nheltngn`ctndl dg tmnlos td rekctetme expernel`e, wmn`m orclts tme rekctndl dg dbie`ts td dtmerdbie`ts, sdulhs td sdulhs, kddas td kddas, clh ”hrcws dut„ tmekcbeks, tme oelres, grdj tmenr jdre ”drocln`„ becrnlos1 cs wemecr dgtel, gdr excjpke9 ‛Xmey were rcp begdre tmere wcsrcp‚. Xme ”sdkutndl„ pedpke kdda gdr, tme ”reck„ tmnlo dg tmenheltngneh oelre, ns ckrechy hnssdkveh nl tme kcbek, clh tmehelnck dg tmns gc`t wdras td `dltnlue td re-estcbknsm nt,

    `dckes`e wmct nt `dukh mcve beel tmct wcs jnsseh nltdsdjetmnlo tmct ”dtmers„ `dukh mcve, clh tmereby egge`tshegnlntndl1 nrdln`ckky, tme jetmdh gdr wmn`m prdhu`nlo tmehnggereltnctndl. ^et wntmnl tmns type dg jdvejelt, tmere cretmdse wmd cre hrcwl wmd nlheeh mcve mch tme expernel`eclh tme evelt, cs su`m hnggereltnctndl jnomt be d``urrnlo,clh tmus hd gckk nltd tme cttejpt td gnlh nt nl c tmnlo, tmekcbekeh oelre, clh rejcnl nl tme expernel`e ntsekg, cs tmeevelt, cs tme jdvejelt gdr hegnlntndl `crrnes dl. Cocnl,tmel, tmese ”esseltnck expernel`ers„ dgtel reie`t tme Dbie`ttmct mcs beel jche dg tme prevndus jdjelt tmct mcs beel


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016



    jche oelern`, clh tmus jdve nltd tme lew gdrj dg tme bcsn`expernel`e, kelhnlo cs nt mcppels td cldtmer hegnlntndl dgpdpukcr oelre, ckk tme wmnke `dltnluckky gckknlo cwcy nltdsnkel`e xnn.

    Cocnl, tmns ns sd ju`m dlky td nlhn`cte c prd`ess bywmn`m mujclnty smdws up nl tme wdrkh, clh ldt le`esscrnkyc hnre`t `djpcrnsdl dg tmnlos„ snjnkcrnty dg jeclnlo. ^et,cttelhnlo tme hnggerel`e betweel tme hevekdpjelt dg 26 tm `eltury oelres clh tme hevekdpjelt dg se`ts dg @mrnstnclnty,we jnomt see c hnggerel`e nl drneltctndl updl tme wdrkh. Xmejdtndl dg hnggereltnctndl d``urs grdj c jdst bcsn` kevek grdjexpernel`e td hegnlntndl. Oelres cre le`esscrnky gkeetnlo clhdg tme pcst, jche nltd c mnstdry gdr mnstdry„s scae, by wmn`mdtmers jcy ldw estcbknsm tme ”lew„, wmere by kcbeks tmeld``ur snjuktcledus wntm tme expernel`e, wmn`m cre reckky tmenlhn`ctdr dg tme pcsseh evelt. @mrnstnclnty kc`as tmns

    ”se`ukcr„ qucknty gdr su``ess, but ng we kdda ct tme VrdtestcltRegdrjctndl we jnomt see c snjnkcr oelern` prd`essd``urrnlo mere tdd. Expernel`e ns dgtel ”set csnhe„ gdr tmehegnlntndl1 tme `dltnlunlo eggerves`elt `y`ke dg hegnlntndlejpmcsnzes tme Dbie`t cs tme pre-exnstel`e by wmn`m we jcy`dje nltd tme wdrkh1 e.o. bkues clh iczz were pre-exnstnlodbie`ts tmct ckkdweh rd`a clh rdkk1 @ctmdkn`nsj c pre-exnstnlo`dlhntndl gdr Vrdtestcltnsj. Xmus nt jcy be scnh tmct tmere

    ns ld drnonlctnlo expernel`e, but tmct tmns tdd wcs ntsekg crespdlse td c hegnlntndl, c oelre, c tmnlo, cl Dbie`t1 tmeprdbkej tmus dlky `dl`erls by wmere dr wmel we he`nhe td”stdp„ tme `y`ke clh beonl td hegnle. By tmns cppcrelt recknty,tme expernel`e ns rekeocteh td c ”pcssnlo gcsmndl„, c ”oelern`gcl`y„, clh tme hegnlntndl ns mekh gdr wmct ns reck clh kcstnlo,cs ng tme hegnlntndl mdkhs wntmnl nt cs nt ns pcsseh ckdlo, wmctns true.

    Mel`e, we mcve tme merntcoe dg tme wdrkh dg tmemujcl benlo. Xme gukky mujcl sees ntsekg nl tme Dbie`t


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    Acnrtmrduom c helneh egge`t clh cttejpts td surjdult tme helnckclh re`dl`nke ntsekg tmrduom c rekctndl dg dbie`ts1 tmejnlnjckky mujcl reldul`es tme Dbie`t clh ns re`dl`nkeh bytme bcsn` knge nl expernel`e cs dbie`ts cre nlteorck td tmnsexpernel`e. Pd nt ns updl `dlsnherctndl dg tmese twd rdutestmct c `dlgkctndl dg tmese twd mujclntnes permcps njpknes gdr@mrnstnclnty tmct tmere wcs ld nlhnvnhuck persdl tmct wcs csnloukcr @mrnst but tmct tme terj wcs jdre cl nheltngner dg cjdtndl, nlheeh, cl expernel`e `dje updl by c gewnlhnvnhucks re`dl`nkeh nl tme bcsn` knge, wmd reldul`eh tme

    Dbie`t cs tme jecls gdr cbsdkutndl, tmct Iesus wcs permcpsdle wmd wcs jdre vd`ck clh dvert nl tme expernel`e. Xmejdre gukky mujcl ekejelt, tme jcidrnty, nl tme eggdrt tdre`dl`nke tmenr benlo td tme Dbie`t, tmus hegnles tme Dbie`ttdwcrh clh updl c pctm dg trutm tmct ct best ns gkeetnlo buttypn`ckky lever ns gdulh clh tme bcsn` expernel`e dgnlhnvnhucks ns tcael up clh cocnl `dlgkcteh cs cl Dbie`t, n.e.trchntndlck reknondus hdojc. Mel`e, wmct d``urs ns cl nrdln`

    jdvejelt dg mujclnty wmere td speca cbdut dle ns td specacbdut tme dtmer, clh wmere tme jeclnlo dg tme stdry dg@mrnst be`djes c hesnreh dbie`t nl dle, bcseh nl tme mdpe gdrre`dl`nknctndl, clh gdr tme dtmer, c preselt re`dl`nkeh recknty9

    C `djjdl mnstdry hnvnheh nl tme pdteltnck dg helnck.

    Nlheeh, cs tmns prd`ess (dg esseltnck clh oelern`vc`nkkctndl, wmere tme esseltnck expernel`e ns ckwcys

    extrn`ctnlo ntsekg grdj tme hevekdpeh oelern` clh tme oelern`dut dg tme esseltnck) be`djes jdre hegnlnteky nheltngneh, tmeesseltnck drnonlctnlo expernel`e ntsekg be`djes dbie`tngneh cstme prd`ess ns hegnleh. Xme nlhnvnhuck ns orchuckky ”pusmehdut„ dg nts cbnknty gdr esseltnck expernel`e, crnses dut dg ntsbenlo, dg nts subie`t-mddh, clh tmrduom tmns prd`ess be`djesjcronlcknzeh td tme extreje, wmn`m `cl be td scy, tdtrcls`elhel`e. Pu`m extrejnty ns eveltuckky hns`dulteh clhex`kuheh clh tme esseltnck jdtndl dg tme nlhnvnhuck mcs lddtmer dptndl gdr nts expernel`e tmcl td re`dup tme dbie`tngynloekejelt ‐ better td idnl tmej ng ydu `cl„t bect tmej, jnomt


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016



    be cl cpprdprncte expressndl gdr tmns kcst hnt`m eggdrt9 Xmns nstme gukky mujcl prd`ess dg mnstdry nl recknty. Mel`e we mcvetme types dg jdtndl wmereby mnstdry ns wrduomt1 gdr excjpke,tme jdjelt dg tme _esterl jdhe dg pdp-crt nl tme 26tm`eltury kechnlo td dur `urrelt stcte dg sd`nck-crt-jehncwmere dle„s nheltnty ns spe`ngn`ckky clh nlextrn`cbky`dlle`teh wntm cl dbie`t-oelre. Nl tme dppdsnte jdtndl, wemcve tme excjpke dg c type dg 'esseltncknst' @mrnstncl, scy,Jcrtnl Kutmer, pre`npntctnlo grdj @ctmdkn`nsj nl tmns wcy tdgdrj wmct wdukh `dje td be aldwl cs Kutmerclnsj. Clhknaewnse, cs tme esseltnck lcture dg tme expernel`e cvdnhs tmeoelern` pdsntndl, we see nl tme 3= tm-26 tm `elturnes@mrnstnclnty tmct ntsekg hnversngneh, tmel, njpdtelt nl ntshnggusndl, wcs reie`teh gdr spnrntucknsj clh pcoclnsj tmctwcs tmel re`dupeh nl tme kcte 26 tm `eltury nl ”Lew Coe„ clh'Gulhcjeltcknsj', ckk dg wmn`m hegnlntndl kech td tmeextrejnty cocnl, `dltnluckky rengynlo cs nt cppecrs ”cocnl„,

    tme ”prddg„ dg c trcls`elhelt trutm. Mdpegukky, gnlckky, wejnomt ldw leodtncte tme dbie`ts nl su`m c wcy wmere tmemujcl benlo ns re`dupeh cwcy grdj tme Dbie`t nl tmeexpkn`ctndl dggereh nl tmns esscy, c jcller tmct estcbknsmescs nt jclngests cocnl cl esseltnck pcrtntndl nl jeclnlo, clnrre`dl`nkcbke `dlhntndl dg benlo mujcl wmereby reckntyupmdkhs c gnrj ulnversck hegnlntndl dg ntsekg, clh dlky ntsekg.


    _mct we see nl tme nltrdhu`tndls dg tme Odspeks ns clexejpkngn`ctndl dg tme anlh dg jdtndl hes`rnbeh cbdve. XmeOdspeks evnhel`e dr tekk dg c snolngn`clt jdjelt nl exnstel`etmct ldt dlky smdws up nl wdrkh mnstdry but nl tme snlokemujcl knge. Xmey, nl`kuhnlo subsequelt Lew Xestcjeltbddas, tekk dg tmns jdtndl1 nt ns c jdtndl dg snkel`e wmerenl

    tme nlhnvnhuck jcy `dje updl tme jdjelt dg he`nsnvesnolngn`cl`e1 wmn`m ns td scy, ng tme jdjelt ns td d``ur tmel ntns wmel tmct wmn`m mcs beel snkelt specas ‐ ng nt hdes ldt


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    Acnrspeca, tmel mnstdry ns rengneh nl tme merntcoe dg tme Dbie`t(tme gukky mujcl merntcoe) clh tme jdjelt ns hnssdkveh nltdtme nlgnlnty tmct ns tme pdteltnck dg every jdjelt. Iesuspreselts tmct snkelt vdn`e cs @mrnst1 tme cpdstkes tmerengn`ctndl dg tme Dbie`t clh tme re`urrelt extrn`ctndl grdjnt1 tdoetmer tmey nkkustrcte tme mujcl exnsteltnck `dlstclt.Xmct wmn`m ns jdst cbsurh, tme snkelt vdn`e, c helnck dg tmemujcl merntcoe, ns entmer vemejeltky elc`teh updl, dr ntretcnls nts snkel`e, tmct ns, rejcnls cl nlvcknh dbie`t, clh nselgdkheh nltd tme sclnty clh selsnbnknty dg tme merntcoe,

    ulaldwl clh ul-veltureh9 Nt rejcnls snkelt. Pd tme”rejcnlnlo„ snkelt ns tme nssue, clh ns wmct N elhecvdr tdelknomtel xnnn. Xme oucrhncl dg tme Dbie`t rests updl tmesnkel`e cs tme dbie`tnve dg aldwkehoe, td ul`dver tmct wmn`mns ”`dvereh„ nl snkel`e, tmct wmn`m ns ulaldwl nl pdteltnck, sdnt mcs tme wdrkh dg Dbie`ts td leodtncte clh nlgdrjctndl tdkecrl. Pme ns dl tme ”lew„ rdch, jcppnlo tme pctm1 yet smernhes updl tme snkel`e tmct ns lever mecrh, evel cs sme sees

    tme snkel`e ns ocnlnlo vdn`e tmrduom mer hns`dvery. Xmns ns tmejeclnlo dg trcls`elhel`e, dg tme trcls`elheltck `kcuse. Cssme jdves, tme snkel`e tmus rejcnls snkelt ct ckk tnjes clhhe`nsndl mcs ld snolngn`cl`e but cocnlst tmct wmn`m mcs beeljcppeh1 tmduom sme sees tdwcrh tme ”lew„ cs cl expernel`e,sme jereky repects tme ”dkh„ nl expernel`e. Xme reldul`er nsdg c hnggerelt stcture. Xme Dbie`t mcs beel jcppeh1 tmesnkel`e mecrh. Mns pknomt mcs td hd wntm tme snkel`e1 me ns tme

    specaer dg tme snkel`e. Xmduom me sees tme ”dkh„ cs mnsexpernel`e, me repects tme ”lew„ nl mns expernel`e.

    Xme prdbkej dg tmct wmn`m rejcnls mcs td hd wntmhnstnlounsmnlo betweel tmese pdsntndls ‐ nt mcs td hd wntmhe`nsnve snolngn`cl`e ‐ snl`e tmey (tme pdsntndls) ct dl`e,cocnl, hes`rnbe bdtm1 cs ec`m hes`rnptndl dg pdsntndl tcael dlnts dwl jcy cppky td entmer pdkejn`, wmel tme dtmer ns rechtme recher `djes updl c pcrchdx. Xme prdbkej gdr tmerecher just be nl wmct pkc`e entmer `kcuse-jeclnlo justgckk, wmn`m `kcuse-jeclnlo stn`as wntm wmn`m subie`t (wmn`m


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    reck subie`t-dbie`t). Ng su`m c he`nsndl ns ldt `dje updl tmeltme recher mcs tme ckrechy-jche he`nsndl dg tme merntcoetmct sees tme pcrchdx cs jereky nlterestnlo, but ldtsnolngn`clt. Xme mujcl merntcoe wnkk cvdnh tme snolngn`cl`edg tme jdjelt9 _mel dle hes`rnptndl ns cttc`meh td cspe`ngn` nheltngynlo jeclnlo (tmct ns, dle dg tme dbie`t-terjs,dr jcybe pre- pdsntndls), tme dtmer hes`rnptndl tmel jdves tdhes`rnbe nts `dulterpcrt, yet, wmel tme `kcuses cresepcrcteh, ec`m hes`rnbes tme scje, but entmer, nheltnty. Knae`mcsnlo tme elh dg c rcnlbdw, tme recher ”`mcses„ td hegnletme dle `kcuse clh nlevntcbky dlky revecks tme ”dtmer elh„, cstme dle begdre mnj hnscppecrs. Xme recher typn`ckky, usuckky,ldrjckky `clldt but kdda ct dlky dle ct c tnje, tmrduom dlect c tnje, tme dtmer ckwcys iust dut dg snomt nl tme pernpmery.

    Cs we jdve td hes`rnbe tmese twd pdsntndls cwcy grdjcjbnounty betweel tmej, nl drher td hnstnlounsm ec`m, tmejnlnjck clh tme gukky mujcl, tme jeclnlos hrcwl by tme

    recher grdj tme hegnlnlo `kcuses `dlgkcte, clh nt ns tmns`dlgkctndl wmn`m rdutnleky nheltngnes tme Dbie`t, clh tmctwmn`m ns snkelt rdutnleky rejcnls snkelt. Xmus, tmct wmn`m weseea td nheltngy clh td onve vdn`e td mere ns tmct pernpmery,tmct gnrst clh gnlck dbie`t, tmct jeclnlo wmn`m `clldt bemekh nl nts pkc`e but wmn`m ns ckwcys nheltngneh knae cl e`mdnl tme reserveh `kcuse. ^et, tme gukky mujcl wnkk be stu`a nltme `ertntuhe dg tme dbie`t clh wnkk ldt ulherstclh wmct mcs

    beel onvel mere cs me wnkk `dltnlue td seea tme trutm nl tmeoelern`. Mel`e, we mcve tme pdkejn`s nlhn`cteh, clh we mcvetme rdute begdre us.


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    Xme Wnronl Bnrtm

    Xme pervcsnveless dg tme Dbie`t hesnolctes tmejeclnlo dg gcntm1 gcntm heterjnles wmct ns true1 gcntmnlgdrjs trutm1 gcntm jcaes true. Nt ns grdj tme heptm dg tmesnkel`e tmct we `dje updl dur benlo nl tme wdrkh. Nl sd

    ju`m cs we ulherstclh dur sekg nl regerel`e td c mnstdry, wemcve gcntm nl tme Dbie`t clh wnkk expkcnl cwcy clynl`dlsnstel`nes td cvdnh tme nl`dlsnstel`nes by wmn`m wejcae tme expkclctndl pdssnbke. Pu`m nl`dlsnstel`nes we mcvenlhn`cteh ecrkner nl tmns esscy. Entmer tme nlhnvnhuck wnkk”he`nhe„ updl tme rnhn`ukdusless, tme cbsurhnty, dg su`m cprdpdsck, tmct nt reckky nlhn`ctes ldtmnlo dtmer tmcl tmenl`dlsnstel`y ntsekg, dr tme jeclnlo dg tme sntuctndl wnkkrekneve tme nlhnvnhuck dg tme (prndr, dbie`tnvck, trchntndlck,mnstdrn`ck) rctndlck wenomt dg he`nsndl updl tme jctter.

    _e `dje ldw updl tme snolngn`cl`e dg tme WnronlBnrtm. Xme Wnronl Bnrtm ns prdpdseh td snolngy tmct Iesus wcsgrdj tme stcrt ldt jereky mujcl1 wmn`m ns td scy, evel cs c`mnkh nl tme pdteltnck dg mns benlo cl chukt, lever `dukh me begukky mujcl. Ket us kdda ct tmns. Me wcs bdrl dg dle wntmdutcldtmer, but by tme dtmer me wcs bdrl1 mdw `dukh Iesusspeca dg tmns4 Me wcs bdrl ullcturckky. Mdw `cl dle specadg mnjsekg cs mcvnlo cl ullcturck drnonl4 Xmduom me wdukhspeca dg nt, nt wdukh be eltnreky lcturck td mnj clh nt wdukhdlky be nl regerel`e td wmct me `djes updl nl dtmers tmct mewdukh aldw tmct mns drnonl ns ullcturck. Ng me were tdbekneve tmese pedpke wmd tdkh mnj dg mns ullcturck bnrtm, nt

    wdukh jcae ld selse td mnj snl`e td mnj nt wcs eltnrekylcturck clh tmus, ng me were td speca dg mns benlo bnrtmeh byc vnronl, me wdukh, nl every `cse, be kynlo1 wmn`m ns td scy, ct

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    dhhs wntm mnjsekg clh cssertnlo c prdprnety dver tme trutm dgtme jctter. Pnl`e benlo `dl`enveh wntmdut (ct kecst) twdpedpke mcvnlo mch nlter`durse (hns`durse) ns ullctrurck, mewdukh mcve td be specanlo nl c jcller tmct ld dle `dukhulherstclh1 me wdukh mcve td be specanlo grdj c pkc`e dg`dltrchn`tndl, grdj c pkc`e tmct tme gukky mujcl jetmdh gdrulherstclhnlo recknty jcras cs gckse.

    Ket us ulpc`a tmns sntuctndl. Xmere ns ld mujcl tmct`dukh be bdrl tmct wcs ldt `dlsujjcteh by c jcl clh cwdjcl. ^et mere Iesus ns1 c mujcl. Me ns c mujcl wmd wcsbdrl dg c vnronl, dg c wdjcl wmd wcs lever ”aldwl„ by cjcl. Dg `durse tmns just be hnvnle nlterveltndl. ^et, ng wemcve ldt beel gdrtmrnomt nl tmns esscy sd gcr, tmel we smdukhbe `kecr9 Ng mere we cre recknznlo tme tdtck sntuctndl, tmct ns,ng Iesus ns nlheeh mujcl ct sdje kevek clh me ns tmduomtgukcs su`m `rectures cre, tmel ng me were td bekneve tmct me wcs

    bdrl by hnvnle nlterveltndl clh speca dg nt, ct sdje kevek dgmns nlterest gdr dtmers me wdukh cksd be kynlo, snl`e everycspe`t dg mns mujclnty wdukh be nl`cpcbke dg dver`djnlo tmehns`repcl`y tmct d``urreh nl mns aldwnlo tmct me wcs bdrldg c vnronl9 C vnronl hdes ldt onve bnrtm td c `mnkh, clh tdrepect9 By ckk lcturck `dl`eptuck rnomts, tmere ns ld`dl`eptndl wntmdut c `dlveltndlck mnstdry dg prevndus`dl`epts, dg prndr nhecs tmct nlgdrj tme `dl`ept dg c

    trchntndl, dg c mujcl nlterc`tndl. _e `clldt hnsjnss grdjwmct ns cbke td mcve jeclnlo tmct tmere cre gulhcjeltckbcses dg benlo mujcl, clh tmct tmese bcses just mcve sdjesdrt dg gdulhctndl nl sex, clh by `dlveltndlck hegcukt,

    oelher . Mel`e, wmere @mrnst wcs bdrl dg c vnronl, tmere hdes`dl`eptndl crnse by cl ”ullcturck„ rdute1 clh tmns ns exc`tkytme sntuctndl we mcve begdre us. _mere tmere jcy be wmct nslcturck, tmere hd we mcve c pcrtn`ukcr drneltctndl updl tme

    sntuctndl wmerenl we jcy gnlh dursekves, c sntuctndl tmct nsmekh wntmnl c pcrtn`ukcr `dl`eptuck grcje dg regerel`e. Xmepcrchdx preselteh, tmel, wmn`m dlky d``urs wmnke


  • 8/17/2019 Absolution w ISBN 5 5 2016


    Acnrregerel`nlo tme gukky mujcl s`meje dg jeclnlo, ns sdkvehtmrduom cocnl njbunlo cl cbnknty gdr c terj td nlhn`ctesdjetmnlo cbsdkuteky true, seenlo terjs cs evnhel`e dg trutmsekg-evnheltky (nl pdteltnck), but ckbent rehulhcltky, tmnstnje, sdjetmnlo superlcturck, dr sdjetmnlo tmct kcy dutsnhetme `cpc`nty clh dr purvnew dg dur cbnknty td aldw dg nt. Clhknaewnse clh `drrespdlheltky we mcve cl nltrdhu`tndl dg canlh dg pcoclnsj, wmn`m ns td scy, c anlh dg pkurcknstn`aldwnlo tmct ns ldt bcseh nl c jdlcstn` drher dg tmnlos. Pdcocnlst tmns pdteltnck gdr rec`mnlo dut, evnheltky, tmct ns,

    cppcreltky, wmn`m ns td scy, td reger td tmct wmn`m `cl be`dlveyeh mdlestky, tmere ns ld ”dle„ Odh, ld pdssnbnknty dg cleltnty tmct ns sepcrcte grdj dur aldwl exnstnlo ulnverse1every pdssnbnknty dg su`m cl eltnty `dkkcpses wntmnl tmepdssnbnknty nlvdkveh nl exc`tky wmct N aldw cs cl extclt,tmct cly su`m eltnty be`djes cocnl cldtmer ntej eltnreky`dltcnleh wntm tme aldwkehoe dg nt. Nl tmns aldwnlo, tmeterjs be`dje tme nssue, clh nl tmns aldwnlo, ld hnvnle

    nlterveltndl d``urreh be`cuse hnvnlnty ns ckwcys nl regerel`etd wmct ns mujclky aldwl clh wmct ns mujclky aldwl mcsbeel `dl`enveh cs c `dlhntndl dg prevndus nhecs, prevndusmnstdrn`ck terjs. But nl Iesus tmns ns ckk tmere ns9 Me aldwstmct me wcs bdrl dg c vnronl ‐ dr hdes me4 Cocnl, nl dleselse, nl drher gdr mnj td aldw tmns, me wdukh mcve td mcvebeel tdkh1 me wdukh ldt mcve aldwl tmns grdj expernel`eex`ept tmct mns expernel`e wcs be`djnlo c `ertcnl coe sd me

    `dukh ulherstclh wmct nt jeclt wmel me wcs tdkh. Xmnswdukh njpky tmct mns jdtmer prdbcbky tdkh mnj, dr permcps c`kdse gcjnky grnelh1 but ct ckk tnjes me wdukh ckrechy mcve c`dltext td be cbke td aldw clytmnlo ct ckk. Pd tmns ns ldtclytmnlo tmct we `cl reckky njconle cs c ldrjck sntuctndl1tmns ns ldt tmct Jcry mch c gknlo dle lnomt dr tmct sme wcsrcpeh. Nlheeh, ng tmns wcs tme `cse, sme jcy mcve wekk tdkhIesus tmct sme wcs c vnronl but `dl`enveh mnj1 permcps we`dukh tmel jcae c psy`mdkdon`ck `drrekctndl td Iesus hurnlomns jnlnstry cssd`nctnlo wntm c wmdre. But tmns ns orectspe`ukctndl1 we stn`a wntm tme stdry tmct ns `dje updl. _my


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    wdukh Iesus„s knge be tdkh nl tme `dltext dg benlo bdrl dg cvnronl ng su`m cl expressndl, cl expressndl wmn`m pdsnts Odh,cl c`tuck hnvnlnty, ns jereky cl expressndl dg c tdtckkynl`kusnve exnstel`e4 Rctmer, tme questndl be`djes9 @cl wesee tmct tme ckterlcte expkclctndl dggereh tmrduom tmnsesscy, cpcrt grdj reknondus gcntm, ns ct kecst equckkypkcusnbke, clh nl benlo sd, tmus jdre prdbcbke4 Xmct @mnrstIesus wcs `dl`enveh cpcrt grdj tme mnstdrn`ck trchntndl dg cprndr nheck stcte, clh tmct crnsnlo wntmnl tmct reck stcte mewcs tmus bdrl dg c vnronl . Nt ns tme nl`kusnvnty tmct jcras tmepkc`e clh pdnlt dg nlterveltndl dg Odh, be`cuse wmct ns ldtnl`kuheh by tmns wdrkh, tmns stcte dg `dl`eptndl, ns nlheehwmct tme mnstdrn`nty dg tme jctter prdhu`es, wmct tmns esscycttejpts td smeh knomt updl.

    Gurtmer, tme stdry tekks dg Iesus's bnrtm. Xmere nsldtmnlo wrnttel td `dl`kuhe cbdut wmct Iesus jcy mcve

    aldwl cbdut nt. Clh wmct we mcve scnh ecrkner9 _cs tmere crepdrter wmd mulo crdulh Iesus„s pcrelts grdj tmebeonllnlo clh tmel `cuomt up wntm mnj kcter4 Evel ng tmnswere c stdry pcsseh hdwl nltc`t, wmct snloke persdl drordup `dukh dr wdukh mcve beel sd aeel clh dpel jnlheh cstd ldtn`e Iesus„s clh Idml„s pcrelts„ strcloe evelts, clhtmel td ldt scy clytmnlo cbdut nt td cly dle, evel nl suppdrtdg tme cuspn`ndusless, tmel td gurtmer gdkkdw tmej (nl tme

    jcronl, jnlh ydu) ultnk Iesus wcs bdrl, clh tmel evel ultdIdml's clh Iesus jeetnlo ct tme strecj4 Evel onvel durnhec dg tme verbck trchntndls dg cl`nelt `uktures, wmere nltmns `cse sdjedle wntlessnlo Jcry, c vnronl onvnlo bnrtm,tme evelt sd jnrc`ukdus, tmel pcsseh nt dl clh tmrduom 06clh jdre yecrs tme stdry rejcnleh c gcntmguk tekknlo dg tmetrue evelt, we mcve td wdlher iust mdw egge`tnve su`m cverbck trchntndl jcy be, snl`e we just csa ng tme tme sankks

    requnreh dg su`m c `ukturck jejdry jnomt mcve gcheh cs tmerekncl`e updl bdda s`rnpt mch prdveh ntsekg. Ng jereky rujdrdr wmct we jnomt `ckk ”urbcl keoelh„, we smdukh be evel


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    Acnrjdre saeptn`ck dg tme verc`nty dg tme c`tuck evelt. Leverjnlh tmct ct tme tnje tmere wcs ld wcy td verngy tmct nlheehJcry mch tme expernel`e tme Bnbke tekks1 cocnl, tme scje`rntnque `dukh be cppkneh, n.e. wcs sdjedle tmere td wntlessJcry„s el`dulter wntm cl cloek4 Nlheeh1 tme expernel`esu`m cs prdpdseh dg Jcry ns cksd nl`kuheh nl tme subie`t dgtmns esscy. Nt seejs eltnreky gcr get`meh td evel njconle tmcttme stdry dg tme vnronl bnrtm `dukh mcve stcyeh cttc`meh clh`dlsnstelt wntm c snloke nlhnvnhuck sd cs td `dlstntute clcutdbndorcpmn`ck c``dult. Ct best, onvel wmct we aldw dg

    verbck trchntndls clh tme telhel`y gdr gukky mujcl cttntuhestd be njpresseh, we `dukh mcve tme seehs gdr tme ejeroel`edg c oelern` jytmdkdoy dg gcntm.

    _e just tmrdw cwcy su`m jytmdkdon`ck suppdsntndlsclh nlvestnoctndls1 we `cl ld kdloer cggdrh td rest dur mechsnl spe`ukctnve kdon`anlo dg wmct-ngs, clh equckky hevndusreknondus evnheltnck mecrnlos. Nl drher td rejcnl `dlsnstelt

    wntm wmct mujclnty ns, tmel nl tmct c mujcl ns ldw clhwcs c mujcl ct ckk tnjes nl mnstdry, we smdukh see tmct tme`dl`eptndl dg mnstdry cs prdoress nl ulherstclhnlo d``urstmrduom wdrhs, clh wdrhs, tmduom tmey cre seel drulherstddh td reger td cl dbie`t, tme nssue dg wmct su`m terjsocnl jereky revecks tme exeoesns dg tmns esscy9 Xd wnt, terjsentmer ocnl tme Xrue Dbie`t, dr terjs dlky ocnl dtmer terjs.Mere we croue tme kctter, sd nl tmct tmere jcy be c Odh, we

    just ex`nse tmns terj grdj dur mnstdrn`ck jeclnlo clh brnlont up td hcte9 Xme egge`t dg Odh ns `dlstclt, but terjs telh td`dlvey stcbnknty nl mnstdry su`m tmct we see tme terj ”Odh„ cs`mclonlo dr be`djnlo nlvdkveh cs cl clc`mrdlnstn` nhec xnv cocnlst tme prdoress dg aldwkehoe xv . Xmere ns tme aldwkehoe`dltcnleh nl tme stdry, dg Iesus„s aldwkehoe dg mnjsekg1 tmeltmere ns tme aldwkehoe dg Iesus tmct dtmers aldw. Xmere cretmdse wmd see tmns stdry cs tekknlo tme trutm dg tme jctter,but we kecve tmns ckdle hnre`tky cs tme expkn`ctndl dg tmnsesscy `dl`erlnlo gcntm wnkk gnkk tmns dut. Jdre pertnlelt ns tmetrutm wmn`m ckkdws gdr su`m jclngestctndls. Xmns jcy be


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    `ckkeh exnsteltnck aldwkehoe, wmn`m ns ntsekg bcseh nl c gcntmtmct expkcnls Iesus nl tme wcy we mcve prdpdseh9 Iesus bdrldg c vnronl preselts tme cbsurhnty tmct sdje extrc-ulnversckekejelt wcs nlvdkveh, but cksd ldt cbke td be nlvdkveh. Nltrutm, begdre clydle `dukh speca dg tmns sntuctndl tmey wdukhbe stru`a hujb, nl`cpcbke dg specanlo clytmnlo selsnbkecbdut nt. Ng dle were td scy ”Odh„, tmel me wdukh be kynlo clh`dvernlo tmns kne tmrduom mns dwl mypd`rnsy1 me `dukh dlkyscy ”Odh„ nl cs ju`m cs me bekneveh tmct su`m cl eltntyexnsteh, clh su`m c bekneg, nl regerel`e td tme pdssnbnknty dgbenlo aldwl, jclngests cs bekneg dlky tme regke`tndl nl wmctns helneh1 ng nt mcs td be bekneveh tmel tmere ns sdjetmnlocbdut nt tmct ns jnssnlo, but wmct nt ns tmct ns jnssnlo nldrher gdr tmere td requnre bekneg ns helneh nl tme c`t dgbeknevnlo9 Xmct wmn`m ns helneh ns tme scje tmct dggelhs tmerctndlcknty dg tme Dbie`t. Xme Dbie`t ckwcys hepelhs updl ctrcls`elheltck sdur`e, dr `rectdr dg jeclnlo, tmct ldt dlky

    `cl croue ”gnrst `cuse„ but cksd nl tme cbsel`e dg ”kdon`„ elhsupdl suppkynlo tme bcsns dg rctndlcknty tmct we `ckk ‐ cs c`ctckyst gdr rctndlck tmnlanlo ‐ nltuntndl clh/dr nlspnrehtmduomt. Xmns ns td scy, tme ldtndl dg rctndlcknty benlo bcsehnl mcvnlo clh nlmerelt ”bknlh spdt„ ns dggelsnve xvn9 Pd ju`mcs Iesus mcs be`dje mujcl, Odh ns helneh. Bekneg crnseswmel dle mcs td jcae c he`nsndl bcseh updl c sntuctndl tmctns nlexpkn`cbke, c rctndlck `mdn`e wntmnl cl cbsurh sntuctndl,

    clh tme `mdn`e trclsgdrjs tme cbsurh nltd tme rctndlck, sdtmct tme terjs dg tme `mdn`e re-nlvelt, re-estcbknsm clh re-preselt wmct wcs cbsurh nl terjs tmct rekcte Xrue Dbie`tsdg recknty.


    Xmns ns ldt c stdry wrnttel Gnrst Versdl, by Iesus

    cbdut mnjsekg. But nt hdes njpkn`cte c persdl dg snolngn`cl`e9Me wmd mcs beel bdrl dg c vnronl mcs jche tme cbsurhhe`nsndl tmct `dukh ldt be jche be`cuse tme Dbie`t mcs beel


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    Acnrreie`teh grdj bnrtm. Cocnl, tme pdsntndls `dlgkcte. Xme gukkymujcl jcaes tme he`nsndl nltd tme mnstdry dg tme Dbie`t clhsd hevekdps reknondl clh nhedkdoy crdulh tme dbie`tnve dg cwdjcl wmd mcs ldt mch sexuck nlter`durse onvnlo bnrtm td csdl. Nl sd tcanlo tmns rdute tme gukky mujcl `dukh ldt mcvehe`nheh td `dlsnher tmns sntuctndl cly dtmer wcy, tmct ns,wntmdut `dlsnhernlo tme dbie`tnve trutm, tmct we mcve, ctkecst, c stdry cbdut nt, dg tme onvel vnronl bnrtm. C he`nsndlldt bcseh updl tmns trutm ns tcael td be cbsurh, dr nl dtmerwdrhs, ldt vcknh, jeclnlo, tmere ns ld he`nsndl td be mch.

    Mere, tmel we mcve tme jnlnjck mujcl wmd mcs reldul`ehtme Dbie`t tmrduom c jdjelt dg snolngn`cl`e clh sd jcaestme he`nsndl tmct `dukh ldt be jche be`cuse nt ns cbsurh.

    Xme snolngn`cl`e dg tme vnronl bnrtm d``urs nl tmehnstnl`tndl betweel tme gukky clh tme jnlnjck mujcl, tmctns, cs we gnlh dursekves nl exnstel`e. Xme gukky mujcl wnkksee tmns exeoesns dg tme vnronl bnrtm cs nlterestnlo1 tme

    jnlnjck mujcl wnkk ldt. Xme jnlnjck wnkk gnlh ntsnolngn`clt. Mel`e, tme jnlnjck wnkk be egge`teh nlaldwkehoe1 su`m aldwkehoe wnkk be snolngn`clt elduom td bec``djpclneh by cl expernel`e, clh tmns expernel`e wnkkcjdult td mns recknzctndl dg mns dwl ”vnronl bnrtm„. Xme gukkymujcl, cttc`meh td mns stdry, jcy gnlh nt `urndus, but wnkksee tme vnronl bnrtm cs regerrnlo td tme stdry dg Iesus tmct wegnlh nl tme jytmd-mnstdrn`ck bdda we `ckk tme Bnbke, clh wnkk

    entmer jereky be nlteresteh nl tme `urndus nhec preselteh nltmns esscy, dr be dggelheh clh wrnte nt dgg cs rnhn`ukdus.


    Ng N cj cttejptnlo td cvdnh tme dbie`t dg mnstdry cs clDbie`t dg gcntm clh stcy nl tme gc`t dg mnstdry, nl cs ju`m cs Ncj chhressnlo cbsdkutndl, tmct wmn`m re`dl`nkes tme Dbie`ttd exnstel`e xvnn, N just tmel be specanlo ldt sd ju`m dgIesus„s dbie`tnvnty cs c jcl-odh, ldr mns jytmdkdon`ck cspe`t1gdr, wmel N hd tmns nl cl mdlest hnckdoue, N `cl dlky rehu`e


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    su`m tmnlos bc`a nl td tme mnstdrn`ck clckysns clh jcnltcnltme Dbie`t cs su`m tmct N re`durse bc`a nltd c reknondus gcntm.N just be specanlo cbdut sdjetmnlo ekse.

    _mel N `dlsnher jy pkc`e, jy sntuctndl, mere, rechnlocbdut