abraham path-nemrut atlas v1.0

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  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    Nemrut Atlastopographical maps &

    route descriptions

    a work in progress - v1.0

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0






    Accommodations : Hotel, hostel, guesthouse, homestay, or free trail angel roomImplies : Water, Bathrooms with showers, Shade, shelterBedouin tent accommodations : Guesthouse with sleeping arrangements in Bedouin-style tents, not buildingsImplies : Water, Bathrooms, Shade, shelterCampsite : An area officially designated for camping, a commercial campsite, or a well-established, often-used wildcampsite. In some natural areas, camping is only permitted in designated sites in order to protect the environment

    Implies : No services unless otherwise notedFree unless otherwise notedRecommended campsite : An area suitable for wild camping, but not typically used for itImplies : No services unless otherwise notedDrinking water : A reliable source of potable waterWhen appearing next to a spring, well, stream or other natural water source, the water still should be puried beforedrinking. The symbol will only appear next to natural water sources that have water year-roundRestaurant : Any establishment selling prepared mealsImplies : Water, Bathrooms, Shade, shelter (possibly only for customers)Grocery store : A store selling substantial foods and essentials (rather than simply snacks)Implies : Water, Bathrooms, Shade, shelter (possibly only for customers)Bus stop : A station or stop where public transit can be taken. May be a central bus station or a roadside stop

    Bathrooms : Western-style toilets and sinks unless otherwise noted. Does not imply showers; does imply shelterPicnic area : An area with picnic tables and other park amenities. May be a good camp spot, if notedImplies : ShadeGas station : A gas (petrol) station and its accompanying facilitiesImplies : Water, Bathrooms, Shade, shelter, and a snack shopShade : A reliably shady spot to rest in. Only appears in stages where shade is otherwise nonexistent; sometimesrefers to the point at which a stage begins to have regular shade after having lacked it (see stage notes for details)All Amenities : A large town or city generally has everything a hiker needs for resupply, and many shopping,accommodation, and restaurant options; this is used to save space rather than showing all iconsImplies : Accommodations, Restaurants, Grocery Stores, Public Transportation, Bathrooms, Shade, Water, shelter

    Spring : A natural water source emerging from the ground, or a pool. May have water only in season. Oftenonly visible as an area of heavy plant growth. Does not imply drinking water unless otherwise notedWell or cistern : A man-made water source dug in the ground. May not have water; also appears to serve as alandmark. Does not imply drinking water unless otherwise notedLookout : A natural or man-made viewpoint with a view in the specied direction

    360-degree lookout : A lookout point in all directions; usually the summit of a hill, or a watchtowerCave : A cave of any size; may be anything from a small nook in a cliff wall to a large cavern systemImplies : Shade and shelter (caves marked on maps are always large enough for people to t into)Waterfall : A wet or dry waterfall; dry ones run only seasonally or after rain. Does not imply drinking water

    Scrambling : A section of trail where rock scrambling (using hands) is required. Note that these are all non-technical;no sections on the Abraham Path require the use of ropes or other climbing equipmentLadders : A section of trail where the climbing of ladders, staples or ropes is necessary. Again, it is never necessaryto bring any special equipment on the Abraham Path; all ladders, ropes, and handholds are already installed

    Exposed trail : A section of trail that is narrow and exposed to a long drop on one or both sides; path may beslippery or unstable as well. Use extreme caution when crossing.While none of these sections are inherently dangerous, people with extreme fear of heights may nd thesesections impossible to pass and may wish to plan not to hike these stages

    General warning : When this symbol is present, a note beside it or in the walking notes will explain why caution orextra attention is required on that trail sectionFlash ood risk area : An area, normally in a narrow or deep wadi or canyon, where dangerous ash oods (largewalls of water moving extremely quickly) can occur.It does not have to be raining for a ash ood to occur; rain upstream of a desert canyon can cause ashooding in the canyon. Always check local weather forecasts before hiking in ash ood risk areas


    Natural Features

    Trail Features and Warnings

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0



    Ruins or archaeological site : Ruins of any age or size. Free admission (or non-maintained site) unlessotherwise noted

    Point of interest : Generic symbol for relevant locations not covered by another symbol; see notes beside the

    point for more information

    Church/Mosque or religious site : This may be either a signicant site for one or more religions (tomb of afamous gure; traditional site of a story or event; etc.) or simply one serving as a landmark

    Abraham Path route : Shows the route followed by the Abraham Path on a given stage

    Other Abraham Path route : Shows Abraham Path routes other than the one that is the focus of a stagemap; includes previous and next stages, detours, spurs, etc.

    City Walk routes : Shows City Walk routes, special spurs/alternates of the Abraham Path

    Begin/End Stage : Mark the beginning and ending of a stage on stage maps

    Waypoints and Distance Indicators : Waypoints mark turn-by-turn directions and navigationallandmarks along a trail stage. There may be a distance markers, indicating cumulative distance from thebeginning of the stage. Even if no distance is attached, each waypoint has a corresponding entry in thestages data book which does list its distance as well as a description of the location and directions

    Roads : Beige are larger highways, up to expressways; white are smaller roads as well as city streets.Labelled with road number if applicableRoads marked this way are virtually always asphalt, but in some places with very few paved roads, a wide,smooth, easily driveable dirt road may also be marked as a white road (e.g. Harran region)

    Dirt road or 4x4 track : A wide, unpaved surface generally large enough to accommodate a jeep or 4x4vehicle. Should be assumed not to be accessible by normal car unless otherwise noted. The distinctionbetween these and paths (below) is a gradual one, and some trails are on the borderline between both, orchange from one to the other over a distance

    Footpath : A narrow, unpaved walking surface generally too small or too rough to be driven by a 4x4vehicle. May be wide enough for two people to walk abreast, or a narrow, faint goat path. May be veryclear and easy to follow, or faint and more intermittent.

    Wadi or ditch : A wadi is an intermittent streambed which ows with water only in the wet season orafter rain. Many of them form very large canyons, and wadi can refer either to the broader canyon or tothe streambed in the bottom of it

    Stream/River : Waterways that ow year-round, rather than seasonally. A stream is usually small enough tocross easily by foot, while a river is larger. Canals appear the same as streams or rivers

    Contour Lines : Show the topography of a landscape; a line is drawn every 10m of elevation, and a thicker lineevery 100m with a label showing its height. Lines closer together mean a steeper slope; further apart mean agradual one

    Border : Country boundaries

    Summit : A peak or local high pointBuilt-up area : A town, residential, commercial or industrial areaForest : A densely wooded area

    Cultural Features

    Trail Indicators

    Other Geography


    Wadi Name

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    Te Abraham Path is a long-distance cultural walking route ollowing the ootsteps and memory o Abrahamacross the Middle East. Te Abraham Path celebrates the Abrahamic values o hospitality and kindness to

    strangers, provides eco-nomic benets to local communities along the route. For more practical planning in-ormation, including downloadable companion GPS tracks and waypoints, visit www.abrahampath.org.

    Tis map series is part o an effort by local partners and the Abraham Path Initiative to produce the rst all-path online guidebook, covering over 400 km o walking trail and Abrahamic memory and heritage acrossthe Middle East. We invite you to take part in this project by walking the path, visiting communities along theway, and by providing comments and suggestions or improvement. Tese routes are still in development, andmap eedback is especially help ul or name corrections (towns, wadis, landmarks), areas which are difficult tonavigate, and updates on current path conditions ( [email protected]).

    Map data OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC-BY-SADatabook & Diagrams Abraham Path Initiative

    Abraham PathNemrut Region ( urkey)

    Stage 1: 13.3km Stage 2: 11.2km Stage 3: 15.0km

    K a r a d

    u t

    ( 0 . 0 k

    m )

    M t . N

    e m r u t

    ( 1 3 . 3 k

    m )

    A r s e m

    e i a

    ( 2 4 . 5 k m )

    N a r i n

    c e

    ( 3 9 . 5 k

    m )



    0 5km 10 15 20 25 30 35 39.5























    Tis map may not be up to date with recent changes on the ground. By making this map available, the Abraham Path Initiative doesnot assume any liability or use o the in ormation provided or or its accuracy. All hiking and other outdoor activities have potentialhazards involving risk o injury or death. Te wilderness in and o itsel can be a dangerous place and there are areas in the MiddleEast that can suddenly become subject to security instability.

    By using this map or any use, you recognize this, assume all risks o property damage, personal injury and death, and agree tohold the Abraham Path Initiative, its Board Directors, its staff, its partners, its contributors and authors harmless rom any liabilityand loss. You accept the terms and conditions set orth in this Disclaimer on the Abraham Path Initiative website by downloading,streaming or using any map or other in ormation or materials provided on the Abraham Path Initiative website.

    Find out more at www.abrahampath.org

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0




    Mt. Nemrut



    Mt. NemrutVisitor Center



    Stage 2

    Stage A1


    Stage 1


  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    Mt. Nemrut

    Mt. NemrutVisitors Center

    Sarinc Cave

    Mt. NemrutPark Entrance ($)


    Kervanserai Hotel

    Gne Motel


    Dermaz Karadut

    M t . N e m r u t N a t i o n a l P a r k









    9.4 U s e c

    a u t i o

    n i f s n

    o w y



    S t a g e

    1 a :

    D e r m

    a z - N

    e m r u t

    G a t e

    ( 4. 9 k

    m )


    K a r a d u t St r e a m


  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0



    1: Karadut to Mt. Nemrut(Nemrut Region)

    Distance : 13.3kmTime : 4-6 hours

    Physical Challenge : DifficultTrail Difficulty : Moderate

    km Walking notes +km

    0.0 BEGIN S AGE in Karadut, along the main street by themini-market, just uphill rom the mosque. Head uphill onthe road out o town


    0.8 Shortly afer passing Karadut Pansiyon, turn R onto a 4x4,passing a large house on L, and continue on the 4x4


    1.4 Where the 4x4 curves R to cross a small streambed andthere is an opening in a stone ence into a meadow on L,go straight uphill, along the meadow wall, leaving the clear4x4 track behind. Continue NNW up the mountain, withan inconsistent ootpath to ollow


    2.3 When you reach a small valley lled with agriculturalelds, with a village on L, turn L to stay above the valleyand head toward the village


    2.8 When you reach the rst house, turn R up toward themosque, entering the village; then join a dirt road headingpast the mosque


    2.9 At the just past the mosque, go L, then take the rst R,uphill out o town 0.1

    3.0 As you exit the vi llage, take the L branch o the Y, to stayNNW out o the village


    3.7 Just afer passing a tree immediately next to the trail onL, head L onto a smal l ootpath heading roughly W. Afercrossing a small ridge, several buildings come into view;head or the ones by the large ag


    4.0 Reach the Mt. Nemrut National Park ticket office and payor your entry. Ten head uphill on the road


    4.2 As the road curves sharp L, turn R onto a very rough, rocky4x4 ollowing it or about 200 meters


    4.4 As the 4x4 curves to the R, head L up a aint ootpath up

    toward a saddle


    4.7 Join a rough 4x4 along the ridge, heading N 0.2

    4.9 Just below a group o 4 trees on R, continue up onto a oot-path as the 4x4 dead-ends. Follow it up to a gap betweenrocks with more trees on R


    5.0 Continue past the gap into a at area and a ew more treesabove on R. Curve R across the at area, then afer 100meters, turn L uphill, heading N again


    5.2 Pass through a large meadow. Head uphill on the other sideon the rough ootpath, a bit hard to see rom where youcome in, and continue generally NNW


    5.9 Join a wide ootpath, heading up toward the peak. Te oot-path is lined with stones in places - the old Roman route upthe mountain


    6.1 Just afer the junction with a 4x4 track, when the trackyoure ollowing begins to curve L, head R away rom it,heading NW onto a ootpath


    6.4 As the ootpath continues down a small streambed, headR, heading N and uphill with a much ainter ootpath.Continue over a rocky ridge to a large meadow on the otherside


    7.0 Reach the large meadow (Savlik Deresi) and continueNW across it, to head up out o its N end


    7.5 Begin to climb out o the meadow, heading N then NNW;go up through a gap between scraggly trees. Follow a oot-path ( t Yolu) uphill toward a large rock wall visibleabove


    8.3 Just afer reaching the top o the climb, and be ore reachingthe rock wall ahead, turn R on a clear path. Follow it asit curves L again, heading N then NNE through a valleyheading very gradually downhill (at times the path is hardto see; ollow the valley)


    9.3 Resume ollowing a clear ootpath as the valley curves to Rto head ENE


    9.4 Pass a deep crevasse cave leading to a cave entrance (SarincCave; its possible to rappel inside and there is snow in thecave even in summer) on R. Continue ollowing the at valley bottom NE, with the Gne Motel soon coming into view ahead. Head or the road leading to the hotel


    10.2 From the ront o Gne Motel on, go a bit R to anothertrail below the lower house. Head on small trails up past

    the houses on the hillside above; rom there head W, gradu-ally climbing the ridge, until you reach its top.OP ION: I the conditions are snowy, the ridgetop routemay be inaccessible or unsa e. I so, ollow the gravel roaduphill rom Gne Motel, which leads to the peak by aslightly less scenic route


    11.0 When you reach the ridge top with views to the NW o theBeyda range, turn L and continue SW along the N side othe ridge, toward the peak


    12.3 Join the rocky dirt road heading uphill toward the peak.From the plat orm at the NE side o the peak, you can headaround either side o the summit on the sidewalks to reachthe visitors center.


    13.3 END S AGE at the Visitors Center on the SW edge o the

    Nemrut summit, at the end o the access road



    Mt. Nemrut

    M t . N

    e m r u t

    G n e

    M o t e l

    S a r i n c C

    a v e

    T i c k e

    t O ffi c e

    G l b e

    r a n







    1km 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13.3



    Karaduts closest bus is one that runs along the highway between Kahtaand Gerger; it stops at the Karadut turnoff, about 2km down the road

    rom the village. Te bus runs every 1-2 hours between roughly 8am-5pm

    Water and Supplies:

    Can rell water rom the spring outside the eme Pension, in Gl-

    beran, or at the Mt. Nemrut ticket office, as well as at the Mt. Nemrutsummit.

    Stage Notes:

    Depending on season, much o the route can be under snow.I the top o Mt. Nemrut is snow-covered, take the dirt road romGne Motel instead o the ridge route, to avoid treacherous terrain

    A ticket to Mt. Nemrut National Park is also good or admission toArsemia on the same day, and vice versa.

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    P n a r b a

    E s

    k i k a

    h t a

    K a y a

    d i b i

    A r s e m e

    i a ( $ )

    ( E s k

    i K a l e )

    Y e n

    i K a l e

    M t .

    N e m r u t

    M t .

    N e m r u t

    V i s i t o r s

    C e n t e r


    t .


    e m

    r u




    t i o n





    r k

    0 . 0

    2 . 5

    3 . 3

    4 . 7

    7 . 0

    S t e e

    p d

    e s c e

    n t

    8 . 9

    1 0

    . 0

    1 1

    . 2

    1 . 3


    a b r a h a m p a t h

    . o r g

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0



    km Walking notes +km

    0.0 BEGIN S AGE at Visitors Center, SW end o Nem-rut summit at the end o the access road. Head L to

    western terrace path toward the summit. Afer 100meters, turn L away rom the sidewalk, staying levelalong the side o the hill it climbs


    0.5 As you cross a steep wadi, turn L to go W along andgradually down the rocky hillside; soon a rough

    ootpath appears. Continue W until you reach a 4x4track heading SW along the mountain


    1.3 Reach a 4x4 track and go R on it, curving L uphill 1.2

    2.5 Pass a group o old stone houses on R; sometimesused by nomad shepherds - also usable as shelter orhikers/campers i not in use


    2.9 Continue straight (SW) along the ridgetop, passingpaths heading to L and R. Soon the 4x4 you are onwill reach a dead end; continue straight on the sameheading, along the ridge


    3.3 Go L around a small hilltop, beginning to ollow a4x4 again and maintaining the SW heading


    4.7 Just afer passing a 4x4 heading downhill to L, the4x4 you were on ends. Continue straight on with noclear path


    5.6 At the point where the ridge begins to drop moresteeply, continue down it, staying above the larger valley on L and then another that begins on yourmore immediate L


    7.0 As you reach a rocky outcrop extending moretoward the wide valley on R, head L, nding the bestway down the steep valley leading S


    7.8 Reach the edge o a steep drop with a horizontal wallo rock running across rom L. urn R and ollowa ootpath along the edge o the drop, heading Wdownhill toward a sloping meadow in ront o arounded, rocky hilltop


    8.6 Reaching the sloping meadow, head down L, ollow-ing shepherds paths when possible. Do not head allthe way downstream to the dirt road; instead curveR around the large rocky peak to R


    8.9 At a tree with a trunk orked at the base, turn R ontoanother ootpath; ollow this (or other paths) Waround the hillside, above the streambed and dirtroad to L


    9.4 Keep straight with the wide ootpath as another path joins rom L, walk above valley on L and the roadbeyond it


    10.0 As the wide ootpath begins to curve R (N), turn Laway rom it and head down to a 4x4 track runningN-S just below it. urn L on that 4x4, heading S


    2: Mt. Nemrut to Arsemia(Nemrut Region)

    Distance : 11.2kmTime : 3-5 hours

    Physical Challenge : DifficultTrail Difficulty: Difficult

    2.5 8.6700900






    1km 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11.2

    Mt. Nemrut



    10.4 Cross a riverbed and turn R, ollowing a ootpath upthe moutainside


    10.7 As the path nears the top o a climb and curves R

    to the N, turn L up away rom it, heading W uphillthrough a eld


    10.8 Afer about 80 meters, turn L up a ootpath on theedge o the ridge, heading S, aiming or the large dirtroad uphill


    10.9 Reach the wide dirt road and turn R, uphill. Followit up past the switchback where it becomes paved,toward the buildings


    11.2 END S AGE at the entrance to the Arsemeia site,where the snack shop and pension are



    Arsemia has no public transportation access; arrange a car romKaradut or elsewhere

    Water and Supplies:

    No reliable natural water sources; bring water rom Mt. NemrutVisitors Center or the entire hike

    Tere are snack shops on the Mt. Nemrut summit and at Arse-mia

    Stage Notes:Te way down the mountain ( rom 4.7 to 8.6km) is very steepand can be slippery in places; use caution while hiking.

    Tere is no shade or shelter rom the top o Mt. Nemrut until8.9km into the hike. Check weather orecasts or heat, wind,rain or snow and plan accordingly or the exposed terrain

    A ticket to Mt. Nemrut National Park is also good or admissionto Arsemia on the same day, and vice versa.

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0



    t .




    r u



    a t

    i o






    r k

    M t .

    P a r m a k

    K a y a d

    i b i


    e r m a z

    A y d n p n a r

    B a b a

    A k d o a n

    T t e n o c a k

    K o t e p e

    S r a k a y a


    a m l a c k

    E s e n d e r e

    N a r i n c e

    E s k i k a h t a

    Y e n

    i K a l e

    A r s e m e i a ( $ )

    ( E s k

    i K a l e )

    S a l i k

    G l b e r a n

    0 . 0 0

    . 9

    2 . 0

    4 . 0

    4 . 9

    5 . 9

    7 . 5

    8 . 4

    9 . 8

    S t e e p

    D e s c e n t

    1 1

    . 4 1 2

    . 2

    1 3

    . 3

    1 4 . 4


    5 . 0


    K a r a d u t S t r e a m

    a b r a h a m p

    a t h

    . o r g

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0



    km Walking notes +km

    0.0 BEGIN S AGE at Arsemia entrance by the snackshop. Head up toward the restaurant and parking



    0.2 From the end o the parking lot, head uphill on thedirt road, ollowing it through three switchbacks


    0.9 Afer the third switchback, when the dirt roadbegins to head NE, turn S away rom it and walkwith the wooded area on R and a more bare, rockyarea on L


    1.2 Afer crossing over the top o the ridge, curve L tohead E and stay close to the ridgetop


    1.5 Pass a ootpath going up L toward the house withdogs. Stay straight on a aint ootpath along themountainside. Keep heading generally E up the



    2.0 At a three-way ootpath junction by a small spring,go R over to a well-used ootpath across the smallwadi.OP ION: From here, you can head north ollowingroute A1 toward Karadut and Mt. Nemrut


    2.4 urn L to ollow ootpaths heading up the moun-tainside, heading generally SW


    3.8 As you near the large streambed, briey walk up it,to enter a atter area. Continue SW into it on 4x4tracks


    4.0 Curve R down onto a rocky 4x4 as another path joins rom L; stay WSW with this 4x4 track untilyou approach a village


    4.9 Enter the NW part village o Sirakaya, and stay onthe biggest dirt street through it, head E


    5.1 At the edge o the village, do U-turn R; the dirt roadturns to gravel-covered asphalt


    5.5 urn L at the , still on asphalt. Pass a cemetery onL and outhouse on R. Ten turn R downhill on a



    5.9 Where the road curves sharply L around the edgeo the other section o the village, continue S onto a4x4 which soon curves L to head SE


    7.5 Te rocky track curves R into a streambed; stay onit. o L is a meadow that could be good or camping


    7.7 Jog R along the rocky 4x4, passing a wide track thatheads up R; soon pass another and continue E asthe track narrows to a rocky ootpath


    8.4 Cross a 4x4 and continue ESE with the ootpathonto another meadow. Ahead, aim or a pass with a4x4 heading up it, curving R


    8.9 Stay R at the ork, on the path that curves SE upover the hills


    9.8 Stay with the path as it turns R (S) and begins toswitchback up the rocky hillside, away rom a smallmeadow on L


    9.9 At the ridgetop, with a view to south including theEuphrates, head R to ollow steep switchbackingpaths down the mountain, to end in the village justat its oot


    11.2 Enter the village (Baba) on a dirt street; turn L atthe . urn R down another steep street with a gullydown it, then turn L onto the main street towardthe minaret


    11.4 Continue downhill, curving R, past the mosque onR


    11.8 At the Y o paved roads at the edge o town, go R (S) 0.4

    12.2 Go L (E) on a dirt track as the asphalt road turns R 0.4

    12.6 Pass a spring on R. Continue with the track (be-coming a narrower path), soon beginning to headSE toward Narince


    13.3 Continue SE with the same path as another joinsrom L


    14.4 Just be ore Narince, cross a streambed and continueup the ootpath up the other bank and into the village


    14.6 Continue into the village on dirt streets, curving Land heading E toward the minaret


    14.8 At the , curve R toward the asphalt road, thencurve L, merging with the main street


    15.0 END S AGE at the intersection in Narince with aplayground on R and the mosque just to L


    3: Arsemia to Narince(Nemrut Region)

    Distance : 15.0kmTime : 3-6 hours

    Physical Challenge : ModerateTrail Difficulty : Difficult

    S r a k

    a y a

    B a b

    a i

    2.0 5.1 7.5 9.9 11.4 12.2700900




    1km 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.0

    Arse meia Narince




    Arsemia has no public transportation access; arrange a car romKaradut or elsewhere.

    Te bus between Kahta and Gerger passes through Narince; thisbus also passes 2.5km rom Karadut. Te bus runs every 1-2hours, rom roughly 8am-5pm.

    Stage Notes:

    A ticket to Mt. Nemrut National Park is also good or admissionto Arsemia on the same day, and vice versa.

    Water and Supplies:

    Fill up water at Arsemeia. You may want to puri y water romSirakaya be ore drinking (i not bottled)

    Grocery stores in Narince

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    M t .

    P a r m a k

    l g e v e n

    T e p e

    A y d n p n a r

    B a b a

    K o t e p e

    D a m l a c k

    S r a k a y a

    D e r m a z

    S a l i k

    G l b e r a n

    K a r a d u t

    K a y a

    d i b i

    E s k i k a h t a

    Y e n

    i K a l e

    A r s e m e

    i a ( $ )

    ( E s k

    i K a l e )

    K e r v a n s e r a

    i H o t e


    0 . 0

    0 . 3

    0 . 9

    2 . 0

    3 . 6

    4 . 1

    5 . 8

    6 . 7

    9 . 8

    1 0

    . 7

    1 2

    . 3

    1 3

    . 0

    1 3

    . 2

    1 3

    . 7

    1 4

    . 3

    1 5

    . 2

    K a r a d u t S t r e a m


    t .




    r u




    t i o








    M t .

    N e m r u t

    P a r

    k E n t r a n c e ( $ )

    S t a g e

    1 a :

    D e r m

    a z - N

    e m r u

    t G a t e

    ( 4 . 9 k

    m )

    a b r a h a m p a t h

    . o r g

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0



    km Walking notes +km0.0 BEGIN S AGE at by the mini-market on Karaduts main

    road, just uphill rom the mosque. Head downhill on the

    road, out o town


    0.1 At the sign or Iik Pansion, turn L onto a dirt path pastthe our-story apartment building


    0.3 Cross a small stream, then afer 40 meters, turn L downhillonto another ootpath at junction, heading down into theriver valley


    0.9 Reach the stream running along the base o the highmountain to S and head W, upstream along it


    1.6 Pass an overlook to water alls/swimming hole on L 0.5

    2.0 Cross a tributary joining rom the north, to stay along themain riverbed which continues W


    3.0 Head R away rom the riverbed to R o a big sloped, juttingrock ormation, and up the wadi. Pass a lone blue-roo ed

    house on R. Go between that and the sloped ridge. Headgenerally NW, toward a village uphill


    3.6 Reach a dirt road and turn L toward the village o Salik. Atthe Y, go R to ollow the main dirt track through the village


    3.9 As you enter another small cluster o houses, turn R uponto a dirt road, then cross over a small canal


    4.1 urn L on a large gravel road, then keep R past a school.Stay on this road as it heads W up the mountain


    5.3 Keep uphill on the dirt track, which has become narrowand rough, past another track heading L and downhill


    5.6 Continue as a rough 4x4 joins rom R uphill. Immediatelyafer, turn R up onto a dirt ootpath, away rom the 4x4which continues straight


    5.8 Reach a dirt road and a group o three houses, the village oDermaz. On L is an outhouse. Go L down toward a spring,and then away rom the houses.OP ION: From this point, you can ollow an alternateroute back to the Kervansarai Hotel above Karadut andbeyond to Mt. Nemrut via the ticket office; see route 1a


    5.9 Continue straight on ootpath, heading W through a net-work o intersecting paths


    6.3 urn R uphill, joining a rough 4x4. Keep ollowing it W orabout 400 meters


    6.7 At a junction o multiple paths and 4x4s rom all direc-tions, turn R and head uphill on a steep 4x4 toward thepower lines. Ten reach a wide dirt road, and turn L to

    ollow it or 3km


    9.8 As the dirt road begins to curve down and L (SW), turn Rup onto a ootpath that switchbacks up a grassy, tree-lledarea distinct rom the rocky mountainside


    10.2 Pass a small plateau to L with a small ring o stones severaleet high - a hunting blind. Continue N then NW toward

    the hilltop along a ootpath.


    10.7 From the high point o the mountain path, with great viewsto Mt. Nemrut at R, continue NW into the woods and thenW down the valley; the path disappears or a time


    11.6 Staying along the L side o the valley, nd a wide ootpathdown the mountainside

    A1: Karadut to Arsemia(Nemrut Region)

    Distance : 15.2 kmTime : 4-6 hours

    Physical Challenge : DifficultTrail Difficulty: Moderate

    S a l i k D

    e r m a z

    1.6 13.212.3 & 12.510.75.83.9700900





    1km 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.2



    12.3 At a spring, surrounded by large trees and with a crumblingbasin to hold its water, go R along a grassy path-like areabetween a line o stones on R and line o trees on L


    12.5 Cross a small plowed eld to another spring. Ten go Ron the 4x4 track passing it, and continue with this 4x4 asit widens


    13.0 Do a sharp U-turn L onto a path heading downhill 0.3

    13.2 At a 3-way junction o ootpaths by a small spring, head Wdown the valley.OP ION: Follow the directions or route 3 rom here toreach Narince


    13.7 Stay W on the ootpath, past another path heading to ahouse uphill to R


    14.0 Where the wooded area gives way to more bare, rockyterrain, without a clear path, curve R to head N, and headroughly N until you reach a large dirt road


    14.3 urn L onto the dirt road, then olow that dirt road downthree switchbacks toward a large parking lot area


    15.0 Head across the paved area toward the buildings ahead 0.2

    15.2 END S AGE at Arsemia entrance, by the snack shop andpension



    Karaduts closest bus is one that runs along the highway be-tween Kahta and Gerger; it stops at the Karadut turnoff, about2km down the road rom the village. Te bus runs every 1-2hours between roughly 8am-5pm

    Arsemia has no public transportation access; arrange a car romKaradut or elsewhere.

    Water and Supplies:

    Water can be bought in Karadut or at Arsemia. Natural watersources are plenty - the Karadut stream and the springs closer toArsemia (puri y be ore drinking). Water rom the villages mayalso need to be puried be ore drinking.

    Tere is a mini-market in Karadut and a snack shop at Arsemia.

    Stage Notes:

    A ticket to Mt. Nemrut National Park is also good or admissionto Arsemia on the same day, and vice versa.

    Te path over the mountain ( rom 9.8km on) is the old routeused between mountain villages; it is still used by walkers.

    Tough it is within Mt. Nemrut National Park, this stage doesnot require buying a ticket (ticketing applies mainly to visitorsto the summit o Mt. Nemrut).

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    Abraham PathNemrut Region ( urkey)


    Karaduts hotels can all arrange transportation to Mt. Nemrut and other locations and include dinner andbreak ast in the room rates.

    Karadut Pansiyon: 55 L per person or bed. 5 L or camping outside (with own tent) and use o bath-rooms and wi. www.karadutpansiyon.net

    Kervansaray Hotel: Single $63, double $84, triple $107, amily room $127. www.nemrutkervansarayho-tel.com

    Hotel Euphrat: Singles rom $47, doubles rom $58, triples rom $72. www.hoteleuphratnemrut.com;in [email protected]

    eme Pension: Doubles rom $78. Closed November through March. www.cesmepansion.com

    Gne Motel (near Mt. Nemrut summit): Doubles rom $88, triples rom $165. Closed in off-season.

    A government-run pension next to Arsemia is apparently not in operation, but camping outside (with own

    tent) is possible, or 10 L, including shower/bathroom access.

    Narince currently lacks accommodation options.

    Mt. Nemrut in urkey, on the southern ront o the Anti- aurus mountains, looms high above the Euphra-tes valley, beyond which are the lands o Harran where Abraham spent much o his li e. Nemruts summitis distinguished rom the higher snowcapped peaks around it by the presence o a antastical ancient tomb,adorned with giant statues o Greek and Persian gods. Te mountain is the resting place o King Antiochus Io Commagene, whose images decorate much o the surrounding area.

    Although the mountain is a moderately popular destination or tourists, most come to spend a short time onthe summit, take a driving tour o several o the other historical attractions in the area, and then depart. Butthe mountainsides around Nemrut offer many days worth o exploration on oot, delving into the sceneryand the lesser-known archaeological remains, and passing through tiny mountain hamlets along ootpathsthat were the only ways around the mountain be ore the relatively recent addition o dirt and paved roads,and some o which are said to date back to Roman times or beyond.

    Te Nemrut region is at high elevation compared to much o the rest o the Abraham Path, and as such, pres-ents different planning requirements. During winter, the mountain is covered in snow, and not accessible byhiking unless with winter equipment; trails will also be obscured in these conditions. Te time at which snowmelts and the mountain becomes accessible varies rom year to year, but by late March to early April, most othe mountain should be passable.

    As usual in the Middle East, spring is the greenest and most pleasant time to visit, but the high altitude o thetrails here (all over 1000m) means even summer generally has moderate temperatures.

    Te Nemrut region o the Abraham Path is currently set up as a trail network - a main route runs through

    Karadut, Mt. Nemrut, Arsemeia and Narince (and will extend urther rom these points in the uture to con-tinue the Abraham Path), but a ull-day stage connecting Karadut and Arsemia and a hal -day spur connect-ing the tiny mountain village o Dermaz (along the Karadut-Arsemia trail) with the Mt. Nemrut ticket office(along the Karadut-Mt. Nemrut trail) provide additional options or planning various hiking itineraries onthe mountain.

  • 8/10/2019 Abraham Path-Nemrut Atlas v1.0


    Abraham PathNemrut Region ( urkey)


    Te nearest airport to Nemrut is Ad yaman (ADF); to reach Nemrut, travel by minibus rom Ad yaman toKahta, then by a less requent minibus (every 1-2 hours) bound or Gerger, and disembark at the Karadutturnoff. From there, the mountaintop can be reached by hiking or private car/taxi. Te same bus also stops inNarince; other than these two points, there is no public transport within the Nemrut region.

    Nemrut is also about a 2-hour drive (including a erry crossing o the Euphrates) rom anl ur a to the south,near the Ur a and Harran regions o the Abraham Path.

    Water and Supplies:

    Mt. Nemruts slopes hold plenty o springs and streams which can supply drinking water. We always recom-mend water purication be used (tablets, lters, and/or UV treatment) to ensure the water is sa e. Te moun-tainsides also hide level meadows which can be good places to set up a tent, making the Nemrut trails a greatplace or backpacking and wild camping. Spending several days based in a Karadut hotel and doing day hikesaround the area is also a great way to see the mountain.

    I hiking the trails independently, be sure to bring in ood and supplies rom outside. Karadut has only amini-market; locals do their grocery shopping in Narince.

    Accommodation, cont.:

    Wild camping is possible throughout the region, whereever the terrain is suitable. Occasional meadows in themountains provide good campsites; some decent locations are marked on stage maps with the red tent icon.