about the seven letters - first alliance church, calgary · the church in sardis. this was the...


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Page 1: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis
Page 2: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

About the seven letters Over the next month, we’ll be exploring the last three of the

seven letters sent to seven churches found in Revelation 2:1-

3:22. In this second part of this series, we will be looking at the

churches of Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. While exiled on

the island of Patmos, the apostle John received a revelation from

Jesus Christ which we now call the book of Revelation. In this

vision, Jesus gave John these seven messages for these seven

churches. The letters resemble the biblical format of oracles and

they were specifically to God’s people dispersed in these seven


As you read the seven letters, you’ll see some common threads

throughout. Jesus starts each letter with, “These are the words

of…” and gives a one phrase description of himself. He then

reviews the churches and depending on the church, Jesus will

affirm, commend, warn, scold, or correct them. His goal is to

keep them on the target, or get them on target to fulfil his

mission to reach the world. The letters to the seven churches are

prophetic letters that provide direct significance to the life of the

church even today. There’s so much we can learn!

Session 5 - Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6) Session 6 - Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) Session 7 - Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22)

Page 3: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

Sardis- Revelation 3:1-6 CONVERSATION STARTER What is one activity that really gives you life?

DIGGING DEEPER We continue our series Seven by exploring the letter written to

the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to

the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

resembled a dead church and was only alive in its name. There

were a few who had not “soiled their clothes” and were found

worthy in their walk with Jesus.

Jesus knew about their rebellious ways, but even so, he wanted

them to become strong in him again. Jesus commands the rest of

them to “Wake up!” and strengthen what was left of their


Read the letter to the church from Revelation 3:1-6.

Jesus begins his letter to the church with a criticism and said “I

know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you

Page 4: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

are dead.” The church was probably full of people who call

themselves Christians but don’t actually practice or follow Jesus.

How important is a good reputation to you? How would you

feel if people had the wrong idea of who you are because of

your reputation?

What are your initial impressions of the church in Sardis?

The church in Sardis is described as having “a reputation of being

alive, but you are dead”.

What are the qualities of a church that is alive? What about

the qualities of a dead church?

What is the contrast between their reputation and the

reality? In what ways are we similar to Sardis?

What is the only hope for the survival of the church in Sardis?

Read James 1:21-25.

How does the term “nominal Christian” illustrate James’

point in verses 22-24? On the contrary, what does the life of

someone in verse 25 look like?

What does it mean for you to “Do what it says” as stated in

verse 22?

How do these verses apply to your life? What will you do

about it?

What is Jesus calling you to do today? Take time to pray, asking

God to help you walk in genuine faith and passion.

If Jesus addressed this “Wake up!” call to you, what would

He want you to strengthen?

Page 5: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

Jesus promises that whoever overcomes that He will never blot

their name out of the book of life. There is hope for those who

follow Jesus and do what He says. He promises eternal life for

those that repent and submit to Him.

PRAISE & PRAYER POINTS Spend some time praying for each other’s prayer requests and

share what God is doing in your life.















Page 6: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

Philadelphia- Revelation 3:7-13 CONVERSATION STARTER When have you been locked out of your home? Vehicle?

What happened?

DIGGING DEEPER We continue our series Seven by exploring the letter written to

the church in Philadelphia. This was the sixth letter of seven

written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in

Philadelphia was facing major persecution all around them. A

large portion of the persecution came from the Jewish

population in the city. The Jewish opposition was so intense that

they Christ refers to them as a synagogue of Satan. They “claim

to be Jews though they are not, but are liars.” As you can

imagine, the fierce persecution probably tempted those in the

church to withdrawal themselves, to keep their faith private.

The church in Philadelphia is one of only two in Revelation that

receives no rebuke or correction (the other is Smyrna). Instead,

Page 7: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

in the midst of severe persecution and opposition, Jesus offers

comfort to the church. Jesus encourages them by saying, “Hold

on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”

Read the letter to the church from Revelation 3:7-13.

Even today, we find ourselves in difficult situations where

compromise is the easy way out. As followers of Jesus, we have

to decide how we’re going to react in a post-Christian culture as

persecution grows.

What are your initial impressions of the church in


What are the good characteristics of this church?

In what ways are we like the Christians in Philadelphia?

Unlike them? Why?

Have you ever seen someone keep their faith even in hard


Are you, or have you been worn out and in need of

encouragement and hope? What is Jesus saying to you


How do you find hope in the fact that even though your

strength seems gone?

Jesus will see that whatever injustices we suffer will be made

right.” Read Revelation 7:15-17 and Isaiah 61:1-8.

Does these verses bring you comfort? How so?

How do these verses apply to your life? What will you do

about it?

The trials and difficulties of life are opportunities for Christ to

shine through us.

Page 8: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

What does it look like to trust God and live our lives like He is

in control? What situations in your life are currently

challenge this?

What steps do you need to take to move toward trusting and

living like God is in control?

Have you placed your faith and trust in Jesus, the “one who

holds the key”?

A consistent theme in Jesus’ letters to these churches is, “This

world isn’t all there is. I have so much more for you.” For those

who overcome and remain faithful, Jesus has promised

incredible rewards.

As we journey through life, let us remember that He is faithful

and He will never leave us or forsake us.

PRAISE & PRAYER POINTS Spend some time praying for each other’s prayer requests and

share what God is doing in your life.









Page 9: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

Laodicea- Revelation 3:14-22 CONVERSATION STARTER What is your favourite cold cereal? Hot cereal? Your

favourite cold drink? Hot drink?

DIGGING DEEPER We finish our series Seven by exploring the letter written to the

church in Laodicea. This was the final letter of seven written to

the churches found in Revelation. Laodicea was the wealthiest of

the seven cities, but the city always had a problem with its water

supply. They constructed a system to bring water in from the hot

springs, but by the time the water reached the city it was neither

hot or cool—only lukewarm.

The church in Laodicea was lacking in every way. Yes, they were

a church, but they lacked having Jesus in the centre.

Read the letter to the church from Revelation 3:14-22.

Page 10: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

The Laodiceans were rich, but their riches were worldly, not

spiritual. They needed spiritual wealth which can only comes

through Jesus Christ.

Why can it be difficult to have wealth and follow Jesus? What

does it look like for someone who is wealthy to follow Jesus?

What are your initial impressions of the church in Laodicea?

What are the good characteristics of this church? What’s


How do the church’s strengths and weaknesses relate to

each other?

In what ways are we similar to Laodicea? What strengths do

we have, and what warnings would God give us?

Jesus goes on to call them wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and

naked. Theses are some of the worst things for a person in the

ancient world to be called. Jesus was not doing this just out of

anger; He was labeling them as they were. Yet even in His anger,

Jesus was calling them back to Him. Even when we think we’ve

gone to far, Jesus is always reaching out to us. He wants to be in

relationship with us.

Read Matthew 23:25-28.

How does Jesus’ challenge here compare to the church in

Laodicea? In what ways can we be similar to the Pharisees?

Where do you think you are stuck? What steps do you need

to take to get unstuck?

The reality is that the only solution for Laodicea’s problem with

being lukewarm and our own is Jesus Himself. Jesus offers a

word of counsel for spiritually compromised in verse 19 and he

says: “Therefore be earnest and repent.”

Page 11: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis

What does it mean to be earnest and repent as followers of


What might it look like to totally rely on Jesus on a daily


God loves us too much to leave us the way we are. He desires for

all to be in relationship with him. He’s waiting and ready for us to


“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my

voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that

person, and they with me.”

Read the entire verse several times, stopping after each word

or phrase. Which words or phrases stand our most

prominently to you? Share your thoughts.

How do you need Jesus to work in your life today? Pray for

one another.

PRAISE & PRAYER POINTS Spend some time praying for each other’s prayer requests and

share what God is doing in your life.







Page 12: About the seven letters - First Alliance Church, Calgary · the church in Sardis. This was the fifth letter of seven written to the churches found in Revelation. The church in Sardis