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ABOUT THE PARTICIPANTS Susan Abbott Susan Abbott joined Internews Network in March 2010 as the Deputy Director for Programs in their Program Development Unit. In this capacity she works in the Washington, DC office with Internews and its partners on monitoring and evaluation of media development programs, and helps oversee Internews' research and institutional learning. Abbott was previously the Associate Director of the Center for Global Communication Studies from 2004 until 2010. She played a leading role in increasing international and comparative research and activities, developing relationships with international partners, and managing projects such as the USAID-funded Jordan Media Strengthening Program and Researching Attitudes to Conflict and Peace in Darfur. Prior to joining CGCS, Abbott worked as a consultant for Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research in London, and Central European University in Budapest, where she helped establish the CEU Center for Media and Communications Studies. Prior to this she was a Program Officer in the Media Development Division at the International Research & Exchanges Board, in Washington, DC, on the USAID-funded Serbia Professional Media Program. She received her BA from American University in Washington, DC and her MA from Central European University in Budapest. Abbott was an assistant editor of the GFMD publication Media Matters: Perspectives on Advancing Governance & Development from the Global Forum for Media Development; and is the co-editor together with Monroe E. Price of the forthcoming Evaluating the Evaluators: Measures of Press Freedom and Media Contributions to Development (Peter Lang).

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Susan Abbott joined Internews Network in March 2010 as the Deputy Director for Programs in their Program Development Unit. In this capacity she works in the Washington, DC office with Internews and its partners on monitoring and evaluation of media development programs, and helps oversee Internews' research and institutional learning.

Abbott was previously the Associate Director of the Center for Global Communication Studies from 2004 until 2010. She played a leading role in increasing international and comparative research and activities, developing relationships with international partners, and managing projects such as the USAID-funded Jordan Media Strengthening Program and Researching Attitudes to Conflict and Peace in Darfur. Prior to joining CGCS, Abbott worked as a consultant for Stanhope Centre for Communications Policy Research in London, and Central European University in Budapest, where she helped establish the CEU Center for Media and Communications Studies. Prior to this she was a Program Officer in the Media Development Division at the International Research & Exchanges Board, in Washington, DC, on the USAID-funded Serbia Professional Media Program. She received her BA from American University in Washington, DC and her MA from Central European University in Budapest. Abbott was an assistant editor of the GFMD publication Media Matters: Perspectives on Advancing Governance & Development from the Global Forum for Media Development; and is the co-editor together with Monroe E. Price of the forthcoming Evaluating the Evaluators: Measures of Press Freedom and Media Contributions to Development (Peter Lang).

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Gordon Adam Gordon Adam is Director and co-founder of two UK based companies, Media Support Solutions (www.mediasupport.org) and iMedia Associates, formed in 2010 to advocate greater media convergence in conflict and post conflict states. He has written and lectured widely on development communications, particularly on peace-building media. He has consulted for many bi-lateral and UN organizations ranging from evaluations (Cambodia, Nepal, DRC) and media trainings (Eritrea, Uganda, Botswana, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Cambodia) to developing communications strategies (Nigeria, DR Congo, Mozambique, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, China and Guyana).

Gordon has set up long-term media development projects in Cambodia, Botswana, Mozambique and Afghanistan. He has helped set up local media for development organizations in Botswana, Afghanistan, Guyana and currently Zambia. Gordon’s background is journalism, working in the BBC for almost 20 years, the last eight as head of the BBC Pashto Service. Here he devised a three times weekly educational radio soap opera for Afghanistan which marked its 15th anniversary on air in April 2009. Claire Adamsick

Claire Adamsick is a resident Robert Bosch Foundation Fellow at the UN division for crisis prevention and peace building at the German Federal Foreign Office. She holds a Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution from Portland State University, where she focused her project work on the relationship between online dialogue in constructive civic engagement in partnership with Mercy Corps’ Global Citizen Corps program. Prior to graduate school, Claire worked in a national marketing and educational outreach capacity for Oregon Public Broadcasting and for Public Radio International. Upon completion of her B.A. in Communication and German at Saint Olaf College, Claire received a Fulbright Scholarship to work as a producer at community station Radio Z in Nuremberg and Deutsche

Welle Radio in Bonn, Germany.

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Amelia Arsenault Amelia Arsenault serves as a George Gerbner Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School and the Media and Democracy Research Fellow at the Center for Global Communication Studies. Her research explores how different actors seek to leverage the changing dynamics of international communication systems and protocols. She is currently working on a multi-year research project on the activities of international actors in the communications sector in southern Africa. In a separate, but related project, she is also completing a qualitative network analysis of the interconnections between global, national, and local news media organizations in the African content and the implications of those interconnections for international relations. She has published on the subject of public diplomacy, the structure

and dynamics of international media and communications networks, and media development. She holds a B.A. in Film and History from Dartmouth College; an MSc in Global Media and Communication from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a PhD in Communication from the University of Southern California Annenberg School. Prior to her academic career, she spent several years working in Harare, Zimbabwe as the coordinator for the Zimbabwe International Film Festival Trust, a non profit arts and culture organization dedicated to promoting visual literacy in Zimbabwe. Steven Assies Programme Coordinator, Press Now Radu Ban

Radu Ban is an economist in the World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) Initiative. He is leading the cluster of impact evaluations in Local Governance and Fragile States. He is lead researcher in impact evaluations of community driven development projects in the Central African Republic and Cambodia, as well as in the evaluations of a community scorecard projects in Angola and Burkina Faso. He was earlier a consultant in World Bank’s Development Research Group, doing research on local governance and political economy in India and Indonesia. He has a bachelor degree in economics from Harvard University and a

PhD degree in Economics from the London School of Economics.

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Daniel Bruce Daniel Bruce spent more than a decade in the UK commercial radio sector before turning his attentions to media development. As a journalist, he frequently completed foreign assignments, developing particular expertise in Sub-Saharan Africa. Daniel became one of the youngest broadcast News Editors in the UK when he took up the post at The Bear 102 (now Touch Radio) in Stratford-upon-Avon in 2001. In 2006, Daniel became Regional Editor for the Bear’s parent company and took overall editorial responsibility for the news and current affairs output of six regional radio stations. Daniel joined Internews Network in early 2008 to head up their Conflict Sensitive Journalism program in Northern Uganda. A year later, he moved to Kenya to launch a similar project in the wake of

the country’s post election violence in 2007/8. During his field postings Daniel developed a range of flagship Monitoring and Evaluation systems for media assistance projects. Daniel is now based in the UK where he provides consultancy support in M&E, program design, fundraising and training development for a range of media assistance organizations. He is an associate of both the London College of Music and Media and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Leah Ermarth

Leah Ermarth is the Research Manager at the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors and serves as Technical Representative for its International Audience Research Program (IARP). The IARP provides performance measurement and media market intelligence for broadcasters in more than 70 individual language services and directly supports the Board’s strategic operations. With a background in African media research, Ms. Ermarth has travelled to over 20 countries on the continent to oversee survey and mixed-methodology research around the subjects of media consumption and preferences since 2002. Trained as an anthropologist, she considers the opportunity to visit and observe average media consumers in their homes over such a diverse range of cultures and environments her greatest

professional privilege. Prior to her work with the BBG, she helped establish the non-profit WorldSpace Foundation, which delivered locally and internationally developed educational programming to Africa and Asia via digital satellite radio broadcasts. Her current professional challenge is to be instrumental in the design of the best new global media research program for the BBG and its partners to take them through 2016.

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Jean-Marie Etter Jean-Marie Etter was born in Zürich in 1951. He spent his childhood in the Middle East where his father worked as a forestry expert for the FAO. He studied at Beirut University and was granted a master degree in philosophy from Lyon University, in France. Jean-Marie Etter started work as a journalist for the French-language public service Radio Suisse Romande in 1973. He worked as a newsroom journalist, international reporter, producer and presenter of the major news programmes, and senior member of the editorial staff. He was later appointed head of training and development at the Human Resources department, before becoming deputy secretary general. He was invited to work as a trainer for the Lille School of Journalism (ESJ) and for the Lausanne journalism training centre for the French-

speaking part of Switzerland. Together with Swiss journalists François Gross and Philippe Dahinden he set up Fondation Hirondelle in 1995. He was appointed its President in January 1996, a position he held until December 2008. In 2008, he led a reform of the Foundation’s statutes that set the respective responsibilities of the Foundation Council and the Direction. He has been Director General of Fondation Hirondelle since January 2009. Jean-Marie Etter was awarded the Swiss Journalism Excellence Award and is the author of many articles and papers on the media in zones of conflict. Iginio Gagliardone

Iginio Gagliardone is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Global Communication Studies, Annenberg School of Communication in Philadelphia and at the Stanhope Centre for Communication Policy Research in London. He has seven years of international experience in the field of communication for development with a particular focus on Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya). He worked for UNESCO in Addis Ababa, coordinating programs for the use of ICTs for development and initiating a project to promote media literacy among African teachers and secondary school students. Among his latest projects are a research to understand the implications of China’s increasing involvement in the media in Africa and the

coordination of the collection of public opinions in Darfur as a way to develop a better understanding of the conflict and support the peace process. He completed his PhD at the London School of Economics investigating the relationship between information and communication technologies and nation building.

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Anna Godfrey Anna Godfrey is currently based in Kenya and leads multidisciplinary research teams across Africa and Asia for the BBC World Service Trust. She oversees research to support and evaluate radio, television, print and online media interventions covering Governance and Human Rights; Humanitarian Response; and Health. Anna has conducted qualitative and quantitative research in a range of conflict and post-conflict societies including Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq, and has led high profile research projects such as "Africa Talks Climate", which assesses the knowledge, perceptions and experiences of climate change among citizens and opinion formers across Africa.

Anna was formerly working in UK central government where she specialized in international research in conflict areas. Anna has written and spoken about the role of research in media development, development communications and information communications at international and national seminars, conferences and training events. She has also authored and co-authored a number of journal articles, papers and book chapters in this field. Anna read mathematics at the University of Sheffield and has a post-graduate qualification in Applied Statistics. Emily Goldman

Emily Goldman is Deputy Director for Interagency Coordination, Office of Communication at U.S. Central Command. From January 2007-April 2008 she was Strategic Communication Advisor in the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism U.S. Department of State with responsibilities for strategic communication, countering violent extremism and development of a long-term strategy for counter-terrorism. From January 2007-September 2007, she was Associate Director, Support to Public Diplomacy, U.S. Department of Defense with responsibility for strategic communication planning and implementation with a focus on Asia-Pacific and Afghanistan, and countering violent extremism. From October 2006 – January 2007 she was Assistant to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs with responsibility for

policy development and transformation of the Department of Defense's international education, outreach and strategic communication efforts. She joined the faculty of the University of California Davis in 1989 and was Associate Professor of Political Science until 2008. She has authored books and articles on U.S. strategic, military, and arms control policy; strategic adaptation in peacetime; military innovation; organizational change; and defense resource allocation. She has been the recipient of awards from the MacArthur, Olin, Pew and Smith Richardson Foundations, U.S. Institute of Peace; and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Her book Power in Uncertain Times, which examines grand strategy and military planning when threats are unclear, is forthcoming from Stanford University Press. She received her PhD in Political Science from Stanford University.

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Adam Kaplan Adam Kaplan presently serves as a Senior Field Advisor for Media with USAID's Office of Transition Initiatives. OTI assists countries in political transition; often engaging during or immediately post-conflict. With OTI Adam has worked in Sudan, Chad, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Colombia, Bolivia, Haiti, West Bank/Gaza, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Kyrgyzstan. Programs and activities he has designed, launched and implemented include: media law and regulation reform efforts; capitalization of commercial, community and government broadcast stations and networks; print, broadcast, and new media journalism training programs; promotion of professional media associations; media surveys, poling and monitoring, and mass information campaigns in support of humanitarian, development and counter-insurgency efforts. Prior to his appointment in Washington Adam managed OTI's media efforts in Afghanistan and West Bank/Gaza as a contractor and before entering the development field he worked for 14 years as a documentary filmmaker and freelance television cameraman for numerous US stations and networks. Maria Gulraize Khan

Maria Gulraize Khan is currently working as Project Officer for GTZ, Education Programme in Pakistan. She is visiting faculty at the Mass Communication Department, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore. She has a master’s degree in Mass Communication from Kinnaird and is pursuing a Masters in Communication for Development (Malmo University, Sweden) and a Masters in Gender Studies (AIOU, Pakistan). She has also been working with various local organizations and donors as a development communication consultant over the last three years. Areas of interest of research are behavior change communication, conflict resolution, film and cultural studies.

Bridget Kimball

Bridget Kimball manages a portfolio of three media and civil society programs in east Africa as a program officer for IREX, focusing on media development, promoting conflict mitigation, supporting government / civil society dialogue and building the capacity of women’s and youth organizations.

Prior to joining IREX, Bridget worked at human rights and development NGOs in Gambia and Rwanda, and as a human rights consultant in Senegal for the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA).

She holds a JD from UCLA School of Law, a MALD from the Fletcher School at Tufts University and an AB from Dartmouth College.

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Sheldon Himelfarb

Sheldon Himelfarb is an Associate Vice President at the U.S. Institute of Peace, where he is the Executive Director for two Centers of Innovation: the Center for Science, Technology, & Peacebuilding; and the Center for Media, Conflict, & Peacebuilding. He has managed peacebuilding programs in numerous conflicts, including Bosnia, Iraq, Angola, Liberia, Macedonia, Burundi and received the Capitol Area Peace Maker award from American University. Sheldon joined USIP from The Corporate Executive Board, where he was on the Technology Practice Leadership Team, working with Chief Information Officers from governments, universities, and multi-national corporations. Prior to this, he served as foreign policy

adviser to a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the head of North American Documentary Development for Yorkshire TV, and the CEO/Executive Producer for Common Ground Productions, the media division of Search for Common Ground. He is an award-winning filmmaker, former commentator for National Public Radio (Sunday Morning Edition) and author of numerous articles on politics, popular culture and conflict. He holds a Ph.D. from Oxford University and a B.A. in political science from Johns Hopkins University. He has held visiting or guest scholar positions at the Brookings Institution, Harvard University and the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Gordana Jankovic Gordana Jankovic, Open Society Foundation’s Media Program Director - Producer by training, educated it the Belgrade University of Art, with experience in theatre, film, radio, television, advocacy, policy, culture, research, Gordana joined the Open Society Foundation’s network in 1992. Her work in media and arts and culture development in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo was recognized as inspirational for other countries in Central and Eastern Europe and since 1995 she has been engaged in developing one of the flagship OSF’s network programs – the Media Program. She has also overseen the Program’s shift from its original mandate of assisting OS Foundations in post-communist countries to its current global mandate and prominent profile. In addition to conceptualizing and running the programs in media assistance and building media organizations; media research, policy and advocacy; freedom of expression; media regulation and legislative environment; professional development and investigative journalism; she has also overseen a process of creating the Media Legal Defense Initiative – an international non-for-profit working on legal protection of journalists and bloggers around the world.

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Shannon Maguire Shannon Maguire is the program and conferences officer at the National Endowment’s Center for International Media Assistance, where she oversees CIMA’s events and catalyst activities. Previously, she worked for USAID in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the Program Office. Shannon has also worked for the Institute of International Education in Washington, DC and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on various international training programs and higher education projects. After serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uzbekistan from 1999-2001, Shannon earned her master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in

Russian and Eurasian Studies. Susan Manuel

Susan Manuel has been Chief of the Peace and Security Section in the United Nations Department of Public Information, New York for the past eight years. She devises communications strategies for the UN’s peace and security issues and supports the public information work of UN peace operations. Previously she served for 10 years in public information jobs for UN missions in the Balkans, Cambodia and South Africa, and for the World Food Programme in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Recently she returned to that region, serving briefly as acting director of the UN Information Centre in Islamabad and as acting

director of strategic communications for the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. Among her tasks are an annual week-long training course for field public information officers to address communications challenges in the UN’s global operations. The seventh of these was held this year in Entebbe. She also takes periodic support and assessment missions to UN field operations—including in Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Cote d’Ivoire. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, USA she received BA and MA degrees from the University of California, Berkeley. She worked as a newspaper journalist for nearly 15 years, most of these at the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

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Frank Melloul Frank Melloul was appointed Director of Strategy and International Development for the French international television news channel, France 24 on May 2007, and since July 2008 has served as the Chief Officer of Strategy, Development and Public Affairs for Audiovisuel Extérieur de la France (the body responsible for international TV (France 24/TV5 Monde), radio (RFI) and digital world Services. Melloul was previously the project leader for the director of strategic affairs, security and disarmament at the French foreign ministry from 2001-2002, Advisor in charge of press relations at the offices of the deputy European Affairs minister (2002-2003); Deputy spokesman for foreign affairs (2003-2004); Advisor for press and

communications at the offices of the Interior Minister (April 2004 to May 2005) ; Advisor to the Prime Minister and deputy head of the prime minister’s press office (June 2005 - April 2007). Frank Melloul was also advisor for Public Diplomacy of the French Special Representative for AFPAK (from February to June 2009). He then became, in June 2009, Cabinet Director of the French Secretary of State for the European Affairs, setting up the ministerial strategy roadmap. He is a Geneva Law School Graduate (1997) and holds a bachelors degree in International Relations from the “Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales” in Geneva (1999); Masters in International Relations from the EHEI, Paris (2000); Masters in Negotiation, Paris XI (2001) ; University degree course in diplomatic studies in Paris ; auditor at the “Collège Interarmées de Défense” (2001). Frank Melloul also teaches French foreign policy at the Jean Monnet University (Paris XI, Master Diplomacy and Negociation). Mary Myers

Mary Myers is a freelance consultant specialising in radio in Africa. She is British and works from home near Salisbury, Wiltshire. She holds a BA from Oxford University and a PhD from Reading University. She has worked with the UK's Department for International Development on many projects, papers and publications since going freelance in 1996. From 2002 to 2003 she was an adviser on communications and media within DFID’s Social Development Division. With a background in NGO

programme management, she has travelled and worked in more than 20 countries in Africa. Apart from working with DFID, recent clients have included the World Bank, National Endowment for Democracy, International Development Research Centre, Carleton University, France Coopération Internationale, Internews, Triple Line Consulting Ltd, Media Support Solutions and Farm Radio International. She has contributed to various academic conferences and written many research studies, policy-papers and reports on radio, media and development.

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Werner Neven Since 2006 Werner Neven serves as research director at Germany's international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle (DW) in Bonn. He has 24 years of experience in international media beginning as a radio editor and producer. Based on DW's legal obligation to evaluate all radio, television and internet broadcasts Werner was charged with developing a team of market and media researchers making research a fundamental part of all strategic planning at DW. Werner is a graduate of the University of Bonn in English literature and linguistics.

Nick Oatley

Nick Oatley joined Search for Common Ground in July 2008. He is responsible for providing leadership on Design, Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning across Search’s 22 country programs and 7 HQ based programs. He is responsible for ensuring that Design, Monitoring and Evaluation are an integral part of SFCG’s work and also for developing approaches for wider programme and organizational learning and development. As Director of Institutional Learning at SFCG he is committed to capturing the results of the work of SFCG. In the media area, he has been involved in work with the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Global Communications Studies, the

Seminar für Medien und Kommunikation at the University of Erfurt in Germany and Washington State University’s E. Murrow School of Communication to develop methodologies to measure the results of SFCG’s peacebuilding TV drama series. He has provided technical support on monitoring and evaluation to media projects at Search and has written and presented on how to capture results for media for peacebuilding projects. Prior to joining Search he was an academic-practitioner and more recently worked with the UK Government. At the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office he led a team on governance and environmental security issues. He was team leader at the Strategy and Innovation Unit in the UK Department for Education and Employment developing and piloting new initiatives. He was also Head of Organisational Development and Strategy for a regional arm of government. Prior to that he was an academic for 12 years where he was Director of a government funded Distance Learning Program on Project Cycle Management and Monitoring and Evaluation. At Search he is committed to creating a culture of learning, innovation and effective delivery. Nick has a BA (First Class Honours), an MA and is a professionally qualified Town and Country Planner. Nick is married, lives in Washington DC and has one daughter.

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Raul Roman Raul Roman is a senior project manager at InterMedia, where he has managed research projects in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, and worked with USAID and UNESCO on methodological aspects of evaluation of media development assistance programs. Before joining InterMedia in 2007, he served as a research and strategy consultant for international organizations, governments, corporations, and research institutions in over 20 countries across Asia, Latin America, and Africa, mostly focusing on innovative uses of new technologies for development goals across a wide range of practice areas (i.e., governance, education, health, and agriculture). Roman earned MS and PhD degrees in Communication and International

Development at Cornell University. He has held research and teaching positions at the University of Washington, Seattle, and at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Since 2008, he is an adjunct professor of international development at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, where he teaches a course on social science research methods in developing countries. Marjorie Rouse

Marjorie Rouse is Vice-President for Program Development, providing the strategic vision and technical leadership for Internews’ program development efforts globally. Prior to this position, Rouse was Vice-President for Europe, Eurasia and ICT Policy for Internews Network, using her media experience to develop production and advocacy programs for independent broadcast media professionals and professional associations around the world. She started with Internews as Regional Director for the Western NIS, based in Ukraine. Rouse has worked for many media outlets developing long and short format programming including a documentary for the History Channel on World War II in Ukraine, “Who destroyed Kyiv.” In 1996, Rouse covered the Dole campaign and in 1997

she was broadcast producer for the launch of “Greater Boston,” a nightly public affairs program on WGBH in Boston. An award winning network news producer, from 1988 to 1995 Rouse was based in Moscow, covering the former Soviet Union, as well as conflict in the Balkans, Chechnya, Somalia and Haiti for NBC News. Rouse was awarded an Olive Branch award for her investigative reports on loose nukes in the former Soviet Union and an Overseas Press Club Award for her coverage of the 1993 October Uprising in Moscow. She has a Masters degree in Russian Literature from SUNY Albany and is fluent in Russian.

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Bruce Sherman Bruce Sherman is responsible for global strategy and research for U.S.-government funded international broadcasting, including the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa, and Radio and TV Marti. He is the architect of the BBG’s 2002-2007 and 2008-2013 strategic plans and helped launch a host of post-9/11 broadcasting initiatives in the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa. He created the BBG’s global media research program, now one of the largest in the world with 350-400 projects annually. He is active across the U.S. government as co-chair of inter-agency research working group, which facilitates sharing and analysis of market, audience, and opinion data to

inform overseas communications programs. Mr. Sherman holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Florida and a master's degree in liberal arts from St. John's College. Damase Eric Sossou

Damase Eric SOSSOU is a research associate at the Institut de Recherche Empirique en Economie Politique (IREEP, Benin) and also responsible of studies in a regional office of statistics of Benin since January 2009. His domain of interest is related to randomized studies and all studies involving the use of impact evaluation methodologies. He holds a Bachelor in statistics (ENEAM, Benin) and a Master’s in Public economy and applied statistics (IREEP, Benin). His ambition is to be registered in a PhD program to support a thesis in economy in order to contribute more efficiently to research.

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Christoph Spurk Christoph Spurk teaches media and development at the Institute of Applied Media Studies at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland. As head of research unit ‘Media in International Cooperation’ (MIC) he conducts studies on the influence of mass media on the democratization process in developing countries, as well as on journalism, conflict and peacebuilding in post-conflict societies. He is mostly interested in advancing the

methods of evaluation and measuring results in mass media. He has started elaborating indicators to assess the quality of journalism. He has conducted numerous studies on journalism quality, especially radio in Africa, analyses of entire media landscapes, and various evaluations of media programmes. Spurk is author of ‘Media and Peacebuilding – Concepts, Actors and Challenges, Berne, 2002’, and co-author (jointly with Thania Paffenholz) of ‘Civil society, Civic Engagement and Peacebuilding, Washington 2006’. Andrew Stroehlein

As Communications Director for the International Crisis Group, Andrew Stroehlein oversees the organization’s media relations and online advocacy worldwide, leading efforts to work with print and broadcast journalists covering crisis-related stories and to foster international media interest in "forgotten crises". He is also involved in Crisis Group's advocacy efforts in Europe, meeting with policy makers and presenting testimony to parliaments. Before joining Crisis Group, Andrew Stroehlein worked at the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, where he established the journalism training program, with extensive media development work in the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Afghanistan. Prior to that, he worked as a reporter, editor and commentator in

Central and Eastern Europe for many years, eventually founding and editing the award-winning online magazine, Central Europe Review, in 1999, now part of Transitions Online. He has contributed widely to both international and national media outlets, and his articles have appeared in the Financial Times, The Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Observer and The Christian Science Monitor, among many others. He also writes the Reuters blog, "Covering Crisis".

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Maureen Taylor Maureen Taylor is the Gaylord Chair of Strategic Communication at the University of Oklahoma. She is a communication researcher specializing in monitoring and evaluation. She has developed monitoring and evaluation processes for measuring the impact of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and independent media using social network analysis (SNA), survey research, focus groups, content analysis, and interviews. Taylor has consulted for USAID, U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Military, National Science Foundation, and the Department for International Development (DIFD) around the world including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Armenia, Kosovo, Jordan, Serbia, and Indonesia. Professor Taylor has experience training government,

civil society, and military organizations in formulating, achieving, and measuring strategic objectives. Taylor has most recently assisted the governing bodies in Aqaba, Jordan (ASEZA) to help improve internal and external communication and has worked on State Department and DFID projects in Sudan (both North and South). Caroline Vuillemin

Born in France in 1975, Caroline Vuillemin has spent most of her life in France and in the United States. She obtained a Degree in Political Science from the Lyon "Institut d'Etudes Politiques", completed by a Diploma in International Relations from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. Her career reflects an engagement in international development, and particularly with Africa. Caroline Vuillemin worked for six years as Africa Program Officer for the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) at its headquarters in Washington DC. She set up and managed the IFES office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from 1998 to 2003, and worked extensively in the African Great

Lakes region on projects in Rwanda, Burundi and Congo-Brazzaville. She participated in many Elections Observation missions with IFES, notably the national elections in South Africa and Nigeria in 1999. Caroline Vuillemin joined Fondation Hirondelle in December 2003, taking on responsibility in the Radio Okapi project for finance and administration at a time when the project was growing and preparing to cover the 2006 national elections. She became the Project Manager for Okapi in 2007, and in 2008 joined the Executive team at Fondation Hirondelle as Chief Operations Officer. Since then, she has introduced a coherent project management cycle, organized and led many strategic meetings with donors and partners and managed more than 15 staff in Lausanne and in the field directly.

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Evaluating Media’s Impact 2010 16

Matthew Warshaw Matthew Warshaw is the Vice President of D3 Systems Inc. Mr. Warshaw has an M.A. from Georgetown University and fourteen years experience conducting public opinion surveys, media research and evaluation, and providing research support for various international organizations. He has extensive experience in setting up research operations, logistics and foreign personnel management in post and current conflict settings such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Chechnya, Haiti, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria and Pakistan. Mr. Warshaw has served as managing director of ACSOR-Surveys, D3′s Afghan research subsidiary, since 2005 and takes responsibility for financial oversight, quality assurance, and staff training. He is also an active participant in research design, analysis, and

presentation on behalf of D3 and ACSOR. Colin Wilding

Colin Wilding is Senior Analyst, Performance & Assessment Data in BBC Global News (which includes BBC World Service). He specializes in the collection and evaluation of performance data for internal and external stakeholders; in this capacity he is responsible for calculating the annual Global Audience Estimates, which cover radio, TV and online services and are based on data from over 120 countries. He is currently involved in developing new performance measures that will better reflect the relationship with the audience. He represents the BBC on bodies such as the Conference of International Broadcasters’ Audience Research Services (CIBAR). He has worked in international audience research for over 30

years. Colin is married and has three children; he lives in Surrey, UK.