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About Edit General Information Course number: ENGL 303 Course name: Multimedia Writing Term and year: Spring 2012 Section(s): 001/002 Location: Colson Hall (CLN-D), G06 Times: 001: TTh 1–2:15 / 002: TTh 4–5:15 Instructor: John Jones, Assistant Professor Email: john dot jones at-sign mail dot wvu dot edu Twitter: johnmjones Office: Colson 231 Office hours: office hours: T 2:30-3:30, W 11-12:30, or by appointment ENGL 303: Multimedia Writing ENGL 303: Multimedia Writing West Virginia University, Professional Writing & Editing West Virginia University, Professional Writing & Editing About About Course Policies Course Policies Schedule Schedule Bibliography Bibliography

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General InformationCourse number: ENGL 303Course name: Multimedia WritingTerm and year: Spring 2012Section(s): 001/002Location: Colson Hall (CLN-D), G06Times: 001: TTh 1–2:15 / 002: TTh 4–5:15Instructor: John Jones, Assistant ProfessorEmail: john dot jones at-sign mail dot wvu dot eduTwitter: johnmjonesOffice: Colson 231Office hours: office hours: T 2:30-3:30, W 11-12:30, or by appointment

ENGL 303: Multimedia WritingENGL 303: Multimedia WritingWest Virginia University, Professional Writing & EditingWest Virginia University, Professional Writing & Editing

AboutAbout Course PoliciesCourse Policies ScheduleSchedule BibliographyBibliography

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is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Course PoliciesEdit

Course descriptionScreens have colonized our imaginations. Everywhere we go we are confronted by them—computer screens, mobile screens, television screens. Increasingly, these screens have becomethe places where we write, read, and generally experience multiple forms of media. Kevin Kellydescribes this transformation in this way: “I have been a person of the book, but I ambecoming a person of the screen. It is not an easy transition.”

In ENGL 303: Multimedia Writing, we will use the dual lenses of rhetoric and digitalmedia studies to explore the effects of this transition on writing, in the process both creatingand analyzing screen texts such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, video, and comics. Students willnot only learn how to compose screen texts in multiple media, they will also interrogate oursociety’s transition from people of the book to people of the screen. As with Kelly, students maydiscover that this transition has not been an easy one. While this will be a class on writingand not technology, over the course of the semester students will be expected to use a numberof different technologies. Students should be open to learning new technologies and expect tospend a significant amount of time experimenting with and eventually mastering thetechnological tools necessary for multimedia writing.

Course objectivesBy the end of the semester, students will:

ENGL 303: Multimedia WritingENGL 303: Multimedia WritingWest Virginia University, Professional Writing & EditingWest Virginia University, Professional Writing & Editing

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understand and be able to relate the historical development of communication fromorality and pre-print to electronic writing;understand and be able to relate the cultural and social issues implicated in the movementfrom print to electronic communication;master multimodal, electronic writing, including online digital texts and audio-visualcomposition;master the technologies and best practices for collaborative writing and other group work;andmaster research and source citation methods appropriate for multiple media.

Required resourcesIn this course, we will examine the effect of technologies—including hardware and software—on writing and reading. All students will be required to have regular access to someform of hardware or software eReader. For hardware readers, I recommend somethingfrom the following categories:

Basic eReader: Kindle Touch or Nook Simple TouchBasic tablet: Nook Tablet or Kindle FireFull-size tablet: Android or iOS tablet (such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad)SmartphoneLaptop or desktop computer

If you already possess a device in one of the categories listed above (or something similar), youare free to use it for this class. If you are not sure which device would best suit your needs, or ifyou have any questions about this requirement, please consult me before making yourpurchase.


All course readings will either be found online via the course schedule or on eCampus.

Additional course requirements

Regular access to a computer and the Internet,a Twitter accounta Google Docs account, anda MIX email account which is checked daily. All official communication from theinstructor will be sent to your MIX email account.

Recommended resources

An automated backup service for your data like SpiderOak or Dropbox;a RSS reader like Netvibes (web), Flipboard or Reeder (mobile), or Google Reader (cloud);services for tracking your research, like Evernote for note-taking, Delicious for trackingweb content, and Zotero or RefWorks for managing documentation and formattingcitations; anda service for uploading and sharing media, like Vimeo or YouTube for videos and Flickr orPicassa for photos.

Work visibilityDue to the nature of the course, you will be sharing your work with your fellow classmates as

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part of workshops and peer review sessions. Additionally, you will share your work publicly onthe web (e.g., on the class blog). If you have any questions about these requirements, pleasecontact me immediately. By taking this course, you are indicating that you accept theserequirements.

Technology policiesIn this course, we will be experimenting with many different technologies for writing andreading. As experimenters, our method will be trial and error. In this course you may beintroduced to a new way of communicating that you find indispensable. Alternatively, you mayfind yourself using a communication technology that does not work for you or that interfereswith your methods of learning; there may be technologies that you find difficult or that simplyirritate you. That is ok. You do not need to feel that you are required to love the technologies weexperiment with or embrace them without question. What is required of you is that youapproach all of our assignments with an open mind and your best effort.

While I will try to devote some class time to covering the basic uses of all requiredtechnologies, this will not always be possible. On some occasions you will find that you needto use a technology that is new to you but which we have not discussed in class. I do expectthat when we discuss specific technologies in class you will take notes so you will have a guideto follow when it comes time for you to use these technologies. In all cases, when faced withnew tools and technologies you should expect to devote some time to experimenting with andlearning these technologies, researching (or discovering) their possibilities and limitations,and, when possible, sharing what you have learned with your classmates when they needhelp. If you need help with a particular technology, feel free to come and ask me; however, youwill find that in most instances, if you do not know how to accomplish a particular task—forexample, adding an image to a blog post—other people have had the same question and theanswer is available on the Internet.

You are welcome to use the computers in the lab during class for note-taking and activitiesthat are relevant to the tasks at hand; you are also welcome to bring your own devices for thesepurposes. In general, most technology is welcome in class as long as it is used to aid studentlearning. Technology that doesn’t serve this purpose—or that actively distracts you or yourclassmates from learning—is not welcome.

AttendanceIn this class we will cover a large amount of information in our face-to-face meetings that willbe essential to how you understand the course topics and eventually complete yourassignments. We will also be learning a number of skills that you will be expected to developincrementally over the course of the semester. For these reasons, it is important that youattend class, arrive on time, bring any assigned work and necessary materials, and participatein all in-class writing, editing, revising, and discussion sessions. There are no “excused”absences in the course. For this reason, you should reserve your absences for trulyunavoidable emergencies. Each student will be allowed four (4) absences without itaffecting his or her grade. For each absence over four (4), the student’s grade willbe lowered by one letter grade. This includes absences for illnesses and otheremergencies.

Because we have a limited number of class meetings, it is important that you be in class ontime and stay for the entire period. If you arrive to class more than 5 minutes late or

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leave class more than 5 minutes before it is dismissed, you will be countedabsent. Further, if you come to class unprepared on the day of a peer-review orconference session—that is, without a draft to workshop with your classmates—you will be counted absent.

If you find that an unavoidable conflict prevents you from attending class or being on time, youshould discuss this conflict with me prior to the absence (if possible). Otherwise, you shouldcontact me about any absences as soon as possible.

Late workIf you cannot attend class on the date an assignment is due, you should discuss a make-update with me before the absence. If you do not contact me before the time an assignment isdue, the assignment will be considered late. In general, a problem with technology will not beconsidered an acceptable excuse for late or incomplete work. If your computer malfunctions, itis your responsibility to find an alternative one to work on. If your Internet goes out, you willneed to find a different access point. And you should create multiple redundant backups of yourwork in case you accidentally erase, overwrite, or otherwise lose your files.

Work turned in after it is due will be penalized by ten percentage points for eachcalendar day it is late, and this penalty will be applied to all subsequent revisionsof the work. Blog posts, homework, quizzes, and all other in-class assignmentswill not be accepted late. If you fail to attend class on the day you are scheduled to lead aclass discussion or give a presentation, you should expect to receive no credit for thatassignment.

Submitting course workUnless otherwise noted, all course assignments will be submitted electronically. We willdiscuss the method and procedures for submitting assignments in class before thoseassignments are due. All assignments are due before the start of class on the day they arelisted in the course schedule.

EvaluationCourse grades will be based on the following factors:

Participation (15%)

This course is designed to be a participatory learning experience. As such, it is important thatyou fully participate in all in-class activities, specifically by committing yourself to thelearning community represented by your classmates and myself.

What is class participation? First, you cannot participate if you do not attend class, or if youregularly show up late and otherwise interfere with course activities. For these reasons, courseattendance is a necessary prerequisite for participation. However, attending class does notequal participation, for it is possible to be in every class meeting without contributinganything to the learning that occurs in class. It will also be impossible for you to participatein course learning if you come to class unprepared. For this reason, you should complete allassigned readings and out-of-class assignments, take notes on these activities, and generallyengage in effective practices for retaining and relating the material you have covered. Youshould bring all materials to each session, including course texts, additional readings, your

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notes, assignment drafts and research sources, discussion notes from previous meetings, anda writing implement. And, while in class, you should be engaged in the proceedings by takingnotes on our discussions and participating in those discussions either orally or via the Twitterbackchannel.

You will have multiple opportunities to earn participation credit. In general, if at the end of thesemester you can demonstrate that you were able to substantially enhance or contribute to thecourse learning community and you fully participated in community activities, you will be ableto earn the full participation credit. While preparation times may vary depending onour weekly schedule, you should generally plan to spend 6 hours a week—or, 2hours for every hour of class time—preparing for class meetings.

Twitter assignment (5%)

You will create and regularly update a Twitter account.

Blogging assignment (20%)

You will regularly contribute to the course blog. Your posts should be substantive, exploringnew ideas, continuing conversations begun in class or in our readings, and represent youractive engagement with the content and themes of the course. In addition to the time youspend reading course materials and otherwise preparing for your blog posts, youshould plan on spending 1–2 hours a week writing and revising these posts.

Blog response (10%)

You will be assigned one week when you will summarize your classmates’ blog posts and leada 20-25 minute class discussion of the content of those posts. Students should plan tospend 2–3 hours preparing for this assignment.

Multi-modal project (25%)

Your first major assignment for the course will be a document that integrates multiple modesof communication—such as text and images—in a single, unified whole. You should expectto spend 10–20 hours researching, composing, and revising this project.

Multimedia project (25%)

Your second major assignment will be the creation of a multimedia project that exemplifies thebest practices for multimedia writing that we have covered in the course. You should expectto spend 15–25 hours researching, composing, and revising this project.

Grade descriptions

Course grades will be determined by the percentages above. The descriptions below will giveyou an indication of the the expectations that will guide the evaluation of your projects:

A (90–100) Outstanding: represents superlative participation in all course activities; allassigned work completed, with very high quality in all course work.B (80–89) Excellent: represents above-average participation in all course activities; allassigned work completed, with consistently high quality in course work.C (70–79) Average: represents good participation in all course activities; all assignedwork completed, with generally good quality overall in course work.D (60–69) Below average: represents uneven participation in course activities; some

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The rights to all posts belong to their respective authors. Unless otherwise specified, all other site content

is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

gaps in assigned work completed, with inconsistent quality in course work.F (0–59) Inadequate: represents minimal participation in course activities; serious gapsin assigned work completed, or very low quality in course work.

Research, plagiarism, and scholastic honestyTaking someone else’s published or unpublished ideas and submitting them as your ownconstitutes plagiarism and will result in formal academic discipline. In general, if you turn inwork that is not your own, in whole or in part, without adequate attribution to the originalauthor, or if you commit any other form of scholastic dishonesty, these actions will result ineither a major course penalty or, depending on the severity of the violation, failure for thecourse. If you have any questions about the use you are making of sources for an assignment,you should counsult me before the assignment is turned in.

For a complete discussion of what constitutes plagiarism and the relevant WVU disciplinaryprocedures, students should consult the West Virginia University Undergraduate Catalog (pdf)and the West Virginia University Student Conduct Code.

Accommodations policyIf you have a documented learning disability, hearing or vision problem, or any other specialneed that might affect your performance or participation in the class, please contact WVU’sOffice of Disability Services to arrange accommodations.

Social justice policyThe English Department and the Professional Writing and Editing Program support WVU’scommitment to social justice. In this course, you will work with your classmates to create apositive learning environment based on open communication and mutual respect.

image credit: kubina

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Unless otherwise noted, readings can be found in the “Course Readings” folder on our classsite at eCampus

Week 1: Jan. 10, 12: Course Introduction

What is multimedia? What is writing?Readings

Jenkins, Convergence Culture, Introduction

Week 2: Jan. 17, 19: How writing changes the way we thinkTwitter assignment dueReadings

Ong, Orality and Literacy, chs. 3–4Johnson, “How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live”Orenstein, “I Tweet Therefore I Am”

Week 3: Jan. 24, 26: Style

ENGL 303: Multimedia WritingENGL 303: Multimedia WritingWest Virginia University, Professional Writing & EditingWest Virginia University, Professional Writing & Editing

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ReadingsLanham, The Economics of Attention, ch. 1 (on eCampus as a pdf) & ch.3: “What’sNext for Text?” (online here; click on the Table of Contents link then read through allof the resulting pages; also, be sure you have Quicktime installed in your browser soyou can access all of the video content)Tufte, Visual Explanations, ch. 7, “Visual Confections”

Week 4: Jan. 31, Feb. 2: Writing placeChoose collection topicReadings

Morville, Ambient Findability, chs. 2 & 4Parry, “Ubiquitous Mobile, Persistent Surveillance”

Week 5: Feb. 7, 9: Who gets to write?Readings

Abelson, Ledeen, and Lewis, Blown to Bits, chs. 7–8

Week 6: Feb. 14, 16: Narrative and fictionPeer review for first submission of multi-modal textFirst submission of multi-modal text due before the start of class on ThursdayReadings

Borges, “Garden of Forking Paths” (pdf) and “The Library of Babel”

Week 7: Feb. 21, 23: RemixReadings

Lessig, Remix, chs 1, 4Landow, Hypertext 3.0, ch. 1

Week 8: Feb. 28, Mar. 1Peer review for second submission of multi-modal textWhat counts as good design for ebooks?Multimedia Workshop: how to create audio and video?Second submission of multi-modal text due before the start of class on Thursday

Week 9: Mar. 6, 8What is an author?How have our reading habits changed?Readings

Finkelstein and McCleery, Introduction to Book History, chs. 4 & 6

Week 10: Mar. 13, 15Pitch meeting for multimedia projectsReadings

Bolter and Gursin, Remediation, ch. 1Burroughs, “The Cut Up Method of Brion Gysin”

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is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Week 11: Mar. 20, 22Choose publication venue for collectionReadings

Carmody, “10 Reading Revolutions Before E-Books”Eisenberg, “Making Science Leap From the Page”

Mar. 27, 29: Spring recess: no classWeek 12: Apr. 3, 5

Peer review for first submission of multimedia projectFirst submission of for multimedia project due before start of class on Thursday

Week 13: Apr. 10, 12Assemble text of collectionGroup work

Week 14: Apr. 17, 19Peer review for second submission of multimedia projectSecond submission of for multimedia project due before start of class on Thursday

Week 15: Apr. 24, 26Finalize and promote text of collectionCourse recap

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Here are some additional readings to supplement the readings assigned in the schedule.

Week 2: How writing changes the way we thinkBateson, Gregory. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. 1972. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2000.Print.Bush, Vannevar. “As We May Think.” The Atlantic Monthly 176.1 (1945): 101–08. Print.Carr, Nicholas. “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” The Atlantic 2008. Print.Gladwell, Malcolm. “The Naked Face: Can You Read People’s Thoughts Just by Lookingat Them?” The New Yorker 5 Aug 2002: 38–49. Print.Havelock, Eric Alfred. Preface to Plato. A History of the Greek Mind. Vol. 1. Cambridge,MA: Harvard UP, 1963. Print.Plato. Phaedrus: Or on the Beautiful; Ethical. Print.Schmandt-Besserat, Denise. How Writing Came About 1992. Austin: U of Texas P, 1996.Print.—. “Evolution of Writing.” International Encyclopedia of the Social and BehavioralSciences. Eds. Smelser, N. J. and P. B. Baltes. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001. 16619–25.Print.Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less fromEach Other. New York: Basic Books, 2011. Print.

Week 3: StyleDemetrius. “On Style.” Aristotle XXIII. Ed. Henderson, Jeffrey. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUP, 1995. 343-526 of Loeb Classical Lib. 199. Eds. Innes, Doreen C. and W. RhysRoberts. Print.Hoffman, Gary, and Glynis Hoffman. Adios, Strunk and White: A Handbook for the NewAcademic Essay. 4th ed. Huntington Beach, CA: Verve, 2007. Print.Isocrates. Isocrates II. 1928. Trans. Norlin, George. Loeb Classical Lib. 229. Ed.Henderson, Jeffrey. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1956. Print.Longinus, Cassius. “On the Sublime.” Aristotle XXIII. Ed. Henderson, Jeffrey.Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP. 159–308 of Loeb Classical Lib. 199. Eds. Fyfe, W. H. andDonald Russell. Print.Tufte, Edward R. The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint: Pitching out Corrupts Within. 2nded. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, 2003. Print.Tufte, Edward. Edward Tufte Forum. Web. http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/

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is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Week 4: Writing placeBentham, Jeremy. Panopticon. The Panopticon Writings. Ed. Bozovic, Miran. London:Verso, 1995. 29-95. Print.Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. 1977. Trans. Sheridan,Alan. 2nd Vintage Books ed. New York: Vintage Books, 1995. Print.Greenfield, Adam. Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing. Berkeley, CA:New Riders, 2006. Print.Karaganis, Joe, ed. Structures of Participation in Digital Culture. New York: SocialScience Research Council, 2007. Print.Vaidhyanathan, Siva. The Googlization of Everything (and Why We Should Worry).Berkeley: U of CA Press, 2011. Print.http://www.wheredoyougo.net/