abolition 2000 annual general meeting - friday, june 23 ... · pdf fileabolition 2000 annual...

1 Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting - Friday, June 23, 2006 Vancouver, British Columbia – World Peace Forum Participants Saturday June 24, 2006 First Name Last Name Organization Email address Steven Staples Polaris Institute [email protected] Diane Perlman [email protected] Jean-Marie Matagne ACDN [email protected] Carol Urner WILPF [email protected] Joseph Gerson AFSC [email protected] Monika Szymurska Grace Policy Institute [email protected] [email protected] Diane Beeny Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Committee [email protected] Janet Bloomfield Atomic Mirror [email protected] Kathleen Wallace- Deering [email protected] Derrick Martens Project Peacemakers [email protected] Phyllis Creightan [email protected] Alyn Ware Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy [email protected] Jessie Carr Grace Policy Institute [email protected] Ron McCoy [email protected] Kaspar Beech PNND [email protected] Linda Richards Abolition Now Ashland [email protected] Susi Snyder WILPF [email protected] Steve Leepev [email protected] Jean-Yvon Landrac Sortir du nucleaire [email protected] Jackie Cabasso WSLF [email protected] Chancey MacDonald [email protected] Victoria Scott [email protected] François Gagnaire MVT Paix [email protected] Joel Frison MVT Paix [email protected] Sophie Lefeez MVT Paix [email protected] Kathleen Sullivan [email protected] Jill MacKie [email protected] T. J. Johnson [email protected] Eryl Court [email protected] Dorothy Prunhuber [email protected] Annie Frison MVT Paix [email protected] Roger Billé International Association of Educators-France [email protected] Patti Willis [email protected] Carol Jahnkow IGC [email protected] Regina Hagen [email protected] Akira Kawasaki Peace Boat [email protected] Nancy Covington [email protected] Pol D'Huyvetter Mother Earth [email protected] Dominique Lalanne [email protected] Alice Slater Grace Policy Institute [email protected] Pamela Meidell Atomic Mirror [email protected]

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Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting - Friday, June 23, 2006

Vancouver, British Columbia – World Peace Forum Participants

Saturday June 24, 2006

First Name Last Name Organization Email address

Steven Staples Polaris Institute [email protected]

Diane Perlman [email protected]

Jean-Marie Matagne ACDN [email protected]

Carol Urner WILPF [email protected]

Joseph Gerson AFSC [email protected]

Monika Szymurska Grace Policy Institute [email protected]

[email protected] Diane Beeny Hiroshima/Nagasaki Remembrance Committee [email protected]

Janet Bloomfield Atomic Mirror [email protected]

Kathleen Wallace-Deering [email protected]

Derrick Martens Project Peacemakers [email protected]

Phyllis Creightan [email protected]

Alyn Ware Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy [email protected]

Jessie Carr Grace Policy Institute [email protected]

Ron McCoy [email protected]

Kaspar Beech PNND [email protected]

Linda Richards Abolition Now Ashland [email protected]

Susi Snyder WILPF [email protected]

Steve Leepev [email protected]

Jean-Yvon Landrac Sortir du nucleaire [email protected]

Jackie Cabasso WSLF [email protected]

Chancey MacDonald [email protected]

Victoria Scott [email protected]

François Gagnaire MVT Paix [email protected]

Joel Frison MVT Paix [email protected]

Sophie Lefeez MVT Paix [email protected]

Kathleen Sullivan [email protected]

Jill MacKie [email protected]

T. J. Johnson [email protected]

Eryl Court [email protected]

Dorothy Prunhuber [email protected]

Annie Frison MVT Paix [email protected]

Roger Billé International Association of Educators-France [email protected]

Patti Willis [email protected]

Carol Jahnkow IGC [email protected]

Regina Hagen [email protected]

Akira Kawasaki Peace Boat [email protected]

Nancy Covington [email protected]

Pol D'Huyvetter Mother Earth [email protected]

Dominique Lalanne [email protected]

Alice Slater Grace Policy Institute [email protected]

Pamela Meidell Atomic Mirror [email protected]

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Sunday June 25, 2006 First Name Last Name Organization Email address

Steven Staples Polaris Institute [email protected]

Diane Perlman [email protected]

David Webb [email protected]

Carol Urner WILPF [email protected]

Joseph Gerson AFSC [email protected]

Bruce Gagnon [email protected]

Janet Bloomfield Atomic Mirror [email protected]

Victor Sidel LGC [email protected]

Ron McCoy [email protected]

Kaspar Beech PNND [email protected]

Linda Richards [email protected]

Susi Snyder WILPF [email protected]

Jean-Yvon Landrac Sortir du nucleaire [email protected]

Akira Kawasaki Peace Boat [email protected]

Pol D'Huyvetter Mother Earth [email protected]

Dominique Lalanne [email protected]

Alice Slater Grace Policy Institute [email protected]

Pamela Meidell Atomic Mirror [email protected]

Lynn DeFilippo [email protected]

A. Straub [email protected]

Nina Eisenhardt [email protected]

Alan Haber [email protected]

Kombii N. Betty Friends for Development International - Kenya [email protected]

Toru Miyazaki Citizen Coalition No CVN in Tokyo Bay n/d

Kyoko Ishida Gensuikin [email protected]

[email protected] Yayoi Tsuchida Japan Council against A & H Bombs Gensuikyo

[email protected]

Ashley Woods Insecurity Project. International Red Cross Museum - Geneva [email protected]

Michael Spies Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy [email protected]

John Burroughs Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy [email protected]

Joanna Santa Barbara Physicians for Global Survival [email protected]

Peggy Mason G78 [email protected]

Jessie Carr Grace Policy Institute [email protected]

Monika Szymurslea Grace Policy Institute [email protected]

Robert Overson [email protected]

Hiroshi Taka [email protected]

Annie Frison Mouvement de la Paix, France [email protected]

Joel Frison Mouvement de la Paix, France [email protected]

Sophie Lefeez Mouvement de la Paix, France [email protected]

François Gagnaire Mouvement de la Paix, France [email protected]

Roger Billé AIEP [email protected]

Jean-Marie Matagne ACDN [email protected]

Regina Hagen INESAP [email protected]

Jackie Cabasso WSLF [email protected]

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I. Welcome Ceremony (Pamela Meidell) The meeting was dedicated to the memories of Satomi Oba and Darlene Keju-Johnson. II. History of A2000 (Alice Slater) Alice circulated a written history of Abolition 2000 and the founding statement. She talked briefly about the formation on the organization during the 1995 NPT, stating that time is ripe for a holistic view to rid the planet of weapons. Abolition 2000 Founding Statement, available at http://www.abolition2000.org/atf/cf/{23F7F2AE-CC10-4D6F-

9BF8-09CF86F1AB46}/THE ABOLITION 2000 FOUNDING STATEMENT.DOC “Working towards a world free of nuclear weapons – A ten year overview of the Abolition 2000 Network as we consider its future role and structure.” Read Abolition 2000 Overview III. Operating Principles and Consensus Rules (Jackie Cabasso) Jackie circulated copy of the Abolition 2000 Operating Principles and reviewed the points. Abolition 2000 strives to make decisions by consensus via structured discussion, suggestion and amendment. In the event that consensus cannot be reached on a given issue, we will call for a super-majority vote in which each member organization is permitted one vote. Jackie reviewed this process in greater depth on Sunday. IV. Report from the Secretariat (Steve Staples) Abolition 2000 Financial Statement for 2006 and Polaris’ original proposal for the assumption of the secretariat (also available at www.abolition2000.org) were circulated. The secretariat has been housed by various organizations in network over the past eleven years, a role Polaris will carry out for one more year. All files have been transferred from GRACE in NYC, thanks to Alice and Monika. The website has been transferred and data sources consolidated. A2000 is in a transition period, and the network must become self-sustaining in order to keep going. - use the internet for outreach, fund raising and building support - personal email blasts with alerts, take on issues from local campaigns to get international support through A2000 network (goal = once a month) - electronic newsletter to build network awareness - The Nuclear Abolitionist Funding: - two parts - GRACE gave 50,000 for transition of secretariat - other part is A2000 bank, 4000 from Pax Christi, single appeal raised $200, - few disbursements Alice added her call for people to mobilize grassroots money as well action, in the Move-On style, hoping that we each donate to keep the network going.

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Eryl seconded this call for members to give regularly to support the network’s great work. Suzie thanked all for work, Steve and Monika especially, and asked if it is possible to set up automatic deduction from payroll for online donations. - Steve said that we have this capability. Suzie also noted that WILPH could more prominently highlight their connection to A2000 - who to call? - Call Steve at Polaris about day to day mobilization. Sophie suggested that the site would draw more if it were more multi-lingual. Would it be possible to have an open site so that we could post ourselves in various languages and take out the middleman? Regina agreed that language barriers are real issues on the web. How to integrate other languages on the website to increase network involvement and reach out to non-white people as well? Steve responded that meaningful translation is very difficult and that English is technically the operating language of Abolition 2000. Key documents are in many languages, but it is not realistic to have total translation of the page. We should play to our strength by promoting regional networks and build native language websites with links. An open website is very complex to manage, but a next step could be to have an open calendar function. Pol suggested that links from the Abolition 2000 site can direct people to home country organizations, and translation work can happen in home countries. V. Report from Working Groups

Abolition Now! (Janet Bloomfield) Draft Report to the Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting. Vancouver June 23rd and 25th 2006 Pamela suggested that we recall how the working group was formed and use that experience as a template for future campaign organizing. Janet suggested that we give more structure to deciding who will be on the working group, making sure that the group represents a range of skills and constituency sets (rather than individuals). Janet will be producing a campaign organizing template as her last task. She noted that campaign guidebook by Chris Rose has a particularly helpful 4 step model for organizing which includes:

1. Awareness in major constituencies and skills 2. Aligned with your vision 3. Engagement 4. Action

Sustainable Energy Working Group (Alice Slater) Recognizing the inextricable link, this latest outbreak is linked to civilian power proliferation, NK, Iraq, Iran. There are many opportunities from Global Warming momentum to incorporate sustainable energy to disarmament. The science is there, our job is to create political and public will and spread awareness. Members of the working group are going to the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg. We are looking for a

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government to propose statute for UN adoption. A proposal and strategy for Abolition Now campaign to be presented at Sunday’s strategy session. Kathleen drew attention to the work of the Bronx Project to harness scientific, engineering and political expertise for clean up of the weapons cycle. Return to the Court (Alyn Ware)

The International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms is exploring a return to the ICJ regarding failure to honor 1996 affirmed obligations to begin nuclear disarm in good faith - Nuclear states have not implemented, even though say they have – room for legal dispute - In order to demonstrate good faith (timeline, plan to achieve) - looking for concrete request for “good faith” - Court affirmed threat in generally illegal – pre-emption, deployment on alert status during peacetime, threat of use - these policies are illegal regardless of status of meeting obligations - Consultations with like-minded governments to get support for a resolution to return to ICJ Jackie added that the push from civil society was instrumental and that we are going to need support to move the World Court Project forward, possibly making it a campaign Abolition Now working group. Regina: How much are you linking this effort for returning to ICJ to actions taking place in various weapons states, i.e.: court cases against nuke sharing, to bolster and unify the international effort. Alyn responded that nuclear sharing is a question that could be asked and that no decisions have yet been made as to what questions should be asked or the best legal strategy. Regina added the need to talk to grassroots in a way which makes cases at the Hague less abstract. Alyn closed by adding that the 1996 ICJ decision had quite an impact, though not directly implementable in every government, through the moral and legal authority of world court’s influence on judges as well as serving as ammunition for grassroots campaigns.

Nukes out of Europe (Pol D’Hyeveter) Part of the legacy of the Cold War is the NATO nuclear weapons deployed in European countries. The influence of the US on European governments is big and countries can only stand up so much. A report from Hans Christensen notes that there is more than double the number of nuclear weapons than previously thought located in European countries. Belgium has asked for the removal of US nukes. Greenpeace International getting back into this issue and has authored forthcoming reports from 6 countries. They have gathered over 20,000 signatures in an online petition to get NATO nuclear weapons out of Europe (http://www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/nuclear/disarmament/us-nuclear-warplans-against-ir?MM_URL=NatoNukesActionFromBigBrotherFlash). Also, Greenpeace put out a survey regarding knowledge and opinions about NATO nukes in European countries. Most people surveyed were not aware of how many nukes were deployed in their countries, and many said that they wanted them out when told the amounts. Turkey, in particular, had much support for getting NATO nukes out. The working group has been working with members of parliaments, European mayors, and US mayors. They are looking forward to organizing for the 10th anniversary of the ICJ decision with a conference in

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Brussels. Also, the group is working towards the NATO summit (Nov 14-15) in hopes to get nukes on the agenda.

Mayors for Peace (Steve) The campaign has been regrouping since NPT, building up to which there was great focus and support. The US Conference of Mayors passed a strong resolution demanding that no city be targeted no nuclear weapons. The working group believes that obliterating a city is a war crime and that governments should provide guarantees that cities won’t be targeted. Cities need to stand up for each other. Also, Canada passed a resolution in support of the Vision 2020 campaign. The campaign is looking for a focusing event, like the NPT, hoping to bring activists and mayors together. There are currently 1385 mayors in the network, and they can be mobilized by compelling asks from local activists.

Youth and Disarmament - (Sophie, M de la P) - From last years NPT momentum a European youth network was born - 70 person youth rally in France - Japanese youth movement - ideas spread - NAPF summer university - Peace Boast - 7 youth from nuclear countries produced a strategy for disarmament and presented it to Hans Blix - Tremendous youth energy and interconnection around the world - promise for future

Int’l Law Campaign - Elias (Germany)

- Visualization of campaign of “law wall” on campus for display - Signatures from 100 different countries, 100,000 signatures is goal - Wall starter kit with blank blocks available for order - start visualization

Fissile Materials - Suzie

- would like to revive working group and would take responsibility for convening it - 13 steps in NPT include fissile mats, US introduced draft text, some other countries are willing to put binding things on fissile mats - room for a resolution Regina - US draft to Conference on Disarm claims that Fissile Mats treaty would not be verifiable - Frank von Hipple is chairing FM board to prove that it can be verified - INESAP and other scientists are coming up with list of existing technology and identify gaps in tech for discovering FMs - Available for questions all week attempt to revive working group - Suzie will start circulating materials

Nuclear Weapons Convention

- Model convention available on INESAP website - legislation, tech, political steps needed for abolition - MPI has launched Article 6 Forum - bringing likeminded states together to explore prospects for nuclear free world - informal grouping - 3 meetings so far (next hosted by Canada) - “Security and Survival” - ILANA, IPPNW, INESAP book in revision process and fundraising for reprint

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- Resolution for US Senate put forth by - Nuclear abolition how to get there Alyn - Parliamentary Network ND - Brochures and materials in many languages (can translate more) to encourage leaders to join - Many events listed on PNND website Pamela - What are political demands of Art 6 Forum? - Verification capacity, non-nuke contributions - Security council resolution 1165 toward abolition Jackie - Article 6 Forum proceedings from The Hague March meeting will be widely distributed soon Regina - A 6 F always invites NGOs in addition to country reps to join discussion

Missile Ban Report - Alice

- intellectual work done by scientists and politician to set forth steps to missile ban, possible and work done - need for grassroots campaign - working group for MB treaty - legal basis in NPT Jackie - background - 80s mobilization for abolition had much attention on cruise missiles from E, MX system - in US opposition has gone to warhead tinkering - new generation of delivery system planned - US just tested Vandenberg two days before Korean test - moment for public awareness - petition for missile freeze - materials ready to go - working group - Jackie will do exploratory convener role, find a convener, talk in regions Steve Mayors for Peace is helpless without grassroots and citizens - how to go into mayor’s offices to get money for ICANW Regional Breakout Session Reports

Suzie - European Region – year ahead

- 50th anniversary of IAEA - NPT prep-com in Vienna - recommendations in Blix report - 365-day Faslane blockade in Scotland (Janet Bloomfield contact) - 2009 goal for article in constitution for nukes out of Germany - raise media exposure for NATO work (M51 missile campaign) - EDF (French nuke power company is negotiating with Britain to build 10 nuke plants for free (no public comment) - need to clarify stance on nuke power, Abolition statement only recognizes inextricable link - how to clarify and call for abolition rather than control of fissile materials? - Belgium has 2 week program for youth in August - A2000 European web and email network growing

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- need to build capacity and $ Monika – US

What worked? - major agreement that past years work with UFPJ disarm working group was positive and effective - need to connect to other networks/movements (environmental, youth, anti-corporate/globalization) - opportunities for disarmament education Think Outside the Bomb What are our needs? - funding and resources - materials, talking points, simplified for “middle America” Rallying Points: - target US elections to broaden discussion and get media exposure - caucus and primary - RRW - possible good place for starting discussion - revisit Nuke Free Zones from 80s revisit, Mayors, existing campaigns to bolster momentum - Climate Crisis Coalition, Al Gore as a rallying point - - Nuclear power powers the bomb - broaden discussion to renewable energy - community based org - campaigns for transformation to social movement Canada

- nuclear power - divisive - are we stuck in the Cold War? - contradictions between NWFZs and NATO - launch on warning - little known that there are so many weapons on high alert, nuke subs coming into Halifax harbor Discussion –

Suzie - for Americas - 24-26 Sept of non-aligned are conference in Cuba - who is going? Pamela - nonaligned states are our allies, how are they preparing? A consultation with Latin America and the Caribbean would expand, diversify movement - tend to overlook whole part of our hemisphere - we should pay attention 10th Anniversary of ICJ - events - calls for UN to commemorate ICJ - look for events -August 31-Spt 5 Hiroshima Peace conf - Nobel Prize speakers - The Ribbon is org and sponsoring ******* Fishbowl Process (Kathleen facilitating) The fishbowl process is a self-facilitated conversation set up with an inner circle of speakers and an outer circle of listeners. The inner circle consists of seven chairs, five of which must always have a speaker. As the discussion proceeds among the five speakers, if a new speaker wants to join the discussion they can sit in one of the empty chairs in the inner circle, prompting one of the initial five speakers to move to the outer circle, keeping the number constant at five.

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The starting-point of the conversation was the “inextricable link” between nuclear weapons and nuclear power, as stated in the Abolition 2000 founding statement. **** Regina – The very first resolution of UN, #01, dealt with creating a commission to look into just this link and how to bring nuclear energy to as many nations as possible as while controlling products for misuse. Now we have nine nuclear weapons states – it is a false hope to try and control nuclear materials. Alice – The very idea of “control” is so 20th century, as we deal with proliferation and not even considering health effects of so-called peaceful technology. We are all down-winders. Suzie – The US-India deal implies that India’s intent is peaceful, which is not verifiable, especially as government leaders turn over. Once the fissile materials (FM) exist and the technology is in place for enrichment, the intent can change and bombs are possible. We must look at the issue with a longer perspective in mind. Intent can change, and we are now looking at 79 countries that have access to these materials - what are we doing? Jean-Marie – The capability to make weapons from nuclear power materials is not the only reason why we should phase out nuclear power. The waste and risk of an accident are always at hand. The nuclear era must end. Carol - question - Plutonium comes from radioactive waste control rods. So, when Russia offers to produce FM for Iran, will that be more access for Russia to US plutonium? In the US we say nuclear power is cheap, but in actuality it is totally subsidized for corporate profitability at taxpayer expense, and we need to exploit that message. The nature of the NPT is in fact a dubious one. In a way, NPT is an advertisement for civilian use of nuclear power. We need to rethink efficacy of NPT. Alice - Article 6 on the NPT calls for weapons states to disarm. What we don’t like in the treaty is article 4. The establishment of an International Sustainable Energy Agency would strip the IAEA of their role in promoting nuclear power, just as the CTBT rendered article 5 defunct. The world has to date paid out $250 billion in subsidies to nuclear power. Transferring those subsidies would be a revolution. No nuclear weapons states follow article 6, so we need to focus on strengthening the ICJ. Akira - Rokashu would be the first reprocessing facility for a non-nuclear state, making it very controversial. The government explains it as using plutonium MOX fuel as sustainable energy source for Japan. Unless they start reprocessing now, the storage facility will be full. Momentum is with us – Blix report, El Baradei - so why don’t we put more force behind them calling for total abolition rather than control. Diane – There is room to analyze how it is that this misrepresentation of reality can pass (false hope, delusions of control, lies of cost, manufactured need, status symbol) How do we change the language to “Atoms for Cancer” and break the spell? Every time we use the word “peaceful,” we emphasize the message of the dominator. Power companies are using people - how to tell them that they’re being abused?

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Janet – The recent Oxford research paper is one resource for making these links. Global human security is threatened on five fundamental horizons (climate change, resource competition, inequality and marginalization, terrorism, and global militarization) by the dominant control approach and mentality. We must move to a mindset of sustainable security, because nothing less will be effective for the tasks ahead. Kathleen - terrorism and spent fuel - NRC says that spent fuel stored on-site safely, to which we can all use Gordon Thompson’s quote about nuclear complexes being “pre-deployed nuclear arsenals to be activated by an enemy” Jackie – The peace movement has got start working against nuclear power. Nuclear power is a cover up for criminal activity of US, for which it has never apologized because that would reveal the true nature of Atoms for Peace. The Blix report says that as governments change overtime, so can intent with them. Also, just because a country has the right to civilian nuke power doesn’t mean they have to exercise it. It is very hard for corporations to make $ from renewable energy because it is decentralized and would mean a major economic overhaul. In places heavily dependent on nuke power, there are many jobs at stake, especially for the French. At the Livermore lab in CA, tritium levels have consistently been found to be 4 times higher in grapes. Vinters in the Bordeaux region of France has similar concerns, but the French government has not responded to request for information and concern over tritium contamination. Joel Frison (M d la P) - Not here to defend the electricity of France. Above all, I am a pacifist. I am supportive of the request for an ISEA, but not for total abolition of nuclear power. This will not solve the problem of nuke weapons, as production of FM will continue and enrichment of uranium by gaseous diffusion will continue. Sources of radiation will always be there and can be separated from nuclear power stations. The question is controversial in scientific and environmental arenas. As pacifists, we should not take part in this debate, and it could weaken us and we could loose the support of those in favor of civilian nuclear power. Monika - ISEA initial intent was to phase out power, and both the model statute and literature around it is clear about the intent to phase out and redirect funding. Resources to link power and weapons laid out in the proposal and talking points. Jean-M - We know of this inextricable link in France, as we have the energy agency directed by a military general and all agency documents are classified. Monika – You can’t separate civilian and weapons cycles because the corporations involved are the same. Regina – We need to educate about science about FMs - the same centrifuges are used for highly and low enriched uranium. Reactor grade plutonium can be used for weapons. When the science is clear, the link and argument will be more powerful to populations and governments. Stephen - Plutonium is easier for terrorists to gain access to because it is not self-protected. If intent and resources are there for fuel rods and plutonium extraction, the manufacture of weapons is also feasible.

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Roger Bille - Point 11 of founding statement is against military nuclear power. Abolition 2000 needs to continue to fight against nuclear arms and if we go toward duel fight we will be destroying the organization. Phyllis – There is a continuum of health devastation - BIER 4, cost of all health problems, etc. In Ontario, the government won’t do a health study b/c they know what it will show. There is a killing quality in both nuclear power and weapons. We cannot afford this cheap power. We have to change habits of life. Not green for production of greenhouse gases for whole life cycle. We should focus on death dealing link. Pol - We cannot close eyes to fact that the nuclear industry is back in business and we need to address the resurgence. Hopes that A2000 will respond with a strong statement and look through a broader frame (i.e. Oxford). We need a green energy revolution - if nuclear power comes, then a green energy revolution is not possible. Encourages the group to have courage and recognize that we’re in a new world. France is spreading poison all over planet. 3 million Ukrainian people eat radiated food every day. Pacifist, environmentalist and human rights concerns all one. Look to Vienna next year (50 year anniversary) to stop the IAEA from doing business even for one day. Recap - Kathleen - uranium to weapons continuum - message language - scientific misinformation - we can’t close our eyes - maybe a new stronger statement and how we want to move forward to be presented at the IAEA 50 year anniversary *******

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Sunday, June 25, 2006


See list above. Introductions (Regina Hagen) Each participant was asked to state their named and organization. Operating Principles and Consensus Rules (Jackie Cabasso) Abolition 2000 id decentralized global network (passed out) read aloud We make decisions by consensus, through a process of proposal and open discussion to resolve concerns, at impasse we do ask group with objection to stand aside. Today we will have several proposals, and if there is a group that objects and it cannot be resolved, we will go to a vote for super-majority (2/3), counting one vote only for each A2000 member organization. Let us conduct our discussion in the spirit of consensus. This super-majority vote is a confidence building measure so that participants can be assured that A2000 will be able to move forward. Proposals (Steve Staples) Three proposals for the global network were submitted ahead of time. Suggestion for next year (Pol) that we have a system for proposals to be submitted in advance of the AGM so that proper time be allotted for discussion. Take all questions first, and then respond in lump. Alice – Keep in mind that these proposals are for network wide global action. If your campaign is more narrow, you can put it in the minutes to garner support for a working group or if it is for an endorsement. (see list from Steve - 16) *** Janet - Abolition Now! Campaigns Working Group See the Draft Report, page 2 (also bookmarked above). Janet was convener of the Abolition Now! Working group, all of members of which worked very hard - thanks to GRACE and Monika esp. Proposal that AN will become a working group for time-bound campaigns to begin work in July 2006. Have done a lot of work thinking about how this will work for the entire network. Questions/Comments: Alice - would like to stay with Abolition Now name John B - like to move away from the name Pamela - what is going to be the mode for discerning what will be the way to bring this together in the most strategic way - will is be splintered campaigns or time-bound one campaign? Janet - Manner can be decided by group. Semantics are for later.

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Show of hands in support of creating an Abolition Now! Campaigns Working Group - consensus in


*** Alice – International Sustainable Energy Agency Campaign

Read the Proposal of A Campaign To Phase Out Nuclear Power And Establish An International Sustainable Energy Agency

The Sustainable Energy working group has been around for a while. Based on the A 2000 founding statement, this proposal is the end goal and possible means of nuclear abolition and power phase-out. In light of the global situation, we need to focus on the spread of bomb factories and war. We will have great allies in Climate Crisis Coalition, and we can bring nuke power people on board to weapons abolition. Success of the ISEA could be the fastest, safest way to abolition of weapons. Questions/Comments: Jean-Yvonne - problem with term sustainable b/c co-opted Carol - if becomes an international campaign, then what happens to A 2000’s emphasis on weapons abolition, org. focus and momentum Joanna - concern about feasibility of satisfying 100% of energy needs with renewable sources M d la Pax - We value network and have worked in the network as co-founders. The progress of the network must be preserved. Its basis is abolition of weapons. The nuclear power issue is dealt with, but imprecisely. This compromise was adopted in 1995 to enable us to gather support in France, as well as with NGOs that favor nuclear power. The separation b/w nuclear power and weapons is the strength of this network, especially at the international level. This proposal would change the network by making it a phasing out network. That is a major change and the debate should be deepened as some issues are not dealt with, i.e.: nuclear medicine, nuke powered submarines. We would like to postpone this question until next year’s AGM. Alice - Sustainable semantics question - is a matter of choice. Lose focus on abolition - no - we are upping the ante in how we talk about abolition. Countries are going to war over nuclear power, and the issue is still weapons focused. This proposal was submitted in advance and there has been opportunity for discussion. As the ISEA would be a campaign, all groups have the choice to work for the campaign or not. It will be listed as a campaign on the website, but it’s still up to individual organizations to decide. The current world situation has opened up discussion and we should take strategic political opportunities for #1 goal of nuclear weapons abolition. Move forward to vote with no obligation for participation. Steve - MdlPax is not comfortable with campaign moving forward with opt in or out choice. We do not have consensus. Vote after all proposals presented. *****

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Special Session on Disarmament (Al Marder)

Read the Resolution Calling For A Special Session On Disarmament And International Decade For Disarmament

Proposal calls for the General Assembly of the UN to call for a special session as opener for International decade for disarmament. Before A2000 not as a campaign, but as an endorsement of another group’s campaign. John – Blix report called for GA summit on nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, which is different from a special session which deals with all weapons. What was rationale in Blix? We need more inquiry into what is best tactic. Suzie - would not block endorsement, but does share concern. There is already a committee in UN looking at the creation of special session on disarm. Ron McCoy - agrees with Suzie’s concern, but would endorse proposal. *****

Dennis Kucinich

Spoke of proposal to create a cabinet level position for a Department of Peace and a US House of Representatives Resolution calling for the abolition of all nuclear weapons. Thanks Abolition 2000 for work. Ashville, OR activist (name?) - Dept of Peace should explicitly include indigenous people and First Nations’ wisdom. Jackie - Is this bill compatible with Lynn Wollsey’s bill. Are you working with her and do the bills work in tandem? - YES John - these bills enter Congress, and then sit. What about going around and speaking on these issues. This issue is practical, beyond labels and parties. Joseph - US is in profound crisis, in violation of int’l law, engaged in war all over the world, loss of freedom. We need to step away from business as usual. What about lawmakers entering in direct action, - All our creative capacities being tested. Politicians need to work within constituencies. Peter - Russ Fienglodl is on record as endorsing call for starting negotiations toward disarmament. Paradox of originally defending nukes as enders of war and now they have become a major justification for pre-emptive war. The need to abolish war is the need to abolish nuclear weapons and Congress must see this. - DK is working on a creative forum in DC to formally review US claims on Iraq, look at compliance with IAEA, and look and true/false issues. US made a false case, swept aside years of inspections, and they are doing it again in Iran.

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Pamela - Lois Capps is my Rep, and has a resolution to investigate articles for impeachment on Bush. Invite him to join. - Focus on impeachment is problematic. Does removal of leader change thinking that gave rise to his actions? It is thinking in our society that gave rise to Bush/Cheney. Interesting idea, but as practical matter the votes are not there in House, nor are they there for conviction in Senate. Yes he has abused power, but what is practical and what are the metaphysical dimensions of this. Democrats need to be challenged to challenge the president. This must go in the Democratic Party Platform in 2008. If we put a lot of focus on this, may prove less productive than focusing on D of Peace or other places. Reserve the right every minute to challenge Bush. dkucinich@aol - please contact me and let’s communicate! Humbled to be working with and for us. ***** Return to discussion of third proposal for endorsement of Special Committee Steve - Jackie will help us through consensus model for clarification Test for consensus whether or not A2000 vote to endorse and support the resolution for a special session call. Raise hands with outstanding concerns for supporting. Suzie - concern that SSOD4 is already in process through UN working group. Will not block consensus. Pamela - Blix report calls for similar, but only focusing on weapons of mass destruction - will not block. Alice - block b/c not appropriate for mission ALL VOTES WILL COME AT END - Steve keeping list of blocking objections **** Peggy Mason - Ad Hoc Committees proposal

The UN Conference on Disarmament has been paralyzed, unable to agree to a program of work. There is an innovative proposal in GA from six countries to vote to break log-jam for program of work in Geneva. Resolution was not tabled, but Canada backed out, so it did not go forward. Was just in Geneva, and there was agreement among the 6 (Canada, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand and Sweden + new interested parties Netherlands and Norway) that although there wasn’t much movement in the last CD, what little did happen was due to this threat of a vote. Canada said that if consensus rule continues to be abused, then they will bring resolution forward again. Nothing will happen unless threat of resolution stays. 2) Given Canada’s non-interest in these issues, Civil Society pressure is crucial if key countries are going to move this forward. Countries are ready but need visible pressure from CS, public demonstration of support for the initiative. What would happen if the resolution was actually tabled? There are mechanisms to move forward, let’s get them going. Alice - Many of us want to do this, in some countries more than others. Let’s set up a working group for ad hoc resolutions.

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Alyn - Regarding New Zealand’s situation, an endorsement from this forum would help the NZ government to move forward. Things are not working in the CD. NZ responds very positively to A2000, probably Sweden and Norway, Netherlands would as well. Suzie - supports working group, will join but not convene. Carol - need to break deadlock in GA by going to vote rather than consensus Joann - a CS statement should include what would be minimum progress acceptable to Civil Society. Peggy - the way that consensus rule would be gotten around is for working groups to be established. Minimum condition, therefore, is establishment of committees so that work can move forward. Space, nuclear and FM cut-off treaty. Is it incompatible to set up working group vs. endorsement?? Steve - would be appropriate for a self-selecting working group Jackie - endorsement would be from A2000 AGM at WPF and proposal to set up WG. No objections, concerns or stand asides. Steve - Polaris will convene Alyn - who will be on WG - Alyn, John B, Suzie, Polaris will convene. Suzie - would like to be in draft committee **** Pamela Proposal for a one-year network wide consultation to explore potential for a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone path to a NW Convention. Since establishment of A2000 NWFZ have expanded for two to five, and now cover most of the southern part of the planet. These non0nuclear leaders from the South have not received support from Northern NGOs. Read the A2000NWFZ proposal. Proposal would involve: - sending delegation of A2000 groups to meetings to prepare for 2010, 15 and 20 targets. Civil Society is invited to participate as equal parties with governments. Not been taking advantage of. We can diversify movement by seeking advice from regions that have already achieved our goal. - year-long system wide analysis - comparative analysis, diplomatic and popular front to find all available and past paths - vigorous intellectual engagement Carol - what about regions that are wanting NWFZs but struggling - Middle East? Peter - what about issues of compliance in those four treaties, specifically Brazil’s compliance to NPT.

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Alyn – This is a really good idea. Incredible strength and energy in states parties - 108 - in NWFZs. Need civil society for many reasons, next conference in south pacific and don’t have money. Need support from CS. Pamela - on new zones, yes, Central Asia NWFZ which is close, also NWFZ in mid-east, possible European zone. Need to support SE Asia and Africa who have taken this great step to allocate no money for weapons. NWFZs are an effective measure that is working. Jackie - restate proposal - we have consensus in favor. **** Diane - request for WG Suzie - Campaigns working group should address strategy. Media and strategy should be different. M de l Pax - Priority for our network? Jackie - concerns about network’s capacity to undertake proposal. Is this a US based WG. Diane - Yes, I’m immersed in US media. Need to get universal language going to fight misinformation. Opportunity to be more creative and effective with good messaging. Jackie - are you willing to accept this under the umbrella of campaign working group? - YES Proposal to create A2000 WG Janet - concern over US specific media work, specific problem in US, could call on other countries expertise Proposal withdrawn from AGM to be brought up in US WG **** Sophie - European NWFZ: Goal to remove NWs from 6 European nations. Regina - Pol is already chairing E A2000, and there is a campaign. May be better served as an European campaign. So would you agree to transfer request to A 2000 European WG?. Carol - should this be a part of the proposed year of study to promote all of the existing and proposed NWFZs? France happy with incorporation to year of study campaign proposal **** Regina - International Law Campaign Regina brought the result of campaign to Vancouver - 300 meters of protective wall for a space for international law. Campaign has spread, has been very effective outreach, especially to young people and schools. Propose that A2000 make this an official campaign element and broadcast on website. Already acknowledged, but needs official endorsement.

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Jackie - restate request - we have consensus for endorsement **** Yayoi - Request for endorsement of signature campaign At the beginning of this year we launched campaign and it has already gotten support from Abolition Now and other international networks, major peace orgs as well as some governments. Signature campaign aims to urge UN and member states to work more for abolition in the UN. Need to put focus and pressure to move past deadlock. 1) Urges all UM member states to begin negotiations for total ban and elimination 2) We need to move public opinion to drive nuclear weapon states in to a corner. GOAL: Collect 5 million signatures in Japan by autumn. Plan to take as a submission to UN in October for review. Carol - lets get it up on the web to start circulating Jackie - consensus to highlight campaign and support on website **** Nuclear Weapons Convention Campaign (Ron McCoy) Rationale: 2005 failure was turning point. Look for a parallel process, similar to land mines, targeting UN. Incorporate many on-the-ground organizations. Would like support for eventually finding like-minded governments to spur forth a convention. John B - Already have NPT. Agree with campaign for elimination, but Ottawa process is not correct analogy. Regina – Mission of A2000 is to promote a convention and all of our work is directed that way. What is the difference in your proposed campaign? Alice - not in conflict. We are all working toward disarmament, and this group will be working outside NPT process. Janet - this would be for campaign WG? Ron - agrees with working group idea. He can see John’s rationale as well. But campaign envisioned as a parallel process to NPT review process. Jackie - this will go to working group - consensus. **** Vote on outstanding proposals for work

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(One representative per A2000 organization 18 voting hands - 2/3 is super-majority) 1) Endorse and work on special session for disarmament - restate proposal of Al Marder yes for endorsement = 11 - no = 4 - abstain = 4 no super-majority 2) Proposal to establish an A2000 campaign for ISEA with expressed intent of civilian nuclear power phase-out Amendment - M de l Pax - (if considered friendly to prop author, will be incorporated) - proposal to defer vote to next year - not accepted by Alice - go to vote Jackie - proposal as Alice presented without delaying to next year or more discussion) no – 1 - yes -17 super-majority affirmed in favor *** Kathleen led closing with one word for the coming year. ABOLITION 2000 COORDINATING COMMITTEE

Akira Kawasaki

Alice Slater

Alyn Ware

David Robinson

Dominique Lalanne

Jacqueline Cabasso

Richard Salvador

Steven Staples

Susi Snyder

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GLOBAL COUNCIL LIST (Updated Dec. 14th, 2006) In red, bounced email addresses Akira Kawasaki [email protected]

A. Straub [email protected] Achin Vanaik [email protected]

Al Marder [email protected]

Alexey Yablokov [email protected]

Alexey Yablokov [email protected]

Alice Slater [email protected]

Alice Slater [email protected] Alyn Ware [email protected]

Alyn Ware [email protected]

Annie Frison [email protected] Arielle Denis [email protected]

Arielle Denis [email protected]

Ashley Woods [email protected] Bruce Gagnon [email protected]

Bruce Martin [email protected]

Carol Jahnkow [email protected] Carol Naughton [email protected]

Carol Urner [email protected]

Chancey MacDonald [email protected] Cheong Wooksik [email protected]

Claire Poyner [email protected]

Cora Fabros [email protected]

Daniel Durand [email protected]

David Krieger [email protected]

David Robinson [email protected]

Derrick Martens [email protected]

Diane Beeny [email protected] Diane Perlman [email protected]

Dominique Lalanne [email protected]

Dorothy Prunhuber [email protected]

Eryl Court [email protected]

François Gagnaire [email protected]

Hiroshi Taka [email protected] Ingo Bonde [email protected]

Jackie Cabasso [email protected] Janet Bloomfield [email protected]

Janet Bloomfield [email protected]

Jean-Marie Matagne [email protected] Jean-Yvon Landrac [email protected]

Jean-Yvon Landrac [email protected] Jessie Carr [email protected]

Jill MacKie [email protected]

Joanna Santa Barbara [email protected]

Joel Frison [email protected]

John Burroughs [email protected] John Hallam [email protected]

John Hallam [email protected]

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Joseph Gerson [email protected]

Kaspar Beech [email protected] Kate Hudson [email protected]

Kathleen Sullivan [email protected]

Kathleen Wallace-Deering [email protected] Kathy Sanchez [email protected]

Kombii N. Betty [email protected]

Kyoko Ishida [email protected]

Linda Richards [email protected] Lisa Clark [email protected]

Lynn DeFilippo [email protected]

Michael Spies [email protected] Michele Martin [email protected]

Monika Szymurska [email protected]

Nancy Covington [email protected] Natalia Mironova [email protected]

Okamoto Mitsuo [email protected]

Pamela Meidell [email protected] Pamela S. Meidell [email protected]

Patti Willis [email protected] Paul Saoke [email protected]

Peace Depot [email protected]

Peggy Mason [email protected]

Pol D'Huyvetter [email protected] Regina Hagen [email protected]

Richard Salvador [email protected]

Robert Overson [email protected]

Roger Billé [email protected]

Ron McCoy [email protected] Sophie Lefeez [email protected]

Sophie Lefeez [email protected]

Sophie Lefeez [email protected]

Steve Leepev [email protected]

Steven Staples [email protected] Sukla Sen [email protected]

Susi Snyder [email protected]

Susi Snyder [email protected]

T. J. Johnson [email protected]

Toru Miyazaki n/d

Victoria Scott [email protected] Yayoi Tsuchida [email protected]

Yayoi Tsuchida [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Tarahoi Statement INITIATED BY THE MAOHI PEOPLE AT THE ABOLITION 2000 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR THE ABOLITION OF NUCLEAR ARMS TAHITI - 27TH JANUARY 1997 "Barefoot on desecrated soil" Following the "irrevocable decision" of 13 June 1995 on the resumption of nuclear testing at Moruroa and Fangataufa from Tahiti, Moorea, Huahine and numerous other islands as far away as Mangareva, we all had a dream aroused: stop the first test at Moruroa scheduled for September - it was possible! Then, for more than three months, we marched, marched and marched some more. Although the Spirit of Peace was guiding us, the spirit of unity disappeared bit by bit. We forgot that although each wave is different, the ocean must be one, and our dream faded away. The first test took place on 5 September 1995. The next day, the youth of Tahiti stood up, like any other young people would do, letting loose their rebellion and anger - our anger. In a media show, misplaced if not obscene, the CEP nuclear testing center broadcast the Thetys test on television: the rape of our Mother Earth, live on TV. This is the origin of this formal statement, a return to the timeless values which we have inherited from our ancestors. PREAMBLE The inalienable right to land, self-determination, sovereignty and independence is crucial in allowing all peoples of the world to join in the common struggle to rid the planet forever of nuclear weapons.

1.To make people acknowledge that nuclear weapons must be abolished as a weapon for crimes against humanity, future generations and the planet Earth: our one and only mother.

2.To highlight that, after the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), we need to constantly denounce nuclear apartheid which can only be ended by the signature of a treaty for the total elimination of nuclear weapons by all states, without distinction.

3.We denounce, in the light of the thousand suns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the possession of nuclear weapons, which serves as preparation for war crimes and is a crime against humanity, future generations and the planet Earth.

4.We affirm, in the light of the thousand suns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that nuclear weapons are in total contradiction with the existing conventions which attempt to protect civilian populations in times of war.

5.We denounce peacetime testing where civilians and technical staff were regarded simply as guinea pigs. All possible light must be shed on these barbaric acts, wherever they took place, and those responsible must be brought before national and international tribunals.

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6.We denounce the five superpowers, individually and collectively, for their shameful and calculated nuclear colonialism. And we, as Polynesians, accuse France of nuclear colonialism, even going so far as limited genocide.

7.We accuse France of having taken possession through colonial means of the sites for the

Centre d’Experimentation du Pacifique (CEP): the two atolls of Moruroa and Fangataufa.

8.We accuse France of submitting local authorities to legal manipulation in an attempt to shield itself later on at the level of national and international law. This cannot prevent legitimate recourse for the people of Te Ao Maohi or block compensation owed to nuclear victims, whether individually or collectively.

9.We accuse France of concealing the real state of health of former workers of Moruroa and Fangataufa, and for the population of Te Ao Maohi. We call for the organization of an epidemiological study, guaranteed by the World Health Organization (WHO) or other bodies whose authority is unchallenged, and carried out by Non-Governmental Organizations. This would create, on the one hand, the basis for a more objective approach to this reality, and on the other hand, it would serve as the working basis for a Compensation Commission to pay compensation to the victims and/or their descendants.

10.We accuse France of the crime of the rape of Mother Earth. The debt to be paid cannot be reduced, and will remain as long as radioactivity represents a threat to future generations.

11.Finally, we deplore the incapacity to the act for more than fifty years of the - United Nations (UN) on the moral and ethical level; the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the technical level - in the face of the inadmissible pressure and the blackmail exercised by the five nuclear powers. However, we wish for the 8 July 1996 decision of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons, to be the first step of the process that the Court mandated, to bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective control. And we ask for the re-inscription of the countries that were removed from the UN list of non-self governing territories. IN CONCLUSION: 1. We propose to other peoples, victims of military nuclear tests: to the hibakushas or survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan; to the Aborigines of Maralinga and other test sites in Australia; to the people of Bikini, Enewetak and other atolls in the Marshall Islands; to the Laguna and Dine people of New Mexico, Shoshone people of Nevada, USA; to the Kazakhs people, ex. USSR; to the Sahara people, Algeria; to the people of Mongolia, China; to create the first circle to set up an International Customary Tribunal

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which would judge the crimes of the five nuclear powers according to the values of each culture. We must extend this circle to welcome and comfort all victims of the nuclear age. 2. We propose that world opinion, which has been mobilized since 13 June 1995, form a second circle in order to support, encourage and protect the efforts of members of the first circle. 3. Finally, we propose that a third circle is created by those with moral authority on this planet, such as Nobel Peace Prize winners or members of the Canberra Commission, in order to promote an international convention for the final abolition of nuclear weapons. The fusion of these three circles into one will allow us to advance on the long road which awaits us, for the abolition of nuclear weapons. This conference supports the spirit of the Tarahoi Statement, supports also the Maohi peoples' struggle for self determination and independence, and welcomes their contribution to the abolition of nuclear weapons and their infrastructure.