abnormal psychology lect 2.ppt

Before we Begin

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Before we Begin

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Abnormal BehaviorChapter 1

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The Concerns of Abnormal PsychologyDescribe, Explain, Predict and Control

Abnormal Psychology: Scientific study aimed at describing, explaining, predicting, and treating strange or unusual behavior.

Describe-Systematic observationsPsychodiagnosis: Attempt to describe, assess, and

systematically draw inferences about psychological disorders.

A diagnosis can be nothing more than a label!Labels describe a slice in time, not the changes

present in real lives.

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The Concerns of Abnormal PsychologyDescribe, Explain, Predict and Control

Explain—Intrapsychic conflicts? Social isolation? Cognitive malfunctioning? Biology?

Predict—Proper diagnosis should allow for prediction based on other people in the past who shared the diagnosis.

Control—Therapy: Systematic intervention aimed at modifying client’s behavioral, emotional, and/or cognitive state.

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Defining Abnormal BehaviorConceptual Definitions

Conceptual Definitions: Deviation from what is considered normal in a sociocultural context.Statistical deviation (think large z-scores here!)

Infrequent behaviorsAn IQ of 50 might be abnormal, how about 150?Requires quantificationDoesn’t consider cultural differences

Deviation from ideal mental healthProposed by humanistsWhat is ideal is in the eye of the beholder

Multicultural perspectivesContinued…

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Defining Abnormal BehaviorCultural Considerations in Abnormal Behavior

Culture: Shared learned behavior transmitted from generation to generation.Culture is a powerful determinant of how behavior

is defined and treated.Cultural Universality: Origins, processes,

manifestation of disorders are the same across cultures.If true then diagnosis and treatment same for all

Cultural Relativism: What is normal/abnormal may vary from culture to culture.Not only do behaviors vary, but definitions of

acceptable change.

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Defining Abnormal BehaviorPractical Definitions

Discomfort: If behaviors cause the actor pain (psychological or physical), then they are abnormal.

Deviance: Bizarre/unusual behaviorSimilar to statistical deviationVery subjective, though sometimes this is pretty

straightforwardDysfunction: Inability/loss of ability to perform one’s normal

roles.Compare performance with requirements for a roleCompare performance with potential

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Defining Abnormal BehaviorIntegrated Definitions

Thomas Szasz: Mental illness is a myth:Used to control and change peoplePeople may suffer from “problems in living,” not “mental

illness.”Abnormal behavior labeled because it is different,

not because it is a reflection of an illnessUnusual belief systems are not necessarily wrongAbnormal behavior often the result of the fault of

society, not the individualDrapetomania: Mental illness of slaves who want to be


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Defining Abnormal BehaviorIntegrated Definitions

Perhaps the definition of abnormal should come from multiple sources.

Strupp & Hadley’s (1977) three vantage points for judging mental health:SocietyThe individualThe mental health professional

Wakefield (1992)To label dysfunction we must know natural functioningDefinition of dysfunction must come from biologyDysfunction must involve the harm component

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Defining Abnormal BehaviorThe Surgeon General’s and DSM’s Definitions

“a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom.”

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Defining Abnormal Behavior

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The Frequency and Burden of Mental Disorders

Prevalence: Percentage of people in a population with a disorder at a given time.

Lifetime Prevalence: Total proportion of people in a population who have ever had a disorder.

Incidence: Onset or occurrence of a disorder over a period of time.

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The Frequency and Burden of Mental DisordersCurrent Research into Epidemiology

Schizophrenia affects 1% of Americans.Gender differences seen in different mental

disordersMales more likely to have substance abuse problems,

women more likely to have depression and anxiety.Age differences in onset and prevalence of

different disorders

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Rates of Mental Disorders

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The Frequency and Burden of Mental DisordersStereotypes About the Mentally Disturbed

Mental illness is strictly inheritedMental illness can never be cured and someone

with a mental illness will never be able to hold a job

Mental illness can be prevented with a strong will

A mentally disturbed person is always dangerous

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Historical Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior

Prehistoric and ancient beliefsDemonology, treated by trephining or exorcism

Sympathetic Magic: The belief that by influencing things that are similar to a person or that were once close to that person, one can influence the person.

Homeopathic Magic: The type of sympathetic magic involving the belief that doing something to the likeness of a person will influence that person.

Contagious Magic: The type of sympathetic magic which involves the belief that what one does to something that a person once owned or that was close to a person will influence that person.

Magical beliefs are upheld by occasional “success”Bleeding or trepanation used to remove spirits.

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Closing Thoughts

The study of abnormal psychology is complex and influenced by historical time.

No single explanation fits all situations.Biopsychosocial Approach: Biological,

psychological, and social factors must all be considered to explain and treat mental disorders

Guard against “Medical Student Syndrome”: Avoid diagnosing self and others!We all have all disorders, it simply a matter of


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Biopsychosocial Approach

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The study of abnormal psychology is complex and influenced by historical time

No single explanation fits all situationsMultipath model is necessary in attempting to

understand such complex processesMultipath model consists of following factors:
